Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Dec 1962, p. 6

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5 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, December 13, 1962 COMING EVENT NOTICE: per insertion . . . . . TU. 4-1105 and you ARTICLES FOR SALE . DRYER $89. TU. 4-3211. c1w24 GE 21" CONSOLE TV $49. All ter 6 pm. AV. 5-2657. c1w24 DRYER, Easy, in excellent con- dition, $50. AV. 5-5354. c1w24 BABY BUTLER, aanewj $18. 'TU. 4-7716. c1w24 AUTOMATchVashcr. $65. TU. 4-3211. c1w24 BOY'S grdalkceper'is shattel‘proof! face protector, used 4 times. $8. TU. 4-2374. *1w24 v SNovfiITow suitable" for truck or tractor, 6’ wide and 3' thigh. TU. 4-2590! 62w24 ANTIQUE DESK $20; buffet $15"; 6 dining room chairs $10; even- ings 884-5591. c1w24 SPACE HEATER with 240 gal. oil drum in good condition $20. TU. 4-3846. clw24 SKIS, 7' and 6' with harness, poles, ski boots, size 8, AV. 5- 1860. c1w24 STOVE, Mofiat, 38 inch. Good condition. Oven at good working height $40. AV. 5-4335. clw24 WOMEN‘S-sitibi'oisTsizE 7-71.45, in excellent condition. TU. 4- 2528. nclw24 100 GALLON oil tank, usedfione season. 92 Roseview Ave., Rich- mond Hill. , c1w24 SMALL Thistle" tricycle 35. Lloyd baby carriage. Good con- dition. AV. 5-4704. nc24 LIONEL train with switches, freight cars, etc. Excellent con- dition, $14. AV. 5-3795. c1w24 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, 1st insertion So each word, min. charge 750 Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 5c per word, min. charge . . . . . . 65c FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of We 5c per word; min. charge 75c CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES. BIRTHS. 1.00 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 10 am. on Wednesdays, Send ads by mail and enclose payment, or telephone will receive invoice. FOR SALE (continuedl 21" TV $59. TU. 4-3211. (‘1 FORCED AIR oil furnace. used. TU. 4-5566. c1w24 NORDMENDE Ste'reo, $275.00.; T’U. 4-3211. MEN‘ hockeyjiants, largé, never} worn. AV. 5-3054. WASHER, $25. TU. 4-3211. . c1w24 ONE floor poiisher. Reasonable? 884-1203 after 6. PAIR of mgn's ski boots, like new, size 7, $6. AV. 5-3555. c1w24 AUTOMATIC washer and dryer, $80 the pair. Phone TU. 4-5714. c1w24 W243 c1w24- dfied |MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS 'PAINTING ‘C°““‘l“e°“.. -. I,“ iestimates. I JOHN'S washer and appliance Rollinson. TE. 3-6671. tfelS repairs. TU 4-2615. tfcao DRESSMAKING and altera- pLANNING A pARTY? ‘ lions. first class work. 285-5793. Private or club, adult or family, C4W22you can. for as little as $3.50.- ' i» add a gay colurful and exciting Caribbean touch complete with dance music. limbo and souven- paperhanging. Free Colour samples. A I SROW’PITOWINGâ€" Contracts invited. AV. 5-3958. ‘ tfc22 IgffiTfirtfl-Eâ€"Aire'dvfi-hBEEirs. For fllll information call, ' a" 5 Pump - - AV. :-.'20 . 421,23 Iservice. C. Burns. PR. 3-5085. -77 5 . _ , tfc4 SOUND Hi-Fi - Stereo ‘ Dance Entertainment PA Service lndoor - Outdoor - Mobile IPLOWING. discing, final grad- ‘ing and seeding. TU. 4-1538. tfc12 ____________’â€"r»â€" , l PAINTING & PAPER METRO MUSIC SERVICES 1 HANGING 884-7287 R. E. Dunn, TU. 4-2798. ‘ tfc20 tfcI --- - - -- jMOVING and cartage contracts HERRIDGE ELECTRIC TV invited. Anytime, anywhere. APPLIANCES Fully insured. Call TU. 4-1782.l Wiring, Sales, Repairs, Parts. c1w24l Rentals General Electric Dealer 1 Imported Stereo Radio-Phonosi 4-0 Levendale Road South Block Richmond Heights Centre TU. 4-3211 All Hours tfcii SW1) ANDERAVEL. crushedl Stone, loam and fill. E Charity. Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1101. tfc8 PIANO TUNING Pipe organ rebuilding. repairs. All work expertly done by qual- technician. Reasonable TU. 4-2883. tfc24 CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell, AV. 5â€"2526. tfc15 FREE FREE 84 cup capacity coffee percola-l tor to church groups. schools, clubs, etc. Here is your oppor- tunity to rceive a coffee perco- lator by handling a few of the. rates. GENDRON baby carriage, like new. Reasonable. TU. 4â€"2824. ' c1w24 TWO dump bodies, Woods comb.- 7‘x11'. cam and roller heavy duty hoists. 285-5719. CHILD’S Thistle tricycle 12 in. wheel good condition $5. AV. 5-2960. c1w24 GE STOVE 349. TU. 4-3211. 1 c1w24 LUGGAGE, 2 pieces, matched. Also one overnight and one train case, new. very reason- able. 285-2678. c2w24 CHRISTMAS Trees and applies, spies and Couirtlands. Apply H. Topper, Elgin Mills, Yonge Street. c1w24 FIREPLACE wood and stove. wood, maple, birch, and oak. Delivered. Call Oak Ridges. PR. 3-5149. 1 c6w22 MANTEL radio, 12 volt car heater to fit sports car. AV. 5- 5989. c1w24 RECORD PLAYER New 4 speed portable $26.75. TU. 4-3211. c1w24 1 BED-CHESTERFIELD and chair. like new, and 1 new white bulky knit sweater, large. PR. 8-5840. e1wZ4 ROCKING HORSE on springs, like new, strong, $15.00. Mrs. Kovacs, 79 Buggies Ave., Rich- mond Hill. *lw24 GOOD used furniture for sale. Call Frank's Movers and Stor- age, 28 Industrial Rd.. TU. 4- 2613. th3 REFRIGERATOR, electric trig- idaire, 6 cubic feet, like new. Good for summer cottage, $70. H14-8704. c1w24 FIREWOOD FOR SALE All kinds of firewood. hardwood, birch and kindlin‘gs. Free deliv- ery. AL. 7-8831. tch3 6 750x20 TIRES. tubes and, wheels, $35 and $25 each. Gor-‘ don Watson, Gormley 886-5427. BELL & HOWELL 2x2 slide projector. new in carton. $55. Would consider trade for 4- Speed auto record player or. TU. 4-1523. c1w24 famous Rawleigh Products‘ among your group and friends. For further information contact' J. R. Sider. phone Stout’fville 640 -1591. c1w24: E. W. PAYNE Drains septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 285-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD. James D. Stewart TU. 4-2201 tfc431 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paper-hanging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimatesl Work guaranteed. TU. 4-7902. 1 tfc3i| MASONRY CONTRACTOR,â€" HELP WANTED VITANTED part-time help. Vari- ety Sea Foods. TU. 4-7881.c1w24l WAITRESS wanted. Apply Town Inn. Richmond Hill. TU. 4-2141. ,c1w23 EARN $25 r oniyour day off. Write Box 82, The Liberal. Stonework. Fireplace. etc. V., Ostergaard, 148 Yonge St. S.,‘ ,7 ,7 ,7", w “W21! Richmond Hill, phone TU. 4- HOUSEKEEPER - kind woman 5688. I1c23’lo care for three children ages 3. 7' and 9, five days. 8.45-5.15. Pleasantville area. 884-2818. CARPENTRY WORK, additions. renovations, garages, recreation rooms, tile floors. No job too c1w24 small. Free estimates. T. Price..0NE HOfiSEKEEFE'R' one: ‘ “i i . pracn W' tfczg tical nurse and helpers part SPECIAL time and full time. Nursing Chesterfield sets recovered â€" 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de- sired. A. Smith. Upholstery. phone AV 5-1682. tfc43 Home, T_U. 4-2651 after six p.m. tfc14 WOMAN. experienced in caring for young infant. live in or ELECTRIC ironer $40; doll‘s bed $5, matched drapes, 10 widths and 5 widths. girl's cloth- ing, sizes 8 and 10. AV. 5-3803. c1w24 HEAVY GAUGE steel roofing, 20 squares or over. $10.00 per square; under $10.35 per square. Gormley Lumber. phone 5710 Gor-mley. c1w24 CHRISTMAS TREES Wholesale and retail. 3 number of extra large trees up to 24' for commercial use. Place or- ders now for delivery. 28 Wal- mer Road. TU. 4-2563. c3w22 m “T V Cut 7”" CHRISTMAS trees. your own the old fashioned way. Bring your own axe. Scotch Pine $1.25. pheasants. $3. Stouf’fville area. 640-2780. NURSERY CHRISTMAS TREES Spruce. Scotch Pine, from 3 ft. ~ __ *2w23 2 SUBURBANITES, 512:700 by 16, suitable for half. three-quain‘ to 14 ft. high. 5840 YONGE ST. Also oven ready’ c3w23 live out. Practical nurse .pre- ferred. Phone Mr. Opie. AV. 5- 4655. c1w24 f if W iw’A'loBk KING CITY WELL DRILLING CO. LTD. Pump equipment installed and serviced. George Adams, Box 1192 King City. Phone King TE. 3-6321. tfc13 CALL us for your sand, gravel, fill, top soil and black loam. SUPERINTENDENT to after apartment building. Live in. Apply 165 Colbourne Ave., Richmond Hill. Wenmar Apart- ments. tfc22 Prompt delivery- Reasonable MRS. HOUSEWIFE/ 1 rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple, If you have spare time _ , ,1 liplne 7â€"8876. tfC7’1f you need extra money - -l FLOOR TILING You Can Earn With Avon. Rec. roms, kitchens, entries. Write Miss Ziegler. Box 141, bathrooms. Also ceramic wall Guelph. c1w24 REAL ESTATE salesman to sell. mainly farms and acreage but also prepared to sell some hous- ing. Apply to S. J. Carlisle, AV.‘ 5-1176. David McLean Ltd. c1w23 tile. Free estimates. AV. 5-1960. tfc20 YOUR troubles are over! You can sharpen scissors, pink- ing shears, knives~ all kinds,, also skates. Henry Van der Wal, Bicycle Repairs. Richmond St..‘ Maple. c2w24 i RADIO STATION CFGM MAHOGANY PLYWOOD V grooved 3/16“. Cash and can, Try price 4 by 7 $3.36, 4 by 8 1$3.84 per sheet. Butler & Bairdl Lumber Ltd., 191 Yonge St. N. I tIc133 Switchboard receptionist required. Typing essential Contact Mr. C-oxford, :6-ROOM7EDâ€"house, "Richvale, ‘January lst. TU. 4-1853. c1w24 lnewly decorated, modern con-l .ONEâ€"OR TWO bEdrdom anal: vments, TO RENT 4 ROOMS and bathroom. 5-1966. c1w24 1â€"SlNGL-Eirioom for-1 person. 884-1203 after 6. c1w24 $75 312 ROOMS, bath, private entrance and driveway. TV out- let. AV. 5-1 2}. *1w23 2’ BEDROOM 116..'.ef'2or’c.s’aar Ave. Apply 112 Markham Road. or phone TL'. 4-7951. c1w24 area. fllll basement. oil heating,‘ $95 monthly. immediate posses-i sion. AV. 5-2230. c1w24 parking. 68 Spruce Ave. Rich- vale. 285-3872. c1w23! APARTMENT. Selfioiiiained. 35 rooms and bath. $80.00 per month. Yonge 8;. Centre district. COMFORTABLE 6 roorri home. veniences. One bloek from Yonge. Call AV. 5-2742. cl\\24' 3â€"13‘EDRO’OT/1Th3me with full basement. semi-detached. avail- able immediately, $100 per; month. TU. 4-2535. c1w24‘ tained, heated. near bus SlO‘Duy Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1651. c1w24, BACHELOR ap’aii‘ihcni." fur- nished. 86‘ Spruce Avenue, Richvale. AV. 5-3993 or AV. 5-“ 4373 after 5 pm. tfc20 BEAVERTON & CENTRE" 1 furnished room in quiet adult home. gentleman preferred. $8 weekly. TU. 4-3801. c1w24 FURNISHED, very large two bedroom apartment. water. hy- dro included. Available Jan. ist. AV. 5-1234. tfc24 MODERN basement apartment. electrically equipped, $100.00 monthly. 36 Church St. S. PA. 7-5319. tfc23. SANTA CLAUS suit DELUXEI for rent. Langstal’f Young Wom-, en‘s Institute. AV. 5-3270. c2w123 LOW RENT APARTMENT Large 3172 room, unfurnished. in return for light service. Business couple. AV. 5-5233. tfc23 SMALL HOUSE. corBEr of 16th Ave. and Don Mills Rd, oil heated, hot and cold water. Im- mediate possession. 294-1118 or 297-1931. c1w24 1 BEDROOM apartment, cen- tral Richmond Hill. stove and frig. included. $65 monthly. H. P. Charles, AV. 5-3391. J. A.1 Will-ou-ghby and Sons. c1w24 102 Markham Rd. Call Mr. Dosman, TU. 4-7243 or Sam Sorbara Real Estate, RU. 3-6156. c4w24 ONE BEDROOM duplex, large living, garage, private basement, beautifully situated amongst trees, 71 Trench. TU. 4-2149. ‘ tfc24 iST MONTH rent free if im- mediate possession. Lovely 3 bedroom house in Richmond Hill $100 monthly. Call TU. 4-4595 anytime. c1w24‘ BEAUTIFUL APARTMENTS l are available. Reasonable. Bachelor, one, two and three bedrooms in Richmond Hill. TO RENT IContinuedl 2 BEDROOM bungalow. $75 monthly. AV. 5-2951. '1‘. Murphy Broker. cin4 LARGE, well furnished room, parking. 16 Lorne. 1st house east of Clarke's Drug Store at Yonge. *2w23l OAK RIDGESj Bayview. ’Mod-j em 5 room bungalow. All con- veniences, $95. PA. 7-9488, PA. 7-5046. tfc14 LAKE WlLCOX. Nice two bed- l CHALLENGING l posmou l AVAILABLE for aggressive young man 23-30 years of age REAL ESTATE WANTED EMPLOYMENT WANTED with HOMES needed on large attrac- DRESSMAKING and altel‘a- nation-wide sales finance tive lots - Woodbridge Maple t_ions. Mrs. MacDonald. TU 4- companv or King area. Can be frame org??? tfczl I _. . . ‘. masonry construction. 3 or more YOUNGâ€"jranmfigflggifiEB‘mt‘mg- CFEdlt. Insurance bedrooms. Mr. Richardson. HU- 7-3361. PETERS & WILES REALTORi c1w22 sales or university backgrounds are assets for work. Anything considered] Can you help us. Call Salva- tion Army. AV. 5-5126. tfc52 7 7 7’" . )1 ' PROPERTIES WANTED l "I I 1“ 0“ WRITE room cottage, school. shopping: playground water inside. $55.00 02“.“ tral location. stove and refrig-l25 Years Rea] EState experience- }?URT‘IIShUF-DWI‘OOIEI in adélllsdnonthly. .xv. 3â€"5162. clw23i o . ‘ . W Slingfe- mgmgougllgwfd\4_7154I6 ROOM healed apartment. cen-l f ‘ 310L623!) A.-_,. erator. Adults preferred. TU. 1 BEDROOM apartment. sclf- 4-4291. c1w23l contained. private entrance,‘ YONGE & DUFFERIN 2 bedroom apartment. newly de-I corated, stove supplied. $100 per_ month. TU. 4-4413. c2w23‘ TOOLS FOR RENT ‘ Floor sanders. saws and drillsi Hand sanders, jig-saws and naill drivers :\V 5-1109 lfc21‘ NEWLY decorated 2 bedroom apartment on first floor. with We are nearly sold out of prop-, I erties, houses. lots. acreage; Nursery SChOOl . INDUSTRIAL farmS- busmesseS- gas stations VACANCY - ThTRdenill ACCEPTANCE Buyers waiting, some with cash. others with good down pay- mcnt. Prompt efficient service. Nine salesmen to serve you. Co-operative Nursery School i CORPORATION LTD. 87 YONGE STREET N., RICHMOND HILL c3‘1'23 luauâ€"â€" will have vacancies for a fewl pro-school children commencing January 3rd. 1963. Please call Mrs. Verrico, TU. 4-3276 or Mrs. Urquhart, AL. 7-1553. HERB SILLS LTD. Members of Toronto Real Es- tate Board AT. 8-1143 Woodbridge R0. 9-4901 1 tfclO NOW OPEN BAYVIEW PLAZA RESTAURANT 6:30 am. to 11 pm. 7 DAYS A WEEK Special Meals For Families SITTING OTHER'S HELPER SERVICE BABY M . . . Experienced baby-sitters home. larde kitchen and IlVln" roomy . ' '5. . ” ‘imaker’s serv1ce and day work. 4 piece tiled bathroom, $951Ca“ day or night TU 4,7253. 4 ROOM apartmentfself conâ€" 7 .b.ack and white from Canada’s 'finest blood lines. Health guar- nlonthly, 1 block from Yonge. Street. 'l‘U. 4-1650 after 6 p.m., tf0221 WENMAR APARTMENTS IN RICHMOND HILL 165 COLBOURNE AVE. ‘ Large one and two bedroom ap-‘I artments. modern in every de- tail. swimming pool. elevators, FM music, large balconies, in- tercom, parking, TV outlet, fully equipped and fireproofed. Wenmar Apartments, phone AV. 5-2303, ME. 3-9506, ME. 3-8572. tfc22 WILLOWDALE AT YONGE $95.00 a month for spotlessly clean. furnished self-contained bright modern 3 rooms, with stove and refrigerator. Immed- iate p0ssession. Adults only. No pets please. Call Mr. Nixon. BA. 1-3448. W. L. Nixon 'Real- tor. c1w24, M ‘ PETS FOR SALE, POODLES, various ages. TU.‘ 4-7716. c1w24 L07 RABBITS. $1.50 each. 66 May Ave., Richmond Hill. c1w24 ANYONE knowing the where- abouts of Lloyd Ervil Cox, last seen St. John NR. 1947. contact Doris Lorraine Cox, Box No. 86 The Liberal. *3w23 Have You Lots of Patience? If you have, you could help a likeable, energetic. 11 year old boy who needs a settled under- standing home where he can be accepted as a member of a family. Generous boarding home payments will be made. Reply to Children’s Aid Society of York County. 66 Bayview Ave, Newmarket. TW. 5-2318 or EM. 4-9622. elw24 'WANTED W TO RENT HOUSE, west of Yonge where children welcome. TU .4-7784 evenings. c1w24 RR'ITTA‘NY’SpEiel pups, 23 years of finest breeding. 285- 1056. c2w24, MINIATURE poodle pups. sixi weeks old. Registered. $85. TU., 4-4215. c1w24 GERMAN Shepherd puppies for Christmas if desired. Phone evenings 297-1537. c1w24 GERMAN Shepherd puppies, black and tan, champion pedi- gree. Hoheneichen Kennel. TU. 4-2580. 11201 TOY Manchester terriers, pedi-‘ greed. W. H. Glenney, 21 Aub- rey Ave, Oak Ridges. PR. 3- 5615. c1w24. COLLIE PUP, black and white.. smart, obedient and friendly. $5 to a good home. Money back; guarantee. AL. 7-1123. c1w24 POODLES, black toys and min- iatures, country home bred from, imported champion stock, show quality at pet prices, $75 up. Aurora, PA. 7-9046. c1w24 POODLESTtdn ‘quality minature POULTRY FOR SALE AS USUAL we have choice young dressed geese for Christ- mas. Orders taken now for de- livery in Richmond Hill on Sat- urday, December 22nd. Mrs. Freeman Barker. TU. 4-3004. _ Banquet Facilities Reservations for Christmas & New Years Parties 884-3785 PERSONAL4#» , tfc20 ARE YOU FED UP? With paying stacks of bills every Single month?? Then why not ar- range a low cost, long term mort- gage loan to pay everybody off and have only OE small monthly payment. If you need $1600. to $10,000. or more, call Mr. Clemens now at EMpire 3-6251, phones openfiâ€"hours. Your loan will be qualified right on the phone. Phone, Come In or Write - Ask for Mr. Clemens M. C. BEBER LTD. 21 Dundas Square, Toronto CALL COLLECT EM. 3-6251 Free Parking at 220 Victoria Street 24-Hour Phone Service Including Weekends Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers‘ Association , . . ‘ ' : ter of one ton [FUCK AL. 7_ \VILLO‘VDALE CONCRETE _ MASONRY AV. 5-4915 ,Call MI‘. Franklyn: TU. 4-5693, anteed, stud service available. W” I 1058. c1w24 7_77777V_Wiv.*3w23 CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS 01w241 RU. 1-9082- if 19 Prof‘esswfnzl Floggiélge groomtlfng‘ - g .. - __ _ ~ 1 a Affim'NUM’w " "BEAUTYREST, NIal‘shall' Sim_,Blllldln-g. alterauons. & r6paII‘S. ___________ fir__v r if; 377 serum 1 . - c , . , . , - L . , Dom wmdowsl awnings. “minors. Sertta, .Heely and other‘ WALp‘rggpstzslslI‘IV'll‘gffiELL T . RICHMOND RENTALS } Ladies Slips W0 s Umbrellas adles Blouses railings. Ron Woods Tu, 4-1514 Ellisttuiislsgs ngepallnegahr: Av. saws ‘ ransportatlon Compressors, drills, steam jen-i $1.98, & & t0 __.,..,___L,,,,__A_t£c.1&firm, extra firm. deâ€"day serâ€"i tfia TRANSPORTATION wan-ted ny’ pumps’ drill SteeL mixers‘ BRAND NEW continental kitvice. Eiderdowns recovered. On- (spare wheel carrierl for “Glital‘io Bedding CO- AV- 5-1591. Ford. Retail price $153.95. Sold; _ “044 for $65. TU. 4-1881 after 7 pm. GOOD SELECTlON Ladies“ _” 010’24 sweaters and cardigans, 12-20 RECONDITIONED bicycl’eg' and oversizes. from $2.98. like new, 3-speed and coaster, G°°d selemio“ Ladies. all sizes. Henry Van der Wal. C03“ from $798 10 $29-98- Bicycle Repairs, Richmond 81.. Wyn‘DOIv The Ladies. 5110p: Maple 02w“ Bayview Plaza, Richmond Hill, YOUTH‘S bicycle, 3-speed. e?- Mia-1%“ “‘33; cellent condition. Electric hoc- key game, mouton 3.: fur coat. size 16. $15. TU. 4-4997 after 5} EAGLE p.m. c1w24 _.,_ _ 7 7," W H M From $149 up. Air cooled engine XMAS TREES - pruned scotchlparts - Briggs - Lauson - Clin- pine $1.25 each, spruce Various ton - Kohler - Lawn Boy. Carl prices. Bring your saw! cut youriWalker Sales and Service, Don own. take your pick. 3 miles east Mms R09d~ Victoria Square. of Ballantrae. Les Ogden.jphone 886-5413. tfc18 TRUSTS-L. Cz‘m‘ CHRISTI“ TSWTREES CHROME kitchen suite grey and Terrific value - Scotch Pine red, $20. 2 pairs of boy's shoes,i $1.50 Size 4 and 6, $3 per pair, nearlylsold at W. Costofi's 1just north new. One blazer. new. size 12 $4.Iof Summit Motel â€" 011 same One pair of grey flannels. size'sidel. 12, new. $2.50. AV. 5-1023. c1w24 _The OriginalTMcLeran's MOLLY 01L Car SNOW THROWER MACHINES SNOWBIRD - ARIENS - SNOW v CUBS & SCOUTS OF ‘-7 JEFFERSON clw24 - CHRISTMAS TREE SPECIAL Cuts Oil consumption 50“}. pro-'Parents bring your children alld ven performance, saves oil. visit our Tree Farm on Satur- saves gas. AV. 5-1175 after Siday or Sunday 9 am. to 5 pm. pm. c8w17 Bring your saw or axe and cut your own Beautiful Primed ATTENTION Blue Scotch Pines~ any Size and Bowling Leagues - Social Clubs-choice $1.50 each. Also Pine or WHOLESALE Spruce boughs 50c bundle. Bert TurkeS's - Ducks - Geese ‘Snell 3‘2 miles above village Quotations given on all size of King on 4th orders. Phone PR. 3-5119 or‘Keele St. c3w23 EM. 4-4847 and Maple Egg Gra- ding Station. c5\v20.â€"'â€"â€"â€"â€" TYPEWRITERS 3 . ._,__ ADDING MACHINES LOST fluffy grey kitten in the sales service Rentals vicinity of Mill and Bridgeport. Authorized Beam. Phone 884-5705. c1w24 All popular makes for sale in-' cluding new and rebuilt stand-‘ ard portable and electric mod-‘ 'els. Special rental rates avail- able to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. 1 Richmond Hill .__.________£4_‘3 4-3113. LIVESTOCK . FOR SALE PONY, Palomino colour, $200. _ _ _ Also black Thoroughbred brood TL 4'1‘43,mare 5300. Phone Bennetts‘ TL'. c1024 Concession.‘ from King Sideroad to RCAF, ‘ NKS . SEPTIC TA Downsview. arriving at 6.30 am. PUMPED $20-$25 ,Tile-beds cleaned. Fast, clean,‘?B-v3;5614rifir fl Â¥7_C72Ԥ:274 modern service. TRANSPORTATION wanted C. STUNDEN _ |'from Markham Rd. to Subway TU. 4-1245 RiChmond H1“ or downtown for two weeks only 1 in“ starting December 18111. TU. ’ CUSTOMTHCARPENTRY fl?‘_w~_,wv _____ fl‘l'24 Kitchens remodelled, bedroom TRANSPORTATION werer ;and bathroom vanities, stereo, . . from Concord lBathurst and ‘hi-fi, china cabinets. Free estImâ€" Highway 71 to Don Mills and lates. Morris Harrison, TU. 4- Eglimon leaving 7304; am.) re_ '2838- “Slimming 4.30-5 p.m. 285-1563 iCHESTERFIELD suites, andjevenings c1w24 lchrome chairs recovered and‘ ‘rebuilt, at a reasonable price. ,No job too small. Free estim- ,ates. Murray Upholstery. AV. 15-4767. tic-51 , . . USED CARS FOR SALE ‘ UPROLSTERII 1954’FORD, $100 cr'be'stâ€"o‘n’e; Recovering and repairing of any TU‘ 4.5510, Che-24 kind of furniture. Experienced 19::- ‘Oâ€" -â€" 577- We, ,_1 on Scandinavian furniture. Free a? I‘ RD F31rlane_V8. auto-i estimates. Reasonable prices,lnétflra§110~_137341-9805. ncZw17‘ Call anytime. TU. 4-4813 red-11956 VOLKSWAGENT$315301 dence. business. AV. 5-534g’l-44iphone TU. 4-2391. c1w24 tc - â€" ---- --~3 #11960 RAALBLER. in excellent Icondition. 886-5336. c1w24i Fl [:1 ‘EICHEV. Deluxe-fA-fchiJ L o o O 0 ol- ol- . c1w24 195TDELCXE Volkswagen, ‘A-i‘ tion. best cash offer. 884-3977. icondition. $800. Call TL‘. 4â€"1933 c1w24‘ iHJ51VMORRIS Minordgood con-1 dition. reasonable. AV. 5-1903; after 6 p.111. c1w24 _ BUYYOUR BL“ NOW 1955 FORD stationnvagon. of- 2. WITHALOW-COSTLIFE-INSURED fem. A150 bikes" 1L 4â€"H“ evenings. c1w24 Xxx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxx): 1957 RAMBLER, economical §xx§ x x x x x x series. absolutely like brand it x x x XXX): . . . x x x x x x x x x ,new One owner car. 828 and xx xxx xxx" x x x x take over small monthly pay- xxxx -x e r '_ " -9 . x x ii XXXN 2%): ii “‘ff“:'-.A‘.; a 463‘?” .. . C93 .’ gxxxgt y“; §Xx§ [1959 RENAULT. like new. or-. ‘ xxxxx X X X iginal colour. radio. up to 45 MPG. 525 down and small . monthly payment. AV. 5â€"5413. :16555TON’Sfirdéliiaker truick‘. THE BANK OF .5200. ‘1955 Studebaker merdrivc . NOVA SCOTIA sports coupe $315. 47 Richmond Street, Maple. c1024 1 air tools, mell pomts, loaders,,S:F-UR-DYsprinméfi backhoes. Satisfaction guaran-l 1 24 teed. Phone 884-5121. c4w24 _E H, _ ,,_7,,. C L ’" ' ' ’ ”" WANTED for cash pair of snowl TOOLS TO RENT l , .. _ 24 Cement mixers, floor sanders Shoes' [Uii‘tlziés‘ clw and edgers, ramset guns. roto- ONElfif-Iriéssmaker's NEW. 51;? tillers, rotovators, also 500 other114; TU~ 4'1377‘ C2W24 tools. Willowdaie Rental Ediâ€"3’1 YEL'ECf'EOfiTTujfifig-d Sales. 6026 Yonge St., BA. 1-1 C or y' €1,624 17“- “942 SRXEE’REATER "rdâ€"4 778? CONVERTED 11/2 storey bun- Evenings ' ' c1w24, galow available for office ren- tal. ideal for construction com- pany. Richvale location, 11.12 blocks to Yonge. Ample yard; space. TU. 4-7612 evenings. c1w24 PORTABEETELEVISION Rent a portable TV ~ gunFrank's Movers and Storage} Reasonable “.323 or m0“ U;TU. 4-2613. AV. 5-5101. tfc7‘ Delivery and Pick-Up ‘ Richmond Hill TV, 34 Yonge S. ANTIQVUEfipiOtureiframe to fit 12" x 15" portrait. Must be in good condition. TU. 4-2528. nc1w24 #1 USED FURNITURE TU. 4-7456 AV. 53733 MORTGAGES , t c ‘ FURNISHED or lilifurnishediFUNDS available for ISt andi 12nd mortgages. E. T. Stephens‘ llnvestments Ltd, AV. 5-3785. i l tfc12, MONEY available for good first‘ and second mortgages, reason-1 Mcdcof, Lawlor and tch: rooms. commuting distance to Toronto, opposite King City Composite School. All modern conveniences. Use of kitchen. free riding week days available.1 TE. 3-5794 till 2 pm. and after,able rates. TE. 3-5502. c1w24lLe Claire. TU 4-4413. , SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY 18A YONGE ST. NORTH RithmOnd Hill TU.4-293I PRE - CHRISTMAS SALE FLOOR MODEL SEWING MACHINES VACUUM CLEANERS - FLOOR POLISHERS ELECTRIC WASHERS AND DRYERS from $109.50 up ORDER YOUR SINGER PORTABLE TYPEWRITER NOW. WANTED â€" pianos and usedi furniture. Cash prices paid. Call‘ Wo’s Flannelette Gowns & Pyjamas $2.98 & $3.98 BOYS’ & MEN’S COATS $9.95 ., 12 YONGE s1. l Smartly Styled Quality Weldrest Dress Slacks Nylons $7.95 to $17.95 $12.95 to $29.95 $14.50 to $54.50 SIMPSON’S DRY GOODS SOUTH RICHMOND HILL

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