Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Dec 1962, p. 6

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Trustees Ask $175 Pay Hike St. Paul's United Church held regular Sunday services and in the evening the Men's Club held I carol service with Les Sklpp Ia soloist. '5 30101“ I Assisting Mrs. Burns with the Christmas Eve members of serving were Mrs. Shirley Day. the Hi-C Teen Club held aMrs. Bernie Haanpaa and Mrs. Candlelight service at 7 pm. Iris Joyce. Mrs. Lee Gallacher Rev. Gordon Winch. minister gave transportation to members Rev. Gordon Winch. minister gave transportation to members of St. Paul's Church left St. Mark’s Anglican Church Christmas Day for Belleville, held a special candlelight carol where he will be a leader at service December 23, and also the Older Boys’ Parliament. The a special Christmas Day service lesslon will last until January 1. at 9.30 am. Ladies of St. Paul's UCW also St. John's Anglican Church haVe been very busy wrapping.held special service on Christ- and packing Christmas hampers‘mas Eve, commencing at 11.30 for more needy families of the'pm. district. White gifts have been‘, The children of St. John's presented by the children and enjoyed a Christmas party De- tdult congregation and also cember 22. ifts were received from the Children of the Brethren in nlted Churches at Brown's Christ Sunday School presented Corners and Victoria Square. Ia program December 23 at 10.30 Senior citizens were not for-him. gotten at St. Paul's and enjoyedBrownle News Aeturkey dinner with all the‘ At the Lake trimmings December 14. lmeetlng Dece A_l.urkey dinner with all the‘ At the Lake Wilcox Brownie' trimmings December 14. meeting December 18, several“ Mrs. Etta Burns was the con- girls were enrolled as Brown: venor for the dinner and it was les. Guide commissioner Mrs. made more enjoyable when Mrs. June Cartner did the honors. Burns presented a birthday cake New Brownies are: Susan to Bill Foster and Mr. Elmer Cossabloom, Lynne Simmerson. Platt, who were 82 and 88 years Petre Fenrich, Cathie Ensor, young, respectively. Jennifer Oxley, Dianne Hodg- Members, who usually meet‘son. Cathie Hiltz, Margaret Mar- on Thursday afternoon through- shall, Nancy Brown, Elizabeth out the year, enjoyed colored Johnston, Colleen Moore, Susan llides of an event they had at-ILleu'ellyn, Catherine Shearer tended this year. the 40th wed-land Sharon Post. Members, who usually meet on Thursday afternoon throughâ€" out the year. enjoyed colored slides of an event they had at- tended this year. the 40th wed- ding anniversary of fellow mem- Andrew McClure, village his- torian, is staying at Maple Man- or Best and Convalescent Home, E. R. 2. Woodbrldge. Awardtng of the 1963 gar- huge contract to George Brown. King City. was con- firmed at the final general mzetmg of the year of King Clty Village Trustees Decem- Mr. Brown's tender of $5.292 for the weekly collec- tion serving 190 homes is his thlrd consecutive contract with the village and will be eflective January 1 to De- cember 31, 1963. ber A hi her tender of $7,938 from ‘dgar Thompson of Kettleby. and a lower one, $4.668, from Merle Preston of Stoufl'ville, were rejected‘ Trustees said they were still trying to find a crossing guard. They were doubtful about hiring any one at $40 Buélness was kept m a mini- mum and Lion James Wemyss was program chairman a month and decided to nounce the salary would open for discussion with pllpants. Improvements to the vil- lage office portion of the fire hall building were he- lng completed as the 1962 board of trustees was con- cluding the year's business. Bethel Baptist Church Sun- day School had a Christmas party at the King Skreet par- sonage. Primary teacher Peck was in char and refreshments. Peck was in charge or games' Ind refreshments. II: It It It Five newcomers were wel- comed to the Christmas pot luck supper meeting of the Evening Branch. W.A.. at All Saints' An- glican Church. In recognition of Mrs. George Crulekslmnks' two years as pres. ldent. incoming president Mrs. William B. Cook presented her' with 3 WA. pin. Th: pin had belonged to Mrs. Eleanor Scott before she was honored with a Dominion Board WA. life mem- bership. Enrolled were: Donna Mc- Kendry. Mary Evans, Ann Scott, Anne Heaslip, Jackie Wood, Mary-Lou Doner. Denise Hall. Laurie Davie. Lynne Davie, Lau- rie Orr. Anne Seymour, Mary Anne Clupp and Jennifer Wil- 'son In the first company. Sherry Agnew. Bonnie McDonald and: Susan McLaughlin received their second class awards. e t e e Mrs. Ray Rmnney. captain of the Second King Guidc Com- pany welcomed into the group ‘seven new guides, Susan Daw- THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ont. Thursday. December 27. 1962 A colored movie was shown after dinner by Mr. Cruick- lhankt Some changes have been made in hours at King Memorial le- rary during the holiday season. I“ “’m be Open tomorrowithe mothers to earn their hos- from 2:30 to 5. On New Year'sFess award. Eve the building will be closed.I * i ' * Normal hours will be resumedl District Commissioner for the “Mary 2. in the afternoon at Guides. Mrs. Alex Knight, en~ 2‘30 and in the evening at 7. rolled Louise Gibson as a new ,, "* "' ’ ‘member of the First Kin: TWO ed the Bethe] Peonlc KING CITY, OAK RIDGES Ine Llrjera. 15 away heal-ea m DUBAI)“ mm: 01 \n Lereel regarding people and events In the Oak ngea-lmxv MIL-ox and King UH} mum-1.: ()ur news (-m‘l‘eapnndem m ng City is \lrs “UHdIU .I Haustnn Lezepnone ' ' - FEmalt‘ ll-n457 and m Hat waxes-Lake \Hv-m. SL1 lillian \tclwsrm Wildurmd ~\ve. PR 3-5479 Expert Auto Body Collision Repairs and Repaiming FREE ESTIMATES - GM A C FINANCING c. M. LESLIE MOTOR PRODUCTS LTD. King City G.M. Dealer TE. 3-5301 dozen young people join-'Brownie Pack. bowling party held by' Joining the Second King Baptist Church Young Brownie Pack were Diane Bodl, ’s Association at Noble- Joyce Tenhove. Shirley Hlebert. Miss June of games BODYâ€"SHOP an- ap- Oak Ridges Lake Wilcox Socials hers Mr. and Mrs. P. Meusen. Christmas party after the en- Lake Wilcox. Slides were shown rolments. by Mrs F Gardner, Eimgrove Brownie Packs at Oak Ridges Avenue and Lake Wilcox and the Girl Assisting Mrs. Burns with the Guide Troop, all enjoyed Christ: serving were Mrs. Shirley Day, mas parties last week. The Sun- Mrs. Bernie Haanpaa and Mrs. day school class of Miss June Iris Joyce. Mrs. Le‘e Gallacher Barnsdale, Brethren in Christ gave transportation to members Church. joined June at her St. Mark's Anglican Church home for Christmas festivities. Stuccoing of the outer walls was done by Alfred Jensen at a cost of $400. while George Robson was al- lowed $250 for interim im- provements. The nflice ceil- ing tiles were painted cream and the block walls beige. Chairman Robert O’Reilly reported a much improved water situation after autumn rains. "Well No. 2 is fully recovered over and beyond expectations and probably has a better supply than when it was installed", he reported. Mr. O'Reilly paid tribute to the "faithfulness and loy- alty" of Elmer Cairns. who checks waterworks equip» ment and consumption charts. The chairman recom- mended new trustees con- sider increased remuneration for Mr. Cairns. Guide News King's two Guide companies are growing rapidly. Thirteen new members were enrolled in the First King Guide Company which has Mrs. Harry Gouldlng as its captain and MN. 9. C. Calvert as lieutenant. Trustees referred to the incoming board the sugges- tion of ratepayer Vernon MacKay that the entrance to each subdivision be bright- ened by an overhead light. Early in the year trustees had applied for an individual In the first company, Sherry Ban-y “runs Agnew. Bonnie McDonald and two games of Susan McLaughltn received‘snuth' 772 “1‘ their second class awards. l'singles; nam‘ Mrs. Ray Rumney, captain of the Second King Guide Com- pany welcomed into the group seven new guides, Susan Daw- son, Melanie Wilson, Brenda Church. Bonnie Church, Shirley Walker Donna Chenette‘ and Sharon Gelleny. At the enrolment ceremony Guides Cathie Curran and Sharon Harrison served tea to the mothers to earn their hosâ€" ess award. All the Brownies enjoyed.a King City Notes Hl-C Teen Club sponsored a movie show for local children December 26, at the auditorium of St. Paul’s Church. Proceeds were given to the Allan Duf- field Fund. He is a past-presi- dent of Hi-C and is now serv- ing voluntarily in British Guia- na, South America. Personals Four generations met on Christmas Day at Gamebrldge, Ontario, when Mr. and Mrs. A. Middleton and family visited Mrs. Middleton's father. Barry and Dawn Willis, son-in-law and daughter of Mrs Middleton, and their daughter Lori-Anne (great- granddaughter of Mr. Adams) were also present. Mr. and Mrs. George Cragg and Garnet visited Mr. and Mrs. C Craig and family, Pickering, for a family Christmas dinner. Mr. and IMrs. Brinklow and family visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Webb, North Road last week-end Wm. Good has returned home Mr. and Mrs. Staid, Wildwood from Sunnybrook Hospital and Avenue, on the loss of their annual salary 0! $300 and were allowed $125 each by the Department 01 Munici. pal Affairs. Once again the trustees decided to seek_the original $300 and directed the following letter to the De- partment: “On May 25, 1962. you ap- proved bylaw 36 of the P01- lcc Village of King City. granting the right to pay trustees a sum of $125 per year. - "The trustees would like to draw to your attention the fact that King City is not a typical police village in that it is probably the largest in Ontario. having a population of approximately 2,000. and the trustees operate. among others. the following ser- vices and utilities: roads. sidewalks, drainage, street lighting, police, fire, water- works, hydro-electric and tra- ffic control. In fact the only urban service we do not have is sanitary sewers. The Thursday afternoon lad- ies bowling league's highest bowler for the day was Mary Lautamus with 609 triple and a 216 single. Charlotte Brockton bowled 558 with a 247, and Fern Leslie bowled 555 triple and a 215 flat. “Sincefithe initial applica- tion for payment was made. the village has taken over the Eva Willis bbwled a 235 single and Gwen Taylor bowled a 208 single‘ Team standin week of the set Flâ€"ips 7, Flops Misfits 0. Luke Wilcox League Doug Murray was top buwler with an 808 triple, with singles of 329 and ‘288. Barry Willis had 776 with two games of 310 each; Don Smith, 772 triple 229 and 228 singles: Dave Nell, 677 with 298 and 214. Stan Foster 633 landings for the first the second series are: Flops 5. Goofballs 2, FOR THE BEST TASTING FOOD YOU EVER ‘THAW' Town S: Country’s food-and-freezer plan assures you topoquality name-brand foods at lowast prices your family ever enjoyed. lflom19glgz Under our Elan food bill is now: it will be 014111; TOWN 8. COUNTRY FOOD PLAN $20 . . . . . . ‘ S25 S30 ‘ . . . . . $35310 . . ‘ PHONE COLLECT 210 Markham Rd. - - RICHMOND HILL AV. 5-5401 -â€" AV. 5-5402 â€"- WA. 4-0997 Bowling Scores was able to enjoy Christmas with his family. Wendy Munro. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Munro, Mo- ray Avenue, became a teenager December 21 when she had her 13th birthday. Carol Gibbons, daughter of‘ Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Gibbons,‘ Elmgrove Avenue, is spending the Christmas holidays with her parents. Carol is taking a home economics course at the Mc- Donald Institwte. Guelph. Also spending Christmas with his family is Danny Kent, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Kent, King Sideroad. Danny has been out west. Bob Atcheson is also spending' a few days over the Christmas" holidays with his family, Mr. and Mrs. Atcheson, and sister, Betty. ! Mr. and Mrs. G. Phipps, Aubâ€"‘ rey Avenue, announce the birth of a daughter, Robin Elizabeth, 9 lbs. 12 02., born at York County Hospital December 14. This is the first grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Jack Topp, Aub- rey Avenue. ‘ Cathie. Bobby and Billy have a new brother. Terry Lee, barn December 10, at the York Coun- ty Hospital. Parents are Mr. and Mrs. Herb Pantling, Gem-39 Street. Sifléere sympathy is given to! Mr. and Mrs. Staid, Wildwoodl operation of the hydro-elec- tric system. This has meant that the trustees have had to devote a great deal of extra time. especially in the early stages. in addition to what was already a very onerous and time-consuming position. “An extensive and inten‘ sive program of exploration for a further source of water has been conducted during the current year while the coming year will necessitate the Work entailed in develop- ing a new well, building a pumphouse. and the feeding of the water into the system. Prior to the Christmas Eve midnight service of Holy Com- munion at All Saints' Church. a recital of Christmas music was played by the organist. Mr. Howard Jerome. “The village office is man- ned five days per week and a staff of one full-time and two part-time people are em- ployed. supervised by trus- tees. Two services of Holy Com- munion were observed the mor- ning of Christmas Day.conduct- ed by Rev. E. H. Costlgan. “In view of the above facts, the trustees feel that a year- ly remuneration of $125 is far too low and would ask that you give further consid- eration to their initial re- quest for a yearly payment of $300." the Letter concluded. with a 240; and Bill Newmad a 615 triple and singles of 222 and 216. Over 200 games were bowled by Charlie Ransom. 240 and 216. George Ireson 234. Len Dion 231, Jerry Lahey 215, Jim Peters 218. Albert Stuart 211. Lorraine Forster 230. Mary La- hey 229 Ida Ransom 232, Eva Willis 215, Carol Freind 205, and Audrey Smith 209. Team standings: Falcons 29, Numbskulls 28, Bottoms Up 24, Defender: 23. Astronuts 19, AI- tronautn 17. Hurems 15 and Peddle-pusherl 13 points. REPRINTS AVAILABLE Readers may order to- prints of staff photos abpenrin; In “The leen " at the newspaper ofllce. 63 Yongc Street South. Rich- mond H111. $13.40 $14.65 $18.00 $20.00 ESTAB. 1950 Lift Water Regulations; In Time For Skating Just in time L0 benefit back yard skating rinks, King City Village Trustees lifted outdoor water restriction. After six months of rigid baby born December 16 and who died on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Gebrge Wind- sor and Michael are enjoying their holiday in Florida. May I wish the readers of this column best wishes for the Christmas season and a very happy New Year. When Mr- 0'38"” express' veloping the'_ti1_lrd_ “Eiif'é‘véfi. figr gisappointmem fat she ture estimated around $72.00(;‘ a appearance"o 1e re - . It has been the mtentlon 01 ball and mum corners for the mistees to meet the proposed Yule season’ he was comm“- debenture from water rates as stoned by Trustees Ber-wick a self-liquidating debt rather and Sim to attend to decora- than apply it to the general tlons. keeping within the in rate. bud at d 100. m g e s Negotiations are under way , Retiring _‘_‘“e{_£‘"2_Â¥ears to obtain a larger supply of "drab appearance" of the fire hall and main corners for the Yule season, he was commis- sioned by Trustees Berwick and Sim to attend to decora- tions. keeping within the budgeted $100. Retiring after two years in office. Mr. O'Reiliy ex- pressed his appreciation to fellow trustees for their co-I operation. “I've been im- pressed with the conscien- tiousness with which differ- ent problems have been ap- proached and thank those who contributed their help.” He thanked "faithful re- porters who reported our de- liberations to the public, and the deputations offering guid- ance and problems. I fin- ished the year qulte pleased with the work done, quite satisfied we did our level best". He extended New Y greetings to incoming t1 tees Ronald Bolton. I Farquhar and John Mann This New Year’s Eve... when it’s Year trus- Ross Qfii MEN put to use since it went dry in the summer. According to Mr. O'Rellly trustees have not yet applied for a debenture to finance de- water from the deep well at a 330-foot level. Since the likeliest site in Humber Valley, near the pres- ent two wells, is owned by con- tractors Gelleny and Company Limited, trustees have author- ized township solicitor J. D Lucas, Q.C., to arrange the pur~ chase of the 2.99 acres necess- ary for the Well development. Special Yule Lunch School lunch became a fes- tive affair at King City Com- posite School when turkey dln- ner was the main fare â€"â€" to: the usual lunch fee of 35 cents The cafeteria staff, Mrs. An- drew McKenzie, Mrs. Art Hold- ing and Mrp. Harvey Jackson. assisted by Mrs. Floyd Wilson. was accustomed to serving up to 125 students and teaching stafi on busy days. The turkey treat attracted a patronage of nearly 400. Seven large turkeys soon dis- appeared. The inexpensive menu included peas, potatoes. gravy, cranberry sauce, bread and butter. Mince ple was an extra. i WHO THINK OF TOMORROW... for the road.” Shaking hands’ with Guide Commissioner Mrs. June Cartner is Sharon Post, one of 14 youngsters enrolled as Brownies at Lake Wilcox Sohool last week. Mrs. U. Clarendon, left. who was installed as Tawny Owl, and Mrs. E. Charuk, Brown Owl of the First Lake Wilcox Brownie Pack, watch as the commissioner congratulates the new member. She Is Now A Brownie PBACTI CE M ODERATION TODAY 009 (STAFF PHOTOI

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