The annual Christmas C Service at the Church of Gabriel will take place at cm. on Sunday, December Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Redo] meler returned home on Sun day having spent the past wool in New York. Walter Scott YWCA will be devoting their December 13th meeting to the making of Christmas crafts. This will include foam rub- ber soap ï¬lled novelties. {or children (frogs, turtles and al- ligators) to be used as stock- ivng ï¬llers. YVIembcrs are urged to brim the necessary scissors, needle thread and pins. Slx members attended the; executive'meetinz of lho 151 Richmond Hill Scout Mothers auxiliary. November 27. It was held at the home of Mrs. E. Madden. Richmond Street. The next monthly meeting will be a Pot Luck Dinner and will take place December 12th at the home of Mrs. N. Todd. 95 Church Street South. Games of court whlst are planned and prizes will be given. . At the close of the meetan refreshments were served by Mrs. R. Thiel and Mrs. Madden. Mr‘ a h érlve Acting as host and hostess were Angela's brother and sis- ter. Hartley and Pamela. who organized a fun ï¬lled afternoon for the young guests. Enjoying the fun were. Bar-154 barn Webher. Kathy and Dalild‘st Mollvcen. Patty Lewis. Dnvld‘M‘ chk and Douglas Randall. ‘ Angela will be ï¬ve years old 1†Dn December 23 - happy birth- C Receiving a tremendous ova- tion in the Ice Capades at the Maple Leaf Gardens recently were a brother and sister team. Otto and Marta Jclinek. fI‘hese champion Canadian lkaters escaped from behind the Iron Curtain to win the 1962 world pairs championship. Angela will b( in December 23 flay! Otto and Maria are cousins of a young McConaghy Public School pupil. Miss Janet Fergu- lon. Elizabeth Street. Richmond Hill WI The Christmas meeting of the Women's Institute will be held on December 13 in the ll- brary auditorium at 2 pm. The convenors. Mrs. C. H. Sanderson. Mrs. J. Pollard and Mrs. J RusSell will be in charge of the program and of course there will be a session of tra-: ditional carol singing. Members are reminded to bring their gifts for the resi- dents of York Manor, New- market. Please signify if the parcel is for a lady or gentle- man. So. come one. come all. for the Yuletide meeting. Streamers attractively decor- ated the door as Mr. and Mrs. Blll Barnes of Tampico Rd. wol- comed their guests to a Grey Cup party Satlxrgiay evening. Those attending were: Mr. Those attending were: Mn; and Mrs. Jack Ash‘yorth. mm and Mrs. Arnold Rln’cNaughton.‘ Mr. and Mrs. John Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Voysicrre. Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Batke. Mr. and Mrs. Gord Cattormolc, Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Carmichael. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hannah. Mr. and Mrs. Don Griï¬in. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Evans and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lawden. The highlight of the evening was the appearance of Miss Winnipeg Blue Bomber - 1982! A delicious luncheon was serv- ed by the hostess and a very enjoyable evening was had by all. Angela Brown, daughter of r. and Mrs. John Brown. held pro-birthday party recently her home on Knollsidc me V/x "' ' 7' LOANED lawn FREE Start Playing Today Our 8-week Beginners Course at $2.50 weekly includes the free use of an instrument in your home. Call TU. 4-5272 Today MUNDINGER MUSIC WW Yonge 8: Centre Sts. Richmond Hill CHOICE THE MUSICAL INSTRUMENT 3 OF YOUR CHOICE Editor Margot Crack uuu moon The Christian Education Committee of the Church of St. _ Bar. Gabriel ls sponsoring its ï¬rst David study group of the year on De- Dnvid bomber 9th at 7.30 pm. , They will centre their study 1-5 01d around two ï¬lms entitled "The birth- Cage" and "Community Res- ponsibility". These twa ï¬lms [deal with the negatlve and de- 5 oval_lstructive pressures within our -. umlsociety. All are very welcome. atoll Mr sulpaus and Mrs Yonge St Mr Mr. I secrctxn Society Mr. Dymond is the exocutivc secretary of the Children‘s Aid Society, and is the brother of Dr. Matthew B. Dymond. Min- ister of Health. Mr. and Mrs‘ proprietors of Camp, Sandy Falls. are back Weldrlck Road holiday followi busiest seasons Friends of Mr. Gardner pleased to hc making sati following 1 month. gscorm PINE Prof. Helen S. llogz. Rich- mond Street. entertained at the University Women‘s Club on Saturday last for Dr. and Mrs. C. S. Beals. Ottawa, following Dr. Beals' address, sponsored by the Royal Canadian Institute and Toronto Centre, Royal As- tronomical Society of Canada, at Convocation Hall. Receiving with Prof. Hogg wore Dr. James S. Soper and Mrs. Soper. The guests included ‘Prof. Ruth Northcott and Dr. James F. Heard and Mrs. illeard. The Christmas meeting of the United Church Women, Mrs. Ankcnman's Unit. will be held in the Richmond Hill United Church parlour on December 6th at 2 pm. Mr. John Spanner will show a ï¬lm entitled “The Giftâ€. Please remember to bring a wrapped gift for the lgirls of the Mercer Home. Mrs. M. H. Cunningham will‘ also hold her nursery Christmas party on the same day, for the 3 year olds. in the Christian Education Building at 2 pm. WC Recent hap‘isms at St. Mary‘s Anglican Church: Julia Eliza- beth. daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Redford: Suzanne Lynn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Noseworthy: Christine Eliza- beth. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.‘ W. J. Randall: Catherine Marg-' aret and Jennifer Joan, twi-n daughters of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Straumann: Joanne Carol.‘ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stan-‘ :iey Tufts: Richard Henry, son‘ of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Walker; IWilliam Thomas, son of Mr. and ‘Mrs. T. .l. Blrrell: Laura Lee lAnn, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. ‘P. A. Millard; John Francis. son .of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. McGrcg- ‘or; Susan Grace Irene, daugh~ rtcr of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Smalleomhe. and Melissa Jane, 1daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. .Tennant. With the festive season fast approaching social ac- tivities gain momentum - Christmas parties. club ac- tivities. students home for the holidays - all make in- teresting news items for “Life in the Hill". The service is free - write to the Social Editor Margot Crack at 63 Yonge Street South. or call TU. 4-1105/6 A wonderful afternoor enjoyed by all those atte the Richmond Hill I Church Christmas Bazaar The gain decorated and the beautiful crafts dies-and flowers added ‘ -7 we'll be pleased to hear from you. The gaily decorated rooms and the beautiful crafts. can- dies~and flowers added to the festive occasion. The smiling faces of the children were a de- light to see as they came from the ï¬sh pond with their candy? apples. The Tea Room was beautifqu decorated. each table having its individual. at- tractive Christmas centrepiece and was a hub of activity all afternoon. Downstairs, hot dogs and freshie attracted many of the young people. A sincere word of thanks to the c and I comm 1come to new residents, and Mrs. H. H. Dymond. have recently moved into new home at 267 Iredale Yonge St. N. at Levendale Evenings and all day Saturdays. LOBLAWS PARKING LOT John Maunder. Cameron was an overnight guest :ck at the home of Mr. rs. Clarence Lagerquist, l‘E convenors. Rum coxmm Eunice Boone and to all nittee members a_nd friends made this delightful Ba- Mrs. Frank Gardner. 5 of Sandy Haven ndy Island. Sturgeon back in their home on Road for two months )llowing one of their asons to date. of Mrs. J. Gardner. ncr's mother, will be > hear that she is now satisfactory progress Fï¬xxmumaxxxmmamuuwuz her illness 'd of thanks to Ruth Coxford Eternoon wastm ose attending‘Mour Hill UnitedtBells 7’11; last The local association of the East Richmoml Hill District Girl Guides would like to extend their sincere appreciation to the mothers of Guides and Brownies for the enthusiastic response to the bake. candy and Christmas decorations sale held last Sat- urday. Youth Club was held at in: Church of St. Gabriel on Sun day last. An outline of the new club was presented and refresh- ments served. Membership is open to all young people ages 14 years and up. Mr. W. A. Wagner returned to his home on Richmond Street last weekend having been a pa- tient in St. Michael‘s HOSpital. He would like to express his appreciation and gratitude to his many friends and neighbours {01‘ their kindness and flowers received during his hospitaliza- tion Friends and neighbours gath- “. cred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Fenwick, Driscoll Road, on Friday night, for a farewell party for Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Markle, who are moving U in the near future to Halifax. _ A presentation. was made by 1‘ the host, Mr. Fenwick. who in- C corporated the good wishes of F everyone present, for every sue-fl 0955 in their new home. 1} What child doesn't enjoy the‘ fantasy of a Christmas panto-‘ mime? This year the Curtain Club are presenting the ever popular “Aladdin†â€" the wicked magician with his magic lamp, the mystic geni. Aladdin and his wish for riches so that he may marry the beautiful prin- cess. and Aladdin's mother. Widow Twanky, the whackiest mother in Richmond Hill - are but a few. of the ingredients of this year‘s Christmas fare. It is being presented at the'.em1: Lions Hall on December 27, 28 Oak and 29th. Tickets are now avail- and able, please call AL. 7-2644. F ‘ 1 Many parties have been held trimmings, they retired to the for Miss Eleanor Correa, daugh- lounge to enjoy their Christmas ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cor- tree and gift exchange, games ren, Elmwood Avenue, prior to and dancing. her wedding this Saturday to Mr. Wm. Bisson won the door Mr. Fred Kyle. Hillsivew Drive, prize of a hassock. Manager Mr. at Richmond Hill Presbyterian T. Mills presented Mrs. Doris Church. Fairhall with her ï¬ve year gold Miss Sue Jennings, Allan- pin from Kresges. court, held a kitchen shower, Everyone had a good time Miss Edith Broad. Bedford Park. and extend best wishes to one entertained friends and co- and all for a very merry Christ- workers of the Richmond Hill mas! n.4,.»w The Initiation Servircc Presbyterian Church Sunday School with a miscellaneous shower. Mrs. Sll Steï¬'an held a dinner party and shower at her home on Elmwood Avenue. and Mr .and Mrs. E. Goodman, Hills- view Drive, were hosts at a mis- cellaneous shower. The initial meeting of a n;- St. Matthew's United Church will hold its annual carol ser- vice on Sunday evening next. with Mrs. Norma Jackson con- ducting. The program of carols will feature again the old and the familiar, with many of them sung \vit-hout accompaniment. .Favouri‘tes of other years \vill‘ be included in this year's pro- gram, including “Carol of the Drums". “Go Tell it on the Mountain". and “Carol of the ‘lBells‘K Soloists will again be iMrs. Eileen Robbins, Mrs. Vera IRmm‘t anders. Barbara Beat- St. Matthew's Ch. Carol Service On Sunday Evening Mountain". and “Carol Bells". Soloists will ag Mrs. Eileen‘ Robbins. MI Smart, and‘Mrs. Barbar tie. The male soloist th is a newcomer to the mustcai life of Richmond Hill, and a re- cent addition to the St. Mat- thew's Choir. Mr. Jack Hime- book. Mr. Himebook came to Toronto area two years ago from Detroit. and this year to reside in Richmond Hill on Car- ‘tier Crescent. He sang for an extended period in the choir of the United States Army. Many may well be hearing his tenor 'voice for the ï¬rst time on Sun- day evening. The service will be St. Matthew’s at 7.00 December 9th. A heart tion ls extended to a héld at thejt st this yea] the musica .11, and a re ne St. Mat edients of Kresge’s Sbcial Club held its] fare. annual Christmas Party on N,ov-‘ ed at the ember 24th at the Ridge Inn.‘ ber 27, 28 Oak Ridges. with 48 employees now availa and husbands present. '-2644. Following a turkey and plum pudding dinner with all the been held trimmings, they retired to the en, daugh- lounge to enjoy their Christmas Frank Cor- tree and gift exchange, games a. prior to and dancing. It )1‘ im‘aé‘ On Sunday, December Sat-.Sacrament of Baptism was Ichur .‘FM‘ Members of the staff of Radio Station held their Christmas dinner party Richmond Hill Golf and try Club on Wednesday Saéiément 0'1" Baptism was ad- ministorcd at, Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church. church at this service were. Carol Ann Young. and Scott Guthrie Young. children of Mr. and Mrs. Young. 369 South Tay- lor Mills Drive; Michael Mur- die Edgar, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Edgar, 263 Sussex Avenue, and John Raymond Noble. son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Noble, 354 \Wenlock St., all of Richmond The Sunday School also pre. sented New Testaments to the children on the occasion of HM†baptism. Kl'esgcs Social Club held a Christmas Party on Wbdncsday last, for the children and grand- children of all employees, in the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church hall which was gain decorated for the occasion. Following games and refresh- ments, over 35 children gather- ed around the tree to receive‘ their gifts from Santa Claus. Several of the young guests asked Santa what lie had done with his reindeer as there was no snow, and he explained that he had left them up north and flown down. After he left all departed for their homes to await his arrival on' Christmas he had 10 flown dnv departed await his Eve. The traditional observance of the second Sunday Advent as Bible Sunday will feature a vis- it from district secretary of the Canadian Bible Society at two Richmond Hill Churches. In t the morning at 11 am. The Rev. 4 ‘B. L. Walden. B.A., will preach . ‘at St Matthews United Church‘ and in the evening at 7 pm. he will be present at St. Mary's Anglican Church for Evensong and will show the ï¬lm “The Bible in Brailleâ€. Contributions to the work of this world-wide society are invited from those interested in its work and should be sent to Mr. R. D. Lit- tle. 54 Arnold St.. who is the to the society intercs should tle, 54 local‘c I‘l‘ Senior Citizens i A most interesting meeting. Senior Citizens are ‘reminded Next “‘eek f0110Wing their reg- oi' the Christmas meeting on ular meeting the Rotarians are Wednesday, December 12th at to have a social get-together at 2 o'clock, in the Christian Edu- the home of President Don Plax- cation building of the Richmond ton- Hiii United Church Members * * * * are reminded to bring their The Christmas season is ' ‘ Amm --- a»: M... “Mo hr, 1.1111. \J nun,“ u . . u . V . . . . . . v . . . _ . 7 _ are reminded to bring their The Christmas season 15 Christmas exchange gifts. All almost upon us Emd “the DOS‘t 0f- citizens over 60 are welcomed ï¬ce is 01106 more faced With at these meetings, so come along the DI‘Oble’m 0f mOVifl'g "mum and enjoy a social hour. tain-s of mail quickly and ef- Mr and Mrs. W. And:ews.ï¬cient1y. Mr. and Mrs. W. Andrews. Markham Road. have left for an extended holiday down south, also Mr. H. Calverley, Baker Avenue, flew last week to Montserrat in the West Indies where he will spend the winter months. Both Mrs. Andrews and Mr. Calverley will be missed at the meetings and bowling â€" Mrs. Andrews at the quilting and Mr. Calverley at the day centre. * * >i< * The Christmas meeting of the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church WA. was held on Mon- day evening in the church hall. A Christmas message read by Mrs. G. Carmichael opened itlle devotional period. This was i‘followed by the scripture read- iing given by Mrs. D. Bennett. ï¬ciently. The local pastmaster advises that the mailing public can as- sist greatly in this task by fol- lowing vwo practices. 1. Using complete and correct addresses on all mail, 2. Mailing Christmas mail as early as possible. Mr. Willis suggests the fol- lowing dead line mailing dates for Canada and the U.S.A.: Mail to distant points in Canada and the U.S.A. before December 8. Mail to other out of town points in Canada before December 13. Mail for/local delivery before 1December 17. By co-operating in the above :manner, postal patrons can help gimmensely in creating a hap- 1pier situation regarding Christ- lmas mail. The Christmas meeting of the‘ Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church WA. was held on Mon-day evening in the church hall.t .A Christmas message read by Mrs. G. Carmichael opened: the devotional period. This was'i followed by the scripture read-‘ ing given by Mrs. D. Bennett. . Guests for the evening were wits. 1". Diamond. the organist, land two of the choir members ers. J. Bork and Mrs. C. Ime- lson. who sang two beautiful Mrs. F. Diamond. and two of the ch Mrs. J. Bork and ‘ son. who sang ‘3 Christmas number A lengthy business discussion followed with reports being giv- en by the various officers. Mrs. D. Bennett then present- ed Mrs. M. Docherty the retir- ing president, with a gift in ap- nrm‘iaï¬nn of her work over the chairman 'cceived into th‘ this service were ai tafT of CFG ng bazaar articles nd a social half with Mrs. Carmiâ€" PROCEEDS TO W YORK CENTRAL HOSPITAL FUND W W Youth Activities - General Welfare ONE LOCATION ONLY annual at the Coun- last the M Les Stanley of the “Allegro†Music Shop, wishes to thank all those friends who sent expres- sions of sympathy while he was in the Toronto Western Hos- pital. Les left the hospital on Saturday last. and expects to be back “on the jobâ€, after about fa week of convalescence at |h0me. I‘ * *'* - R. H. Rotary Club‘ On Monday night the Rich- mond Hill Rotary Club was ad- dressed by Mr. Bill Bull. presi- dent 01f the Ontario Chapter of the British Automotive Racing ‘ Club. Mrs. Tom Lamb, Church St,“ and Mrs. S. Hannant, Mill St., were among the many exhibi- torg at the annual exhibit and sale of work of Klngcrafts Painting Group held recently at Kingcraft House. H-is subject was Mosport and motor sport. The present sad ï¬nancial position of Mlosport was discussed and its possible‘ causes examined. Mr. Bull ex- plained what it is that makes sports and racing car enthusiasts “‘t‘ickâ€. Being a well known rally driver himself, Mr. Bull was able to convey this enthusiasm to the full turnout of members and vis- iting Rotarians. The local postmaster advises that the mailing public can as- sist greatly in this task by fol- lowing tho practices. .1: fling complete and correct addresses on all mail, 2. Mailing Christmas mail as early as possible. Mr. Wlllis suggests the fol- lowing dead line mailing dates Presents a Christmas Show TICKETS: Adults 51.; Children 50 cents‘ “Is ï¬ve cents enough,†asks this sad faced little girl to Mrs. Lou Clement. “to buy a taffy apple.†The youngster was one of hundreds who thronged through the Christian Education Building at the Richmond Hill United Church Saturday during the church’s annual Christmas bazaar. She went away happy, licking her candy delight. PLAN YOUR CHRISTMAS PARTY NOW W“Alddin" Eamemeeam THE CURTAIN CLUB December 27th, 28th and 29th "Of Course It Is Dear LION’S HALL u aa- 1 £01- >rrect il as 2 fol- dates Mail a and )er 8. Joints er 13. )efore above 1 help hap- ihrist- a visit from the district secret- ary of the Canadian Bi-ble Soc- iety. who will Show the ï¬lm, “Bible in Braille". To mark the 90 years oi St. Mary's as a parish church. a Christmas play will be present- ed in vhe chancel of the Church for the ï¬rst time this year. A narrative drama entitled. “The Child of Peace†will be presen- ted each evening at 8 pm. from December 11th - 15th. This play ‘is directed, produced and pre- Esented by members of the par- ish. In order to ensure adequate seating, tickets are being issued upon request from the Church .oflice (TU. 4-0039) and from iMrs. Ken Foster 1TU. 4â€"5124). Die the Vis- Sunday, December 9th, is an- other important landmark in bhe history of St. Mary’s Ang- ’ lican Church, Richmond Hill. It .eg, was on Sunday, December 8th, are 1872. that the Bishop of Toronto . at dedicated St. Mary’s as the lax. parish church of Richmond Hill. These 90 years of history in the present church building will is be marked with special services nr- of thanksgiving next Sunday at ng. To mark the conclusion of a very enjoyable course in flower arranging the members of the class entertained their instruc- tor. Miss Margaret Dove at luncheon at the Yangtze Pago- da last Tuesday. This was an revoir but not good-bye as plans are already underway for other classes in the new year. Christmas decorations made by the class will be shown at the - regular monthly meeting of the Horticultural Society on De- cember 13. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Harley.| Kerrybrook Drive, entertained! at 3 Grey Cup party on Saturâ€"‘i day last. Included among the guestsi were Mr. and Mrs. W. Kirkpat- rick, Mr. and Mrs. D. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. R. Webber, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. M. Maxwell, Mr. and Mrs. J. Major, Mr. and Mrs. M. Wicks, Mr. and Mrs. J. McIl- been and Dr. A. Smith and Mrs. Smith. St. Mary's Anglican, :To Mark Anniversary _other important landmark in Those present were: L. Lang-l staff, E. Izzard. J. Large, E. Grant, M. Glass. A. Farwell, M. Hutchinson. M. Kitchen. J. Williams, M. Beatty, M. Angus, G. Casement, R. Roy, R. Urqu- hart, M. Fenwick, V. Brenan, S. Gallanger and M. Macken- zie. . ‘At Special Services Sunday, December 9t'h, is an-‘ the history of St. Mary’s Ang- lican Church, Richmond Hill. It was on Sunday, December 8th,i 1872. that the Bishop of Toronto dedicated St. Mary‘s as the parish church of Richmond Hill. These 90 years of history in the present church building will :be marked with special services of thanksgiving next Sunday at 8 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m. and 7 pm. The rector will preach at ‘the two Sunday morning servâ€" AURORA : Mayor Keith Nisbet of Aurora was re-elected mayor for a third time Saturday. i ’, BAYVIEV 8 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:00 am. and 7 pm. The rector will preach at the two Sunday morning serv- ices and in the evening the traditional observance of Bible Sunday. This will be marked by Call AL. 7-2644 Directed by Rex Sevenoaks RORA : Mayor Keith Nisbet‘ Aurora was re-elected mayor‘ a third time Saturday. ’ A Vote For William Neal Is A Vote For.... VOTING DAY - SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8 For Cars Or Information, Phone Committee Room 1 11E LIBERAL, Rlcnmonu O the owner of an established Richmond Hill 0 an honest, able administrator a man who was elected Richmond Hill’s ï¬rst Mayor was incorporated in 1957 ~ a man to restore conï¬dence in our (STAFF: PHOTO) LOBLAWS PARKING LOT Yonge St. N. at Levendale Evenings and all day Saturdays. family man, father of ï¬ve boys man whose only with 12 years’ experience on Council 1 A pre-communion service A busy weekend is planned ‘will be held in Richmond Hill by Richmond Hill Presbyterian Presbyterian church on FridayJSunday SchoOI December 15 to December 7, at 8 pm. New;1'7. On Saturday, December 15. members will be received into at 12.30 p.m., the prlmal'y the fellowship of the church atlschool will entertain Parents ‘thls service. land younger brothers and sis- Following the service of worâ€" ters at the annual Christmas ship the women‘s auxiliary will party. Santa Claus will, as usuo service refreshments in the al, distribute gifts to all chil- church hall. where the congre- dren present. gation will meet and welcomel White Gift Sunday on De- the new members into the cem~ber 16. will be observed by church family. all divisions of the school and Mrs. David Higgins, Harding Blvd. entertained at a trousseau tea for her daughter Beverley.‘ whose marriage to Lt. Kingsley Arnold, Victoria, B.C.. tookl place in St. Mary‘s An-glican‘ Church, November 24. a Mrs. Noel Arnold, mother of the groom received with Mrs. Higgins and Beverley. The bride to be wore a sheath dress of winter white with corsage of pink carnations. The tea table was centred with an attractive flower arrangement of pink carnations and white mums, are moi T ent: the: Mo: 1' ing tort to l with white tapers either side. Pouring tea and coffee were Mrs. Robt. Bailie. grandmother of the bride. Mrs. Chas. Axford. aunt of Lt. Arnold, Mrs. 0. J. Higgins. aunt of the bride. and Mrs. Wm. Hiscott. Assisting with serving refreshments were Mrs. Eugene Lazar. Mrs. John Turchin, Mrs. Harold Ground. Mrs. Wm. Gll- ‘christ. and Miss Elaine Higgins. ‘Greeiing guests where shower and wedding gifts were dis- played wcre the bride‘s atten- dants. Misses Lenora Long- worth. Judy Harrison. Elizabeth Arnold. Brenda Thomson and Suzanne Higgins. STOUFFVILLE : K. Laushway was acclaimed for a third term as deputy-reeve of Stouffville at a nomination meeting. Nov- ember 22. PORK lIVER cooxan HAM lb. 99: Mood eatina as: A1 SAvmes! Brisket Plate lb. 19c BAYVIEW PLAZA reason for seeking office FRESH SLICED LEAN SLICED LEAN, BONE-IN H Untarlu, i‘hursday, December 6; 1962 r Town government. automobile dealership located in e Your “NEAL FOR MAYOR" TU. 4 - 738| Your Candidate For Mayor In 1963 Electors Of Richmond Hill tie ve 1k. is. re| ;Mrs. Miss Lenora Longworth enter- Miss Brenda Thomson. Heaths view Drive, entertained at a dinner party and presentation. Gerald Longworth and tained at a dinner party and. crystal presentation, Mrs. Leon- ard Canham entertained at a dinner party and Mrs. Robt. Balo lie. grandmother of the bride had a luncheon. Mrs. Albert Bailie, the Kin-gsway. and Mrs. Wm. Hiscott gave a linen show- er. Miss Judy Harrison had a miscellaneous shower, Mrs. Eu- ‘gcne Lazar gave a crystal and. miscellaneous shower. Mrs. 0s- bourne Higgins and Miss Elaine Higgins gave a kitchen shower. Mrs. Harold Ground gave a cup and saucer and miscellaneous shower. and the bride’s associ. ates at TCA gave a miscellanes ous shower and presentation. and a farewell party at the Park Plaza. White Gm Sunday on De- cember 16, will be observed by all divisions of the school and members of the congregation are invited to participate at the morning service. The Eenlor school with par- ents and friends will enjoy their annual entertainment Monday night at 7. Miss Beverley Higgins, Hard- ing Blvd" was extensively en- tertained before her marriage to Lt. Kingsley Arnold. Victoria. I. ulA\ . .uug. Mrs. Noel Arnold entertained the bridal party after the re- hearsal Friday, November'za. is a sincere desire 2mm:me TU. 4-7691 when it