Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Jan 1963, p. 1

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Public L 56 Yonge Richmond Welcome First Hill Baby Richmond iiill's first baby of 1963 arrived at Newmarket. at 12.27) pm. Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. Woodlane. The bouncing baby boy. to be named Thomas Gordon. weighed in at. 7 lbs.. 15 ozs. The happy parents also have a daughter. Linda. 1] months old. Thomas, Mom and DAD are all doing well. “Appointment Should Be Made. By I963 Council" - Mayor Neal iieptity-rceve John Bradstock as the town's other representative on the Mayor William Neal has taken strong exception to the action of the retiring town council in reappointing defeated Mayor James iiaggart to the Metro Toronto and Region Conserva- tion Authority. Mr. Haggart was reappointed to a further one year term by the 1962 council at its last meeting held on December 28. Mr. liagg'art had been council’s representative on the auth- ority during the past year. authority. ed. At its final meeting held just three days before the 1963 administration was due to take office. council con- firmed Mr. Haggart's reappointment; on a motion moved by Deputy-reeve Tom Broadhurst and sucondcd by Councillor A1. White. At the same time council also reappointed former Now In Operation Haggart Breaks Tie Vote 0 Put Meters On Yonge Parking meters are back in a motion by operation in Richmond llill. Thomas Broadliiirst that asked in one of his last acts before “10 11101013 he DUI 1“ St‘i'vit‘t‘ 110- vacatiiig otl‘ico Mayor James [011‘ “10 011d 01‘ 19153 Haggart Friday night was torc» Reeve Floyd Perkins and ed to cast the deciding vote oii.(‘ouncillors .\1 White and Ale; “Any appoinin'ients for the coni- in}.r year should be made by the new administration". stated Mayor Neal. “it is the responsibility of the 1963 council to name its representative on the conservation authority”, he add- The mayor said he intends to bring the matter before the 1963 council. “I intend to bring”. stated Mr. Neal. “this matter before council and give them an opportunity to say who should be their representative in 1963. i know 1 have some thoughts on the appointment .‘:’i-.l l :m. members of the 1963 council have also". he stated. Depiity-recve you 84. NUIBER‘ZT» in the Richmond Hill areal Six new council members. take part in the traditional ism-r; more). ing of Richmond Hill Pubii for Thursday night. Most elaborate inaugural will take place in the Vaughan Tow n- ship oil'iccs in Maple at 8 o'clock Monday evening. when members of the township council. school board and planning board along with the trustees of the Maple Police Village take office. Rev. Emil Lange of Zion Luthâ€" eran Church. Sherwood. will lliandle the service. Also on hand will be a choir from one of the township‘s public schools. . At noon Wednesday. Clerk ‘Jim McDonald was still com- pleting arrangements for a mag- istrate to administer the oaths of office. Plans for Richmond Hills in- augural meeting had still not been finalized at press time on Wednesday by incoming Mayor William Neal. Tentative plans call for an 11 a.m. inaugural. followed by a luncheon. Guests at the inaugural meet- Oi 1963 York ("ounty Hospital Robert Madeley of 119 ship Council will miss out on a free lunch for the first time in years. ‘ In a departure from “tradi- ed back the meeting from 11 a.m. to 1.30 pm. Monday. Township Clerk Harry Crisp will administer the oaths of of- fice. A minister has still not been picked to ofl'iciate at the inaugural. "ii‘. ‘l‘. ' rillig‘l‘ . . in other years council members adjourned after . being sworn in to have i lunch with a number of in- : vited guests. This year council will get down to business as soon as the cer- emonies have been com- pleted. ' Cost of the lunch in other years has ranged from $100 to $125. ‘ Rev. Albert E. Myers of St. Paul's Lutheran Church will de- liver the prayer of invocation at the inaugural meeting of Richmond Hill Public School Board Thursday night at 7.45. Board Secretary Mrs. Doroâ€" thy Street will preside over the meeting while the members take ‘ _ office and the board names a Campbell voted against the POO-me“. Chairman for 1963 tion while Councillors .Vll‘S.‘ “t u ’1‘ 7_ Margaret Southwcll and John‘ ‘ er le ne“ mailman [al‘eb liar-Diarmid along with MrJOlQY‘ the: board mu elem '3 Broadliurst voted in tavor. lllpe'challman and then.pmceed The dcputwromc informed‘Wltll regular board busmess. council the town had lost at1 BeSides mayor William Neal, ' least $600 in parking revenue Other new members of Rit‘l‘l- since the police department liadjm0nd HI“ Count?” “'1'” be DEPU- removcd 'tlic meters for ser-ty‘ree‘? Stanley Tinker» 811d “an: in cam. November CounCillors Tom Murphy and ‘ ‘ _ , Walter Scudds. He parking tees 1.0;“.th mark eve”. lioldovers are Reeve Floyd “wk ‘ Perkins and Councillors Al ,_ > ‘\\'liite and Alex Campbell. iliis money needed for t . V . the purchase of badly needed only ne\‘comer m \augha“ 15 ‘ .. _ . I _ ,Councillor Garnet Will' “kn: la 1 . .\ . B1 dl st ‘3‘“- l ‘ 1 - m h 0‘) mr Reeve Albert Rutherford. Depu- estimated the 3100 I said. lie was 01 the opinion the 26319:]: deal}; .Br‘vfon.‘ and police department had had ml “R0135 \Ilfled_h6fler and ample time to complete the.‘ x u} ‘ ccom‘ey are a” back from the 1962 council. Only new face on Markham Township Council belongs to .‘Councillor S. T. Rumble. Veterans of 1962 are Reeve servicing and suggested that [I prior council order calling [or lll>tilll£illtlll as soon as possible had been disobcycd (‘ouncil‘s instructi o n s . . Wilfred Dean. Deputy-reeve have not been carried out. iCliarles Hooper Ia councillor It has taken far too long to jiast yeari. and Councillors repair these meters and I demand that Police Chief R. P. Robbins be informed the meters must be placed on the street before Janu- jCharles Hoover and Al Sumner. To Buy Pr0perty arv l“. .\lr. Broadhurst stated. .\ll' White obictted sironzl} (in the grounds that some of the posts had not been relocated at their proper position. "Some parts of \‘oii;e Street have posts ready for the me- ters and some ll:l\0 not. This is absolutely ridiculous asking that only ccriain blocks be nie- tered". he said. lie >ii:;ested it was the re- sponsibdir of the iran~poria- tion and parkin; cornmlitce to decide “ .ieii would Roads committee of \‘aullian TOwnship has recommended the purchase of land for the Trcncii Street extension for Slt‘LOUtl. Purchase of the land will iaciliâ€" late extension or the street 10 the .\laplc Sideroad to serve the York Central Hospital now under construction. The committee‘s I‘Octiiii’iitii- dation will he considered in 1.10 iilr' ilit‘it‘l’.‘ be put back in service 1963 “mm” "'l‘ipw mug: be put b;:..~k no .\rea of the land iiiioiiet: was later i.‘..ill December 31 and 1935 acres. The township the l‘ollio den ‘ r-cn‘. be in- also fence the remaining land \iraricd :R-z‘fdniiiz', tfic dcpii'y- ; 1d p;‘fl\'ll’l(‘ 3i. access to iccie replit ti Tren.n Strec' .\ir. itohiiiirs‘. \‘as dcieaied Chairman \Vilzred Relic: e.\â€" in his bid for {no reeves pest plained that Francis. and Ernest by \l:'. Perkins in the llcccm-iRedclmeie“. owners of the DW- bcr b‘ llHlilRllMi eiec'ioiis li}pert}1 had been reluctant ‘o i" we i-i'es a ‘o‘ sell at a". lie siizgcstod l‘ir -‘\- 'cr. no o: 'l'rcnci Sr'cr‘ - ». tam-idaits earn poiei 1.833 enhance inc real estate blue 01 votes. ‘llle Redelineier property. tion“. members of council mov-l “in ifsse Slate lnaugum 1 For Hill, Vang As Councils Start New Term ‘ inaugural meetings for all three municipal councils iave been slated for Monday. four in Richmond iiill, will ceremonies. inaugural meetâ€" c School Board has been set Name Ex-Mayor To Metro Body At Last Meeting Richmond Hill .\ia_\oi' .laincs ilaggart was reappointed to the Metro Toronto and Region Con- fservation Authorin by town lcouncil at its final meeting of l1962 Friday night. Also appointed tor another one-year term was John Brad» .stock. an ex-dcputy-recvc. Mr. Haggart was defeated by lWilliam Ncal in the December municipal elections. Vaughan Township Council Thursday a ftcrnoon a tl'irmed the re-appointmcnt of three members to its planning board, ing of the 1963 Markham 1‘0\\vn.lone member to the committee of adjustment. and two mem- bers to the Metropolitan Torâ€" onto and Region Conservation ‘Authority. Reappointed to the planning lboard were Deputy-reeve Jesse ‘A. Bryson. P. A. Deacon and‘ y Some Drivers Took The BLS l B. P. Roberts. The board was iformed in 1961. j Mr. Deacon. wiib‘ii'ves near "Woodbridge. is a partl‘cr‘fi' the l'l‘oronto ’ti-chitectural firn of Deacon. _‘3.‘iic!(and iurtay "' semi-retired litisinessliaii. lRoberts lives in Thornhill. Other members of the board‘ are R. A. “Bob"~Kirk. chairmanj inf the 1962 board. Darrelll ‘Gouldin-g. H. c. H. Miller and? at Miller. who lives in Maple. wasl jalso re-appointed to the comâ€"' mittee of adjustment. Mr. Bryson. who spearheaded formation of Vaughan Town-‘ lsliip Planning Area. was also ire-appointed to the Metropoli- vtan Toronto and Region Conscr- ivation Authority along with Francis Redelmeier. who lives ‘on Bathurst Street. iTurn Down Company Markham Township Council Friday morning turned down an application from imperial Oil‘ to build a bulk petroleum stoi'?‘ age plant on Highway 48 near‘ ‘the Mount Joy Sideroad. l I A petition signed by neigh‘ .bors near the site both in Mark- ‘ham Township and Markham Village. apparently prompted ‘council to make a decision on the application. 1 "March Of Dimes Set Fund Drive For January 28 Oll'icials ot' the Richmond Hill March of Dimes Committee ‘havc set January 118 a: the date for their annual fund raisin: drive. The drive will take place between T and 8 p in ‘ March of Dimes is the more familiar title ot the di’ixc tor funds tor the Rehabilitation Foundation for l’oliomyclitics and ()rtliopaedically Disabled Plans tor the drive were l't‘~ vealed iii a letter sent to heads of local industries Funds raised by the (ll'l\(‘ :o towards care or people crippled by polio. arthritis. and heart tll<Cii\(‘. Provision or houseâ€" keepin: service: for crippled mothers and research are <pe- cial project~ of the Rehabilita- Zion Foundation Last year's (ll'l\(“ i:i Rich- mond lii'll raised only 83.0110 ,\lr~ llelcn l. Todd. .‘eiiez'ai chairman of iiac \ o: [)11110‘ ("uninii'ec rcrcaii a; that the totindaiioi‘. ....d <p more in Richmond Hill on 'om‘k than a" oar: raced otiiin- the pa~i ‘car \\‘ll.l,0\l'l).\l.l-‘ \ S}~iiil‘ ".iiei'eby blur-hie \o‘crs in .llilI.- itipal elections would be re- qziircd ‘o regis‘rr and ;N a:‘ l(lt‘il‘lilt.alillil c: ' not id Zil‘Fst‘ll‘ " 1' an“! . (. :th;l§ ‘3' q. 11453 .\i,ii'.n iCOLlllt'll. ‘Reeve Albert Rutherford. Mr.‘ ntials l'niiy: In Ni‘in-ifssciitiais Liberty: Rit‘iiiithil iiii.l.. th'l‘ARitl, 'i‘iit'itSllAY. .lANl'ARY Ceremom In All Things Charity" It. 1962i "arthm Comments I Old Man Winter \. ..‘ years. holiday. , apparei‘iily decided to celebrate the. .7 'in liifs".own way by Viii'inging to Richmond Hill the coides .\l:. iiy cars tried to go along with the celebration by taking a A tr. \,\'\tl‘tlcl\' interrupts one such vacation. above. ...,,Mt./.,,...v,,.v.,. . , i _ ... s a“ . . . . . . . . (STAFF P-HOTC‘ / B 1 Year holiday weather in Garage owners in the district were th e only people to enjoy the winter weather. as they ended 196?. with a tiour'sh â€"â€" of towing .lobs. Won’t Accept . ' i Expense Account From Langfortl Pressure on industrial Commissioner Robert Lang- ford increased Friday night when Richmond Hill Coun- cil rejected his expense ac- count of slightly over $100 for November and Decem- her. All six members of coun- cil voted against accept- ance of the account. sub- mitted by outgoing Mayor James llaggart. Mr. Langt’ord‘s account had been turned down ear- lier by the industrial coni- mission for lack of detail. (‘ouneiiior Ach (‘anip- bell. a member of the coni- mission. suggested it would be improper for council to accept the account after the commission had rejected it. Quiet Holiday, 2 Minor Accidents l‘llt‘lllllOllt‘l iiill Police report dcr inwstigalion. a relatively (llllt‘l New Years New Year's lilUI‘Illlll. an acci- weekend with two niiiior acci- dent at \oiige Street and Mark- dents and no zil‘l‘t'\l\‘ l'oi~ drunk nain Road resulted in about driving 8600 damage. Involved in the L)” «1.0 altcrmn,“ a! New accident were Norman Tonkin. Your-x EH. {.mldcllh ()1 mm. 436 Bonita tit. and Raymond moiid llill and Toronto reccn- “9311411137 _RC-\F SlilllUll. l’Ol‘t- ed \vliipla--‘Ei lllllll‘lcs‘ to their “3“ 1“ Plan” “a” necks alter a lllt't‘t‘~t':'l‘ L‘i’illlsliill l’Ull’x‘t‘ >8." 11311011 'l‘tmklll. a U” y,”th SIM.“ hotxumn ‘\1~_ pgisseil‘li‘l‘ in the lii‘\l t‘al‘. sul- iiold \\‘en'.ic and \lili'klldlll lit‘l'k‘tl mmm‘ abl'a-‘lml‘ ‘0 he" had left tea. The accident is still under investigation. Only one be Tiiikcd bizi‘i ilil‘n liiiiiicd were .\la...rr<i l'urii- cr. 325 i-li‘o.itl.\.;zx .\\.c Toronto and William \lti‘ray. 123 i.tir'.‘iSt ilitliinond llill tllllt" dri- \er was Doris iioxd. Sioiitliilic Police rcpoi't only minor (lav inaue The accident is still un- arrcst winch might to New Year's cclc- madc. accoi'diiil in police Horace liriilci‘. Mimi- has been charzcd with be- ing drunk in a public place. 'v.‘. .‘i (W). Earmarked For Changehouse Rescind Motion On Transier Oi Surp -. .\“>«.t’fllt)t’l' app.i.~..d n_'c hou<e ' \1. 1.1.}.c.“ i " .\‘ .1 311'. 6‘“ ill; v c i a} 'o a~k he :rdera‘. :"l'~(i':.r . m L :. - .‘rcni ‘o siiimdiZe on: o: the _ _ ‘2ic \‘..iii‘cr ‘i We 1.4 . - . , .» oi .» n-I l i i'. i ‘ l <' , .. fly. ‘ fl Ii}lll£lll._ i~ m ~ . . .. i ,1 i . l 'l k t 7" r . I i: J ;._ e ‘ i' ,2 LC; ‘~ . Wish ai trill :(w i I. i’n'filir ,1 g s .."t my) or ' building. iltitiic was told by mete Thoma» Broad- .i as a misunderâ€" ‘ :cii council 1.4 .11. lard 'lici? prompted ., 'o i tinder me i . .r:~ Tic wit; me boaixl inwz‘nbci' oi....'1. .‘.i'll:i: to :0 a g ’3‘!“ geQii» »‘ to ’ v i ’c'r ‘il has can we Chief 1 [BY R. P. ROBBINS} i. Police Chief Thank you citizens of Rich- mond llill This past holiday season has shown us once more that you appreciate peace. goodwill and unbroken bodies more than you like drinking disorder and sad- dened homes. ()ur Christmas and New Years were spent here in almost un- ibclicvablc peace. We finished oil 1962 fatality free. This is a good record considering the trall‘ic that we have flowing ‘tlirough our arteries. ‘ For the record since my first knowing the town in 1950, we have had only two fatalities in .the limits. one in 1957. a pc- ‘destriaii, and one in 1960. a pas- senger iii an automobile. . It would have been nice it‘ we could look back and say: “We 'havc not known of a fatal acci- dent". but looking back is not good for an active community: :50 let us look forward to a bright ‘new 1963 and set our sights on :3 safety award each year to come. lDugald McCowan .Dies Suddenly ‘ Dugald )icCowan. long a .der in the community lif ‘Maple. (tied Wednesday r ‘ing, “The Liberal" learne before press time. Mr. McCowan. chairman of Vaugl Planning Boar Maple at 4 .years. and ythe local I .iginally fr the limitation (1,. men/.1 $1.050 rlll")ltl< it. i i the park a iaccliltiiig ., fore summer. Mr {Little told council the coininiwi.-ii wi~he< to Lil'idt' and _'l"a\f‘l the (li‘l'\(“ so. proiide beiialics and paint the :cr'n": "'l‘nr- pdl'k i< tin» only im- prommi. that man}: outwi- lIi‘Hi ‘r‘zm ~ .‘v‘l 0; Richmond lid. 1d il.(‘ i|'<t>i we can do 2» audio ll tool. afti'aitix‘e”, the board member s'ated.

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