Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Dec 1962, p. 4

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7! THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ont. Thursday: DecemberflZO, 1962" _ Thornhill and District News ’ Thom/zillions Baptist Church News The annual Christmas party \\llll a red or )‘ellnu rose. a “The Liberal” is always pleased to publish items of interest The annual meeting of theof the Holy Trinity WA was lDt‘iCi calendar and a pencil. The”; contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area - - - - - - - Our representative in Thornhill is Mrs. Margaret McLean. women's auxiliary of Thornhill held in the parish hall on ileâ€" party closed with all good wish-l who may be reached by phoning AV. 5-2331. ‘Baptist ("llilrch was held on No-ieemher l3. Airs. W F. Askew. es to everyone for the holiday.‘ vemher 20 at the home of Mrs. wife of the former rector show. and the sillzin: ot' the Queen.‘ lC. Lawmn. Richmond Hill. A ed interesting colored slides The next meeting will he at llargp number of nlembers‘taken during a trip to Austria the home of Mrs. lieslop. on i‘hcnrd interesting reports from,and Switzerland last summer Yonge Street. on January 17.} the group leaders telling of the‘iMrs. ll. V. Andrews gave a Presbyterian Church News l, lwork accomplished during the Christmas reading. Also contriâ€" The annual meeting of the, . past year. Except for two out- buting to the enjoyable pm- women‘s missionary society .sido speakers. the ladies had gram were Mrs. R. W )lark-ot‘ 'l‘hornhill Baptist Church; rc 6 arranged and produced all oth- ham. the church organist \vho,\\a< held at the home of Mrs. R.‘ or programs themselves. played a piano solo. and an oc- Camsell. 3O Drewry Avenue. The president. Mrs. R. Jar-ltet of members who sang \Villowdalc on December 11. . ‘ 7 I. ' . dine, said she had received Christmas carols. Devotions were taken by Mrs.l (By erfll‘fl 1- MOLE“) “fully decorated for the 0.C' “'30 p'm', .. . - , . . mere N” be §.vtl\01r,an.d‘grcat personal blessing and en-l Rev. ll. R. llowden intro- l Nixon and the Christmasl casion, Sunday school chll- At H01) ll‘lllll} Lhuwh. candlelight sciiicc wheie, «fl 1 d _ h fi tduced the owlv l td id _. _q d f . Chrlsm’as celebrations in dren all came forward and the usual morning prayer carols and special Christmas‘Cvoul‘armnfi’l_ ,IE'rmli). er . r: i im d "H. ~‘ 92"? 3”“ 'h mi: \“f‘ mm Ellefllldl' the churches of Thornhill he- left their wth “Tapped gifts service will be held at 11 music will be presented un-‘hmi’ I”) n 1‘°a\_“: lg ammo flange or , E; 1C”; _ m ‘.1d)6'l' V”, "Ԥ.‘,”' H'alpm‘ The or on at t. C.G.I.T. ‘ - -’ - v- . - 'st (1 hoi lcad~r.i\ls.“ ~ ' ‘ ~' " - ' i F , ~ “ 913- I . as cum and sew S’ for needy Chlldrcn' whne ap'm' there m“ be the nme gam an C r C r was put down for Easter and.Mrs. C. P. Stowe. first vicc- l'he election of otTicers fol" TELEPHONE AV. 5-2331 and sunday SChOOl Children ‘ llc ed at the Presby- lesson carol service. The les- Cameron Andrew» Therc . V . , v . , . . . ‘ all begin holding their an- ng‘tizncochfitrch went to the sons narrating the Christmas will be no Christmas Dayipmfl {0“ mm” b) blalem m0" prgs‘df‘m Mrfil‘l' "\' Shfu‘qul‘v‘ .11.!)(‘2‘V‘l8‘ Cf'mumm by R,"- D- mlal “Christmas PaTlY"- Al‘ Presbvtcrian church‘s down- story will be read by mcm- service. "mj COOk .Ook wmcn glib. \ICC-prhuomi M” SH .' f‘ans “1th mo fonc’me 13' though the Old'rasmoned town ‘mission. Evangcl Hall. bers of the various parish On December 30th. the :3” "Pm'mywml’lelmn- “ wlas MO 13% giglpnn‘mg “mf‘lfnygrs 01°“ch honmar": mesment ChTiStmast COMB“ 0‘ yesmr" From Holy Trinity Church, organizations. Special Christ- members of the new senior1 “lived l” WWII} 0“ SAW. at lle l‘S-‘ - Y. rlt‘Stman. recoldingikis.‘HOMIZCH. DFeSIdent Mrs. Year is apparently “0 “‘0”, the gifts went to the Down- mas music will be presented high fellowship will put own“t "looting.- llcre were some tsecre an \Mrs. F. "Jennings. .lc Ullcllplla. Vice~prcsident many other types of celebra- town Church workersv Aggy by ‘he choh. under the lead_ a play "Under dinajreas in sernce to others where reasiirer ills. VG. Dane. edited-firs. P. Williamson. secretary tions have taken its place. cimon for distribution. while “Ship of the organist and meted by their leadm.s_ Mmh rs. .lgldihc tfelt gthe la ies Elena sIe‘lcrctar;I Mrs. ll. V. An- .“rsDR. Camsell. treasurer Mrs.‘ At Thornhill Presbyterian gins given at Thornliill Bap- choir master, Mrs Ralph and Mrs, Ken Hall. rhcfiould‘ 0‘ ’0‘ or; *“9 ,S‘zted W“? "‘10 F‘m‘ 9°.“T‘a‘l'h; 'amml‘lv “"mh Wretary Church, the earliest celebra- tist Church went to New Markham, while the congre- play. dealing With “10 mls'mat 51.0 l‘as.‘““k“‘g {elm-3r to Mm ' H' Baku?” 3mm "gm-[Mm H‘ Mum" home help?“ “on was had on December Canadian Missions in down_ gation will join in Singing sion of Chumh people. “.asianothei hem of 'f0110\\slllp and Vice Mrs..J. Sila\\-.'Dm‘(‘aS Mrsi rs .l‘an Kok, supply secretar- mm when the Children of town Toronto‘ me familiar carols. written by Rev. Mime" John-lS(‘l‘\/l(‘8 in the “A. As the of- G: G. Wishart. livmg messaget CS Kits. 1. Nixon and Mrs P. l the church the four to seven . .- B T‘ e t - Ch ~51.“ S ston and presented last July 5”” 5”“ “CHM “Tr a two y?“ M135 1* wakel-‘V “03°55 “’1' Pm‘tcr' , ' ‘ At the Prebbyfi‘llanv 39' W Y C 0‘5 n a for the Baptist Jubilee ce10_,term. the executive remains voncr Mrs. W. Barry. Straehan‘ The mf‘t‘lmg closed with i'e- t I year Oldsv under the direc' tist and United churches the message will be delivered at . 1 1 H f ‘ ' ‘ . . , - ~ - i ' ther Houses Mrs. A. 'lomlinson. .I. fr(‘Sllmt‘nts served by Mrs i u of the”. leaders. Mrs. . . . . . ‘ . brations at the 'lrlennial. “‘29) 16 same 01‘ ano ' . , , A -- '3" , . ,- 11?:in Anderson. Mrs. G. candidltaend ihnrtliglni'flg: gllfrisltrlngg \Ehie‘iicelloclc Assembly of the Baptist Fed-liven.“ . . lA‘ leaders are MFS- R. E. Priestâ€" lulk and Mrs, Diamond. During Mr- and M”' Thpmas HOdSton‘. 51 Longblldge con uc I - ~ ‘ ~ which of Canada held in: iollowing the busmess ses- man and Mrs R. Tyson. andithc past Near the ladies filled Ave., celebrated their golden wedding anniversary . . a i. - . .- ~ w - . . . . . cuney and Mrs J old per 3mm“ 2‘ “andld‘gm commumon “1" also be Of Calgary. There will also helsmn. Mrs. W. Smook told 0‘ her Mrs. J. Trow will be the leader a llllssmn hale with baby November 20. Thev received letters and telegrams 108 Yonzehurst â€"â€" Phone TU. 4-2617 ONE STOP SERVICE CENTRE . vouno's business and civic life of your community. For information, call CORRESPONDENT: MRS. GORDON READ Telephone AV. 5-4001 As the Christmas season is Christmas party. There were 18 with all of us your correspond- mothers present and the ant would like to take this time Brownies sang Christmas carols. entertained their. mothers service of worship, on the fered On Christmas DBY- , y i ,i trip to Euroie and deli hted of the GA Rectors re resent “0th includin tw ' ‘ ' ' with the presentahon of the EYehmg of December 16”,. Holy Commumon W,” he $11-$31} ears Eye scriice at the ladies with many beafimul atlves will be Mm G. Al’Hmvcs Everyone who mimic: th‘leul;lnS_-i from the Governor-General of Canada, Prime Min- fhristmas story It pageant similar serv1ces are held on offered at a.m. and again M St Luke,s Roman Cath_ Shdcs. They saw some very fine and Mrs. G. Leacock. .nual tea held in Julv brought; ister John Diefenbaker, and Frank McGee, MP for 01C: the 13th the Cubs and Che Same night an across :tmthewiiacniillychiiztlriieasat olic Church, Christmas will Pictmfi 0f the French BMW» MFSA H- Roswell Poured teala." item of clothing as admis- York ScarbOI‘O- __ scouts held their Christmas am a’ . than. will be Sung. The be celebrated by a midnight "10111de Monaco. the Alps. and several guests were wet-ismni and these helped to fill gamma“zuuwuwmumcrmmmauumzummwummeuamim ~ At the SGYVlCe ill Tllom' if 1 h h d t. mass on Christmas Eve and and many well-known places in corned during the social hour.ltho bale- The Clothlng W85 lak- at Party at Thornhill PreSby- hill Presbyterian Church, the beaéilll “ C, 1}” “a?” 30”]: the singing of a High Mass Rome, Paris and London, Mm women's Institute ion to Knox Church for distriJ’ T ' f 2: on 5 "mm? 0 Markham it ~ es nge'- ‘059 a 1n. . ' ,_ Christmas Day there will be souvcnirs of her trip. stitute held their December "a; I! zfiagggztlgfitvs 12::1‘: (1:15;: part were Rosemary ClOW. gyrfwmn 0f Mrs‘ C' E SW“ the usual m0 morning mass, The refreshments which meeting in the form of a g selves each brought 3 gm Jane Henry, RachAel Cotgmr, A; T1 1'“ Pro b term] es. From 11:30 to noon there closed the meeting were served Christmas party at the Town v o N I! to be’ distributed to needy Barbara 'MO‘R’at-K “MG! 3;" Cl‘ 1 ‘fggllmor aid-V enjolr will be a programme of spe- by members of the North Inn. Richmond Hill. on Dccem- O O O i: children by Evangel Hall in qudy. Jamqed’lac Ea’y. en 3 llurci. “n J11 esent a Stradi- ch31 Christmas carols Sung group.vunder the leadership of ber 13. The president, Mrs. C. VICTO I ’u Toronto Elans' Lm .a “ms ‘in 9w": “1 1 pr . t .7 by the children‘s choir. The Mrs. Vt. Cook. Sinclair, opened the meeting R AN ORDER OF g I . . h Dlanne surndge’ The glrls tut)“; ciao servlce g'm‘ choir will also give a concert .The ladies of St. John's Bap- with greetings and a welcome y g x P nbt e same spirit,dt e ‘ were directed by their lead- A t 6',‘e, 1Rev. and play in the auditorium tist Church congregation in to the 18 members and three 3 \ res yteens entertainc a . ers, Mrs. J. MacKay and Evans in con inue ssetifis of St Lukes Separate School Richmond Hm joined with the visitors present. After the sin} RICHMOND HILL u (got? of 35 underprivileged Mrs. J. Walford, while Mr. of adv‘ent SFerTg'lhOIlSdOél} ‘ e on the morning of December Thornhill ladies in Thornhill ing of the Institute grace. the BRANCH 3’ c ll ran from downtown To- Walter Stothers was at the theme The a]. an irist- 21‘ The primary classes will Baptist Church in a special sen ladies sat down at a long table . g It is hereby proclaimed that r°nt° ti)" Saguzdaigfiemoon' organ' . mas i631“ toplcygn gfipefi' also put on small plays. Vice of prayer on December 7. beautifully decorated for the MISS Knox 'l’ 1 . growth; chtuhch titer n;eet- From thls Point, the £6: K e 3,35 On SJ‘Decerljbe: Christmas parties are to be The. prayer pro-gram was of occasion and were served a Richmond Hill Municipal g WE_DNESDAY9 DECEMBER 2691962 “pint the enema.” esfafigg chulrchestgtél cgfntlg:§ zgrd ite “ entitled “He heéd dDeceihber 20 in the :BPGCtlBlt significance ginfie their very tasty Christmas dinner of Ha" is Will be observed as BOXING DAY var ans 5 s . ,, in ivi ua cassrooms. all) 15‘ 515 ers aroun t o r w h tr' - ‘ . :ndh tobhOgannlng, returning celebrations and services. Means Buslsness . _At 1the 50‘ by the time the. New were uniting in a similiifvsxequ riffsésfurkey “h an t 9 1m } PHONE TU, 1.4101 g for the Township of Markham. 8:11:17;caggcglII-Igitigghcll‘jfig Following his sermon on 'gcglsslmzzrmgg 5531:): er: Year rolls in, Christmas will vice on the same day. Following the dinner. enter-l g Cltllens are hereby requeSted t0 goVel‘n girl explorers were 'emer_ December 16th on “The Wonâ€" titled “I Give In" This will have been_ well and truly The message this year was tainment was provided by Mrs. g themselves accordingly. tamed by the“. leaders Mrs derful Name", Rev. A._ I. be a family servi‘ce held at celebrated in all the Thorn- written by Dr. Marion Bates, a H. Mlzen and Mrs. T. Findlay l! G Cook and Mrs Plc‘kthal‘ Higgins of Thornhill United 10 am ‘ hill churches. It would. be Vice-prestdent of the Baptist who led the group in singing it: HCT CRISP W DE N “fa Christmas pal-It), at Mrs' Chumh Will PreaCh 0“ De- ' ' 11 B i impossible to praise too high- World Alliance and the Dean carols, Mrs. Find-lay aceomipa- g . . . , R, A Cookis home on Clarkehaved cember 23rd on the topic At “‘0;an 313th“ ly those who put in all the of Women at McMaster Unl- nymg them on the piano. Mrs. it, Clerk Reeve Drive on December 17th "The Excluded Redeemer". QhWCh. C “Sim” 0919 1‘3' many hours of Work and vchIty. C. Thompson read a memorial 5} Th; congregatior‘l of A Christmas Eve service will tllsotiswgzrtfg ganggcgglbili worry entailed in these 1Members of the senior high verse for the late Mrs. H. Car- g GOD SAVE THE QUEEN , be held at the United Church . n e a 0 Christmas festivities. Al- to low5liip were uests for s . - roll who assed awa recentl .. ‘ ' -. . ‘ Thornhlll Presbyterian beginning at 11:15 with both Christmas party was held. though their rewards will be per at the homegof their leg: Ron can Lia‘s answerzd by mg; : : gti’fim"EMTEED’WEE3W33‘313‘QQWP‘P”maiw’lm’VEEE‘m’tfiafi)“ : Church “13° c°nmbuted ge'n‘ the junior and senior choirs Dessert and {leverages were in the main intangible. they ers. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hall re- sentation of a gift for cancer ‘ ‘ i .' "WSW t0 the gift campaign taking part. The members "Wadi f0HOWmE Wthh 9361 will know their work is ap- cently. Some of the members shut-in patients. The motto for z : ‘ l of the C3“?dlan Men'fial of the Hl-C and the Y.P.U. 0f lhe “1355‘.” Presented. ‘1 preciated by the moistened are busily practising for the the day was “Be Kind to all‘ ‘ ° gealth Assocmtlon and to have invited everyone in the Christmas sklt- 13th Chlld eye and the catch in the play which they will present the Strangers Within Your : : e hast: three weeks filled congregation to their Christ- was rewarded by ~ gift from throat of every parent who in the church on Sunday eve- Gates”, mos-t appropriate for, ‘ ' two urge boxes with gifts mas tree ball on December Santa- 01‘ December Mt,“ Watched the children go for- ninig. December 30. The play the Christmas season. j: z for mental patients. 315:, The program will fea- the couples club held their ward with innocent heart to “Under Orders” was written by Mrs. Mlzen then had the la-‘ ° ' The morning of December tuire music refreshments and Christmas _ banqlmt at the present their whitest of gifts. the minister, Dr. Minion John- dies doing some quiz games on : : 16th. white gift services were Santa Claus. The New Year’s Slmml” View Restaurant at or tell in childish treble the ston, and specially presented Christmas carols which were at. o . , , . held in all the Thornhlll watch night service will be R‘mhmm‘d H111. story of man's eternal hope to the delegates at the annual little tricky but much enjoyed.‘ : Identlfles your : ,\ churches. In churches beau- held on December 319t at At 7 p.m. on December 23, for “Peace on Earth“. meeting of the Baptist Federa_ Mrs_ Thompson, acting as Santa - o ' ,tion of Canada in Calgary, last distributed small parcels to all: : llBERAl CLASSIFIEDS-GetResults-TU 4-1105 M“ - “‘9 “mm 3“" “es” Th“: 3 ‘ NORTH RICHVALE NEWS SPIINSIIRS ’ i . z a r. : CORRESPONDENT: MRS. A. BLACKBURN ‘ i : : : - firms of prestige in the : . ' 0' O O O O O O O C o o ‘ O 31 wish allA of you a W36 egchangreddagd Sunday School Conce Miss Gretta Mid eton, and : TU. 4-295] 5 ms mas. ny news YO a S m}? S W "3 59 V9 y ' e The parents and friends of Mrs. Campbell all teachers of . . WASHING, POLISHING, GREASING have I Will be Very pleas“ to Brownies- the Carrville Sunday School the Sunday School deserve a lot ' ' o Put it in the Dflper- December 15 153“ RiChVale children enjoyed themselves of credit for the time and work. TIRE REPAIRS’ BATTERIES ChriStm‘s Pames _ Rat9payers hem their 3m?“ immensely at the annual they put into the concert. After WEI-COME WAGON , on Decelnber 10'_ 15t RICh' ChNStmaS Party for the Child" Christmas party December 16. the program had finished. Rev. . - ' .i , a General Repairs to all Makes 01' Cars vale Brownie and Gmde mowers re" 0f the firea- There were Fay Harrison, Gail Campbell, Howard Veals closed with ai l ‘ . held a pm “wk supper at .the over 150 leliren' Clowns and Ann Broom. Beverley Wood, prayer. Mr. Bert Middleton and AV. 5 " AV. 5 SID HUNT, Licensed Mechanic home 0‘ MTS- 3- H°U5t°n- Berh a bunny Tabb“ helped to make Susan Purves, Sharon Melnic, Mrs. Lenard Kirk then present- Ave. All the mothers read the the party a success. Carols were Ronnie Wilson Joh Ca _ h~ d b k f .m the Guide prayer and Mrs. R. Miller sung and Santa arrived to dis- be“, Michel Bohe G?:nyMid$g_ EdhéZEmZSutrfin 00 s m gave the blessing before the tribute the gifts. Refreshments mm of the kindérgarten class Euchre Pam, ' supper. Mrs. J. Fltchett read the were served. Everyone enjoyed welcomed the people. The km_ LOL. No. 91 held a euchrei Young's B. A. Service Station Yonge & Benson Richmond Hill treasurer’s re port and Mrs. M. themselves. Scene of the party dergarten Class and the rimar t . , . . i at the hem of the Reads» 0 O TU McDermott gave the prestdent: Xas the auditorium of the 16th class presented “Star. pin “1: git-ell; was a nicee turnout de_t ' ,reporF- 1gde lefider- ‘30th quni’e SChOOI- Night”. Those taking part Were spite the cold weather and ev-t captain lss Miler reported was George Melnic, Kathy Wood, came seemed to enjoy a good. Get tickets and reservations now on making a merry Christmas Mrs. Kay Kirk. formerly of Corrine Harrison M . . . . . l . ar aret time. Mrs. Adam Read won the for a ynung cmld at the Tyne Spruce Streav R’Chvalei now Jean Broom. Jefl“ Wilson gRobâ€" first prize for highest ladies‘ Blue and Orange Home. During of Barrie attended the pot luck en phhhps’ Bobby Bone: Bap score. The second prize went to‘ the evening tllere was an ex- supper held by the lst RiChvale para Be on 1 d » " TV 1' R O I! B I. E ? or an at also: glaring; in mammals; Dir: Plan a dependable train journey. Ask about low week- end fares. group coach rates. gift travel tickets. .auction sale with articles left the home of Mrs. B. Houston. the part of Joseph. Fred Hendry won the first prize Consult your local agent_ lover from the bazaar. Towards Friends 311d “Bighbours of The ~Uhior . i -,, i CALL BA. 1 . 0485 or a. Mrs. salsa: safari all. .5032: EHWSWH Showed films 0‘ the” Me"? Cl‘rlstma_5- Mm ReynOIdS ing part were Nancy Middleton Earle Richards Low prize went ,tour through Europe. such plac- is still m Princess Margaret Devina and Lorrain Ph‘l‘ 't M R d ' ‘ es as Switzerland. France, Rome Hospital, Toronto. We wish her and Terry Cam be“ 9 “ps 0M" 1e: ‘ W. 4 e, d K ,.nl and England were shown. There a Speedy recovery and hope that 1‘ poe‘m high“ '15 Ch . drSM ayG “(11g 1 2h“ d eudl were 18 mothers and six leaders She will be “'ith her family dur- maso" was read by litter ahsii Rohlr‘iignattefizc‘led allie‘ il’resem‘ The “9"”egular me" mg the Christmas “0‘iday- Wood. Julie Melnic read the Heise Hill Church Cradle Roll 99-“ AN R.E.T.A. MEMBER ,ing will be held on February 11 Mrs» 5- Bartlett. 16th Ave, .. . .. . , . y 0 I BAKER ELECTRONIC SERVICE .. i m a - ‘ uniform in good condition. Her' ‘5 ' ‘ rs' usse 6159' S F; CANADIAN NATIONAL l ., __ . The senior class presented’Decemberll- On December ll the lst Rich- _ NW N 7 V 7 N __ > 777 V _ .vale Brownies held their annual Phone number is AV. 5-2935. {he “Minister-S Christmas Gm" l Jim Bushel is home from . ‘ n :I . . . :I . . a . w * 2 1 3 w iâ€"i”; IA»? *AFV ilThosetkl‘g l ' P . d' l l l‘d"“ r.'. . . ’ CANADIAN newton? Eiifalwe‘in‘ii‘? 533?. 33:925.. fling? he ‘0' I t 18 a Privilege a CANCER SOCIETY lg‘ifikQFi Mark Kirk, and Roy‘ Mr. Joe Lamb of Frank Lamibjp" T K d S u t - . . l l ' ‘th M ver Ltd. made his an-t“‘- ' a «xiv/rm Richmond Hill Unit “gaming; hhiddlgeton. superln-nu:l ghriitmas visits to hislg 0 now an erve a F< FACT FOR THE WEEK: :\\'38 the chairrfiahuptgrabihescgg: :filgltllrgg‘clgsv (it? tl‘iki‘se \chggmumu SO Many Pleasant Peeple Q find The newsletter of the rung. Mrs' John Bike? accom'l May “93°F and “399mm M: w E & fit Canadia C “mod the “"01 Singing withiof this festive season spill into m g no; ” " “leer SOClety. lthe organ. Mrs. Lenard Kirk, every home to make for a mer- we? progress Agaln“ Cancer". “T5- 13011: Bone. Mrs. Ernie ry. merry Christmas for us all. g W,“ will keep you abreast of the 30.119. Mrs. Chester Wilson. Merry Christmas Everyone! i I 'v * ‘} latest activities of this hum- ' 1' _ ‘7 ' _, r 'i" -,u n! ""1 anltarian organization. To W W' ’ t § W. receive regular issues, 3...... l O a; e 18h You A Merry Chris mas 5 F’ ’0 Your local unit of the So- ‘ w- 14 g '1" ciety. i . v ‘ , and a. , 3s, t a CHRISTMAS MARKETS *: EO‘ZDWUE‘CERIHAW A Happy a; ‘ ' ' Country’s 00 ~and- reezer pan :9 8 § afgitri} ' 3' w 1-44 .. es you top-quality name-brand foods -- a: ‘ Q Saturday, December 22 â€" 7.30 a.m. - 5.30 .m. fl . at lowest prices your family ever enjoyed. T" Q‘ p e; o ‘5 “‘ Monday, December 24 ~â€"- 8 am. - 5 pm. gl l . If. Your weekly Under our plan A. ‘ V ‘ t . 4'1 . ‘ ' : ‘ " ': > ' ' .. Q FreSh killed llll'kf-‘YS, Gallons, Muscory ducks. Quality beef ork cooked .g‘L 1V- ‘llulhonandw‘ fOOd bm‘ls now lt-“m be CPL I .t . y l) . 4 § \ _. % fi'é‘fials' H” (H. QC l. $20.... .......$13.40 I § Delilccaletgsesgeit.ahofteabakgtlnhiead. cakes. pies. candv. . . $25 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' "" 514°65 ; J‘ & so Cut flowers and potted plants. ' 4' 80 R‘Chm‘md St- west» 0 $30 . . . . . . . . . “8-00 _- I 3:” . . at ghrilsltmas trees. wreaths, greens and decorations. Toronto . 835-340 ,. $20 00 ‘ Stop 24 Yonge Street RIChVale, Ontarlo ' cmaatiunh d' ft .t -' ~ A . ' ’ ' i”~’~ g n an (Ilcra S and G 0Cl\lng stut'fers. £| Consultation . 1950 Agent for "‘ n e _ *' Appointment as. 7 ' . . p f u 1' one roof Ample parking Ph _ . TOWN 8, COUNTRY FOOD PLAN as; Toronto Foels Limited Yonge and Elgin Sts., Thornhill 4 Th WE'RE: 5 ms . 2&9 Maigham lid; - - giggling?) 31th g Hi-Test Fluidfire Fuel Oil 5 .. omi . .35. _. .5-5 __ _~.7 .â€".~. .- ‘L‘L‘L‘L‘L‘llflficficfifllufizlfl‘cfirsrfigs/gigs31;};35' _, . UfiifliflcflcflifliflifliflcfliflifliflflcflifliflcflflflJJJJJJJJJJJJJ. Toronto EM 4-2t80 . I liflIOAfltflcfliflgfliflifltfltflifllflifliflifllflifliflifllfliflifiiflifliflifliflliflffliflfiflfifl f w.~ t .

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