"I feel he displayed some sense of responsibility. You cannot compromise with prin- ciple." he stated. Newly 'elected vice-chairman of the board. Howard Whillans. also defended the department head. He said Mr. Deeks' recom- mendations were based on fact and council can take it or re- fuse 1t. Claiming there are other ways to attack the town's problems besides making speeches. Mr. Tinker said council should know the facts, before the pub- 11c. "As far as I am concerned his remarks did not help the plan- ning award." He disagreed with Mr. Tin- ker's accusation that Mr. Deeks showed a lack' of responsibility. "We can't muzzle Deeks. And if the council in pow- er tries to do it because his recommendations are con- trary to its thinking. it is committing a grave error," Mr. Whiiians stated. Mr. Whilians said he had re- ceived several favorable com- ments on the speech. ‘ “These same districts a few years ago were experiencing the kind of growing problems that now confront Richmond Hill. When you look at other places. our picture is not as dismal ai Mr. Deeks would like to make out." Mr. Tinker said council was not prepared to implement ideas of past administrations. He accused Mr. Decks of letting council down and with showing a lack of res- ponsibility by his actions. The planning director was de- fended by ex-chairman Ross Scrimger who said Mr. Deeks had phoned him prior to mak- ing the speech and he told him to go ahead. Mr. Scrimger admitted he did not read the speech but felt the public should be kept informed. "We have many problems here. I suggest that you look at the cold hard facts. My speech did just that. And whether you like to believe It or not. there will be a sizeable increase in taxes this year", he told the meet- ing. “I don't subscribe in that You have a defeatist attitude" Mr. Tinker replied. Lashing out at the dismal picture painted by the planning director, especially in regards to schools, Mr. Tinker said that in some parts of Toronto schools were closed for lack of students. ‘ Mr. Deeks denied the allega- tion saying he was only trying to make the taxpayers aware of the situation. iirector Wants“ “II To Consider and Annexation‘ LADIES' SLIMS, BLOUSES JEWELLERY, BRASSIERES, LINGERIE 437 Markham Rd. 8: Bayview GIBSON GIRL STORE (Continued From Page 1 Last Call Half Price! Last Call - Half Price & Less lAST CALL! CHILDREN'S COAT SETS SNOW SUITS 8. DRESSES Cash Register, Clothing; Racks, Counters, Glass Shelving, Display Fixtures, Wall Cabinets. Store Fixtures: For Sle LADIES DRESSES FINAL REG. TO $29.95 SALE (ALLENCOURT PLAZA) ALL BRANDED LINES BAILIFF SALE AT DOOR CLOSING lAST CALL Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McKendry had dinner Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. John McKendry and boys. Don Mills Villag€_ Mrs. Wm. Bruce. Miss Gene- vieve Bruce and Miss Vina Wil- son of Toronto, visited Mrs. Amanda Jewitt at Fairview Home, Preston. Mm Jewitt was a resident of the Gormley district for many years. Des- pite her over 90 years of age. Mrs. Jewitt took her visitors for a tour of the Fairview Home. Mrs. Harry Smith spent a week in Newmarket Huspita] for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Doner. Mrs. Frank Harvey, Rev. C. E. Hunkin-g and Mr. and Mrs. Elias Elliott. attended the fun-- eral of Mrs_ Fred Hoover in Newmarket Friday. A. Leek is still in St. Mich- ael's Hospital. Mrs. Lewis Lehman under- went major sua‘gery at Western Hospital in Toronto. on Wednes- day. Mrs. Monty Johnstone came home from Branson Hospital Willowdale. Sunday, after spending a week there. Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Ash welcomed their ï¬rst son Friday at East General Hospital. Tor- onto. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Winger of Maple. Mrs. Clifford Winger and Bishop and Mrs. Alvin Winger, Mrs. Mel Henderson. and Mrs. Ralph Empringham visited Mr. and Mrs. George French rec- ently. Mr. and Mrs. John Empring- 11am celebrated their 48th an- niversary recently. Mrs. Beulah Jones i§ §pending a week with her son and daugh- A Richmond Hill rink skipped by Jack Rumney capâ€" tured the coveted Muskoka Trophy in the sixth annual Left to right, Jack Rumney, Shirley Hicks, Margaret Rumney, Dalton Hicks CORRESPONDENT: Telephone GORMLEY NEWS Local Rink Wins Muskoka Trophy EA. MRS. CHAS. MJLSTED Gormley 5201 Among those attending the Sunday School Association con- vention' at Unionville last Thursday were Dr. and Mrs. A. D. Bin'nington, Harold Steï¬ler. Mrs. Norman Reid. Mrs Douglas Hood. Mijs. Wm. Rodick. Char- les Turner and Mrs. Ken Stiver. “Happy Timers" Elections Mrs. Bryce Jacksie was hos- tess last week when members of the “Happy Timers" of Brown‘s Corners United Church Women, 'held their election of ofï¬cers. Mrs. Jacksie and coâ€"hosteSses Mrs. Bert Craigie and Mrs. Don Reesor conducted a devotional service. - Mrs. -John 'Brumnvell was In the chair. Approximately 150 guests were served. Mr. Donald Dea- con was re-elected president for 1963. President, Mrs. John Brum- well: vice-president. Mrs. Allan Strike: secretary, ‘Vlrs. Gordon Brumwell; corresponding secre- tary. D. Melvin: treasurer. Mrs. A. Martin; publicity, Mrs. H. Cormack: supply and social assistance. Mrs.- Rae Donaldson and Mrs. Donald Reesor; social comenor. Mrs. Bruce Arm- strong and Mrs. C. Carr. He is taking Biblical Litera- ture. His wife and daughter. Renita, are .still in Calgary as Mrs. Hoover is in hospital there. She hopes to join her husband at Bethel College in the near fulture. ' ‘ Miss Sharon Hawkins enter- tained a number of little friends Wednesday afternoon in honour of her fourth birthday_ Mr. and Mrs. A. Swann wel- comed their ï¬rst daughter re- cently. Ross Brillinger is 111 with mumps. Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Vander- Bent. and Misses Dorothy and Marie VanderBent had dinner Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brillinger. Miss Marie VanderBent lef't Monday to serve under the MCC for a year at a. Boys' Village. Smithville, Ohio. The York Central Hospital Auxiliary. Buttonville Branch. catered for a dinner. at Button- ville WI Hall. when the Mark- ham Township Liberal Associa- tion held its annual banquet and election of officers. Mrs. Harold Steffler. presi- dent of Brown's Corners United Church Women. conducted elec- tions. Officers for 1963 are: Paul Hoover spent a few days with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hoover, on his way from Calgary to attend Bethel College at Mishawaka. Indiana. A jewellery display was shown by Mrs. F. Wicks. The group had a social hour after refreshments, On Thursday evening. friends and neighbors gathered at the Youth Centre for a miscellan- eous shower for Mr. and Mrs. Levi Steckley, Paul Miller Jr., Andrew and Martha Min-gay. spent last weekend with their grandpar- enbs while their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Min'ga‘y. Mark- ham, attended the conservative convention at Ottawa. ter-in-la'w, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jones and family. Windsor. Miss Reatha Steckley has moved to an apartment in Tor- onto this past week. Ken Lardner left Tuesday to resume work on the Dewline. Among the guests were the baby's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Donald-son; aunts and uncles included Mr. and Mrs. Sam Snider, Alan Snider, Marylyn Snider. the baby's brother, John, and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Tribblin‘g. Glen Alan Donaldson, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Rae Don- aldson. was christened at a pri- vate baptismal service perform- ed by Rev. Dr. A. F. Binninglton in Brown‘s Corners United Church January 13. Mel M-cNeis‘h has spent the past *bwo Weeks in the East Gen- eral Hospital, Toronto, with a leg ailment. BUTTONVILLE Muskoka International Mixed Bonspiel at Huntsville last Saturday night. Jack Rumney, skipping Correspondent Mrs. F. H. Leaf R. R. 2 Gormley Phone AXminster 3-6188 A donation of $25 was offered the Reim family. who had been burned out of their home early that same day. Mr. and Mrs. Reim, daughter DaWn and Faith are now stay- ing on Garden Ave. in Langstaï¬â€˜. with Mrs. Reim's mother, Mrs. G. Arnott. On January 14, the home of John Reim and family of 75 Clarke Ave., was gutted by ï¬re. While damage to the upstairs was very heavy there was no one injured. This was the only house ï¬re in Doncaster since the Bonnici home was destroyed four days after Christmas, four years ago. One ironic twist in this in- cident is the fact that the Bonnicis lived at 75 Morgan Avenue, and the Reims are at 75 Clarke. just one block north. A donation to the Reims was made by the Doncaster Com- munity Ladies Club. The Doncaster Community Ladies’ Club met at the home of Mrs. M. Mali‘nski January 14. In the ï¬rst game of the new series in the Sunday Night Hoc- key League, the Doncaster Gol- den Hawks heat off a stubborn Richmond Hill Aces team 6-4. Further arrangements were made for the club’s physical ï¬t- ness program which is soon to get under way and also for the bridge and euchre marathon which starts February 4. The Richmond Hill Aces are formerly the Roselawn Dairy Clu‘b. This Sunday at 9 p.m., the Doncaster team meets the New- market Royals. Other news concerning this league is now in the sports sec- tion. The club is still seeking per- sons interested in both of these events. Dalt Hicks' rink. edged Wes- ton's George Guardhouse. 7-1. Rumney. his wife Margaret and Shirley and Dalton Hicks in the preliminaries knocked out lan Emslie of Orange- ville and Dr. G. Hare of Oshawa. Players on the winning rink that brought honours to Richmond Hill were: Mar- garet Ru‘mney, lead; Dalton Hicks. second; Shirley Hicks, vice~skip; Jack Rumney, skip. 58 Chevrolet Biscayne mo- del with 6 cylinder motor and standard transmission. Our price is $999. Hurry for this one. A real nice car in every way. Easy terms. TU. 4-4372 58 Buick Hardtop two-tone ï¬nish with a rebuilt auto- matic transmission. We will take $1.099. full price, and easy terms on the balance. TU. 4-4372 F011 0 wi 11 g elimination games played Tuesday, Wed- nesday and Saturday at Bracebridge. Gravenhurst and Huntsville with 112 rinks competing. Richmond Hill came right through to the top, winning this coveted trophy for the ï¬rst time. “Chevrolet L5 ton pickup. nice azure blue ï¬nish and absolutely new tires. A spotless pick-up for SL495. full price and you name the terms with 6% ï¬nancing. TU. 4-4372 57 Volkswagen. radio. with sun roof. whitewalls. and its a deluxe model. Our price today $699 worth at least $150 more. Take trade and terms. AT CORNER OF YONGE ST. SOUTH 8. HARDING BLVD., RICHMOND HILL DONCASTER Sorry, last week we advertised some cars that were not out of our reconditioning shop and had to disappoint several prospective buyers. How- ever they are here now with the new tires as advertised and also some new purchases and trade ins for you to inspect and drive. Kar Mart Fina Correspondent David Barbour Henderson Ave. Phone AV. 5-5205 HOCKEY NEWS TU. 4-4372 Mr. and Mrs. A. McFee and Mr. and Mrs. John Fogg of Wil- lowdale spent a weekend in Chicago recently. Mrs‘ Stanley Leno was host'- ess to the “Monday Nighters" when the prize winners were Mrs. D. Cracknell. Mrs. E. Gamble, Mrs. R. Kerwin and Mrs. Jack Hall. Neighborhood Notes Sympathy of the community is extended to the Flood family on the death of Mrs. Kate Ro- berts. a former resident of Jef- ferson. Mrs. E. A. Terry had lunch on Saturday at the University Women‘s Club in Toronto with Mrs. Arnold Ward and Mrs. J.‘ K. Moeser. ‘ The fresh fall of snow Sat- urday made skiing conditions excellent and many local skiers enjoyed a wonderful day on the hills and trails at Summit on Sunday. There were over tJhree hhousand skiers taking advantage of the tows and hills making a very colorful picture in their bright jackets and toques. Mrs. C. Bry‘son AV. 5-2352 are looking for a Brown Owl for 2nd Richvale. Anyone inter- ested please phone Mrs. Bryson. The lst Lan'gstaff Group Committee are holding 3 Val- entine dance at the Maple Community on February 15 from 9.30 to 1 am. Tickets are $3 per couple and may be obtained by phoning AV. 5- 3647. The 2nd Riohvale Guides 'held a candy drive on January let at Charles Howiltt School. Mr. Bruce Bell, Elaine and Kenny visited with Bruce‘s par- ents Mr. and Mrs. William Bell on Saturday. Mrs. Schuyler Snively is in Western Hospital recovering from an operation. Friends of Mr. Ernie Hall will be pleased to know that air- ter a serious illness he is makâ€" ing good progress. Monthly meetings are startâ€" ing again and the meeting for 2nd Rich‘vale 'Brownies and Guides will be held on Febru- ary {at 8.30. lsil: Riohvale Cubs and Scouts mothers‘ auxiliary are holding their ï¬rst meeting of 1963 at the home of Mrs. A. Clancy on January 30 at 8.30. On January 16 the ladies group of the Richvale Chapel held a cold supper with thirty ladies attending. Three men of the church committee served all the ladies. During the evening letters from missionary of the Repu'blic of Congo were read and guest speaker was a mis- sionary from St. Kitts Island. Pioneer girls of Richvale Chapel held a skating party at Thomhill park with thirty girls attending. Later on Mrs. Sims served refreshments at her home. Miss Debbie Godsman, Dun- Can Road, left for Fort Lauder- ‘da‘le, Florida with her grand- mother Mrs. Sten‘house. They were flying down with Dr. and Mrs. Shouldice of Thornhill and will spend two weeks at their winter home.' Congratulations to Brian Farmer. Duncan Road who cele- braited his birthday on January 19th; also Darlene Elliott, Dun- can Road. who celebrates her birthday on January 30. 58‘Ford Convertible, Arctic White ï¬nish‘ nylon top. whitewalls. automatic and radio. chrome discs. Now, today we will take $1.595. Next month convertibles go up $200. Drive it tonight. At Kar Mart Fina. 56 Ford Town Sedan automatic, radio . s 53 Pontiac Hardtop . 5 56 Plymouth, automatic Of course we take trade-ins â€"â€" here they are: Terms on the above at $5.00 weekly. Richvale News ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON Ford Sedan . . . . . Studebaker Pickup Ford Pickup Mrs Correspondent rs. Anne Hewitt. 78. 16th Ave. TU. 4-7645 Evening Branch St. John's Anglican Church TU. 4-2708 TU. 4â€"4372 TU. 4-4372 $295 $295 $195 The “Bible Study Group" be- gins on January 24th at 7.45 pm. at the rectory. The annual Vestry meeting will be held at the church on January 28th at 7.30 pm. St. John's Anglican Church The Rev. Tony Capon, gen- eral secretary in Canada of the Scripture Union preached on Sunday. The sewing needles were bu- sy Tuesday of last week when Mrs. Jack Barton had at her home Mrs. John Baker, Mrs. Er. nie Bone. and Mrs. Adam Read. They helped her quilt a Dres- den Plate quilt which she had made. From all reports it was a very enjoyable day. Socials Thinking of a vacation in Flor- ida? Better forget it, stay home and brave our own weather. No doubt there are probably many longing thoughts of the warm sunny skies and tropical' palms recently while enduring some of our real winter weather. In a letter received from Mr. and Mrs. Grant Fletcher, Bathurst St. who are vacationing in Flo- rida, they say it is cool down there and it is very pathetic to see the beautiful shrubs and fruit trees leafless. The frozen fruit is laying under the trees unï¬t to use. The vegetable crops were also ruined and ac- cording to Mrs. Fletcher, right there in the fruit belt one has to pay ï¬fteen cents for one grapefruit. Little Carolyn Greenï¬ell a nasty upset while h‘avi good time toboguganvnin‘g week and broke her leg. is getting along very well. Mrs. Bru-ce Hudson is home convalescinig after a stay in the hospital recently; Hope she will be up and around as good as new again. CARS & TRUCKS FORRENT Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kirk Sunvday dinner wibh their Norman and his family, I York Rd. in Toronto. 0.... ALL POPULAR MAKES AND MODELS REXDALE CAR 8. TRUCK RENTALS LTD. ' ALpine 7-1461 0 { RR. 1 MAPLE AVenue 5-5501 3 } (Lippay Motors Limited) CHerry 1-2811 . b A W CARRVILLE Correspondent: Mrs. Gordon Read AV. 5-4001 To I-6'/2°/o N.H.A. Mortgage THE "SIMCOE" ILLUSTRATED nâ€" FEATURES â€"â€" 'I'Il. 4-2393 OR CALL AV. 5 -3892 Sanitary and Storm Sewers, Paved Roads, Curbs, Street Lights, At No Cost To You. Priced From 0 1 Bedrooms 0 Norden Kitchen 0 Storm Doors 0 Treed Lots 0 Attached Garage Drive West on Wright Street to Hall, turn right and then left on Mill St, turn right at Evahill and follow Altamira to Model Homes. NORM BLACK REALTY LTD.| LETS USE YOUR EOUI'I'Y IN YOUR OLD HOUSE AS DOWN PAYMENT IN MAPLE RICHMOND HILL'S MOSTiMODERNwSUBDIVISlON 517,3 50 Greenï¬eld had “MILL POND" SERVICED WITHI having r son Royal RICHMOND HILL last She had‘ Guaranty Trust was the second trust co ‘in Richmond Hill had‘few weeks. a com eCPrL Dr. H. Alderton, clinical dir- ector at the Ontario School for Emotionally Disturbed Children, Thistletown. will be guest speak- er at a seminar on “the excep- tional child" in Newmarket Sat- urday. The seminar will be sponsored by York County Branch of the Canadian Mental Health Assoc- iation and by the York County Mental Health Clinic. I-ULGIC) III III" Guaranty Trust will open the second trust company office in Richmond Hill in the next few weeks. a company ofTicial revealed last week. Formal opening of the. com. pany's ofl'ice at Yonge and Ar- nold Streets will follow com- pletion of extensive renovations . .. ‘ . t. . to a building formerly occupied ()ul oflice and selilce is very useful for commut- by Pat‘s Variety Store. ers, who book their airline reservations direct J. J, Olscamp told “The Lib- with the airline companies, from their offices in eral“ the ï¬rm would include a '1},me ‘ complete trust service and a real estate office in its opera- tions. Arrangements can be made to pick up the tickets Plans for 3 Richmond Hill ofâ€"l at our office in Richmond Hill. Fice have been on the drawing‘ boards for over two years, Mr, . . . , 01.5mm, revealed ‘ We handle not only minor trips and domestique He noted that business in the travel but also tours in Europe. Metro area seemed to be head? inig towards the Richmond Hill area, especially in the real es- tate ï¬eld. ‘ President J. Wilson Berry is especially interested in the ar-f ea. He is a resident of Stouï¬-i ville. Mir. Olscamip listed free park: ing. higher interest rates and‘ longer hours as some of the aid-‘ vantages of a trust company. ‘ Guaranty is Canada's third} largest trust company. The It is not necessary to pay a booking fee or extra service charge. Richmond Hill office will be 63 YONGE STREET, NORTH their thipty-ï¬rst. . RICHMOND HILL, ONT. HMOND HILL i KS FOR RENT :1 PHONE: 884-7851 0 . KES AND MODELS 285-5782 0. UCK RENTALS LTD. ti . .‘ Herbert and Joan Goodhoofd Amee 7-1461 0; AVenue 5-5501 ’. l) CHerry 1-2811 l Guaranty largest tn Richmond their thirty nold pleti to a by P Director Chief Speaker At Newmarket Seminar Dr. Alderton will discuss ways of recognizing exceptional dis- orders in childhood. OU‘L'D Guaranty Trust Locates In Hill Also scheduled to speak are John Brown. director of War- 02 Complete Baths .Storms & Screens .Professionally Dec- orated 0 Colored Tile THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont. Thursday, January 24. 1963 15 st company Hill in the company 0 EXCLUSIVE AGENT u open I oflEice e next official rendale School, Newmarket. who will discuss the exceptional child and the average class: G. Multari, who will talk about the importance of play therapy with exceptional children; and F. K. Boden who will outline ways of helping the family of the ex- ceptional child. Ross MacDonald. inspector for Vaughan Township Public School Board, Miss D. Ketola. D. Middleton and E. J. Good- fellow will take part in a panel discussion on teaching the ex- ceptional child. Moderator will be Dr. S. E Jensen. director of York Coun ty Mental Health Clinic. Other features of the semin- ar will be two movies. Angry Boy and Child Behind The Wall and a tour of the mental health clinic. MODEL HOMES OPEN DAILY TO IO P.M. Come Directly To Altamira Rd, Let us check your brakes . . _ adjust or re- line . . . . being able to “stop on a dime" is basic to safe motoring. Let us give your brakes a care- ful inspection. SOMETHING WANTED SOMETHING TO REN'I "LIBERAL" CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS FOR SAFE STOPS, STOP IN HERE COOK'S BP Complete Service To All Makes of Cars Auto Service Phone TU. 4-1105 ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-3151