Barbara Lennox. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Lennox. Mill Street. is now back at Ichool. following 4 days in Sick Children's Hospital. and a per- iod of convalescencc at home. Mrs. R. Pimm left on Satur- day for her home in Cr'nwall 'I‘he h:.ving spent the past threelmunit: weeks with her son and daugh- Mayor ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. Tomli] Pimm. Kerrybrook Drive. day to J†The Richmond Hill United Church are holding a pot luck supper and annual congregati- onal meeting on January 30th. Mark this date on your calen- dar - your Church's business requires your interest. Mr. Cameron is the TV newscaster for the news on Channel 6. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cameron. Anglican Church Tareyton Rd. have recently re- Admission is I turned from holidaying in Britâ€" lcclion being ta ish Columbia. the York Car 1V llUWDouLuâ€"n A... ...- -7 news on Channel 6. ' The lst Richmond Hill (‘ub * * * * ’and Scout Mothers Auxiliary Miss Barbara Southwell ar-‘held their January meeting on rived home last Wednesday to January 9th at the Seoul llall. Ipend a few days with her par-‘ Mrs. S. 'l‘hiel. secretary, read ents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank South-nan aceount of last year's activ- well, Church Street South. lilies‘ decidedly a busy and sucâ€" A weekend skiing at Bohcay-‘t-essful year for the auxiliary. geon preceded her return to‘ln place of a regular program. McMaster University on Sun-the evening was spent. making day night. ‘tickets and posters for the en- * * * * lsuinz rummage sale to be held The January meeting of themn I Inner Wheel of the Rotary Club‘ll‘all of Richmond Hill was held at|turn the home of Mrs. Rita Beau- this mont. Richmond Street. F< A weekend skiing at Bobcay- geon preceded her return to McMaster University on Sun- day night. A ‘Penny Auction Sale‘ with Mrs. B. Hindle as auctioneer made a most enjoyable evening for the members and their guests. As no meeting of the Inner Wheel was held in De- ramhel'. the treasurer gave the for the members and their‘ Over 250 guests were on "‘ r * " guests. As no meeting of theihand to extend their congratu-‘ The Presbyterian Church WA Inner Wheel was held in De-9lations and good wishes to Mr. held their ï¬rst meetins 01' lht‘ cembel'. the treasurer gave thelAmbrose Finlay, who celebrated Near on January 7111. ï¬nal report of the successfui'his 80th birthday on January 6. Rev. J. N. Hepburn installed fall tea and bazaar. and also‘ The reception was held at the officers for the coming year announced the winner of theitlhe home of his son and daugh..with Mrs. G. R. Carmichael as floral centrepiece that was ter-imlaw. Mr. and Mrs. Robert president. Other officers are. raï¬led at the tea - Mrs. Doro-iFinlay on Palmer Avenue. and HOHOI‘aI‘X Pl‘CSiant. Mrs. J. N. thy McIntyre. ‘from 2-10 pm. their home was Hepburn; past President MYS- * * * * 1a hive of activity with the ar-‘M. DOChEl‘ty: lst vice-president it was a family affair at thelrival of well wishers from var. Mrs. P. N. Ross: 2nd vice-presiâ€" Toronto Ski Club at the Sum-‘ious parts of Ontario. dent Mrs. I. F. Allan; secretary mit over the weekend when‘ Congratulatory messages and Mrs H- R- Nelson: correspond- many families turned out en gifts from his many friendslen-ce secretary Mrs. G. Sayers: muse to enjoy the invigorating throughout Canada and the‘treasurer Miss S. Mackie: cap- oport of skiing. States were also received by iainS Mrs. J- D. McAllister. Mrs. Among the skiers noticed on Mr. Finlay. who along with l\’lrs,éC. R. Tilt, Mrs. L- Nesbitt. Mrs. the slopes were John Graham Finlay. both enjoying excellentT. W- Graham: flower convenor. and daughter Lesley. Pat Henry health. delighted in the daysiMl‘S. R. J. Craigie: nursery “a Amman“ i“ng and Sue. celebrations. school Mrs. J. Woods. it was a family aï¬air at tlielrival of well wishers from varâ€" Toronto Ski Club at the Sum-lious parts of Ontario. mit over the weekend when} Congratulatory messages and many families turned out en gifts from his many friendsf muse to enjoy the invigorating throughout Canada and the; apart of skiing. [States were also received byl Among the skiers noticed oner. Finlay. who along with Mrs.‘ the slopes were John GrahamlFinlay. bot'h enjoying excellent and daughter Lesley. Pat Hem-y health. delighted in the days and daughters Mary and Sue. celebrations. the Ernest. Redelmeiers and Mr. Finlay. who liVes in To- their sons Hugh and Billy, the rontO, is a life member of the‘l Rev. Paul Morley and daugh- Coronati Lodge. and post grandf ters Patricia and Vicky. Cicely lod-ge officer. Thomson and son Bobby and. * * * * Don Ross with his daughterb Past Masters‘ Night was obser- Ann. the latter wearing an eyeâ€" ved at Richmond Masonic Lodge catching nosew'armer - not only Wednesday evening. attractive â€" but most effective} Ruling master Stanley R Tin- against the arctic temperaturelker er‘dended a warm welcome ATHA ; Anha farmer Nonmavn Lehman has been appointed as a new member of the Pickering Township Planning Board for 1963. -v-..... _-..°-, __._ ,vv- IUV- r-ul "lulch mm 9-..“- cm Patricia and Vicky. Cicely l‘homson and son Bobby and. Don Boss with his daughter Ann. the latter wearing an eye- atoning nosewarmer - not only attractIVe - but most effective Igainst the arctic temperature. uuwsnr vv lod'ge officer. An incredible journey made. The wt * * * * ‘by Curtain Club member, Ger-lJolxn's 13 Past Masters“ Night was obser-J‘Y Diakiw. was I‘eliVCd in 001-.their ï¬rst ved at Richmond Masonic Lodge‘ored slides fOI' the benefit Ofiyear on .1 Wednesday evening. ï¬fty Curtain Club members as- sonage, Ruling master Stanley F. Tin- sembled in their theatre 25 Followi: ‘ker extended a warm welcomelYonlge N. GelTY'S ten month devotiona? Frank Mahovlich 'At Trust Company Opening Toronto Maple Leaf ace. Frank Mahovlich, will be at the gala opening of the new local branch of the British Mortgage and Trust Company this Friday. Trust company Manager Ron Holmes states the pop- ular hockey star will be welcoming young and old I alike from 3.30 to 5 pm. in 'the afternoon and 6.30 to 8.30 in the evening. to a large attendance of local tour made with only a packsackigram. Mr: and visiting members. .on his back. took him throughbf the Re 1 The chair was occupied by.Japan. Hong Kong- BUI‘ma- Inï¬residingi 'Harold Jones who was ruling dia. Iran and Israeli Working us of thei master in 1951. Other chairsjhis way, living in monasteriesias missior were taken by F. J. Grahamuan-d once sleeping in the “Tajâ€. Mrs, ( A. A. Eden. N. Boore, D. liMGerry had many unbelievable many slic Chamney. Harry W. R. SayersJedventures â€" a veritable heri-liy the be ‘Albert R. Hill, Harold Ince.itage for a high school geO-Lertyand Thomas Adams. Harry F. Aus- graphy teacher! Congratulationsland emp tin. James Hamilton. Peter GuGerry Diakiw! missionar Savage. and J. Hollowell. A business meeting chaireditms ï¬eld Other past. masters of the by Pres. D. Featherstonhauglr Rem-951 lodge are N. C. Chatterley, J. A.’preceded the illustrated talk'uhostcss l\‘ MunrOe. C. C. Mabley, A. R. and the producer of the festivaiMrs. Jae ‘Metcalfe. P. C. Hill. J. Anentry play. John Postlethwaite evening ‘Monkman. F. D. Webster, J. E. announced that "Right You Smith. J. C. Young. Lambert Are III You Think You Are!" iAtkinson. Walter Scott. R. J. will be on the boards February Craixie. R. W. Johnston. 6. 7. 8 and 9. and 13. 14. 15. 16. . Richmond Lodgehasahistory Tickets will be handled by ‘dating back to 1824 Cicely Thomson, TU. 4-2107, 'l‘he : next SUI Mary’s A given by the lndi.‘ AGINCOURT : Party head Les- ter B. Pearson was guest spea- ker at an all~day sesflon of the York~Scarboro Riding Liberals at the Canadiana Hotel, Agin- court. Whereas the Corporation of the Town of Richmond Hill has submitted to the Ontario Water Resources Commission. plans and an engineer’s report of certain proposed sewage works and has applied to the said Commission for approval of such works all in accordance with Section 31 of The Ontario Water Resources Commission Act: AND WHEREAS it appears from an examination of the said plans that the proposed works will extend into the Township of Vaughan; NOW THEREFORE this is to give notice that the said Com- mission shall. before giving its approval under said Section 31. on the 30th day of January. 1963. at 2:00 RM. o'clock EST in the afternoon at the Munici- pal Offices, Richmond Hill. 011â€" iario. hold a public hearing suant to Section 32 of the Act. service in the ‘33 The plans and the engineer‘s report of the proposed sewage works will be available for in- spection in the office of the municipal clerk of lhe Town of Richmond Hill at Richmond Hill, Ontario. ' Trust company Manager Ron Holmes states the pop- ular hockey star will be welcoming young and old alike from 3.30 to 5 pm. in the afternoon and 6.30 to 8.30 in the evening. ONTARIO WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION Public Hearing MacDonnell, Secrela Editor Margot Crack LIFE regular 11 pm. all‘ The good wishes of mo com- eelmunity are extended to former ‘h-EMayor Ken Tomlin and Mrs. R.‘Tomlin, who moved on Thurs- day to take up residence at Lo- rindale Avenue. North Toronto. pus- said Mr. Justice George Sweeny Mrs and MiSs Edna Izzard attended of the a meeting of the National Ex- tained ecutive Committee of the Un- a fal‘ ited Nations Association at lhe‘pl‘cpax Lord Simcoc Hotel in 'I‘oronloinivers on Saturday last. howcv The University of Rochester Glee Club “ill be the featured singch at 3 Tea and Musicale being given by the York Cen- tral Hospital Auxiliary on Mon- day. January 28th from 3 - 5 pm. at Wrixon Hall. St. Mary's Admission is free with a col- lection being taken in aid of the York Central Building fund. Foilowing refreshments. the meeting was closed by the presâ€" ident, Mrs. B. Wilder. Munroe. C. C. Mabley. A. R. Metcalfe. P. C. Hill. .1. A. Monkman. F. D. Webster, J. E. Smith, J. C. Young. Lambert Atkinson. Walter Scott. R. J. In reviewing the work of they. past year, Chairman Sam Cook{ of the Richmond Hill Hydro-g Electric Commission forecast[ that the major progect under; consideration by the commis-. sion in the coming year will be‘ the purchase of the Sneddon‘ Road Substation from the pro-“ Vince. The members of the 19631 Commission are Chairman Cook“ Commissioner William' Wagner and Mayor William Neal. Mr} Neal has returned to the com-. mission after an absence of sev-‘ eral years. The mayor, by vir- tue of his office. is automatically a member of the commission. Chairman Cook reported the commission had been success- iful in reducing its 1962 budget 'by $24,000. The 1961 budget of $94,350 was cut to $70,350 in‘ 1the past year. The other major accomplishment in 1962 was the elimination of any need for de- bentures. This marked the ï¬rst time since 1954 that the commission has not required any debentures. In 1961. $50.- 000 in 10-year debentures were .issued. In November the commission made a readjustment in its domestic rate structure. reduc- ing the former four block sys- tem to three blocks. This was the third rate reduction the commission has made since its inception in January. 1957. In September. 1961. the com- mission completed negotiations \\ith Ontario Hydro tor the pur- chase of the Yonge Street Sub- ,station at a price of 527.237. Plan Purchase Hydro Substation This Year 1. the comâ€" negotiations for the pur~ Street Sub- of $27,237. TH into 3 and Mrs. J. Dewsbury. president of the Richmond llill W.l.. sus- tained a painful foot injury in a fall last Wednesday while preparing for the W.I. 50111 an- niversary the following day â€"â€" however with great persever- ance managed to participate in Lhe celebrations allhough un- able to walk. R. Hill Rotary Club On Monday evening 1ho Roâ€" tary Club was addressed by ‘lr. Harold Decks. the planning dir- ector for Richmond llilL The problems facing an ex- panding town such as Richmond Hill were examined. the pros and cons of annexation discus- sod and the town‘s needs for the future outlined. The vital need [or a master plan was stressed by Mr. Deeks in a very stimulating address, following which a‘ lively ques- tion and answer period ensued. treasurer Miss S. Mackie: cap- Badminton and exercises tains Mrs. J. D. McAllister. Mrs.lfox~med the athletic part of the C. R. Tilt. Mrs. L- Nesbitt, Mrs. evening. While ladies interest- T. W. Graham; flower convenor, ed in a craft learned the ele- Ml's. R- J- Craigie; nuI‘SE‘FS‘montary steps of crocheting. school Mrs. J. Woods. ; Discussion over coffee After the meeting a SOCiallbrought in many exciting plans half hour was enjoyed by all. gfor the coming season. serves the west side of town. The commission now owns the site of the former water tank on Trench Street. Future plans call for the erection of a mod- ern bungalow type substation on the site. The provincial hydro has ask- 'ed a price of $53,804 for the Sneddon Road substation. Lo- cal ownership of the substation woqu help to stabilize the price of power to the consumer. The commission owns the Beverley Week Of Prayer Christian Unity Acres substation which it built in 1958. The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity will be held from January ism-25th through- out the Christian world. Each day of this week Christians are asked to pray for some speciï¬c part of Christendom. The dio- cesan committee on ecumenical affairs has recommended through the bishop of’the dio- cese that this week he commen- ded to Anglicans for their ob- :servance. At St. Mary's Angli- ‘can Church there will be daily morning and evening prayer at ‘8.30 am. and 5 pm. The public ‘is invited to attend and pray for ‘Christian unity. On the last 'day of this special week, Jan- :uary 25th. the Feast of the Con- mmunion at 7 a St. Mary's Anin there will be dail: evening prayer 3 5 pm. The publi: attend and pray {o lily. 0n the las special week. Jan 1| Mrs. A. Chapman. Yongc St.. has been moved from Branson Hospital and is now undergoing therapy treatments at St. John's Convalescent Home. Cummcr Avenue. Willou'dale The many friends and nCiglt-tJamaica before returning home hours of Mrs. Wm- Brent. Mc’un the latter part of February. Convoy Drive. are sorry to hear“ V t * ~'< vr that she is at present conï¬ned Mary Monks, seen by “war to her bed and extend best wish- audiences in The Twist of Le- cs for a speedy recovCl‘y- N0 mm" and as the vivacious En'ie telephone calls please. werscent in the pantomime mu- 4: g * a: addin’ has for the past week Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Ncrlich, been appearing in the CBC tel- Markham Road. accompanied by eviscd serial “Scarlett Hill" in Mr. and Mrs. John Pal-kin of'the episode “Rovers and Lov- 'I'nnnnin :n'n [paving nn Fridayiers". Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Ncrlich, Markham Road. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. John Parkin of Toronto. are leaving on Friday for a Mediterranean cruise. Mr. Nerlieh is ihe golf pro at the Richmond Hill Golf and Country Club. qustlcr. .now .touring the States. was recently home on holiday. coinciding his visit with the birth of his second daughter born on January 8th. Lorne Farr, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Farr. Marybay Crescent. was entertained at a surprise birthday party at Scott‘s Res- taurant on Bloor Street on Jan- uary 12111. Later a theatre party was on- joyed seeing the movie ‘Jum- bo‘ to celebrate Lorne‘s 4th birthday. In an effort to welcome new members 3 “Getting To Know You Circle" formed part of the program of Walter Scott YWCA at their meeting on January 10th., The woman's circle of St. John's Baptist Church held their ï¬rst meeting of the new year on January 8. at the par- sonage. John's Baptist Church held; Mrs. Georgie Reid expressed their ï¬rSt meeting 0f “‘9 newline desire to relinquish her Dost§ year 0“ January 8v at the “was secretary and correspondent; sonage. im “The Liberalâ€. this post to Following the business and be carried on by Mrs. Jean‘ devotional portions of the pro-‘Carler, A new member, Mrs.‘ gram, MrS- L- 5- COCkI'am: Wife Joan Price, was introduced andl of the Rev. L. S. Cockram, nowlwelcomed, ll‘eSiding in Riwm‘ond Hill‘ tom? Exercises were engaged in‘ us of their experiences, servin'glan‘d. after a “weighâ€"inâ€, mem- ,35 miSSionaries in'Brazil- bers worked more enthusiastic- ‘ Mrs. Cockram also showed‘ally than usual in their end- iman‘y SlideS. displaying not 0n' ealvour to shed the extra pounds lly the beauty, but also the DOV-lof avoirdupois gained during Mrs. Co'ckram also showed any than usual in their end- man‘y Slides. displaying not 0n- ea‘vour to shed the extra pounds ly the beauty, but also the pov- of avojrdupois gained during erty and squalor of this country the festive season. and emphasizing the need for During the refreshment miS‘Sional'y WOI‘k '10 continue iniperiod. members were asked to {this ï¬eld Estate their “most unusual" hap- ; Refreshments served by the'lpeningrs during the Christmas !hos-tess Mrs. J. M. Ward and bylholiday period. the recital of iMl‘s. Jack Major, brought the‘qwhieh was the ‘cause of great levenin'g to a close. “hilarity. One - submitted by l "‘ * * * ‘M‘rs. Jo Whibwell was that at Refreshments served by the hostess Mrs. J. M. Ward and by Mrs. Jack Major, brought the evening to a close. The address at Evensong next Sunday at ’7 pm. at St. Mary’s Anglican Church will be given by Miss Averill Greet of the India Christian Mission for distressed children. This mission centred in a children's home in Ceylon was started in 1924 for homeless and utterly hopeless Eurasian children. It ndw cares for ille~ gitimate and undenprivileged{preparation of the turkey, etc.. Eurasian children and also or-{from a reclining position! phane-d, destitute or deserted! The Circle’s annual “Fashion Burgher children of Dutch de- Show" is planned for May lst scent drawn mainly from theiand arrangements have been overcrowded impoverished arâ€"lmade with Miss Boxer of the eas of the big towns. Miss Gi‘eethobert Simpson Company to is a niece of the founder of theiappear with a model to demon- home and gave up a promisin-gistrate feminine wearing apparel career in music and educationiat “low cost â€" and high class to undertake this dedicatedistyle". work. I * * * * After Evensong Miss Greet will meet with the young people of the parish in the hall for discussion and will show pic- tures of this work in Ceylon. All interested are invited to attend. ï¬Good eatingI vasA'I' SAVINGS . Cooked Hum lb. 99c Steaks lb69c LEAN SLICED BAYVIEW PLAZA TYLIP WING . NELS GAGE and Mrs.i A letter was read from Mr. n Millsifl. Calvel‘ley. past president. lwho is enjoying his holidays at Montserrat in the West Indies. Mr. andlBirtlidays and an anniversary lrescentqwere acknowledged. Mayor Wil- surpI‘iselliam Neal brought greetings Lt‘s Res-‘from himself and council. A on Jan-iï¬lm (The Lost Art of Walking) 5was shown by Sgt. Rainey and was ell-Sgt. O’Brien of the local police. 19 ‘Jum- This was very informative and He's 4t11§should prove helpful in the ‘prevention of accidents. A Jme newguessinvg game followed. 70 Kn‘m' A social half hour was en- Morthe;joycd with tea and cookies it YWCAEserved to the 92 members presâ€" Januaryan Donald thtle left by plane on Saturday lasl. for Miami Beach, Florida. where he will attend the annual convention of the National Automobile Dealers Association. Mrs. Mabel Laughlin has re-, turned to her home at 49 High- land Lanc. after spending sev- eral weeks with her daughters in Westport. Conn. Miss Madeleine George. Reg. N. who accompanied her mo- ther on the trip. continued to Florida. and will visit friends in Jamaica before returning home in the latter part of February. Mary plays the role of Mrs. Vesta Brooke. a rather harassed suburban flhousewife. display- ing her tremendous dramatic versatility. The episode continues until Thursday of this week. F H. Senior Citizens The January meeting of the Senior Citizens was held in the Christian Education Buildng of th" Richmond llill United Church with Dr. J. P. Wilson in the chair. The meeting opened with the singing of ‘0. Canada’. the Rev. F. Jackson oï¬orin-z the prayers. The business was dealt with. and ‘it was decided that members will do their share and endeaâ€" lvour to raise funds for some !equipmcnt [or the local hos- 1pital. The highlight of last Thurs-t day’s meeting of the Friendshipi Circle. Anglican Church of St. Gabriel was the installation of officers for 1963. who were: Mrs. Dorothy Price, president: Mrs. Jean Carter. secretary: Mrs. Joan Hill, treasurer: Mrs. Marg Lomax, program: Mrs. Jo ‘Whitwell. membership. a family Christmas dinner when 40 guests were sitting down, the overloaded ta‘ble cracked right down the centre! The experience of Mrs. Dor- oth-y Price was not so humorous and somewhat painful. as, just prior to Christmas, this lady slipped on the waxed floor cracking a bone in her foot, which resulted in directing the As is his annual custom, Mr. Irving Papoff, owner of Powell Furniture Sales. has attended the Furniture ExpOSition. se- curing additional new lines of high grade furniture to display in his Yonge Street showroom. Ihousewife. display- 'cmendous dramatic TU. 4-7691 lbs. 41( White chrysanthemums and red carnations decorated St. Mary Immaculate Roman Cath- olic Church when Janet Ellen Heard became the bride of James Roger Plaxton. The bride is the daughter of Professor and Mrs. John F. Heard and the groom is the son of Hon. Charles Percy Plaxton. Revt P. H. Johnston officiated. The bride was given in mar- riage by her father. Her gown was Edwardian style white peau de soie with chapel train. a por- typewriters - Adding Machine- SALES . SERVICE - RENTALS ‘4 'yom- ofï¬ce machlne speciallst' 88 Baker Ave“ Richmond Hill see portable models at Day or Evenings TU. #1745 L H SIMS MILL POND HOMES ‘Wight’s Pharmac!’ To I-6‘/2°/o N.H.A. Mortgage “THE THE "MUSKOKA" ILLUSTRATED ABOVE FEATURES Call Us Today or See Our Model Homes OPEN ’TIL 9 PM. TU. 4- 2393 - AV. 5-3892 EXCLUSIVE AGENT . 3 Bedrooms . Coloured Tile Bathroom . Aluminum Storms & Screens . Norden Kitchen . Double Stainless Steel Sinks . Copper Exhaust Fan and Hood liccclec/ on Aflimira Drive West 011 Wright Street to Hall, turn right and then left on Mill St., turn right at Evahill and follow Altamira to Model Homes. NORM BLACK REALTY LIQ. Janet Ellen Heard Is Bride 01‘ James Roger Plaxton aved Roads, Curbs; Storm and Sanitary Sewers, Street Lights paid for by the Subdivider WE WILL ACCEPT YOUR PRESENT HOME IN TRADE CHOOSE FROM FOUR DISTINCTLY DIFFERENT PLANS :1 MR. AND MRS. PLAXTON SIGN THE REGISTER FOLLOWING THEI R WEDDING u m: L- -‘ s17,3 50 FULLY SERVICED WITH Her headdress was a bouflant veil of French silk illusion ga- thered to a circlet of guipwre lace. She carried a bouquet of white baby orchids. stephan‘ otis and holly. Music was by choristers from St. Michael's Choir School. trait neckline and long, tapered sleeves. « Bridal attendants were Miss Martha Heard (sister of the bride), maid of honor Miss Dawn Plaxton (sister of the groom). and Miss Kamry-n Sprig- ings. They chose gowns of No Fuss No Bother One Deal Does It All XII popular makes on hand Suecial Students' Rates THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, cornï¬ower blue, of peau de soief‘ Best man wa_s_ Pau} Rust and They wore headpieces of matching veiled headdresses, and carried nosegays of white shaggy Chrysanthemums, red carnations and variegated holly. {xv-Viihfltjracelet le'ngtli sleeves and belled skirts 24 Elizabeth St. N Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1312 RICHMOND HILI MORTGAGE SERVICE INSURANCE Ontario. Thursday, January 17. 1968 5 HERBERT R. BUTT DEPENDABLE AND ushers were Ernest Harrison and Michael Reed. Reception was at the Faculty club of the University of Tor- onto. Mr. and Mrs. James will reside in Ottawa. Toronto TORONTO. ONT. EMpire 2-3456 2 Carlton St Plaxlon