Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Dec 1962, p. 13

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THE LIBERAL. RichmondHill, Ont. Thursday. December 27.71962 13 T.S.A. No. l Markham Board Hears Summary, ‘ A report on their attendance at the Ontario As-l sociation for Curriculum Development (‘onvention heldl this fall was given to the members of the Board of T.S.A. No. 1 Markham at their December meeting by, Supervising Principal E. J. Sand and Mr. 1.. Evans, ,l SHOP WHERE I CAN t ‘ SAVE THE MOST MONEY! A N G L I c A N 'rHORNHlLL (‘ALVARr Clil'RCii principal of Thornica School- BAPTIST CHURCH l RICHMOND HILL Mr. Sand reported that over 500 delegates had ST. MARY'S (Convention 0' Ollie & Que-l 96 "uni Men RiChmONd "i" l attended the convention. He had attended the group ANGLICAN CHURCn Stop. 17' “"1” 51”“ Amhath With the ?°"‘°°°5“‘“ session on educational television and found it most I Richmond Hi", . Rev' M'ntowginiggilismn' D'D" A”°"l}’{,‘°s4_‘;g8§a"“da interesting. He reported that over 200 systems of. “°°'X§;r§l§ln JCifr'ag:le Mrs. Cameron Andrew, Organist SUNDAY, DECEMBER 30. 1962 television in the School are used in the United Staten, Rm J. R_ 1:, Moore 10 a.m. â€" Senior and Intermcdâ€" 10 am. â€" Sunday School and that Nova Scotla is leading the restof Canada in‘ SUNDAY, DECEMBER 30. 1962 late School 11 am. â€" Worship Service this field. The Metro Educational Television Associa< CHRISTMAS! 11 a-m- ‘â€" Junior 50mm] and 7 W“ â€" mom” SUV“? l tion is producing programs in Ontario and these are 8 5m â€" HOLY COMMUNION Mhrsgr‘lil . h- d Rev'EPf Sdoimis‘fii' PM” i not for direct teaching but for enrichment of the presâ€" 9i30 a‘m' _ MORNING PRAY‘ 7 Dim. :‘Ofllr‘lgg premix: 1p an \_____C” )0 3 “0 mine i cut curriculum. An advantage of television teaching Family ServiceEIyi/ith Procession RICHMOND HILL. ‘ is its intimacy and that special people, equipment and1 FREE METHODIST CHURCH events can be brought right into the classroom which . Comer 0‘ Elmw‘m‘l and Rugglcs would not be possible any other way. Difficulties were Rev. R. T. Ilolton. Minister . , _. , . , _ . . . -, lchurch of the Light and Life reported to be the fact that only one way communica- of Children. Church School for ages 2-11ycars T H E R A N 11 em. â€" Sung Litany and Sermon ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH . ‘ tion is possible the trouble in arranging uniform .- . lloui, CIIML, 9 3.111. Sunday 1 ' _ , 7 Imill-eh: ligiii'gi‘yllnctiiilgiiglnmm (2 Eggrsméfluoiamgzm : “For unto you is born a , schedules, and the pi'ovislon of funds for programs Wednesday January 2 lSUNDAY' DECEMBER 30_ lgszquND/‘Y fiséiggihlrfim 30 1962 and equipment. 10 am- _ HOLY COMMUNIONi9-i5 8m. â€"- sumlal’ SChOOl andfio a m 5,1”,(15‘. 51.],001' ‘ Mr. Sand’s group recom-’leaving this account in the red â€"â€"â€" Blble C1355 ill 36 am __ wmiship mended that school boards‘by $2,806.39 as of November 30. THE ANGLICAN CHURCH 01"” a-m' “ The SerVice .7 Elm. '_ Falnilv Gospel “our should be made aware of the lie noted however. that on Dc- CANADA ‘ -â€"'â€"â€"‘â€"‘ gym. Minmor n, elm-.40 0f hum specifications for TV receivers ccmber 3 the residential and THE CHURCH 0‘ ST- UABIHEL‘ 51" PAUL S LUHHMAN 3 Services ,as some boards had purchased farm school tax assistance grant Crosby and BayVicw Avenue! CHURCH lwuinesdav 3 pm. _ ,‘sets which were inadequatephad been received from the Rev. R. E. Mchnnan wan” 3”" 5011001, Markham. ppm-'9}. & Fellowship ‘that the O.T.A. and’rovince in the amount of $14,- 407 Lynctt Crescent Road ;_____ should get together to discuss 161.20, leaving the general ac- TU- 4-4236 Re“ “be” E‘ ers' B‘A” UNITED MISSIONARY educational TV; that immediate count with a substantial cre- Church. TU. 4-7033 I 3-D" S'T'M" P551" CHURCH :steps should be taken for the dit balance. SUNDAY. DECEMBER 30. 1962\SUNDAY' DECEMBER 30' 1962 GORMLEY acquisition of a channel for ed; In reporting for the proncr'y 8 a.m. â€"- Holy Communion sunday SChUOl t ~ - ~ - - 9-45 “‘m‘. Rev. c_ It; “unking‘ Minister ucational TV in Toronto. The committee, Trustee John Mac- 9.30 a,m. -â€" Church School WOl‘Sl‘lP v - - - r ~ - ~ 11 am‘ 10 am. _. Sunday school group also commended the ba- Kay reported that a letter had ages 7 and up Nursory medod 11 a.m_ ._ Morning \Vorship sic course given to teachers on been received from planning 11 am. -â€" Morning Prayer 730 pm _ Evening Service the subject. and suggested that director Ron Forrest of the Church School for Children UP ..._.___.__ it be enlarged. Markham Planning Board stat- 10 3 ycal‘s . ‘ i Mr. Evans commented that ing that their re-zoning of the NUI‘SCI‘Y f01‘ BablCS . ;RICHVALE GOSPEL CHAPELsome of the M.E.T.A. programs Meadowview Heights area had 7 p.1n. â€" No Evening Service RICHMOND "ILL 24 Oak Avenue ihe had seen - such as the one not yet. been approved by the 8‘15 D-m- â€" New Youth Ch“) PRESBY'I‘ERIAN CIIURCII Smwes on the “People of the Long O.M.B. Until this approval is Ages 14 years and “13 .Rcv. .l. N. Hepburn, Minister. sunday â€" Houses" were 95% trash. rcccivcd, the board is unable to -â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- Mrs. Vera Diamond. 9-30 a-m- ‘â€" RST‘W'm’I’ance SCI“ Mr. Evans reported that he make any plans for the Hender- EMMANUEL Organist and Choir Leader 3 ,b‘ CC ‘Jhad attended the standards and son school area. ANGLICAN CHURCH SUNDAY. DECEMBER 30. 1962‘“ a'm' â€" Bl 19] H‘I’ur 8‘ Sunday evaluation group but he was Trustee MacKay also report- Mackay Drive - Richvale 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School and: Scm" . disappointed in it as the dis- ed that tenders had been re- Rev, Fred C. Jackson Bible Class 7‘ p'm- '_ Gospel Meetmg cussions “didn‘t get off the (“Eived for drapes for 5132165 at Tu. 4.2413 ‘11 um. -â€" Morning Worship 1”“- 8 W” â€" may" and ground", and the group didn't Woodland. Henderson and Bay- fllrg. J“, E, Howard, Organist‘ll a.m. â€" Nursery Department w d 7 Bible chmg , 1 ever come to any decision on View Glens Schools but had in- SUNDAY, DECEMBER 30. 1962 m e -v Dmiggupmmer g” S‘lelhaft 1standards were wanted. clutded backddrapcs which were 8 a.m. â€" Hol Communion J , . , e e t that the group had been no require and so had been 9,45 am, _ fume, school PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Youngtreoeles and ledges nominated by elderly inspectors returned. He also noted that 11 mm' _ primary Scimoi “$3517, l/szlig. west“? _Ytoiig'e “6531599533 aasngmt‘l‘l’gpeceis noand other elderly people whom the stage floor at Henderson 11a.m.â€"- Holy Communion SUND‘X‘? Dhcégéhnlgas :5” other wav" the fe‘l‘tf \iere clinging] to the f-thue Schdool was not satis- , . ~ H ‘ past. . ter one and a ialf days 80 01‘y an the contractor 11 am. â€" Morning Worship â€"â€" debate, the group brought forth would refinish it durin Christ- 7 AA Prgilelfiili;gl‘l;vv:tl;ihoi;y" BRETHREN [N CHRIST noMrecorIigmendations. gifts vacz’iltlion. g D- -â€" . CHURCH r. vans stated that he am: in Brooke afiegfge Streets Egngjrfigg as:g\11§eecggfiml{lo;Â¥ Wm. Vandernem, pastor ,wtioulid lCiIa-vef like: to talk about Chaiilrtman Tot the education R". E Retina” Howden’ BA" New Members Toi.. Richmond Hill, TU. 4-3155 ‘S'anl s lor t e future, par- commt doe, rustee A. Parker, 1" Th' Christian Education Classes "use Hm (Gormley) 1!“; 83y he .smeadmg 0f “he riplgr e “"3” a mmmlttee Organ!“ and Choir Director 945 a m _ Grades 4 to 9 and‘lo a.m. â€" Sunday school 03 ownwalds from Grade 9 o rustees Aimone and Parker, Mn, Run}, Markham, 53.01 ' ' ' adults 11 am. -â€" Worship SerVice to 8- and 7, but that this sugâ€" Mr. Myers, Mr. Martindale and Wednesday 11 am _ Nurse”, Kindergap 7,30 p,m_ __ Evening Serum? ‘gestion was panned at the con- Sand had been set up to , ~ - - . . wed_ 7_45 pm, - Prayer Meeting ference. He noted however, that discuss the Ottawa trip of 1°” W" _ H0” C°mmum°n ten and Grades 1 i0 3 v i (3 d Co 2 ii ‘the o t ri T l Grad 8 t d t H SUNDAY. DECEMBER 30,1962 12.30 pm. __ Grades 10 to 13 augzzn frC ma) m es it. In: 0 eaciers Federa- d t: t swu en 5. 9 also not- Sund“ After Christmas Day EVERY WEDNESDAY 7 and 10 11lilosr 0 03cm]- . iond ia60 0Secently voted tale1 d g r. Sand had spear- a I‘m. _ Holy Communion AM. â€" MORNING DEVOTIONS C. slamsâ€"h llorsnp Service spiel; h$ , 0 in setting up a Ufa e a survey of students in 9.45 “m _ Bible Classes and COMMUNION oncor ( c on ouse) wor's op to study this, and the e area schools who could play 11 “m _ Church school ‘ 10 a.m.. â€" Sunday School curriculum generally. The a mllSlt‘al instrument with the 11 I‘m. _ Morning Prayer â€"_â€"_ Oak Ridges, Aubrey Ave. workshop is to have a perma- possibility in view of organizing Monday. December 31 _ Roy Nigh. Pastor nent staff and he suggested a school instrumental group of 11.30 mm _ watchnight Ser_ Tel.: Gormley 5544 time might be better spent some kind. vice 10.30 am. â€"â€" Sunday School there than at conventions. Safety New You». Day'January 1,1963 11.30 a.m. -â€" worship service Separate Schools In reporting for the health, 10 “m __‘ Holy Commumpn .. I 7.30 p.m. â€" Evening Serv1ce A report was also given by safety, recreation and D‘Ublic ST. ANDREW’S Tues, 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting Trustee Stone on his atten- relations committee. Trustee â€"â€" dance at the public school trus- LOUiSe AimODe reported that OAK RIDGES ANGLICAN CHURCH OF PRESgÂ¥XEE£A%1€€URCH CHURCH OF CHRIST tees‘ Association meeting on contact had been made with the . CANADA an’d welcomes on at 7 m h,vaember 24th where the Bis-pOIice about the Safety of the ST. MARK’S ST. pAUL's CHURCH germs dav p' ‘ eac ‘hOp's brief on extending fur- children going to and from You“ at Elm Grove 7th Con. Vaughan Tw", Comer of L ur. ‘ Rd d |ther aid to Roman Catholic Henderson Avenue School, one SUNDAy, DECEMBER 30.1962 Rev_ B. Fh’AndreW Ministér Concord Ase 'ec “0'0an is-choois was discussed. He reâ€" of whom has already been in- I 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School SUNDAY, DECEMBER 30. 19621 Cor 1-10 Now 'i bgseech youlp‘m‘?d that. the “mm” were vowed in an “idem The W S 9,45 am, _ Morning prayer 10 am. _ St. Andrews Church Brethi‘en, by the name of our‘unanimous in their stand to re- lice department has promised . . I ST. JOHNS and Sunday School Lord Jesus Christ that ve all Est the grief and had expressed to go into the schools and talk Yon” at Jefferson 10 .m‘ _ St. P 1. S d ’. ~ e nee or unity in school to the children. Markham m m _ Sunday School a swan; s on ay 3.1.3:: till: 21miilthglognsangmtgl:; 5,,Ste,§s_ Au ammo“, he ,e_ Townshm Comm, has stated YOU SAVE MONEYi Your local merchants offer the ‘1 a-m- â€" Morning Prayer 11.15 . . â€" St. P 1' Cl 1 . . porte , had led to a motion for that as the CNR is still work- - - - . Rector; ‘The Rev. Tom Robinsonl a m a“ 5 lumidou‘ ‘ ‘ ' l? committee to present the case he at Henderson Avenue, they flnest day'ln-day-OUt caSh values, n0t JUSt a few dally ‘ or tie continuance and expan- can't start the sidewalks this ' ' ' ' ' , PARI‘EH 0]“ KING ‘ - {sion of the public school sys- year. Trustee Aimone felt that speCIalS deSlgned to lure you lnSlde thelr doors' ( nglican) U N I T E D S H em. this was not a valid reason. On I ' A“ SH?It.isRSCl?F SERVICE I u e a U It had been recommended at motion of Trustee MacKay it N0! waSted hours’ your favorlte stores a n ‘ urch - Ki 1 ' RICHMOND HILL . 18 meeli '5 th t l ' ' 1 ' 10.30 am. â€" Morning Egafeit‘y UNITED CHURCH (continued me Page 1’ rshould senldba telegfzfihltob‘l’arlied- hvlfdutdtehcilediiidattlg, :Vtrrlcigsiiigutxhcait are Close to home. t0.these Sfunngs are the 11.10am. â€"- Sunday School lRev. C. G. Higginson, B.A., B.D.‘s]ig,ht]y‘ according m MR De_‘mier John Robarts or their 10- one child had already been inâ€" wonderful plus, COIIVCIIICI‘ICCS 0f selection, service. ' ,SUNDAy, DECEMBER 30,1962 Geer. “Biggest sellers are such cal member of the legislature jured. It was also suggested ST. STEPHENS CHURCH l9.45 a.m.â€"Pr1mary; Junior, In- items as power and hand tools." expressmg their agreement that the secretary get in touch Maple termediate & Senior Sunday with this decision. with the council on the subject The Anglican Chm-ch of Canada school CANADIAN TIRE STORE: Tile board refused to take of the Greenlane crossing light ' Rector: Rev. Ramsay Amitage,11 am, ._ Nursery 3; Kinder. Gord Stephenson, assistant any action on the question, and the possibility of crossing M.A., DJ). gartcn manager, termed Christmas, 19- however, as the members felt lights at the intersection of the g g . 3 “l1. â€" Holy Communion Sunday School 62, “as good or better” than they would like to study the. railway with 16th Avenue. 11 um. â€"- Morning Prayer 11 am. â€" Morning Service 1961. “There were good crowds question lnore thoroughly be- Trustee Aimone also reported - 0 H013? Communion on 2nd Sun- “God‘s Terms“ in our Yonge Street store this lore reaching a decision. that in an attempt to make the fou can rely 011! N01: one or tWO Off-and-On SpCClalS, day Of month at 11 -7 p.1n. -- Evening Service year." As chairman of the finance'school children safety conscious ‘ ' - e - “Year's End" "(Alli our lilies move very well‘comlmdittee, Trustee Stone re~ a poster contest was currently but dally 10w prlces on everythlng from new CIOthlng at ‘iristmas time," Mr. Steph- portc a balance in ca ital ac- bein held in the schools. ' ' B A P .l. I SgiThéngllEVS enson said."Biggcst sellers were count of $58,320.69, Egtpendit- ltg was reported that the to used cars, from baby needs to furmShmgS! What” HURCII electrical goods and equipment UFO-s of $31,112.56 were a - board had receiv d information s ’ ' SUNDAY. DECEMBER 30. 1962 including everything from liair,provcd for general accounpt. from the 011: about their eve! you need’ you 11 find you save more’ get better ST. JOHN'S BAPTXST CHURCH 9.30 am. â€" Sunday School dryers to tree lights." Mahmoud mu ,1 am. _ DMM womb”) commonwealth book Project buys, when you shop at your local merchants! jBoards are asked to collect any (Convention of ant and Que.” Nursery and Kindergarten WMORLEPS. __I:‘00DLAND‘ ibooks they had on hand which Minister: Rev. J. M. Ward ‘._ "199} . , a".":”duf’”:.d5“.1?idi‘t.“ling”i A w are not required and send them Meeting in mphmond "m Pubncil p.1n. â€" ‘C.G.‘l.1.- Candlelight- levlloiue). “HINT” fig“ 39‘?“ ' ' ' ito countries in Africa which are [dbl-“y i log Service ‘I’lllaseaéécniill‘mdfsoloii‘El' .L’h'm' :badly in ileed of books. The 9.45 am, ._ Sunday school â€"â€"â€"â€" much as 8-“ h Mr H 351119.551 3; . Board decided however, to send :lli a.m. â€"- Nursery & Primary UNIEEEACHURC“ Om -‘ ‘ ' a pm” 0 Widely known in retail lum-the b00k5 they had to the . . . Iimli\:rvllixli)ep“it?g1service DISPLE' 33:36]; B-igcgst sellers were the be!» and bllsiiless CIFCIBS. the O‘T‘F' for Sorting and ship' - ' ° . e to... Minister. Christmas staples _ turkeys.Lssdgljlgodaitrhatof. l\llr. Ai:\t4lilir;1;%gll;‘l'll:ill'se needed. That makes it easy to find Just what you want! Your R I R H ' v- ‘ ‘gecse, chickens and cranberry, , ' .“s will?" ax- ~H »' ' l . Bflggiggngngkgl SUPNYDA;DI;E%E§\IIIISI;1:£II;,0 11.9162 saw. ,3.“ 2mg; mu, ,,,,,,,,,,,_ reign: Istéiineitiicsllng t pillnClpalls local merchants know you and your neighbors, know 1 ., i . i , ecem (.1. ‘ _ came as a pm_ p 1‘ 1n cae 21 0a enro- o ' (A gelwzzmnsfihurrh) lull;ngâ€" 1o.1a am. S. S_ KRESGE: Mmgeflm round shock ,0 me commumm ment in the area schools of 1,- your likes and preferences, stock the quality merchan- N. _ . lmy Mills tcrmcd husiiiess tllisI 301‘“ in '1'0T0nl0.AFihUI‘ BOW- 205 35 0f November 31' This is ' s ° ' . (Opplosit: in. High school, svunaiiy School 10.15 a.m.‘yoar menm “WW caugmidm“,asoducatchLakeLodger,“ ,nmase 0,12,,“ OC,O,,C,._ dlSe you want! For Wide variety and top selection, . CHRaIgs;;_ G“ Forbes V ‘50:”;in 11.30 a.m.‘me at a bad “man he mmumcmmimy and 51‘ Andrew-5:22 since September and 90 l .h t l i I .h t I SUNDAY DEIAS SUNDA) ‘ ' mufi B1 ‘ ql- ” ‘mcmcd' owe-m right in the College, [n 1913119 became asail-om last June. 119 reported a \Vays b 0p 3 Your 0(3 “1911. an S. 945 a , BC'EMBER 30. whz‘ ie a ante _ lcct middle of trying to untanglcsociatcd with the Bowdcn Lum- h0W9"€l‘- that the new StUdemS . and; iblfe School what “m likely be record sales‘" bcr Company, and was sccrctgwere pretty well spread out and 11 am is?“ "m a” ‘ UVITED CHURCH "it's hard to tell whetherarr-treasurer of this well-known.that the” “'35 “0 “VOTCTOWdinE 7 i _E omu'lg worsmp [Rev A AI Hi i BA 1) illicre were more people from (‘Ont‘ern until the time of his‘:\"0 01355 in any 0f the are?“ wiga .8â€" mvsngcrllstic Sex-vie? . l . “as its. . ., B. .. out of town. but the“, must be death The Bowden .Lumber filcschools has more than 35 A ngcndlâ€" \tvrali‘er MECHnEIRcv \'e l A Ams' it t N l . coming from somewhere." lie Company “’85 founded in 1380. pupils- . . . Extendcdytoe\cl?lrl‘etls lsuvosi? SnscsiilisuigR rinlsgél Said. Mr. Mills. president of with lumber yards and \i'are- “‘1 Sand 3150 l‘el’m‘m‘l “m t r a l A - 1 l . ~ -, ~ . . 'l n ‘ ' ' The Young Church with the 19.45 am __ Intermediate and Hf;%2:‘:0di\lgllfilil:2:: l‘l‘oillllsgjdlaolceated at Ruhiale and $331)ng “liiefinlnasprciicetgtlln‘ghotr To you and the community! Your local merchant must our Message 11 a“Elinor gm: 2211113)le and “ma... 3,, moss the Gym? farr. Bowdcn was a member pawll Hartman and Mr. no please YOU, he cannot depend on transient trade! ‘ "_ , -_. v 0 St. James Bond Unitedniaiglt 0 i6 Department Of . . . “grammes n Allrsciy 7 GLOBE TRMEL SERVICE2Chun-1L Town“, yrasom‘soucauon. visual aids branch Adjustments and returns receive prompt attention! F [ST CHLRCII F 301- â€"\10mlllg “ 0119th Mrs. Joan (loodliooid. proprie- Lodge_ with membership in the and that Mr. McNaight had} , J filgwéglp 0‘ Evangelical or furlhigvinfgrmation call tor. reported a slight decrease Granite Chm Scarborough Golf been pleased with the amount1 Manufacturers and merchants’ guarantees are hon‘ Chip 1; st niches in Canada) 1 . 5-..131 ‘lil busmcss because of special Club. and the Ri\~erdaie Kiwanis of equipment in the schools. ' , , y Ed I“! H R? Langstafl‘ ‘circumstanccs not applicable to Club for 40 years. An 81‘08 IGaCht‘l'S' mCClani oer In e‘ ery lespect' the money you Spend at “in . Mitchc’ll _ Pastor‘ Y ' ARRHLEE most local merchants. “110st of The deceased is survived by had been held on November 29,‘ h s . a ' ' Logh‘one Ah. 3-3401 ‘ 9y IXITED (PHKRCH‘ . our Christmas business usually his \lii’c.tlie former Mary Craig. \\'ll(‘l‘€ the (CaChCl'S (‘Oi'llillllf‘i‘lI Olnc’ btdyfi at home, helpINg t0 bUIld a better com- 9_0 DS BSA) SER‘ [CLS - 3 “Rd E “ Ovrshlp N’Nlt‘e involves trips to the Cai'ibbc-‘and by one daughter Frances their Silld)‘ 0n imPFOVing “'“l' mun't f 11' liaagm‘ 3101:1151” SChOOIV , an _unda-‘ i“l‘°°lm»_aii,” Mrs. Goodlioofd explainsjihlrs. James F. Neill. one son, lcn English. The teachers had 1 y or a 0 6 5“pr SERVICEl “People were apparently a-‘.\lr. Craig Bowden of Richmond 3150 been :15de lo Sllbmil COm- P~ - Gun." copies Meet: other D - irald to travel there because liill. and by eight grandchildren. moms. Sllggfillonfi and Grill- 7 3m EvéisV ‘ ‘ ‘ enomina ions of'thc danccrot war there." she interment of the late Mr. cisms re the report cards pres- gri". . LNG ShR\ ICE ‘ . ’ ‘ said. Other bu<incs< was up at Bollden took place in Mount cntl)‘ in use. with their possible c ..ervisedabniyiclytatall Lords “)‘SEEQTEiNIH-DAY Globe Pleasant Cemetery on Deccm- revision in mind. V _' vi les .- ' .' S SCHL‘RCH "'I‘ralTic licliincu this area hcr 241b, \\'illl the Rev. Charles 311‘. Sand alsn reported that _ 1‘ :-ali,VEEIl§ l-IIOUR.'“cd;H p ml CIR. Neill. Minister and Europe was greater than G. liizcinson officiating at the ill? chdCl‘Son Avenue SClioOi was?“ “52:; 131M; Stugy 1 Meeting every Saturday ever a: new Canadians \'l’1ii(‘(‘l serum. The pallhr‘al‘t‘l‘s were; pupil l'eccntlv iniured i: now \ vfe . ~~ " - ,~. -- ., '- . ' A..‘ C.‘ 1 ~ I * . ... e r. ......Els;:r“.'l'-‘.‘:.:i; tili.‘.re:..:i:;r -53: its. litii’r as... l." a WW “l9 mew- “ Home W Mamba“ hi . . . v v v ‘ V ,5 ct , . _ . s a t ‘ .. r; \i- .een ma 9 or a ome ins ruc- .. ~ n - - - - A .lARM WELCOME AllAll‘S Worship Service 9.20 a.m.‘tickets in their parents in Eur- den illel‘lGWF‘. Norman Rippon. tioll unit. School Will re-openj I IHE LIBERAL. Home Paper Of the District Since 1813 YOU lSabbath School .... 10.30 s.m..ope as Christmas presents." iJohn Neil, William Doucette. ‘January 3.

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