Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Dec 1962, p. 5

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Editor Margot CracIc A wedding of local interest will be taking place at St. Pe- ter's Church, Montreal this Saturday when Miss Ann New- man will marry Mr. Jerry Dia- kiw. m a a in Next Sunday, December 23, St. Mary's Anglican Church will usher in the first of the Christmas services by holding two carol services. One at 4 p.m.. a twilight carol service with the young people of the parish participating and attend- ing. Again at 7 pm. there will be the traditional candlelight service of lessons and carols. A group of the AYPA will form up as carolers in the eve- ning and sing in different parts; of the Town. ‘ v a: a a A service of carols led by the Sunday school was held at St. Matthew’s United Church on Sunday last. Following the service a coffee hour was en- joyed by members of the con- gregation and friends. The H‘i-C held their regular meeting after the service. and a film “Liquid Lore" was shown. Members of the Couples Club are reminded of the New Year’s Dance which will be held on Dcember 29th. ##1## Several members of Richmond Masonic Lodge visited Patterson Lodge. Thornhill. Thursday ev~ enlng when a feature of the evening was a presentation of a Life Membership to R. Wor. Bro. Neil G. McDonald. Mr. McDonald now 'ives in Willow- dale but formerly lived in Thornhill and is well and favor- ably known throughout the en- tire district. He is a past mas- ter of Patterson. a former dis- trict deputy grand master. and one of York County's known and highly esteemed masons. r . a a a a At Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church on Sunday. December 23, a candlelight service will be held. The senior and junior choirs under the leadership of Mrs. Vera Diamond. organist and choir leader will lead the ser- vice of praise and carol singing. The young people's society will also take part in the service of praise. Those in the pulpit .with Ray Bennett, director of young people‘s work will be Lorraine Phillips who will take the prayer: Min: Wong will read the scripture, and Sandy Young, and Alfred Lindsay each will narrate a Christmas story. Following the service the _young people's society. and the -cholrs will entertain the congre- gation to a social hour in the church hall. The hour for the commencement of the service will be 7.15 pm. a w- : t The rector and church war. dens of St. Mary’s Anglican Church were recently hosts to the choir at a dinner in Wrixon Hall. This was an occasion when the parish extended its appre- ciation to the constant efforts of the choir of the church. A delicious dinner was served by the evening guild of the parish. The rector presided and paid special tribute to the choir, and to certain members who gave splendid leadership. Corsages were presented to Mrs. W. Battridge and Mrs. J. Dorgan as the choir mothers; to Mrs. J. Hillman. whose hus- band recently retired from the choir; and to Mrs. D. Boyd who also recently retired; the organist MrS. E. Cover and her daughter Janet. the assistant organist; and to Mrs. W. Mason whose husband entertained the group with coloured movies of the West Indies and Europe. Mr. J. Large, the choir leader and Mrs. Robert Bowley. the junior choir leader. were pre- sented with token gifts in ap- preciation of their leadership. It is hoped that this will be an annual event for the choir of St. Mary‘s Anglican Church. 1! II Ill # A delightful evening was held at the home of Mrs. N. Todd, 95 Church Street 8.. when members of the lst Rich- mond Hill Ladies Auxiliary held a Pot Luck Supper Decemâ€" ber 12th. During the short business meeting. plans for a rummage sale were discussed. The date set is February let. Mrs. A. Graham agreed to be convenor. Two members were asked to assist December 2151. with the boys‘ Christmas party. Mem- bers are also asked to please save newspapers for a future paper drive. Mrs. Turner of Unionville in- stalled the following members for the new 1963 executive: President Mrs. B. Wilder: vice- president, Mrs. M. Tonnello; re- cording secretary. Mrs. B. Moorley: treasurer. Mrs. B. Curtis: corresponding secretary. Mrs. B. Brown: program con- vcnor. Mrs. M. Walker: mem- bership convenor, Mrs. .T. Kos- tecki; sewing convcnor, Mrs. D.‘ Lee: sunshine convenor. Mrs. B." Palmer: social convcnor. Mrs. A. Doxsec: assistant social con- venor, Mrs. Harcourt; publicity convenor. Mrs. A. Graham. The evening closed after games of court \vhist were play- ed. Prizes were won by several Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Redel-'1 meier entertained on Friday and Saturday evening following‘ the presentation of the Christ-‘ mas play “The Child of Peace" at St. Mary's Anglican Church.‘ til!!! Mr. A. H. Gabb arrives on Friday from Somerset. England, to spend the Christmas holidays with his daughter Mrs. G. C.. Crack. Leonard Street. ' a it it! It We were sorry to hear that Miss Dora V. Robinson, former- ly of Richmond Hill fell and. broke her hip recently. ‘ She is presently in the Hillw crest Convalescent Hospital in Toronto. ‘ * i i * FREE CHRISTMAS HINT If your wife's been catty lately, And you’d like to make her purr, Remove the chip on her shoulder By replacing it with fur! Robert D. Little its: The combined juniOr and senior choirs of the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church, along with several members of the Young People will present their Christmas Candlelight Service on Sunday. December 23rd at 7.15 pm. -Guest soloist will be Miss Shirley Mann. Special Christ- mas music has been prepared by Mrs. Diamond, organist. and will feature solos by Mrs. Shaw and Mrs. Nesbitt. Following the close of the service. the congregation will be invited to join the choir and Young People members in the Church hall as guests. where refreshments and a social time will be enjoyed. best KIKKIKKKKKKKKlfllfliflflflglfllfilflflfllflKKKWKKKKKKMKKKKKA Christmas Nose pressed against the showcase glass, He did not see the pas His gaze was on the toothsome mass Arranged to catch the Bright gumdrops, mints and chocolate creams, All prettyfied for Christmas trade â€" The pattern of a small .ham Road, has recently return- TShulton Guests for Christmas? Going south? Entertaining? ‘Llfe in the. Hill, is always pleased to receive your ho- liday news items â€" the ser- vice is free â€" call the Social Editor Margot Crack at TU. 4-1105. or drop a line to 63 Yonge Street South. ##1## Miss Sally Wagner. 100 Mark- ed from Southampton Parish. Bermuda. whcre she attended} the annual sales meeting for‘ of Canada. Limited. held at America's new and em- inent resort, the Carlton Beach. Miss Wagner is a sales de- monstrator with Shulton of Canada. and despite her busy schedule of business sessions, found time for some sightsee- ing around historical South- ampton, sunbathing and shop- ping. li- a us 1: Richmond Hill Ctr-operative Nursery School held their an- nual Christmas party last Wedâ€" nesday in Wrixon Hall, when 31 lucky children enjoyed the fes- tivities arranged for them by the staff and executive. To set the mood. the party began with a Christmas film show, which was noisily apprec- iated. This was followed by carol singing and games. After this the children were quite ready for juice and goodies awaiting them in the new. gaily decorated classroom, complete with a tree hung with ornaments they had made. When the last cookies had disappeared from the plates. Santa arrived with a gift for each child. which was the nicest ending a Christmas party could have. Shopper serby ; Shopper's eye; boy’s dreams Was in their crimson gay parade. The clerk. amused and slightly bored, Politely watched the minutes fly, But time, of course, he could afford Though he could not afford to buy; At last, with finger pointed: “Please I’d like a copper’s worth of these.” Wmmg league held their annual The current winner in Our Lady Queen of the World Par- ish 50/50 club lucky draw, spon- sored by the Holy Name Society is Mr. Daniel Ferguson. Mr. Ferguson’s winning ticket was No. 1924. The draw was made by guest speaker A. K. Morrow. director of the English network for the CBC at the December meeting of the Holy Name Soc- iety. phere in the library auditorium was warm with the Christmas spirit of good fellowship, when the institute ladies held their Yuletide meeting. Forty - six members and friends enjoyed the carol singing in unison with Mrs. Boynton at the piano and Mrs. A. Lander leading the la- dies in song. President Mrs. J. Dewsbury. opened the meeting with a tram ditionai Christmas message.‘ Plans were discussed for the special anniversary meeting when the Richmond Hill club will celebrate fifty years of‘ progress. It was decided un- animously to forward the mo- ney on hand in the ‘special hos-l pital fund' to the hospital aux-‘ iliary association to be used. to furnish a single room in the new hospital. which will be added to later. Mrs. H. Sander-‘ son (immediate past president) gave a delightful reading on the Christmas theme. Mrs. J. Pollard and Mrs. C. Russell. al- so contributed interesting read- ings in keeping with the holiday season. Mrs. George Hooper of Buttonvllle sang two beattiful solos accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Don Reesor. The 'Gifts for York Manor Residents‘ were a welcome re’; sponse to the motto “It's betterl to give than to receive.‘ A most enjoyable array of re- freshments of Christmas cake and cookies were served by Robert D. Little There’s always a last minute rush for grocery shopping over the holidays, and Gene and Leo, genial proprietors of the Elgin Mills l-li’Way Food Market, are again this year remaining open, with the exception of Christmas Day. for the whole of the holi- days. They are open from 10 am. - 10 pm. located just north of the Elgin Mills Sideroad. phone a a a a [number TU. 4-3188. Richmond Hill WI ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. Thursday, December 13th“ The Christmas play, “The was a cold day, but the atmos- child of peace” presented in the Chancel of St. Mary's Ang- lican Church last week, was at- tended by over 800 members of the parish and their friends. On Thursday evening. mem- bers of the cast, stage crew, sewers and electricians attend- ed an “open house" at the rec- tory. At that time. Mrs. Betty Mason. presented to the direc- tor of the play. Mrs. W. S. Thomson, a bouquet. in apprec- iation of her leadership. t III It! It Senior Citizens The December meeting of the Senior Citizens held in the Un- ited Church was opened by Dr. J. P. Wilson, the president, followed by the singing of “O Canada", prayer and greet- ings by the Rev. W. W. Patter- son. Convenors gave reports after which carol singing was led by Mrs. G. Masters with Mrs. W. Morrow at the piano. who later entertained with a‘ piano solo. Three patients from the Villa Nursing Home â€" Bev. Char- banick. Kevin Maher and Doug- las Knight. members of the Villa Tones. sang several solo numbers, then combined for {three Christmas songs. A stand- ing ovation was given this tal- ented group after their final number. More carol singing was then followed by Mrs. Pat Wynn with some Christmas songs. ‘Fernlcigh Circle Mr. James Hope. North. are. leaving on Friday via BOAC to spend Christmas and New Year in Edinburgh. Scotland. **** and Mrs. Employees of the Bell Tele- phone Co. have recently con-‘ cludcd a St. John's Ambulance: Course and are now fully quali-l fied to administer first aid. Each truck is also equipped with a first aid kit. i no: it a It Rev. A. A. Chote. a former rector of St. Mary's Anglican Church. was among a group of Toronto clcrgymen interviewed in Saturday's Star on the sub- ject of capital punishment. Mr. Chote scrvcd at St. Mary‘s prior to going to the city where he is now rector of the Church of the Messiah. littlkil The employees of the Bell. Telephone Co. from this area held their annual Christmas dinner and dance at the Summit Golf Club on December 13th. The good wishes of fellow employees were extended to Mr. Cliff Twidale, area supervisor. who is leaving to take up a1 position as repair foreman at Mount Pleasant Garage. The‘ new supervisor is Mr. John Mc- Lellan from Toronto. ‘Ir *1 rk ill Dr. Douglas Pimlott. Centre Street West. was recently inter- viewed in the Canadian Weekly on the subject of wolves. A leading authority on wolves. their traits. habits and mode of life. Dr. Pimlott was until re- cently associated with the De- partment of Lands and Forests. He has done extensive work on the wolf population at Algon- quin Park. He is now associate. professor'of zoology and direc-2 tor of resources managementl at the University of Toronto. His son Peter is a well known "Liberal" carrier boy in the west side of town. It! >IK * 1 On Sunday. December 23rd, two morning services will be held at the Richmond Hill Un- ited Church at 9.45 and 11.15 am. At 7 p.m. the Nativity in tableau. carol and the spoken word. The junior and Church choirs will assist. Plan to at- tend and bring your friends with you. Following the evening service the AOTS Men’s Club invite the congregation to remain for an hour of fellowship and carol singing in the main hall. with refreshments at the close of the meeting. a a a a The Monday afternoon bowl- turkey roll at the ABC Bowl- ing Alley this week. followed by an excellent Christmas tea prepared by the proprietor, Pauline Price. Turkeys were won by Lois Anderson. Marg Hutchinson, Adelaide Cameron, Betty Lewis and Sue Sweeny. A bouquet of flowers, in alp- preciation of her wonderful co- operation, was presented to Pauline. who than-ks and extended her very best wishes to the league for Christmas and the New Year. **** thew's Drama Group presented its first production. a one act comedy entitled ’Twas the Night before Christmas. at the United Church Women‘s Christmas party on Tuesday night. The play revolves around the misinterpretation of a telephone message taken by Ranny. play: ed by 10 year old Gordon Derry.l This temporarily brings to an end the complete understanding, and admiration of two families. for each other. In the end this: regrettable situation corrects itself and the Christmas spirit' prevails. Mrs. Langford. superbly played by Lucille Urquhart, led. the cast of Jean Wolanska, El- len Derry, Wilfred Kendry, Russj expressed her The newly formed St. Mat- Scout Robin Derrick, left, watches closely as District Commissioner for York Summit, Ron Sculthorp, points out Greece on the global map. Robin has been invited to visit that country next August. Gets Invitation To Visit Greece Robin Derrick. 17. of 338 Browndale Crescent. Rich- mond Hill. is a mighty hap- py boy. as he has received an invitation to visit Greece in August l963. Robin, a troop leader and Queen‘s Scout of the lst Beverley Acres Boy Scout Troop. is one of the four orâ€" iginals who started the troop. He has now realized his greatest amrbition in Scout- ing. to attend a World Scout Jamboree. He will be York Summit District's lone re- presen-tative. THF‘. LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ont. Thursday, The 11th World Scout Jamboree is to take place August 1 to 11 at Marathon. Greece, 32 miles from Ath- ens. This will be an exciting trip for 300 scouts from Can- ada. to camp with 10,500 Scouts from every part of the globe. The staff of four branches of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce in the Hill forgot their pecuniary responsibilities on December 12th. and spent an evening of good cheer and fel- lowship at their. annual dinner dance held at the Town Inn. ‘I‘*** The beginners department of St. Mary's Anglican Church School lfour and five year olds) will hold their annual Christ- mas party in Wrixon Hall at 1 pm. on Saturday. December 22. Mr. Diakiw was a former teacher at Richmond Hill High School, and is now teaching at Cedarbrae High School. **** Mrs. S. G. Phillips, was coâ€" hostess with her sister Mrs. D. Perks in Parry Sound on Mon- day at a reception given for her father, Mr. Adam Brown, who was celebrating his 100th birth- day. Two of the congratulatory messages received by Mr. Brown were from the Queen and Prime Minister Diefenbaker. Attending from Richmond Hill were Mrs. S. Phillips Snr., Mr. S. G. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. J. McRae and Mrs. Alex Veys- siere. Among the guests was a well known former Richmond Hill resident, Dr. V. Wright, who is now residing in Parry Sound. Mr. Brown, who is in excel- lent health, will be spending the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Phillips at their home on Sugar Maple Lane. Muriel Farrow Funeral service for Muriel Farrow was held December 10 at the Wright and Taylor Chapel of the Pipher Funeral Home, Richmond Hill. She died at the Villa Private Hospital, De- cember 7. Burial was at Park- lawn Cemetery. She was a mem- ber of the Baptist Church. Mrs. Farrow. who lived at 54 Starlight Crescent, had been ill for three years. Originally from Digby, NS. she came to Rich- mond Hill from Fort William five years ago. She leaves her husband. J. A. Farrow of Richmond Hill; two daughters. Joan, Mrs. T. Whel- ler of Richmond Hill. and June. at home; a brother. Roy, of Urquhart and Jim Dean. Behind'Toronio; and four sisters, Lena, the scenes were Doreen Kendry, Mrs. McIntosh; Ella, Mrs. Flake Joan Plume, Lily Martin and‘of Toronto; Lola, Mrs. A. Tidd; Lynda Davis. This productionand Florence. Mrs. was so successful that the dir-‘house of Digby, NS. ector. Lynda Davis, has receiv-l ed requests for repeat perform-i . ances. One will be given atiRm' G' Forbes' St. Matthew‘s Hi~C Christmas} Pallbearers were J. Sparrow. party on December 22 to whichIW. Mirrleesv T. Davenport. F- the King City Hi-C group hasiJudd. L. McIntosh and E. Whel- L. More-. Services were conducted by‘ Greetings were received from1 Mrs. Topper, Mrs. Stephenson a member in Liver 1 . . pool. Eng- .8nd Miss 3- Smith during the land. Santa then arrived in allI social half hour following the his glory with a merry --ho ho meeting. . ho“ and each member received Members are reminded ‘0 a gift from a well laden tree. 1 tune in to CFGM on December The president gave season's 215T. “'I’TBTT .‘TT‘S. G. Irwin \K'III greetings to all after which broadcast The Christmas lllf‘S- lunch was Sen-(ad on gaily dec-‘ 53:8- _ _ orated tables. This was a meet- A spemal announcement \villging and party to be remembered appear later concernin: the and thanks are expressed to all specml January anniversary ce- who contributed to the success lebration. to be held in the of the afternoon Christian Education BuildinE. The meeting closed with the Richmond Hill United Churchfnaiinnal anthem, The president and executive Omitted from last week's re- would like at this time to wish port were Mrs. M. Duncan and the members much happiness Mrs. M. Graham, who convened land 30)? over the Christmasl-a most successful white cle- holidays. especially remember-lphant booth at the bazaar. Also 1Ins: those who are ill. and look a corrcction â€" Mrs A Marsdcn forward to seeing you in the was convening the apron booth. members. New Year. lnot Mrs. A. Morris as reported, R24 Elizabeth St. N. B Richmond Hill been invited. u w lcr. 7 Telephone 1“ Richmond Hill Toronto, Ontario TUrner 4-1312 EMpire 2-3456 . DEPENDABLE INSURANCE SERVICE HERBERT R. BUTT 112 Yonge St. Toronto “The Lutheran Church Wom- en of St. Paul's Lutheran Church held their Christmas meeting at the home of Mrs. Barbara. Barth, 211 Harrygan Crescent. There were 20 members and guests present. The program as planned by Ev. Miller was both entertain- ing and inspiring. The Christ- mas story was first read from scripture, and several carols were sung. A film on the origin of the beautiful carol “Silent Night" was enjoyed by every- one. followed by a vocal solo by Jean Melsness, a reading by Naomi Myers, and several games. Money raised from items sold at a talent table will be used for Christmas hampers. No formal business was con- ducted. The January.meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Hans Bratfisch, 375 Fernleigh Cresc. North. The editor of this col- umn wishes her readers a very happy Christmas and all the very best for the New Year. * It! it it It was ‘Open House' for mem- bers of the Richmond Hill Sym- phony Orchestra and their friends last Sunday evening, when the final rehearsal of the fall season was held in the Gor- zzzzézizzzzzzzzzzzzzkzfi December 20, 1962 5 Typewriters - Adding Machines SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS L H SIMS 'your office machine specialist‘ 88 Baker Ave.. Richmond Hill see portable models at 'nght‘s Pharmacy’ Day or Evenings TU. 4-1745 All popular makes on ham. Special Students’ Rates LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-TU.4-IIO§ maintaining!“hemicsKmannxn’iiixxxanuexfithm _/4 Merry rid/m a J J41: (I J4 flap/)9 Wow .z/oar To All Is The Sincere Wish Oi SELLWOOD'S SALON m:mainpanamaanmammmnmgmagaiaimannamnmnnammnamflm aGood eatinq ~A'l' SAVINGS! For Your Festive Meal We Are Featuring Grade A Fresh Killed Turkeys 8: Chickens , And Home - Glazed Hams C. NELS GAGE BAYVIEW PLAZA TU. 4-769! name: as .nnnnnnnnnnn .n E dB don McLaren Auditorium of the library. A committee convened by Mrs. J. Rabinowitch, wife of the orchestra's president. set up a lighted Christmas tree and ar- ranged a coffee table decoratEd with candles. evergreens and tiny glass ornaments in the shape of musical instruments. Among the guests was Mr. Clyde Adams, vice president of the St. Laurent Philharmonic Orchestra of Montreal. The orchestra under the lea- dership of Mr. Arthur Burgin will resume early in the New Year. purer 7“- 5! I l lllllllnn I! Mayor- Elect c. C)?‘ L ‘. MKéQifiKfiKKKKK‘KKKU'IEKKKKKKK’E’Z’Z’ZKW‘ “ 'EKRKKKKKKKKKQQZKZKKKKEfigfifilfilfilfimfifififlfififlgflmm you for your loyalty and good will throughout 63 YONGE ST. N. PHONE udKKKKMKK ’Z {KKKKKKKKKKKKKEKKKWK v a 2’ mnmxnwwxmmmmxxxasmsnumuamammumnflu . . . and many thanks to all you wonderful people whose friendship has been so heartwarming during the year. Wm NEAL My. .6 . .6412: GLOBE TRAVELSERVI’U: RICHMOND HILL. ONT. Herbert and Joan Goodhoofd III I Richmond Hill $662330 NMIMMINRHNMNNNNHH airman M313)?! 3331330313?)th KKEW'RKH'flflflflflflfifilflfimflfllflflflfiKEKKKKKKKKEKKEKKfi :i ii =3 l 'i 2 s ‘ STMAS ‘i EETINGS ' THE NICEST WAY TO GIVE! He‘ll love to choose his own gift . . . the pick of handsome shoes. carefully crafted of fine leathers. This Christmas give him a Shields Gift Certificate available in any the year. u..- 0'7)! 28 82 nmaamanauanaaaqmaaaaa. Burs .._ .s. “nonsense: i i i O p.243.32.2333:mazmamamatamamamaaaamaz BIBLD 4»... 4 f 713’ For m; MM/zr ‘ / RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE SOITTH BLOCK TU. 4-5341 ‘MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM ldddF/Ztfintfiib?

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