1. pummmmmunmmmummummmuuumï¬um\M\M\M\\\W\x\mmmmmg mummmmmmmmmmmmmm Polling Subdivision No. 9: East of the centre line of Yonge Street, north of the southerly limits of the town, west of the CNR right-ofâ€"way and south of the centre line of Markham Road: Mcc Conaghy School. Polling Subdivision No. 10: East of the CNR right-of-way, north of the centre line of Palmer Avenue, west of the centre line of Bayview Ave- nue and south of the centre line of Markham Road: Walter Scott School. Emu“!mumummmumuuuu\m\quumu“muuul\m1\\uui\lu\“muummmmmuunuumlmllllmuu\m\\muuuuuuuumuï¬ Ray Marshall of Kettleby, Chairman of the United Hos- pitals campaign. today announc- ed that the dri-ve to date is within $446,000 of its goal of $5.251.000. Campaign Returns Show Drive Well On Its Way The County of York is. w_ell than 1 bed per 1.000 people on its way to more than tr“flingicompared with an Ontario pro- its h°spital bed Space‘ . ‘vincial average of ï¬ve beds per Ray M‘mï¬hal} 0}. .Wufby' 1000. "The response received to date particularly from the doc- tors. the employees and the service clubs committee has been magniï¬cent. All_ three committees are within 12% of reaching their objective." “I would urge all canvassers to complete their calls as soon as possible and report in." At present there are only 113 W in the county for 01 120,000 - or less Set Up 15 Polls ForTown Voters Seventeen candidates are vying for seven council positions with two-way ï¬ghts for mayor, reeve, deputy-reeve and the Ward 3 seat. In Wards 1, 2 and 4, three hopefuls are battling it out in each ward. A total of 15 polling subdivisions will handle the more than 8,600 voters eligible to go to the polls Saturday in Richmond Hill. Six candidates are after three vacancies on the Richmond Hill Separate School Board. Polling Subdivision No. 4: North of the cen- tre line of Taylor Mills Drive South, east of the centre line of Neal Drive and west of the centre line of Bayview Avenue: Beverley Acres School. Polling Subdivision No. 5: East of the CNR right-ofâ€"way, north of the centre line of Crosby Avenue, west of the centre line of Bayview Avenue and south of the centre line of Taylor Mills Drive South: Crosby Avenue Public School. Residents living south of Crosby Avenue and north of Markham Road ,between Yonge Street and Bayview Avenue will vote at: Residents living north of Crosby Avenue, between Yonge Street and Bayview Avenue will vote at: Polling Subdivision No. 1: East of the centre line of Yonge Street, north of the centre line of Crosby Avenue and west of the C.N.R. right-of- way: Municipal Hall. Polling Subdivision No. 2: North of the cen- tre line of Taylor Mills Drive South, east of the CNR right-ofâ€"way and west of the centre line of Blue Grass Boulevard: Beverley Acres School. Polling Subdivision No. 3: North of the cen- tre line of Taylor Mills Drive South, east of the centre line of Blue Grass Boulevard and west of the centre line of Neal Drive: Beverley Acres School Polling Subdivision No. 6: East of the centre line of Yonge Street, north of the centre line of Markham Road, west of the CNR right-of-way and south of the centre line of Crosby Avenue: McConaghy School. Polling Subdivision No. 7: East of the CNR right-ofâ€"way, north of the centre line of Centre Street East, west of the centre line of Bayview Avenue and south of the centre line of Crosby Avenue: Crosby Avenue Public School. Pollinsz Subdivision No. 8: East of the CNR Polling Subdivision No. 8: East of the CNR right-of-way, north of the centre line of Markham Road,,west of the‘centre line of Bayview Avenue and south of the centre line of Centre Street East: Walter Scott School. Residents living south of Markham Road be- tween Yonge Street and Bayview Avenue will vote at: Polling Subdivision No. 11: East of the CNR right-ofâ€"way, north of the southerly limits of the town, west of the centre line of Bayview Avenue and south of the centre line of Palmer Avenue: Walter Scott School. Residents living west of Yonge Street will vote at: Polling Subdivision No. 12: West of the centre line of Yonge Street and north of the cen- tre line of Benson and Rumble Avenues: MacKil- lop School. Polling Subdivision No. 13: East of the town limits, north of the south town limits, west of the centre line of Bridgeford and Bridgeport Streets, Libby Boulevard and south of the centre line of Rumble Avenue: Pleasantville School. Polling Subdivision No. 14: East of the centre line of Bridgeport Street and Libby Boulevard, lorth of the centre line of Richmond Street, west of the centre line of Yonge Street and south of the centre line of Benson and Rumble Avenues: Municipal Hall. Polling Subdivision No. 15: East of the cen- tre line of Bridgeport Street, north of Vaughan Road, west of Yonge Street and south of the cen- tre line of Richmond Street: McConaghy School. Public Library, 56 Yonge N., Richmond Hill, Onï¬. WARD I WARD 2 WARD 3 WARD 4 Officials have pastponed the official opening of the new “do it yourself" Carlton's Cleaning Carousel, announced for today (Thursday) indeï¬nitely due to unforeseen circumstances. Funds raised in the drive will be used to double the size of York County Hospital at New- market and to build a new hos- pital at Richmond Hill. Total new bed space will be 389. plus 102 bassinets. POSTPONE OPENING “WeV dropped our taxes last year but increased school and county costs raised our overall tax rate." Further industry would use the full capacity of the sewage plant and eliminate the present bad odor. the mayor added. Mr. Neal charged that a pro-l‘ posed annexation would costEllllllll“llll\lllll1lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\l\l\\llllllllllllllllll' over a million dollars for? schools and services. Town Residents Richmondeill has made no| decision to annex, Mayor Hag- gart claimed. “Any annexation ASked T0 VOte would be purely industrial." he said. “How many new schools‘ 0" Sunday Sports RichmondII-Iill has made no decision to annex, Mayor Hag- gart claimed. “Any annexation would be purely industrial,†he said. “How many new schools would we have to build for Ihat?" Ex-councillor and deputy- reeve, Stan Tinker, explained he decided to run for deputy- reeve because he “did not like an acclamation" and “was disturbed by a proposed annexation of more land." Mr. Tinker predicted that any industrial subdivision agree- ment would include a residen- tial clause. He warned that pro- visions by the town of large tracts of land for industrial pur- poses could only be a gamble, since the town is in competition with 500 other communities in Ontario. Councillor John MacDiarmid, who is opposing Mr. Tinker for “Downtown must be redevel- oped to improve the town’s ap- pearance and impress potential industrialists," he said. “The town should not even be con- Voters in Richmond Hill will be asked Saturday to decide whether or not Sun- day sports may be allowed in the town. Question on the ballot will be: “Are you in favor of public games and sports for gain after 1.30 o’clock in the afternoon of the Lord‘s Day to be regulated by municipal bylaw under the' authority of the Lord's Day (Ontario) Act, 1960-61?" Council decided to sub- mit the question after a re- quest from the town’s re- creation commission earlier this year. Only a simple majority (50 per cent of the vote) is needed for approval of the question. i Mr. Perkins called for a sol- :ution to the town's internal problems before any annexation proposal is considered. Chief internal problem, according to Mr. Perkins is redevelopment of Yonge Street. ,‘-A‘ A, n_ -LL.._I. g..-â€" “Our engineers have been criticized for the water system and the sewage plant," Mr. Per- kins said, “but the sewage plant was built for industry". Responding to an attack from the audience on convention ex- penses, Mr. Perkins stated that he had'repaid $126.05 expense money to the town left over from two 1961 conventions. In 1962, he attended no con- ventions at town expense. He added he had already paid his own expenses for a controver- sial trip to Europe when the county decided to send him as commissioner and pay his ex- penses. A Total cost of the trip was only $1,000 or $120 to $130 to Rich- mond Bill, be said. only t“.0 of the “.ard 4 can_;UUul ulch-Aua. un.“ didates made speeches at tlJekVi.thS°m:1 theatre) wï¬ meeting in MacKillop School. um “11 8y mowâ€) Incumbent A1 White and Robâ€", C°un°fl aPPWVed ert Saunders outlined their§°f the queStiw to by a vote of four t1 platforms while the third can- . . opposmon came in (Continued- On Page 3) reeve Jesse Bryson. nun» J nun . Incumbents are Frank Tuck- Youngsters in Richmond Hill er, 8 Eliza St.. who polled 156 are looking forward to one of votes, and Chairman James the most exciting parades ever Timmins, Yonge Street lawyer, in Richmond Hill when Santa who polled 166 votes. 'Claus comes to town Saturday. , . 1 “In-L, ...:1I :_-I..A.‘ LL- HAL-l Newcomer Wil‘livam Judges, Brook Street. won the third trus- tee’s chair over another new- comer, John Cole, Yonge ‘Street, by a vote of 144 to 121. “AV min-{i incumbent. B. P. Ro- berts, did not run again. Elections were held Monday at ’I‘homhill Library in conjun- ction. with Markham Township elections. Sunday Movie Vote Only Question Asked Only question to be submit- ted to Vaughan Township vot- ers in Saturday‘s election is on Sunday movies. An affirmative vote on the question would al- low showing of movies after 1.30 on Sunday afternoons. Council decided to hold a vote on the matter after a re- quest from Twinex Century Theatres, operators of the 400 Drive-1n Theatre. Vaughan has two theatres. both drive-ins. Richmond Hill, with one theatre. voted to per- mit Sunday movies in 1960. Council approved submission of the question to the voters. by a vote of four to one. Only opposition came from Deputy- After more than 10 days of door-to-door campaigning and public speeches a total of 17 candidatesfincludinvg one wo- man, are less than 48 hours away from the vote that will put seven of them on Richmond Hill Town Council. EiiSaturdayMorning During the campaign no real issues have materialized with most of the candidates against funther annexation and con- demning the mounting munici- pal tax rate. As well, six candidates are seeking three vacancies on the Richmond Hill Separate School Board. Slightly over 8,600 electors are eligible to go to the polls lo select a mayor. reeve, depu- ty-reeve, and one councillor from each of the four wards. Seven of the eight members on the public school board were returned by acclamation and a special nomination will be held today for the other vacancy. If necessary a vote will be held December 15 to ï¬ll the Ward 1 seat. llllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll“llll\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll' Turn to page 15 for com- plete coverage of Vaughan Township candidates and Richmond Hill voting sta- tistics. uuuuuummuunuunumummmm!1mnmmumnmunuummw There is a two-way battle for mayor, reeve, deputy-reeve and the Ward 3 seat, and three candidates are contesting the seat in Ward‘s 1, 2 and 3. candidates are contesting the He explained he had onlyi seat in Ward‘s 1. 2 and 3. entered unwillingly six years In the mayoralty race incum- ago. “I’ve been-through ‘3 lot bent James H‘ag‘gal‘t is being in the past six yéars," he said. challenged by William Neal, “I've always tried to do my the ï¬rst mayor Of Richmond best. I guess people get the Hill when it was incorporated ,‘ to a town status in 1957. g i Reeve F. R. Perkins has strong opposition from Thomas Broadhurst. who is moving up from the deputy-reeve’s spot to make a bid for the position. Two candidates making their ï¬rst bid for public office, Pat Smith and Stanley Ransom are trying to unseat incumbent Alex Campbell who is completing his ï¬rst term of office. An ex-coun'cillor and deputy- reeve Stanley Tinker is going' again-st Councillor John Mac- Diarmid for deputy-reeve. In Ward 1 a wide-open battle is taking place with three new- comers to municipal politics in the ï¬eld, Walter Scudds, Alan J. Smyth and J. Q. Fayette. The only woman candidate in the ï¬eld Councillor Mrs. Mar- garet Sowthwell is ï¬ghting to hold her seat in Ward 3 against Thomas Murphy, a real estate agent and a newcomer to poli- tics. In Ward 4 sitting member A1 White has opposition from Rob- ert Saunders and William F. Leishman for the west side rid- ing. Polls are open from 9 am. to 6 pm. Big Day Coming Floats will include the “Old Lady in the Shoe", a pirate ship, Cinderella, Humpty Dum- pty, and a rocket ship. Rich- mond Hill Police Majoretbes will also take part in the event. The parade is sponsored by the Richmond Heights Merch- ants Association. The parade is part of a series .‘of promotions designed by the centre to keeb Christmas shop- pers in Richmond Hill. Starting point of the parade is the Walter Scott School on Markham Road. It will proceed west on Markham Road to Yonge Street and north on Yonge to the the Richmond Heights Shopping Centre. Upon his arrival at the centre, Santa will move into his quart- ers in the mall of the centre, where he will live until Christ- mas. Santa will receive visitors from noon until nine o'clock daily. Special mail boxes are pro- vided in the centre where youngsters may leave their let- ters to Santa. Every letter will be answered before Christmas. Officials have arranged along' route so that each youngster Reports will get a front row seat to York Co“ watch the event. \ United H< Stores in the centre will be open from nine till nine, Dec- ember 10-22. Please 85 Yonge Street N.. Richmond Hill Dean Retains Top Post ‘Hooper Elected Deputy !|n Markham Township Markham Township voters went for experience over re- form as bhey picked veteran candidates for the three council posts being contested in Man- day‘s election. In a hotly contested battlefor the reeve's chair, incumb-l ent Wilfred Dean, a veteran of‘ Markham political wars, ousted Deputy-reeve Lawson Mumber- son. by less than 400 votes. In another close race. vet- erarn councillor Charles Hooper survived further attacks from Mr. Mumberson to barely edge newcomer Forest Dullege by 13 votes. Incumbent Allan Sumner de- feated another political nov- ice, Geoffrey Walker by a vote of 752 to 530 in Ward One. S. T. Rumble and Charles Hoover were acclaimed in Wards Two and Three. Mr. Dean had to withstand charges of conflict on interest and unethical practices from Mr. Mumberson to win his third term in office. He took 1,614 votes against Mr. Mumberson's 1,231. 'Charles Hooper, 55, ï¬rst en- tered politics when he was only 24. He has filled every council position and is a former war- den of York County. He, too, had to survive char- ges from Mr. Mumberson to win a vote of 1,350 to 1,327. Mr. M‘u-mberson had charged him with submitting phony expense accounts for committee meet- ings that never took place. Mr. M-umberson told “The Liberal" he was “through with politics.†COME IN - - and - - COMPARE OUR LOW. LOW PRICES! SPECIAL CHRISTMAS DISCOUNTS POWELL FURNITURE Ward One ‘Response Good' Says Fund Chief The canvass is well under) way but not nearly completed.‘ ‘There has been a very gratify- fling response to the appeal for leanvassers. but more still are needed especially in the Elgin ‘Mills. Yongehurst, Beverley Ac- ‘res and Richmond £cres areas. ‘It is probable a Christmas re- cess will be taken commencing December 10th and the drive re‘ Ward Two 11 Gem. Reports from all parts of York County indicate that the United Hospitals Appeal is pro- gressing in a very satisfactory manner. Mr. R. D. Little, chair- man of the community campaign in Richmond Hill district re- ported this morning that don- ations and pledges to date am- ount to almost $25,000. 13 14A 14B 16 Victoria Square Ward Three 21 Hagerman's Corners fl Trustees, Township School Area Two (two to be elected) Elson Miles 143, Howard Fairty 124, William Wigmore 84. S. T. Rumble and Charles Hoover were acclaimed as council- lots in Wards Two and Three respectively. Totals Subdivisions Highland Park Thornhill Doncaster Thornhill Langstaff Richvale Elgin Mills German Mills Unionville Buttonville Unionville Hagerman’s Corners Victoria Square Unionville Mount Joy Cedar Grove Dickson's Hill Mongolia Henderson Ave Polling 1614 109 116 Reeve Deputy-reeve Counclfloz 119 156 kind of government they des- erve." he added. Mr. Dean expressed hi: thanks "to the people of Mark- ham Township who have given me a mandate to ï¬nish the job I started when I became reeve in 1960.“ Mr. Dean gained most of his majority in the rural areas and more settled parts of the town- ship to offset majorities picked up by Mr. Mumberson in “sub- urban areas“. - "I wish to thank the electors of Markham Township for turning out as well as they did to give me the largest majority I have ever had in township politics." Mr. Dean said. “I will do the best I can to give good responsible government." A major surprise came Richvale where “suburban†ectors supported Mr. Dean a vote of 109 to 19. 57 sumed early in the new year Chairman Little said he thought the people are respond- ing with commendable generos- ity. Many have given substan- tial donations. and the subscrip- tions so far average about $60. per household. Sometimes this is paid in cash and sometimes a ‘ pledge spreads the donations over a ï¬ve year period. “We have found the people very ap- preciative of the urgent need for ‘more hospital accommodation land anxious to assume their fair share of the ï¬nancial require- ments," said Mr. Little. He said that while the donations aver- aged $60. per household many ’substantial donations have been received, and many others are anticipated. 1331 208 207 S. T. RUMBLE Takes Ward 2 1350 183 PER COPY 10c 85 TU. 4-2922 173277 237 207 26 31 157 110 151 752 530 95 in 155 '73