'12 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, December 13, 1962 Two innovations in telephone service for Maple residents go into effect December 16. W. C. Barnes, Bell Telephone Com- pany manager for thls region, aid this week. One is the elimination of long distance charges on telephone calls between Maple and the new Nobleton (859) exchange. he said. Announce Two Changes For Maple Subscriberst The other change will make it possible for Maple subscrib- ers to dial direct to “informa- tionâ€, instead of placing their requests through an operator as at present. By dialing “113" ielephone‘ users in Maple will be connect- ed to the Bell's information de- partment in Toronto where lis- tings of all subscribers in the [miter Toronto area are kept. The Bell manager explained that widening Maple's local call- ing area to include the Noble- tan (859) exchange will in no my affect present toll-free call- ing arrangements with Rich- Maple, Concord and EdgeleyDis‘trict“ News The Edgeley Women's 1n- stltute held lts annual pot luck luncheon at the home of Mrs. Alf Bagg on Thurs- day, December 6. and it rimmed out to be the most pleasant and informative af- ternoon that the members hm enjoyed in a long. long time. At noon each member ar- rived bearin-g one of her food specialties. Mrs. Bagg had let up a long table in the recreation room of her ï¬mctlve new home and dcâ€" confled it with smart Christ.- N\\l\\l“\\l\\\l\l\l\m“lN‘1‘“lll“1ll\l\ll\l\\\lll“llll\llll\\\l\\\\ll\\ll\l\lll\\ll\\\l\\lllmm“lll\lll\llll“ll\ll“mmll|“Wm\ll\l\\\l\ll\ll\\\lg 10) Teston 11) Jefferson 12) Richvale 13) Vellore 14) Crestwood Rd 15) Arnold Avenue 18) Thorndale 17) Concord East 20) Yongehurst E 18) Boyle 19) Scott East 8) Edgeley 21) Camille 2) Patterson 22) Pine Grove W 23) Concord West 4) Maple West 6) Purpleville l) Thornhill N. 5) Pine Grove E 25) Westwood Lane S 26) Maple East 7) Elder Mills 8) Kleinburg 27) Thornhill S 28) Maple S-West 29) Uplands 9) Nashville 31) Scott West 30) Garden Avenue 33) Eight Candidate Vie For Five School 32) Yongehurst W. Polling Subdivision "The Liberal" is always willing to p districts. Our representative in Mal Concord, Mrs. Ruth Kefler. 285-4040 Christmas Luncheon Murray‘s 35 SCHOOL BOARD mond Hill, Thornhill. King Kleinburg and Woodbridge. He added that the basic mon- thly rates for service in Maple will also remain the same since the number of telephones added to the Maple local calling area will not bring the total above the makimum allowed for in its present rate group. Effective December 16. Mr. Barnes said, it will no longer be necessary for Maple tele- phone users to dial “112" to reach Nobleton (859) numbers.‘ Calls to the new exchangel should be dialed as local calls, that is, by dialing the exchange preï¬x 859 followed by the re- maining four digits of the re- quired telephone number. 21 Adjustments in the Bell’s central oï¬ice necessary to im- plement these innovations will he carried out during the early morning hours of December 16, when telephone calling is at its lowest ebb. Mr. Barnes pointed out. mas trimmings. After feasting on over 20 different varieties of foods. the members exchanged Christmas gifts with Mrs. C. H. Boake acting as Santa The brandh members were most honored to have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Taylor and Miss Taylor from Western Australia. The Taiy- lors are visiting relatives in Willowdale and were very pleased to accept an invita- tion to the luncheon. Claus Mrs. Taylor has been an to publish interesting items regarding people :nd events contributed Maple is Mrs. Len Shore. ALpine 7-1150; in Edgeley and Sherwood 25 159 42 101 119 21 29 146 112 149 231 Electionsfl You can read the whole bit elsewhere in “The Liberalâ€, and the VERY FEW Maple residents who did bestir themselves en- ough to “get out and vote" can be justly proud of our local candidates and the tremendous showing those elected made. One nice thing about the next two years -â€" we will have only a mere nuisance value by way of griping and complaints because the majority who couldn’t be bothered to go out to vote “surely won't have the nerve to open their mouth-5"! In another two year period perhaps they will show~more interest and duty in their community and then any amount of construc- tive criticism will be accepted â€" and appreciated. é GROWER â€" FLORIST ' Since 1880 I 2 §The ï¬nest in floral designs 2‘ 9‘ and bedding plants. " PHONE ALpine 7-1471 )‘ or AL. 7-1363 ~grieele Street Maple, Ont. ~~ â€" Those who were I‘e-el‘ected will now really be able to see ful- ï¬llment of their research and plotting during their “getting their feet wet" period. Con- gratulations to each one and may the coming term of office be in tune with the standards and needs of Vaughan Town- ship. Parties were held following the election ï¬nals at the homes of the various candidates â€"â€" some receiving congratulations while others were consoled “un- til next time.†Reminder of Pot-Luck Supper This is a highlight of any time of year â€" a pot-luck sup- peri! When it includes, on the notice following, bring either} ï¬rst counse or dessert “don’t forget your own plate, cup and saucer and cutlery to thus EL- IMINATE dish washing that ev- geninlg" â€"â€" now that in itself should inspire many to attend. That’s December 18th at 6:45 pm. in the education rooms of the Maple United Church â€" Re-Elect Three 1 Maple Trustees i NHL referee Dalton McAr- th‘ur failed to gain election to the Maple Village Board of Trustees. In Saturday‘s elect- ions for village trustees, he ran fourth to the three incumbents. Headinvg'the poll was Frank Robson, a retired garage opera- tor. with 249 votes. Rounding out the 1963 board will be Ro- land Keffer, 227 votes, and James Hodgson, 207 votes. Mr. ‘McA-rthur polled 82 votes. Only 308 or just under 50 per cent of the 623 eligible vot- ers in the village cast their bal- lots. active member of an Insti- tute branch im her country for 35 years and is also a charter member of her branch. The Edgeley branch members were most eager to hear all about Australia and particularly the Institute work "down under", which, it was disclosed. is of a con- siders:ny different nature in ’her country than in Canada. Each and every member posed one or more questions for Mrs. Taylor to answer and in this way they learned a great deal about life in Australia that they did not know before. Mrs. Taylor passed around colored pic- tures. including some of wild flowers native to her country and which we. of course, have never seen. The business part of the meeting included a report from the Directors meeting by District Director, Mrs. C. H. Boake. Mrs. Boake also presented a report from the Area Convention for Mrs. W. Although there are now vaccines against many of the communicable diseases that once were great killers or cripplers. there are cases reported of these dis- eases every year. Many of the reported cases and in death. This is unnecessary. Why do some Canadians negiect such an important procedure? IS IT DUE TO PROCRASTINATION. COMPLACENCY OR APA- THY? TWP. OF NORTH YORK Complacency or Apathy DEPT. OF HEALTH ple 1nd events contributed by its readers in Maple, Concord & Edgeley in Edgeley Ind Sherwood, Mrs. Raymond Stuart. AV. 5-1934; and in IZE FLO. The Sunday School members of St. Stephen’s Anglican Church held their annual white gift ser- vice Sunday. December 2. This is a wonderful event when child- ren and adults share with oth- ers less fortunate than them- selves. the ï¬nal meeting of the UCW for this year. Annual White Gift Service As in other years, these gifts were especially chosen for the patients in our mental hospitals. The Mental Health Association will surely be pleased when they start to gaily wrap the many beautiful gifts, in a wide var- iety from cosmetics for women, shaving accessories for men, nylon lingerie, knitting wool and knitted wear. games â€"- all thoughtfully chosen to make these patients realize someone cared. St. Stephen's Sunday School is continually growing with an approximate average of 150 boys and girls attending. Their new hall surely is needed and hoped for soon Maginn. who was the dele-l gate to the convention but was unable to be present. The members regret that Mrs. Maglmvn is a patient in Peel Memorial Hospital and they wish her a speedy re- covery. ( Mrs. Allen Aitcheson, Mrs. Alf Bagg and Mrs. Frank Locke were appointed a committee to act with the president, Mrs. Fred Bodker. at a meeting in January at the home of Mrs. J. W. Dal- ziel. To show her gratitude to the hostess for a memorable afternoon, and because Mrs. Bagg is a charter member in common with Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Taylor presented Mrs.‘ Bagg with her own Austra- lian Women’s Institute (CWA) badge. Mrs. Bagg was deeply touched by Mrs. Tay- lor's kind gesture and genâ€" erosity and pinned the badge on her dress beside her Pro- vincial and her life member- ship badvges. By supplying a high level of Vitamin A, Shur-Gain Dairy Supplement “A†pro- motes increased rumen bacteria activity. The result . . . coarse, woody, low quality roughage is transformed into more valu- able feed for milk production and body maintenance. THAT'S VERY GOOD FLOSSIE, IN SPITE OF THE OLD HAY! PLENTY OE'HOT WATER FOR EVERYONE MAPLE FEED MILL â€" AL. 7-I241 FREE! There's an easy CALI 7‘ l|lll|lllllllllllllllllllllllll\llll\llll\lllll|ll“l\l“lllllll|llll\lll“l\l“lll\lllll“lll\ll1]\lllllllll“|lll\l\\l“1l\lll\“llll\l\llll\\lll\l\l\ll\lll“\lllmlllg I 16) with 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 20) 15) 17) Concord East 18) 19) 21) 22) 24) to read “Concentrate†folder waiting for you at our mill. 23) Concord West 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) Uplands 1) Thornhill N Here's How Vaughan Voted On Saturday 30) Garden Avenue 7) 31) 32) 33) Polling Subdivision I6B Yonge St. N. Patterson Edgeley Maple West Pine Grove E Purpleville Kleinburg Teston Elder Mills Nashville Jefferson R‘ichvale Vellore Thorndale Crestwood Rd Arnold Avenue Boyle Scott East Yongehurst E Carrville Pine Grove W Elgin Mills Westwood Lane S Maple East Thornhill S Maple S-Wes’t Scott West Yongehurst W Murray’s Corner TOTAL Shur-Gain Dairy Supplement “A†also supplies 32% protein; proper vitamin and mineral levels; medium to high energy value . everything required to balance your grains for increased milk production. 1715 1492 776 125 101 135 39 64 98 SUNDAY COUNCIL MEMBERS MOVIES Out of a total of 689 eligiblv‘ voters in the polling districts 0 Concord East and Concord Wes a grand total of 156 persons vot ed. Isn‘t that wonderful! Ab‘ out 22.6 per cent. took advan tage of the easiest exercise in 130 122 56 72 1033 DAIRY RATION‘W' 174 115 1425 1397 123 39 Richmond Hill 1276 he world â€" exercising their oting franchise. After such n overwhelming turnout we shouldn’t hear too much beeï¬ng Iver decisions made by town- ;hip council or school board. nor mould any complaints be regis- ‘zered about the added Sunday evening trafl'ic next season. when the two drive-in theatres close to us make themselves a small fortune by staying open seven nights a week. Guides and Brownies A Christmas party for the mothers' group committee was held last Thursday at Tori Mc- Clymont‘s with 21 mothers at- tending. The ladies played sev- eral games and held a gift ex- change. Refreshments. consist- ing of sandwiches and Christ- mas cake and cookies, were ser- THE BELL TELEPHONE STARTING DECEMBER 16th ..... Concord Socials all subscribers in Maple will be able to call friends in Nobleton without Long Distance charges. ved at the close of the evening. forgot about some pre~electlon Socials news. Mrs. Tess Halnes was hos- The Edgeley Women‘s Insti- tess at a tea last week where tute held its Christmas meet- Mrs. Ruth McConkey and Mr. ing at the home of Mrs. Alf. Wilfred Kefl‘er were special Bagg, Hillside Ave, last week. guests. Both council members Although other special guests gave an interesting account of The Edgeley Women‘s Insti- tute held its Christmas meet- ing at the home of Mrs. Alf. Bagg, Hillside Ave. last week. Although other special guests were present. we understand that a man (?) in a red suit stole the show during the gift exchange. There's a rumor go- ing around that it was really Bea Boake. but I don't believe that, do you? Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ash are .taklng a short holiday to visit Mrs. Ash‘s sister and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Keï¬er of North Bay. Honestly. they get mentioned more than any- body stlll living in Concord. ~I was so steamed up at- the beginning of this column that I tess at a tea last week where Mrs. Ruth McConkey and Mr. Wilfred Kefl'er were special guests. Both council members gave an interesting account of their past term in council and answered many questions in general about council proced- ure. Later the same day. Tuesday. the Concord Community Rate- payers held a meeting at Con- cord School when all candidates for council and school board were presented to the FEW el- ectors present at the meeting. The candidates made themselves available to two meetings that evening (the other being in Pine Grove) when most of the voters couldn't get to one. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ash are taking a short holiday to visit Mrs. Ash's sister and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Keï¬er of North Bay. Honestly. they get mentioned more than any- body stiii living in Concord. McCON KEY (‘4 Electors 285-4811 THANK COUNCILLOR E) COMPANY OF CANADA On December 16th, when you call your friends in Nobleton, please remember to dial the full seven ï¬gures of their list- ed numbers. All Nobleton numbers will begin with “859†followed by four ï¬gures. ALSO . . . on December 16th, to reach INFORMATION . . . please dial “113†instead of “Operatorâ€. RUTH Of Vaughan W. C. Barnes, Manager YOU