Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Dec 1962, p. 2

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order to support a local band 2 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, December 6, 1962’ (III): liberal An Independent Weekly: Established 1878 GUI-h“ Subscription Rate $3.50 per year; to United States $4.50; 10C Single COPY Member Audit Bureau of Circulations . h Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Assoc1ation J. E. SMITH, Editor and Publisher W. S. COOK, Managing Editor EDWARD MURPHY, News Editor “Authorized as second class mail. Post Office Department, Ottawa" Avoid Conflict Of Interest Annual municipal elections pro- vide citizens an excellent opportunity of keeping careful check on the public business of the municipality. On voting day, qualified ratepayers With their secret ballots can select the per- sons who for the next twelve months will transact their public business and who will levy and spend their tax money. Every citizen with a stake and interest in the community should give to this responsibility the most careful attention and consideration. Every citizen should vote on election day. By far the most important quali- fication of a candidate for any public office should be honesty. At any time but especially in this day and age voters should insist that beyond any question or doubt candidates el- ected are persons of unquestioned honesty and integrity. In municipalities where there have been public investigations and charges of wrong doing in municipal government the basic fault invariably has been found to be what is gener- ally known as “conflict of interest." This is the dangerous shoal on which many municipal governments have been wrecked. This “conflict of interest” usual- ly results from a financial interest or an understanding or secret agree- ment between some municipal coun- cil member and someone who has an interest in making some deal or ob- taining some concession from the municipality. If we are to avoid m0st serious results voters on election day must vote only for candidates in whom they have one hundred per cent con- fidence and trust. Voters should not tolerate representation by anyone with a hint of the dreaded “conflict of interest”. Fortunately such candidates are available and offering themselves in the public service. The right of free elections is a prized landmark in our democratic system. The right we prize so highly entails a responsibil- ity, and that is to select only candi- dates who will live up to the highest traditions and ideals of good munici- pal administration. George B. McClellan, deputy- commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in a thought-provok- ing address in Toronto last week had some pertinent thoughts on modern day trends. In his address to mem- bers of the Empire Club he said “Corruption unchecked reaches into every phase of our daily life, and the part that worries me most is that far too few people seem to get mad about it any more. In some way we seem to have lost our way, lost our capacity for good old-fashioned righteous in- dignation. Somehow we have to find it again.” People of Canada received some- thing of a shock recently with the publication of the second volume of the Glassco Royal Commission on Government Organization. Newspapers everywhere blazoned the news in headlines telling the story of Government wasting millions and millions of dollars and hard-pressed taxpayers got little pleasure from the revelation that the air force has a stock of socks to last eighty-one years and sailors 1,000 years’ supply of union suits. These revelations are shocking and throughout the land there is a growing determination on the part of the people to do something about such wasteful practices. For its part the Diefenbaker government has an- nounced that at least some of the commission recommendations will be implemented as quickly as possible. We know this is a big job and the best part of the government an- nouncement was that Senator Wallace McCutcheon, a minister without port- folio in the national government would head up a committee respon- sible for considering the commission report. The Senator from Gormley is well equipped to inaugurate the sweeping economies necessary and we wish him well in his latest as- signment. People shocked by the Glassco report that millions are being wasted THE MUSIC BOX by the national government should take a close look at all levels of gov- ernment. All the waste in public spending is not at the national level. A good close look at municipal ad- ministration reveals there is need for a Glassco report on local as well as national government. For too long over-burdened tax- payers have been indifferent to reck- less spending at all levels of govern- ment. They have listened to honeyed phrases and empty promises from local politicians who once in office in- dulge in extravagant spending for luxury and frills which are of little if any real value to the ordinary tax- payer. Municipal elections are now un-. der way in most Ontario municipali- ties. This is the level of government most close to the people and it is a good place to start to demand econ- omy and efficiency. Citizens should take an active interest and make very sure they elect to office only candidates of un- questioned integrity and who have a keen and appreciative sense of the value of a dollar. Citizens everyâ€" where should declare war on waste and extravagant spending by all gov- ernments. The best place to start is right at home and elect municipal council members who will be as care- ful in spending public money as they would be with their own. Ray Stephens Mfic Soothes, or does it? e Band Tax Law is a local bylaw in most towns of Ontario that has to be voted upon in and art throughout our com- mercially minded domain yet despite their efforts we hear daily of orchestras, bands, etc., falling by the wayside. This strument and instruction book he set to work. In a very short time he had progressed enough to enjoy good recorder reper- toire such as written by Bach, by a small portion of the town they accomplish taxable. With this the band trains youngsters, has a senior forms and instruments and us- week. withouf any taxes. It usually amounts to several thousand dollars per year and about 35c per person outside assistance then why should some town council feel that they can help the elimina- tion of music. In this 20th cenâ€" tury it is almost shocking. It’s to be deplored. It's to be pitied, and it also points out to the‘ smug ones that music ‘doth‘ not always charm the savage breast. it i t i active band. buys music, uni- ullly employs a professional in- sttuctor at perhaps $20.00 per No-one else gets paid Mozart, Corelli, etc. From the Recorder he went to the Clari- net and in a few years found himself playing in the Newmar- ket Band, the Richmond Hill Orchestra and various other recreational groups. Les says he will never be as good as he would wish to be but after all he was over forty when the call came along and all in all he's and many of the musicians use their own instruments. So you say "what good is this?" So I reply “If you don't already know then it just can't be explained." One town with this Tax Law effective for num~ bers of years is now putting it to file stocks, or to a vote once gain by the people. instinctive- 1:; the person who has no re- ppect or concern for music or Art (and invariably no general concern for anything) will fol- low the bounds and bay against At all. They are quite right of course. It's a matter of policyI and after all it is the faxpay-' as’ money all 35c per year. So is the Canada Council' ~lnm'mr‘ted by taxpayers' money and the policy of this group is' to endeavour to maintain music See Stanley survived a very bad gress has been made so far. by the way is a heavy construc- so opened the Allegro music to". Good words. shop on a part time basis with‘ * ’3‘ ' * Mrs. Stanley being on the jobjWhY Worry Department almost full time. I and Les would just hang ar- ‘store. One day he picked up a Recorder and thought perhaps that this might be easy enough ,to work on so armed with in- \vrong. For that play offs. lIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS where our friend Les‘pretty pleased m‘th what pro- time at hospital recently? Les.)y In his words he says "The jyounger you are to start music tion worker who took to music the better but you‘re never too strictly as a hobby and has al-iold to learn if you really want, The next time you make a . Like so many more. Les was mistake at a recital. a concert‘ inclined to say ‘I wish I couldlor whatever the location, whe-I play a musical instrument butIthcr it is a solo. or a solo part,l I'm too old now to learn‘. The;or even a special bit. don't wor-. (two Stanley boys had to have‘ry. Just think of how lucky you' ,Dad take them down to Toronto‘arc to be a musician and not a once a week for music lessonsifootball player like poor Cal-L gary‘s Wylie where in the mat- ound looking over the musiciter of a split second he chase to do one thing but it went' single error Calgary missed the Grey Cup n I Have You , Read These? I Book Reviews From Richmond Hill Library My Land And My People, by the Dalai Lama of Tibet. (Mc- Graw-Hill) A deeply moving autobiography of the twenty- seven-yearâ€"old ruler of Tibet, occasions during the stormy periods of the cur- rent session of parliament in On many Ottawa, I have wished every Canadian citizen could have the privilege of witnessing these proceedings, since it is so dif- ficult to convey to constituents the frustration experienced to see this country‘s business dic- tated by the whims of the splin- ter parties. The disastrous result is that almost nothing is being done. The present division of the House of Commons, if contin- ued, could lead this country in- to the condition France fell in- to before the days of General De Gaulle and the new constitu- tion. This danger is what the Lib- eral party has been attempting to avoid. The opposition has been trying to bring order out of chaos. With the govern- ment‘s life depending from day to day on the Social Credit or the NDP, the one stable force in the House of Commons is the official Opposition party, and it has followed a consistent course since Parliament began. The Opposition has been car- rying on the traditional and constitutional function of the opposition. That is to scrutinize all public business carefully and to criticize where criticism is justified. Its duty, in short, is to oppose the Government under the British parliament- ary system. Splinter Frustrations The function of splinter par- ties is hard to define. It would appear the Social Credit party considers its function to keep the country in a state of un- settlement. It is unfortunate that the other party which has many sup-porters who seek mos-t of the same ends as the Liber- als - and I am referring to the NDP - should be led off the track by members who talk about socialism and vote with whatever side serves their pur- pose that day. Canadians have had quite a few elections in recent times and perhaps many do not re- lish another. Certainly no Mem- ber of Parliament likes the thought of fighting two elect- ions in one year. Yet if that is the only way to restore respon- sible and stable government to Canada to ensure its progress, it has to be faced. Better to have another election and straighten things out than to go on in a way that has pro- duced only two pieces of legis- lation in two months. (Continued On Page 18) 5:601“! 3Aougdfd . . O Yesterday’s news now in exile. His education for the position of religious and political leader of Tibet began when at the age of four he was selected as the reincarnation of. and consequently the successor to, the recently deceased Dalai Lama. With simple dignity he describes the religion and cus- toms of Tibet its isolation from the world, his futile efforts to secure a reasonable settlement with Mao Tse-Tung, and finally his flight’ from Lhasa to India. An appendix explains the prin- ciples of Buddhism. Silent Spring, by Rachel Car- son (Houghton). An important controversial account, written for the layman, of the way in which man’s use of poisons to control insect pests and un- wanted vegetation is changing the balance of nature. Stressing the inter-relationships and inter- dependencies of man, plants, birds. animals, fishes and in- sects, the author discusses how our eradication programs have destroyed friendly as well as unfriendly living things. She cites ironic instances in which the insects we have tried to de- stroy have developed immunity and increased in numbers. The author, a biologist and geneti- cist, is well known for her The Sea Around Us. nghland Heritage, by Grace Campbell (Collins). A Canadian of Scottish descent has written a lively travel guide to North- ern Scotland that includes met- erial on legends, famous events, and genealogy of the clans and septs from which many sur- names derive. Castles, monu- ments, and historical spots are illustrated and many maps in- eluded. A Shade 01' Difference. by Allen Drum-y (Doubleday). A second novel to Advise And Consent shifts its locale from Washington to the United Na- tions in New York, to explore the labyrinth of international politics. The devious way in which the American delegates at the U.N. work with the mem- bers of the State Department and Congress to ease anti-Am- erican feelings stirred up by the action of an African delegate in a Southern race riot forms the mechanics of the plot. This wordy novel is convincing and timely. I Wolf Willow, by Wallace Steg- ner. (Viking). Recollections of a childhood spent on the border between Montana and Saskat- chewan together with a history of that last frontier and a story of a cattle drive through a bliz- zard illustrative of the ordeal by weather that settlers endur- ed are described by this novel- ist. Stegner continues his role as interpreter of the West, and his three approaches to this lit- tie-known part of North Amer- ica result in an appealing and exciting addition to Western his- tory. by George Mayo: is not necessarily dead. Latest plans for the high-and-dry “Rooftop” TROUBLE? T v CALL BA. 1 -0485 KQMé/il’lg ./4rounc/ (By Elizabeth Kelson) VOLUNTEER WORK IS THE STRENGTH OF THE RED CROSS It is said that 97 per cent of all Red Cross work AN R.E.T.A. MEMBER is handled by volunteertst. So the pturposteiiof thedvol- un ary serVices commi ee IS 0 s reng en an in- . crease volunteer participation in all phases of Red I' Cross work. Whenever a volunteer is needed either for an emergency or to assume responsibility of a certain job, the chairman of any service can call on the voluntary service committee for assistance. The chairman of voluntary services, by keeping an over-al‘ record, knows what every volunteer, active, inactixw or prospective is doing, has done, or could be callc on to do if needed. It is up to the voluntary servim committee to see that all volunteers are well-informed on the over-all Red Cross picture. To find the right person for the job. To see that the work of the vol- I unteer is recognized and that volunteers are happy in the work they are doing. To keep the executive aware ; of the over-all branch volunteer picture. Volunteers can be used in many ways. Typing and clerical work, 3 blood donor clinics, women’s work, water safety ser- vices, volunteer nursing services, hospital visiting“ well baby clinics, senior citizens, disaster services and ‘ publicity and public relations. So far the Richmond Hill Branch of the Red Cross has four active commit- tees. The president of the local branch is Mr. Ed. i Butlin. Chairman of the blood donor clinic is Mr. William Hamilton. Chairman of the water safety services is Mr. John Passmore. Chairman of disaster services is Mr. Lawson Mumberson. Director of nub- I licity and public relations is Mr. Sam Cook of “The I Liberal”, and the secretary of the branch is Miss Ruth i Johnson, 92 Baker Avenue, Richmond Hill. ‘1 *lllttflti CAROL MACANUEL IS PRESIDENT OF MODEL UNITED NATIONS Nineteen~year-old Carol Macanuel, 89 Ruggles Avenue, Richmond Hill, has a unique office. She is the youthful president of the Model United Nations in Toronto. Carol, a grade 13 student of Richmond Hill High School first became interested in the Rich- mond Hill High School Branch of the Model United Nations and has been an active member for two years. She joined because she had been invited to do'so. She stayed because she came to enjoy learning more about the workings of the United Nations. She lear- ned how the UN. could be used for the benefit of man- kind and of the great need for such an organization. “You begin to understand the policies of your country and that of other countries. You begin to understand the different cultures and different ideas better and that makes for better undersanding all around,” said Carol. Carol said that the branches of the Model United Nations are run mostly by the stud- ents who belong to them but they are encouraged and .. adv1sed by a group of Toronto lawyers who hope ev- g Poll for Separate School supporters who reside outside the limits of the Town of Richmond Hill, and are entitled to vote for Trustees of the Richmond Hill Separate School Board, will be in the Richmond Hill Council Chambers, at Polling Subdivision No. 1, on Saturday, Decem- ber 8, 1962, from 9:00 3m. to 6:00 p.m. R. LYNETT, Returning Officer. Iclimoml I Phone TUrner 4-1212 FREE PARKING AT REAR OF THEATRE Continuous Daily From 7:00 pm. Saturday From 6:00 pm. Saturday Matinee, 2:00 pm. Air Conditioned for your comfort by Refrigeration. Thurs, Fri., Sat, Dec. 6-7-8 .csussv carom 3 Name. DANCING/UV Sierras; INA ma NEWROIE! , .. ...._a. .a‘- w_ - entually that students will be able to take over com- pletely. Last Thanksgiving weekend, Carol went to New York as one of the representatives selected from all the schools that have a Model United Nations Branch. Their purpose was to spend as much time in the UN. Assembly as possible: to examine the buildings and talk to the delegations and representatives to get in- formation on different countries and the workings of the UN. Carol Macanuel was fortunate enough to hear the president of Cuba speak to the United Nations in the General Assembly and the Monday after Thanksgiv- ing, Carol was in the general assembly when Algiers was admitted to the UN. “If anyone is interested in learning more about the United Nations, he can do so by attending the summer seminar that is held every year at Lake Couchiching,” she said. This will likely be Carol’s last year in this fine organization, for she intends to go either to the University of Man- itoba or Macdonald Hall after she graduates in the spring. She hasn’t yet made up her mind which it will be. She said she would always remember her trip to the United Nations. “I wouldn’t have missed it for the world!” ill I" * III II II! Mawnensaearmm â€"Plusâ€"- ms UNDERWATER 6!". IN FANTASCOPE 'A NEPTUNE PRODUCTION I A COLUMBIA P|CTURES RELEASE Please Note: Thurs, Fri., last complete show 8.30 p.m- Cafe in Toronto’s City Hall find it moved from the 27th floor down to the 25th . . . By this time the ar- chitects must be about ready to build it in an elevator s aft. *iittvklkfi India and Pakistan have agreed to seek a settle- ment in their 15-year-old dispute over Kashmir . . . Now that China has it. I‘ i * Ill ’3 IR . Wonder if our editor will run the report of last Friday’s Jaycee auction sale under the heading: A bid-time story? * * ll It»* i The rash of accidents in last week’s fogs revive memories of our old suburban side-road where we drove in fog and blizzard by the feel of the car. When it stopped bumping and bouncing, we knew we were off the road. i t it It Ii II A California doctor has presented evidence to the‘A.M.A. to prove that a child can be grown to a deSIred Size by hormone treatments. This could be a boon to some modern mothers who would find it ROWLAND PACK SCORES ANOTHER MUSICAL TRIUMPH Last year after the last concert of the 1961-1962 series, Rowland Pack, esteemed conductor of the Rowâ€" land Pack Chamber Singers became seriously ill. We are thankful that he recovered to such an extent that he brought his first concert of the 1962-1963 series to a successful finish. John Kraglund, music critic of the Globe and Mail says of the Rowland Pack Choir “The value of spirit and dedication to the interpreta- tion of music is perhaps nowhere better demonstrated than in the concerts by the Rowland Pack Chamber Singers.” Again he says: “An amateur group whose conductor breaks more rules of choral conducting than he observes.” Mr. Kraglund, while not ignoring some faults, is loud in his praise of this amazing choral group which is inspired by the musical genius of Row- land Pack. The people of your district are happy for your triumph, Mr. Pack, and we pray for your good health to continue. * i I II i If Saturday Matinee, Dec. 8, 2 pm. Only "Don't Knock The Twist" PLUS COLOR CARTOONS Enioy Sunday Movies This Sunday Dec. 9 Sunday from 6 p.m., Mon., Tues., Wed., from 7 p.m., Dec. 9-10-11-12 #ti keeper is that his present it"! easier to alter the child than alter his clothes. The really funny part about Oakville's crocodile of an assortment of saurians and snakes which died before he could write a book on: How to raise reptiles. From New York comes news of thirty Irish- born Jews who have formed a Loyal League of Yid- lit “pets” are all that remain tit A CHANGE IS AS GOOD AS A REST Remember “Sid” of Shirlan Hair Stylists in Thornhill who made a hobby of raising tropical fish and took up a new hobby . . . carpentry! I’m not surprised at his choice for Sid has a brand new home and carpentry could come in very handy. Good luck on that coffee table! Tens of thousands of 2‘ J believers shouted a 'éhis praises! ’,..h_s ~u- t I I _ when we don‘t have a single submarine? dish Sons of Erin . . . Sort of a B’Nai Broth, eh? ‘ C fi fl 3 I? The Soviet news agency Tass says Russia has a new submarine camera to count all the herrings in the Atlantic Ocean . . . Definitely a “Red herring" story. t t it t t It 17 VIE FOR 7 SEATS -â€" “Liberal” Heading We noticed some children Who seemed overly tall In the line-up to see Santa In his house on the Mall. As they sat on his knee And spoke through his hair Each had the same wish: Each wanted a chair. And to each Santa replied, with a Ho-Hoâ€"Ho: Ten of you fellows have got to go-go-go; Yes. you can take it from old St. Nick. Ten of you are up the well-known crick! fiiiiii h . and who was the purchasing officer in the Royal-Canadian Navy who bought all that underwear = FOR THE BEST TASTING FOOD YOU EVER ‘THAW' Town & Country’s food-and-freezer plan _ WU,- assures you top-quality name-brand foods - ' in at lowest prices your family ever enjoyed. BURT S'Nculn “W's, I_f_you__r__w£ekl_y Under our plan food bill is now: it_will be only: an“ _" ____ |____ 320 ......... .. . $13.40 ~ g r. / $14.65 ‘ ,_ _ _______ $30 . . . . . . . $18.00 9:32:340 . _ . , , , , _ 320,00 DEANJAGGER - ARTHUR KENNEDY. SHIRLEY JONES fin PAGE'XZZEIEQKRDBROUKS'EhIIIRDSMITH m u more PREVIII . Eastman COLOR - m n... unnmmunsn PHONE COLLECT ESTAB. 19:30 TOWN 8. COUNTRY FOOD PLAN 210 Markham Rd. - - RICHMOND HILL AV. 5-5401 â€" AV. 5-5402 â€" WA. 4-0997 Adult Entertainment

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