Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Dec 1962, p. 5

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The Richmond Hill Presby- terian Church Couples Club held their Christmas party at the Yangtze Pagoda. where a delicious Chinese dinner was served â€"â€" ranging from soup to fortune cookies for those mem- bers who favoured oriental dish- es â€" and the traditional turkey. dinner was enjoyed by the rest‘ of the club. Following dinner the group Metcalfe; shepherds. Bill Me- went carolling at the homes of Vean. Scott Sheppard, Tom Dy- a few shut-in members. later’son; kings, Doug. Beacock. returning to the church for cof-: 'od, Bill Hannah: scribe, Julian fee and Christmas cake and ex- change of gifts. so ending a very gay and festive evening. attended by members of the congregation and their friends. Those taking part were the senior and junior choirs under the direction of Franz Loesgen; director, Don Bain; narrator, Mrs. D, Bain; prophet. Ralph Kerslake; Mary. Ruth Scrimger; Joseph Al. Blackburn; Elizabethu Sharon Pearson; angels, Sharon Jolicoeur, Diana Bone, Lynne Bruce Bridges, Ross Wood: Her- Ward and lights, Bill Cowan and! ‘Mrs. David Plewman. eley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Dineley, 233 Ashlar Road; Bethlyn Anne Kendry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Kendry, 333 Taylor Mills Drive South; Bradley William Points, Wayne Robert Points. James Craig Points, children of Mr. and Mrs. William Points, 205 Alverna Road; Gail Anne Lindars. Mark Frederick Lin- dars, Janet Louise Lindars. children of Mr. and Mrs. Fred- erick Lindars, 438 South Taylor Mills; and Timothy William Eugene Wright, son of Mr. and Eugene L. Wright, 53 Rockport Crescent. ute, very SCIISIUVE [0 me ueauu- ful things in the world. Her quiet charm and kind personal- ity endeared her to a wide ‘circle of friends who sincerely lmourn her passing. Interment took place at Rich- mond Hill cemetery. the pall bearers being: Dr. R. K. Young. A. Hunkeler, T. B Lamb, Dr. Walter Mason, Dr. H, H. Mac- Kay and A. Swanson NEWMARKET . Three mem- bers of the 1962 Newmarket council will not form part of the 1963 body. They are Harold Brown. Eddie Wrightma‘n. and .Joe Tunney. The Richmond Hill Presby-‘attended by members of the terian Church Couples Club congregation and their friends. held their Christmas party at Those taking part were the the Yangtze Pagoda. where a senior and junior choirs under delicious Chinese dinner was the direction of Franz Loesgen; served - ranging from soup to|director, Don Bain; narrator, fortune cookies for those mem-ers. D, Bain; prophet. Ralph bers who favoured oriental dish-iKerslake; Mary. Ruth Scrimger; es â€" and the traditional turkeyiJoseph Al. Blackburn; Elizabeth. dinner was enjoyed by the rest?Sharon Pearson; angels, Sharon of the club. -Jolicoeur, Diana Bone, Lynne Entertaining at the Lions Hall It an afternoon Christmas par- ty, were R. D. and Don Little and their wives. their guests be- ing their employees and their children. After a programme of song and films. refreshments were served and Santa Claus deliver- ed gifts to over 60 children. At Richmond Hill Presbyter- ian Church on Sunday morning 0‘ the Sacrament of Baptism was _SF administered to Clinten David "1‘ Bourne. son of Mr. and Mrs. 11" Wellington Bourne. residents of Ottawa. A number of out-of- th‘ town relatives w‘ere also pres- 3“ ant. David was presented with in a New Testament from the Sun-1 day School. 1 fl Mr. W. B. Passmore of Comox,lon Centre Street East. 3.0.. is spending a month's * * * * holiday at the home of his son A fellow student at Loretto and daughter-in-law. Mr and Abbey. Armour Heights, Miss Mrs. R. C. Passmore. BensonlAnna-Maritza Gogollo of Guat- Avenue. ‘emala, is spending the Christ- Durlng his stay he will be mas holidays in Richmond Hill visiting other relatives and as the guest of Moira Stephen- friends throughout Ontario son. Rosemar Gardens. Mr. and Mrs. P. C Hill. Mnilllrs. John Gibson. {How communion was CEleDI‘al- ll'ld Mrs Harry Hill and daugh- * * * * led. A goodly attendance of the ters Meredith, Megan and Marty Miss Nancy Higginson from congregation and neighbours spent Christmas with Mr. andIHamilton is spending Christmas was registEI‘Ed. Mrs. Warriner Eakins. and fam-‘and New Years with her par- * * * * ily at Point Clair, Quebec. ents, Rev. C. G. Higginson and‘ The Richmond Hill Junior * * * * ers. Higginson at their homelMaiorgttes held their Christmas nu a. IVUUCI I - unu- u» ..... from Cornwall. Ontario. is; Mr. and Mrs. K. Gibson and=Eve service held in this congre- spending the Christmas holi-‘their children Sandra and Kev-[gation Christmas carols were days at the home of Mr. andlin, left‘on Friday to spend two‘sung and the story of the birth Mrs. R. Pimm, Kerrybrook Dr. weeks holiday in Winnipeg with of the Christ was read. After a * * * * Mr. Gibson’s parents. Mr. and brief message the Sacrament of Mr. and Mrs. P. C Hill. Mr..‘Mrs. John Gibson. [Holy Communion was celebrat- llld Mrs Harry Hill and daugh- * * * * ed. A goodly attendance of the tars Meredith. Megan and Marta Miss Nancy Higginson from congregation _ and Mighbours Mrs. Robert lem Senior from Cornwall. Ontario, is Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hill and family from Ottawa. spent the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hill at their “nu...” u..-V- .. * * *v’r‘fi ; Christmas visitors at the home We extend sympathy to Mrwof Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Crack Craig Bowden, Mill Street. who,were Mr. and Mrs. N. Crack. Ju- was bereaved in the sudden dith and David, from London. passing on December 20th of Ontario. his father Arthur W. Bowden. ‘ t _. tillkik Mr. and Mrs. Yvon Tasse from Montreal spent the Christmas holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Featherstonhaugh, Mrs. John Sayre from Rathe- say. New Brunswick. is spend- ing Christmas and New Years with her daughter, Mrs. Stephen Ker Appleby. Centre Street W. Church Street home Arnold Street New Year entertaining? Spending holidays with rel- Itlves or friends? We are Ilways pleased to receive your news items â€"- the ser- vice is free â€" drop us a line or call TU. 4-1105 for inclusion in “Life in the Hill”. The junior and senior choirs of Walter Scott School joined with the Lord Power combo last Thursday night to the delight of over 300 parents ind students. It was all part of a special Christmas concert put on by Editor Margot Crack Lord Power Entertains At Walter Scott Concert I As Barbara had to work on r“ Christmas Day, Christmas din- fi‘ ner was enjoyed by the family ' Christmas eve. C 1 1 The following children were i Included in the Christmas'baptized at St. Matthew's Unit- programme of the Richmond ed Church on December 16th: Hill United Church was a Nativ- Paul Arnold Tennant, son of ity pageant presented on De- Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Tennant, lcember 23rd, which was well 213 Beechy Dr.; Tracy Ann Din- Barbara is a nurse-in-training at Oshawa General Hospital, and is presently taking a three months course at Toronto Sick Children’s Hospital. John is iemployed at the Canadian Gen- eral Electric Company plant at Peterboro and lives with his un- cle Kenneth there. Christmas visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs. Harold Forbes, Taylor Mills Drive South. were Mrs. William Fleming and her .daughter Miss Mary Greenwood, lfrom Hamilton. Christmas guests of the Rev. and Mrs. William Patterson were daughter Barbara, son John, and Mrs. Patterson’s brother, Ken- neth. Former residents of the Hill, they are both well and happy. and thoroughly enjoying living in Spain. Abbey, Armour Heights, Miss Hostesses for the evening Anna-Maritza Gogollo of Guat- were Jackie Richardson, Sharon emala. is spending the Christ- Walker. Theresa Liberty and mas holidays in Richmond Hill June Maitland. Over fifty as the guest of Moira Stephen- girls enjoyed singing Christmas son. Rosemar Gardens. carols and Playing games. f01- * * * * .lowed by refreshments Ikindly Mr. and Mrs. Vic O’Malley donated by the parents), and of Planta 6. Salltre 13, Malaga. before leaving for home a rous- Spain. extend seasonal greet- ing sing song appropriate for lugs to all their friends in Rich- the festive season. mond Hill. * * * * It i t t lstreet, ing with dialogue' or ‘IBrl A Mr. and Mrs. John Morrison. Miss McGregor is a studentplay relating some popular story from Amhertsburg, are spend-nurse at St. Catherines Generallaccompanied with burlesque, ing the Christmas holidays with Hospital. * * * * gorgeous scenery and music: 3 their daughter and son-in-law, The congregation of St. Mat-Christmas tide production‘. Mr. and Mrs. Max Leeson, Tay- thew’s United Church met Mon-l The production of ‘Aladdin' lor Mills Drive south. day evening December 24th at playing at the Lions Hall on * it it * 11 pm. for the first Christmas Thursday. Friday and Saturday Mr. and Mrs, K, Gibson andlEve service held in this congre-lof this week. certainly incor- their children Sandra and Kev- gation. Christmas carols werelporates all the British tradition in, leit‘on Friday to Spend two sung and the story of the birth and youngsters and adults alike weeks holiday in Winnipeg with of the Christ was read. After a Will delight in this comedy Mr. Gibson's parents. Mr. and brief message the Sacrament of‘packed. tuneful and colourful Mrs. John Gibson. Holy Communion was celebrat-ipresentation. Miss Marlene Jones of Elora‘ Mr. and Mrs. visited friends and relatives inltheir daughter the neighbourhood last Thurs- Christmas Day day. jot Mr. and Mrs. "' * * * ‘Woodbridge. Mr. and Mrs. John Morrison from Amhertsburg, are spend- ing the Christmas holidays with their daughter and son-in-law, £1111, v 9133'. ving A very successful card party was held Friday. December 14th, _at St. Mary Immaculate School. Fsponsored by the Catholic Wo- ‘men’s League and convened by vere Mrs. C. Bettles and Mrs. V. l. and McCullough. {em Prize winners for the even- ing were: Bridge, ladies â€" Mrs. ling Gwyn Caldwell, Mrs. Sandy In- iml gram, Mrs. Rachael Spenser; lree’ men â€" Harry Bryan, John Le- ;ick Claire, Joe Malboeuf. Special i, prize was won by Bernice Rice“ Rev. 7‘], _ In the games of euchre, ladies t â€" Mrs. Willis, K. Almors, J. An- _ drews; men -â€" Harry Natale, Bill George, Ron Houlihan. Win- l‘ners of the turkey draw were: _ Sue Bellavance, Father McGinn, ’, Jeanie Wood, Warren Hall, A. Cnurvette. parly in the council chambers of the municipal hall on Decem- ber 20th. Miss Shirley MeGregor is Pantomime according to Web- spending the Christmas holi-lster, means ‘Any play in which} days at her home on Richmondlthe actors express their mean-i Street. ling with dialogue' or ‘lBrl A Miss McGregor is a sludentiplay relating some popular story‘ nurse at St. Catherines General accompanied with burlesque“ y Hospital. * * * * gorgeous scenery and music: a! The congregation of St. Mat-{Christmas tide production‘. 1 Mr. and Mr. Langton Martin * *- * * of Toronto. and members of the‘ Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Battles Society of Canadian Painter and family entertained Mr. and Etchei‘s were recently enter- Mrs Gordon Fleury and Mr. and tained at dinner at the home of Mrs. J. T. Bettles for Christmas Mr. and Mrs. John Battles, dinner at their home on Benson Richmond Street. Avenue. J. Grainger and Janice, spent at the home R. Rowntree in â€"v---~-- u. -â€"~- 'V~-----sr :favorably and able to get out December 30. Each of Richmond Hill’s six ,and aroundalittle. She sufierâ€" Miss Kathie Diamond of-public schools conducted spe- , ed a heart attack Saturday and‘Gamble Rd, west entertained cial Christmas programs during was taken to the hospital wherela number of friends last Satur- the week before Christmas. In ‘she passed away. day evening at a Christmas most cases. the programs con- . The funeral SeI'Vice at the party. The guests were Dianne sisted of concerts performed by .Wrighfisand Taylor Chapel 9f Sargent, Susan Rice, Marylin the youngsters for their par- thfi Plpher Funeral Home “1 Joyce. Mr. ahd Mrs. F. Taylor emts. RIChmond H111 W35 hem Mon' and Barbara. Norma Hamilton, At MacKillop School, a pro- day afternoon a’nd'Wés conduFt' Edith Broad. and Joyce Dia- gram of Christmas plays and ffd by REV-.C. G- nggl‘FOH, H.111” mend from Richmond Hill and music was put on by Pupils- IStel‘ 0f RIChmond H111 UH‘IIEd Linda McMichael from Toronto. Plays presented were “An Eng- ChurCh- _ a __ KChurch News lish Christmas” by Grade 3 and Mrs. Hoover was born in Lin- dsay, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Begg, and is sur- vived by one sister Mrs. Ros-s Kelly of Simcoe. A brother Fred. predeceased her. Since 1927 she has been a resident of Rich- ‘mond Hill and her late husband was manager of the Canadian Bank of Commerce here until his retirement in 1949. A real lover of nature she was. as Rev. Hilgiginson remarked in his trib- ute, very sensitive to the beauti~ iul things in the world. Her quiet charm and kind personal- ity endeared her to a wide circle of friends who sincerely mourn her passing. motor car accident last April Birthday greeting to Rodney 27th, at Fairfax, Virginia. Which Smith who celebrated his birth- claimed the life of her husband, day on December 22_ To Caro]- Fred Hoover. yn Whelan who is seven Decem- Limited tickets are still avail- able. call AL. 7-2644 today, and avoid disappointment. NEWMARKET : Three mem- bers of the 1962 Newmarket council will‘ not form part of the 1963 body. They are Harold Interment took place at Rich- mond Hill cemetery. the pall bearers being: Dr, R. K. Young, A. Hunkeler, T. B Lamb, Dr. Walter Mason, Dr. H. H. Mac- Kay and A. Swanson Hospitalized for several her 28. Also celebrétihg’oh'ihe‘ month‘s Mrs. Hoover returned F0 23th 1.5 Colin Ford and Bobby her Roseview Avenue home 1n Waters. To Dianne H311 on Dec- October and was progressing ember 29, and Ian corkm, favorably and able to get out December 30. and aroundalittle. She suffer- Miss Kathie Diamond of; The death occurred at St. Mi- chael's Hospital, Toronto. on December 22nd of Mrs. Bern- etta Hoover, a highly esteemed citizen of Richmond Hill who suffered serious injuries in the motor car accident last April Richmond Hill Post Office willH‘Cfie of Ottazva 7 not be open on Tuesday. Janu-L Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Terry 311V 15L and there Will be notspent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. letter carrier delivery. Collecâ€"‘Wauace Hem-y, willowdale‘ tion from all town mail b_oxes1 Miss Marlene Jones of Elora, will be made on Tuesday mght..ca11ed on friends and relativvs pupils from Grades 1 to 8. Besides the traditional carols Lord Power play- ed some of the music that has made his group well known throughout Canada. He is Seen at the ‘mike’ accompanied by part of the junior choir. B. Hoover The lovely Carols by CandleAurirnvg the pupils in Grades 1. 2 light Service at St. John's was and 3- About 300 People 53W very well attended last Sun- the natiVity scene. ChriStmaS day evening. The service opened songs and Skits Put on by the with a solo by Tommy Ratchâ€" Children- ford. Scripture readings were N0 EVening Program was hem presented by Rosalee Stephen- at Pleasanitville School although son, Fred Waters, Margaret day programs for Christmas Passmore and Mr. S. C. Sniveley_ were conducted during the Mrs. Harden. our capable organ- week. Jimmie Williams of Kingston is spending Christmas with his family Mr. and Mrs. R. Williams and Mark. Last Saturday was the annual Christmas concert for the Sun- day School at St. John’s. About fifty children were present to play games and sing carols. Then Mr. Green of the Scripture Union put on a puppet show which was much enjoyed by children and grown ups. The party ended on a note of cheer when Santa arrived to distrib- ute candy bags and wish one and all a Merry Christmas. ist and choir leader, displayed yet another talent as she play- ed beautiful Christmas music on the violin during the receiv- ing of the offering. Mr. Robin- son, the Rector brought an in- spiring Christmas message and the service closed with prayer. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Leno were Mr. and Mrs. A. Whitfield, Naughton D12, and Mr. and Mrs. Quintin Wright and baby Char- Grades 7 and 8 of Jefferson School hundred Vaughan school children who were taken to Mart Ken-ney’s Ranch last week to hear a band concert by the R.C.A.F. Band. Mr. and Mrs Isaac Meyers,‘ Edgeley spent Christmas with their daughter Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dockman held open house at their new home. Gamble Road West, last Saturday. Friends from Willow- dale, Newmarket and Richmond Hill called as well as several neighbors. Day were among the nine‘ Township ative : Mr. three ,estate: clerks a wee] New over 2 South unem; ing, ax The very g Duffie come Prime A nan The children of. Mr. and Mrs. Gil Jankbout of Elgin Mills were overjoyed on Sunday, when mommy arrived home from hospital with their brand new baby brother, Martin just in time for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. George Topper, Bayview Avenue held a family Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Abram. Midland, Mr. and Mrs. John O’Halloran. Gait and Mrs. Gordon Glo-adner, visiting them as well as their five grand- children. Miss Marlene Jones of Elora, called on friends and relatives in the neighborhood last Thurs- day. uu JanKDOUL or nigm Mills were overjoyed on Sunday. when mommy arrived home from hospital with their brand new baby brother. Martin just inl time for Christmas. Mr. Ken Gamble is home from Calgary. Alberta and is spending Christmas with his parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Gamble. Mrs. Eva Hall has returned home from Florida where she visited with her son Jack. Mr. and Mrs. George Topperfl Bayview Avenue held a family Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Abram. Midland, Mr. and Juvenile delinquency is a problem in New Amsterdam be- cause youngsters have little to NEWMARKET Recent com- pletion of the new Water Street bridge in Newmarket is expect- ed to ease the traffic bottleneck at Timothy and Main Streets. UNIONVILLE . Purchase of the Clarke Cou‘perthwaite farm in Unionville was recently com- pleted by Tallden Investments. The firm is assembling land for a 400 lot residential develop- ment on the north side of High- way 7, west of Kennedy Road. V.... uywvllu “an. . .. Oak Ridges. first standard bear- er; William Case. Aurora, sec- lond standard bearer. A. Olson, Newmarket. pur- ‘suivant; John Leece, Maple, 'first committeeman; D. Collins. Woodbridge. second committee- man; N. Fisher, Aurora, third committeeman; W. Case, Aur- ora. fourth committeeman; J. Montgomery. Nobleton, fifth committeeman; J, Leece. Maple, sixth committeeman, W. Browne, Sutton West, seventh commit- teeman; and Nixon Fisher and J. Montgomery, auditors. A-J nu ELGIN MILLS JEFFERSON NEWS Evening Branch St. John’s Anglican Church TU. 4-27-38 u. v1. pllpcl to distrib- Christmas program at Mc- [ wish one Con~aghy School Wednesday rjstmas' was a primary music night feat- by Candle.iuri>nvg the pupils in Grades 1, 2 John's was and 3. About 300 people saw last sun. the nativity scene. Christmas vice opened songs and skits put on by the lmv Ratchâ€" Children. Less than a year ago, Alan Dufiield. a member of St. Paul‘s United Church, Lake Wilcox. was accepted as a volunteer to serve for 12 months in British Guiana. He has been in the colony since July. A recent letter received by Rev. Gordon Winch from Mr. iDuffield described some of the lwork he had been involved in. In addition to daily carol singing each morning, “Pussy- cat”, a play was held Wednes- day afternoon while Santa Claus came Friday. At Beverley Acres, a Christ- mas Open House Thursday night rounded out another open About 350 parents attended the one and oneahalf hour pro- gram. All the pain-ted back- drops were designed by stu- dents and teachers. At MacKillop School, a pro-idisplay. gram of Christmas plays and Crosby Heights Home and music was put on by pupils. School Association put on a Plays presented were “An Eng- program of Christmas films Iish Christmas” by Grade 3 and suitable for children and 4 pupils, “Snow White and the Christmas song-S by the school Seven Dwarfs" by Grades 5 and ChOiI‘ conducted by Victor Pil- 6, and "Story of Christmas" by ger. About 300 parents attend- Grades 7 and 8. .v r A ed. District Youth Heads Serves As Volunteer Although he had only a Grade 13 education, he was placed in charge of the New Amsterdam YMCA. During his stay there. the “Y” has grown from a memâ€" bership of three teenagers to over 290 youngsters. Activities include sports. crafts and cre- ative activity. Mr. Dufl'ield teaches English three mornings a week at sugar estates‘ and mathematics to clerks and typists two mornings a week. New Amsterdam is a city of deputy pcrceptor; James Mont- over 25,000 with all the typical gomeI'y. Nobleton. chaplain; South American Pmblems of John Hurst. Keswick, registrar; unemployment. depressed hous- Marshall Rank, Aurora. financi- ing. and tense racial conditions. al registrar; John Hudson, Aur. The people of the country are ora, treasurer. The people of the country are very generous. according to Mr. Dufiield. He has been made wel- come by “everyone from the Prime Minister. Dr. Cheddi Ja- gan. down to the smallest Amâ€" erican Indian boy.“ Pupils Present Varied Yule Concerts, Plays u-mnuan STAFF. PHO On Christmas day, Mr. Duf- field had a party for orphans who are not part of the regular Install J. D. Sanders Worshipful Perceptor Parents who attended heard the choirs of Grades 2. grade 3. 4. 5 and 6. Grades 7 and 8 presented Christmas poetry. a Christmas skit, and a tumbling display. William Browne. Sutton West. first lecturer: Sam Tem- pleton, Lake Wilcox. second lecturer; Charles Black. King. first censor; Nixon Fisher. Aur- ora. second censor: L. Kyle. Oak Ridges. first standard bear- er; William Case. Aurora, sec- ond standard bearer. house held in November. Em- phasis in the former was on art music and physical education. Election and installation of 1963 officers for 1061 Royal Black Perceptors. Aurora. was held recently. Very Worshipful Perceptor is D. Magec and his county executive handled the installation. Other officers are J. D. San- ders. Richmond Hill. \vorshipful perceptor; E. Mears. Kettleby. deputy perceptor; James Mont- Selection of Fully Reconditioned and Winierized USED CARS IN TOWN WILSON - NIBLETT HAVE The largest A 62 62 62 62 62 61 61 61 61 81 Corvalr Coupe, automatic transmis- sion, radio Chevrolet Impala Sedan, 6 cylinder, automatic transmission, windshield washers, wheel discs Chevrolet 2 Door Hardtop. automatic transmission, radio, windshield wash- ers. wheel discs Oldsmobile Super 4 Door Sedan. power steering, power brakes, wind- shield washers Comet 2 Door, standard transmission, radio Chevrolet 4 door hardtop, automatic transmission. 6 cylinder, windshield washers, wheel discs, power steering. radio Chevrolet Biscayne 2 door, 6 cylinder, automatic transmission, windshield washers Chevrolet 2 Door Hardtop. 6 cylin- der, automatic transmission Chevrolet 4 Door Impala Sedan. auto- matic transmission, V8, windshield washers radio Ford 2 Door automatic transmission, 6 cylinder, m‘ndshield washers 60 Oldsmobile, automatic transmissiox 2 Door Hardtop “Sharp” 60 Oldsmobile Hardtop. power steering power brakes. automatic transmissiox windshield washers 60 Chevrolet Belalr hardtop. automatit transmission, 6 cylinder. radio, wash ers Kindly contact one 355 Yonge St. N. AV. 5-5435 - TU. 4-1194 Just North of Richmond Heights Centre For Your Convenience the Parts Dept, will be open until 3 p.111. Saturda) THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ont, Thursday, December 27. 1952 CHEVROLET, OLDSMOBILE, F.85 CORVAIR, CHEVY II, ENVOY, O.K. USED CARS EARL JOHN )r Hardtop “Sharp” mobile Hardtop. power steering, r brakes. automatic transmission hield washers *olet Belalr hardtop. automatic contact one of the following experienced WIISOH-Nlblett representatlves. HOWARD .IACKMAN - HAL BROWN L )IORTLEY - VINCE KNAPP - LEWIS REID N MacKINNON - KEN MORTON - HAROLD MARLEY r automatic transmission, Windshield washers automatic transmission MOTORS LTD. |'-I HERBERT R. BUTT 'your office machine specialist' 88 Baker Ave.. Richmond Hill see portable models u Typewriters - Adding Machine- SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS Day or Evenings TU. 4-1745 II BAYVIEW PLAZA C. NELS GAGE AND STAFF 2-1 Elizabeth St. N. program. Over 200 boyslfor softball equipme @figod mm m SAVINGS! Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1312 L H SIMS Richmond Hill ‘Wizht's Pharmaey' 361/22 3/113 Opporlunily : Walt flllflil’ Cutout fine! jriemlé j/Le um In New Amsterdam flap/fled! Wen! year. INSURANCE 60 60 60 60 60 60 59 59 UIUI 0:0 Chevrolet Convertible, automatic tran- smission, 6 cylinder, radio. power steering, windshield washers, padded dash Chevrolet 4 Door. 6 cylinder. auto- matic transmission, two-tone, wind- shield washers Chevrolet 4 Door 6 cylinder, automa- t-ic transmission, two-tone, windshield washers Chevrolet 4 Door Impala automatic transmission. 6 cylinder. windshield washers, radio Chevrolet 4 Door Hardtop. 6 cylinder, Impala. automatic transmission, radio Pontiac Ford Galaxie 2 Door Hardtop, two- tone, automatic transmission, radio. windshield washers, wheel discs Buick Sedan. automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, wind- shield washers Cadillac Sedan Chevrolet lmpala 4 Door Sedan. auto- matic transmission. 6 cylinder, radio, windshield washers Triumph Sedan Chevrolet 4 Door Sedan, automatic transmission, 6 cylinder 57 Buick Convertible, fully-equipped 55 Chevrolet Belan'. automatic transmla sion. windshield washers DEPENDABLE SERVICE Telephone azines and used postagc 5“ as well as money to help Dufiield in his work. 3â€"" popular makes on ham Sneclal Students’ Rates MOTORS LTD. Toronto. Ontario EMpire 2-3456 TU. 4 - 769] 'quomw'J 112 Yonge St. Toronto 11!. 01‘1 m stamps Mr

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