The Cancer Society euchre will be played December 14. There were 13 tables. Hostess- as were Miss C. Brodie. Mrs. J. Cook, 'Mrs, Francey and Mrs. Mc- Gimpsey. Prizes for the evening were Won by H. Mizen. H. Hill. C. At- trid-ge. Mrs. M. Klinck. Mrs. S. Trimble and Alice Brown. The lucky dyaw went to Mrs Russell Boylngton. Miss Trixï¬ble’s score was 60 and Mrs. Denby nad a disap- pointing 56. At the end of the previous game approximate scores had been: Miss Evelyn Trimble (281), Mrs. Olga Denby (279i and Charles Attridge (271). Friday evening Mr Attridge added 92 to this score. bringing him the winning total of 363. and a plump Christmas turkey. Miss Trimble’s score was 80 It was a close race Friday evening of last week at Button- vllle “H. Hall the ï¬nal game of the current autumn series. Buttonville School graduates (1962) will be entertained at dinner December 10. at Button- v-llle W.I. Hall. Among the guests will be the graduating class. their parents, school board representative to TSA 3 S. R. Patterson and Mrs. Patter- son. Inspector and Mrs. May- nard Hellman. Bultonvllle tea- chers and thelr husbands and wlves. Euchre To Resume Buttonvllle has made quite a donation to the Unionville At- oms. The ‘Buttonville Llne' of aspiring hockey players at the Crosby Memorial Rink lists Wayne and Stephen Bobbett. Paul and Philip Johnson. Roger Warnock, Josh Lohman and Greg Hood. They were in the cellar for a few games, but last week they had a shut-out and were walking on air. Douglas DeNiks. whose par- ents recently moved from Hugh- aon Drive to Agincourt, enter- tained several local friends last Saturde â€" Paul and Philip Johnson and Donald Yeates. The former Nelson Boylngton home at the corner of Highway 7 and Don Mills Road has a ‘sold’ sign on it. We understand that the Lehman family who re- side there do not have to move. Mrs. A. W. Miller entertained at tea for several neighbors last week. Among the guests were Mrs. Ross. Mrs. Hampstead. Mrs. K. Johnston, Mrs. Clayton Jones, Mr. H. R. Paterson and Mrs. Fred Leaf. Mrs. Charles Hooper was a sturdy supporter at every meet- ing during her husband's cam~ paign for municipal oï¬ice. Year-old Gerald Rccsor, who recently celebrated his ï¬rst birthday by learning to walk. had his ï¬rst serious fall last Sunday morning. He cut his nose and had to have stitches to re- pair the damage. A W.I. quilt was completed at the home of Mrs. Mary Rod- ick last week. Mrs. Yvonne Matliieu has re- cently taken over as beauty counsellor in the area. The Pattersén family visited Meaford last Sunday. On Monday of last week Ar- nold Farms Market was closed. The community regrets this re- verse for the Arnold family. George Arnold has been in poor health for more than a year now. Mrs. S. J. English has been on the sick list recently. On Sunday Joy Fuller. who re- cently represented York Presby- tery Y.P.U. at a conference in Hespeler. played the organ at Brown's Corners. Last year there was such an enthusiastic response to this in- vitation that the hall was burst- ing at its seams and Santa Claus had to resort to nickels and dimes in lieu of surprise pack- ages. There will be ï¬lms and fun. The children in the commun- ity will be entertained by the Victoria Square and District Llons Club members at Button- ville W.I. Hall December 8. Mrs. Gordon Purves is con- vening draw prizes, and Button- ville W.I. social and work com- mittees are in charge of refresh- ments and arrangements. The Cancer Society Beneï¬t will be held in Buttonville W.I. Hall December 14. and the spon- soring group are planning an interesting evening of bridge and euchre. 19. On the same day the UCW will hold their Christmas meet- Ing. I White Gift service will be held at Brown‘s Corners United Church next Sundav, with Sun- day School and church combined at 11:30 am. Miss Hart of the Fred Victor Mission, will be the speaker, and the junior choir under the direction of Mrs. George Hooper will sing. The Christmas concert will be held in the Christian Education room at the church December It seems difficult to believe but Christmas is less than three weeks away. Last Saturday we put Christmas lights on outdoor trees. listened to the Grey Cup game (fogbound). and cut a few stray blades of grass â€" all in sunny shlrt sleeve weather. Contrast between the 1960 in 1960. Powell Road wassulted in a grant $78,000 too and 1962 elections in Vaughan packed with irate ratepayers. Ilarge. The school board has had Township was typiï¬ed by a Only real debate of the eve- to pay about $27,000 back this ratepayers’ meeting Thursday nin'g came in the question and year and will refund the re- night at Powell Road School. answer period during a discus- mainder in 1963. only 13 residents turned out to sion of the department of edu- Trustee Terry Goodwin esti- hear aspirants to council and cation's ove'rgrant of $78,000. mated the error would raise the school board posts. Errors by the department re- school rate ï¬ve mills. Little Interest In Vaughan Elections BUTTONVlllE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. I]. LEAF R. R. 2 Gonnley Phone AXminster 3-6188 Honorary pall bearers were J. W. Russell, Clark Young, Howard Stiver, W. Craig, George Lake and Henry Cole- man. Pallbearers were college classmates and friends of Har- vey Brown From the Pipher Funeral Home, Richmond Hill. the ser- vice was held Friday afternoon, November 30, at Brown's Cor- ner's United Church, with Rev. Dr. A. F. Binningon officiating. Bucrial was atithe adjoinin} cemetery. . Also surviving are brothers ‘and sisters: Alex, Gertrude (Mrs. D. Hood), Jean (Mrs. R. Thomson), Marguerite (Mrs. J. Ash), Laura (Mrs. Norman Reid), Della (Mrs. L. Dimma). Dorothy (Mrs. J. Rutherford). and Newton. Surviving are his wife, the former Mildred Mason. a son Harvey, Guelph; Nancy, Mrs. James Wolfe, Unionvllle; and Gordon, at home. Mr. Brown served as secret- ary of Brown's Corners United Church and was for many years a member of the board of man- agement and also a member of the building committee. He was a past president of the Unionvllle Curling Club. Mr. Brown suffered a heart seizure last April and spent several weeks in hospital at that time. Recently he had en- joyed better health, and his sud- den death came as a shock to his many friends in the com- munity. John Brown Passes Last week Buttonville resi- dents mourned the passing of a highly respected citizen. John Edward Brown of Brown‘s Cor- ners. whose family pioneered in the area. They were founders of Brown's Corners Church. FOR MAYOR Saturday, December 15, I962 Richmond Hill, Ontario. November 29th. 1962 If more candidates are nominated for this office than are required to ï¬ll the same, a. vote will be conducted by the Returning Officer at for the olfice of one Public School Trustee for Ward No. 1 will be held in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Hall, 56 Yonge Street North, on between the hours of 8:00 PM. and 9:00 PM. by the Returning Oï¬â€™icer. NOMINATIONS VOTE request Sealed Tenders for supplying and installing fluorescent lighting in Junior Room of No. 7 School. Work to be done during Xmas Holidays. Tenders to be received by midnight December 17, 1962. For speciï¬ca- tions apply to secretary-treasurer, 'I'NERS Thursday, December 6th, 1962 TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA N0. 3, MARKHAM MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS Town of Richmond Hill Notice Is Hereby Given BEVERLEY ACRES PUBLIC SCHOOL FROM 9:00 A.M. T0 6:00 PJI R. R. No. 2 Gormley, Phone 886-5204 HAROLD HILL. (n-lo-w-c A second nev‘vconier, Milt S‘a- vage, stated he could provide representation on council that Mr. Neufeld called for coun- cil to provide more leadership for the municipality. As chairman of the waier~ works committee, Mrs. McCon- key took credit for obtaining faster service for water users by installing two-way radios in waterworks truck-s. Completion of the township's ï¬rst road-needs study during the last two years will lead to more orderly and cheaper pro- gram for township roads, he said. Mr. Keï¬er promised the same thing as he promised in 1960, “hhe best I've got.†Maple housewife Councillor Mrs. Ruth McConkey thanked r-atepayens for helping make her the ï¬rst woman to sit on council. She had tried to show her gratitude by working hard, and attending more council and committee meetings than any other member of council. Councillor Wilfred Kef’fer, a retired resident of Maple, re- called hls work as chairman of the roads committee of council since his election in 1960. He estimated Vaughan‘s annual roads budget at about $350,000 including grants. Maintenance alone costs the township about $150,000, he said. \ Deputy-reeve Jesse Bryson, ‘who was returned to his post ’by acclamation, opened the meeting with only eight rate- payers in the audience. He call- ed Vaughan “one of the most interesting townships in south- ern Ontario". Residents and the municipality must look to the day when the area will expand greatly, he warned. Mr. Kaiser called Mr. Good- win‘s estimate of a ï¬ve mill in- crease exaggerated. He estimat- ed the revenue produced by ï¬ve mills at over $120,000 and pre- dicted a surplus of $30,000 on 1962 operations after repay- ment of the $27,000. “You had four months to ï¬nd' out about the mistake in the grant." replied Bert Stevenson of Maple, another new candi- date. | “You don't ask the depart- ment where grants come from," replied Chairman Sam Kaiser. “The department doesn't make mistakes." khow where it came from? mainder in 1963. He promised to try to getlof warning Mr. Goodwin th Trustee Terry GOOdWin esti- lower mill rates. , he could not ask the press mated the error would raise the Retired dairy farmer Garnet suppress news coming out of school rate ï¬ve mills. Williams of Elders Mills. said public meeting. School board candidate Ross he had served 11 years as 8 He explained that he had 0 Jollifle of Thornhill. asked: trustee of his school section posed submission of the que “Why did the school board and is now a director of the tion of oral French to the V( spend $78,000 when it didn't Toronto Milk Producer's CO- ers, but was strongly in fev John Neufeld of Maple. who ran fourth in the 1960 elections. charged that. in spite of council promises, taxes have continued to go up. He attributed part of the increased costs to over- stafflng of the municipal offices and the townhip police department. R. Lynett, Returning Officer. Reeve Albert Rutherford, al- so returned by acclamation for a second term, spoke only briefly. He promised to contin- ue his campaign to have school trustees paid more than $60 a year, at the next conference of the Canadian Federation of Mayors and Reeves. Trustee Terry Goodwin at- tacked a report in “The Liber- al" on his speech during last Monday night's nomination meeting. He charged the story was taken out of context and that it conveyed the inaccurate impressiomthat he opposed oral French. She called for the board to adopt an acceleration program, physical education and kinder- gartens as soon as possible. Mrs. Edmanson warned that every effort must be made to hold down the tax rate. FOR MAYOR Mrs. Louis Edmanson, who lives near Maple, was the ï¬rst candidate for school board to speak. A new candidate, she re- ported she had attended most of the board’s open meetings. Prime goal of council must He charged that the three be to attract more industry to board members who had put the township, he said. Mr. Wil- through the motion calling for liams also called for a more the plebiscite had favored oral thorough investigation of the French in public and then “flip-l wa_rd systgg}. _ ‘_ _ _ _ floppedâ€. operative his part of the township hadn’t as they like.†received. Mr. Savage lives oni Chairman W. T. Palin told Bathurst Street. just West 0f“The Liberal" after the meet- Richmond Hill. invg he had been on the verge He promised to try to get of warning Mr. Goodwin that loxy‘er_ mlll‘r-ates.‘ ‘lhe could not ask the press to IBROADHURST On two occasions later in the meeting, Mr. Goodwin asked the press to “keep quiet†on subjects he Was discussing. On one occasion he said, “I’m asking the press to keep their mouths shut on this. They can do + For Well-Considered 8. Clear-Cut Decisions on all Municipal Matters- No Fence Sitting. + For Competent, Businesslike Management of Municipal Finances. + For Forceful, Capable Representation on County Council. ‘ REEVE FOR I963 FOR CARS ORJNFORMATION CALL: TUrner 4-2277. TUrner 4-2300 “We are getting the best teachers trained in this prov- ince.†he added. Chainmran Sam Kaiser of Kleinbung, who has been a school official for 26 years. answered charges that Vaughan teachers are not up to par by noting that none of the 14 new teachers hired by the board had had a standing of below B plus at Lakes’hore Teachers College. The board had interviewed over 70 applicant‘s, he said. Mr. Kaiser explained that schools are big business. The school board spends a million dollars a year in Vaughan, he said. He deplorqd the lack of New candidate Ross Jollifl'e told the meeting he would en- deavor to raise the standard of education. “We must get back to the basics of education," he said. “We need more imaginative and progressive thinking on the board," he said. “The board must have a plan for education and must keep the public in- formed of what it is doing". Mr. Goodwin stressed the im- portance of raising the quality of elementary school education. especially in Grades 7 and 8 in an effort to narrow the gap between public and high school. He suggested establishment of senior public schools. ‘ He explained that he had op- posed submission of the ques- tion of oral French to the vot- ers, but was strongly in fever of oral French. He charged that the three ELECT interest in schools and in muni- cipal affairs as evidenced by the slim turnout at the meeting. One of the two board mem- bers who opposed placing oral French on a plebiscite, Mr. ‘Kaiser expressed concern that the problem would become a political football. Trustee Mrs. Dorothy Robert- son of Pine Grove, made “no apologies for secondi-ng the mo- tion which put oral French on the plebiscite." She expressed concern over whether or not re- quests for teaching of oral French represented the majority of the people. A plebiscite would have given the board a chance to ï¬nd out the people’s real opin- ion, she said. Mrs. Robertson denied charg- es she was shirkin-g responsibil- ity by trying to have the ques- tion put to a vote. “Responsi- bility for the ultimate decision would still lie with the board," she said. ered accountant as an asset ll‘ conducting school board busi- ness. He had been forced to ac- quire the ability to make the right decision quickly. he said. Mr. Wells promised to ap- proach each school problem with an open mind, assess the facts and come up with a de- cision. Maple resident Bert Steven- son avoided oraI French as an issue to attack the board's met- hod of conducting public busi- ness. Mr. Stevenson claimed he had attended many board meet- ln-gs on behalf of ratepayers groups and h-ad answers to di- rect questions refused or evad- ed. He charged that marny letters to board and board officials had never been answered. “I have seen the indivi- dual who appeared alone stepped on and I have seen the board give in to groups,†Mr. Stevenson added. “I have acquired a repu- tation for being a disturb- er,†he said, “but elected ofï¬cials must lead and they cannot lead by keeping vot- ers in the dar .†Lorne Wells of Maple, 0er 1 his background as a ch31 ofl-‘er- chart. CHOOSE FROM ANY OF THESE FAMOUS BRANDS oBEATTY oCOFFIELD-HAMILTON oCONNOR oCORONADO oDOMlNION oEaton's-VIKING .eM. FRIGIDAIRE neENERAL ELECTRIC . INGLIS . KELVINATOR . LEONARD . MAXWELL o MAYTAG o MCCLARY-EASY O PHILCO'BENDIX 0 RCA WHIRLPOOL O SIMPLICITY o Simpson's-KENMORE-SHIPS“ 0 SPEED QUEEN o THOR ¢ Co-op VISCOUNT O WESTINGHOUSE BUYAN\‘-"' _ meme clnIHEs DRYEBan ECONOMICAL. FLAMELESS O ODOURLESS .SAFE O PRECISELY AUTOMATIC EETA FREE ElEGTBIB BlANKET MAKE EVERY DAY A DRYING DAY ELECTRICALLY SAM COOK, Chairman 56 YONGE STREET NORTH Richmond Hill Hydro - Electric Commission THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, December 6. 1962 19 THIS OFFER GOOD AT THE STORES DISPLAYING THIS SYMBOL NOV. 3RD TO DEC.15TH IN WARD 3 ELECT Cars Available - - Call TU. 4-3634 o sampson'sâ€"KENMORE-Simpsonu-Sears 0 DOUBLE BED SIZE . SPEED QUEEN . FULL2.YEAR GUARANTEE :ggsvxscoum °AT°P QUALITY BLANKET . WESTINGHOUSE o CONVERTIBLE CON‘ITOURED CORNERS 0 CAN BE WASHED AND DRIED mAND OTHER FINE MAKES AUTOMATICALLY . MAXWELL o MAYTAG o McCLARY-EASY O PHILCO-BENDIX 0 RCA WHIRLPOOL I SIMPLICITY \FOR COUNCIL LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-TU.4-IIOS l‘ypewriters - Adding Machinel SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS ‘your ofllce machine speciallst’ 88 Baker Ave., Richmond 311! see portable models at STORES RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE CALL TU. 4 - 440] HERRIDGE ELECTRIC Day or Evenings TU. 4-1745 L H. SIMS 'Wight's PharmaCy’ TV - APPLIANCE Sales - Repairs - Parts 40 LEVENDALE RD. South Block Richmond Heights Centre TU.4-32ll O Honesty C More Industry 0 Economy 0 Full Time Service Q Elficiency AL. HORWOOD, Superintendent in popular makes on hand Snecial Students’ Rates A$2s.9svnwul TU. 4- 3511