Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Dec 1962, p. 4

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C.W.L. News vu-n... .u. Mrs. Clare Moore. chairman of the White Cross Volunteers of the Canadian Mental Health Association was the guest spea- ker at the November 19th meet- ing of the St. Luke's Catholic Women's League. The meeting was held in the auditorium of St. Luke's School. Mrs. Irene Lodge introduced the speaker who told of visiting the White Cross workers have been doing for 40 years She described the approved homes where mental patients stay be- fore they are ready to come back to the community, told what the Volunteers do on their visits and the great good it does to the patients. Mrs. Moore re- minded her audience that there are some 70,000 mentally ill them are in Ontario. luau: .3 therefore a great need for vol- unteer visitors and also for people who will drive, do typ- ing and canvass at campaign times. Volunteers will be busy this month wrapping Christmas gifts for the patients. Mrs. Mabel Carter gave a vote of thanks to the speaker. The next meeting of the group will be on December 11 when the meeting will begin with a pot luck supper. Since hearing last month of the need for clothing for pat- ients at the hospital in Moos- onee. the group sent oil 60 pounds of good used clothing to the Assumption Hospital. More clothing is being collected for future shipments. â€"A‘ ' #A‘ '4‘ LTBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-TU.4-IIOS THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, TELEPHONE AV. 5-2331 1P5???” '“ amce “Catnip, um. ‘ ’ the need for clothing {or pat-41nd Mrs. hcnl made a worth- [while contribution, lents at the hospital in Moos- . I once. the group sent off 60! lnmdcntally. in last week‘s pounds of good used clothing to account of the fair. I neglected the Assumption Hospital. More to mention that there were two clothing is being collected {or "French" artists on hand sket- future Shipments. ching portraits. Jo Bylord * â€"‘ -' “' turned out, lovely watercolour portraits in almost nothing flat for $1.00 and Joan Timmins made charming charcoal sket- ches of numerous youngsters. which I know will be treasured by many proud parents. 4th Thornhill Cubs & Scouts Ontario. Thursday, December 8, 1962 Canada, and 25.000 of Holy ln Ontario. There is Wi a great need for vol- at tl ‘sltors and also for held ID will drive, do typ- was] canvass at campaign of 4. hmtpers will be busy close Thornhill Notes ) aa,vuu v: There is ad for vol- also for 'e, do typ- campaign ll be busy Christmas gave a vote aker. The group will when the with a pot month of n hu- nut- Winner of the silent auction at the Round the World Fair held recently at Holy Trinity was Mr. R. V. Tyson. His guess of 4,690 beans in the jar came closest to the actual number - 4,811. Mrs. Sally Smith had the job of counting the beans, which she did at odd times, she said. Mr. Tyson's prize was a lovely blue hand-made woollen stole, made and donated by Mrs. H. C. Kent. The auction pro- duced $25.00 for the work of the Guild, so both Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Kent made a worth- “The Liberal" ls always contributed by lunatic Our representative in '1 who mu be reached by of 4,690 beans in the jar came= closest to the actual number -. 4,811. Mrs. Sally Smith had the job of counting the beans; which she did at odd times. she! said. Mr. Tyson's prize was a lovely blue hand-made woollen stole, made and donated by Mrs. H. C. Kent. The auction pro-i duced $25.00 for the work of“ the Guild, so both Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Kent made a worth- while contribution. Incldentally. in last week’s account of the fair, I neglected to mention that there Were two "French" artists on hand sket- chin-g portraits. Jo Byford turned out lovely watercolour portraits in almost nothing flat for $1.00 and Joan Timmins made charming charcoal sket- ches of numerous youngsters. which I know will be treasured by many proud parents. 4th Thornhill Cubs & Scouts On Thursday evening, Novem- ber 22nd, the mothers’ auxiliary of the 4th Thornhill Cubs and Scouts convened in the board room of the Thornhill Presby- terian Church. A very con- genial hour sped by dur- ing which time the mothers had the opportunity of seeing the ;following new Cubs invested: 'John Malone, Ricky/ Hopper. Gregory Lee and David Shel- Thcy are a method of drilling in these subjects which is [as- cinating instead of boring to the children - in some cases they have preferred this kind of work instead of watching TV. The machines do the drill with much less trouble and the tea- cher doesn't come between the learner and his subject. Mr. Menear has produced his own film strips and showed the audience one on arithmetic. One frame gives the question. the children write their answer and then the next frame gives the correct answer. Mr. Menear said he has had as many as 300 children doing this in an audi- torium and was able to feel the wave of excitement pass over the group 'as they got the an- swers. He expressed the opin- ion that in another 20 years we would all be using this kind of teaching and would depend on these methods jUSt as much as we now depend on books. In pointing out the large field that existed. Mr. Menear noted that 70% of the world‘s twelve year olds have never mastered arith- metic. “A nation-wide effort is needed to challenge children.” he stated. "We need to revise our thinking on children". To avoid boredom and fatigue. Mr. Menear cautioned that it i drake. ,was necessary to vary the media Mrs. Wm. Hickvale was honâ€"j oured at a birthday luncheon at the home of Mrs. Bruce Ralph. Arnold Avenue. on November 28th. The guest of honour was presented with a small rose cor- sagc and a suitably inscribed yellow and white birthday cake with a tactful 21 candles. LGucsts included Mrs. William Anstey. Mrs. Wm. Sills, Mrs. Fred Moffatt. Mrs. Len Harris- on, Mrs. H. R. Burgess and Mrs. Ralph‘s mother. Mrs. Lennox. The'rcason for the party? Just to say “thank you" to a nice. friendly neighbour who does a lot for others. Those attending the Thornhill home and school meeting men- tioned above were glad to see Mrs. Clayton Atkinson of 226 Arnold Avenue out at a meeting for the first time since her re- cent long illness. She may he a little slowed down. but it was easy to see that she was still fighting, and her sense of hu- mour remains intact. Hurrah for Mary â€" and {or all those oth- er good people. who shall be nameless. but who have helped her on the road to recovery. AURORA : Reeve Clarence Da- vis of Aurora, considered a can- didate for warden in York Coun- ty, was returned to the post by acclamation for 1963. Trinity [ways pleased to publish Items of interest readers in the Thornhill are: - - . . . . . ‘ ln Thornhill Is Mrs. Margaret McLean. phoning AV. 5-2331 teaching by means of machines. films, charts. records and even blocks. The devices are used‘ mainly in the teaching of arith~ gmetic, spelling and grammar. They are a method of drilling ‘in these subjects Which is [as- cinating instead of boring to the children â€" in some cases they have preferred this kind of work instead of watching TV. The machines do the drill with much less trouble and the tea- vcher doesn't come between the ’learner and his subject. tion at the school on December 61h at which they would have a chance to hear all the candi- dates for township council and school board. Social Notes Mr. and Mrs. Hedley D. Mill- ar 0! 142 Thornridge Drive had an entertaining house guest last} week. She was their grand- daughter Miss Linda Millar, age three months who stayed with her grandparents for a week while her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Millar were in Montreal. scouting for living accommoda- ‘tion. A graduate of Earl Haig Collegiate, Bruce is with Can- adian Industries Limited and a recent promotion has posted him ‘to Montreal. Baby Linda travelled to Montreal by jet with her mother last Friday night. AURORA : Reeve Clarence Da- vis of Aurora. considered a can- didate for warden in York Coun- ty, was returned to the post by acclamation for 1963. Those attending the Thornhill home and school meeting men-I tioned above were glad to see Mrs. Clayton Atkinson of 226 Arnold Avenue out at a meeting for the first time since her re- cent long illness She may he a little slowed down, but it was easy to see that she was still fighting, and her sense of hu- mour remains intact. Hurrah for Mary â€" and {or all those oth- ‘er good people. who shall be nameless, but who have helped her on the road to recovery. Revenue Up But Thornhill Pool Shows Loss Even with revenue from the pool up some $800.00 ov- er last year. the financial statement presented by the treasurer, J. D. Jarrell, at the November 30th annual meet- ing of the area recreation committee, at St. Luke‘s School, showed a loss of be- tween five and six hundred dollars. This is in contrast to last year's operation when the net loss was $4,700. due to extensive repairs to the deck of the pool. Increased revenues at the pool were mainly from swimming classcs. and sale of family season tickets. Some 1.300 children were enrolled in the swimming classes. As well as the area schools. the children came from Rich- mond Hill, Maple. Wood- bridge. Pine Grove and King. The pool's new manager, Mr. John Hanna. gave a comâ€" prehensive report on the op- eration of the swimming pool during the past summer. He reported that a firmer disâ€" ciplinary attitude was taken to both the public and the staff which resulted in much less rowdyism and greater staff efficiency. The pool was operated with three fewer people but high standards of public safety were maintain- ed. There were approximately 100 minor injuries sustained at the pool. cuts, scrapes and bleeding hoses for the most part. Ten swimmers requir- ed stitches for cuts caused by swimming into the sides of the pool. Pontiac under h Comfortable bucket seats‘ available on some models GIVE YOU ALL THIS BEAUTY? The lifeguards made 11 rescues during the season. but none of these persons re- quired treatment of any kind. The staff made a survey of previous rescues and found that there were three danger areas at the deep end of the pool. The guards were in. structed to pay particular attention to these and of the nine rescues at the deep end, eight were in these predeter‘ mined spots. Thefts at the pool were comparatively rare with only three bicycles reported stolen during the summer. There were 11 patrons caught loan- lng season passes to others and these were disciplined by suspensiOn from the pool. Pool equipment had func- tioned well during the sum- mer and possibly because of the new chlorinator installed last year, there was little or no trouble with algae and the chlorine content of the water was held at a constant level even during the busiest days. The water was tested weekly by the York County Health Pontiac is ’63'5 most stylish car with its over-and-under headlights, clean flowing lines and its sleek rear deck. Other ways it’s ahead? In comfort for 6; in luxury appointments; in performanceâ€"a standard 6 or a full range of V8‘s. Sec Pontiac's 33 models in 9 series, soon. 9612 YONGE ST, Whilewall WHO BUT PONTIAC COULD {cwall lire: aplianal a! extra cost Be sure to watch "The Tommy Ambrose Show" on Ihe CBC-TV V v 7 7 V ‘5ph'omz! a! exlra cast c's unique headlights SKYLINE PONTIAC â€" BUICK LTD. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. n YONGE ST. AV. 5-1128 = TU. 4-28 Smootth styled, uniquely ‘ailored Pontiac rooflines‘ Unit and was pronounced Al on all but one occasion. Mr. Hanna stated that they were mast disappointed in the results of the Red Cross swimming examinaâ€" tions. Out of 200 candidates ()an 40 juniors, five interme- diates and three seniors pass- ed. It was felt that the stan- dards were very much high- er and great emphasis was placed on style. In previous years (when . examinations were given by a member of the pool staff) the ability to do the stroke and go the dis- tance was sufficient for a pass. This year. however. if a candidate failed to satisfy the examiner in any part of the test, he was not permit- ted to continue and was fail- ed. The Royal Lifesaving So- ciety examinations were held August 28 and September 1 and 90 per cent of those can- didates passed. Five people won their Award of Merit. 11 their Bronze Medallion and two their Intermediate Certi- ficate. In his recommendations, Mr. Hanna suggested that in future only Red Cross Qual- ifiedlAssistant Instructors be used at the pool and that un- successful candidates be giv- en a certificate showing in what parts of the examina- tion thev were successful. He also suggested that it should be arranged to have a Red Cross supervisor check over the program and progress of the students by mid-July each year. Other recommendations in- cluded in the manager's re- port were that the front wnlk be paved. the front steps re- paired, a new trophy case he provided. adequate bicycle racks he provided to prevent hazardous and untidy condi- tion at the front entrance. that a spotlight and tWo new underwater lights be provid- ed. that the pool close on La- bour Day unless the weather is very promising. and that University students be given the advantage of student rates. President J. P. Loughran thanked Mr. Hanna for his report and stated that the committee had been very pleased with the operation of the pool by Mr. Hanna and his assistant. Mr. Brian Mc- Lean. He said the commit- tee had looked into the rec- ommendations and he felt that they would all be car- ried out. Mr. J. Flannagan, assistant commissioner, gave the re- port of the Thornhill and with push-button transi District Baseball Association. The association ended up the season with $53.36 in the bank, compared with $5.39 on hand at the beginning of the season. Over 150 boys had taken part in the season and receipts from players‘ subscriptions totalled $304. They had also received $200. from the A.R.C.. the same amount from the 'I‘hornhill Lions Chili) and from V. V. DcMareo Properties. The donation from V. V. DeMarco financed the costs of entering a team in the Ontario Baseball Association. Managed by Ron Bagg and coached by Ed. Windsor. this team went into the finals. It was felt that the house lea- gue was developing some good players. With receipts of $941.47 and expenses of $387.15. the Tennis Club was about the only self-supporting section of the A.R.C. The report of the Tennis Club's activity Morse who advised that the club had 39 senior members. 9 intermediates and 50 jun- iors. The junior membership was double last year's. Dr. Morse reported that Mr. Bill Myers had given lCS< sons two afternoons a week to juniors and two evenings a week to seniors but had un- fortunately been unable to complete his program and did not hold a tournament for the juniors as planned. However. it was hoped that this woqu be p0: year. Mr. Ron Bagg gave the hockey report and noted that there had been two leagues sponsored in Thornhill last winter. The Doncaster lea- gue had eight teams with 100 boys. They had practised on the pond but due to un- favourable conditions, had to give this up at the beginnlne of February and practiced at a North York School. There were 13 church teams with 190 players who had six hours ice time every Saturday, unfortunately at Bradford. The teams were very suceessful, and the At- om All Stars. coached by Ed. Windsor and Roy Davidsnn made a creditable showing in the finals. The teams had re- ceived a contribution of $96.00 from the A.R.C. for ice time and $200.00 from the Thornhlll Lions Club for uniforms. Some discussion then took place on the posslbillty of having a skating arena in the Thornhill area. Mr. Loughmn reported that some time ago network. Check local listings given 3 who lorizcd radio Custom wheel covers' Addgd comfort with Pontiac'l add elegant appeal. spacious rear seat. was about the sporting section . The report of Club's activity by Dr. Peter advised that the senior members. sible next the A.R.C. had met with rep- resentatives of the township and the Lions Club and Mr. DeMareo to discuss this pos- sibility. but that nothing had come of it. However, there were still some parties talkâ€" ing ol a combination curling rink and hockey rink in the area. and the committee was keeping in touch with the situation. It was announced that three members of the A.R.C. were retiring on the regular rotation system. These were Mrs. Jo Taylor, Dr. Peter Morse and Mr. Paul Johnson. Nominated to take their places were Mr. E Brennan. Mr. Ed Butlin and Mr. Wil- lard Simpson. who received acclamalions‘ The president also announced that as he had refused nomination to the Thornhlll Village trust- cos, Mr. Bob Roberts. the vil- lage‘s representative on the A.R.C. would also he retir- ing, and thanked Mr. Robert: for his valuable contribution to the work of the A.R.C. during the past year. It was suggested to the ex-- ecutive. that the A.R.C. was mainly caterlng to boys‘ ac- tivities and that there were no teams for girls. The girls do partlclpate in the tennls but there had been no de- mand‘for any softball teams. etc. Dr. Morse mentloned that there had been a great deal of interest shOWn by girls in North York in track and field actlvlties and sug- gestcd this would be worth- while lookintg into, as it would involve more people and cost less money. The idea was well received by those pres- ent, hut foundercd on the quoslinn of a possible organ- lzcr of the project. Mr. Ed Butlln reported that a goodly number of girls \voro taking part in the re- (‘mtly organized junior teen tnwn being held at Thornhlll High School on Monday nights for Grade ’7 and 8 students. He reported thll some 200 yowngsters were taking part and that the membership fee of 25c for H10 season and 25c admission each night made the project self-supporting and that it was going over very well. In closing, Mr. Loughral thanked the members of nm committee who‘ had worked so hard and stated they were all looking forward to next year's operations. The meet- ing then adjourned to Mr. Loughran'x home where re- freshments and conversatio: were enjoyed into the smal.‘ hours. for lime and channel. Taillights are casin seen from sud: and rear. TU. 4 - 2864

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