GOOD used furniture for sale. Call Frank‘s Movers and Stor- nge, 28 Industrial Rd., TU, 4~ 2813. th3 FIREWOOD FOR SALE All kinds of ï¬rcV'ood, hardwood. birch and klndllngs. Free deliv- ery. AL. 7-8831. tfc23 ALUMINUM Doors. windows, awnings, and railings. Ron Woods. TU. 4-1514 tfc14 SKI BOOTS size 7. Brand new accept $12. Vacuum cleaner $20. Polisher $10. Evenings TU. 4-7784. c1w30 17" ELECTI‘ROHOME portable TV set. like new. 884-4122. HAND lawiimOWerf$3fEnglish drapes, 1 pair. TU. 4â€"5446 after 10 am. c1w30 RfCiNTirmodel Remington por- table typewriter with case, in new condition. 257-2073. c1w30 LLOYD baby cii'fiagéj in good condition. TU. 4-7042. c1w30 pressure tank, all ï¬ttings com- plete. AV. 5-1413. c1w29 bUROWdeep well water pump. electric motor and pressure tank. AV. 5-2964. c1w30 FIREPLACE wood and stove‘ wood. maple, birch. and oak. Delivered. Call Oak Ridges, PR. -5149. " c6w28 ONEY â€"- basswood. buckwheat hcloxer -_ now ready .-, with or ithout containers. Arnold Werner). 22 Scott Drive, Rich- ale AV. 5-2724. c1w30 in splendid condition. Reason- able. 884-7403. c1w30 FOR SALE cheap, box for W ton 1958-9 Fleetside GMC truck. AV. 5-3640. c1w30 3471}. LELAND, % h.p. Cen- tury. Reasonable. AV. 5-1413. c1w29 ‘lkates, size 13. in good condi- tion, $3.50 each. TU. 4-4379. CFESTERFIELD. toast colour. DEEPWWELL pump and 200 gal ï¬lRL'S iskates. size 3, boy’s § THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont, Thursday, January 24, 196i POINT 22 High standard super- mtlc "trophy" target pistol as new $70 and point 22 cal. Mar- lin lever action rifle $35. Eve- pings TU. 4-7784. URO WELL pump, complete. V. 5-3290. c1w$0 BEAUTYREST. Marshall. Sim- uons, Serta. Heely and other [prlng mattresses repaired. re- .urned just like new. medium i'm. extra ï¬rm. Twoâ€"day ser- dce. Elderdowns recovered. 0n- rice. 'arlo REDUCED TO CLEAR Vyn-Dot Ladies’ Wear, Bayview ’laza. Richmond Hill. TU. 4- :214. c4w28 {EWING machine.msifnigiér.iriei- lossessed, portable or cabinet. )RAPES. I large selection of 'eady-made drapes, in all pop- uar sizes. On sale at prices that lefy comparison. For better ralues come to Draperyland, 5821 Yon-ge Street, south of iteeles Ave. in the Newton- Drook Plaza. BA. 1-5621. Thurs- lay and Friday till 9 pm. PROPANE GAS & APPLIANCES SUPERIOR PROPANE LTD. MAPLE e only AUTOMATIC Propane a Service from New Bruns- lck to Manitoba. For informa- on, call AV. 5-1145. :ch9 W and used TV’s, stereos, yers. stoves, fridges, washers, 1‘ sale from $24.95. Used TV's d appliances bought for cash. HERRIDGE ELECTRIC TV AND APPLIANCES ales, repairs. parts. rentals 40 Levendale Road TU. 4-3211 all hours mall balahce. terms. Singer Icwlng Machine Co. TU. 4-2931. tfc29 ï¬lé‘main street in Kleinburg, ntario. Complete stock of: ps and Pump Parts. Plastic. 1 and Copper Pipe. Fittings, alves. Switches, Motors, etc. - olesalers. Phone CY. 6-1422. c4w30 Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer 1 popular makes for sale in- ding new and rebuilt stand- portable and electric mod- .UTOMATIC Pumping Equip- lent Ltd., P.0. Box 90, Klein- urg, Oqt‘ario announces the peningvof their new location lchmond Hill 3. Special rental rates avail- ‘Ie to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. mes'rwmrm CAR coTafs‘ Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in a: early ln the week as possible but not later than 10 mm. on Wednesdays, Send Id! by mall and enclose payment. or telephone TU. 4-1105 and you will receive invoice. CASH RATES. lat insertion 5c each word. nun. charge 75c Second and lubsequent Insertions if wording unchanged, 50 per word. min. charge . . . . . . 650 FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 500 COMING EVENT NOTICE: 5c per word: min. charge 750 CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES. BIRTHS. per Imerflon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Bedding Co. AV. 5-1591.‘ tfc44 ARTICLES FOR SALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 17v. 4-1745 tfc49 c1w30 *1W30 c4w29 tfc30 YOUNG MEN, 16-19. looking for work. Anything considered. Can you help us. Call Salva- tion Army. AV. 5-5126. tfc52 board. No. '7 Highway, near Markham 294-2917. c1w30 close to transportation. AV 3270. cz‘ MAN needs employment. Car- pentry, cleaning. Have certiï¬- cate for maintenance. TU. 4- 3481. c1w30 WELL FURNISHâ€"ED room with ROOM & BOARD available {E one man. Five minutes from Yonge St. TU. 4-7310. c1w30 ONE ROOMiwould suit one or two people. Board optional. Ab- stainers preferred. TU. 4-5548. c1w29 ROOM and board. Double room suit one or two, also single room. rent with or without board. Phone 884-5734. c1w30 WOMAN would aï¬lain iroT- ing in your home. Call Marie, days only_ AV. 5-2326. c1w29 DRESSMAKINiGi and altera- tions. Mrs. MacDonald. TU. 4- 5057. Lfc21 BOOKKEEPER requires work at home. Up to trial balance. Can pick up and deliver. AV. 5- 4167. c1w30 EXPERIENCED truck driver seeks permanent position. Will- ing worker. Will consider any- thing. TU. 4-2747. nc3w28 AVAILABLE FEBRUARY 1 Reliable man, 42, experienced in sales. shipping and receiv- ing, stock control, personnel, of- ï¬ce management. Richmond Hill resident, with late model car. Write Box No. 102 The Liberal. *2w30 1958 METEOR Niagara six standard coach, radio, good condition. must sell private. TU. 4-5600. after six. clw30 1958 DODGE Crusader. 2 door, may be seen at Dave Thompson Motors. Sunoco Station, 36 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill - best‘oï¬er. Apply R. M. King. PR. 3-5332. tfc26 PORTABLE compressor 7 aï¬i motor, 1m excellent condition. 884-1598. nc2w30 like new. with 200 gal. tank and ï¬ttings $95.00. TU. 4-5566. *1w30 ATTRACTIVE: room with board form, new racks, paint Ijob. Must sell. BA. 1-5333. *1w30 1958 PLYMOUTH Sedan V8, standard. snow tires, custom ra- dio. A-l throughout. $600 or $200 down and $37 per month for 11 months. TU. 45104. HOUSEWORK, experienced 9 8m. to 4 pm. 886-5341. c1w30 MOST HOMES ARE LISTED WITH DAVID McLEAN LTD. tfc28 FORCED AIR" ffmace (used) ROOM and BOARD g954 CHEV,§?ake 14 ft. plat- WRECKING a 1950 Morris ME- or, parts reasonable. TU. 4-4017. c1w30 EMPLOYMENT WANTED XXX X XXX X XXX WHO ELSE WANTS A NEW CAR! USED CARS FOR SALE xxxx x x xxxx BUY IT NOW WITH A LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED FOR SALE DRESSMAKING DESIGNING ALTERATIONS TU. 4-4670 XXX THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA (Continued) xxxxxxxx ixxx LOAN c2w30 c2w29 c1w30 WAITRESS wanted. Apply at ‘Pops Restaurant. 194 Yonge St. IN†Richmond Hill. tfc30 WILL CARE for two or three :hildren, any age, in my own home. Fenced-i2- "ard. AV. 5- 5623. c1w30 ‘to sell new and used cars for lnewly appointed Chrysler- Plymouth Dealer. Excellent com- mission and car supplied. Call Manager 285-4853 for appointa ment. c1w301 DAIRY QUEEN requires 2 ladies, full time for business opening March 1. TU. 4-7701. c2w29 SHOEMAKER and woman with some experience to work in small shoe factory. Steady em- ployment. TU. 4-7861 or 884- 4716. c1w30 PART TIME secretarial position For Thornhill United Church, work involves typing, ï¬ling & answering telephone. Hours in- clude Monday, Tuesday and Wesdnesday mornings, all day Thursday and Friday. Maximum salary $2,000 a year. Write or call AV. 5-2131. c1w30 SECRETARY EXPERIENCED secretary re- quired for general secretarial duties which include record- keeping and some bookkeeping. Shorthand and typing are es- sential. HOUSEKEEPER. efficient. live in, good salary. Time 011'. King. Phone collect after 5 pm. Nob- leton 859-3806. c1w30 ONE HOUSEKEEPER, one prac- tical nurse and helpers part time and full time. Nursing Home, TU. (-2651 after six p.m. tfc14 TATIVE CALL ON YOU? We may need someone in your neighborhood. No obligation. Write Miss Ziegler, Box 141. Guelph. c1w30 EXPERIENCED hairdresser. 5 day week. Good working condi- tions. M. Sellwood's Salon, Map- le Plaza, 257-2590. tfc29 YOUNG MAN for plastic fabri- cating plant, mechanically ln- clined. Steady employment. AV. 5-2613 from 8 am. to 5 pm. FEMALE CLERK required for local banking office. Previous experience preferred but not essential. Write Box No. 103 “The Liberal". clw30 DOES AN AVON REPRESEN- OPENINGS for two real estate salesmen, one resident of Thornhill or Richvale, for gen- eral sales and one man for farms and acreage as well as homes. Experience preferred, but not essential. References necessary. Apply to S. J. Car- lisle, AV. 5-1176, residence AV. 5-2742. David McLean Ltd., Realtors. c2w29 HOUSECLEANING woiian: AV. 5-3036. c1w30 SALESMAN for established bread route. A guaranteed wage. Phone 244-3571. c1w30 BOOKKEEPER wanted for lum- ber yard. Please state experi- ence and salary requirements. Write Box 104 The Liberal. I WANT to hire a man to work with me. I will teach him all I know about my business. I will pay the right man more than he is worth to start and exactly what he is worth miter that. I expect no capital investmth but only honest, intelligent ef- fort. We don’t work a forty hour week but we don't punch clocks either. If you are a high school gradur ate. 25 years old or better and have a sense of responsibility â€" you may be the man I’m look- ing for, so write to Box 100 The Liberal. and I guarantee a reply. c1w30 EARN $25 on your day off. Write Box No. 89 The Liberal. c4w28 E X T R A M O N E Y WANT A NEW DRESS? NEED SOMETHING FOR THE HOUSE? We need two ladies in the Rich- mond Hill area. They must be neat in appear- ance and able to talk to people. They must be able to devote 10 to 15 hours per week to this position. The position will be interview- ing people in your general area. Compensation will be most re- warding for those who qualify. Phone collect. person-to-person, MR. WILLIAMS EM. 6-6072, TORONTO MOTHERLY care given to chil- dren, any age. TU. 4-4267. DAY or weekly care available for children. PR. 3-5935. clw30 YOUNG MOTHER will give day care in own home to one or two children any age. TU. +5763. c2w30 HELP WANTED THE BURSAR ST. ANDREW’S COLLEGE AURORA, ONTARIO SALESMAN WANTED PLEASE GIVE FULL PARTICULARS IN WRITING T0: DAY CARE c2w30 c1w30 c1w30 c1w30 c1w30 J"HN'S washer and appliance repairs. TU. 4-2615. tfc50 CO. LTD. Pumrp equipment installed and serviced. George Adams, Box 192, King City. Phone King TE. 3-6321. tfc13 CALL us for your sand, gravel, ï¬ll. top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple, ALpine 7-8876‘ th7 CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRA )TORS Building, alterations & repairs, prompt service. PAINTING, paperï¬anging. Free estimates. Colour samples. A Rollinson. TE. 3-6671. tfc15 SiEf’VTiC’ tanks pli’mpied. 24 hour service. C. Bums. PR. 3-5085. SAND ANDVGTIAVEIL, icrushed stone, loam and ï¬ll. E. Charity, Richmond Hill. TU. 4-170; MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework. Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard, 148 Yonge St. 5.. Richmond Hill, phone TU. 4- 5688. tfc23 EARPENTRY WORK, additions, renovations, garages. recreation rooms, tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price. AV. 5-3653. tfc28 SPECIAL Chesterï¬eld sets recovered â€"- 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de- sired A. Smith, Upholstery, phone AV. 5-1682. tfc43 KING CITY WELL'hm’L’LING Tile-beds cleaned. Fast. clean modern service. C. STUNDEN TU. 4-1245 Richn Contracts invited. AV. 5-3958. tfc22 285-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting. paper-hanging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. TU. 4-7902. MAHOGANY PLYWOOD V grooved 3/16". Cash and car- ry price 4 by 7 $3.36, 4 by 8 $3.84 per- sheet. Butler 8: Baird Lumber Ltd., 191 Yonge St. N. tfc13 MISCELLANEW '5 Driveways. parking lots, etc‘ C. L. Knappett, TU. 4-3089. CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell. AV. 5-2526. tfc15 FLOOR TILING Rec. rooms, kitchens, entries, bathrooms. Also ceramic wall tile. Free estimates. AV. 5-1960. tfc20 Kitchens remodelled, bed-room and bathroom vanities, stereo, hi-ï¬, china cabinets. Free estim- ates. Morris Harrison, TU. 4- 2838. tfc15 Drains, septic ta of concrete work CHESTERFIELD suites, and chrome chairs recovered and rebuilt, at a reasonable price. No job too small. Free estim- ates. Murray Upholstery. AV. 5-4767. tfc51 UPHOLSTERY Recovering and repairing of any kind of furniture. Experienced on Scandinavian furniture. Free estimates. Reasonable prices. Call anytime. TU. 4-4813 resi- dence, business. AV. 5-5345. The only AUTOMATIC Propane Gas Service from New Bruns- wick to Manitoba. For informa- tion call AV. 5â€"1145. tfc28 SUPERIOR PROPANE LTD. PROPANE GAS & APPLIANCES TELEVISION REPAIRS ,. Fast Service 2. Free courtesy T.V. :. Free repair estimate. ‘z. Counter service. HERRIDGE ELECTRIC TV APPLIANCES Wiring, Sales. Repairs, Parts, Rentals 40 Levendale Road South Block Richmond Heights Centre TU. 4-3211 All Hours SOUND Hi-Fi - Stereo Dance Entertainment PA Service Indoor - Outdoor - Mobile METRO MUSIC SERVICES 884-7287 WALKER]; MITCHELL AV. 5-2526 PAINTING & PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD. James D. Stewart TU. 4-2201 LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS TU. («1105 CUSTOM CARPENTRY SNOW PLOWING SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $20-$25 SNOWPLOWING PAYNE tanks. All types Richmond Hill c1w30 tic43 tfc31 tfc40 tic-'14 ï¬czmdress tfc28 WENMAR APARTMENTS IN RICHMOND HILL ’5 COLBOURNE AVE. 1 and 2 bedroom apartments -â€" pool elevators, FM music, large balconies. intercom, parking. TV outlet. AV. 5-2303. tfc27 tfc8 Lfc4 tfc8 David McLean Ltd. 'R’ealtor's, TU. 4-3805. c1w30 4 ROOMS, unfurnished and bathroom. private. AV. 5-1966. tfc27 2 LARGE rooms self-contaiFeâ€"d basement apartment. 884-2758. c1w30 HOUSES FOR RENT, $90 up BED SI'I'I‘ING ROOM, kitchen and bath unfurnished. Finch Avenue W. 225-2509. c1w30 Floor sanders, saws and drills. Hand sanders. jig-saWS and nail drivers. AV. 5-1109. tfc21 MODERN basement apartment. electrically equipped, $100.00 monthly. 36 Church St. S. PA. 7-5319. tfc23 SMALL house at El-gin Mills 2 BEDROOM apartment, self- contained, February 1, $85 monthly. 122 Markham Road, TU. 4-1853. TU. 4-3527. c1w30 THORNHILL, large 3-bedroom bungalow, 2 baths, ï¬replace, 2- car garage, ï¬nished rec. AV. 5- 5013. c1w30 FLAT for rent, 163 No. 7 High- way East. Phone AV. 5-4551. bathroom, furnace, $70 monthly. TU. 4-2708. c1w30 LARGE upstairs furnished room, with deep cupboards, central, parking. TU. 4-1547. SHOPS FOR LEASE Thornhill area. Small shops, 450 to 1800 sq. ft, 550 power avail- able. AV. 5-1578. tfc29 3 BEDROOM brick bungalow, Crosby and Bayview, decorate to suit. Available 1st February. BA. 1-0384. *1w30 ELGIN STREET COTTAGE Delightful one room home, E1- gin Street. Thomhill, fully fur- nished, available March 1-Sep- tember 1. AV. 5-1853. c2w29 BACHELOR APKRTFMENT $65 Yonge St S., bright self-con- tained apartment suit one busi- ness woman. Mr. Shields, TU. 4-3805, TU. 4-1893. c1w30 HOUSE. two bedrooms, all con- veniences. King Road. Oak Rid- ges. PR. 3-5305. c1w30 THORNHILL Warm room. private home par- king. Call after 5. AV. 5-4115. c1w30 $10 FURNISHED room, quiet home, close to Yonge, abstain- ers. business people. References required. TU. 4-1777. tch9 ATTRACTIVE 1 bedroom dup- lex, surrounded by trees, heat- ed garage. complete privacy. 71 Trench. TU. 4-2149. tfc30 3 ROOM apartment, separate en- trance, cupboards. washing fac- ilities, parking. Suitable young business couple. AV. 5-2731. LARGE modern 2 bedroom ap- artment, refrigerator and stove, water softener, excellent value. Minute to Yonge and shopping. 50 Benson Ave., TU. 4-3581. tfc26 Bright, heated store, private washroom and parking. Also larger store $85.00. Mr. Shields. TU 4-3805, TU 4-1893. c1w30 SELFâ€"CONTAINED E-room ap- artment at bus stop, suitable for couple, reasonable rent. 14 Arnold St. or call RU. 3-6229. c4w28 KEELE ST., Maple, 3 room ap- artment, oil heated, 3-piece bath, private entrance, AL. ’7- 1410. *1w30 5 ROOM bungalowpall convenl iences. pdgsession an or before‘ March lst. References, Rich- vale area. Box 101 The Liberal. clw30 15,500, 1% storey, _attached garage, ï¬replace, 535% mort- gage, west side. Call TU. 4-2330. *1w28 OFFICE SPACE heated, reason- able rent. For Doctors, Dentists, Lawyers, Insurance Agents, etc. Phone 677-2712 or 296-1422. LARGE, well-furnished room, cooking facilities, 16 Lorne, lst house east of Clarke's Drug Store at Yonge; also large room to share with gentleman. *2w30 ONE BEDROOM apartment in triplex at 148 Lucas St. For in- formation call Toronto 532-0013 after 5 pm. or at the above ad- from $10.00 a month. delivery and pick-up. Richmond Hill TV, 34 Yonge S. TU. 4-7456 AV. 5-3756 tfc28 ONE OR TWO bedroom apart- ments, 102 Markham Rd. Cal] Mr. Dosman, TU. 4-7243 or Sam Sorbara Real Estate. RU. 3-6156. c4w29 $14,950 - 6 ROOM rancher, low down payment, with NHA mort- gage, carries for $85, Close to schools. shopping etc. Call AV. 5-2951. T. Murphy, Broker. c1w29 TOOLS TO RENT Cement mixers, floor sanders and edgers, ramset guns, roto- tillers, rotovators, also 500 other tools. Willowdale Rental & Sales. 6026 Yonge St., BA. 1- 1711. tfc42 YONGE ST. STORE $65 RENT A TELEVISION TOOLS FOR RENT SELL 0R RENT TO RENT c1w30 clw30 c4vw30 tfc29 tfc30 ment. Three entrance and FURNISHED 257-2522. WALK OUT BUNGALOW. three bedrooms. clean. decorated. Storms and screens. Vacant, $90.00 per month. TU. 4-3647. c3w28 BASEMENT apartment. $65 monthly. 148 Lucas Street, Richmond Hill: Includes heat and water. 884-7712. c1w30 MARKHAM village. 5 room equipped Duplex. Heat and light, close to shopping, trans- portation and schools. 294-1626 after ï¬ve. c1w30 Do you have a drinking pix-6b; lem? If so AA can help. Box 16, “The Liberal". tfc30 ATTRACTIVE 1 bedroom dup- plex, surrounded by trees. heat- ed garage, privacy. $85. Single woman or couple. TU. 4-2149. tfc28 GEORGE'S ï¬sh huts - Lake Slmcoe, near Stroud. Phone Stroud 32R24. Weekends $2.50 per man, Workdlays $2.00 per man. nc4w30 If owner of John Deere front end loader bucket No. 11-21 left at 254 Weldri-ck Road, Rich- mond Hill, on Thursday, No- vember 21, 1961 as security for repair bill, does not redeem bucket by March lst, 1963, same will be sold. c3w29 RICHMOND HILL 50 Elmdale Court, extra large 2-bedroom duplex $115~lower, $120-upper. Ideal location for children. One month free rent. Please call Mr. Von Althen, 884-2326. Mr. Devlne, EM. 2-6161. The Canada Trust Company. FUNDS available for 1st and 2nd mortgages. E. T. Stephens Investments Ltd., AV. 5-3785. MONEY avariIEVbTer for good ï¬rst and second mortgages, reason- able rates. Med-cot, Lawlor and Le Claire. TU. 4-4413. tfc2 David McLean Ltd. need more properties for waiting clients. Houses, farms, acreage and country estates wanted immed- iately. Our success down through the years assures ser- vice with conï¬dence. 20 Experienced salesmen to asâ€" sist you. 2 Big busy area offices. Free valuation and consultation without obligation. Call AV. 5-1176 or TU. 4-3805. David McLean Ltd. Realtors. c5w29 IS'I‘ AND 2ND mortgage money available on all properties, frame, insul, block and brick. No hidden bonuses, low rates, longest terms. M. C. Beber Ltd., 21 Dundas Square, Toronto, call Mt. Clemens Em. 3-6251, we pay the charge, member of Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association. tic30 A 5 OR 6 ROOM home in Thornhill area with about $2,500 down payment. David Davies, Realtor. AV. 5-1396. c2w29 We are nearly sold out of prop- erties, houses, lots, acreage. farms, businesses. gas stations. Buyers waiting, some with cash. others with good down pay- ment. Prompt efficient service. Nine salesmen to serve you. 25 years Real Estate experience. HERB SILLS LTD. Members of Toronto Real Es- tate Board AT. 8-1143 Woodbridge LOT WANTED in Richvale, or house needing repairs on good sized lot. AV. 5-3679. c1w30 HOUSES wanted for sale rent. Call AV. 5-2951. T. phy, Broker. for aggressive young man TU- 4-7975- c3w28 22-30 years of age WILL give experienced care to children by day or hour. TU. . . With 4-7364. tfc29 natlon-Wlde sales ï¬nance m °°mPanY SERVICE Banking, credit, insurance Experienced baby-sitters, home- sales or university lmaker’s service and day work. Call day or night. TU. 4-7253. backgrounds are assets INDUSTRIAL ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION LTD. 87 YONGE STREET N., RICHMOND HILL CHALLENGING POSITION AVAILABLE REAL ESTATE WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED PROPERTIES WANTED APPLY 0R WRITE MORTGAGES PERSONAL TO RENT (Continued) rooms. separate bath, AV. 5â€"2962. tfc30 basement apart- rooms to rent. tfc28 or to Mur- tfc27 tfc12 tfclO tfc28 $2,000 DOWN, 3 blocks to Yonge, Richmond Hill. 3 bed- room brick home, ï¬nished rec- reation room. only $13,900. One mortgage carries $75 monthly. David McLea-n Ltd., TUA 3805. c1w30 MOST HOMES ARE LISTED WITH DAVID McLEAN LTD. “€28 $11,900 - detached 6-room bun- galow. near Levendale Plaza, Low down payment. $18,500 - 8 ROOMS, 2 baths. large bedroom with bath en suite on main floor. living room. dining room. kitchen, 3 bed- rooms, bath, kitchen facilities on second floor. TU. 4-5759. TRANSPORTATION w a n t e d from Maple to arrive at Queen and Yonge at 9 am. Returning 4.30 or 5 pm. AL 7-1106. c3w28 PRIVATE SALE $900 down. 6% N.H.A. mort- gage. Six room bungalow, 1% bathrooms, storms and screens. patio and outside storage area. Full Price $13,900. TU. 4-5473. 184’ frontage, zoned industrial. Suitable for small business or factory with modem bungalow built at one end of lot. For ap- pointment to view, call TU. 4- 3757. tfc29 is well iandscaped with shrubs and trees. Generous terms. $18,300 AURORA. Your grow- ing family will love this new luxury home ideally located in a nice mature district of town. Exceptionally well planned on four levels, this beauty feat- ures four bedrooms, two baths, large L shaped living and dln- mg room area, up to the min- ute styling in the kitchen, oil heating, storms and screens, at- tached garage. Excellent terms available. TRANSPORTATION required from Carrville Roa'd and Yonge to Front and Yonge. Arriving 9 a.m., leaving 5 pm. AV. 5â€"4129. c1w30 $2,700 down full price $11,900. Semi-detached, 3 bedroom bun- galow, storms and screens throughout. For appointment, TU. 4-4803 after 6.30 pm. c2w30 PRIVATE SALE 5% NHA mortgage. 3 bedroom house, landscaped. many extras, 5 minutes from Richmond Heights Plaza, TU. 4-3420. Make offer. c1w30 PRIVATE SALE 3 bedroom brick bungalow, 4-1 piece tile bath group, large liv- ing and dining room combined, kitchen and kitchen nook, forc- ed air oil heating, full basement. Reduced to sell. Call TW. 5-4933. c1w30 WHY PAY RENT $85.00 montth pays interest, principal and taxes. 6 room brick bungalow, fully serviced 50' lot, paved drive, 30’ recre- ation room, 5% NHA. Price $12,700, Call Mr. Keï¬'er. AV. 5- $13,900 AURORA. Here is an outstanding brick gem situated in the most preferred older area of town. Many ï¬ne featur- es will appeal to you including two bedrooms on main floor, separate dining room, four piece bath, step saving kitchen, well planned living room, oil heating, plus an extra two bed- rooms upstaii‘s. The spacious lot W. R. CASE REAL ESTATE 96 Yonge St. 5., Aurora PA_ 7-4288 WA. 1-1691 USED FURNITURE WANTED -â€" pianos and used furniture. Cash prices paid. Call Frank's Movers and Storage. TU. 4-2613. AV. 5-5101. tfc7 CENTRAL AURORA Duplex with over $1,600 income yearly, corner lot, close to schools and Yonge Street. Al- ways rented. Only $13,000, with $2,000 down. Balance on easy terms. A real investment. EARL V. STEWART Real Estate Broker 21 Yonge St. N., Aurora PA. 7-9413 c1w30 all many extras free. Will be vacant in a few days for immed- iate possession. Call Mr. Fleck. AV. 5-3816. FLECK & KEFFER REALTOR WILLWGIVEireHable day care. TU. 4-7975. C3W28 3816. Residence AV. 5-2315 $14,900 down. will handle this 2 year old NHA bungalow, only two years old, better than new condition, because it is spotless and you are getting more than SUMP PUMP; mlist be in good condition, AV. 5-2456 evenings. *1w30 BABY SITTING REAL ESTATE FOR SALE TRANSFERRED TO GALT Transportation CITY Pï¬ONE AREA RICHMOND HILL SACRIFICE SALE WANTED c4w28 c1w30 c1w30 $11,900 â€" 6 ROOM 2 storey frame home. with garage. locat- ed in Richmond Hill, 1/2 block to Yonge St. Telephone Mrs. D. Carter, AV. 5-1905. J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS, REALTORS Your present dwelling for a luxury home in beautiful Rose- mar Gardens (west of Yonge), Richmond Hill. No ugly hydro poles. All underground wiring. choice of 10 different plans. For appointment phone TU. 4-3757. tfc22 NORM BLACK REALTY LTD. Only $13,900 â€" 3 bedroom solid brick bungalow with garage, ex- tra large, landscaped and fen- ced lot, panelled recreation room, ï¬nished laundry room, low cost oil heat. 51/2970 N.H.A. mortgage carries $90. monthly including Taxes. $990 DOWN â€" $13,900 Spotless 6 room brick bungalow with ï¬nished recreation room. Paved drive, aluminum storms, steps to separate and public schools and plaza. Owner has bought. Will give immediate possession. OWNER TRANSFERRED Sacriï¬ces sparkling 6 room‘ brick bungalow, only $11,100 full price. Carries $89.00 mon- thly with taxes. Included are al- uminum storms and screens, drapes and tracks, paved drive. fully fenced lot, many other extras. For low cost living, see this attractive home now. NORM BLACK REALTY LTD TU. 4-2393 AV. 5-3892 SIMPSUN’S DRYGUODS‘ REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1 12'Yonge St. S. ONE BLOCK ".‘0 YONGE PLUS A 3 DAY SPECIAL On First Quality Seamless Mesh Nylons Reg.$l.l9 Special 44c pair ANNUAL- TRADE IN (continued) c1w30 SMALL 2 bedroom bungalow for business-woman and mother, LTD. quiet reliable tenants. Near Yonge St. bus. Thornh-ill or North Willowdale. Telephone c1w3oievenings only, LE. 6-2981. c3w29 BABY Budgies for sale. TU. 4- 7346. c3w29 PUREBRED Weimaraner pups. $35 to $50. PR. 3-5237. c1w30 FREE to good home, mil} dog; 9 months, trained and good with children. 884-7049. c1w30 COCKER SPANIEL, blondé-fé: male. registered, 12 weeks old, $50. Call TU. 4-3790 after 6 pm. c1w30 LOT 50' by 120', busy Danforth location, Toronto. Full price, $25,000. Terms. Apply Kar Mart Fina, Yonge St., at Har- ding Boulevard. TU. 4-4372. NURSERY SCHOOL Willow Nursery School, private. licensed, from 8 am. to 6 pm. Limited number only. Individual attention. age from 3 years, transportation available. Phone for appointment. Wlllowdale 221-2164 Parkview Ave. at Yonge Street. 2 blocks south of Northtown Plaza. tfc30 LOTS FOR SALE RUMBLE EQUIPMENT Massey-Ferguson Sales â€"- Parts â€" Service GORMLEY at the C.N.R. cross- ing. Bus. phone 886â€"5851; Res., TU. 4-2577. tfc30 SATURDAY art classes for children, 10 years and under. Mrs. Blaney, 30 Arnold St.. TU. 4-3270. c1w30 LADIES’ and c’hildi‘gn, expert dressmaking and alterations. AV. 5-4726. c1w30 | Farm Implements WANTED TO RENT, garage. for about two months, to do some repairs. 884-5870. clw30 PETS FOR SALE DRESSMAKING Nursery School Richmond Hill WANTED TO RENT TUITION c1w30