I -_â€"â€"â€" â€"â€"- â€""â€" CWWWWWWWWNNNNN ‘2. Phone 285 N E CALI. 182(1062 Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Dengate Miss Mary Lamont. daughter ‘The Messengers‘ of the have returned to their Lynett of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Lamont, Richmond Hill United Church, Crescent home following a va- 230 Anzac Road, has recently extend a warm invitation to all cation in Miami. Florida. graduated from the Shaw North boys and girls 6. 7 and 8 years * * * * Toronto School, having success- of age to join them this Satur- For unusual gift suggestions fully passed the examinations day at 10.30 am. in the Church - delicious home baking - plus set by the Business Educators‘ hall. shopping in comfort - plan to Association of Canada. | For unusual gift suggestions - delicious home baking - plus shopping in comfort - plan to attend the Christmas Bazaar to be held this Saturday at the Richmond Hill United Church. Following the Ritual themembers combined to present a‘ most entertaining program, "Verse Making". Each member read an original lyric and 3 lim- erick written by herself. Most of these attempts at poetry prov- ed to be very amusing. Plans Were discussed for the Christ~ Ilnas party to be held December 5. This solemn and lovely cere- mony was read by the president Mrs. Annabelle Black amid a setting of candlelight and yellow roses. Three new pledges were welcomed into membership. They are Mrs. Rosemary Outred, Mrs. Jean Lee. Mrs. Sandra Klrkby. Mrs. F. C. Israel, the program director. was also presâ€" ented with her pledge pin. An- other pledge, Mrs. Ivy McCar- thy, unable to attend due to ill-1 ness, will receive the Ritual and her pin in the near future. I xv: uuuauu; bun. ovabb ........ .y..._, r _____ . . delicious home baking - plus set by the Business Educators‘lhall. ‘ Mrs. Roy Plewman, 97 Yonge shopping in comfort - plan to Association of Canada. * * * * tStreet South. who is at present attend the Christmas Bazaar to * * * " Mr. Mayne D. McTaggart.‘a patient in Toronto General be held this Saturday at the The Richmond Hill Presby-lTyneview Lane. has returned Hospital, is making satisfactory Richmond Hill United Church. terian Church Couples Club from Vancouver, where he has progress following surgery last * * * * hald thEiI' monthly meeting last been visiting his mother. Mrs. week. The annual bake and candy Saturday with 40 members en- J. L. Mc'l‘aggart, who recently Her many friends throughout sale will be held by the East joying bowling at the ABC celebrated her 92nd birthday. 'lthe Hill extend their best wish- Richmond Hill district of Girl Lanes. Prizes were awarded for 'k * * * es for a speedy recovery. Guides. this Saturday December high. low and hidden scoresi Keep our ‘Life in the * * * * lst at Allencourt Plaza, between Later in the evening mem- Hill' columns up to date Eddie Midmer. of the Midmer the hours of 10 am. and 4 pm. bers returned to the church with your news items - the Dance Academy presented his . ,ul,,l:,,_ Allâ€. ,L AL, vv__ Delta Lambda Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi. held the ï¬nal event of their fall rushing with the Pledge Ritual. held November 6. at the home of Mrs. Pat Holm- berg. The Richmond Hill Women's Progressive Conservative Asso~ elation held a ‘Bridge and En- chre Party‘ at the home of Mrs. J. Arnold Price. 447 North Fernleigh Circle last Wednes~ day evening. Five new members were welcomed by the presi~ dent Mrs. M. Harrison. Winners at the euehre tables \vere Mrs. A. Worsley and Mrs. E. Cnpistoto. Holdingr the high- est score at brldge Mrs. Barba- ra Hurley. The president Mrs. .1. Arnold Price announced the Christmas party will be held Thursday, December 13m. All the proceeds will go to- wards providing camping equip- ment etc., for the Brownies and Guides of the East Richmond Hill district. The Friendship Circle of St. Gabriel‘s Anglican Church wei- comed a new member. Mrs. Joan Head. into their fellowâ€" ship on Thursday morning. Meditations included a reading "Our Road" by Mrs. B. Sam- brook. Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting. Guessing games of “How many Buttons in This Jar?" winner Mrs. H. Clement. “What's in This Egg?" Mrs. Barbara Hurley. Following the refreshments there were several requests to repeat this evening's program. MK‘WKNNKKNNKNNNNNNN"\‘\F\‘\\-\\\\'\\'\‘\\'\\ \x-“mm xxxxx\\\,\\\\\‘\.\x\\\,\.\m\.\.\\.\.\,\,\:\,\\R&~lj E Due To The Tremendous Success E 111 Our 8-week Beginners Course at $2.50 weekh’ includes the free use of an instrument in your home. Call TU. 4-5272 Today MUNDINGER MUSIC Tea House Of The August Moon I "mm FREE Start Playing Today Yonge 8: Centre Sts. Richmond Hill NOV. 30th DEC. lst. THE MUSICAL INSTRUMENT the run has been extended for a further two nights LOANED FREE Make your reservation Editor Margot Crack OF ##3## Miss Pat Sx'nith R.N.. daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan C. Smith, 75 Arnold Crescent, ar- rived home this week on the Empress of Britain (the last passenger ship up the St. Lalw- rence this year) having been abroad since May with two nurses and two school teachers on a European tour - camping out and travelling in a Volks- wagen bus. Miss Smith is a graduate of Richmond Hill High School, and prior to leaving for her trip was on the staï¬ at the Toron- to Western Hospital. ‘las-Crampton. The service of haggis to please a Scottish taste, the dew of Scotland to quench a Scot- tish thirst, a pinch of snuff to mark a Scottish custom. are all part of St. Andrew’s Night. Those attending the ball at the Royal York Hotel on Friday last were. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. G. Currie, Mr. and Mrs. J. Reid McAlister, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hewitt, Mr and Mrs. D. Doug- Professor W. Thomson and Mrs. Thomson, Miss Janet Thomson. Mr. Peter Spaull and Major Robert Pimm and Mrs. Pimm. * t it nor The December meeting is to take the form of a visit to the regular cub meeting on Decemâ€" ber 5. All parents welcome. MrS. Philip Limpert was hos- tess when 19 women from St. Paul’s Lutheran Church met at her home for their November meeting. Following devotions, an amusing skit “Bringing in the Sheaves" was presented by Ev Miller, Erika Kusnicki. Ella Hull. and Sylvia Limpert. Point stressed in the skit was the im- portance of paying a personal visit on a prospective member rather than merely issuing an limitation by telephone. The ï¬rst meeting of the sea- son of the 4th RiChmond Hill Cub and Scout. Mothers Auxil- iary was held at the home of Mrs. Fran Townsend, Knollside Drive, on November 20. Rev. James O‘Neil was pres- ent to install the new executive for 1962-3. Those holding office are president, Thelma Long: vice‘president, Anne Brooke; secretary, Ivor White, and treasurer, Betty Brown. Later in the evening mem- bers returned to the church where refreshments were serv- ed. Miss Luly Hall (pen name Blodwen). 89 Rockport Cl‘es- cent. received second prize for her essay on "Shadows" at the Welsh Eisteddfod in Toronto on Saturday last. A report was heard from Ev Miller. delegate to the LCW convention in Pembrooke. The next meeting will be held at the home of Barbara Barth on December 12 and any woman interested in learning more about the Lutheran Church is urged to attend. Mrs. G. Turner, vice chair- man of York Summit District Committee for ladies auxiliarâ€" ies, was the guest speaker of the evening. Election of officers for 1963 resulted in the following ap- pointments. President Betty Harvey: vice-president, Erika Kusnicki; secretary â€" treasurer, Nelly Williamson: membership committee, Barbara Barth chair- woman, with Ella Hull and Nor- ma Petersen assisting; Christ- ian service committee Sylvia Limpert. chairwoman, with Erna Moebus. Sophie Kovacs and Margot Wirt assisting; Christian education committee, Evelyn Miller, chairwoman, with Naomi Myers assisting: of- ferings committee Erica Brat- ï¬sch chairwoman assisted by the treasurer. This is the second time Miss Hall has received top honours, having placed second several years ago with her essay on "Memories". 771‘? Preparations are now being made by members of St. Mary’s Anglican Church for the pre- sentation of a Christmas narra- tive drama in the Church on the evenings of December 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15. The Fairï¬elds, former resi- dents of the Hill, are now liv- ing in Aurora where they are the proprietors of Fairï¬eld Hardware, and David’s many friends throughout the Hill exâ€" tend best wishes for a speedy recovery and hope to see him around the store again in the very near future. * * * m The York Presbytery United Church Men's Annual Rally will be held on November 28 at Trinity United Church, New- market. Rev. Martin Jenkinson will speak on "The Layman and His Faith". Those attending from Rich- mond Hill United Church are, Mr. Clare Atkinson, Mr. Arnold, MacNaughton and Mr. John Spanner. Delegates from St. Matthew's United Church will be,_Mr. Orval MaGee, Mr. Don Loughlin, Mr. Tom Lillie, Mr. Grant Marshall and Mr. Gordon Mitchell. schools where the play is part of this year’s English course. Over 200 students have so far responded, from schools in U):â€" bridge, T‘horn‘hill, Bradford, Stouffville, Newmarket and St. Andrew’s College. Maggie Bassett is directing, with a strong cast of experienc- ed actors, among them Tony jMiller, Harrygan Crescent, who ‘has the role of Major Petkoff, and also designed and helped build the new open type of scenery. The play was ï¬rst put on in London in 1894 and was intended by Shaw as a satire on the then prevailing romantic attitude to war as something noble and exciting. _ Students who attend on Fri- ,day (reduced prices for stu- dents - 750» will have the op- ;portunity of discussing the play Jwith the cast afterwards; they're going to throw open the curtains and invite questions from the audience. The presentation is called‘ the "Child of Peace" by Edith H. Willis and Edith Ellsworth. Mrs. W. S. Thomsm is direct- ing the play which involves the time and talents of many people including the organist and choir. Tickets will be is- sued to ensure adequate seating each night. A collection will be taken for expenses. The annual Christmas Bazaar held at Wrixon Hall under the auspices of St. Mary’s Anglican Church Afternoon WA was voted a very enjoyable and sucâ€" cessful affair. A dainty tea was served by the Evening Guild. David Fairï¬eld, son of MI‘. “Arms and the Manâ€, a sat-‘ and Mrs. Bill Fairï¬eld is at pre- meal comedy by Shaw is being sent a patient in Sunvnybrook presented at the Dr. G. Willi- HOSPitaL having had his foot ams Secondary School, Aurora, crushed by a gun carrier dur- on December 7th and 8th. It’s in'g training at University Al'mr being put on in order to assist ouries, Toronto. grade 13 students in local The Fairï¬elds, former resi~ schools where the play is part dents of the Hill, are now liv- of this year’s English course. ing in Aurora Where they are Over 200 students have so far tthe DI’OPFIEtOFS 0f Fairï¬eld responded, from schools in Uxâ€" ‘Hardware. and David’s many bridge, Thomhill, Bradford, friends throughout the Hill eX~ Stouffville, Newmarket and St. ‘your office machine specialist’ 88 Baker Ave.. Richmond um see portable models at Typewriters - Adding Machines SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS “ Just in time for Christ- masl-The $525 jackpot win- ners at the Richmond Hill Lion's Club Bingo held on Monday last were. Mrs. Ha- zel Brown, Elgin Mills and Mrs. Willard Stickwood, Holland Landing. who won $175 apiece. and sharing the third prize with $87.50 each were Mrs. Rita Stag- mann. 841 Palmer Avenue. and Mrs. lda Gordon. 165 Colbourne Avenue. Keep our ‘Life in the Hill' columns up to date with your news items - the service is free - call the Soâ€" cial Editor Margot Crack, or drop a line to 63 Yonge Street South â€" we‘ll be pleased to hear from you. Day or Evenings TU. 4-1745 L. H‘ SIMS ‘Wight's Pharmacy’ 5-1073 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill The results of the election of officers were, Chief Explorer, Debbie Hook; assistant, Lynn Olson; keeper of the Log, Bren- da Hunt; assistant, Brenda Fer- guson; keeper of the treasure, Donna Larson; assistant, Susan YHall. Lorraine Barker, Ruth Bat- ‘stone. Mary Anne Ellis, Jennie iAnn Black, Brenda Ferguson, Debbie Hasselfeldt, Susan Kel- ’1y, Karen Larke, Wanda Mas- ‘hinter, Lenore Olson. Sandra Stickley, Brenda Blaney, Adelle Bryant, received their lst Red Star. 2nd Red Stars were. pre- 1sented to Lynn Olson and Anne Martin. lst Blue won by Joan Mashinter, Mary Janet Fergu- son, Sybil Beacock. 2nd Blue- Gale Hallowell, and Jackie Dennis. Anne Ellis and Donna‘ Larson received their lst Gold Star. Like a New York show that goes on tour before it gets to Broadway. Mr. Midmer is going to experiment. and if successful will iake the show on the road before it gets to ‘Toronto. There was an extensive pow- er faiiure, but thanks to Mr. Clifton. Donny Chapman and his group. Ralph Cooper and John Perkins, who led a sing- song, the evening was fun and “a good time was had by all.†The Richmond Hill United Church Explorers held their 1n- itiation Service on November 23rd. Eddie Midmer. of the Midmer Dance Academy presented his new dancing show at the Ux. bridge Theatre on November 28. The headliners in the show were the lovely and talented Midmerettes, the enchanting Charleston Girls, and the lively Hungarian dancers. Richmond Hill High School’s annual Sadie Hawkins Dance took on a western air this year with “Sadie Goes West". This year, the belles were required to make ties for their beaus. The winning tie was made by Marion Knott for Jim Manning. Dancing began the Waning; Mr. N. Roy Clifton called for the sqqare dancing and the spot dance was won by Marsha Kaye and her partner. was the guest speaker at the Victoria Square Lions Club on November 20. Deputy District Governor Hugh Mackay. Arnold Crescent, All popular makes on hand Snecial Students’ Rates It was the layman’s day at St. Matthew’s on SundAy last when the men of the church took over the offices of the choir and the Professor and Mrs. John Frederick Heard of Richmond Hill announce the engagement of their daughter Janet Ellen Heard to Mr. James Roger Plax- ton, son of the Honourable Mr. Charles Percy Plaxton and Mrs. l Plaxton of Oakville. The mar- riage will take place on Satur- day, December 29. 1962, at St. Mary Immaculate Church. Rich- mond Hill. c1w22 We would like to thank our friends, neighbours and rela- tives, for their thoughtfulness during our recent loss. Special thanks to Rev. M. R. Jenkinson and the ladies of Teston United Church. CARD OF THANKS St. Matthew's Church Observes Laymen's Sunday Mr. David Newing, Baker Avenue, has joined the staff of Allied Chemicals in Arn~ herstberg. The Newing family will shortly be moving to their new home in Arnherstbex‘g. Mr. Newing is remembered as an active member of the local Jay~l QEngagement Charlie and Lorna Robson and family ELECT' MARGARET SOUTHWELL WARD 3 Pictured above are the Rev. William Patterson and W. John Patterson, his son, who was received as a candidate for the ministry last Friday by York. Presbytery. John read the lesson in St. Matthew’s Church on Sun- day morning. ' c1w22 ;minister to lead a capacity con-1 lgregation in a meaningful ser- vice of worship. The service was conducted by Mr. Orval MaGee of 48 Rockport Crescent. Mr. John Patterson read the Scripture lesson, and Mr. Ed. Metealfe of 383 Alper Road, led in prayer. The message was brought by Mr. Stuart Casement of 443 Alper Street. Mr. Case- ment attended the men’s con- ference at Elgin House last June and he brought in telling fash- l-I HERBERT R. BUTT Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1312 24 Elizabeth St. N. 0 Councillor 0 School Board 1954 to 1959 FULL TIME EXPERIENCED REPRESENTATION Richmond Hill 1960, ’61, ’62 INSURANCE DEPENDABLE Telephone SERVICE ion the challenge of that meet- ing to his audience. The men of the choir rendered an octette, “Once to Every Man and Na- tion", and gave in chorus the Elg‘in House theme hymn, “How Great Thou Art". Readers may order re- prints of staff photos appearing in “The Liberal" at the newspaper office. 63 Yonge Street South. Rich- mond Hill. REPRINTS AVAILABLE Toronto, Ontario EMpire 2-3456 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont., Thursday, November 29, 1962 5: 112 Yonge St. Toronto Restore confidence in Municipal Administration in Richmond HiII End needless expenditures and halt the ever-increasing tax rate Wednesday Dec. 5, 2 to 5PM. It's Time for a Change NEAL MAYOR FOR 1963 PUBLIC LIBRARY-WRIGHT ST. Sale Of Crafts, Aprons, Afternoon Tea Experienced . . . . . Trustworthy Election Day, Saturday, December 8 Polls Open 9 am. - 6 pm. COOKED HAM 1b. 99: STEAKS Ib- 69f cT‘NELs "GTGE BAYVIEW PLAZA PORK lIVER lb. ANNUAL BAZAAR VOTE TO ELECT SIRLOIN 0R WING SLICEI) RICHMOND HILL SENIOR CITIZENS FOR INFORMATION OR CARS ON ELECTION DAY PHONE in the Gordon MCI TU. 4-7381 43 ren Auditorium TU. 4-7691