Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Dec 1962, p. 11

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of found and abandoned property. December 8 at Richmond Hill Fire Hall This festive gift folder, with envelope, is free with every Christmas Money Order you buy Here’s one Christmas gift they won’t want to exchange! A gift of cash is always welcome! USE ROYAL BANK MONEY ORDERS to take the guess out of gift-giving! When you send cash you can be sure that relatives and friends, at home or overseasâ€"will buy what they really want. And of course you make your own shopping that much simpler. Money Orders to the exact amounts you require are available in gay Christ- mas gift folders at your nearest Royal Bank branch. ROYAL BAN K POLICE AUCTION t~3'[¢u?io DEPARTMENT FRANK WATTS SOD & SEED SUPPLY CO. LTD. We Are Agents For TORO WINTER SPECAL AV. 5-5494 7059 YONGE s11, WILLOWDALE, ONT. AV. 5-5494 AX. 3-8286 woooame AVE, scum or: NO. 7 HIGHWAY AX. 3-8286 COMPLETE LAWN MOWER SHARPENING AND SERVICE Sharpen v u.- â€" v PHONE FORA ‘ LAWNMOWERs AND SNOW BLOWERS FREE DEMONSTRATION Change Oil in Crankcase and ("ePlme if "9‘95! Breather 5. Check Carburetc Check Spark Plugs and Clean rebuild if necess ALL OTHER WORK DONE BY ORDER ONLY ALL PARTS AND LABOUR ARE AN EXTRA COST. We will deliver your machine ready for next spring. REEL T ......... WE WILI. PICK UP YOUR MACHINE . . (By Toby Shore) The opening of an art exhi- bition in the Richmond Hill Public Library was of added in- terest for “Liberal” readers in‘ that the two artists, Alfred Karu .and Abel Lee, are local resi- dents. Mr. Karu, born in Es- tonia, came to Canada in 1950 and lives at 65 Beaverton South in Richmond Hill. He had studied art in Estonia, Finland and Sweden. Mr. Lee, also born in Estonia, came to Canada in 1951 and now lives at 6 Clem- son Cres., Maple. His work has been exhibited in Estonia, Sweden, Canada and the U.S.A. with a one-man show in Sweden and last year in Hart House, University of Toronto. Mr. Karu and Mr. Lee greet- ed many friends and guests at the opening and were most ap- preciative and pleased with the interest shown. The library lends itself well to such a display and Mrs. Lee Good Progress Made (By Mrs. J. Leaf) The newly formed TSA No. 3, in the northwest section of ‘Markham Township is nearing the end of its first year and school board members have rea- son to be proud of their accom- plishments. Board Chairman Arnold Mort- son and members M. Wellman, S. R. Patterson, S. Richardson and W. Hibbard have done a fine job. Welding‘the five school sec- tions â€" 3. 4, 5, 6 and 7 â€"â€" into jone co-operating unit is a task ‘whlch has required much pat- xience and dedicated effort. That 1their effort has been of benefit to the school children in the iarea is evident from the record. During the year several mea- sures have been adopted. (1) An opportunity class has been instituted at No. 4 school, and arrangements have been made to allow the teacher. Mrs. ‘Helfensfein, to make aptitude tests throughout all the area schools. First Year “Big Success” Report TSA No.3 Officials (2) A new room ‘las been add- ed at No. 4 school, and with pooled funds, carryover of lot fees, and the government grants, there is almost no direct cost to the ratepayer. Area artists Alfred Karu (left) of Richmond Hill and Abel Lee of Maple are seen at their art exhibit being held at the Richmond Hill Public Library this week. Viewing the exhibit with the two artists is Mr. Uno Makin (right) of Don Mills. The exhibit will end this Saturday. 4. Check Points and Condenser (replace if necessary) (parts extra) 5. Check Carburetor and adjust, rebuild if necessary (park exfra) Art Exhibit At local Library and Mrs. Karu were delightful hostesses dispensing coffee and cakes to their visitors. The exhibit is on display frDm November 25 to December 8. This Saturday it will be open from 9 am. to 6 pm. Because of the interest shown at the opening when the artists were on hand to discuss their works with their guests and personally greet so many inter- ested people â€" they were at the show both Saturday and Sunday. This way visitors to the‘ gallery perhaps got a better‘ understanding and appreciation of their work, as we did, by the artists’ explaining how they work, what process they use and where the inspiration for such a picture -â€" or indeed such a colour or drawing â€" came from. Alfred Karu is originally a water color painter with a tre- mendous color sense, painting in any color scale from pastel (3) A bus service has been arranged. This not only pro- vides safe travel for children, it also allows control of grades so that no teacher has more than four classes. (4) A travelling library, music instruction and film strips are other benefits offered the pupils. (5) A salary schedule com- parable to the best, adoption of an accumulative sick leave pol- Iicy for teachers, and PSI bene- fits for full-time teachers and maintenance staff, assure good relations in this regard. (6) Emergency measures have been adopted in case of an in- ternational situation, and a first aid course has been made av- ailable to pupils and teachers. Transistor radios, flashlights and food packages are part of the equipment in each school. _A§ the board faces 1963, new problems confront thegn. In a recent letter, Inspector Maynard Hallman warned that a new population influx is fore- cast for the near future and stated that plans for new school accommodation must be made. Consideration has already been given to establishment of a sen- ior public school and purchase of a new school site is a possi- or “earth colors”, up to burn- ing reds and oranges. He en- joys inventing new harmonies and contrasts in his landscapes and city view in modern vision 1â€" his leaning is to simplified form and cubism. His colors are indeed his strong point. Being a graphic artist, Abel Lee expresses himself in a medium called “monotype” â€"â€" a technique between graphic and painting, basically a print- making process. His main qual- ity is in his drawing with his prime interest being in people and figural compositions. In these you will find most unus- ual pen drawings. While belonging to the mod- ern school, both artists are not extremely contempo ary. You will find the two diffe ent forms of art, most exciting so be sure land visit this exhibit and ‘acquaint yourself with Mr. Karu and Mr. Abel â€" they are our neighbors and well worth know- ing. bility. At a meeting held in Button- ville School Saturday evening of last week the board reviewed the inspector’s report for SS. 6 and 7, and were pleased that at 6 Mrs. Ban'bara Tindall‘s teaching was judged ‘much sup- ‘erior to that ordinarin found in a rural school.” The educational program was marked ‘excellent, interesting, stimulating’. There are 23 child- ren in Grades 2. 3, 4 and 5. NEAI. At No. 7 school. considerable time was lost in early autumn due to change of staff, but the inspector reports good progress. There are 48 pupils in two rooms, four grades to a room, and according to Mr. Hallman the board should study the possibility of transferring Grades 7 and 8 to another school in September 1963. The teachers at No. 7 ex- change some classes to good ef- fect the inspector reports. Physical aspects of schools were rated from 1 to 5, and while water supply, chalkboards and pupils desks were given first quality rating, such items as ventilation, playground and physical education equipment need to be upgraded, as do some areas of lighting. Toward the conclusion of last Saturday's meeting secretary Harold Hill distributed $60 cheques to the board members for their year's service. This represents token pay- ment for the year’s meetings. A total of 29 were held, most being of four hours duration plus all the hours of time and talent expended in getting the baby area on its way. School board members are a dedicated lot. They have to be. For the most part, their only reward is the taxpayer's criti- cism. The next time you meet your school board members. shake them by the hand and let them know you appreciate their work on behalf of the commun- ity. FOR MAYOR VOTE (STAFF PHOTO) Everyone is enjoying our un- usually mild weather. It's ra- ther rare to see farmers plow- ing in December. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Gibson and family enjoyed an outside barbecue dinner December 1. Roger Heise of Hamilton. spent the weekend at the Bril- linger home. Miss Arvilla Forrester has alr- rived home from Newmarket Hospital. There were a couple of new cases of chicken pox last week. Mrs. Ron Elliott and the Bien- tem-a home. Albert Leek is still in St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto. for observation, and treatment. Wes Hoover of Toronto, had dinner on Saturday with his sister. Mrs. A. Leek. The WMS will meet Decem- ber 12 at 1.45 pm. at the home of Mrs. C. E. Hunking. Mrs. Grant $1035 of Markham, will be the guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. David Emprlnlg- him had dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elias Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Webb and family. visited Mr. and Mrs. Ron Elliott and Dougie. Sun- day. Blll Spra‘gge of Aurora, had supper Sun-day with Mr. and Mrs. Elias Elliott. Rev. and Mrs. Cecil Cullen and son of Nordwich. spent Sun-day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Helse. David Reed spent a week’s holidays in Providence, Rhode Island, recently. Rev. and Mrs. Robinson of Oak Ridges. Misses Mabel and Gertrude Jones, and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Snyder of Aurora. had dinner Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ash and ‘family. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED Telephone Gormley 5201 HUMAN RIGHTS DAY GORMLEY NEWS By bringing together into a single statute all of the various human rights legislation passed since 1944, by enlarging the scope of the Ontario Human Rights Commission and by appointing a full-time Director with additional stafl‘, we are now in a much better position to proceed with a greatly expanded educational program designed to make the aims of the Code better known and understood by our people. It is a matter for gratification too, that in the development of its program of education and enlightenment the Commission is receiving the active and wholehearted co-operation of our churches, schools, industry, trade unions, and a wide variety of community organiza- tions. This is surely the best proof that our citizens, individually and collectively, look upon our Human Rights Code as a reflection of the community conscience; that they are prepared to play their full part in applying its principles in their daily relationships, not just because the law requires it, but because truly enlightened social behaviour demands it. While we deplore and condemn violations of human rights else- where in the world and stand aghast before such ugly manifestations as the Berlin Wall, we must never cease to concern ourselves with those walls of prejudice which still exist in our own communityâ€"and sometimes in our own minds â€" and which deny to our fellow citizens that justice and equality of opportunity which is their inalienable right. Justice, like charity, should begin at home. A an Decanber Tenth. NhaanflwldrzdmdSM-M Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. French were Rev. Wm. Vanderbent of Richmond Hill, Rev. Engle of Grantham, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson of Toronto, Mrs. Frank Bennett. and Mrs. Ralph Empringham. v Mrs. E. Nicklin spent Sunday with Mrs. Beulah Jones. Mrs. J. Bond is spending a few days with her son-in-Iaw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Band. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pearson of Queensville. spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. C. Mil- sted. Mr. Deeks of Toronto. is speaking Sunday morning in the United Missionary Church in the absence of the minister, Rev. C. E. Hunking who is con- d4cting special meetings in Northern Ontario. Carman Matsunaga is home from hospital and is progress- ln-g nicely following his recent accident. Several ha-ve inquired about the new letter box recently in- stalled in Gormley Post Office. This letter box ls cleared twice daily at 5 pm. and 9.30 pm. Also for the benefit of those who do not know there are two dispatches of mail each day ex- cept Sunday at 6 am. and 5.30 The Post Office which served for 27 years has been removed and a new and more upâ€"to-date ofiice has been installed in the Gormley store. Mrs. Beulah Jon-es and Mrs. Roy Brillinvge‘r visited Mrs. Ross Brillinger at Toronto General Hospital Friday. The sewing circle of the UM. Church met Wednesday after- noon at the home of Mrs. E. Eade. This was a special Christ- THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, December 6, 1962 11 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights â€"- we can note with some satis- faction, that in the past year our Province has taken another substantial step toward imple- menting its principles by the enactment of the Ontario Human Rights Code. ON DECEMBER 10TH, the 14th Anniversary ONTARIO Floyd Doner is still in Osha- and boys have returned from M: General Hospital for xâ€"rays California and are visiting his andland treatment. mother, Mrs. Pearl Smith. mas meetings. ‘ Miss Vera Doust of 'I‘ol‘ontO. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hawkins spent the weekend with Mr. and Sharon had dinner Sunday and Mrs. Fred Doust. with Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Doner. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Smith LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-TUA-IIOS AS LOW $16 0° AS I MONTHLY N0 PAYMENTS TILL JUNE IST. Enquire About Our Free Bonus See Models On Display At Our Don Mills Display Centre 0n Don Mills Road, 1 Mile South of Number 7 Highway. AX.1-1971, call JOHN P. ROBARTS Prime Minister of Ontario LOUGHLIN LUMBER 9020 Yonge St-, Richvale AV. 5-1109 collect.

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