7! THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ont. Thursday: DecemberflZO, 1962" _ Thornhill and District News ’ Thom/zillions Baptist Church News The annual Christmas party \\llll a red or )‘ellnu rose. a “The Liberal†is always pleased to publish items of interest The annual meeting of theof the Holy Trinity WA was lDt‘iCi calendar and a pencil. Theâ€; contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area - - - - - - - Our representative in Thornhill is Mrs. Margaret McLean. women's auxiliary of Thornhill held in the parish hall on ileâ€" party closed with all good wish-l who may be reached by phoning AV. 5-2331. ‘Baptist ("llilrch was held on No-ieemher l3. Airs. W F. Askew. es to everyone for the holiday.‘ vemher 20 at the home of Mrs. wife of the former rector show. and the sillzin: ot' the Queen.‘ lC. Lawmn. Richmond Hill. A ed interesting colored slides The next meeting will he at llargp number of nlembers‘taken during a trip to Austria the home of Mrs. lieslop. on i‘hcnrd interesting reports from,and Switzerland last summer Yonge Street. on January 17.} the group leaders telling of the‘iMrs. ll. V. Andrews gave a Presbyterian Church News l, lwork accomplished during the Christmas reading. Also contriâ€" The annual meeting of the, . past year. Except for two out- buting to the enjoyable pm- women‘s missionary society .sido speakers. the ladies had gram were Mrs. R. W )lark-ot‘ 'l‘hornhill Baptist Church; rc 6 arranged and produced all oth- ham. the church organist \vho,\\a< held at the home of Mrs. R.‘ or programs themselves. played a piano solo. and an oc- Camsell. 3O Drewry Avenue. The president. Mrs. R. Jar-ltet of members who sang \Villowdalc on December 11. . ‘ 7 I. ' . dine, said she had received Christmas carols. Devotions were taken by Mrs.l (By erfll‘fl 1- MOLE“) “fully decorated for the 0.C' “'30 p'm', .. . - , . . mere N†be §.vtl\01r,an.d‘grcat personal blessing and en-l Rev. ll. R. llowden intro- l Nixon and the Christmasl casion, Sunday school chll- At H01) ll‘lllll} Lhuwh. candlelight sciiicc wheie, «fl 1 d _ h ï¬ tduced the owlv l td id _. _q d f . Chrlsm’as celebrations in dren all came forward and the usual morning prayer carols and special Christmas‘Cvoul‘armnï¬â€™l_ ,IE'rmli). er . r: i im d "H. ~‘ 92"? 3â€â€œ 'h mi: \“f‘ mm Ellefllldl' the churches of Thornhill he- left their wth “Tapped gifts service will be held at 11 music will be presented un-‘hmi’ Iâ€) n 1‘°a\_“: lg ammo flange or , E; 1Câ€; _ m ‘.1d)6'l' Vâ€, "Ԥ.‘,â€' H'alpm‘ The or on at t. C.G.I.T. ‘ - -’ - v- . - 'st (1 hoi lcad~r.i\ls.“ ~ ' ‘ ~' " - ' i F , ~ “ 913- I . as cum and sew S’ for needy Chlldrcn' whne ap'm' there m“ be the nme gam an C r C r was put down for Easter and.Mrs. C. P. Stowe. ï¬rst vicc- l'he election of otTicers fol" TELEPHONE AV. 5-2331 and sunday SChOOl Children ‘ llc ed at the Presby- lesson carol service. The les- Cameron Andrew» Therc . V . , v . , . . . ‘ all begin holding their an- ng‘tizncochï¬trch went to the sons narrating the Christmas will be no Christmas Dayipmfl {0“ mm†b) blalem m0" prgs‘df‘m Mrfil‘l' "\' Shfu‘qul‘v‘ .11.!)(‘2‘V‘l8‘ Cf'mumm by R,"- D- mlal “Christmas PaTlY"- Al‘ Presbvtcrian church‘s down- story will be read by mcm- service. "mj am..th COOk .Ook wmcn glib. \ICC-prhuomi M†SH .' f‘ans “1th mo fonc’me 13' though the Old'rasmoned town ‘mission. Evangcl Hall. bers of the various parish On December 30th. the :3†"Pm'mywml’lelmn- “ wlas MO 13% giglpnn‘mg “mf‘lfnygrs 01°“ch honmar": mesment ChTiStmast COMB“ 0‘ yesmr" From Holy Trinity Church, organizations. Special Christ- members of the new senior1 “lived l†WWII} 0“ SAW. at lle l‘S-‘ - Y. rlt‘Stman. recoldingikis.‘HOMIZCH. DFeSIdent Mrs. Year is apparently “0 “‘0â€, the gifts went to the Down- mas music will be presented high fellowship will put own“t "looting.- llcre were some tsecre an \Mrs. F. "Jennings. .lc Ullcllplla. Vice~prcsident many other types of celebra- town Church workersv Aggy by ‘he choh. under the lead_ a play "Under Ordm.sv-_ dinajreas in sernce to others where reasiirer ills. VG. Dane. edited-ï¬rs. P. Williamson. secretary tions have taken its place. cimon for distribution. while “Ship of the organist and meted by their leadm.s_ Mmh rs. .lgldihc tfelt gthe la ies Elena sIe‘lcrctar;I Mrs. ll. V. An- .“rsDR. Camsell. treasurer Mrs.‘ At Thornhill Presbyterian gins given at Thornliill Bap- choir master, Mrs Ralph and Mrs, Ken Hall. rhcï¬ould‘ 0‘ ’0‘ or; *“9 ,S‘zted W“? "‘10 F‘m‘ 9°.“T‘a‘l'h; 'amml‘lv “"mh Wretary Church, the earliest celebra- tist Church went to New Markham, while the congre- play. dealing With “10 mls'mat 51.0 l‘as.‘““k“‘g {elm-3r to Mm ' H' Baku?†3mm "gm-[Mm H‘ Mum" home help?“ “on was had on December Canadian Missions in down_ gation will join in Singing sion of Chumh people. “.asianothei hem of 'f0110\\slllp and Vice Mrs..J. Sila\\-.'Dm‘(‘aS Mrsi rs .l‘an Kok, supply secretar- mm when the Children of town Toronto‘ me familiar carols. written by Rev. Mime" John-lS(‘l‘\/l(‘8 in the “A. As the of- G: G. Wishart. livmg messaget CS Kits. 1. Nixon and Mrs P. l the church the four to seven . .- B T‘ e t - Ch ~51.“ S ston and presented last July 5â€â€ 5â€â€œ “CHM “Tr a two y?“ M135 1* wakel-‘V “03°55 “’1' Pm‘tcr' , ' ‘ At the Prebbyï¬â€˜llanv 39' W Y C 0‘5 n a for the Baptist Jubilee ce10_,term. the executive remains voncr Mrs. W. Barry. Straehan‘ The mf‘t‘lmg closed with i'e- t I year Oldsv under the direc' tist and United churches the message will be delivered at . 1 1 H f ‘ ' ‘ . . , - ~ - i ' ther Houses Mrs. A. 'lomlinson. .I. fr(‘Sllmt‘nts served by Mrs i u of theâ€. leaders. Mrs. . . . . . ‘ . brations at the 'lrlennial. “‘29) 16 same 01‘ ano ' . , , A -- '3" , . ,- 11?:in Anderson. Mrs. G. candidltaend ihnrtliglni'flg: gllfrisltrlngg \Ehie‘iicelloclc Assembly of the Baptist Fed-liven.“ . . lA‘ leaders are MFS- R. E. Priestâ€" lulk and Mrs, Diamond. During Mr- and Mâ€' Thpmas HOdSton‘. 51 Longblldge con uc I - ~ ‘ ~ which of Canada held in: iollowing the busmess ses- man and Mrs R. Tyson. andithc past Near the ladies ï¬lled Ave., celebrated their golden wedding anniversary . . a i. - . .- ~ w - . . . . . cuney and Mrs J old per 3mm“ 2‘ “andld‘gm commumon “1" also be Of Calgary. There will also helsmn. Mrs. W. Smook told 0‘ her Mrs. J. Trow will be the leader a llllssmn hale with baby November 20. Thev received letters and telegrams 108 Yonzehurst â€"â€" Phone TU. 4-2617 ONE STOP SERVICE CENTRE . vouno's business and civic life of your community. For information, call CORRESPONDENT: MRS. GORDON READ Telephone AV. 5-4001 As the Christmas season is Christmas party. There were 18 with all of us your correspond- mothers present and the ant would like to take this time Brownies sang Christmas carols. entertained their. mothers service of worship, on the fered On Christmas DBY- , y i ,i trip to Euroie and deli hted of the GA Rectors re resent “0th includin tw ' ‘ ' ' with the presentahon of the EYehmg of December 16â€,. Holy Commumon W,†he $11-$31} ears Eye scriice at the ladies with many beaï¬mul atlves will be Mm G. Al’Hmvcs Everyone who mimic: th‘leul;lnS_-i from the Governor-General of Canada, Prime Min- fhristmas story It pageant similar serv1ces are held on offered at a.m. and again M St Luke,s Roman Cath_ Shdcs. They saw some very ï¬ne and Mrs. G. Leacock. .nual tea held in Julv brought; ister John Diefenbaker, and Frank McGee, MP for 01C: the 13th the Cubs and Che Same night an across :tmthewiiacniillychiiztlriieasat olic Church, Christmas will Pictmï¬ 0f the French BMW» MFSA H- Roswell Poured teala." item of clothing as admis- York ScarbOI‘O- __ scouts held their Christmas am a’ . than. will be Sung. The be celebrated by a midnight "10111de Monaco. the Alps. and several guests were wet-ismni and these helped to ï¬ll gamma“zuuwuwmumcrmmmauumzummwummeuamim ~ At the SGYVlCe ill Tllom' if 1 h h d t. mass on Christmas Eve and and many well-known places in corned during the social hour.ltho bale- The Clothlng W85 lak- at Party at Thornhill PreSby- hill Presbyterian Church, the beaéilll “ C, 1}†“a?†30â€]: the singing of a High Mass Rome, Paris and London, Mm women's Institute ion to Knox Church for distriJ’ T ' f 2: on 5 "mm? 0 Markham it ~ es nge'- ‘059 a 1n. . ' ,_ Christmas Day there will be souvcnirs of her trip. stitute held their December "a; I! zï¬agggztlgï¬tvs 12::1‘: (1:15;: part were Rosemary ClOW. gyrfwmn 0f Mrs‘ C' E SW“ the usual m0 morning mass, The refreshments which meeting in the form of a g selves each brought 3 gm Jane Henry, RachAel Cotgmr, A; T1 1'“ Pro b term] es. From 11:30 to noon there closed the meeting were served Christmas party at the Town v o N I! to be’ distributed to needy Barbara 'MO‘R’at-K “MG! 3;" Cl‘ 1 ‘fggllmor aid-V enjolr will be a programme of spe- by members of the North Inn. Richmond Hill. on Dccem- O O O i: children by Evangel Hall in qudy. Jamqed’lac Ea’y. en 3 llurci. “n J11 esent a Stradi- ch31 Christmas carols Sung group.vunder the leadership of ber 13. The president, Mrs. C. VICTO I ’u Toronto Elans' Lm .a “ms ‘in 9w": “1 1 pr . t .7 by the children‘s choir. The Mrs. Vt. Cook. Sinclair, opened the meeting R AN ORDER OF g I . . h Dlanne surndge’ The glrls tut)“; ciao servlce g'm‘ choir will also give a concert .The ladies of St. John's Bap- with greetings and a welcome y g x P nbt e same spirit,dt e ‘ were directed by their lead- A t 6'.118.mt..SeYV1:(1,‘e, 1Rev. and play in the auditorium tist Church congregation in to the 18 members and three 3 \ res yteens entertainc a . ers, Mrs. J. MacKay and Evans in con inue ssetiï¬s of St Lukes Separate School Richmond Hm joined with the visitors present. After the sin} RICHMOND HILL u (got? of 35 underprivileged Mrs. J. Walford, while Mr. of adv‘ent SFerTg'lhOIlSdOél} ‘ e on the morning of December Thornhill ladies in Thornhill ing of the Institute grace. the BRANCH 3’ c ll ran from downtown To- Walter Stothers was at the theme The a]. an irist- 21‘ The primary classes will Baptist Church in a special sen ladies sat down at a long table . g It is hereby proclaimed that r°nt° ti)" Saguzdaigï¬emoon' organ' . mas i631“ toplcygn gï¬peï¬' also put on small plays. Vice of prayer on December 7. beautifully decorated for the MISS Knox 'l’ 1 . growth; chtuhch titer n;eet- From thls Point, the £6: K e 3,35 On SJ‘Decerljbe: Christmas parties are to be The. prayer pro-gram was of occasion and were served a Richmond Hill Municipal g WE_DNESDAY9 DECEMBER 2691962 “pint the enema.†esfaï¬gg chulrchestgtél cgfntlg:§ zgrd ite “pm.be entitled “He heéd dDeceihber 20 in the :BPGCtlBlt significance ginï¬e their very tasty Christmas dinner of Ha" is Will be observed as BOXING DAY var ans 5 s . ,, in ivi ua cassrooms. all) 15‘ 515 ers aroun t o r w h tr' - ‘ . :ndh tobhOgannlng, returning celebrations and services. Means Buslsness . _At 1the 50‘ by the time the. New were uniting in a similiifvsxequ riffsésfurkey “h an t 9 1m } PHONE TU, 1.4101 g for the Township of Markham. 8:11:17;caggcglII-Igitigghcll‘jï¬g Following his sermon on 'gcglsslmzzrmgg 5531:): er: Year rolls in, Christmas will vice on the same day. Following the dinner. enter-l g Cltllens are hereby requeSted t0 goVel‘n girl explorers were 'emer_ December 16th on “The Wonâ€" titled “I Give In" This will have been_ well and truly The message this year was tainment was provided by Mrs. g themselves accordingly. tamed by the“. leaders Mrs derful Name", Rev. A._ I. be a family servi‘ce held at celebrated in all the Thorn- written by Dr. Marion Bates, a H. Mlzen and Mrs. T. Findlay l! G Cook and Mrs Plc‘kthal‘ Higgins of Thornhill United 10 am ‘ hill churches. It would. be Vice-prestdent of the Baptist who led the group in singing it: HCT CRISP W DE N “fa Christmas pal-It), at Mrs' Chumh Will PreaCh 0“ De- ' ' 11 B i impossible to praise too high- World Alliance and the Dean carols, Mrs. Find-lay aceomipa- g . . . , R, A Cookis home on Clarkehaved cember 23rd on the topic At “‘0;an 313th“ ly those who put in all the of Women at McMaster Unl- nymg them on the piano. Mrs. it, Clerk Reeve Drive on December 17th "The Excluded Redeemer". QhWCh. C “Sim†0919 1‘3' many hours of Work and vchIty. C. Thompson read a memorial 5} Th; congregatior‘l of A Christmas Eve service will tllsotiswgzrtfg ganggcgglbili worry entailed in these 1Members of the senior high verse for the late Mrs. H. Car- g GOD SAVE THE QUEEN , be held at the United Church . n e a 0 Christmas festivities. Al- to low5liip were uests for s . - roll who assed awa recentl .. ‘ ' -. . ‘ Thornhlll Presbyterian beginning at 11:15 with both Christmas party was held. though their rewards will be per at the homegof their leg: Ron can Lia‘s answerzd by mg; : : gti’ï¬m"EMTEED’WEE3W33‘313‘QQWP‘Pâ€maiw’lm’VEEE‘m’tï¬aï¬)“ : Church “13° c°nmbuted ge'n‘ the junior and senior choirs Dessert and {leverages were in the main intangible. they ers. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hall re- sentation of a gift for cancer ‘ ‘ i .' "WSW t0 the gift campaign taking part. The members "Wadi f0HOWmE Wthh 9361 will know their work is ap- cently. Some of the members shut-in patients. The motto for z : ‘ l of the C3“?dlan Men'ï¬al of the Hl-C and the Y.P.U. 0f lhe “1355‘.†Presented. ‘1 preciated by the moistened are busily practising for the the day was “Be Kind to all‘ ‘ ° gealth Assocmtlon and to have invited everyone in the Christmas sklt- 13th Chlld eye and the catch in the play which they will present the Strangers Within Your : : e hast: three weeks ï¬lled congregation to their Christ- was rewarded by ~ gift from throat of every parent who in the church on Sunday eve- Gatesâ€, mos-t appropriate for, ‘ ' two urge boxes with gifts mas tree ball on December Santa- 01‘ December Mt,“ Watched the children go for- ninig. December 30. The play the Christmas season. j: z for mental patients. 315:, The program will fea- the couples club held their ward with innocent heart to “Under Orders†was written by Mrs. Mlzen then had the la-‘ ° ' The morning of December tuire music refreshments and Christmas _ banqlmt at the present their whitest of gifts. the minister, Dr. Minion John- dies doing some quiz games on : : 16th. white gift services were Santa Claus. The New Year’s Slmml†View Restaurant at or tell in childish treble the ston, and specially presented Christmas carols which were at. o . , , . held in all the Thornhlll watch night service will be R‘mhmm‘d H111. story of man's eternal hope to the delegates at the annual little tricky but much enjoyed.‘ : Identlfles your : ,\ churches. In churches beau- held on December 319t at At 7 p.m. on December 23, for “Peace on Earth“. meeting of the Baptist Federa_ Mrs_ Thompson, acting as Santa - o ' ,tion of Canada in Calgary, last distributed small parcels to all: : llBERAl CLASSIFIEDS-GetResults-TU 4-1105 M“ - “‘9 “mm 3“" “es†Th“: 3 ‘ NORTH RICHVALE NEWS SPIINSIIRS ’ i . z a r. : CORRESPONDENT: MRS. A. BLACKBURN ‘ i : : : - ï¬rms of prestige in the : . ' 0' O O O O O O O C o o ‘ O 31 wish allA of you a W36 egchangreddagd Sunday School Conce Miss Gretta Mid eton, and : TU. 4-295] 5 ms mas. ny news YO a S m}? S W "3 59 V9 y ' e The parents and friends of Mrs. Campbell all teachers of . . WASHING, POLISHING, GREASING have I Will be Very pleas“ to Brownies- the Carrville Sunday School the Sunday School deserve a lot ' ' o Put it in the Dflper- December 15 153“ RiChVale children enjoyed themselves of credit for the time and work. TIRE REPAIRS’ BATTERIES ChriStm‘s Pames _ Rat9payers hem their 3m?“ immensely at the annual they put into the concert. After WEI-COME WAGON , on Decelnber 10'_ 15t RICh' ChNStmaS Party for the Child" Christmas party December 16. the program had ï¬nished. Rev. . - ' .i , a General Repairs to all Makes 01' Cars vale Brownie and Gmde mowers re" 0f the firea- There were Fay Harrison, Gail Campbell, Howard Veals closed with ai l ‘ . held a pm “wk supper at .the over 150 leliren' Clowns and Ann Broom. Beverley Wood, prayer. Mr. Bert Middleton and AV. 5 " AV. 5 SID HUNT, Licensed Mechanic home 0‘ MTS- 3- H°U5t°n- Berh a bunny Tabb“ helped to make Susan Purves, Sharon Melnic, Mrs. Lenard Kirk then present- Ave. All the mothers read the the party a success. Carols were Ronnie Wilson Joh Ca _ h~ d b k f .m the Guide prayer and Mrs. R. Miller sung and Santa arrived to dis- be“, Michel Bohe G?:nyMid$g_ EdhéZEmZSutrï¬n 00 s m gave the blessing before the tribute the gifts. Refreshments mm of the kindérgarten class Euchre Pam, ' supper. Mrs. J. Fltchett read the were served. Everyone enjoyed welcomed the people. The km_ LOL. No. 91 held a euchrei Young's B. A. Service Station Yonge & Benson Richmond Hill treasurer’s re port and Mrs. M. themselves. Scene of the party dergarten Class and the rimar t . , . . i at the hem of the Reads» 0 O TU McDermott gave the prestdent: Xas the auditorium of the 16th class presented “Star. pin “1: git-ell; was a nicee turnout de_t ' ,reporF- 1gde lefider- ‘30th quni’e SChOOI- Nightâ€. Those taking part Were spite the cold weather and ev-t captain lss Miler reported was George Melnic, Kathy Wood, came seemed to enjoy a good. Get tickets and reservations now on making a merry Christmas Mrs. Kay Kirk. formerly of Corrine Harrison M . . . . . l . ar aret time. Mrs. Adam Read won the for a ynung cmld at the Tyne Spruce Streav R’Chvalei now Jean Broom. Jefl“ Wilson gRobâ€" ï¬rst prize for highest ladies‘ Blue and Orange Home. During of Barrie attended the pot luck en phhhps’ Bobby Bone: Bap score. The second prize went to‘ the evening tllere was an ex- supper held by the lst RiChvale para Be on 1 d » " TV 1' R O I! B I. E ? or an at also: glaring; in mammals; Dir: Plan a dependable train journey. Ask about low week- end fares. group coach rates. gift travel tickets. .auction sale with articles left the home of Mrs. B. Houston. the part of Joseph. Fred Hendry won the ï¬rst prize Consult your local agent_ lover from the bazaar. Towards Friends 311d “Bighbours of The ~Uhior . i -,, i CALL BA. 1 . 0485 or a. Mrs. salsa: safari all. .5032: EHWSWH Showed ï¬lms 0‘ the†Me"? Cl‘rlstma_5- Mm ReynOIdS ing part were Nancy Middleton Earle Richards Low prize went ,tour through Europe. such plac- is still m Princess Margaret Devina and Lorrain Ph‘l‘ 't M R d ' ‘ es as Switzerland. France, Rome Hospital, Toronto. We wish her and Terry Cam be“ 9 “ps 0M" 1e: ‘ W. 4 e, d K ,.nl and England were shown. There a Speedy recovery and hope that 1‘ poe‘m high“ '15 Ch . drSM ayG “(11g 1 2h“ d eudl were 18 mothers and six leaders She will be “'ith her family dur- maso" was read by litter ahsii Rohlr‘iignattefizc‘led allie‘ il’resem‘ The “9"â€egular me" mg the Christmas “0‘iday- Wood. Julie Melnic read the Heise Hill Church Cradle Roll 99-“ AN R.E.T.A. MEMBER ,ing will be held on February 11 Mrs» 5- Bartlett. 16th Ave, .. . .. . , . y 0 I BAKER ELECTRONIC SERVICE .. i m a - ‘ uniform in good condition. Her' ‘5 ' ‘ rs' usse 6159' S F; CANADIAN NATIONAL l ., __ . The senior class presented’Decemberll- On December ll the lst Rich- _ NW N 7 V 7 N __ > 777 V _ .vale Brownies held their annual Phone number is AV. 5-2935. {he “Minister-S Christmas Gm" l Jim Bushel is home from . ‘ n :I . . . :I . . a . w * 2 1 3 w iâ€"iâ€; IA»? *AFV ilThosetkl‘g l ' P . d' l l l‘d"“ r.'. . . ’ CANADIAN newton? Eiifalwe‘in‘ii‘? 533?. 33:925.. fling? he ‘0' I t 18 a Privilege a CANCER SOCIETY lg‘iï¬kQFi Mark Kirk, and Roy‘ Mr. Joe Lamb of Frank Lamibjp" T K d S u t - . . l l ' ‘th M ver Ltd. made his an-t“‘- ' a «xiv/rm Richmond Hill Unit “gaming; hhiddlgeton. superln-nu:l ghriitmas visits to hislg 0 now an erve a F< FACT FOR THE WEEK: :\\'38 the chairrfiahuptgrabihescgg: :ï¬lgltllrgg‘clgsv (it? tl‘iki‘se \chggmumu SO Many Pleasant Peeple Q ï¬nd The newsletter of the rung. Mrs' John Bike? accom'l May “93°F and “399mm M: w E & ï¬t Canadia C “mod the “"01 Singing withiof this festive season spill into m g no; †" “leer SOClety. lthe organ. Mrs. Lenard Kirk, every home to make for a mer- we? progress Agaln“ Cancer". “T5- 13011: Bone. Mrs. Ernie ry. merry Christmas for us all. g W,“ will keep you abreast of the 30.119. Mrs. Chester Wilson. Merry Christmas Everyone! i I 'v * ‘} latest activities of this hum- ' 1' _ ‘7 ' _, r 'i" -,u n! ""1 anltarian organization. To W W' ’ t § W. receive regular issues, 3...... l O a; e 18h You A Merry Chris mas 5 F’ ’0 Your local unit of the So- ‘ w- 14 g '1" ciety. i . v ‘ , and a. , 3s, t a CHRISTMAS MARKETS *: EO‘ZDWUE‘CERIHAW A Happy a; ‘ ' ' Country’s 00 ~and- reezer pan :9 8 § afgitri} ' 3' w 1-44 .. es you top-quality name-brand foods -- a: ‘ Q Saturday, December 22 â€" 7.30 a.m. - 5.30 .m. fl . at lowest prices your family ever enjoyed. T" Q‘ p e; o ‘5 “‘ Monday, December 24 ~â€"- 8 am. - 5 pm. gl l . If. Your weekly Under our plan A. ‘ V ‘ t . 4'1 . ‘ ' : ‘ " ': > ' ' .. Q FreSh killed llll'kf-‘YS, Gallons, Muscory ducks. Quality beef ork cooked .g‘L 1V- ‘llulhonandw‘ fOOd bm‘ls now lt-“m be CPL I .t . y l) . 4 § \ _. % ï¬'é‘ï¬als' H†(H. QC l. $20.... .......$13.40 I § Delilccaletgsesgeit.ahofteabakgtlnhiead. cakes. pies. candv. . . $25 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' "" 514°65 ; J‘ & so Cut flowers and potted plants. ' 4' 80 R‘Chm‘md St- west» 0 $30 . . . . . . . . . “8-00 _- I 3:†. . at ghrilsltmas trees. wreaths, greens and decorations. Toronto . 835-340 ,. $20 00 ‘ Stop 24 Yonge Street RIChVale, Ontarlo ' cmaatiunh d' ft .t -' ~ A . ' ’ ' iâ€~’~ g n an (Ilcra S and G 0Cl\lng stut'fers. £| Consultation . 1950 Agent for "‘ n e _ *' Appointment as. 7 ' . . p f u 1' one roof Ample parking Ph _ . TOWN 8, COUNTRY FOOD PLAN as; Toronto Foels Limited Yonge and Elgin Sts., Thornhill 4 Th WE'RE: 5 ms . 2&9 Maigham lid; - - giggling?) 31th g Hi-Test Fluidï¬re Fuel Oil 5 .. omi . .35. _. .5-5 __ _~.7 .â€".~. .- ‘L‘L‘L‘L‘L‘llflï¬cï¬cï¬ï¬‚luï¬zlfl‘cï¬rsrï¬gs/gigs31;};35' _, . Uï¬ifliflcflcflifliflifliflcfliflifliflflcflifliflcflflflJJJJJJJJJJJJJ. Toronto EM 4-2t80 . I liflIOAfltflcfliflgfliflifltfltflifllflifliflifllflifliflifllflifliï¬iflifliflifliflliflffliflï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬‚ f w.~ t .