“WWWMMQiMEHMEEMENEESE 10 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont, Thursday, December 20.771962 llBERAl CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-TU.4-IIOS (Continued from page 9) and decorations fall into the same ï¬nancial category. What makes any award valuable, and the value is purely intrinsic, are the requirements necessary to qualify to receive it. u The lady softballers and the rugged footballers won championships â€"â€" no mean feats in their own right. They proved that they were the best in their sport in their respective leagues and brought recog- nition to themselves and to the Town of Richmond Hill. A book has been purchased, a book to be kept with other town archives. In this book the name of everyone receiving an award of merit will be entered. It is hoped that in this way some permanent record can be. preserved and will serve as a reminder of some very agile citizens in years to come, _ p So there you have it. The crest itself is only a small piece of cloth but it has a fairly signiï¬cant meaning. We hope that those of you who receive them wear them or put them away with other person- al treasures with a great deal of pride. It’s Rich- mond Hill’s way of saying “Thank you" and a sign of our pride in you and your achievements. â€" SPORT SPOTS -â€" In our house the lot of writing Christmas cards falls on the capable shoulders of our efficient wife and mother. The reasons for this are legion. She is most conscientious about keeping track of addresses, she likes doing it, all except the stamp licking bit. and she has the neatest hand writing. When any of the rest of us apply pen to envelope it is quite possible to read Thailand into what was intended as Thorn- hill. Must cause no end of confusion in Her Majesty's Postal Service! For all these reasons it is deï¬nitely the chore for the lady of our house. In all the hustle and confusion we invariably miss sending greetings that we know we should send but somehow never quite get around to. Everybody has the same thing happen year after year, but it never seems quite right. Nobody should be overlooked or forgotten at this time of the‘year. Our wish therefore, for all of you, every last one of you, is that this Christmas will be just as happy as you wish it to be. May your cups run over and may you all be surrounded by love and good fellowship. May your reunions be joyous and your festive tables groan under the weight of good food and good com- panionship. r “A merry Christmas to all â€" and to all a good night I†. . . . . SPORT SPOTS...... WENMAR MAINPRIZE DRUGS APARTMENTS ' NOW RENTING IN RICHMOND HILL 1 & 2 BEDROOMS To the people of Ward 3 who supported me and to the kind friends who worked so hard for me To all the people of Richmond Hill A Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. RENTAL OFFICE on PREMISES AV. 5 - 2303 . POOL 0 HI-FI MUSIC 0 ELEVATORS 0 BALCONIES 0 TV HOOKUP 0 INTERCOM 0 BROADLOOM HALLS 0 PARKING O ONLY STEPS TO EVERY CONVENIENCE HOLIDAY HOURS BOXING’DKYIDECEMBER 26 OPEN 12 NOON TO 6 PM. CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY MY SINCERE THANKS â€"â€" NEW? YEARS DAY OPEN 12 NOON TO 6 PM. MARGARET SOUTHWELL Elmwood Ave Markham Rd mmummxxm TU. 4-1017 ‘ Eight league members were fortunate enough to win the big birds to grace the Christmas table. Jim Hoult, Cliff Good- man, Jim Curtis. Les Adams, Peter Svenson. Adele Brown, Anne Clarke and Reg Allen all won plump juicy turkeys. Chickens had their turn in the proceedings and winners were Shirley Mansbridge Pat Jordan, Jim Hope, Barbara MacFarlane, Ken Mock. A1 Patterson and Jim Neal. For those with a sweet tooth, chocolates were on the list of awards. Recipients of the chocolate goodies were: Pat Kerfoot. Rene Allen, Marg Beatty. Gerry Stewart, Bob Hawkins, June Hawkins, Shir- ley Mock and Ethel Patterson. To the members of all bowl- in-g leagues we would like to take this opportunity to wish them a very merry and happy Christmas. May dear' old S. Claus bring each and every one of you a few more points to be used after the turn of the year. Keep your ï¬ngers crossed and hope†Monday Niters It's been a great bowling sea. High average leaders are Tim son up to now on the local scene Saul 255. Norm Thomas 251, with everyone having a lot of Al Richardson 250. Army Gag- fun and some ï¬ne scores being glione 250, Bill Jones 245 and posted. During this Christmas Mel Rawlinson 245. season most leagues are enjoy- (my Major ing 3 real deal â€"* bowling and Last Saturday was a bleak a lot of socializing with turkey day for the Manuiacturers Life rolls being the order of 91¢ day. squad. Bowling at Plantation This information is published as a public service so friends and acquaintances will know just exactly where the Christ- 'mas scrounging is best. Good scrounging everyone! Jim Hoult paces the league with an avenage of 248. Cliff Goodman has a 240 average go- ing. Les Adams 227, Eric Bas- cian‘o 214, Ken Roberts 204 and Jim Curtis 202. High single games went to Jim Hou‘lt 305, Jim Curtis 277, Cliff Goodman 267, Lionel Mock 243, Les Adams 241, Doug Mon- teiflh 239, Anne Clark 237, Shir- ley Mansbridge 237. Ken Rab- erts 236, md Pa-t Jordan 233. High three games last week were bowled by Jim Hoult 832 (308), Cliff Goodman 764 (267), Jim Curtis 705 (277), Les Ad- ams 701 (241) Pat Jordan 666 (233) and Doug Monteith 638 (239). Jim Curtis won the lucky dnaw award. Eastsiders Gord Cameron and Geoff Roy- sbon have given the league brass an interesting problem. Both men tied for a turkey award. One of them will get a turkey while the other settles for a oapon. It will all be decided on a one game rollaoï¬ and even the loser will come up a winner. Nice \odds those†Last week was just plain tur- key roll night and scores reg- istered will not count toward in- dividual records or to team standings. Turkey winners were Bill Jones, A1 McLeod, Len McLean, Muriel Steven, Bruce Bunker, Pat Jones, Betty McMeekin, Agnes Bregg, John Ralls, Ster- ling Reid. Frank Gilbert, Joan Doyle, June Amos. Hazel White and Dorothy Price. Capon winners were Jeanne Richardson, Neil McDonald, Dave Nicholson, Jack Thomason, Ron Ribbons, Nan Shadoï¬, Anne Bishop, Don Mayor, Terry Mer- aska, Marge Field Lyn Roberts, Alta Harcourt, Colleen Miller, Mary King and Fran Smirth. Team standings: Allencourt Lanes 73, Dav-is and Day 71. ABC 1 67, Burgess Wholesale 65, ABC 3 61, Vettese Const. 58 Dynes Jewellers 57, ABC 2 53, Turnbull Groceries 50, Mi- chael’s Gift Shop 48. Hall’s Fuel Oil 39 Baker's White Rose 39, Sports 35, John's Boys 33. Town & Country 32, Topper‘s Farm 10. Good eating to every one of you!! ABC Major White Coloured Game 35?; lggl Often lack Pigments‘gï¬â€˜g’gt Scoring leaders for the week are Bill Harris 861 Card Dunn 838. Bob Julian 802, Tim Saul 790, Henry Natale 779 and Norm Bowen 768. . Often Lack Pigments‘way. Bill Jones. Jim Morley, Scott Parke. Ken Farrows. Wal- \ly Vincent, John Marchiore. Tom From time to time Depart- Beattie, Ed. Lean and Arch“ ment of Lands and Forests staff MacDonald. receive specimens or reports on Team Standings: (current serâ€" “oï¬-color“ game species. Usu- ies and overall) Manufacturers ally these refer to a white Life 26 - 39 Dynes Jewellers phase, although occasionally re- 24-82, Turnbull Groceries 23-63, receive specimens or reports on "off-color" game species. Usu- ally these refer to a white phasa. although occasionally re- ports on black specimens are received. During the past deer season a white deer was taken in Northern Ontario by hunters from the Bradford area. More recently a white raccoon was killed by a car near Camp Bor- den. Other animals and birds. such as white muskrats. white beaver and white pheasants, have already been observed. in- cluding a white fox, inhabiting the Camp Borden military prop- erty. Team Standings: (current ser- ies and overall) Manufacturers Life 26 - 39 Dynes Jewellers 24~82, Turnbull Groceries 23-63. ABC 19-52, Allencourt Lanes 14-67, Rothrn-an's King Size 14- 36, Street's Auto Electric 12-38, Tom Hughes Shell 11-49. Rich- mond Hill Auto Wreckers 9â€"58, Rangers 9-22, Keay’s Supertest Garage 5-31,. Connor Transport 2-43. High average: Arne Skrette- berg 258, Art Higgins 255. Tim Saul 254. Al Richardson 254, Bob Weeks 250 Hot shots for the week were Bill Jackson 928 (310), Jack iStanway 906 (326), Ken Far- During a white Northern from the recently killed by eluding a \Jhlte fox, inhabiting Hot shots for the week Were the Camp Borden military prop- Bill Jackson 928 (310), Jack erty. Stanway 906 (326), Ken Far- In the minds of the public rows 846 (322). John Moore 843 these specimens are regarded (300), Art McGeachie 831 (3101. as “albinosâ€. However, in mosthon Beresford 821 (326). instances, according to J. S.‘Ed Bella‘vance 816 (330), Ellis of the fish and wildlifeth Higgins 814 (331), George staff at Maple, the animals are Jordan 810 (338). John March- merely lacking in the necessary iori 809 (303). Scott Parke 809 pigments and could be regarded and Bill Jones 808 (330). as mutations. A true albino has Games over 300 were register- a white skin, pink eyes, noseied by Norm Heintzman 328. and paws, which the mutationzNorm Bowen 321, Lionel Gilbert lacks. [314 and Larry Bishop 310. 9 PIN 3 PATTER Last Saturday was a bleak day for the Manufacturers Life squad. Bowling at Plantation Bowl they dropped all ï¬ve games to the O’Connor Bowl team. They are tied for fourth place in this series. Bill Jack- son led the Richmond Hill team with a total of 1308 pins while Tim Saul tallied a 1227. Team standings: Mundinger Music 31, Rose Gardens 29. B & W Hot Shots 23, Geonge de Boer 23. All Sports Trophies 23, Dave Thomson's Sunoco 19, Spoilers Manufacturers Life have a week off and resume action on December 28 at Willow Bowl with Bayview Bowl supplying the opposition. EH. 1‘0 Pin Mixed League 18, Rumble Transport 16 Distribution 15, Town & try 10. Ozzie Keeler of Oshawa bowl- ed a total of 1695 pins for ï¬ve games. This gave him a fantas- tis 339 average for the day‘s ac- tion and is a fair sample of the type of competitive bowling that major league action produces. Ladies‘ average leader is Ed- na Maybury with 162. In sec- ond place is Pam Graham who has dropped to a 155. Men's av- erage lead is tied with Garrett Richardson and Ian MacGilliv- ray belting away at a 174 clip. Ted Wilson has a 168 average and John Gilchrist 167. The silver dollar award was won by Mable Willis while the cup and saucer was won by Gen- evieve Dennis. Turkey winners were Dot Webster, Rita Cor- nack, Gladys Rogers, Jean Nu- gent, Noreen Lindahl, Helen Beaten, Darlene Buohan. Terry Bore’ham, Nellie Willis and Ir- ‘ma Skrepnek. Winners of vou- ‘cbers were Pat Jordan, Bev. Brocklehurst, Edith McColl, Gerry Stewart, Joyce Oottrell, Jean Smith, Jean Taverner, Madeleine Nichols, Mary Reeves and Lorraine Barber. Mundinger Music set a new high team triple record of 2481 and a single game mark of 890. High scorers for the week were Edna Maybury 519 (189), Sandy Richards 461, Barb Tay- lor 458, Pam Graham 437 and Judy Joslin 435. John Gilchrist bowled 560 (227), Garrett Rich- ardson 551 (205), Joe Boyer 545 (198). Ian McGillivray 543 (198), Ted Wilson 536 (190), Ron Campbell 520 and Steve Bain- bridge 500 even. Thursday Afternoon Games of 600 and over Were bowled by Dot Webster 688, Pat Jordan 608, Gladys Rogers 606, and Rita Cornack 602. Games over 200 were rolled by Jean Smith 265, Audrey Bowles 261, Del Saint 258, Ter- ry Boreham 254, Jean Nugent 253 Helen Beaton 249, Noreen Lindahl 244, Gerry Stewart 226. Ruth Proctor 226, Edith McColl 220, Audrey Harris 220. Nellie Willis 219, Darlene Buchan 217, Slhiirley Mansbridge 209, Bev Brocklehurst 209, Thelma Jen- kin 205. Madge Nicholson 204 and Ruth Hipkiss 203. The Cards Single: Ladies Lucy Smith 303, Mary Wheeler 244, Barbara Lambert 240; men’s, A1 Black- burn 296, Don Fettes 283, Herb Relf 278. Team standings: Jacks Aces 67, Queens 49, Jokers Deuces 43, Tens 42, Sevens Kings 35. Triple: ladies, Lucy Smith 763, Mary Wheeler 682, Frieda Littleford 658; men's Al Black- burn 798, Don Fettes 730. Ken Rathwell 706. Average: ladies. Lucy Smith 216, Frieda Li'ttleford 207, Mary W‘heeler 192, Marg Blackburn 186; men’s, Bob Littleford 219, Don Fettes 214, Bud Wheeler 210, Herb Relf 207, Clare Wal- ker 207. Allencourt Major The league turkey roll was held last week with the follow- ing bowlers ending up winning the guest of honour at nearly every Christmas dinner â€" Bill Jackson, George Jordan, Art Higgins, John Moore. Jack Stan- uarage 3-51,. Lonnor iransport 2-43. High average: Arne Skrette- berg 258. Art Higgins 255, Tim Saul 254. Al Richardson 254. Games over 300 were register- ed by Norm Heintzman 328. Norm Bowen 321. Lionel Gilbert 314 and Larry Bishop 310. 821 (326). 816 (330). 331), George John March- Metro Coun- were TO CALL FOR THE BEST Jack BUY ON YOUR INSURANCE Far- } 843‘ . 310). James Gramger Consumers' Gas 1 Dan's Esso Service 0 Play started with a fast al- imost goalless game. Consumers' ‘Dennis Acomb scored the lone marker unassisted. Sunnybrook Riding Club 1 Bob’s Boys 0 One lone goal in this game with two assists. The goal getter was John Bromley with Bill Gurney and George Hancey on the assisting end. Wilson-Nlblett Motors 5 Gormiey Sand 8: Gravel 1 Wilson-Niblett were really sharp this game with Tim Mc- Arthur getting four goals and one assist. Singles went to Stacey Richard and assists went to Stacey and Doug White. Gor- mley‘s lone goal getter was Alex Sywack with an assist to Don Debenham. Rumble Transport 2 Allencourt Pharmacy 1 A good close game with both goalies on their toes. Rumble Transport goals were by Craig MacKenzie and Glen Sharp with an assist from Craig. Allencourt Pharmacy's lone goal was by Bob Burns with an assist to Steve Thornton. Skyline Motors 9 Marley’s Foodland 2 Two hat tricks in this game. They went to Steve Addley and Ron McBrien with singles to Paul Ranieri, David Addley and Doug Nichol. Two assists went to John Kwriski and Ron Mc- Brien and a single for Chris An- ldlrews. Both Marley’s goals were by John Stokes unassisted. Markham Paving 3 Charlton Hardware 2 Jim Campbell scored two of the Pavers goals with assists from John Townsend. Cliff Ran- dall scored the third goal un- assisted. Charlton's two goals were from the same little guy Paul Martin. Assists went to Kevin Gardner, Stan Rogers and Erik Miltenberg. PEE WEE LEAGUE Gunnar’s Tailoring 4 Shields Shoes 0 A shutout for David Brooks as Gunnar's boys played well. David Gross scored two goals with singles to Ricky Thompson and Pat Madleno. Assists to Percy Knight and Tony Caven. Al’s Cycle & Sports 5 ‘Pinewood Aggregates 1 Al's played well this game Goal getters were Bill» Wright, Frank Petronski, Hal Cameron and Barry Madill. A lone assist went to Cliff Clarke. Pinewood’s single came from Barry McKil- lop with assist from John Beres- ford. Mills Roses 3 Shepherd & Gill 2 Very fast close game with sharp goal tending. Mills goal getters were Wayne Gray, Jeff Crane and Tommy Steven. As- sist to Brian Gilpin. Shepherd & Gill's goals were by John Duncan and Phil Clark, both unassisted. Street Construction 2 Loren Gordon 2 Two-42111 tie. Street’s goals were by Steve Cyr and Jack McAuley with assist to Jim Mac- Kenzie. Gordon’s goal getters were Ian MacKenzie and Rod Waters. Assists to Jim Hamilton. Young’s Service Station 4 Deciantis & Rice 2 Young‘s Service showed what good hockey really is. Goals by Don Brown, Barney Corless, Danny Young and David Mc- Dowell. Assists to Corless and Anthony Goodhoofd. D & R’s goal getters were A1 Smusiak and Mike Parrett with assists to Dave Boyle and Bill Duern. BANTAM LEAGUE Americans (no sponsor) 3 Richvale Pharmacy 2 Another close game with Am- ericans’ Danny Phillips scoring two goals. Single to Clarence Dukeshire. Assists Roy McBrien and singles Gerrard Ridder. George Grant and Barry Clat- tenburg. Both Richvale‘s goals IS THE BY BOB ROSS JR‘ SQUIRT LEAGUE [came fro! Canadian Head Oï¬ice‘ Toronto. Ont. Frank's Movers 6 Butler & Baird 2 Six goals for Frank's, all sin- gles. Ron Harrower scored on a penalty shot. the ï¬rst of this season. Don Wilkinson. Ray Dunne, Les Buchan. Danny Boy- lngton and Stewart Cook with assists by Doug MacDonald. Harrower, Ted Keslick, Johnny Harrington and Jim Docherty. came from David Cone with as- sists from Steve Black and Carlo Cappy- B &â€"B’s goals from John Bir- rell and Rod Chapman. Assists b0 Stan Scott. Dynes Jewellers 5 PEE WEE ST Crallie’s Men’s Wear 5 As of Done! A ï¬ve-all tie in this games P Dynes' Nelson Lund scored a Deciantis & Rice 8 hat trick. Singles by Ron Reid Al's Cycle 82 S. 8 and Michael Tucker. Assist to Gunnar's T'in‘g 8 Chris Dunlop. Craigie’s goals Shepherd&Gill were by Bill Huke (2) and one Mills Roses each for Bob Morris. Tom Van- Young‘s Ser. St. der Vok and Ricky Page. Assists Pinewood Agg. went to John Moshinter (2) and Shields Shoes a single to Tom McFarlane. Loren Gordon Surf Marine 1 Street Const. 00320009030000 Our Hornets Are Too Hot For The North Yk. League - Await Clancy Earl Mebhe and Gord Pipher. King Clancy Series hockey coaches of the peewee Hornets will be the Horn-ets' ï¬rst real have a tiger by the tail. Their test of hockey this season. Lo- younlg proteges are breezin-g call opposition is apparently too through the other teams in the ineï¬ective for the two coaches North York League like a brush to judge the true worth of the ï¬re in a very dry September. team. The boys will only learn Woodibridge and Bradford were through playing against teams the latest Hornet victims. of high calibre and Uhe Clancy Wood‘bridge was defeated 7-0 Series should provide the oppo- while Bradford were bombed sition sadly lacking in the to the tune of a 12-1 score. North York League. Lake Wilcox League held their turkey r011 Friday. Win- ners were: Tom Biso, 746; Barry Willis, 708; Jerry Lahey, 807; Dave Neil. 637; Ken Humter. 690; Mary Post, 689 Mary Lahey, 612; Gerry Post, 563; George Ireson, 634; Adele Shearer, 560. Ed Traynor, 554 , Marg Ful- lerton, 502; Audrey Middleton, 599; Loretta Roffe, 582: Inge Fenrich, 564; Dawn Willis, 475. Team standings: Numbskulls, 28; Falcons, 22; Bottoms-up, 22; Astron‘uts, 19; Defenders, 16; Peddle-pushers, 13; Harems, 10, and Astronauts, 10. MINOR HOCKEY RESULTS Lake Wilcox Pin News Rotary Club 1 Another tie game. Surf Mar- Ene's lone effort came from Dave Hamilton with assist to John Chew. Rotary's single wasby Geoff Lee with assist to1 Barry Pollard. MIDGET LEAGUE Littles 9 - Bowden‘s 7 Bill Leishman sure sparked his boys this game. Two goals for Doug Bridge, Gary Charity. and Gunnar Firsstrom, and singles to Jim Fleming, Terry Stewart and Bob Safruk‘ Assists by Ron Davidson (2), Gary Char- ity, Mike Ball, Terry Stewart. Bridge and Warren Han-en. Bowden's goals were a hat trick for Paul Sullivan. and singles by Bob Leishman, R. Chalken, Pete Gates and Rick McCar-i ville. Assists to Rick Chalken, Wayne Richards and Gates. Trailways 7 - ABC 3 A hat trick for John Baxter of Trailways. Singles by Frank St. Louis. Stuart Nicholls, Jim Zubek and Rod Mabley. Assists went to Baxter (2), Jim Hender- son and Jim Zu'bek. ABC goals came from Clay Chapman (2) and Bill Hudson. Assists went to Danny Walsh (2) and Jim Webb jand Bill Hudson one each. l PEE WEE STANDINGS Thursday Afternoon Ladies’ The Flips took the ï¬rst of two series by points. ending with 55; Goofballs 53, Misï¬ts. 44. and Flops 3‘5. Fern Leslie was top triple bowler with a 639, single 234: Charlotte Brockton bowled 612 triple with a 260 flat, Mary Lau- tamus 589 triple, 232 single; Anne Sweeney, 558, with 204 single; Marilyn Kimberley, 538, with 205 single; Vina Porter, 508, with a 229, and Doris Smith had a 201 single. - .J Mrs. Pauline Price served the r- girls sandwiches. chocolate and ._ Christmas cake, cookies and coffee. All the girls exchanged [1 small gifts. gâ€"ï¬z As of December 12 T Pt. 2 12 2 12 0 10 ASSOCIATE STORE Richmond Hill ARE YOU FED UP? With paying stacks of bills every single month?? Then why not ar- range a low cost, long term mort- gage loan to pay everybody oï¬ and have only fl smaii monthly payment. If you need $1600. to $10,000. or more, call Mr. Clemens now at EMpire 3-6251, phones open 24 hours. Your loan will be qualiï¬ed right on the phone. Phone, Come In or Write - Ask for Mr. Clemens CALL COLLECT EM. 3-6251 Free Parking at 220 Victoria Street 24-Hour Phone Service Including Weekends Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers‘ Association . C. BEBER LTD. Dundas Square, Toronto