4 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont. Thursday, December 27. 1962 Thornhill and District News TELEPHONE AV. 5-2331 “The Liberal†is always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill ares - - . . . . . Our representative In Thomhiil is Mrs. Margaret McLean. who may be reached by phoning AV. 5-2331. I i i Vaughan . I School Christmas concert held at Holy Trinity Parish Hall Thornhill Christmas Concert (By Margaret 1. McLean) I I As a. small child I well remember renting at a family Christmas “concert†the lines, “There s mus1c school. The selections by this choir were quite varied and; ranged from "All my hearti this night rejoices" to a lovely Music Supervisor Hugh Martin directs the school choir at the Thornhill Public ( Photo by Barbour) narrator while the actbrs were Wendy Wright. Judy Ashworth. Paul Moore. David Pick, Susan Harley. Ricky Wiles. Lynn An- Baptist Church News Mrs. R. Jardine's home at Canada, was prepared by Mrs Ithis time. all you lovely people‘ Richmond Hill was the scene of the Christmas meeting of the WA and mission circle of Thornhill Baptist Church on December 11. Mrs M. Martin. president of the mission circle opened the meeting with a Christmas poem and prayer After the election of officers for 1963. Mrs. R, .lardinc. presi- dent of the WA conducted a short business session and brought to the ladies' attention the new cook books that had bi en compiled and were ready for sale. A eot quilt put to- gether by the senior ladies was iprcscnted to Mrs. D. McWilliam for her new daughter. The pre- sentation was made by Mrs. McConnell who was out for the ï¬rst time after suffering a bro- ken hip. Mrs. H. Ellam. leader of the south group then took charge of the meeting and Christmas poems and readings were given by Mrs. J. Calvert. Mrs. H. Wil- ison and Mrs. R. Knight. Mrs. Ellam read a poem composed by herself. Interspcrsed be- tween the readings. some of the lesser known carols were sung by Mrs. H. Howlctt. Mrs. ll. Evans. Mrs. H. Ellam and Miss G. Stevens. with Mrs. A. Ken‘t‘ at the piano. To conclude. in sing-song of carols was enjoyed by all. The refreshments were served by ladies of the south group and were highlighted by delicious mince tarts. The couple‘s club held their Christmas dinner at the Sum- I i l I. performance. Thornh ill Notes service. which was used acrossi Charles Milton of Pickering. and was under the direction of‘ Mrs. June Schope and Mrs.l Grace Payne. ‘ Lions Club Christmas Party A group of some 90 young-. sters of the Thornhill area were‘ entertained by the Thornhill Li- ons Club at their annual Christ- mas party on December 17th. at Thornhill United Church. Af- ter enjoying hot dogs, ice cream and cookies. the children had a sing-song. led by Lion Eilert; Sand. accompanied by his vio- lin. They were then treated to a ï¬ne puppet show produced. by Mrs. E. Crabtree and her‘ son Brian of Toronto. As well as the traditional Punch and Judy show, the children saw a hilarious production which saw a group of bad snow mcn trying. to prevent Santa from doing his traditional Christmas eve; chores. They were ï¬na_'_y rout- ed by Santa‘s relndecrs how- ever. and all ended happily. Mrs. Crabtree is a professional. puppeteer and the Lions were very lucky to have obtained her services for their party. a fact which was well borne out by the children's delight in the Highlight of the evening was of course the visit from Santa Claus. who at other times of :the year answers to the name of Bill Baker. As well as a fat Christmas stocking, Santa had ‘a handsome present for each ichiid. so everyone went home .stuï¬ed to the gills and bliss- Thornhill area and I lave meet- :after I have known them on the} I would like also to thank at who have so kindly and graci-l ously supplied me with news‘ during the past year. How I love to hear that voice on the end of the line that says “Mrs. McLean. I have some news for you." It is both interesting and amazing to hear of the variety of activities that go on in the ing all you people on the phone. It is quite a thrill to ï¬nally meet someone in the flesh too. phone for months. So keep the calls coming in the new year. I‘m never too busy to take down another piece of news! Richvale News Correspondent Mrs. Anne Hewitt 78. 16th Ave. W. 4-7645 'l‘he lst. Richvale Scouts and Cubs held their annual Christ- mas party on December 18 at‘ the Legion hall on Carrviile Rd. The mothers. fathers. sisters and‘ brothers were invited. There‘ were around 90 children there. Carols were sung and refresh- ments served by the lat Rich- vale Ladies Auxilihry of Cuba and Scouts. Santa Claus arriv- ed during the singing of Jingle Bells, presents were distributedj and all the children received at bag of candles. During the even- ONE STOP SERVICE CENTRE . YOUNG’S WASHING, POLISHING. GREASING TIRE REPAIRS. BATTERIES General Repairs to all Makes of Cars SID HUNT. Licensed Mechanic 7 Young's B. A. Service Station Yonge & Benson TU. 4-0009 Richmond Hi- AS LOW AS 52295 Baker's Sales & Service LIMITED rendition of "The Drummer‘tonaci. Ted Sues. Barbara Jef- in the kettle, There's music in the spout, There’s music mit View Restaurant. It is unhfuny happy. in me, But you can't get it outlâ€, and this statement has continued true to this day. . I’m sure, however, that if I had ever had a teacheri as talented as Miss Janet Dalgleish, things would have been much different. Her ability to get mus1c out of dozens of children, of all ages and stages. was amply demonstrated at the Christmas concert presented by the students of Thornhill Public School, at Holy Trin- ity Parish Hall on December 18. Miss Dalgleish dir-‘ ected three choirs during the evening. Wth inï¬nite Boy" and ï¬nishing with a spir-‘ ited offering of "We Wish Youi a Merry Christmas". An unusual turn to this typc‘ of concert was given by the demonstration of tumbling skills‘ put on ï¬rst by boys of grade 3‘. and then by boys of grade 8.‘ The boys were put through their paces by Principal John Martin who has been drilling them at lunch time all fall. Here again. grace and evident enthusiasm. This enthusiasm was reflected in the intent fac followed her every gestur ï¬ne music. The evening wasflopened with the singing by some 30 children of the grade 8 choir of “0 Can- ada" in which they were direct- CARRVILLE Correspondent: Mrs. Gordon Read AV. 5-4001 Christmas At Church Rev. Higgins was in the pul- pit at Camille United Church Sunday morning to deliver his Christmas message which was based on the Christmas Story “No Room at the Inn". He commented on the beau- tiful red poinsettias which were placed in the church by the Carrville United Church Wom~ en. Neighborhood Notes The newly formed Carrville Animal Defenders Club enjoyed a Christmas party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wark. Thursday. December 20. More details spent this new club later. David Wark who is doing very well with his music played se- lections on the piano at the This- tletown Hospital Christmas par- ty and also at the Toronto Vege- tarian Group recently. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rise- brough spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Bone. Your correspondent takes this opportunity to wish one and all the very best there is for a happy. prosperous New Year. es of the children as they e and produced some very I ed by Mr. Hugh Martin. director of music for Vaughan Township public schools. Miss Dalgleish 1then conducted them as they sang “Rejoice Emmanuel". “In a Bleak Midwinter“. "The Twel- jve Days of Christmas“ and a ‘jolly round, “Christmas is Coming. the Goose is Getting Fat". Later in the program. the grade 7 choir. also conducted by Miss Dalgleish sang a group of carols of several nations. from the beautiful Huron carol of Canada, a French carol. ar- ranged by Bizet, "March of the Three Kings". and a French- Canadian carol “Whence 0 Shepherd Maiden“ which was sung in French to the lovely Negro spiritual “Go Tell it on the Mountain." The program closed with a group of ï¬ve Christmas songs sung by the Grade 7 and 8 “Special Choir" directed by Miss Dalgleish. These students. most of them members of the other two choirs. had volunteer- ed to form this “special†choir. which says much for the enthus- iasm for singing which Miss Dalgleish has engendered in the Crestwood Rd. News Correspondent Mrs. Fred St. John 75 Crestwood Road Willowdale Telephone AV. 5-3443 Mrs. George St. John. Steeles Avenue West, held a surprise baby shower for her sister Mrs. Pearl Crawford of Doncrest Road. Thornhill. Mr. and Mrs. Les Brown. Crestwood Road. attended the christening of their ï¬rst grand- son Robert Ross Wilson last Sunday in Scarboro. Proud par- ents were Mr. and Mrs. K. Wil- son of Scarboro (the former Jean Brown). Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mc- was evidence of how a skillful teacher has been able to im- part enthusiasm into a group of very different boys. so that each one was quite obviouslyt doing his utmost. Their respect for Mr. Martin and their rap-‘l port with him shone through everything they did. The grade 3 boys progressed through simple forward rolls. singly and then in pairs. to ldouble rolls and head stands. Their valiant hand stands over IMr. Martin’s broad back were :a treat to see, although many of them owed their success to a little assist from Mr. Martin’s fery. Jeff Neely and Peggy Burridge. The announcer was Roddy Holme-Douglas. lights were handled by Randy Wood and sound effects were produc- ed by Ken Matheson and Garry Hughes. ‘ Another interesting number was given by Miss L. Acheson‘s grade 5 class who exhibited con- siderable skill in choral speak- ing. a type of group recitation. They gave two numbers. “Skat- ing†and an amusing story in verse called "The Enchanted Shirt". . An interesting contribution to the musical side at fhe even- ing was that presented by a group of Grade 7 and 8 stud- ents playing recorders. They were directed by Mr. Hugh Martin and played a varied group of songs including “Santa Lucia", “Oh How Lovely is the Eveningâ€. "Come All Ye Faith- ful" and Silent Nightâ€. The audience also got into the act when they were led. or urged. into singing carols by Mr. Hugh helping hand. ‘ The grade 8 tumblers led off, with an impressive pyramid.‘ They then demonstrated for-§ ‘ward rolls“ head stands. ï¬ips both over Mr. Martin and through a hula hoop. Several. of the older boys then did flips over the backs of ï¬ve smaller boys kneeling side by side. 31-. though Mr. Martin had demur- red at this, warning the boys that they would probably scare their mothers. Mr. Martin gamer took part in most of this even doing a very creditable head stand and doing a double roll with one of the boys. This ,caused considerable laughter as ‘Mr. Martin obviously had no ‘trouble rolling the boy over. but when it came time for the stud- ent to roll Mr. Martin up and over. this was only accomplished with evident strain and after several false starts. A very spectacular part of this display was when one of the larger boys stood with a smaller one on his shoulders and then they both started hula hoops turning about their hips. Another display that received a good band was when four boys locked shoulders. supporting two Martin. Mr. John Martin made an en- tertaining MC. and introduced to the audience Mr. J. Gibson. superintendent of schools for Vaughan, Inspector R. Mac- Donald and Trustee T. Goodwin. He also introduced Rev. and Mrs. Minton Johnston of Thorn- hill Baptist Church and Rev. and Mrs. D. Evans of Thornhill Presbyterian Church who were in the audience. A comedy bit was supplied by a “Symphony Orchestra“. This consisted of Don Sproule at the piano and an orchestra made up of a banjo. a pair of bengo drums and several re- eorders. They were given a good derstood that those who were‘ unable to attend missed a very ï¬ne evening of food. fun and: fellowship. Small gifts were ex- changed and the evening ended with carol singing. . ‘ On Saturday. December 15. the children gathered at the church for dessert and a cold drink which was the beginning of another very successful Sun- day school Christmas party. Al- most every class h";‘ prepared something to contribute to the program. from the very young- ended another successful after- noon. Against a tableau of manger scene with Mary (Les- lie Knightl and Joseph (Jimmy Calvert), the Sunday children and the adults we sented their white gifts at the morning service on December 16th. Later, the members of the junior high fellowship help- ed sort and pack the various articles. and they were later taken down to Miss Stella Ga- verluck of the Christian friend- ship committee. to be used in packing hampers for various of the n-ot-so-fortunate New Can- adian Baptist families in the down-town area. ' The evening service on De- cember 16th was in charge of the CGIT when they led the congregation in the national Christmas vesper service. This hand for “Calypso Boy." Their. second number. after a good deal of impressive “tuning up". turned out to be some hearty. hand clapping to accompany the’ piano. . After the program was over.1 this musical ensemble provided the music for an impromptu ex- hibition of "twisting" ï¬rst by the older grades and ï¬nally by the grade 3's â€" who appeared prepared to keep it up all night when this reporter left the more, who supported another upon whose back rode the small- iest tumbler from the grade 31 With‘ lgroup. Ricky ihis red hair and big grin Ricky .made a ï¬ne cowboy. holding on iwith one hand and waving to ithe crowd with the other as the boys walked from one side of the stage to the other. The whole display was one to {bring cheer to any high school gym teacher who might have ‘seen it. It was a ï¬ne thing too Hopper. hall! :_ . ...e_ CAN ADIA CANCER SOCIETY Richmond Hill Unit “(I/jolt are mg stitching... .t sunshine... t o o o FACT FOR THE WEEK: The best weapon against cancer according to the Canadian Cancer Society. is early diagnosis and treat- ment. To help the Society est child up to the junior- donation of $150.00 to the classes. The arrival of Santai library for children’s bearing a gift for each child: bOOks. These and many the‘ school‘ The party was arranged by the boys and girls com- mittee. under the chair- manship of Lion Robert Priestman. As well as the annual Christmas party. this committee is respon- sible for the sponsoring of the junior teen town at the high school, sponsorship of hockey and baseball teams. and the contributions to Guides and Brownies. Cubs and Scouts and the annual 1 other activities, keep this committee one of the bus- iest in the organization. l i 1 Christmas Thoughts Well. kind folks and gentle readers, by the time you read this. Christmas of 1962 will be well over and your nervous and digestive systems should be get- ting on an even keel again, in time to cope with New Year's celebrations. As I write this. however, (in the wee. small hours) all the Christmas alar- ums and excursions lie before me and it is thus with faint heart that I pen these lines. May I say however. that I hope your Christmas festivities were merry and not too exhausting. and that the New Year will bring if not yOur heart's desire. ing the draw for turkeys who held. First prize went to Mrs.I D. GodsmAn, Duncan Road. sec- ond to Collins Hardware and third prize to Mrs. Dunsome of Britt. Ont. Bereavement Deepest sympathy is oxtend- ed to Mr. T. 3. Elliott. Oak Ave. and his family in the pissin of his beloved wife And mot ér. Mrs. S. Elliott. The community was shocked in hearing of the death of Mrs. Kay Reynolds Ed or Avenue. Mrs. Reynolds hds ived In the area for a long time. Deepest sympathy is extended to her husband And family. Socials On December 18. Mr. J. Rider while cleaning saw off the roof‘ of their home fell and broke his hip. He is in Brannon Hospital and will be there for another‘ three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hewitt of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ruk- aruck and family of Oshawa; were recent visitors at the home. of Mr and Mrs. C. Hewitt. 16th Avenue. Your correspondent wOuld like to take this time to Widh all her readers a Hlppy New Year. LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS our RESULTS To. 4-1105 at least a close appr0ximntion to it. .77 OR AV. 5-3318 9144 YONGE ST. AV. 5-1180 RICHVALE AV. 5-1189 LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-TU.4-IIOS High on our list of holiday joys is the oppdrtunity of meeting and greeting our many friends throughout the district. Our sincere best wishes to all with the prayer that the coming year may be one of peace and contentment |Donald and family arrived re-jito see the bigger boys using cently from Germany. wherc1their size and strength as it they have been stationed with should be used - to support and ., the Canadian forces. to visit‘assist those smaller and weaker ' :with his sister and family. Mr. than themselves. and this les- carry this message to every Canadian. give to its April campaign. M fro CALL FOR THE BEST iBUY ON YOUR INSURANCE James Grainger TU. 4-1529 1 621010 a Toronto, Ont. 130 Yonge St. S. S TAT E FA R M AN R.E.T.A Richmond Hill, Ontario Canadian Head Office, BAKER ELECTR 1' R0 0 B I. E ? CALL BA. I - 0485 :and Mrs. Ray McEwen. . They haven't seen each other for ï¬ve years. He is now station- ed in Canada at Petawawa Camp. A gala Christmas buffet was ‘held by St. Paschal's Baylon Catholic Women‘s League in the .parish hall December 17. A «holiday program was enjoyed after the supper. Mr. G. W. Marlatt was auct- .‘ioneer for the auction sale also iheld during the evening. Guests joined in singing their favorite Christmas carols. I Guests of honor were Rev. Ralph Villella and Rev Charles Zanoni assistants at St. Pasch- ais. ‘ Co-convenors of the affair iwere Mrs. George Baxter and .Mrs. G. R. Durrant. . MEMBER ONIC SERVICE lson will surely be carried over into other ï¬elds. And Mr. Mar~ ‘tin should have a gold medal for his devotion and hard work ‘- and also for the fact that he ‘was able to go through all these antics. in his sock feet. and with absolutely no loss of dignity» (And while we're at it. let's give a prize to the mothers who got ‘all those boys _up on the plat- form with no holcs in their sacksll Variety was given to the program by the presentation of a play “In the Land of Dreams Come True“ by the grade 6 class of Miss M. Auld. Chris Trow was a handsome and able LEGAL Mulholland. Q.('. 80 Richmond St. West. Toronto Consultation by Appointment J. N. Phones: Thornhill AV. 5-3315 Toronto EM 4-2780 “. Attend Services This Week at your own place of worship TU. 4-2951 . . . . . . . . . . : s a ' o ' a ' 0 ° o ' a ' o z o o ' o ' o ' o ' o ' o ' o ' o ' 0 ° 0 a . o . o . o . 9 . a . o . o . . . . . o . . . . . C . o - : z o . a , o . o . o . 'WELCOME WAGON Richmond Hill Hydro-Electric Commission SAM COOK. Chairman ‘56 Yonge St. North your pretty white . . AL HORWOOD Superintendent “You make me happy, when skies are grey Turn on your 01.33 waahday sunshine. with an electric clothes dryer! Dry a full load for less than ï¬ve cents. All bright and new-looking. Whites stay . with no clothes-line soil . . . your washing is gently ï¬nd-dried . . . away from wet, windy weather. See what’s new for you . . . in electric clothes dryers at your dealer’s now. I" ‘ “Colereds†come out TU. 4-3511, psi... mas/Jim. .124 Wright and Taylor Chapel STANLEY PIPHER. DIRECTOR Richmond Hill Yonge Street