Edgeley Community Should Not Lose Its Identity Dr. R. A. Ward, Professor of New Testament at Wycliffe Col- lege. will be the preacher at morning prayer on Advent Sun- day. December 2nd. Evening Branch St. John's Anglican Church TU. 4-3008 St. John‘s Church News The evening branch of the woman‘s auxiliary will hold their December meeting at the parish hall on December 6th at 8.30 pm. Will all members please make an effort to be pre- sent. Recent baptisms included the infant son of the Rev. and Mrs. T. Robinson. Peter Mark Ben- jamin, and his two cousins. Sar- ah Jane, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Watt. Etobicoke, the rector's sister; and Raeburn Shotto Douglas. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Robinson of Downs- view. Lorna Rose. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Mahy of Oak Ridges and Robert Alan, son of Mr. and Mrs. K. Rosenweber of Richmond Hill. were baptized at the morning prayer service last Sunday. The annual Christmas party, square dancing and euchre, will be held at the school on De- cember 14th. (See Coming Ev- ents). This is always lots of fun â€" mark your calendar now and don't miss it. Neighbourhood Notes The afternoon branch of the W.A. met last week in the par- ish hall to make ï¬nal plans for their bazaar and to elect officers for next year. This is the slate: honorary presidents, Mrs. Snive- 1y and Mrs. Capell: President Mrs. M. Beynon, lst Vice-Presi- dent Mrs. S. Snively. 2nd Vice- President Mrs. G. Kerswill; Re- cording Secretary Mrs. N. Thompson. Corresponding Sec- retary Mrs. Wm. Bell. Treasur- er Mrs. R. E. Challener, Dorcas Secretary Mrs. T. Dibb. Living Message Secretary Mrs. N. Dibb and Educational Secretary Mrs E. Sambrooke. lat Jefferson Cubs and Scouts The mother‘s auxiliary met last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. J. H. Passmore with a fairly good attendance. They are sorry to announce to all brown- ies and guides that through lack of leaders there will be no brownies or guides until future notice. Jefferson Community Club Members of the community attending the local horticultural society annual meeting and din- ner at the Richmond Hill Golf and Country Club last week in- cluded Mrs. I. Grant, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs R Williams. Mrs S Leno and Mrs. E. Terry. We are glad to'hear Mr. Bell of Brookside Road has return- edflfrom the hospital. All persons having claims against the estate of Marma- duke A, Rawlinson, late of RR. No. 2, Gormley, Ont.. deceased, who died on or about the 29th day of August. 1962, are hereby notiï¬ed to send in to the under- signed Personal Representative of the said deceased on or be- fore the 19th day of December. 1962. full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the said Personal Rep- resentative will distribute the assets of the said deceased. having regard only to claims of which it shall then have notice. Dated at Richmond Hill. this let day of November. 1962. Mrs. G. Kersxâ€"vill returned home on Saturday after being in Sarnia for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Zelminis spent part of last week visiting in Virginia. NeWS Wanted! How was your week? Out of town visitors. celebra- tions, vacations. club activ- ities â€" all make interest- ing reading. Please call TU. 4-3008. we'll be pleased to hear from you. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF Mérma- duke A. Rawlinson ELGIN MILLS JEFFERSON NEWS VICTORIAN ORDER 0E NURSES RICHMOND HILL BRANCH Miss K- Knox Richmond Hill Municipal Hall PHONE TU. 4-4101 (By Raymond Stuart) A host of long-time Edge- ley residents are sadly re- signing themselves these days to the belief that soon our comm-unity name will no longer be. And at the pres- ent time trends indicate that their fear may be justiï¬ed. But should it be? Edgeley has a long and proud his- tory. and indiCations are that ilt should have a still prouder and bright future. A century and a half ago this community was quite National Trust Company Ltd.. 20 King St. East. Toronto. Ontario. (Executor or Administrator). By Stuart P. Parker. Q.C. Their Solicitors herein. v. o. N. UNIONVILLE : Unionville Curl- ing Club has decided to make application for a provincial charter. The club was founded in 1919. The report. based on esti- mates ‘by Business Administra- tor Kenneth Turton. s_howed ex- penditures of $939,298.58 and receipts of $954,164.97. Receipts for the ï¬rst 10 months orf the year are behind expenditures. $745,794.89 to $798,354.66. the report showed. Richmond Hill Public School Board will wind up with a bal- ance of $14,866.39 in its main- tenance and operations account according to a report submitted 'at Monday night's nomination meeting. Expect Near $15,000 . Balance In Account‘ Iargely industrialized and it served its own population as well as those in other disâ€" tricts. Industry in those days thrived in mills and shops such as the carpenter, black- smith and wagon-maker shops. cider mill. ashery, saw mill and meat process- ing establishments. less po- litely referred to as slaugh- ter houses. These shops. to- gether with a community hall. church. school. and la- ter. store and post-office (1872) formed a sizable com- 'ï¬ï¬iï¬ï¬iï¬ifljï¬mï¬ï¬ Sim-mu ‘ A new hospital for York County rises at Richmond Hill. The current County of York United Hospitals campaign is underway to provide a total of 389 hospital beds. The new hospital at Richmond Hill will provide 126 of them while the expansion of York County Hospital at Newmarket will provide the remainder. Volunteer canvassers are at present calling on families throughout the county. Hard At Work On New Hospital 87 Yonge St. munity. But the winds of change caused all these industries to disappear and for years Edgeley reverted to strictly a farming community. A considerable amount of research does not reveal how the community came to be called "Ed'geley". It is thought that the village was so named on the opening of the post office in 1872. This writer's grandmother, 'the late Mrs. Thos. Poole. often recalled that in her parents' Talk it over with a Niagara Loan Adviser. It's his job to help you! Niagara loans are made up to $2,500 -â€" and are usually completed in less than a day. Remember, you will always be ‘\ welcome at Niagara. Loan Manager â€" ‘J. Koscher Open until 8 pm. Mondays IN A SPIN OVER MONEY? Largest All-Canadian Consumer Loan Company NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED ORDER NOW ‘ Now the pendulum is swinging back again and once more industry of a vastly different nature is be- ing established here, and on a far greater scale than ever before. And indications are that it is only the beginning. But with it is coming a trend that is costing us our ident- ity. day. the village was known no ( time Why. for example. do so V'Mudville": a name that doubt beï¬tted it at the Phone 884-4423 many businesses and ï¬rms established here indicate that they are located in Maple? Even the marshall- ing yards are often referred to as “the Maple yards", when in fact they are cent- ered in Edgeley. And many of our people are referred to in some of the presses as re- siding in Maple, or Concord, or Weston. A new restaurant in Ed-geley is confusingly lst BIRTHDAY SPECALS Thursday, Friday, Saturday Nov. 29, 30, Dec. 1 Souih Block of {he Richmond Heights Centre YOUR 9 AM. to II P.M. STORE 7 DAYS A WEEK FREE 24 FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE WE WOULD LIKE TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY OF THANKING YOU FOR YOUR PATRONAGE IN THE PAST YEAR. YOUR PATRONAGE IN OUR FIRST STORE WAS THE ENCOURAGEMENT WHICH RESULTED IN OUR SUCCESSFUL- LY OPENING FIVE FURTHER SIMILAR STORES IN AND AROUND METROPOL- ITAN TORONTO. WE, AT MAC’S MILK, WISH YOU A HAPPY HOLIDAY SEA- SON AND THANK YOU AGAIN RESIDENTS OF RICHMOND HILL. MAB’S MILK STORE 26 [EVENDALE ROAD MILK STORES LTD. SPECIALS known as Maple Centre. In the February 21 issue of one of the local newspapers. in referring to the Crother's development in Ed‘geley, a headline read “Concord Plant to Give Jobs to 400 by Fall." Often we read descript- lons of the location of the marshallin-g yards as In “Vaughan township. north of Steeles Avenue and between A SURPRISE GIFT FOR YOU WHEN ’ YOU BUY A JUG OF MILK FROM MAPLE LEAF WIENERS at 59c ONE CARTON OF POP WHEN YOU BUY MAC’S COFFEE at reg. price 79: BUY ONE CARTON OF 1 PKG. OF TOASTMASTER WIENER ROLLS WITH THE PURCHASE 0F 1 LB. ONE 6 OZ. PKG. OF '/z OTHER BIG PINT SILVERWOODS 18% COFFEE CREAM WITH THE PURCHASE OF 1 LB. OF 1/2 CANADA DRY HI-SPOT PLANTATION PEANUTS GALLON OF ICE CREAM Keele and Jane Streets". What a waste of words. when one word would suf- ï¬ce, and that word is "Edge- ley". - Perhaps the people in Edgeley, by assuming a de- featist attitude. are partly to blame for this state of affairs. Perhaps the closing of the post office two years ago on the death of the postmistress. Miss Whit- THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ont. Thursday, November 29, 1962 WHEN YOU BUY ONE PKG. AT REGULAR PRICE 25c SUCH AS ICE CREAM BRICKS FOR 15c BACON FOR 65c PER LB. VACHON SWISS ROLLS, BOX OF 10 FOR 29c WILLARD’S '/2 LB. CHOC. CANDY, reg. 49c for 29c GRADE A LARGE EGGS 550 ETC., ETC. more. has had a great deal to do with it. The people here miss their post office and general store very much and are hopeful that soon. continuing development in the area will warrant the establishment of a new and bigger post office and that it will bear the name of our village. (or maybe town by that time). In the meantime. let us AND GET ONE CARTON FREE AT REGULAR PRICE all work hard at keepin alive our community nam‘i1 and our community spirï¬ Then other people will no be so apt to call our vlllag by any other name or ba- any other terms but “Edge ley". 2 Edgeley has fast grow: into a place of importana and we should do all Ln om power to perpetuate it} name. '