(By Elisabeth Grant) The annual meeting and ban- quet of the Richmond Hill Horâ€" ticultural Society was an inter- esting event of last week. One hundred and twenty members and guests gathered in the pleasant surroundings of the Richmond Hill Golf and Coun- try Club to enjoy dinner and an excellent program. HonourDr.H.H.MacKay Horticultural Diploma At the head table with the president Mr. W. S. Urquhart and Mrs. Urquhart were May- or W. J. Haggart and Mrs. Hag: gart. Dr. Lillian Langstaï¬, Rev. W. W. Patterson. Dr. and Mrs. H. H. MacKay. Mr. and Mrs. D. Boyd and Miss G. McLa'tchy. The president gave a \ch-Q coming address and reviewed‘ briefly the achievements of a very successful year. Mayor Haggart brought greetings and said that he could think of no better services in beautifying the town than that provided over the years by the Civic Im- provements Committee of the Iociety. A delightful program of na- ture pictures was presented by Mr. Marshall Bartman, exten- sion secretary of the Federation of Ontario Naturalists. An ex- pert photographer he has been most successful in capturing the many moods of nature and his address could not help but stimulate the powers of obser- vation and appreciation of the many wonders about us. Mr. Barbman was introduced by Mr. W. J. Large ,and Mrs. E. Redel- meier expressed the thanks of W. S. Urquhart; honorary direc- tors, Mrs. B. L. Anderson, Mrs., H. H. Mackay, Messrs. P. E. Argle. D. Boyd, R. H. Keith, R. D. Little. 1st vice-president, Mrs. D. Boyd; 2nd vice-president, Mr. R. Williams; secretary- treasurer, Miss G. McLatch-y. Directors 1963, Miss D. Leno, Mrs. W. J. Large, G. Caldwell, Rev. W. Patterson, Mr. A. Mac- Gregor. Directors 1963-64, Mrs. J. Rumney, Mrs. H. Nelson, Messrs. W. J. Ankerman. A. Bales. G. Lonlgworth. REGIONAL CONFERENCE ‘ Mrs. R. Farrell. Provincial Chairman of family life was the guest speaker at the area ‘D‘ home and school regional conference which was held at the MacKillop Memorial School. on November 22. President Mrs} W. Noble. of York-Simcoe Council of Home and School Associations was in the chair. and introduced Mrs. Farrell. Mrs. Farrell's subject was the new family life study course ‘Meet Your School Age Child‘. There are nine sections in this study course and each one was touched on during Mrs. Far- rell‘s talk. Those who prepared the course are hopeful that it may be the ï¬rst step in helping to prevent mental illness in school age children. Mrs. Farrell went on to ex- plain how best any small group of parents could study the course. but that it is preferable that there be more than four your home 6': school association Readers may order re- prints of staff photos appearing in “The Liberal" at the newspaper office, 63 Yonge Street South, Rich- mond Hill. REPRINTS AVAILABLE AND BURNER SERVICE TU.4-4361 RICHMOND HILL HALL'S DOMESTIC FUEL OIL An overflow crowd Senior Citizens Club in can Road, shows Mrs. E basket work he had on §\C‘ ‘flow crowd attended the an ns Club in the auditorium 01 ows Mrs. E. Stapley, Mrs. M. he had on display. VIrs‘ Hag7 "Miéé McLatchy read the an- ‘tafl‘ Rev' n‘ual report and was later pre- and M13“ sented with a giï¬t in apprecia- the audience. Honor Dr. MacKa)v A feature of the evening was the award to Dr. Hugh Mackay of the horticultural service di- ploma. Dr. Lillian Langstaff made the presentation and paid tribute to Dr. Mia-ckay for his many years of service to the society as president. director and active member. He has re- cently returned from a tour abroad when he visited many oflthe famous gardens of the old world. fion of her ï¬ne work as secre- taryatreasurer. Mrs. Urquhart received a gift of flowers. Election Officers Mr. Douglas Boyd conducted the election of oflicers and di- rectors for the coming year. Mr. Gordon Caldwell presented the report of the nominations committee which was accepted. Honorary president. Mrs. W. lRedelmeier; past president, Dr. H. H. Ma-cKay; president, Mr. W. S. Urquhart; honorary direc- tors, Mrs. B. L. Anderson, Mrs. H. H. M‘ackay, Messrs. P. E. Argle, D. Boyd, R. H. Keith, R. D. Little. lst vice-president, Mrs. D. Boyd; 2nd vice-president, Mr. R. Williams; secretary- J. Rum‘ney, Mrs. H. Nelson. Messrs. W. J. Ankerman, A. Bales. G. Lonlgworth. people in any one group. A tape recording ‘Thought of Tommy. A Ten Year Old' was played and much enjoyed by all present. Following Mrs. Farrell’s talk the meeting broke up into dis- cussion groups, each group choosing its own subject from a {\IacKillop Home and School Crafts On Display annual Christmas bazaar sponsored by the Richmond Hill . of the public library last week. F. R. Gilbert of 161 Dun- M. C. Fry and Mrs. H. Hill some of the ï¬ne wood, tile and Bridal Shower On Wednesday evening of last week neighbours and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Collard, to hold a miscellaneous shower in honour of Miss Cathy Glen and Mr. George Collard who are be- ing married on December 28. George and Cathy received many beautiful gifts; they were assisted with the opening of them by Miss June Collard and Mrs. John McCague. Refreshments were served at the close and everyone left wish- ing the bride and groomâ€"to-be many long years of happy mar- ried life together. Euchre. There were 12 tables of euc‘hre at the Community Hall on Fri- day evening of last week. This was the last game of the present series. The next game will be held after the Christmas holi- days. Prize winners were: Ladies (1) Mrs. S. Larkin; (2) Mrs. E. Vanderkooy; consolation. Mrs. W. Sandle. Gents: (1) Bill Ash; (2) Harvey Collard: consolation, Harry Forster. Lone hands: Mrs. Larkin and Bert Nichols. Series prize winners were: La- dies: (1) Mrs. Larkln; (2) Mrs. Almstedt. Men: (1) Bert Nich- ols; (2) Martin Gall. Prize for the oldest player: Mr. Attridge; the yowngest player: Mrs. Agno- luzzi. 7 Lucky draw for a hamper of groceries: Mrs. Almstedt. Lions During the intermission, Freshie and cookies were served to the children and coffee to the adults. Through the kind auspices of Mr. Gordon Mortson, two school busses picked up and returned the children to their homes. Santa Claus arrived at the end of the ï¬lm and distributed the box of candies to all the children. There were over 300 in attendance. including several parents. week they won 11â€"1 at Sutton Arena. With Ron Haldone in goal for the flyers all the team shlarpshooters went to work. Wayne Harrington led the at- tack with three goals while Doug Acomb and Craig Seph- ton hit for two each. Dave Broâ€" derick, Harvey Gordon, Gary Methe and Tom Dyson scored one goal each. “On Tuesday night of last South Shore came to Rich-1 mond Hill last Sunday only tol The members of the Victoria Square District Lions Club at- tended‘the dinner meeting on Tuesday evening of last week of the King City Lions Club. Christmas Party AURORA : Over $1,000 has and Peter BirC been banked already for Aurora with three g‘ Centennial Coins put on sale Windrim. ( recently. The bronze coin sells Wayne Harrin at one dollar and the silver coin erick and J: at seven. ’ scored a goal The third annual Christmas party for the children of the district sponsored by the Vic- toria Square District Lions Club was held on Saturday afternoon at the Buttonville Hall. The programme consisted of a sing-song led‘Lion Harvey Collard, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Jim Barker. Sev- eral cartoons were shown. with the feature ï¬lm being “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfsâ€. During the intermission, Freshie and cookies were served to the children and coffee to the adults. The parents would like to thank the Lions Club for hav- 87 Yonge St. VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS And this diamond can put up to $2,500 in > " your hands -â€"â€"perhaps even more. Niagara Finance has over 200 branches coast to ‘ coast, specializing in fast, convenient service to Canadians who need to J," borrow for some worthwhile " purpose. How about you? THIS DIAMOND ISAMAN'S BEST FRIEND NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED Larges! All-Ccnadian Consumer Loan Company R. It. 2 Gormley â€"- Telephone Gormley 5421 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE Loan Manager â€" J. Koscher Open until 8 pm. Mondays ing this party for the children. just another act of their Lion work. White Gift Service The annual White Gift ser- vice will be held on Sunday, December 16, at 11:30 am. There will be no Sunday school as the Sunday school and church‘ service will be combined. How- ever, all the teachers and chil- dren are asked to meet in the Sunday school room by 11 am. in order that they may go up ‘in a body and sit at the front lof the church. Let us try to make this the best White Gift service yet, for those who are less fortunate than we are. Presentation Mrs. S. DeFvoe held a presen- tation .at her home recently for Miss Cathy Glen, a bride-to-be of December 28. Neighbourhood Notes Birthday greetings to Lloyd Vanderkxooy, 11 years, December 16. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hewitt and boys of Don Mills had Sun- day evening dinner with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Bin- nington. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sbong of Weston spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mortson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boyn- ton and Grace had Sunday eve- ning dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Canning and boys. Mr. ad Mrs. William Orr cele- brated their 46th wedding an- niversary by having dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Keffer at Thornhill and spent the eve- ning with their family at King \City. Pollard's Flyers 1 Swamp Keswick ~Jim Pollard’s banltam age Fl‘yers gave two «hockey lessons to South Shore last week as they defeated the Keswick team 11-1 and 11-0. South Shore came to Rich? mond Hill last Sunday only to absorb an 11-0 defeat. Mark Reynolds got the shutout in ‘the Flyer cage. Doug Acomb and Peter Bird got the hat trick with three goals each. Albert Windrim. Craig Seph‘ton, Wayne Harrington. Dave Brod- erick and Jim Wilson each Phone 884-4423 (STAFF PHOTO) Camille United Church Women Tweniydbree ladies attended the Christmas meeting at the home of Mrs. Jack McEwen, December 5. Mrs. Lew Morris read the Scripture; Philippians 2. verses 5-11 and the medita- tion. The business of the evening was discussed and it was decid- ed the U.C.W. would give $100 to the church for repair work and they decided also to give $25.00 to the Sunday school. are as follows. president. Mrs. Jack Bushell; vice-president. Mrs. Frank Purves; recording secretary, Mrs. Gordon Read; correspondent secretary, Mrs. Robert Kirk; treasurer, Mrs. James Williams; pianist, Mrs. John Baker; ways and means committee, Mrs. Adam Read, Mrs. Jack Barton, Mrs. Ernie Bone. flower and sick commit- tee. Mrs. Bert Middleton. Mrs. Jack Barton; parsonage repreâ€" sentative, Mrs. Read. Nomina- ting committee for 1964. Mrs. Adam Read, Mrs. Warmin-gvton, Mrs. Douglas Bone. ï¬'i‘ï¬Ã© new officers for the year 1963-64 were slated and install- ed by Rev: Howard Ygals. They Our neighborhood was deep- ly saddened by the sudden death of Mrs. C. Cutler, Pem- berton Cres. The late Mrs.‘ Cutler was president of Ross Doan Home & School, and will be well remembered for the ,work she put in convening the ’bake sale every year for the s wring fair. She gave unstintimgly of her time to camvass for the cancer drive, the blind, and the polio foundation. Our deepest sympathy is extended to Mr. Cutler and her three sons. My apology to Linda Baker of Weldrick Rd., whose name I omitted last week, as a 3rd Richvale Brownie who was pre- sented with her golden bar. 3rd Richvale Brownies held their Christmas party at Ross Doan School on December 10th, dressed in their party clothes instead of the traditional uni- forms. Debbie Blackburn and Caren Brown, the sixers, presen- ;ter Mrs. Nixon (Brown Owl) and helper Peggy Miller with gifts, on behalf of the group. Games and refreshments were enjoy- ed by all. Nancy Underhill is now training as Tawny Owl â€" making everyone quite happy. On Sunday evening, Decem- ber 9th, Mr. and Mrs. W. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. D. Fettes, and Mr. ROYAL. YORK Make the Royal York Hotel your home -â€"for an hour or for a. dew NORTH RICHVALE NEWS Now in the Imperial Room . . . Hawaii’s greatest voiceâ€" Charles K. L. Davis. Plus exciting hula. dancing. Chrisimas shopping in Toronto ? MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW THROUGH ANY CANADIAN PACIFIC AGENT 0R YOUR OWN TRAVEL AGENT CORRESPONDENT: MRS. GORDON READ CORRESPONDENT: MRS. A. BLACKBURN 108 Yongehurst â€" Phone TU. 4-2617 THE We provide all the many services busy out-of-town shoppers requireâ€" . BABY SITTING o 400 CAR PARKING GARAGE o 1600 ROOMS '0 TOP ENTERTAINMENT I EXCELLENT FOOD AND SERVICE CARRVILLE NEWS Neapolitan Sextetteâ€"Opens Mon., Dec. 17 TORONTO Telephone AV. 5-4001 After the meeting had closed. Mrs. John Baker distributed the Christmas gifts and then everyone enjoyed a delicious buffet lunch. The Carrville Church Sunday School is holding a Christmas concert on Sunday evening De- cember 16. at '7 pm. There will be carol singing and Christmas stories and who can tell. maybe even Santa will be there. The parents and friends are all in- vited to come. There will be a concert rehearsal for the Sun- day school children on Decem- ber 15, at 1 o'clock at the‘ church. 1 White Gift Sunday White Gift Sunday is to be December 16. The members of the congregation are asked to bring anything that could be packed into a box «,0 make a happier Christmas for some- one less fortunate than our- selves. Many happy returns to Mrs. Hayter who celebrated her 89th birflhday on Sunday, December “ Mr. and Mrs. John Baker had their family all home for din- ner Sunday of last week. and Mrs. A Blackburn surprised the Wm Smiths at their home on Markham lid, with a get~to- gether, presenting them with little gifts, to take on their com- ing trip to Florida. Betty and Bill will be celebrating Christ- mas in the sunshine state. Cold weather’s coming on fast! Don’t let it catch you with your car unpre- pared for rugged winter driving conditions. Drive in now for our pre-winter check-up and service! COOK'S BP Get Your Car Ready! Auto Service Complete Service To All Makes of Cars ELGIN MILLS ' “3151 8-LIGHT INDOOR TREE LIGHT SET â€" Assorted colored bulbs glow brightly on your Christmas tree. Beads hold bulbs upright for fast tree trimming. Series type. With long cord and 8 9 plug. Set of 8 .' ....................... I EXTRA BULBS MULTIPLE OUTDOOR SET ully Approved â€" For 110-120 Volt Circuits I , I I“, . i‘ s -‘ ' ,. ./. ¢_ .5 5'. '. .~v-\:‘.,'. ’ ‘ NJ; I ‘nl‘ ( l V I . . 12-LIGHT OUTFIT 7-LIGHT Setâ€" 1.59 TS-LIGHT Setâ€" 3.39 Extra Bulbs -â€"â€" eavh .14; 5 for .59 Canadian-made heavy weather- proof wuring, safety sockets. The generous length gives greater STORE and SERVICE DEPARTMENT Open Every Night 'Iil 9 P.M. t On The Spot Financing EASY TERMS â€" NO DOWN PAYMENT THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontagiogrhursday, December 13, 1962 INDOOR TREE LIGHTS for .22 BIG 'I7" leg spread; holds frees up to 3" diam. Bright green and red sturdy steel. Water container to keep tree I 5 9 fresh .............. 7-LIGHT INDOOR MULTIPLE LIGHT- ING SET â€"â€" Eoch colored bulb burns in- dependently. Spring clip sockets attach easily to tree branches. Larger, brighter bulbs, long cord, plug and add -on connector complete 1 the set .................................. I 12-LIGHT INDOOR MULTIPLE LIGHTING SET ............................ 2.29 EXTRA BULBS ...................... 5 for .45 DELUXE TREE HOLDER â€". Lorger size, bright nickel and chrome trim. With special slots to hold tree lights (not included). 3 '49 Top value ....... wvy weather- sockets. The ives greater