6 levemlule Rd. 'l'll.4-5801 Ledï¬ SIDE BACON lb. 59c ALL STEAKS Guarantee Lowest Prices In Ontario. Just A Fecv Of Our Low Prices AND FOR YOUR HOME FREEZER Quarter of (Cut 8. Wrapped) 49¢ 8 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, February 21, 1963 LAMB lb. 45: Richmond Hill 0 RECREATION ROOMS 0 KITCHEN & BATHROOM MODERNIZING All Kinds of Interior Repairs and Alterations LEVENDALE MEAT MARKET Members of the puppet club of Richmond Hill Library put on a special puppet show Saturday morning. Six children belong to the club and meet weekly under the supervision of Mrs. Fred Israel and Mrs. Maureen Steph- enson. Saturday the children produced two skits, “Mumbo Jumbo†and “Mrs. Maloneâ€. Puppets are hand-made by the youngsters. Holding their cast are, left to right, Teresa Wilson, Glen Brushett, Kevin Kirchin, Dianne Robson and Elizabeth Wilson (kneeling). (Photo by Barbour.) Lean LOW WINTER PRICES a)“ my. lquJ [ow pt/Zces DECIANTIS- RICE LTD. 300 EN FORD RD. Lowest Prices In Town SOUTH BLOCK RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE Free Estimates Showtime With The Puppets MINCED BEEF 33c lb. 3 lbs. 89c AT OUR (SIRLOIN. T-BONE. PORTERHOUSE & ROUND) AV. 5-5881 lb. 55 Blade & Short Rib Roasts Rev. A. E. Myers has extend- ed an invitation to all citizens of Richmond Hill tonight (Thursday) to attend a dinner meeting at seven at Summit- view Garden Restaurant. Jaycees have provided mat- erial, films and speakers for schools, churches and service organizations to increase pub- lic awareness of Brotherhood and Brotherhood Week. Will Not Fill Post Programming and announce- ments on Brotherhood Week haye been provided by CFGM. A sermon on brotherhood was delivered by Rev. Albert E. My- ers, this year's Brotherhood Week Chairman. Richmond Hill Jaycees start- ed observance of Brotherhood Week with a church parade to St. Paul‘s Lutheran Church Sunday. Roderick G. Lewis, clerk of the legislative assembly, said this Week the vacancy left by the death of Arthur Wells would not be filled until the writs are issued prior to the next pro- vincial election. Mr. Wells was provincial re- turning oflicer for York North for six elections. He died January 27 in Bran- son Hospital following an ac- cident on the Maple Sideroad January 10. Jaycees Observe Special Week LEAN Pot Roasts lb. 39c lb. 6 5c Road expenditures in the 7 I 9 township during 1962 were TU-4'3-11 $388,807.61, according to a re- WW Increased cost to the town- ship will be $304.88 for public liability and property damage. $115 for auto fleet and $3 for non-owned vehicles. Insurance brokers for the township's ve- hicles are A. E. Wilson and Company. The finance and general pur- pose committee reported to council that cost of such a study could not be justified by its benefits to the township. The committee had considered sub- missions from KCS Limited and Woods-Gordon Limited. Limits on the township‘s com- prehensive public liability and property damage, auto fleet and nonâ€"owned vehicle policies will be raised from $200,000 to $500,000. Mr. McCarthy will be direct- ed to conduct a survey to find whether or not most of the township’s farmers raising dairy and beef cattle favor continuâ€" ance of the warble fly program after 1963. J. D. McCarthy. RR. 2. Maple, was named by council as the township’s warble fly inspector for 1963. Council authorized Clerk J. M. McDonald to renew the township's membership in the Ontario Association of Urban Rural Municipalities. Also named to the committee were Deputy-Reeve J. A. Bry- son, Councillor G. W. Keffer, C. F. Sowdon, S. Ellis, W. E. Windsor and N. L. Alexander. NHL referee Dalton McAr- thur, who lost out in a bid for trustee for Maple Police Village last fall, was one of seven mem- bers appointed to the Vaughan Township Recreation Committee Monday night. Vaughan Township Council decided Monday night not to hire a firm of management con- sultants to make a salary and job evaluation study. According to a report sub- mitted to the Richmond Hill Public School Board by Super- intendent Gordon McIntyre, 50 per cent will register in that course. Of the remainder, 11 per cent are heading for the five year science. technology and trades course and 10 per cent In spite of the increased em- phasis on vocational training in the York Central High School District, as many Richmond Hill youngsters will register in the five year arts and science course this fall as in all other courses combined. 50% Local Grade 8 Students Plan To Enter Arts And Science Course ' Mr. Bryson’s committee was basing its request on a resolu- tion adopted by the 1962 coun- cil calling for a county plan- ning area to include all of the county which is not included in Metropolitan Toronto. Formation of a planning area for York County came up for ‘discussion at the February 6 sitting of county council, when planning committee chairman, Jesse Bryson, deputy-reeve of Vaughan Township, read his committee’s - recommendation that $15,000 be provided to meet the anticipated expendit- ures for half the current year. Once the petition has been prepared. it will be presented to township clerk J. M. McDon- ald. who will confirm the over 2,200 signatures on it belong to township residents and file it with the Liquor License Ask $15,000, Half Year Backing the vote are several township golf clubs, the Yang- tze Pagoda Restaurant, and Mart Kenney's Ranch. No for- mal “vote yes†organization has been set up. For Planning Committee ‘ “Wets†feel removal of the question of cocktail lounges from the vote and the contin- uing urbanization of the town- ship will combine to give them victory. Vaughan Council Notes In the last liquor vote in the Three township golf courses township March 19. 1960, the have acquired dining lounge "was" failed to secure the re_11censes under a section of the quired 60 per cent in favor of “9"†‘License ACt WhiCh per- government liquor Stores, din_ mItS prlvate Clubs to obtain ing lounges and cocktail loung- “"095 after havmg sen/Ed es_ meals for three years. Names of 25 per cent of the township's eligible voters must be included in the petition. Eric Anderson, spokesman for the township's “wetsâ€, re- vealed his group hopes to have the petition completed within the next few days. Vaughan Township residents Board will have a chance to vote for Fina or against dining lounges and enact government liquor stores some- plebis: time this spring, “The Liberal" quor ( learned early this week. vears “Wets†Will Try Again To Get Liquor Lounges Budget estimate for the first year of operation of Vw."V‘VVVVVVVIV,VVVVVVVVV Over 100 trustees from the 250 boards in the zone.‘which includes Metropolitan Toronto and extends east to Peterboro and north to Orillia, are ex- pected to attend the confer- ence. Richmond Hill Public School Board will play host to the zone conference of the Ontario Urban and Rural School Trust- ees Association at Bayview Se- condary School next Wednes- day afternoon and evening. \ Guest speaker will be the deputy minister of education. The Richmond Hill board will introduce a mo- tion calling for the pro- vince to pay the whole cost of courses for emotionally disturbed children during the evening session. Afternoon part of the pro- gram will be devoted to new trustees. It will outline their duties and provide a question and answer period. Frigidaire Bayview School Conference Site Council authorized Reeve Al- bert Rutherford and Clerk J. M. McDonald to sign a petition ask- ing the Department of High- ways to pay their usual subsidy. port received by council froni its road committee. ‘ The four year business and commercial course will absorb 12 per cent of next year’s grade niners while 10 per cent will enter the four year science, technology and trades course. occupations course Seven per cent of the stu- dents will enter the two-year for the five year business and commercial course. Thus. 71 per cent plan to enter five year courses. Less than 25 per cent of the total grade nine enrol- ment now reaches Grade 13. Deputy-reeve Caroline Ion of Newmarket said that money a]- loted for planning would be used only for whatever purpose the couï¬ty authorized Deputy-reeve Charles Hoopâ€" er of Markham Township want- ed to know what would be done with the money, which he esti- mated would be closer to $40,- 000, if the resolution didn't win the minister’s approval. \ Mr. Bryson explained that the county's municipalities would have to accept the ex- penditure before the resolution could be submitted to the Min- ister of Municipal Affairs. WASHERS’ AND STOVES' PARTS AND SERVICE Three township golf courses have acquired dining lounge licenses under a section of the tail. lounges The vote was 2,255 yes an( 1,997 no for brewery and 1i quor stores; 2.144 yes and 2,112 no for dining lounges; and 2, 018 yes and 2,223 no for cock‘ In 1960, electors favored li- quor stores and dining lounges, but garnered less than 60 per cent of the total, and turned down cocktail lounges. Less than 50 per cent of the town- ship’s voters exercised their franchise. Mr. Anderson charged that "this type of situation creates class distinction in the town~ ship. Not everybody can belong to those three clubs." ‘ Council authorized the 1960 ‘plebiscite without a petition when over 100 people asking for a vote appeared at a coun- cil meeting. Vaughan has been dry since 1906. Final move is for council to enact a bylaw authorizing a plebiscite. According to the Li- quor Control Act at least three years must pass between votes. HERRIDGE ELECTRIC county planning is $26,000 not including office rental or equipment. 40 Levendale Rd. TU. 4-3211 ;s distinction in the town-; 52 p. Not everybody can belong 3:" those three clubs." ‘ “ n 1960, electors favored li- nr stores and dining lounges, _ garnered less than 60 t of the total. and turned‘ m cocktail lounges. Less n 50 per cent of the town-; )‘s voters exercised theirl ichise. "- *- ’he vote was 2255 yes and , )7 no for brewery and li-‘ 1‘ stores; 2,144 yes and 2,113 ' ‘ for dining lounges; and 2.- van and 000') “A t,“â€" AAAI. 1 Selling The All New lIMlTED No. 7 Highway at Dufferin St. - 285-4858 3 MILES WEST OF THORNHILL lAllRlA MOTOR SALES Refreshments Friday, Feb. 22nd 8. Saturday, Feb. 23rd COME - TO - THE Windshield Washers, Whitewall Tires, Wheel Covers, Padded Dash Licence, Glycol ' (9 AM. to 10 PM.) 2 DR. FURY HARDTOP ONLY OPENING SPECIAL IS BACK! $26891" Roses For The Ladies (9 AM. to 6 PM.)