Organizational Meeting “Life In The Hill" Will Be Found On Page II An enthusiastic group of mittee to get the flcrlgiin; almost 70 politicallyâ€"minded organization underway - .\l:~- young adults gathered in the Sheila Allen. Ricbvalc: All“ Legion Hall. Aurora. last lieathcr Chapman. Aurora; Friday and elected a York Donald Christian .lr .‘.cwâ€" North Young Liberal Associâ€" market; Norman Alexander. ation executive. Previously. Ricbvalc; Edward .I. Paquet. the riding has not had a Sharon: and William Kerriâ€" gan. Maple. Mr. Alexander was elected chairman of the group and Sheila Allen was elected se '- retary. Every major centre in the riding was represent- ed at the inaugural liiPt‘llli: Young Liberals group. L’n- der the chairmanship of .iobii Neufeld of Maple. pre-~ sident of the York .V'orth Li- beral Association. the followâ€" ing were nominated to form an executive steering com- tIBERAt-ACtASSIFlEDS-GetResultsJUA-IIOS ‘Annual Meeting Hears Home Chief's Report Choice Location on No. 11 Highway, ' , ‘ Numbers of children living Also attending were Principal north 0f Ru'hmond fin the Loyal True Blue and \V. Porter of Maurice (‘ody ' ' 7 Orange Home dropped to 52 School. 'l‘oronto. Recreation Dirâ€" Bulldlng ')0 60’ .by the end of 1962. according ector Mrs. .ieaii Thomson of .to a report submitted by adminviRicbmond Hill. and Rev. J. F. tistrator Crawford Beatty at the‘O‘Neil of St. Mary‘s Anglican lannual meeting of the board of‘Churcb. 'directors. held Saturday. Youngsters , .iattend Sunday intluded in the total of 52|Mary.5- are 33 bOVs and 19 girls. Mru - - . - . . ‘ . - . . . Among the building pioiects .Beatty icpmted. Nine childientf in 1962 were me re“ .are in the school's nursery. ‘ ""5th l The board‘s annual luneheoniplam' landscaping of the from with parking lot. Will lend itself to various businesses. Harry Pridham home at St. from the School meeting- and division of the senior dor- Gucsts were Richmond Hill.mitory into roomcttes Mayor William Neal and Mrs. Residents of the home are Neal. Dr. J. R. Johnson of Rich-tchildren from broken homes 'mond Mill and President Peter and not orphans. Mr. Realty Pfenning of the Richmond Hill reported increasing suceess in .laycees. re-uniting families. 7 ‘Report Membership Up 16 Per Cent At Church Philip Barth presided at theiReid Williamson. Peter F. Pet- ï¬rst. annual business meeting‘ersen was elected to a twoâ€"year of St. Paul's Lutheran Church‘tei'm. February 3 held in St. Mat-i Tbe1963 Church Council will lthew‘s United Church. Crosbyibe installed during Sunday's lAvenue. worship service at 11 am. in HERBERT WANTED TO SELL Hts i BUSINESS... WANTED To Reports were received from’the Walter Scott School. BUY A congregational officers, commit“ Other members of the coun- BusiNgsg.., itees and organizations. cit are Philip Barth. Philip Elected to threeâ€"year terms‘Limrpert. Harold Melsness. Jo- lon the Church Council were Ai-iseph Miller. Victor Solich and belt Harvey. Ross Percival andiPastor Albert Myers. i The new council will hold its ‘inautgurai meeting this Sunday ' at 7 pm. It will elect the of- A Actloiniï¬cers of the congregation and I tannounce committee appoint- NEWSPAPER t w ‘ ~~ ‘ . , .ments. CLASSIFIED {O« ‘ Many of the active adult AD QOLVED . n S e membership of the congregat- ion enjoyed a turkey and ham .buffet dinner before the annual eimeeting. Pastor Myers called the excellent attendance "a sign 1 An increase in the license fee.Of the great 5PM? Of 0111‘ C0“- lfrom $30 to $125 for refresh-tgregaï¬on-n zmerit vehicles calling on com-iI The paSl-O" report“ briefly .mercial establishments in Rich,:on his activities the service mend Hill was termed udis_.of the congregation. He noted BOTH PROBLEMS! 3For Lower Fe Whether it's a restaurant or a saxophone . . . whether you're seeking or selling, the Classiï¬ed pages of this newspaper con helpqei results FAST! This modern market place for oï¬trings of all kind: is seen by 1;; thousands of reodersl\« Phone iodoyl “The ltiberol" ‘the membership of the church. Lcd before council Monday night!He rqurtEd "earl-V 1'650 pas' :toral ViSits made in homes. hos- ‘to protest the increase. . . .. At an earlier meeting in Jan-ipltals and “me-‘- An amendment to the congre- uary council agreed to boostt , ' ‘ I the fee after hearing recom_igations constitution was passed unanimously to set forth pro- imcndations from its police com-i IJohn Zakarow when he appear- 33 ' . r _ 'I _ V ‘ mmee that a 200 rate befcedures and rules govei‘nins' the ‘Home Papei of this District Since 1878" charged. 3 Sunday School. Dr. HZmid it Mr. Zakamw said the charge Melsness. chairman of the was out of line for the populg lation and cited' Aurora \vholreportEd a year'ehd enmlmem lCllal‘ge $10. Newmarket who asklof 3m . $50 and Toronto where it ranges; The 1963 congregational bud- from $75 to 5123 Set. adopted at Sunday’s meet- i’ The operator charged boost would put owners out oftcom" l0 benel'OIPHCP “‘m‘k 01' ‘business and blamed complaintslthe Lutheran Church throughâ€" lfrom local eating establishments'm" the “WM 'for council’s action. 1 Mayor William Neal denied C .| the accusation and told the op- erator that $30 was too small la business tax. He said this i Richmond iliil Council Alon- ‘day night approved transfer of ‘the town's garbage contract iwas the only reason for the .from Buchanan Cai‘tage lhike. Council took no action on the of Aurora. to,\'ork Sanitation Ltd.. of Newmarket. operator‘s plea for reconsider- W. H. C. Bailey appearing on 'ation of its earlier decision. behalf of J. M. McCaï¬cry and T'U. 4-1105 { AV. 5-3316 N75 Alterations? ‘ Additions? Repairs? company. told council there will be no changes in collection ser- \ice as outlined in the contract. it expires December 31 of this year. It '6 it i I Reeve Floyd Perkins appeal. led to property owners to keep 'their sidewalks clear of snow ,durlng this weather. He said older citizens and mothers with children have a hard time walking if \t'alks are not kept clear. 1 An 1877 bylaw last amended in 1915 requires householders .to keep the front of their prem- ises clear of snow and debris. I s Ii at n Go ahead now with the help Of a Royal Bank ' HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN , @ Your nearest"Royal" branch is ready to help yoncart'y :3‘ 19351 f0U" mef‘lllllï¬ 3 Mar out your plans to increase the comfort and value of of all municipal department your home. {heads was pa>>Cd on to the ad- Fmancc the cost of that new roof or extra room â€"- 3- ministration and prorcdut c ~ modernized kitchen or bathroom â€" a new heating 01’ .committee (or study. electrical system the convenient Royal Bank way. Drop Both Mat m- “111mm ym- . .3 in and see us. or ask for a copy of Our Home lml’mw‘ Reeve Perkins could see '1‘ ‘ 1c mentLoms bOOl‘ilCL i\alue from >ll(‘ll meetings but DONT WAIT FOR SPRING â€" no fr .132! Eboth agreed to wait for a report tirom the t'OmmlllCt‘ SOMETHING TO SFLI TR 1' A "LIBERAL" CLASSIFIED TC. 4-1105 ROYAL BAN K ‘their placement of the refrigerationTownship “'35 held in mnnemio" Wilh the‘lawn. completion of neyv'ofiit't‘swmother Mrs. W. Wellman. his _'.criminatory and prohibitive†by}an increase or 16 Per "9m inn lC‘hristian Education Committee: the ing. devoted one-sixth of its in-‘ R. E. Stackhouse. owners of the‘ N. Alexander Heads Young Liberals \li' tir’ili 'lcri; \\'ri:ht. presi- of the Ontario Young l.ib( rals \ssriciation. told the pump that there are ntim°i‘- ous llillli\ .-. \‘oun: Liberal can do durin; and between el- f‘i'illllh it" he or she is interâ€" ested li| iiiauitaiiiing a stable governmental system in Can- ada He said that being a Young Liberal could be a lot of fun as well as Eiviitfl young people a real opporâ€" tunity to help their country I‘LR. 1!. (iormley ’l‘weiity-tiic yeais ago on Fcb- sons Peter and John. Pétoi‘ ibl HEADFORD NEWS ‘ Mrs. Loren Guild and ham . voice in national and provincial matters. .\lr .lohri A. Addison. can- didate for nomination as fe- ' deral Liberal standard bear- or in York North. tote! the group at the meeting some of the things he felt would e- merge as issues in the forth- coming election. He com- merited that it would be a bad thing for Canada ‘ if anti-Americanism became an issue. ‘ Phone TU. 4-3040 ruary lo. Leonard Wellman and president of the Alliston Juniorl \1abel Walker were married in Farmers. Weston, 'l'lie anniversary of this happy at their home in ata hospitality dinner. Among the guests were theicombined groups bride andlmore than Harryiwas completed with a dance at Walker. nee Dorothy KeiIeF.tSllal‘0l1Hall. of the and attendants groom. M r. Mrs. immediate members of both families came from iiigcrsoll. Barrie. ()rillia and Markham Local guests were Leonard‘s throthers. :\lan of Sutton; Mel- vm. llcadiord. and their wives. and sister Ruth. Mrs. lzaac Rea-i- lman and her husband of Langâ€". istati’ and uncle. George Barker and Mrs. Barker. l'icadford. Elisabeth and Charles Barker. _\vere the guests of Brenda and‘ ll’aul \Veilman while their par- ‘eiits attended the anniversary. l ‘Students Take Over ‘_ v Students from Emmanuel Col-l liege occupied the pulpits of thel L‘nited churches in York Pres-i "bytery the morning of Februâ€" ary 10. " R. D. Rice. B..-\.. third year{ theology student. was the speak-5 'cr at l'leadford. K. Deer. B.A..3 ‘studcnt minister in the charge! conducted the service. assisted; by a classmate. H. Klaassen. B.A.l Mr. Rice used for his text.l "By What. Authority?" His weiil organized subject and his witâ€"I iness was a testimony of his be-‘. lief. ‘ \“Jcsus." lie said. “can be 'proved by history. He is an his- torical person. He can be proved by the personal experience of ‘belicvers and by the testimony 'Of the ages." l Mr. Rice said that the moral ’truths that Jesus taught have ibeeii valid through every era‘ tan-d ‘rem'ain‘ lthe supreme sanity. iin today‘s complex society. 3 Sharon Rumble is convalesc- jing at home after an appendec- itomy. A severe cold added to :her discomfort and she con- lsiders the whole operation a lpoor way to enjoy a rest. a Congratulations to the twins. Gloria and Gordon Lee. on their l9tb birthday. February 26. En- ‘joy this year, Lad and Lassie. ‘because it won't happen to yott| .again. Nine out of 10. we say.l and then it is done. Nine is at lpopular number. ' Long ago when one wanted to tell of something awesome one would say. “as terrible as a nineâ€"eyed eel. a good ï¬ghteri fought like a nine-tailed tiger." “People who escape all sorts: of trouble are compared to cats with nine lives, and when you dress in your best bib and tucker you are dressed to the. nines." So you see that nine is a veryi important number. Nevei‘the-‘ less. it will pass like a “nine-; days' wonder" and then you‘. will be 10. l in the bantam series the Ran-‘- Ecrs won over black Hawks 4-0.. iricadford accounted for onel goal. ' The L'nionville Junior Farm- ers Association held their an- nual meeting in Buttonville [lall February -l. Dan Rose of the Department of Agriculture: conducted the elections. The following slate of offir cers was elected; President. Bill Pearson. Markham Township; \ice-prcsideiit. (‘arlisle Boyn- ton. Goriiilcy: secretary. Bob liickson, Aurora: treasurer. Charles Barker. licadiord. ‘ Dates to remember were em- phasized: Junior Farmer Train- ing School. ()i'aiigeville. Feb. 16;{ Guelph Conference. March 8. 9.! it). Delegates to this conici‘encel are .leaii .\lleu and .loan Reesor. Mrs. William Welliiian and \lrs. George Barker accompa- nied Elisabeth Barker when she attended the February meeting of the 'i‘cmperanceville Wo- men‘s institute to show her pic- tures, taken in Great Britain. Elisabeth also showed her pic- tures to the Alliston Junior Farmers and their guests. mem- bers of the ivy Junior Farmers. Before the meeting she en- toycd supper and a visit with .\lr and \lrs. Yaiiderpost and iiii’i’i‘x’KKKKxxxxmxxmx DEPT. OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK l'acts of Life i.i\er. preferably pork ilkt‘i'. nine 3 week is essen- tial ii; aux normal diet, \\ atrn your posture. Poor posture ‘s uzly. fatizumg .{l‘tfl riazi a . to health ,\ui‘.lt:i.t is one of the beat distnict‘tants. it -kills Zt‘lll.\ a~ surely as the .n.~;~;r:t of man-made solâ€" rvyhi F HILL. 31D. )lOH l hXXXXI‘k‘c/AW .is home from school with the .ed Wayne Members from Headtord en-i occasion was celebrated loved the York County Juniori Queensville Farmers when about 40 guests cnjoycdtbroomball buï¬et‘Arena recently. Waterloo Jun-i iors were their guests and thei skating party and game at Queensviilea numbered 100. The evening. "I! (Continued FrOm Page 2! out to you that music is a big deal. a lot bigger than mOst people dare to realize. The music festival moveâ€" ment is doing a great deal for the youth of Canada. So if the kids come home beet- ing aboutthe adjudicator or feeling sad about not win- ning this time don't forget. there's over a quarter of a million other kids in the game and everyone wants to win despite the best inten- tions to keep the thing a matter of ‘pacing each othâ€" er on the road to excel- lence'. Try to remember the- code of the sport when the next time Sweden. or Russia the cleans up on Trail Smoke-Eaters. Richvale News correspondent Mrs. Ann Hewitt 78. 16th Ave. 'l‘U. 4-7645 Cubs and Scouts . First Langstafl Cubs and' Scouts Mothers’ Auxiliary arel holding a meeting at the home of Mrs. Spears and there will be a guest speaker there to talk to the mothers. This will he held Wednesday, February 20. First Langstaff Group Con!- mittee held a meeting on Feb- ruary 13. The dance which was to be held on February 15 has been postponed to a later date. 1st Lan‘gstaif Scouts and Rov- 'ers will be getting new ker- chiefs in the next week or so. Socials ’l‘hornhiil High School bowl- ing league ï¬nished their bowl- .ing on February 9. Miss Jennifer Godsman. daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Godsmln of, Duncan Road is home from the Hospital for Sick Children. Jim Dutbkowski. 16th Avenue. measles. Jim Norris. Birch Street. ll back at school after his car ac- cident. Mr. and Mrs. Deane Clark have moved from their Maple Ave. home to take up residence in Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Ireland re- cently from Willowdale have moved to the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Carragher, who recently moved to Kalamazoo, Michigan. Birthday greetings go out to MiSS Barbara Norris. Birch St. who with seven guests celebrat- ed her ï¬fth birthday on Febru- uary 6. Birthday greetings go to Jtim-‘ my Miller. Westwood Lane. who. was eleven years old on Febru- ary 12. l Corrections on the East Rich-I vale Mixed Bowling League. the‘ night for bowling should have; read Tuesday instead of Thurs-‘ day. East Richvale mixed bowling' ‘team held a Valentine dance on, ‘February 9. ‘ ‘Hockey News 16th Avenue Junior Hockey team defeated Thornlea 3-2. lScoring for 16th Ave. were John. ‘AIcLennan and Donald Hewitt ‘for two. ‘ Ricbvale School hockey team defeated Ross Donn. in the junior house league of Richvale School. Kim Adams" "All Stars‘ defeated Byron Hill‘s. 'Hotshots‘. Senior House league, Harold Moir‘s "Wolves" defeat-I Bardeau‘s ‘Hawks'l and Doug MacLennan‘s ‘Beav- ers . . School News Richvale Home and School is holding a Valentine party on February 18. All of the parents of the school are welcome to attend. AURORA : A petition bearing the names of 25 per cent of re-‘i sidents of Aurora asking for a} \ etc on cocktail lounges and li-' censed dining rooms was pre- , seated to council there recent-l 13/. I g THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. February 147. 1963 5_ .17.. Virginia Chevis Attends Medical Course Attending a 12â€"week iiurses' assistants course at the Canadian Forces Services Training Centre. and Virginia Chevis. it) (right). R. Hughes, live at T Aden Ave. Mrs. C. A. Chevis. live at 180 Weld By W. Ray Stephens Copyright Takes Care of the old When Verdi died in 1901 he set aside a portion of his will. or the royalties from his music. to operate the Gi- useppe Verdi Rest Home for the aged musicians. .\s long Is the copyright existed the portion of royalties went to the support of this institu- tion but when the terms of copyright expired this year (after the Italian government extended it against the copy- right law until now the pu- blishing company of Ricordi no longer could collect mon- ies towards tthe continued support of the rest home. Every time a Verdi opera was performed some of the royalties collected went to the home. So now it is at an MUSIC BOX end but the italian Govern- ment has agreed to set aside about 580.000.00 per year to make up the loss. Verdi is buried on the grounds of the institute. Think of the political hag- gling here in Canada it such a sum were set out to a sim- ilar situation. The minister of defense might not resign but no doubt the govern- ment would be in an uproar unless of course President TELEVISION 1. Fast Service ('amp Borden. are Privates Judy Hughes. 10, Private llughes' parents. Mr. and Mrs. Toronto. Private (‘hevis‘ parents. Mr. and rick Rd. Richvale. REPAIRS Kennedy or Dean Rusk o'ked 2. Free courtesy T.V. it. The Last Laugh An interesting human in- tcrcst story popped out ‘of a youngstcr‘s examination pa- per recently when it was stated that “Bach had a large ' family of 20 children but he still found time to compose.’ 3. Free repair estimate. 4. Counter service. HERRlDGE ELECTRIC TV AND APPLIANCES Sales. repairs. parts. rentals 40 Levendale Road. '1‘L'._ 4-3211 all hours this is your oppOrtunity to hear' ANADA’S BRILLIANT, BDNTRUVERSIAL WOMAN M.P. ‘ ~ MISS JUDY tAMARSH LIBERAL MEMBER FOR NIAGARA FALLS Hear a Woman’s VieWpoint on Current Canadian Aflairs and the Liberal Party’s Plans for the Future ’ FEDERAL ii at the l ERAL ' NOMINATIUN BNVENllN FUR ‘iRK' NORTH A T RICHMOND HILL HIGH SCHOOL AITDITORIUM WRIGHT STREET, RICHh’lOND HILL WEDNESDAY. i‘EBRl‘ARY 20. AT 8 Pall. IIIIZâ€"El’iF‘Zl by “.'b‘ [H LiBLi-TAL. A ‘1 ‘JE -'. .votfl'llAIlDIU