Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Dec 1962, p. 20

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The winner of the bride doll and trowsseau, rafiled by the Doncalter Community Ladies’ Club, in conjunction with their euchre and bridge marathon November 19 is Mrs. Routley of Willowdale. Another euchre and bridge marathon is now being planned to start late in January. The Eric Shqlver family, af- ter 15 enjoyable years in Don- caster, are moving December 7 to Scarboro. The new residents 0. he Lit- tle home at 33 Lillian .\ve.. is theiormer Janet C‘ \' of Don- caster and her hur' ‘d Edwin. Will Need Two More Secondary SCh°°ls By 196‘9 They discussed the next euch- re. a new Christmas social for themselves. and as usual at this The Doncaster mmun-ity Ladles’ Club held executive meeting at the hon‘o of Mrs. J. Barbour, 140 Henderson Ave., November 28. At the November 26 meeting York Central District High School Board adopted a recommendation of its plan- ning committee to give consideration to the acquisition of a site for the area’s sixth high school, to be opened in 1967 and for a seventh to be opened in 1969. The board also vieWed preliminary architect’s sketches of artwo stage ad- dition to Bayview Secondary School, the first of which is to be completed by 1965 and the second by 1969. The final stage will accommodate 2,000 pupils, just about doubling the present capacity of the building. The site will allow for 'no more additions beyond this point. Mr. Chapman presented to the board a summary of projected enrol- ments up to 1970 when it is expected the total enrolment in the area’s schools will be 5,644. Both Bayview and Thorn- hill schools will be overcrowded by 1964 When questioned as to the advisabil- ity of having such a large number of students accommodated in one school, Superintendent Sam Chapman admitted that it was generally considered best to have no more than 1,000 students in any one school. However, he stated that to be reasonably economic in the use of the very expensive shops provid- ed in the schools ,it is necessary to have the 2,000 students per school. “It is either double the existing school or build an entirely new one further north.” he said. The children to fill these high schools are already in the elementary school systems in the area. 20 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, December 6, 196g HERRIDGE ELECTRIC NORDMENDE WIRING. SALES, REPAIRS. PARTS. RENTALS 40 lEVENDALE RD. â€" SOUTH BLOCK Richmond Heights Centre â€" TU. 4-32” with Stereo Record Changer and Sound Register See at Herridge Electric -TV-App|iances NOTHING DOWN. FIRST PAYMENT AFTER XMAS. An exceptional sound and radio reception are the significant features of this set which is equipped with the proven “Othello” chassis. This set reproduces music at its best! The straightforward lines of this console represent the beauty of modern functional design. Sturdy in construction throughout and out- standing in performance, this console will satisfy the demands of the most discriminating audiophile. Stereo records and stereo tapes are reproduced with fascinating naturalism. Two of the six permanent dynamic concert speakers are equipped with specially selected high density magnets of 12.000 gauss. 10 tubes with 18 functions; 8 + 1 AM-. 10-FM-circuits: 4 wave-bands; 8 push-buttons and sound register for "Bass". "Solo" and “Jazz”; stereo key and stereo bal- mce control; 2-channel stereo amplifier with a total of 12 watts output; polarized outlets for satellite speak- ers; rotating and switch-controlled ferrit antenna; FM dipole; duplex tuning; multiple feedback circuits; high AM- selectivity through 4â€"stage hi-Q coils; magic band tuning indicator; sockets for constant level tape re- cording and tape playback; 6 permanent dynamic loudspeakers; 4-speed stereo record changer with extra-heavy high fidelity turntable. DONCASTER NEWS CORRESPONDENT: DAVID BARBOUR Henderson Avenue On Sunday, the mighty Gol- den Hawks will oppose the Richmond Hill Rangers in the 1 pm. game. In the 8 o'clock encounter of the double-header at Bradford, will be the Willowdale Team meeting the Thomhill Habs. The Doncaster Golden Hawks hockey team, who are undefeat- ed, have two new members. They are George Neeland and Jim Pillage of Thornhill. ONLY The ladies are requesting that all families with a senior citizen submit their names to Mrs. J. Barbour, AV. 5-5205 or Mrs. Heather Morrison, AV. 5-5394. time their Christmas baskets for Doncaster senior citizens. Boys 6-14 years old will be‘ happy to know that the Thorn- hlll and District hockey club house leagues will open their regular pre-schedule hockey school December 9 at the Brad- ford Arena at 7 pm. â€"- AVenue 5-2505 ‘6 admo STEREO $299 Much discussion took place on the management committee’s recommenda- tion that the board advertise for a full time attendance officer at a salary of $4,000 to $4,500, depending on qualifi- cations and experience. “All we will get is a glorified canine control officer at that figure,” commented one board member, while another member pointed out that they had just appointed a head caretaker at $4,400 yearly. Mr. Chap- man pointed out that the School Act in- sists on certain qualifications for an at- tendance officer and that the position required someone who although not necessarily a social worker, was fam- iliar with case work, and was also thor- oughly familiar with the school system generally. The board also passed the recom- mendation of the planning committee that projected enrolments for an eight year period by course, school and grade be re-worked each year. Mr. Chapman’s figures indicate very little change in the expected enrol- ment at both Richmond Hill and Wood- bridge where 865 and 421 students res- pectively are expected by 1970. He commented however on the difficulty of making accurate forecasts so far ahead and said the figures presented “my best guess at the moment”. but this will be relieved by the Lang- staff School to be opened in 1963 and to accommodate 800 students. This is to have only two courses, business and commerce and arts and sciences with no technology and trade courses offered. Stan Ransom Heads Victoria Lodge Standards of white and gold peau ’mnms, altar vases of white bodh and gold 'mums and candle-con] abras and altar candles dercor- to a ated St. Mary‘s Anglican satin Church, Richmond Hill, for the ful i lovely candlelight marriage ce- and remony when Beverley Ione net i Higgins became the bride of Lt. with Kingsley Bernard Arnold. The Freni bride is the daughter of Mr. the V and Mrs. David William Hig- pna‘y' gins, amid the groom is the son firme of Mrs. Noel Arnold and the with late Noel Arnold. jewe The bride was given in riatge by her father. She an original gown of white At the last regular meeting of Victoria L.O.L. 2368, Richmond Hill, Stanley Ransom was elec- ted Worshipful Master. Other officers are. Ron Belfry, I.P.M.; Lloyd Beatty, deputy master; Jim Mlanslbrid'ge chaplain; Fred Thomas, recording secretary; Alex Galloway, recording secre- tary; J. D. Sanders, treasurer; Hxarry Goodin-g, marshall; Fred Bovaird l-st lecturer; John Leece 2nd lecturer; Bert Smith lst committeem-an; J. D. S-an- ders 2nd committeeman; Ron Belrfrey 3rd comlmitteeman; Fred Bovaird 4th committee- man; Fred Thomas 5th commitâ€" teeman. Auditors Fred Bovaird, Lloyd Beattyfi. The annual elections were conducted by county lodge offi- cers in-cludinlg J. D. Sanders, deputy master. J. Leece, lst lecturer; Jim Boyce, treasurer; William Holstock, 2nd lecturer; Sam Templeton, marshal]. A- momg visitors was Mr. D. Clarke from Toronto Lodge. Beverley Higgins Weds Naval Lt. K. B. Arnold FACT FOR THE WEEK: The newsletter of the Canadian Cancer Society, “Progress Against Cancer”, will keep you abreast of the latest activities of this hum- anitarian organization. To receive regular issues. apply to your local unit of the So- ciety. CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Richmond Hill Unit mar- wore satin peau de soie. It had a fitted bodice, with appquues orf alen- con lace. The full skirt fell in- to a train. A shoulder train of satin peau de stoie fell in grace- ful folds over the entire dress and along the floor. Her coro- net was of satin peau die soie, with a butterfly effect veil of French silk illusion falling to the waist. She carried the white prayer book given on her con- firmation, which was covered with a white orchid. Her only ‘jewellery was “something bor- rowed". her mother’s gold cross. Mr. Eugene Lazar was soloist, and sang the “Lords Prayer" and “The Lord is my Shep- herd." 'I‘he organist was Mr. While it was admitted that the need for an attendance officer was not acute at this time, Mr. Chapman felt that if a man started next year. he would just be getting properly organized by the time the school system started to enlarge to the point where it is ex- pected to double in the next six or sev- en years. While there is at present no interest in an attendance officer shown by either Vaughan or Markham Town- ship School Boards, there is a possibility that the Richmond Hill Public School Board would be interested and could share in the expense. The board was also pleased to pass the recommendations of the manage- ment committee that four of the area’s teachers be given salary increases as they had upgraded their qualifications through summer courses. “There are some problems which require a kind of contact which is diffi- cult for a staff member to make. We need someone who can go into the home, find the facts and interpret them to the school. He must also know enough about the school situation to interpret it to the family.” stated Mr. Chapman. There was considerable dismay however at the recommendation that two teachers have their salaries de- The board finally passed a motion to authorize the superintendent to ad_ vertise for and employ an attendance officer effective January lst, 1963 on either a full time or part time basis in co-operation with one or more element- ary school boards. ' The ONLY candidate with ten years of PRAC- TICAL EXPERIENCE in municipal finance and administration. COUNCILLOR-WARD I PLANNED CIVIC PROGRESS WITH ECONOMY PLAN FOR STEADY INDUSTRIAL EXPANSION PLAN FOR IMPROVED MUNICIPAL SERVICES PLAN FOR INCREASED RECREATIONAL FAC- ILITIES PLAN FOR TOWN BEAUTIFICATION PLAN FOR STABILIZATION OF THE TAX RATE Elect Robert Saunders COUNCILLOR - WARD 4 Let’s Work TOGETHER T0 Stabilize and possibly reduce the mill rates. Establish a reasonable assessment ratio. Reduce our capital debt. Relieve the week-end traffic congestion‘ on Yonge Street. Encourage industrial development and dis- courage annexation to suit promoters. For information and transportation on election day phone 884-5390 VOTING DAY SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8TH Bridal attendants were Leno~ ra Longworth, maid of honour, and the bridesmaids were Su- zanne Higgins. Elizabeth Ar- nold, Judy Harrison and Bren- d‘a Thomson. They chese dress- es of gold satin peau de soie, with bell shaped skirts. The bo- dice was covered with a short overblouse of gold embroidered lace. and they wore glovelets of gold satin with lace applique. Their coronets were the same as the brides, only in gold with a short gold veil. They carried bouquets of white 'm'ums with touches of gold in the leaves. Don Corbett Best mafi was Lt. John Ar- nold, brother of the groom, and ushers were Dr. James Mc- creased when it was learned that this action was being taken because both these teachers had failed at their sum- mer course at teachers’ college. Unable to obtain fully qualified teachers last spring, the board had been forced to employ persons with university degrees who agreed to take the summer course at teachers’ college. The board’s con- tracts with the two teachers who failed the course are actually invalid and these teachers have no license to teach. The board then passed a motion that in future all salary policy be in- cluded as part of the salary schedule and that the superintendent be charged with the elimination of any salary an- omalies in 1963. They also carried a motion to have their teacher category system conform with that approved by the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation, except for variations speci- fically approved by the board. The management committee's rec- ommendation on language laboratories also received a great deal of discussion. Mr. Chapman defined a language labora- tory as a means for giving more and better drill in the speaking of foreign languages. They use systems of ear- phones and tapes, with specially train- ed teachers and each one could cost in the neighbourhood of $25,000 per room. The management committee’s recom- mendation was that one such labora- tory be established in a school by September 1963 and that the board bud- get to equip one school each year with Please call my home, TU. 4- 4104, for transportaton or information on election day. Kinnon. Osbourne Higgins, Donald Large and David Gallo- way. The wedding reception was held at Oasa Loma. The bride’s mother chose a dress of moss green satin peau de soie, with draped skirt. The bodice was covered with moss green lace, and she wore a hat of matching green sa‘tin roses. The groom's mother wore a, dress of dusty pink lace over taffeta, with matching marabou h-at. Following the reception the couple left for a 3 week honey- moon in Honolulu. On their return they will live in Victo- ria, B.C. where Lt. Arnold is sports director of Venture Na- val Academy. Trustee Mrs. Kathleen James stat- ed that the proposal had been referred back and forth from the committee to the board for two years and she felt it was time the board reached a decision. She felt at the present time and in- creasingly so in the future, people with only one language at their command were handicapped and that the language laboratory would make it possible for students to become bilingual. a language laboratory until all schools have an installation. Trustee John Honsberger stated that he had seen them in use at McMas- ter University and Victoria College and was completely in favour. He pointed out that this emphasis on the spoken language would tie in nicely with the Oral French program already in Mark- ham Township and expected in Vaughan shortly. He also felt strongly that the language laboratories would be an at- traction to language teachers and would assist the board in their hiring this Other board members were equally in favour. One member questioned whether the delay in installing labora- tories in all the schools was because they weren’t convinced of their benefit. Mr. Chapman pointed out that this was not the case, but that specially trained staff was required to operate them. The management committee’s recom- spring menuation was that one teacher attend a summer course to become expert in the required teaching techniques and that an in-service training programme be set up for all modern language tea- chers during the school year 1963-64 in order that they may become familiar with the equipment and teaching pro- cedures. It was also recommended that a teacher or teachers be given some al- lowance in teaching time to prepare tapes during the year 1963-64. All these recommendations of the management committee were passed unanimously by the board. mendation was that The board also passed the recom- mendation of the management commit- tee that rather than an official opening of the addition to the Thornhill Sec- ondary School, they hold an open house to enable parents of elementary school pupils to learn just what all the school has to offer. Trustee Robert Endean emphasized that it was the duty of the board to let the parents know about the different courses and just what the “four streams” means. The board passed the payment of gen- eral accounts to a total of $192,122.63 and cafeteria accounts of $4,639.27. They also accepted the resignation of board member Trustee T. W. Pitt, chair- man of the planning committee, due to pressure of business. Mr. Pitt is coun- ty council representative on the board.

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