Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Dec 1962, p. 13

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Separate School Board Chair man Gordon Trussler also at tended the meeting. Mr. Roberts had been spokes- man for a group who recently attended a council meeting to protest the infiltration of wreck- ing yards in this area. On November 22 a meeting 01" Changes are poasible if and{be kept informed of any meet-‘Church residents of Langstaff was held when it is proved to be the 0p-}ings. lento c It Thornlea School to discuss inion of the majority of the" Mr. A. Smith. a member of ducted the revival of a ratepayers' as- people, he said. , (the former ratepayers, moved Rev. H Iociation and the future of Plans for the new Highway 7 that a ratepayers” group be es-umniste, ngsmm ‘ are still uncertain. The present tablished. EChurch Mr. Evans of Cedar Ave., who highway will probably be only Nominations and election of‘uCaued Was president at the closing a service road. Essex Avenue is officers were carried out. The Vice 3 5 meeting of the former associa- scheduled to be opened through results were: in the 5 tion five years ago, opened the to Bayview where it is planned President. Mr. Roberts. vice- one hac meeting and explained the pur- to build a shopping centre and president, Ivan Lindsay; secret- Rev_ Hill pose of calling it. He then turn- a school at some future date. ary, Mr. Martin; treasurer, Mr. There ed the meeting over to Mr. Rob- It is a possibility that sewers Mesure. ‘church pots of Essex Avenue. will be laid in this area ‘within ‘ After the business meeting a ther 13 An expert in the teaching of mathematics, Miss Sibbald cap- tivated her listeners by the i. deas and abundance of concrete material presented. At this meeting the group was constructed to cope with heavy promised an interview with the industrial traffic planning board, but due to cer- If a choice is made it was his tain technicalities this could not Opinion that industry with clos- be arranged. A smaller private ed storage would be far more meeting was held at the home acceptable than the present op- of Mr. Roberts November 16 at- 911 storage- tended by Mr. Dean, Mr. May- He told the residents present nerd, Mr. Forrest. Mr. Lindsay, the main objectives of this mee- Mr. Mesure Mr_ Evans. M11 Le- ting was to establish what the Masurier and Mr. Roberts. |residents desire for this area Hill F. M. Weiss. inspector. intro- duced the guest speaker, Miss Barbara Sibbald. Miss Sibbald. a former teacher. is now a re- presentative of Copp Clark Publishing Company. WiIl Fight Storage Tanks At this time an effort was made to clarify what Mr. For- rest’s ideas were for this area from Yonge Street to Bayview Avenue and south t0 Holy Cross rest’s ideas were for this area from Yonge Street to Bayview Avenue and south to Holy Cross Cemetery; find out the limits of the industrial area: hear plans about the proposed rezoning: and to find out the position of the planning board in regards to the municipal council. According to the existing by- law of 1952 the area 1.320 feet from the CNR right-of-way isipeople should be permitted to. zoned industrial and anything outside that has been residen- tial. It is possible with the plan-, ned rezoning that all property from Yonge §treet~to Bayview i It was suggested that if it was necessary to reset boundar- ies, it should be done by lot lines and not by streets. A suggested amendment to the bylaw was instead of it reading that anyone opening up an industry may not reside on the property. it should be al- ‘tered to encourage families to this area. The meeting felt that reside on the property. prerid- ing suitable homes are erected. f Iran Lindsay checked at the Parliament Buildings regarding permits for erection of gas staâ€" ‘tions. These permits are useless .....I..._ an-.. -___‘.. __.:u_ n“ he JCar Rams Hydro Pole EHiII Area Darkened L Hydro service in Richmond “Hill, King City and Oak Ridges was momentarily interrupted «Thursday night when a car left jthe road and knocked down a jhydro pole on Highway 11. near “Summit Restaurant. 1 The car came to a stop after 'running into a parked tow .truck. Police blocked off the road for an how‘ until repairs :were made. Hydro wires and a transformer landed on the road after the crash. Teachers and inspectors of Separate School Districts four and nine heard an address on the “teaching of mathematics" It is possible with the plan- ned rezoning that all property from Yonge Street to Bayview and south to Holy Cross Ceme- tery will be industrial. Mr. Forrest told these repres- entatives he was really acting only in an advisory capacity and that all his plans had to go to council first to be authorized. November 28. at St. Mary Im- maculate School. Richmond Name Roberts Group Head Of Langstaff Ratepayers School Teachers Hear Authority: 0 0n Mathematics 3 Twenty-four students of Walter Scott Public School in Richmond Hill received diplomas at graduation exercises held recently at the school. Front row, left to right: J. Loverock, J. Nugent, B. Patterson, C. Phillips, G. Bar- foot. L .Beatty, A. Windrim, K. Kinsley. Second row: Vice-principal J. M. ‘highway will probably be only Nominations and election of a service road. Essex Avenue is officers were carried out. The scheduled to be opened through results were: to Bayview where it is planned President, Mr. Roberts. vice- to build a shopping centre and president, Ivan Lindsay; secret- a school at some future date. ary, Mr. Martin; treasurer, Mr. a scnoot at some ruture date. ary, lVlr. martin; treasurer, Mr. 1t '15 a possibility that sewers Mesure. - v _ will be laid in this area within After the business meeting a cfiagesgfifidge éfiifiirng‘efo two or three years. according to discussion on the amending of heap Rev. Higgins deliver his officials. boundaries and bylaws was held. first sermon. Mr. Roberts went on to re- It was decided that residents Socials ~ port that local roads are in poor needed time to consider these Ken and Marilyn wood and shape due to their not being questions and it was left in ab- family are closer to our com- constructed to cope with heavy eyance with one resident from munity now; they are living ‘industrial traffic. each street to conduct a survey near the corner of Carmine Rd. ‘ If a choice is made it was hislto find out people's opinions. and Yonge St. There was a good turnout at Changes are possible if and‘be kept informed of any meet- when it is proved to be the op-;ings. inion of the majority of the Mr. A. Smith. a member of people, he said. , the former ratepayers, moved He told the residents present the main objectives of this mee- ting was to establish what the residents desire for this area and have it presented to the planning board. Ivan Lindsay checked at the Parliament Buildings regarding permits for erection of gas sta- tions. These permits are useless unless they comply with the re- quirement of the township, he said. Representatives at the meet- ing were told that council finds it too expensive to mail individâ€" ual notices of meetings to every resident but it is hoped that as a ratepayers‘ association we can VAUGHAN SCHOOL BOARD EDMANSON 2 Years Keen Interest Walter mil Car Rams Hydro Pole? ‘°‘ Hill Area Darkened‘j Scott Grade 8 Graduates ~â€"â€"c A petition in regards to the[ Many ‘ proposed installation of storage family he tanks on the north-west corner his birthc of Ruggles Avenue was passedllast week around for signing. ‘ 3 Mrs. J Driver Mrs. Elizabeth Mc- Garth, 35. of King City. escaped with minor cuts and bruises. Apparently it is proposed to install two 10,000 gallon tanks for storage of fuel oil and one 2,000 gallon tank for gasoline. Hydro service in Richmondlto your friends and neighbors 7 7 ROWSWELL DISTRIBUTORS SOMETHING TO SELL 1 TRY LIMITED LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS =1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Phone TU' 4'11” :that Rowswell Distributors Lim- *â€"Â¥â€"mlited intends to surrender its ‘acharter 9| .g DATED at Toronto this 26th JTOR 0F FUEL OILS :iday of November. 1962. VD HILL Margaret R. Rowswell. .‘ Secretal‘v Induction Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Anning. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bushell, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kirk and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Middleton represent- ed Carrville Church at the in- duction service for Rev. A. T. Higgins on November 29. Rev. R. Harold Parr B.A., minister of Glebe Road United Church and chairman of Tor- onto Cuntre Presbytery con- ducted the Ritual of Induction. Rev. H. Egerton Young. B.A.,‘ minister of Yorkminster United}i Church preached the sermon, "Called By God”. After the ser- vice a social reception was held in the auditorium where every- one had a chance to meet with, Rev. Higgins and his wife. Ken and Marilyn Wood and family are closer to our com- munity now; they are living near the corner of Carrville Rd. and Yonge St. Many of Ken‘s friends and family helped him to celebrate his birthday, Saturday night of visits your home over this fes- tive season your correspondent would appreciate hearing from you. TURKEY SHOOT SATURDAY Maple Lions Club will hold a turkey shoot at the Sh‘ur-Gain Farms in Maple on Saturday. Permission to hold the turkey shoot was granted at Monday night's meeting of Vaughan Township Council. Mrs. John Ash of Concord spent a day of last week with Mrs. Jack Barton. We are now up to our ears into the Christmas season with shopping and baking and doing all the 101 things that make this time of year a busy but happy time. Don’t forget to vote on Sat- urday, December 8. If anyone of Special interest Peace. G. Meadows, M. Sorensen. R. Paxman. C. Toogood, G. Parker Boomhower, D. Needham, E. Smyth. Back row: K. Rose, D. Leroux Strugnell, G. Dyke, G. Elsie. S. Nicholls, I. MacDougal. J. Sniezek. CARRVILLE -I- A Plan For The Future 1- Good Management 1- Souncl Financial Policy Corrqspondcnt: Mrs. Gordon Read AV. 5-4001 ROSS JOLLIFFE Receive ELECTORS OF VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP FOR SCHOOL BOARD YOU’RE Diplomas Sunday Movies VOTE While aware that many people put business interests above religious considerations, the Thornhill-Richmond Hill' Ministerial Associa- tion affirms its conviction that Sunday movies and commercial sport in Richmond Hill and Vaughan Township is a retrograde step and urges the voters to express their real conâ€" victions by going to the polls. SUPERIOR PROPANE LTD. eeafié ’7 And it’s pure plea- sure to cook on' the ‘Superior’ SP Moffat range, with all these features . . . automatic lighting on all burners 0 de- ’ luxe clock with 4-hour timers 0 lift- off oven doors for easy cleaning a oven light and 16" window 0 ther- I(E . mostatic oven control. Phone AVenue 5-1145 MAPLE, ONTARIO Automatic Delivery Service guarantees you 5 a constant supply of fuel at all times. Commercial Sports laguperior BETTER COOK SPMIIHM Here’s a partner worthy of your culi- nary skill. Plain or fancy, every dish turns out even better than your best efforts in the past. with a (S AFF PHOTO) ‘filmed at Emm: ‘School News ’ On Decembei ‘16th Avenue Scl‘ their home an meeting. This w wmeeting for the 1area. There will port on edu-catil Mrs. France. ou er. Mr. Moorby .tion supervisox Parker. Mr. M: charge of the 1 in the area will for this night. 1 short report fo panel of above will be chaired Sands who is l WHITCHURCH . A herd of five purebred Swiss Brown cows is thriving on the 8th Con. farm of Harry Rae. They are ex- tremely quiet in nature. com- 'parable to the Holstein in size and milk yield. Butteifat test is very high. Fourteen weeks of preparaâ€"‘ tion on the part of eleven: young members of Emmanuel Church culminated in a ser-‘ ivice of confirmation on Novemr lber 28 at St. Mary's church,‘ FRichmond Hill. The candidates iwere presented to the Rt. Rev. Bishop Wilkinson by the Rector of Emmanuel. Rev. Fred C. Jackson. for the laying on of. 111nds. Those confirmed were Alison Cazaly. Louise Hardin-g. Janice \Moran. Marilyn Rich- ards. John Hudson. David Jelli- coe. Bruce Johnson. David Turn- er, James Mills. John Peck and Vernon‘ Walters. A special Corporate Communion service was held at Emmanuel Church Sunday December 2 at 8 am. for those just confirmed. and all those who have been con- Mr. and Mrs. James Russell. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Littlejohn of Flesherton, Mrs. Dave Hager and two children, Mrs. May Park were visitors on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Carmichael. Spruce Ave. the am the tie on. R91 Socials panel of above names and this will be chaired by Mr. E. J. Sands who is our supervising principal. The panel will at- tempt to answer questions from Emmanuel Church Richvale News audience on the topics of fields that we’re reporting Refreshments will be serv- 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) Edgeley Maple West Pine Grove East Purpleville Elder Mills Kleinburg‘ Nashville Teston Jefferson Richvale Vellore Crestwood Road 28) 29) 30) 31) 26) 27) 33) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) Arnold Avenue Thorndale Concord East Boyle Scott East Yongehurst East Carrville .D On Saturday, December 8th, I962 POLLS WILL BE OPEN IN ALL ELECTORS ARE ASKED TO EXERCISE THEIR FRANCHISE. TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN ELECTION ' DAY area will is night. 'I report fo of above ;g for the pa [‘hel‘e will be 11 education 'rance. our F . Moorby ph: supervisor. Mr. Myers Correspondent Mrs. Anne Hewitt 78. 16th Ave. l at Emmanuel C December 2 at 8 e just confirmed a who have been -t Emmanuel. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, December 6, 1962 13 Elgin Mills Westwood Lane South Maple East Thornhill South Thornhill North Maple South-wes Uplands Garden Avenue Scott West Yongehurst Wes‘ Murray's Corner TU. 4-7645 Concord West Patterson Pine Grove West Hudson. DaJohnson. Dax Mills. .1011 1‘ Walters. A Communion t Emmanuel her 6 at 8 p.m.. School are holding and school club 5 will be a regular the parents of this vill be a theme re. :ation in our area. our French teach- -by physical educa- isox‘. Truste. A. Myers who is in e testing program will be our parent t. There will be a followed by the ve names and this red by Mr. E. J. David Jelli- David Turnâ€" John Peck FROM 10 O’CLOCK AM. TO 7 O’CLOCK RM. A special 1 service 1 Church It 8 am. ned. and em con- LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-GetResults-TU.4-HOS For continued interest and service It is your term ELECTORS MAPLE POLICE VILLAGE VOTE FRANK ROBSON VILLAGE TRUSTEE STEVENSON Reformed Church of Toronto (Parish Hall), 57 Centre Street, Thornhill Twin Elms School Elder Mills School Roy Cooper’s House Jefferson School Richvale Public School Township Hall Powell Road School Wm. Espie’s (former Elgin Mills P.O.) Chas. Hewitt School Maple Masonic Hall Reformed Church of Toronto (Parish Hall) 57 Centre Street, Thornhill George Bailey School Langstafl.’ School Emerald Isle Motel Woodbridge High School Don Head Farm Offices Edgeley Hall Maple Masonic Hall Pine Grove School (old) Purpleville School Kleinburg School Mr. F. Iris, 28 Fairview Avenue Chas. Howitt School Mrs. Wm. Adam’s (Sn) House John Barton’s House Pine Grove School (new) Concord School Chas. Hewitt School Ross Dean School Thornhill School Langstaff School Concord School your duty as voters and taxpayers to cast ballot December 8 for three trustees for the of 1963 and 1964. J. M. MCDONALD, Returning Officer. Vaughan Township FOR SCHOOL BOARD

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