Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Jan 1963, p. 5

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Miss Patsy Eakins of Point‘ Clair, Quebec visited for the holiday with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Hill, Wright Street. , Mr. and Mrs. KemBlanchard. Centre Street West. were guests of Mrs. Jean Murray. Wood- bridge, over the Christmas hol- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Steph- enson. 1'7 Harding Boulevard, visited their daughter and son- ln-law. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wood- house and family of Aurora, over the Christmas holidays. A rink made up of Mr. and Mrs. Lynett, Miss Margaret Ly- nett and Mr. Eric Scott won 5hh prize at the mixed Boxing Day Bonspiel at Uxbridge. id 33/ Mr. and Mrs. William J. Thompson of Elgin Mills Road‘ spent an enjoyable holiday per- iod at Kingston, with their son, Mr. Bert Thompson and family. The Rev. J. N. Hepburn andDr. H. H. MacKay attended the‘ annual Hogmanay luncheon of the Scottish club of Canada at the King Edward Hotel in Tor- onto on Saturday. Marjorie and Judith Thomp- son. of Kingston. granddaugh. ters of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Thompson. Elgin Mills Road, spent their Christmas and New Year's holiday period with reâ€" latives in Toronto, and with their grandparents at Elgin Mills. The Richmond Hill members of Dht local ministerial associa- tion have arranged to mark the universal Week of Prayer this year with a service of devotion in St." Gabriel's Anglican Church. Crosby and Bayview Ave., on Wednesday evening. January 9th at 8.00 pm. The service will be conducted by the Rev. Robert McLennan. the rector of St. Gabriel parish. He will be assisted by other members of the ministerial as- sociation. The Rev. Albert My- ers of St. Paul's Lutheran Church will preach. Music will be provided by the choirs of St. Gabriel's and St. Matthew's churches‘ The annual Christmas party of the 13th Brownie Pack of Richmond Hill East was a gala event to be remembered. A new comer from the lst Alcona Beach Pack - Sherri James - was welcomed into the 13th. After the regular opening, various Christmas games were engaged in under the guidance of Packie Donna Bridge and Tawny Owl Vera Smart. with prizes for the winners. Carols were sunvg - each six having their own carols. which were chosen by seconders Lynn MacFarlane, Gayle Bartlett; Rhonda Dunbar and Judy Reid. Christmas gifts were exchang- ed, after which the 13th Brow- nie Choir of 14 excellent voices sang various numbers in which they had been trained by Taw- ny Owl Mrs. Vera Smart. Refreshments were served byi three guides. Patti-Anne Smart. Donna Fleming and Packie Donna Bridge. This enjoyable party was concluded by all join- ing hands and singing the “Brownie Taps". and each tak- ing home to their mothers the secret gift - a felt Christmas card holder with a bright San- ta Claus motif - in which they had received instruction in the making. by the designer. Brown Owl Mrs. Josie Fleming. “Aladdin”, this year’s Christmas production of the C club officials report. The English-style pantomime was Shown above are Peter Metcalfe. Warren Riley, Phyllis M: Barry Pierce, Lou Donnelly, Timmy Sevenoaks, Irene Th2 Toogood and Margaret Queen. Sellout Crowds See Yule Pantomime Editor Margot (rack Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodhouse and family Larry, Stephen and Baby Peter of Aurora were guests at the home of their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ste- phenson. 17 Harding Boulevard. The festive spirit of the Christmas season was observed by fifty guests, who 'were made very welcome at the Baker Av- enue home by Mrs. Celeste Daâ€" vis, Jim, Drew and Janne at an "open house’n'won Sunday. 4~ Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Neal. together with their children Terry. John and Bill. all enjoy- ed their holiday visit at the home of Dr. M. C. Fletcher. Ex- eter. fanher of MN. Neal. “Christmas enterprise" was well illustrated by Adrienne Bacci, Brenda Bradshaw, Susan Kirkpatrick, Barbara Riach, Vicki Scott. Elizabeth Turton,‘ Shelley Whittall and Joanne Williams â€" grade 7 and 8 stud- ents at Pleasantville Public School â€" who voluntarily went carol singing in their area. Their sweet voices were evi-‘ dently appreciated by the resi- dents â€" as they contributed the sum of $12.48 to the carol sing- ers â€"â€" who, in turn. contributed the money to the York Central Hospital Fund On Sunday evening, January 6th, the new executive of the Young People‘s Society of the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church will be installed for 1963 at 7.15 pm. in the church hall. Those assuming office are:‘ [an McAlister. president; Miss Sandy Young, vice-president: Miss Sharon Gemmill, secretary; Roy Taylor. treasurer; Ray Ben- nett. director; Jim Ewing, rec- reational director. Dr. H. H. MncKay will be guest speaker on this occasion, and will give an illustrated talk on the beauties of nature in an unspoiled wilderness of Teton National Park. Wyoming. which he visited in the autumn of 1962. “An enjoyable success" was t i t * voiced unanimously by all those The members of Delta Lamb. who attended the “Parents and‘da Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi. Children Christmas PartY" 0‘ and their husbands held a gala the Kinsmen-Kindle Clubs of Christmas party on December Ricbmond “in- 15 at the home of preSident The sit-down dinner was a satsifying and enjoyable event. followed by the appearance of a realistic Santa Claus in the person of Kinsman Robert Nor- ris. The children were delighted ‘each of them being presented éwith a candy cane as they left '1for home. Convened by Mrs. Beverley Neil for the Kinettes and Mr. Ray Gemmill for the Kinsmen. the party was attended by 38 in all including Mr. and Mrs. R. Neil. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gem- mill and two children, Mr. andi Mrs. Roy Swanson and their1 three children. Mr. and Mrs.‘ Gordon Bryan with their young- ster. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nor- ris and Mr. and Mrs. Dalton, Hicks and Cathie and Carrie. I The Continental Band played ‘Jingle Bells' and other approp- riate Christmas tide music to delight the children. with the adults all joining in the general sing-song. Typewriters ~ Adding Machinel SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS I' 'your office machine speciallst’ 88 Baker Ave., Richmond Hill lee portable models at ‘nght’s Pharmacy” Day or Evenings TU. 4-1745 L H. SIMS oduction of the Curtain Club, was an outstanding success, pantomime was performed December 27, 28 and 29. Riley, Phyllis MacMillan, Jane Donnelly, Ross Smith, enoaks, Irene Thatcher, Bill Ferguson. Carole Scott, Brian A “full house" Christmas family reunion took place at the Alsa-ce Road home of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Inglis, when twenty three were present They were the parents of Mrs. Inglis, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. MacDonald of Orillia; Mr. and Mrs. Ann McKinnon, Orillia; Mr. and Mrs. Julian Yeatman, Bracebridge; Mr. and Mrs. Ian MacDonald, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hinch of Toronto. In a pre-Christmas Baptismal service inihe Richmond Hill United Church the ' following children were brought by their ‘parents for baptism: nu a. u. .-.. _,i, also the younger generation of the family, who all thoroughly enjoyed this gel-together. he The program closed with the al singing of “Silent Night" by the group as they sat around a the glowing fireplace. Gifts at, were then exchanged and deâ€" of licious refreshments were serv- he 9d- Scott Thomas and Laura Ann, children of Mr. and Mrs. Thom- as Bartlett, Laura Lucille, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ver- nor Dynes, Diane Stephanie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Gardiner, John Graham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Giffe‘n, Cheryl Anne. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin D. Marinoff, Donna Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Scott McCa‘nn, Ed- ward Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael McCleave. Women’s Institute The president of the Rich- mond Hill Women‘s Institute, Mrs. J. Dewsbury and the exec-1 utive would like to extend sin- cere wishes for “A Happy New Year" to all its members and to remind them of the “Special Anniversary” celehration â€"â€" commemorating the fiftieth year of progress. 1 Members who are unable to attend, are asked to please tele- phone the secretary. Mrs. H. Sorenson, at TU. 4-3695 before January 3rd. as the number of reservations must be submitted to the caterers as early as pos- sible. -- ,_~o_ .V A hot luncheon will be served at 1 pm. in the Christian Edu- cation Building, Richmond Hill United Church, Thursday, Jan- uary 10th. The December 18th meeting of the chapter was held at the home of Mrs. Stephanie Barnes, Richmond Hill. The pledge rit- ual was read to Ivy McCarthy by the president and was fol- lowed by the business meeting and the program presentation given by Jeanne Perdicaris and Stephanie Barnes. Their sub- ject was “Absolute Music". January 3rd. as the number of When the hands went up - reservations must be submitted the answers as to what they did to the caterers as early as 1305- at Christmas - were not only sible. enlightening, but humorous. * * * "‘ and perhaps a little embarrass- The members of Delta Lamb; mg! However, the Rector in ad- da Chapter. Beta Sigma Phi. mitting that he was blushing at and their husbands held a gala one answer, and explained 0th- Christmas party on December er uses of mistletoe, and its 15 at the home 0f Preside“t Christian development from its Annabelle Black. Aurora. En- pagan origin tertainment for the evening in- . eluded games_ dancing and a. Other answers were skilfully ,. interpreted. and this unique dellcmus buget supper' fnrm nf eprmnn nrnved verv SOMETHING TO SELL TRY LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS Phone 'I‘U. 4-1105 0R AV. 5-3316 XII popular makes on hand Special Students' Rates Vthree 'family members The annual meeting of the public library board is being held to-night (Thursday). The meeting is taking place in the story hour room in the library. Wright Street, starting at 7.30 Miss Lorna Drew, a nurse at the Toronto General Hospital, flew to Bermuda for Christmas. Holiday guests at the Drew home in Elgin Mills were Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Drew of Chat- hxam, Mrs. C. Thompson and Miss Dorothy Thompson of Tor- onto. Leonard Murray was home from Calgary for Christmas, visiting with his mother, Mrs. Jean Murray of RR. 2, Wood- bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Blan- chard, the Bruce Murrays, Mi- chael and Irene Miller were also guests. The setting for the final meeting in 1962 of the Kinette Club of Richmond Hill was at the home of Klnette Marx Ro- binson, Rockport Crescent. This meeting - which comprised a combined business session and Christmas party - was chaired by the club's president, Jackie Bellamy, and following a review of the club’s activities during the past year. plans for 1963 were discussed. After partaking of am excel- lent luncheon, the Kinettes en- joyed games and singing, to- gether with an exchange of Christmas gifts. Christmas and New Year ser- vices observed in Richmond Hill churches were very well at- tended. At the Sunday service: in St. Mary’s Anglican Church, the Rector suggested to the four front rows of junior Sun- day school children that they assist him in delivering his ser- mon. Other answers were skilfully interpreted, and this unique form of sermon proved very enlightening to both the junior congregation and to the adults. ’63 LIMITED 9144 YONGE ST. AV. 5.1130 RICHVALE AV. 5-1189 Baker's Sales & Service Christmas In Camille Christmas Day! Christmas Day is a day when everyone wants to be with their loved ones and friends if at all poss- ible. In compiling the follow- ing that wish for the Carrvilie folk certainly seemed to come true. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Amos spent Christmas with their son Gordon and his family in Brampton: Mr. and Mrs. John Barton,‘ Mr. and Mrs. David Barton and family. Mrs. Sadie Oliver and her daughter Helen spent a hap- py Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barton. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Bone. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Risebor- ough spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Bone and family. , Mr. and Mrs. John Bushel, Jim and Bev entertained Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott. Mrs. Verity of Highland Creek. and Mrs. Claughton and Miss Paul- ine Farr of West Hill on Christ- mas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Baker opened their home for their family and friends on Christ- mas Day. Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker and Ray. Mrs. M, Ness, Mr. and Mrs Cliff Morris, Mrs. Annj Thorne of Thornton and Ash- ley, Mr. Jim Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thorne all helped to make it a Merry Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Broom and family spent Christmas at home with Fred’s grandmother, Mrs. Tuattle of Richmond Hill. Miss Margaret. Lynett left from MaltOn airport on Sunday to return to Vancouver, after a three week‘s holiday visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Lynett, Starlight Crescent. En route, she is stopping off at Edmonton for New Year’s Eve. Many friends and former stu- dents, with their families, call- ed on Mi5s Edna [and at her Mill Street home during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reth- erington, Lynett Crescent. were hosts at a delightful New Year’s eve party. Former residents Mr. Thus. Alan Hill and lamin were vis- itors in town Monday. Now re- siding in Creemore the Hill fa- mily had come down to Tor- onto for the funeral of Mrs Hill's mother, Mrs. E. Graham Alan and his father George are well known former proprie- tors of Richmond Hill Hard- ware. They report business in Creemore is good and they are enjoying life’ In the village very much. The servrceé‘ at St. Mary’s An- glican Church were crowded for the main services of the Christ- mas Feast. The Midnight Ser- vice was so well attended that the Rector could not get into the pulpit, and so delivered his Christmas message from the chancel steps. The choir sang the Marbecke setting of the Communion service and the special anthem: Angels We Have Heard on High, (the Westmin- ster Carol). At the family service at 10' am. Christmas day, the church was full again with families of the parish. The children â€" clutching their favorite toy â€" processed through the church with the choir, and then later accompanied their parents to \the communion rail. Christmas by the 7th Girl Guide Company of Richmond Hill East, really amounted to two good turns. Under the lea- dership of their Captain. Mrs. D. Inglis and her assistants, the members of the 7th have been busily engaged since November lst makin-g layettes, which act- ually totalled five complete lay- ettes for the Unitarian Servic- es. The second “good turn" was when the whole 711h Company visited York Manor, Newmarket to entertain 53 older folk, also bringing them gifts of fruit and candy. Mrs. Proctor, recreation- al director of York Manor. con- ducted the group all through the Manor. which proved very enlightening. Carols were sung and the bright youthful gaiety of the girls apparently “rubbed ofi” on the elderly ladies, who were heard to remark, “My, it’s just grand to have these young girls iround" The “good turn" plqnpediox: S2295 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. GORDON READ Telephone AV. 5-4001 CARRVILLE NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Vince Del Bro- cco and boys spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. L. Del Bro- cco, Bedford Park Road. Tor- onto. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Gray and family entertained Mr. and Mrs. W. Tynchuck and family and Mr. and Mrs. D. Tynchuck and family on Christmas Day. Mr: and Mrs. Dick Greenfield and family spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Greenfield Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Hammond spent Christmas at home with Mrs. Hammond's sister and brother and their families. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kirk cel- ebrated their Christmas on‘ Christmas Sunday by havingj their family all at home. Mr.‘ and Mrs. Doug Bone, Mr. and ‘Mrs. Ken Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kirk and all their fam- ilies along with their Uncle Frank spent I happy Christmas together. Stephen Kirk spent the Christmas week-end with his grandparents and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kirk spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kirk. Mr. and Mrs. Len Kirk and Mark celebrated Christmas at home with Mrs. Reg Bowes of Minden, Mark‘s grandmother. Mark's other grandmother from .Revelstoke, British Columbia is spending some holidays with the Kirks. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lamb and family spent Christmas Day at Middlebrook Farm, Brampton, Ontario. Gail, Julie, George and Shar- on Melnic were all happy to have their grandmother. Mrs. S. David from Michigan, U.S.A.. with them. Mr. Mitch Melnic, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Wal- sh were also there to spend a ‘happy Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Middleton,Gretta and Nancy, Mr. and‘ Mrs. Bob Middleton and family, and Mr. Lionel Drew of Con- cord celebrated Christmas at Moorfield, 0nt., with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ash and family on Christmas Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Middleton and family spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Jordon. Mr. and Mrs. W. Jordon from Corn- wall were also there to spend Christmas with them. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McEwen and Bob spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. G. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Morris spent Christmas at home with Lynn and Lynn's grandmother. A highlight of the day was a Mer- ry Christmas call from their daughter Beverley who is stat- ioned at Clearwater, Nova Scotia. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Purvis spent a quiet Christmas at home. Linda and Loretta Ken- nedy spent the week-end with ‘the Purvls family. Mr. and Mrsf Nick Pyl and family spent Christmas holi- days at Manitoulin Island. Mrs. Ann Clement spent Christmas with Mr. Stan Wood and her nephew Andrew Wood. Mrs. Adam Read spent her Christmas Day with her family all at home. Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Read and boys of Oro Station, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Drewery and family of Stouff- ville, and Mr. and Mrs. Gord- on Read and boys all helped to make it a Merry Christmas: ‘Mrs. Read’s day was highlighted by a telephone call from her son George and family who is stat- ioned at St. Hubert, Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Read‘ and boys and Mrs. A. Read cel- ebrated Christmas Sunday with‘ Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Penny and family, Uxbridge. Mr. W. George spent Christmas eve with his grandsons Ronnie and Peter Read. Mr. and Mrs. George Wood SOUTH BLOCK Christmas Sunday with Mrs. Lloyd Penny and beridge. Mr. W. George hristmas eve with his Is Ronnie and Peter DRAPERIES - SLIP COVERS I BLANKETS - SNOW suns 24‘ Per I nd Mrs. George Wood SHIELDS FOOTWEAR LTD. SEMI ANNUAL $9.99 and famiiy spent Christmas at home with Mr. and Mrs. Collins. Mr. and Mrs. J. Williams, George and Margaret spent Christmas at home along with their grandmother, Mrs. Hayter. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Walker and family spent Christmas at home with their daughter Roberta and her family. Mr. and Mrs. Warmington had their household full with their family all home to celebrate Christmas together. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wynn. Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson celâ€" ebrated their Christmas on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. R. Lynett and family in Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Wilson of Cedarbrook Farm along with their family spent Christmas holidays in Bermuda. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wingcrl had their family all home fori Christmas dinner on Boxing Day. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Smith,1 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Eade. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Winger, Mr and Mrs. Gordon Steckley. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Winger and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Winger along with all the grandchildren help- led to make it a happy day. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wark and David spent Christmas Day with Mr. James Hobday and Dorothy. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Winger and Kevin spent Christmas Eve with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bennett and family. On Christmas Day they had Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wideman, Gormley. , Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Anderson and family, Vandorf spent Christmas Eve at the home of Mr. J. McCarthy with Ross McCarthy, Mr. and Mrs. W. Jordon and family. United Church News The Carrville U.C.W. meets at the home of Mrs. Lew Morris Wednesday evenimg. Jan. 9, 1963 at 8 pm. Mrs. Frank Purvis will read the scripture and Mrs. V. Melnic will take the paper. Mrs. Walker and Mrs. Middle- ton are on for the social. Mr. Jack McCarthy spent the Christmas holiday in St. Mich- aels’ Hospital. Hope he will soon be up and around again. The flu bug had a few people under the weather over the hol- iday. Hope they are all well ready for the new year. SHIELDS ANY COA'I'h SUIT (tfli’ié‘él‘p‘éfim SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION Cleaned and pressed when presented with this coupon â€"â€" limit 2. Goqd Through January 22, 1963. UP 10 2579-.-?" THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, January 3. 196i fl/Vf Foam (§.~Zi§rok 77/5 MM/ZV SALE 2 PAIRS FOR RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE CADET CLEANERS Men’s & Children’s Shoes COUPON SPECIAL CASH & CARRY 50 YONGE ST. S., RICHMOND HILL ONVDIECONTINUED’ LINES CLIP COUPON WEEKLY SPECIAL $18. $11.992Â¥%3‘S$22. Ladies’ Shoes REG. TO $16.99 II-I HERBERT R. BUTT LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS- Get Results-TU.4-IIOS IS NOW IN FULL SWING Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1312 24 Elizabeth St. N. ROUND. SIRLOIN & WING STEAKS 65: lb. Brisket Plate 19c lb. LEAN LOIN PORK CHOPS 69: lb. eatina v.93 A'l' SAVINGS! BAYVIEW PLAZA Richmond Hill C. NELS GAGE INSURANCE for soups CLIP COUPON i’rofessionally Cleaned & Pressed DEPENDABLE Telephone SERVICE 69c N0 UPS-N0 EXTRAS Toronto, Ontario EMpire 2-3456 per lb. 112 Yonge St. Toronto TU. 4-7691 EACH TU. 4 - 5341

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