Crop Improvement Meeting Must Produce Good Hay And Pasture .\ York County farm stands will put forward their ideas on very short talks mainly by local or falls on its ability to produce making pastures really produce men. good hay and pasture. Like' most sweeping statements. this with natural grazing. Growing good hay and pas- Thc subjects will vary from the beef business. to seed grain. to single storey barns for one can be debated and kickedyture is one thing. but doing it dairy cattle. The speakers will around endlessly. but no one at a profit is sometimes an- be Bill Sutherland .‘xllan can argue that in a county like other. Farmers always have to Moore. Dr. Stan Young. Harry York. where most of the farm income comes from livestock. that forage crops are not at least one of the major factors in running a farm well. The annual meeting of the crop improvement association next week. takes a good hard‘ look at hay and pasture. Thisi meeting. one of the biggest: farm events in the county each} year. is next January 9th. be sure that money spent on fertilizer. seed. and machinery for this crop. will bring in en- ough extra feed to make it worthwhile. The answers are difficult. but the main speaker for the meeting. .I. B. Nelson of the Farm Economics Branch, will have some good informa- tion on this subject. Cost re- search has been completed re- cently on hay and pasture. and. Walker. Ralph Clayton. Alex Davidson and Ken Fallis. As well as these features. there will he reports on crop projects done in 1962. reports on the performance of new var- ieties of grain and corn. and the election of officers for the association. The meeting starts at 10.30. free lunch is provided. and. there are good door prizes. The The program in the morning Mr. Nelson's talk will help to Newmarket Town Hall is the will feature a panel on pas-' lures. Eldred King of Markham keep us practical. A new feature at the crop location as usual. All farmers are invited and again. the date. will discuss zero grazing. while meeting this year will be seven. is next Wednesday. Bruce Harper of Stout’fville. Doug. Hope of Newmarket and Ernie Crossland of Newmarket. Coming Events JANUARY 7 â€" Monday 8.15: pm. A choral and organ recital‘ of Christmas and Epiphany Musâ€"l ic at St. Stephen's Anglican; Church at Maple. c2w26. a 4‘ it ik . JANUARY 4th. Friday. Euchre 8-15 pm. at the new Victoria Square Hall. Eighteenth Ave. west of Don Mills Rd. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. G. Campcy in the sud-3' den death of his father in Eng-l land on Friday. Mr. Campeyl and his brother from Trenton left Malton Saturday afternoon to attend the funeral. Captain and Mrs. L. R. Creel-‘ man and two boys arrived at. the house of her parents. Mn: GORMLEY NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED Telephone Gormley 5201 University. London. is holidayâ€" ing with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Gibson. Mr and Mrs. Harold Joseph announce the birth of a son De- cember 21. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Doner and children of Pembroke. had dinner Friday with their aunt. Miss Vera Hilts and supper with their grandparents. Mr. - DE . t; .. KnuPLiL._.. .. 1r Doncaster Ladies Remember Sr. Citizens At Christmas Five members of the Doncaster Community Ladies Club are busy packing Christmas basket for senior citizens living in Doncaster. This group of civic-minded ladies packed and distributed 1 Christmas baskets to senior citizens. Hard at work are (left to right) Mrs. J. Barbour. Mrs. J Monday! 3.30 and Mrs. C. R. Wilcox Saturday anNgï¬glE] milking of [he Vic.!after‘ an absence of over three iiirié Square community Centre years With the armed forces in board. Election of trustees for‘Europe ‘ 1963. c1w27. Miss Sara Gibson of Western‘ and Mrs. S. N. Doner. Mrs. J. Bond had the cast re- Mr. and Mrs. Larry Pope and family of Sudbury. spent sever- a parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pope. Mrs. David Hilts of the Fair- view Mennonite Home. Preston. spent the holiday season with her son-inâ€"law and daughter. _.. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hoodley and family. Mrs. Frances Nelson spent 10 days with her daughter. Mrs. Wm. Kenny in Newmarket. Mr. and Mrs. R. Rose and Wayne spent Christmas with . their son-in-law family of Humiber Summit. boro. spent several day-s with f his little friend. Dougie Elliott. . Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Heise and daughters of Fonthill, spent New Year's with her parâ€" ents. Mr. and Mrs. L. Zonne- keyn. Mr. and Mrs. C. Milsted and Charleen attended the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pearson at Queens- ville Sunday. Miss Kathryn Reesor, who is attending bible school in Kit- chener. is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reesor. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Steckley Were married Saturday at Clarâ€" ence Centre. New York. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Doner of Stouf’fville, had dinner Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Doner. Mr and Mrs. Carl Reesor en- tertained their family Saturday v- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wenger .and family of Niakarusa, Indi- 1am: Mr. and Mrs. Owen Wit- mer and children of Salem. Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. A'bner Bru- bacher and family of Elora; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Byer and Miss Kathryn Reesor of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Reesor and family: Mr. and Mrs. John Ree- sor and family: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Reesor and children; and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Reesor and baby. Elias Elliott is out again af- ter his recent heart attack. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Flynn are now living in the community. They are living in the home on 19th Ave. formerly owned by Mfr. and Mrs. Carl Forrester. . Mr. and Mrs Glen Barkey of ‘Stouf’fville. visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. French. - Mr. and Mrs Frank Bennett and children. spent the week- lend with relatives at Fordwich. i Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Heise had lcliristmas dinner with Mr. and ers. Geo. French. Established 1878 Phone 285-1073 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill jWILLOWDALE : The employ- lees' cafeteria in the basement lot the North York Township lMunicipal Building has been automated. .*._.i , .. _ (I ï¬ttcmoriams gNlNON â€" in loving memory of ‘ a dear husband and dad. Ollie Nixon. who passed away January 5th. 1958. That unselï¬sh life It has not died. But lives on in the hearts .Of those who loved him. As ndtcrrism' in Vogue You‘ll want the complete, professional fabric care you get with Sanitone Drycieaning. Endorsed and recommended by leading fashion houses, this more than just drycleaning service restores the new look to all your treasured garments. Call on us for Sani- tone Service . . . today! iuuumli a SHIRT SERVIGE olIIIquc LIMITED CORNER YONGE & LEVENDALE RD. For Prompt Pickup Service CALL TU. 4-4411 Richmon i i" Lonsal' 0NDAY, AN. 1 and family. * DOGS FOR NEW HOMES Purebred St. Bernard Purebred Great Dane Both nearly 2 years old. Purebred Weimaraner All males. immediately available at Phone AL. 7-1081 moved from her wrist Monday. al days over Christmas with his? and daughter. Mr and Mrs' Gerald Moore and Ross Cowie assisted the bride Master Larry Webb of Scar- CANINE CONTROL , l ‘ CORRESPONDENT: R. R. 2 Gormley â€" Telephone Gormley 5421 On Thursday evening of last week. neighbors and friends gathered at the home of Mrs. Mary Buchanan to hold a mis- cellaneous shower in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Binnington (Ann Buchananl. who were married recently. Mrs. Nels Buchanan and Mrs. and groom with the opening of their gifts. Refreshments were served at the close and everyone left wishing the bride and groom many long years of happiness together. Girl Guide News Nine Guides and Mrs. P. Rumney ventured out last Thursday to try their hand at winter hiking. It was a bit cold but a sense of accomplishment ed up on a ï¬rst attempt at cooking over an open ï¬re in the snow. Do you like square-dancing? On January 18 the Girl Guide Local A'SSOCIHLIOH is sponsoring an evening of square-dancing. in the Crosby Hall. Unionville.‘ Tickets are available from any association member. Proceeds from this event are to beneï¬t the work of the Brownies and Guides. Girls 15 years and over are invited to Melville United Church January 10 at '7 pm. to form a senior branch of the Girl Guides. Prior Guide mem- bership is not necessary. Any- one can join. . The Ranger branch has plan-1 ned to continue the Guide pro- gram in a manner interesting to older girls. The program is to broaden and develop the teen-ager in culture. handicraft. health. and service to her own community. Church News Dr. A. F. Biniiington was in charge of the church service Sunday morning. The flowers in the church were in memory of Mrs. Louis Nichols. who passed away two years ago on. December 29. They were placed 'there by her husband and fam- ily. The choir of Victoria Square received a Christmas card from Mr. and Mrs. Tom Phil- lips. Tompkins. Saskatche- wan. saying that they so often think of their friends at the Victoria Square church and the year they enjoyed working with Dr. Binnington. They are enjoying their work in Tomp- kins and send their best wishes to everyone for 1963. Mr. Phillips was the student 1minister here at Victoria Square a few years ago. The ï¬rst euchre of the new year will be held January 4 at i lVictoria Square Community 'Centre Park. Everyone ;come. Ladies please provide llunch. t Annual meeting of the \’i('~ toria Square Hall will be held â€"â€" Sadly missed and ever re-‘in the new ball January 14. at Mrs. 1 membered by his wife Margaretï¬ pm. Everyone interested in Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. c1w27 hall for ‘the coming year are invited to attend. Senior Women‘s Institute The ï¬rst meeting of the new year for the Senior Women's Institute will be held January .8 at 8 pm. at the home of Mrs. iReid Brumwcll. with Mrs. He- ‘ber McCague as convenor. Theme of the meeting will ibe. "Citizenship and Educat- lion". ’ Motto - "Don't work all your life to make a living. but work :to live all your life". will be lgiven by Mrs. H. Barber Roll Call â€" “Citizenship is a lot of .the activities of the FULL VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS was achieved' as the food heaiutCathy Gleni of Thornhill. were welfliwilll Mr. and Mrs. N. , ‘25 yrs. of Community MRS. W. SANDLE i things. Name one". The guest speaker will be Mrs. Floyd Perkins of Rich- mond Hill. who was one of the 84 delegates chosen from Onta- rio to take the Municipal study tour of England and Denmark last summer. There will be pictures and comments on the tour. All la- dies are invited. Hostesses will be Mrs. L. Mumberson. Mrs. A. Orr and Mrs. J. Smith. Neighborhood Notes Birthday greetings to W. Orr. December 26: Mrs. Earl Em- prin‘gham. December 28; Alan Chadwick, December 28; Alan Nichols. December 30; Jean Vanderkooy. six years. Janu- ary 4. Mr. and Mrs. George Collard married December 28 in Knox College Chapel. Toronto. Frank Doniiclly is home from the hospital where be under- went surgery recently. gery on his knee Friday of last: York County Hospital, ton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boynton. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Canning and boys. David ham. Mr. and Mrs. Don. Boyn-‘ ton. Mr. and Mrs. W. Sandie and girls. had Christmas Eve ley Boynton and Grace. and family of Calgary. have been sent back to Toronto by Canada Packers with whom Jimi works. He will now be the research department. imas with his son-in- aw and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew. Forson and family. ‘ ton. Miss Minnie Pickering. Mr. andi Mrs. Gordon Mortson and fam-l ily. Mrs. R. Perkins and Mix; and Mrs. Earl Ix’ydd, spent} Christmas with Mr. and Mrs} Jim Barker and family. Mr.‘ and Mrs. Barker the park. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Don. Boyntoni ents. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jack- son and family. Downsview. ning recently with Mr. and Mrs: Everett Brown. Richmond Hill.l Sympathy is extended to for- mer residents of our communi- ty. Sam Robb and family in the‘ Mr. and Mrs. J. and family spent Christmas and family. Greenbank. Louis Nichols. Miss Vera Ni- chols. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nich- ols and family. and Mr. Nelson Buchanan. Douglas Gee and family. Mr. and Mrs. had Saturday evening dinner with her uncle and aunt. and Mrs mond Hill. Dr. Christmas breakfast with and Mrs. Arthur Hewitt and family. Don Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hart and I family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs Maurice Hamill and family. Cedar Grove. Wen- dl' cousins for a few day s. Charlie llart spent Christmas with his niece and family. Mr. 0. CARD ro co Service" Cecil Nichols underwent sur-i week. His address is Room 121. ' New: _ market. ‘ ', Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Boyn-‘ Boynton and Miss Norine Gra- . dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Stan- . Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boynton ln Rolph Boynton spe t Christ-. Canning-i Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Perkins of Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. " Donald Pickering and family, .‘ . entertained‘ " their guests in the new hall at ' spent Christmas with her par-1 Mrs. R. Perkins spent an eve- ' .passing of Mrs. Robb last week. - ‘ P. ngons - 8.15 pm. in the new hall at the and Mr. and Mrs. Morley Ryan Hunter _ and j spent . Don. Boynton . Mr. ' Da\'id Howard. Rich- and Mrs. Binnington had ‘ Mr. ‘ remained to visit with her Baker, Mrs. H. Mizen. Mrs. M. Malinski. and Mrs. P. Carle. and Mrs. Gordon Rennie. Aging court. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson and family. lsliiigton. Mr. and Mrs. John Empringham. Mrs. L.. Knapp and lrene spent Christâ€" mas with Mr. and Mrs. Earl. Empringham and girls. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boyn‘ ton spent. Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Canning and boys. Mrs. Whitaker and John of Palmerston. Dr. and Mrs. A. Binnington. Mr. and Mrs. Alan! Binnin-gton. spent Christmas with Mrs. Mary Buchanan and Edward. 1 Miss Olive Glover spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce llazelwood and family Riclivale. On Boxing Day. Dr. and Mrs. Binnington had the pleasure of‘ seeing. “The Enchanted" at the Crest Theatre. l Mr. and Mrs. John Emprin-g-i ham spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray lslington. y . Wilson and familyd s 7 (Photo by Barbour) Toronto spent Sunday with Mn .and Mrs. S. DcFoe. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sisler and family. Port Credit. Mr. and Mrs. Heber McCague and Mr. and Mrs. John McCague. spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. George Joyce. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Orr. and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Orr and family. spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Orr and family. King City. On Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Orr attended the 60th wedding anniversary of Mr. Edgar Bowen at Teston. On Friday evening. the Gam- bler‘s Bowling League held its annual Christmas Party in the Victoria Square Community Hall. REPRINTS AVAILABLE Readers may order re- prints of staff photos appearing in “The Liberal" at the newspaper office. 63 Yonge Street South, Rich- and Mrs, ‘i g \A \ J19; _7‘\f5‘)\‘\‘ Q s). \\" xm\~~«a~x~m~«x~« \\xiiKKKxxxxxxxxxmxxxxxm‘mxxxmxmm " THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. January 8. 1963 8 RICHVALE CHAPEL 24 OAK AVENUE, RICHVALE MW'xRflMA‘ The congregation invites you to their new auditorium to hear Mr. William West. an able Bible Teacher and Expositor each Sunday during January at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. BRIGHT SINGING - Come and bring a friend ‘ i 04 ‘ O W e \\ xx x x wish to THANK all those FINE people who did business with us during the past year. May we say, IT WAS A PLEASURE, AND, 73Y We. shall try to serve you even better in the year to come. THANK YOU. Les and Eve Stanley onge South 884-5342 Wenmar Apartments IN RICHMOND HILL 1 8: 2 BEDROOMS 0 POOL A NOW RENTING $105.00 0 I-II-FI MUSIC 0 ELEVATORS 0 BALCONIES 0 TV HOOKUP 0 INTERCOM 0 BROADLOOM HALLS RENTAL OFFICE o-nPREMISES V. 5-2303 . 0 PARKING l l L . l cm i Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith of MAPLE LEAF PANTRY SHELF TUNA DEAL PKG. KOTEX 30c OFF LABEL | _ 1' a!“ ‘ hm- sagâ€"rig»? 375 JACKP KING SIZE TIDE LEE'S Sliced &Cus m )nd Hill. 29 YONGE ST. S. BLADE or SHORT RIB Sliced or by the piece BOLOGNA LB. 29c AYLMER TOMATO SOUP Warm-5c 2 reg. pkgs. 79c $1.15 Large Size Head RICHMOND iiiu. BLADE BONE REMOVED MAPLE LEAF ' LIBBY’S Pork & Beans 315 oz. tins 49c WIENERS REGULAR SIZE “WHITE†KLEENEX 2 pigs. 29 KENNEL CLUB DOG FOOD MAC'S & SPY STARTI NG TIME â€" ‘3 PM. 5NUBS LE Loose LB. 43c 4 for 39C 2 20 oz. tins 49C CAULIFLOWER 29c APPLES 3|b.polvba929c GOLDEN RIPE