. GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building Repairs 8; Alterations Drain and Concrete Work PLASTERING CONTRACTOR I KING “If it’s exclusive Harrison will build if ’Building Trades 1'". 4-32" GENERAL ELECTRIC DEALER HERRIDGE ELECTRIC â€" PHONE TE. 3-5295 HARRISON'S Custom Carpentry Conlin & Keogh CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Bank of Nova Scotia Building Aurora Telephone Aurora PA. 7-9451 gr WWH 17â€": 1g; ‘otMA/vos English car service centre for all makes. 40 LEVENDALE RD. South Block Richmond Heights Centre (HEMPEM 18 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, December 6, 1962 54531/2 YONGE STREET BA. 5-4701 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT LEONARD R. ROSENBERG Deciantis-Rice Wm. Clubl'ne BOB CURRINGTON RICHMOND MOTORS FLA. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 321 Enford Rd. at Industrial Rd. Accountants "Children's Wear Appliances TU. 4-2838 AV. 5-5881 Richmond Hill AV. 5-2994 L. 15'. Clark PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY with offices at 474 Botsford St. Newmarket TW. 5-2972 and 31 Mallow Road Don Mills 447-0589 All Hours Helen Simpson Flowers METRO WIDE DELIVERY Member - Florists' Telegraph Delivery Association ' Dress Fabrics HELEN SIMPSON LYNETT Dr. John Simpson DENTIST 7725 YONGE STREET AV. 5-4442 Thomhil], Ont. Dr. P. R. M acf arlane cor. Windhurst Gate & Bayview (1 block south Bayview Plaza) Phone TU. 4-1075 H. D. M elsness, D.C. X-RAY , Chiropractic Dress Fabrics Draperies - Home Service Complete Sewing Accessories Imported Silks and Woollens N'A Yonge Street South Richmond Hill TU. 4-1064 2518 YONGE ST. (at St. Clements) TORONTO 12, ONT Ph. HU. 5-1145 Dr. J. Perdicaris SPECIAL MACHIN ER! GENERA L REPAIRS 73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL AV. 5-1974 CENTRE BAYVIEW PLAZA BEVERLEY ACRES PHONE OFFICE TU. 4-3571 Leno’s Machine Shop Arthur G. Broad MEDICAL-DENTAL Dr. J. M. Dryer DENTIST Open Evenings Gas Extractions Engineering Children's Fashion Shop 21 Bedford Park Ave. Richmond Hill TUrner 4-4251 Fabric Fair STEAMFITTING WELDING DENTIST Gas Extractions 50 Yonge St. North 78 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL Flowers 36 Levendale Road Opposite Loblaws Richmond Heights Shopping Centre TU. 4-7474 By Appointment By Appointment TU. 4-1177 Richmond Hill TUx-ner 4-1462 For QUALITY Children's Wear Dental Formerly Bloor & Yonge Stl. udividual Attention . Hair Styling Permanent Waving Air Conditioned Dryers 80 Yonge St. South Richmond Hill TU. 4-2321 Maple Plaza AL. 7-2590 a Hair Styling 8. i Beauty Salons TU. 4-1701 We personally handle all sale bills and advertising appearing in “The Liberal" at the ngwspaper office, 63 Yonge Street South, Rich- mond Hill. South Road Garage for appointment. 911. AV. 5-3631 TRUCK &AUTO BODY 3741 Maple Ave. Richvale It you haven’t heard of our re- putation. enquire from your friends All work guaranteed 144 Spruce Ave. Stop 22A Yonge St. Richvalei prints of Licensed Auctioneer York & Ontario (‘ounties 36 Years Experience PH‘ SAND and GRAVEI. Crushed Stone Loam and Fill Richvale A uto Body RICHVALE TU. 4-2452 Alvin S. Farmer Sellwood Salon REPRINTS AVAILABLE AV. 5-4865 â€" WA. 5-0532 Flowers for all over the world Roses cut fresh daily Weddings â€"â€" Funerals SPECIALIZING IN PUREBRED CATTLE, FARM STOCK. FURNITURE AND H. J. MILLS LTDJ Readers may order re- COMPLETE COLLISION AND REPAIR SERVICE PAINTING. REBUILDING 285-5334 E. CHARITY Complete Auto Body Repairs, Painting Reasonable Prices Free Estimates Body 6; Fender Repairs Complete Reï¬nishing Repairs - Remodelling Cleaning - Custom Work Certiï¬ed Cold Storage ¢- ' “if 2311 GORMLEY. ONT. (26 ‘Years' Experience) 71 Yongehurst Road General Busmess W. Hamilton FURRIER [MDIDMVM'FQ Corsages Experienced designers Garages Retail Division Flowers (Continued) Furs staï¬ photos Richmond Hill BARRISTERS-SOLICITORS 15 Yonge'Street N.- Richmond Hill. Ontario TU. 4-4413 17 Queen Street E.. Suite 544 Toronto 1, Ontario EMpire 6-2362 Kin’g City Lawlor & LeClaire AURORA. ONTARIO Telephones Office: PA. 7-9488-9 Res.: PA. 7-5046. Donald M. Findlay BARRISTER, SOLICITOR AND NOTARY PUBLIC 113 King St. TU. 4-1219 Savage Insurance Services GENERAL INSURANCE Fire, Automobile, Plate Glass Automobile Financing, etc. Office 15 Yonge St. N. Residence 73 Leisure Lane Richmond Hill John S. Walkington A. Bumeit General insurance Suite 2. Lowrie Building 15 Yonge Street N. Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1551 96A Yonge St. 8., Aurora PA. 7-9272 Insurance â€" Mortgages Fire. Auto. Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service TELEPHONE PA. 7-9488-9 17 Queen 5.. E. Toronto 363 Ernie Brock 8. Son GENERAL; INSURANCE FIRE < AUTO - LIABILITY {ASSOCIATED HEARING CONSULTANTS LIMITED 31 YONGE ST. NORTH (Upper Floor) RICHMOND HILL ’Phones 285-4861 - 285-4862 For Personal Appointment FREE HEARING TEST H errington Insurance Agency I Hearing Aid ALL SIZES HEARING AID BATTERIES STOCKED PRESCRIPTION FITTED HEARING AIDS The Bank of Nova Scotla Building Floyd E. Corner Q.C'. Bank of Nova Scotia 81113.. Aurora, Ontario COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Bus. ALpine 7-2621 Res. ALpine 7-1224 Banister. Solicitor. N otary 25 Grandview Ave. Thornhill AVenue 5-1379 Roy V. Bick ‘omer Agency Limited LTD. Kirby Brock Maple, Ont. Complete Insurance Service :.V TE. 3-5451 TE. 3-6684 Insurance TE. 3-5283 Legal Repairs to All Makes Richmond Hill King City 363-3959 ‘Rentals, sales, service of] 1 ‘ . . 884- ;offxce machmes. Busmess] ‘supplies and social stationeryï¬el'bel't Lillian A. DeWolfe Office Supplies James H. Timmins Norman A. Todd, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Ph. TW. 5-4571 Marguerite Boyle REGISTERED MASSEUSE 174 BAYVIEW AVE. S. PHONE 884-2603 BY APPOINTMENT Stiver, Vale, Peppiatt, Errington BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. Barrister, Solicitor a; Notary Public 15 YONGE ST. NORTH Elocution, Public Speaking Platform Department Dramatic Art “HOMEWOOD HALL" Thornhill Gariepy and Mann Toronto Office â€" 7 Queen St. E., Suite 151 Phone EM. 3-5877 BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Suite 2, Lawrie Building 15 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill Every Thursday Afternoon TUrner 4-1551 AV. 5-1477 T. C’. Newman, Q.C. S tuarf Darker, Q.C. RICHMOND HILL 7 Dufl'erin St. NOTARIES K. M. R. Stiver. Q.C. Joseph Vale. 9.0. J. M. Peppiatt, BA. William Errington, B. Com. 195A MAIN ST. Residence TUrner 4-1863 By Appointment 16 Yonge Street North RICHMOND HILL YORK OFFICE EQUIPMENT Richmond Hill. Ontario Office TUrner 4-1780 J. Rabinowitch, 6197 YONGE STREET WILLOWDALE, ONTARIO BA. 5-8806 65 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill TU. 4-5829 Richmond Theatre Block Res. TU. 4-2117 Barristers and Solicitors Plaxton, Deane & Drew Barrister. Solicitor. etc. Banister. Solicitor. Notary Public Richmond Hill Office 15 Yonge Street N. AV. 5-5144 Thornhill Oï¬ice AV. 5-1197 Kenneth A. Garlepy BA. 5-1557 THORNHILL AVenue 5-3165 Massage Musical RICHMOND HILL THORNHILL TU. 4-4231 E. Neil Mann TU. 4-4618 (Continued) Legal N ewmarket TU. 4-1543 63 YONGE STREET N. ‘Tv. 4-1432 RICHMOND HILL, ONTâ€? Transportation Ontario Land Surveyors Richmond Hill. TU. 4-294] 105 Willowdale Ave.. Willowdale 53 Bedford Park Avenue Ont" BA. 5-3031 Res. George T. Yates. O.L.S. Reservations for Sea-Air Tours and Cruises Information: AV. 5-5451 Coaches for all Occasions FOR INFORMATION Coach Lines Ltd. Jack Seaton REAL ESTATE BROKER Phone: 884-7851 or 285-5782 J. C. Horvat,B.A., 0.0. OPTOMETRIST O EYES EXAMINED O PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED 0 CONTACT LENSES GLASSES MADE & REPAIRED IN OUR OWN LABORATORY By Appointment 15 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL A. W. Kirchen, R.0. Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Prescriptions Filled & Repair: 31 YONGE 81‘. NORTH Phone TUrner 4â€"3962 Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Optï¬cal Repairs NOW AT 3242 YONG-E ST. In North Toronto Opposite Park Theatre 9 am. to 6 pm. including Sat. RU 8-8949 Evenings by appointment Trailways Of Canada Ltd. Langdonk GLOBE Travel Service Benjamin Moore Paints QUALITY WALLPAPERS Yates & Yates 23 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill Sales - Rentals - Leases Residential - Commercial 15 Yonge Street North PHONE 285-1472 9.30 ~ 5.30 Weekdays Wednesday & Saturday Afternoons by appointment Open Friday Nights F. L. anrie, Local Bus Service Daily Richmond Hill- Toronto Service Chartered Coaches KNAPP'S PAINT SERVICE aim-Wallpaper Real Estate Surveyors Optometry TU. 4 - 2819 Telephone TE. 3.5351 Travel xd Joan Goodhoofdl TU. 4-4641 Dr. W. Allan Ripley VETERINARY SURGEON Telephone 147 Yonge St. N. Oï¬ice { Mobile Communications Richvale Electronics Stop 22 Yonge Street AV. 5-2669 PETER R. SMITH Antenna Installation We regret The Bell Telephone Company neglected to list us in their current directory. Sug- gest you paste this in a con- venient location. Call Any Time -'Free Estimates Repairs to: Antenna Installations Repairs to Electrical Appliances - Car Radios - There was a splendid turnout at the Jefferson Community Club meeting at the school last Wednesday night when parents and ratepayers were given an opportunity to hear candidates for council and school board. Of interest to St. John's con- gregation - St. Mark’s annual Christmas bazaar is to be held this Saturday at the chapel. Jeï¬erson Community Club The evening branch of the woman’s auxiliary will be hold- ing their December meeting to- night, December 6t-h, at 8.30 pm. in the parish hall. KINGSDA LE ANIMAL HOSPITAL DR. CARL HEDER TEMPLE 3-5401 Don‘t forget the community clu'b Christmas. party, square tables looked very attractive with Christmas candles. Mrs. C. Gould, Mrs. S. Leno, Mrs. J. dancing and euchre. to be held Pa‘ssmore and Mrs. E. A. Terry on December 14th (See coming were in charge of the tea room. events). Dr. R. A. Ward, professor of Neighborhood Notes ‘ New Testament at Wycliffe Col-i Miss Judy Kerwin attended a‘ le-ge, Toronto, preached at the dance at Hart House last Fri- morning service last Sunday, day on the eve of the Grey Cup Advent Sunday. game. l The afternoon branch of the IWA held their annual bazaar lat the parish hall last Wednes- day when they had lots of de- licious home baking, aprons, knitting, etc., white elephants and ex toggery. Ladies assist- ing were Mrs. S. Snively, Mrs. D. Snweeny, Mrs. N. Thompson, Mrs. G. Kerswill, Mrs. J. Dur- ham, Mrs. M. Beynon, Mrs. N. Dibb. Mrs. R. Challener, Miss K. Challener and Mrs. T. Ed- wards. The Evening Branch served tea upstairs where the tables looked very attractive with Christmas candles. Mrs. C. Gould, Mrs. S. Leno, Mrs. J. Passmore and Mrs. E. A. Terry were in charge of the tea room. .,_- tau...» ‘1 snuuuulfls in Oral French. Mr. Burnie has a strong personal conviction that Oral French is a good sub- ject for pupils from grade 5 up to study and outlined the ad- vantages in adding this subject to the school curriculum. There was a short discussion period when Mr. Burnie an-swerEd iquestions. When refreshments were be- ing served by the community club executive everyone had a chance to talk to the candidates for the various offices. Don‘t forget the community club Christmas party, square dancing and euchre. to be held on December 14th (See coming events). Math’s TV - Radio Service Don’t forget to get out and vote in the Vaughan Township municipal elec- tions to be held this Sat- urday, December 8th, from 10 am. to 8 pm. Ratepay- ers in this district will vote at the Jefferson Public School. St. John’s Church News ,Attending the bride as maid of honor was her only sister, Miss Gwynneth Stapley, wear- ing a moss-green peau-de-soie bell shaner‘. dress with match. ing headpiece and short veil. ' The organist was Mrs. Doro- ‘thy Cover. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. F. (“Neil assisted by Rev. F. Sulli- van, father of the groom. The bride wore a full length gown of white nylon organza with lace appliques on the skirt, and long lily point sleeves withi a short chapel train. Her elbow length veil was held in place by a crown of seed pearls and she carried a cascade bouquet of pink roses and white carna- tions. _ _...‘. v. u The choir led the procession ers were R0 to the hymn "Lead Us Heavenly Bud Borthwh Father, Lead Us". after which Mrs. Mabe the bride entered the church Perfect Love 0. the arm of her father to Lo-.imz of the re 20, for Denise Margaret Stap- ley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Stapley of Rich- mond Hill to Mr. Jack Stewart Sullivan, son of Rev. Frank Sul- livan and the late Mrs. Sullivan of Orangeville. TU. 4-7903 MATH MERKELBACH 125 Pemberton Rd., Richmond Hill Radio - Hi-Fi TV ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON Television Evening Branch St. Richmond Hill St. John's Anglican Church TU. 4-3008 training 1: gaf today tomorrow. Mrs. C. Ratchford and Mrs'. H. Hallgren attended the York Summit District Ladies Auxili- aries fall conference held last week at St. Andrew’s United Church hall in Markham. There was a good representation for the various auxiliaries and the ladies had a very interesting and enjoyable day.Mr. Iles, Dis- trict Field Commissioner spoke on “Scouting and You". Mr. Bourne of Hamilton, a Scout Mizpah, gave an excellent speech on how important scout training is in moulding the boys, of today into good citizens of] Memo for the Cubs - don't forget the Hobby Show coming up in February during Boy Scout week. Start getting ready now. At their regular Cub meeting last week the boys were busy making gifts for their mothers. Mrs. D. Andrews gave them some instruction in this pzl ject. Belated greetings to Bruce Greig on November 27th, to Clifford Clarke on the 28th, to Malcolm Neale Taylor on De- Robert Butler on the 29th, to cember lst and to Katherine Gunton on the 2nd. Many hap- py returns of the day to Ronnie Costofl‘ on December 6th, to Carol Diceman on the 7th, to Lianne Coston on the 10th, to Pat Jones on the 11th and to‘ Michael Black on the 13th. Jefferson Cubs and Scouts ‘ Mabs Drew, Elgin Mills Side- road, is to be congratulated on her short story “Widuws Should Cry" which was read by John Drainie over CBL last week. ‘ Happy Birthday Mr. and Mrs. Ross Kerwin spent an enjoyable week end at Crys¢al Lake at the Colllard’s cotta-ge. Miss Mabel Louise Robertson who is living in Orantgeville, spent the weekend with Miss Joan Smith, Victoria Square. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Browne visited Mr. and Mrs. Jim Petti- grew in London over the week- end. The Rev. D. C. H. Michell, f-ormer rector at St. John's is visiting in Tunbridge Wells, Kent. Mr. and Mrs. D. Sweeney spent most of last week with Mr. and Mrs. N. Dibb. Mrs. Sweeney, Mrs. Dibb‘s sister, as-‘ sisted on one of the tables at the annual WA bazaar. An old time resident of the district, Mrs. P. McQuarrie and her daughter. Mrs. Kerr, at- tended the St. John’s bazaar last week and visited with many of their old neighbours. Mrs. C. Burns, Skip, Mrs. Wm. Hannah, Mrs. Louden and Mrs. R. Kerwin played in a two game invitation bonspiel in Oakville last Friday. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. A. Hall is in Newmarket Hospital and wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. W. home aft California Reeve A. H. Rutherford and Deputy-reeve. J. Bryson, both acclaimed last Monday at the nomination meeting, said a few words. The chief speaker of the evening was Mr. John Bur‘ nie, head of elementary French at Forest Hill Village, who out-‘ lined the different steps taken{ to give the pupils a grounding in Oral French. Mr. Burnie hasl ‘a strong personal conviction 3that Oral French is a good sub- ject for pupils from grade 5 up to study and outlined the ad- vantages in adding this subject to the school curriculum. There was a short discussion period when Mr. Burnie an-swerEd guard of honor as the happy couple left the church. The reception was held at the Ridge Inn where the bride’s mother received the guests wearing a mocha brocade shecth dress with dark brown accessories and a corsage of coral roses, assisted by the ‘groom’s sister, Mrs. Joy An- thony, wearing a red dress with a corsage of white carnations. For travelling to Cleveland, Ohio, the bride wore a cherry‘ red three piece woollen suit, with white veiled hat and a cor- ‘ sage of white carnation-s. Upon their return Mr. and_ Mrs. Sullivan will reside in Richmond Hill Perfect Love" during the sign- ing of the register and also the choir ï¬led out to the “Twenty- Third Psalm". Then forming a guard of honor as the happy couple left the church. lynn Gemmill sister of the groom and Mrs. Norma Green- ï¬eld, friend of the bride, who were also dressed in moss-green dresses. All attendants carried nosegays of bronze and yellow ’mums. Best man was Frank Sullivan, brother of the groom and ush- ers were Rodney Gemmill and Bud Borthwick. _ M_rs. Mabel Lander sane. "O W. Sieber has returned after some months in For Piano Instruction Phone AV- 5-3920 lpmuo ynmma AL PYLE Guesswork Is Eliminated NEW SCIENTIFIC METHOD “CHECKED†Electronically REPAIRS REPAIRS (Home Improvement Division} Stop 23 Yonge St. Richvale AV. 5-4921 - TU. 4-1121 Evenings: Craig Bowden TU. 4-1668 BOW DEN LUMBER Co. BILL DING says: Lots of rumors around Otta- ‘wa these times, but one ter- ribly serious matter is much lmore than rumor. The Social “Credit party is said to have threatened the prime minister .by demanding that he lower the bank interest rate and cut tariff surcharges or be defeated by their vote in parliament. The threat was reported made on a MJnday. On Tuesday. the gov- ernment announced changes in the rate and in surcharges. Nor- mally, such announcements are made only on Fridays at the close of banking and markets. That they should be made on Tuesday seems hardly a coin- cidence, but a clear indication that the Social Credit tail in wagging the Government dog. Another matter of special in- terest in North York concerns the fluid milk industry. I have had representations from York North dairymen and we have been doing considerable re- search into their problems. I expect to be able to report more on this soon and to bring it up in the House of Commons. Action by Threat FOR MAYOR 5 BEAVERTON RD. 884-3614 If no answer at 884-3614 during daytime, call 884-1105 or 285-3316 FREE ESTIMATES WITH THE STROBOSCOPE VOTE