Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Dec 1962, p. 16

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16 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, December 6, 1962 ’ The tlilltoppers Drum Corps. founded to keep Rich- mond Hill young people of the street two years ago. now occupies 75 youngsters and teenagers. Although Richmond Hill's football Indians didn‘t quali- fy for the Grey Cup Satur- day, Richmond Hill was re- presented in the annual foot< ball festival when the Hill- toppers Drum Corp formed part of the giant Grey Cup parade Saturday morning. Thirty-five young men be- tween 12 and 17 are in the band. sponsored by the Rich- mond Hill Lions Club. The band includes, 20 trumpets, 10 drums, and a five color guard. Forty more boys under 12 are learning band work. Richmond Hill Police Asâ€" sociation founded the corps in 1959 to keep boys off the streets. The Lions Club took over after twice because of a shortagel w of funds and instruments. ‘ ~. The club helped the Hill- toppers this spring by huy-‘ ing a complete new set of* it had 6 V on VOTE PAY E TT E Councillor Ward I FOR ACTION .01. ‘ ‘c * 24‘. :3 .s downtown» ’s ‘\ i x 5% 3 ’ Economy instruments costingr $5.000. I Hilltop‘pers marched in pa- rades at Pickering. vamar- ket. Aurora. Toronto and in Richmond Hill this year. andl have plans for 1963. Police Chief R. P more ambitiousl . Vote to Elect RANSOM Councillor I963 ° Honesty Business and Public Experience ELECTION DAY â€" SATURDAY. DECEMBER 8th Polls Open 9 am. - 6 p.m. stumbled hins is chairman of the corps. Corps director is W. N. Parker. and Ron Pollard, drum major. The three have received much of the credit for keeping the corps alive. Both the corps and the be- ginners spend two nights a adds up to four nights a week for week practising. the leaders. Mr. Parker. 3 the Canadian Serve 75 Are ounger This Drum iudge \\i1h Corps Association. has issued an invitation for more begin- ners I!) the under 12 group. Musical training is desirable. but not necessary .\Ii‘. Parker has judged competitions all over Onta- rio. hlinisterial Association met in‘ St. Mary‘s Anglican Parish Halll on Friday last for a Iuncheonl meeting. The Rev. Dil Evans oft iThornhill presided. The guest speaker for the day was Mr. its. L. G. Chapman. supervisingI Rob_}principal for York Central High; ‘._._,.,_;School District. who addressedl 108 Yonrehurst â€"- lGuide and Brownie News nie Pack on November 26. atl ing Brownies received Blackburn, Paula Hill. Ann‘ Hiltz and Caren Brown. Bar-1 bara Rankin received her Golâ€"‘ den Bar. Caren Brown and Deb-»' bie Black-burn also became Six-‘ ers of the group. Christmas Party on December 17. _ Home and School News 'The December meeting of the Ross Doan Home and School Association was held December". 3. in the school. With Mrs. D.i Cutler in the chair the businessl meeting was completed, follow-. ed by a carol sing-song led by; Mr. Richardson. Film strips of the 1961-62 graduating banquet' was also shown. Refreshmentsl were served. while the staff and. parents got acquainted. : Socials 1' Mary Lennon of Weldrickl Rd. received her coat. glasses; and money taken by mistake. Cold \veather's coming on fast! Don’t let it catch you with your car unpre- pared for rugged winter driving conditions. Drive in now for our pre-winter check-up and service! COOK'S BP Auto Service Complete Service To All Makes of Cars ELGIN MILLS STAN ‘ Sincerity swered ‘ . . .tem in this area will be the about the practical issues m_.‘to the press and for guidance of cern-ing the same. numerous a Prayer 7 IBRUBTT’ The Thornhill-Richmond Hillsoutlined _ the regulations nd conâ€".i‘clativc to an-§tions on Sunday. The discussion (.‘UIIIIITCI‘I‘Ial ()pE‘l‘H- . I o ‘ . . V qu("monsussued in a statement {01 iclcase volved. He stressed particularlylthe men in their I’UII’HS l0 “"3 strains all \ The members also joined in.hi11-mginnond lthc association. at their request.}a discussion of the merits of TheiAss ion the subject of religious in-Icurrent issue before the el Istruction in the high schools. He of V Phone TU. 4.2617 Mr. W. Turner is Ross Doan School. The follow-lthis week in St. Louis, theirion a service stars and the GoldenlBlackburn will be in Montr Bar. Nancy Middleton. Debbieion a four day business trip. ELECT WARD level. the ifrom the Legion Hall. i Connie Madeline. Sharon AI-vber 23. and would like to thank len and Leslie Cuitten were enâ€"ieveryone for their kind assist- rolled into 3rd Richvale Brow-lance. spending‘rector. Missouri. I nan. 3 available in the school day. aughan and Richmond Hill Icommerciat NORTH RICHVALE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. A. BLACKBURN Noveniw Mr. MARGARET SOUTHWELL timer A.‘\\ ill preach. ~ eaIlRichmon-d Hill are invited tol sales conference. p “‘5; lthe crowded curriculum whichiefiect: ialready ijC put business interests above religious considerations. Thorn-. Hill Ministerial' ociation affirms its ('OITVIC-; CCI0r5_lloll that Sunday movies and1 sport in Richmond illill and Vaughan Township is a? retrograde step. and urges thel voters to express their real con-l victions by going to the polls" 5 Arrangements were made forl the observance of the Universal.I Week of Prayer. January 6~12.l with special mid-week servicesl ‘ln Richmond Hill there will be? ;a central gathering on Wednes-. lday evening in St. Gabriel Ang-l iglican Church at 8:00 pm. Thel service will be conducted by the: the Rev. Robert McLenâ€"I The Rev. Albert Myersl All the churches ofl articipate. I FULL TIME EXPERIENCED REPRESENTATION 0 Councillor 1960. '61, '62 0 School Board 1951 to 1959 Iaycees Auction Nets Over $600 Friday night’s .Iaycec Auction was a very successful one. according to otTicials of Richmond Ilill Junior Chamber tot Commerce. Auction Chairman Philip Lim- Radio pcl‘l. 4-16 South Taylor Mills Dl‘.. reports hids totalling $1.900 .\t‘tcr advertising costs. the .laycccs “I” clear between Stitltl and $700 The radio Christmas auction is part of the “Shop Locally" campaign sponsored by the Jay- PhotoCo-OpNow ,Is Multiple Listing will Whitc. pi‘csiden. Estate Board announces ithc t'amiliar photo co-op listing ~CI'\'I(‘E‘ system is going to have a new name. Beginning Janu- ary 151. 1963. this real estate selling service will as M.L.S.. meaning Multiple Listing Service. ‘, The photo co-op listing sys- ltcm has resulted in millions of dollars in annual sales in On- tario. Western Canada have been using the multiple listing service system but now through thc efforts of the Canadian Asso? ciations the Real Estate Boards all across Canada will be adopt- ing the one name of multiple listing service and it is felt that the buying and selling pu- blic in the real estate market lwill benefit by this national un~ animity. As of January 1st, 1963. the pea] estate selling service sys- lYork County District Multiple :Listing Service. "While avvarc that main minim“, SUPER CARPET CLEANING C0. DRAPES, CARPETS, RUGS. FURNITURE, 1 ALL CARPET REPAIRS . Immediate Pick Up and Delivery Sale of NEW BROADLOOM Free Estimates RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-3833 fl> COUN MacDI FOR I make no promises to the people of Richmond Hill. My record on council is the only platform .I would wish to have. Your vote on December 8th I need as an en- dorsement of my work in 1962 and a helping hand to represent this town “Loud and Clear” at County In 1962 the municipal share of your taxes was lowered ~â€" help me now to tackle the County JOHN DEPUTY - REEVE CILLOR ARMID 19é3 be knowir cccs this year Listeners to CPS.“ I"l'l(l{i_\ bid on items contributed to the campaign by over 130 mer- chants. Chict' aim of the auction was to boost the community rather than to provide financial gain tor club projects Proceeds will :0 towards Jaycce \iork. ll]('Ill(Illl§. youth organizations I 'l’hirly-tive .laycccs and their wives and friends conducted the auction 0\er CFGM. l’rida} cv- ening from 8 till 10.30 .\li'. Liinpcrt expressed thank: to “The Liberal" and CFGKI for their co-opcralion in making the auctirm .'l of cc~s. "We hope people in the .\'ork County and District Real‘district “Ill shop Ivivallb-i that Limpert said. .i. in] _Dra\\s u ill be iield December 1.) at 10 am. on Cli‘GM tor a * 2 years as a front quarter of beef for onel of the successtul bidders and‘ for a $150 advertising package for a siiccchIIil local merchant. SOMETHING TO RENT “LIBERAL” CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS Phone TU. 4-1105 ONE STOP SERVICE CENTRE Q i! o u N G ' s WASHING. POLISHING. GREASING TIRE REPAIRS. BATTERIES General Repairs to all Makes of Cars SID HUNT. Licensed Mechanic Young's B. A. Service Station Yonge & Benson Richmond l'lil TU. 4-0009 Deputy Reeve For 1963 Experienced and Sincere Service * 4 years on the Public School Board Councillor * 2 years as Deputy-Reeve ELECTION DAY â€" SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8th Polls Open 9 am .- 6 pm. FOR CARS OR INFORMATION ELECTION DAY PHONE 884-5142 To The Electors OI Richmond Hill Your. Vote And Influence Is Respectfully Requested TO ELECT FOR THE LIGHTER LAGER WITH TH E HAPPY FLAVOUR

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