Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Feb 1963, p. 11

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Ml‘. anu fills. nuaau. nu..." -.._ uh.“ (er of Roseview Avenue, will Prayer Service will be held in be celebrating their 40th wed-‘the Richmond Hill Presbyter- ding anniversary on March lst.‘ian Church on Friday. March **** llst athm‘ The newly formed TOPS There will be a similar ser- group met at the home of Mrs. vice in the evening at St. Gab' A. Frank, 247 Ashlar Road on riel’s Anglican ChHI'Ch at 3 P-m- February 24th. 1 "' * *"“ A inflamed"! hridlrp and Dos-i-dos! A gay evening of square dancing was enjoyed on Sat- urday last by the Couples Club of the Richmond Hill Presby- terian Church. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Graham Leonard. Maple Avenue. Anyofie interested in mem- bership, please call._ TU. 4-4179. Twenty four members were present and were energetically put through their paces by the caller. Mr. George Dewm. Welcome refresh ents \vere served at the close of the ev- ening. The York County Branch, Canadian Mental Health As- sociation. are holding their fifth annual meeting at the York County Building, 62 Bay- vicw Avenue. Newmarket on March 6th. A preceding coffee party will be held from 7.30 to 8.30 pm. The Honorable Matthew B. Dy- mond M.D., Minister of Health for the Province of Ontario will be guest speaker. The subject of his address; “Ontario's Num- ber One Health Problem". A warm welcome to every- one Original and exciting cost- umes which ran the gamut from a walking barber pole to the exotic dress of an eastern pot- entale and his harem featured the Mardi Gras party at the Lions Community Hall, Centre Street. last Friday night. This event. sponsored by the Holy Name Society of Our Lady Queen of the World Parish was well attended, and provided fun and amusement for everyone present. Costumes were many and varied, and Mr. Dennis Moore. who acted as judge. was hard-pressed to make a decis- ion. After much decision, the pot- entate and his harem won the prize for the most unusual cost- ume. while the most humorous went to a character best-des: u‘ibed as a fugitive from the‘ “Revenoors” of the deep hills of Kentucky. Door prizes for the evening included a complete barbecue, the largest cheque written by the Holy Name Society (it mea: sured one and one-half feet by three feet) and a set of glasses. A gentleman representating the Oil Barons of Texas won the barbecue. and the cheque be- came the proud possession of a Spanish Matador. Music for the evening was; provided by Kal-Harris and his orchestra and the buffet supper was catered by the Bayview Plaza Restaurant. The floor show featured two zany char- acters from "Anywhere". “Any- place". who. were revealed as Lynne and Jim McArthur of South Taylor Mills Drive. unuicsu'a am] we ounet supper The entertainment of the ev-l W85 Catered by the BayViEW ening took the form of a movie Plaza Restaurant. The floor showing a Canadian Scout Jam- show featured two zany char- boree. which was followed by actors from "Anywhere". “Any-Ia skit with members of the‘ place“. who. were revealed as Scouts taking part. The enter- Lynne and Jim McArthur ofltainment was then concluded South Taylor Mills Drive. by a movie of conservation area, The Mardi Gras was under Beaver Valley. 1 . A . y the direction of Russell Bruce, The benediction was said by Jim McArthur and Jack Con-mew. J. R. Moore, closmg a very w'y' lenjoyable evening for all. Mr. and AT CORNER OF YONGE ST. SOUTH 8: HARDING BLVD., RICHMOND HILL 59 Meteor. 6 cylinder with standard transmission. fin- ished nice Arctic White. with whitewall tires and perfect in every way. Our price for this one only $1,095. Your car as down payment. ’61 Austin Healy Sprite Snort Car with detachable hardtop roof. Matador Red finish. tonneau cover. A standout Of a sport car. Our price only $1,095. Your car as down payment and easy terms at Kar Mart Fina. After careful consideration we have decided upon the type of compact car that will sell in Richmond Hill and surrounding are grand opening of our exclusive dealership. and of course to put cars on the road we will be giving highest allowances on your present car. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . top with the jetaway transmission. powerful Oldsmobile motor. custom radio. terrific appearance and unbelievable price of $849. We can give terms with our own Finance Co. Up to 36 months to pay. ’57 Oldsmobile 88 Hard- Kar Mart Fina CALL TU. 4-4372 Mrs. Russell Brillinfk The Women’s World Day or H.111 I... knit! h. TU. 4-4372 TU. 4-4372 Editor Margot Crack mem-V' A very successful bridge and BA. 1 4-4179.|euchre was held on February. * * * * 19th at the Masonic Hall byl Marietta Evans, 10 year oldi The Order of the Eastern Star.|daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. C.1 square Richmond Hill Chapter No. 302.!Evans, Boisdale Avenue. won n sat. Programme convenor wasphird prize in the class for 12‘ s ClublMl's. Cora Magee and convening years and under playing a Bach? lthe refreshments Mrs. Evelynlminuet at the Kiwanis Music‘ We of'Miller. ‘Festival. f 50mm“ All proceeds from the even. Marietta, who has only been; {ing are to be used to purchaselstudying for one and a half ‘a wheel chair for the new hosp-lyeal‘S. is a puDil of Mrs. Estelle i were.‘ I ‘ .cipgnulllal. Markham. Laverock Avenue. l ’resby- l The Explorers met on Feb- ed to am iruary 15th. with 20 members‘on March present. Games were played. Coumy F Lenora Olson. Sandra Stickley. The DH Debby Hasselfeldt and Brenda “on 0f 1 Ferguson helped in the worship tOid Arth service. Anne Martin and Janet film. and Ferguson were the reporters. LL Norrie A further meeting was lleldgletOl’ 9f“ Explorer's Activities pl cacul. Uulllwu u...» I. Lenora Olson. Sandra Stiekley. I Therpl‘ogriam Will be "Preven- Debby Hasselfeldt and Brenda “on Of Disability in Rheuma- Ferguson helped in the worship mid Arthritis". COHSiSting 01' a service. Anne Martin and Janet film. arfd Commented on by Dl‘. Ferguson were the reporters, !J. Norrie Swanson, medical dir- A further meeting was lleldleetOi‘ of the Canadian Arthri- on February 22nd in the Rich. Us and Rheumatism Society. mond Hill United Church prim- V "‘ * * "‘ ary room. Members finished A Very bus-V group 0‘ mOtherS reading Tiger Tail Village. Don- mat at the home 0f Mrs- Joyce na Larson, Gail Hollowell. Deb- Davey, 11 Leisure Lane 0“ F91} bie Hook and Brenda Hunt as- Wary 12th to make final ar- sisted in the worship service. rangements for the annual n,AL,_ ___.- ____ I. ...... L “a-_. The annual father and son banquet of 4th Richmond Hill Cub Pack and Scout Troop was héld on Wednesday last in Wrixon Hall. The Cubs opened proceedings with the Grand Howl, followed by grace by Rev. James O’Neil. Over 100 guests were served a delicious turkey dinner by the ladies‘ auxiliary under the lea- dership of social convenor. Mrs. \Joyce Davey. A warm welcome was extend- ed to all present by Group Com- mittee Chairman, AI Lough- ridge. The ladies were then thanked by a round of applause for their effort toward a very successful banquet. A special welcome to the fa- thers was expressed by first class Scout John Ross and was replied to by John Lunn, ‘one of the fathers’. Mr. Ron Sulthorp. the rep- resentative from district head- quarters. was introduced by Al Loughridge and spoke on the growth of the Scout movement in the past and of the future. Among the leaders then intro-duced were: Scouts - Scouter,‘ Bill McCortl; assistant Scouters, Bill Armstrong and Mel Boyer; instructors. Bob Bowley and [(611 Williams: camps and hikes. Jo- ey Goodier. Cubs - Akela. Mike Birkett; Beghara. Hilda Birkett; Baloo. Bob Painter; Kaa, Brian Atkinson. Scout John Birrell then pres- ented Scoutmaster Bill McCord, who is leaving next week with an official Scout desk set from the Scout troop. ’59 Chevrolet. 6 cylinder, automatic transmission. with custom radio, my eye glass. whitewalls and nearly new tires. original mileage 38000. Full price $1,295 Terms to suit you. Call TU. 4.4372 _7 'sl'anvR'o’LETâ€"iz TON Pickup ABSOLUTELY new tires and a new bat- tery. The body and finish are nearly new. Only 81,495 full price for a prestige Apache 10 de- luxe cab. fully guaranteed at Kar Mart Fina. TU. 4-4372 ‘53 Pontiac Deluxe Hardâ€" top coupe, finished in Comanche Red with white top and red and white upholstery. deluxe. custom radio. This car is a beau- tiful little hardtop, for only $299 easy terms. ’58 Pontiac Parisienne Hardtop ’58 Fairlane 500 hardtop ’58 Chevrolets. 2 to choose from ’59 Fords, 2 to choose from Chevrolet 4 door hard- top CALL TU ALSO IN STOCK 4â€"437 Special services during Lent at St. Mary‘s Anglican Church. will be held on Wednesdays at 10 am. and 7.30 pm. Next Wednesday. March 6, the address at the evening Len- ten Service will be given by the assistant curate. Christ Church, Deer Park. the Rev. Allan Rix, third prize in the class for 121 years and under playing a Each minuet at the Kiwanis Music‘ Festival. Marietta, who has only been‘ studying for one and a half years. is a pupil of Mrs. Estelle Markham, Laverock Avenue. 1‘ if it it R.N.A.0. members are invit-‘ ed to attend a general meeting on March 5th at 8 pm. at York County Hospital. Newmarket. The program will be “Preven- tion of Disability in Rheuma- toid Arthritis", consisting of a film, and commented on by Dr. rare cleaning out closets and "‘ "' * "‘ Popular .Diane .llaycs was St. Matthew's United Churchm-owned Prom Queen 1963 by Women have set Saturday. Ap-ITommy Ambrose last Friday ril 20 as the date for their rum'migm, The {our lovely princes- mage sale which has become anlses were Nancy Passmore, Car annual spring event. Pleaseiol Hayes, Wendy Ashkanase and keep them in mind when youlLorraine Webb. Last year‘s . . Prom Queen. Gail Methe. was drawers- Anyone requn‘mg “le‘prcsent to assist in the crown- pick-up service which has been‘ing. organized may contact the fall The decorations to follow the lOWinEI MI‘S- Barbara Maun'theme of “The Enchanted Gar- drell, 242 Alsace. TU 4-4037; den" included lighted trellises, Mrs. Darlene 311011311, 17 Cal" flower gardens. fountains and 3 tier Cres., TU 4-3713: NITS. VCY- lily pond_ The streamers were da Stoness. 268 McConVey. TU shades of blue and green. The 4-7250. lhardworking dance committee :vLenten Services Start Mt St. Paul's Lutheran ed to attend a general meeting on March 5th at 8 pm. at York. County Hospital, Newmarket. The program will be “Preven- tion of Disability in Rheuma- toid Arthritis", consisting of a film, and commented on by Dr.' J. Norrie Swanson. medical dir- ector of the Canadian Arthri- tis and Rheumatism Society. it fit it! ll! A very busy group of mothers met at the home of Mrs. Joyce Davey, 11 Leisure Lane on Feb- ruary 12th to make final ar- rangements for the annual father and son banquet. Aftm- a shnrt business meet- v organized may contact the fol-_ lowing: Mrs. Barbara Maun' drell, 242 Alsace. TU 4-4087: Mrs. Darlene Buchan, 17 Car- tier Cres., TU 4-3713: Mrs. Very da Stoness. 268 McConvey. TU 4-7250. >lr )l' vlr Ill ‘ Mrs. E. Lange of Maple. will; be the guest speaker at the ev- ening service of the World Day‘ of Prayer on March lst at St. Gabriel’s Anglican Church, Bay- view and Crosby when the women of that church will be joined by the women of St. The decorations to follow the theme of “The Enchanted Gar- den” included lighted trellises, flower gardens, fountains and a lily pond. The streamers were shades of blue and green. The hardworking dance committee ‘illcluded the "haivman "Mane Watkins. Joan Piercy. Leslie Mc- Rae. Brian Atkinson and Larry Lucas. Pete Schofield with his Cana- dian Collegiate Allstars and guest singer provided the even- ings entertainment. * 1k * ’II John Baptist, St. Paul’s Luth" eran and St. Matthew’s United. Fifty members of the Library (‘fluh nf Richmond Hill High After a short business meet- ing the remainder of the even- ing was spent in making table decorations and place cards in the theme of “Space Age". Coffee was thén éerved by the hostess. On March 3rd. the Sncramenti of the Lord’s Supper will be observed at the 11 am. service at the Richmond Hill United Church. The elders will not de- liver communion cards for this occasion. I On March 4th at 8 pm. a gen- eral meeting will be held of "The United Church Women”. All women of the congregation are cordially invited. A panel discussion will take place, On Wednesday last she at- tended the dinner held at the Seaway Towers in Toronto, where the ‘I.G.A. Checker of The Year' was chosen. The ‘prize was a trip for two to Hawaii. Following the “At Home” at the Richmond Hill High School on Friday last, students contin- ued their partying into the ear- ly morning, dining at the Li- chee Gardens in Toronto. Mrs. Ann Peters of Rockport Crescent received a beautiful silver tea service as a prize in the I.G.A. Checker Contest held recently at the Allencourt I.G.A. Denise Harcourt, 11 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Harcourt, 378 Osiris Drive re- ceived an award at the Kiwanis Music Festival, and high praise from the adjudicator, for her beautiful playing with such ex- cellent feeling. Denise is aipupil of Ellen M. Blogg, R.M.T. St. Paul‘s Lutheran Church began a special series of mid- week worship services yester- day in observance of Lent. The series will be held each Wednesday at 7.30 pm. jointly in Zion Lutheran Church, south of Maple on Keele Street. Lent is observed by Luther- ans as a special time of prep- aration and meditation. It cli- maxes on Good Friday. April 12. Pastor Myers of St. Paul’s and Pastor Lange of Zion will alter- nate as preachers during the Wednesday series. Their theme is “Personalities of the Pass- ion." Characters to be treated from the last hours of Jesus’ life are Judas, Peter. the high priest. Pilate. Simon of Cyrene, the thief on the cross. and Jesus Himself, ' Hold Tea Gatherings To Kick Off Drive The Richmond Hill unit 0 the Canadian Cancer Societ. met February 12. Plans to teas to be given by the branches are under discussion for the campaign kick-off. The need for education con cerning the dangers of smok- ing is now thought to be needed at the public school level, particularly in the upper grades. In many cases it is too late to start this educa- tion at the high school level. The women‘s service chair- man reported her committee has been busy making and distributing dressings. visiting. and supplying daily transporta- tion to hospital for a number no! patients. St. Paul's will observe the during Lent: Members of the University can Church.'Women's Club of York County ednesdays at,enjoyed a dessert and coffee m. gparty Monday evening at King- . March 6.‘craft House. King City. Guest evening Len-{speaker was Miss Vivian Wil' given by theicox, fashion consultant for rist Church.‘Chatelaine magazine. Miss Wil- '. Allan Rix,‘cox grew up in Aurora where {her mother still resides. Mrs. 1David Fayle, Elizabeth Street, 10 year oldiRichmond Hill. was among the 6 Mrs. L. C. new members welcomed into ,venue. \von.the club. Mrs. Lange. a most interest- ing speaker, has spent the past six years in India, during which time she helped her hus- band â€" a Lutheran minister and educator â€" with his work, and ran a most successful clin- ic. Guest soloist will be Miss Joan Hall of Richmond Hill. John Baptist, st. Paul’s hum-- eran and St. Matthew’s United. Mrs. Lange. a most interest- ing speaker, has spent the past six years in India, during which time she helped her hus- band â€"- a Lutheran minister and educator â€" with his work, and ran a most successful clin- ic. Guest soloist will be Miss Joan Hall of Richmond Hill. ‘k 'l' 9! ill Trustees of the York Central District High School Board, were entertained at dinner on Friday last by Trustee Ernest Redelmeier and Mrs. Redel- meier at their home on Bath- urst Street. Fifty members of the Library Club of Richmond Hill High School went with Librarian Roy Clifton. to the Yonge Street studios of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation on February 12th.. to see the tele- casting of one edition of Front Page Challenge, and the taping of another. As a women's church organi« zation from Buttonville had chosen the same night to go, the studio was packed. and seats had to be set out on the floor. Of interest to the members of the club was a meeting after thn nrnm‘nmmp at ten n'clnck Guests included Mr. and Mr< Lewis Clement and Mr. and Mrs. John Honsberger from Thomhill. * * * * Cicely Thomson. actress â€"â€" director is currently engaged as assistant director‘for the Scar- borough Choral Society’s pro- duction of “The Vagabond King” which is to be presented at the Cedarbrae Collegiate on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week. Directing is Gino Empty. whom Richmond Hill audiences will remember as Sakini in ‘Teahouse of the August Moon.’ Word has been received from Victoria, B.C., that Hugh Yerex, formerly of Richmond Hill has purchased the Melrose Cafe. 622 Yates, in that city. The cafe had been owned by the Reinhard family for about 20 years. Mrs. G. Yerex and Mrs. L. Dickie are enjoying the mild weather of Victoria, and report that the flowers are coming up in the parks and gardens. They would be very glad to see any- one from Richmond Hill. and ‘state they have found the people very friendly first Sunday in Lent with Holy Communion. Pastor Myers’ sermon will be “Hunger in the Wilderness." Sunday’s service will begin at 11 am. in the Walter Scott School. Last Sunday’s service featur- ed observance of Boy Scout Week. Cubs and Scouts of the 7th, 8th and 9th Richmond Hill and the Beverley Acres Scout Groups attended the church parade. Pastor Myers, 19-year Scout-t fing veteran and member of the ‘York Summit District Execut- ive Committee. preached on "What Is Required" (Micah 6:8). Ronald Sculthorp, District Scout Commissioner. and Peter Life" re. prayer and prayer‘ life. ‘ Mrs. Sylvia Limpert intro-. duced Mrs. Pat King from' St. Gabriel's Anglican Church where “World Day of Prayer” services will be held this year. Mrs. King showed a film strip, “More than Conquerors," after which a question and discus- sion period was held. It was announced Erika Kusnicki and Polly Dueffert will he repre- senting the L.C.W. Mrs. Emil Lange of Zion Lutheran Church Pfiemn’ COPVeneP 0f the 9thn Maple (former missionary to Richmond ‘Hlll Group Commit-“Mia, will be guest speaker- Pastor Myers, 19-year Scout- ing veteran and member of the York Summit District Execut- ive Committee. preached on “What Is Required" (Micah 6:8). Ronald Sculthorp, District Scout Commissioner. and Peter Peterson, convener of the 9th Richmond Hill Group Commit- tee, also spoke. 1 Phone 255-1033 New flags of the 3th and 9th Groups were dedicated with special prayers. The 9th Group is sponsored by St. Paul‘s con- gregation. Established 1313 126 Yonge St. N ., Richmond Hill Mr. 1116 Mrs. John Knox, Kerrybrook Drive. are leaving on Saturday for a weeks holi- day in Bermuda. Miss Judy Shropshire enter- tained with a coke party at her home on Starlight Crescent, pri- or to attending the ‘At. Home’ at the Richmond Hill High School. Ben Thompson. proprietor of Minerva‘s Beauty Salon, is con- valescing at home following minor surgery at Branson Hos- pital. rHis many customers and fri- ends extend best “ishes for a speedy recovery. Of interest to the members! of the club was a meeting after‘ the programme at ten o'clockI with Mr. Drew Crossan, the} producer, and Mr. Paul WayneJ the writer. They spoke on how the guests are chosen, picture material found, background ma- terials made available, and an afternoon rehearsal held with- out the panel in the afternoon, ‘ at which the guests are put at their ease, and familiarized ‘ with the kind of question which the panel are likely to put to them. Pete Schofield with his Cana- dian Collegiate Allstars and guest singer provided the even- ings entertainment. ..Allenbrae Ecspital Auxiliary held their monthly meeting on February 11th. at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Butterworth. ‘ The auxiliary were extremely happy to see such a large turn- out, and would like to extend a welcome to the new members that joined the group last week. Election of officers was held1 and the following were eler‘tw‘l: â€"- chairman. Mrs. May Malt- land; co-chairman, Mrs. Shirley Bruce; treasurer, Mrs. Dorothy Butterworth. and secretary, Mrs. Elva Gilvart. The next meeting will be held on March 11th. at 8pm. SHARP at the home of Mrs. G. iW. Shaw, 281 McConvey Drive. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Fin- dlay, gift shop representative, who will address the group on ‘the requirements of a hospiital gift shop. The meeting was opened with the singing of a hymn and res- ponsive reading of Psalm 27. ‘Mrs. Sylvia Limpert read a por- tion from the book “Truth and .Life" re. prayer and prayer On February 20, fourteen members and guests of the L.C.W. of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, met at the home of Mrs. Nelly Williamson, 296 Es- sex Avenue. " "1'! The business meeting was then held after which the meet- ilng was adjourned with the Missionary Benediction Prayer. Refreshments were then served ito the ladies. v.» of Entertaining prior to the ‘At the Home’ on Friday night at the Richmond Hill High School was anj- Miss Susan Austin, who held a had coffee party at her home on go. Trayborn Drive. The executive of the Rich' mond Hill Presbyterian Church W.A. held a meeting on Febru- ary 20th. at the home of the president Mrs. G. Carmichael. ary 20th. at the home of the To the accompaniment of old president Mrs. G. Carmichael. fashioned sleighâ€"bells, Teeny The main subject was com- Town Nursery School went for ' pletion of the plans for “An a jolly sleigh ride on February Evening of Fashion” with Miss 20th. The teachers and mothers Ruth Boxer to be held March on hand joined in the winter 6th. in the church hall. morning’s fun with 30 pre- * * * * lschoolers at the farm of Mr. ' :Bert Witty, on Dufferin Street, T-V- Highhghts ljust north of Highway No. 7. l “a” Ninhnlk. slum Kirk'i The straw filled sleigh kept Lesley Nicholls. Susan Klrk' patrick and Brian Toogood, all toes warm, and was pulled by of Richmond Hill will perform tWO farm horses around the this coming Sunday on Chan- fields. The children sang songs nel 11, CHCHJrv, in a ballet and kept up animated conversa- “Pas de Trois” on the pro- tion about farm life, which gramme “Tiny Talent Time.” Inade for a most interesting mmc Harv-n h-in an: mmils of “1718! The straw filled sleigh Kept‘ This dance 'trio are pupils of Mrs. Sylvia Carson, and are most serious about this wonder- ful art. |I “P l e a s e â€" homemakers! Please -â€" do not bake March 16th! Please â€" do not have afternoon tea at home!” Why? The baking will be done for you . . . The afternoon tea will be prepared and served to you! Who by? The Afternoon Branch of the W.A.' of St. Mary’s Angli- can Church! , This St. Patrick’s Afternoon Tea & Bake Sale is in the ex- perienced hands of Mrs. W. S. Pocknell, bake sale convenor, Mrs. W. G. Angus. afternoon tea convenor, Mrs. S. G. Phil" lips, president. The addition to the session was necessary owing to the con- tinuing growth of the Presby- terian Church in Richmond Hill. A large number of’ friends from a distance were also pre- sent to see the impressive cere- mony. The new Centurion 17-tube chassis wii former incorporates totally new concepts and dependability. The power pacer prot from warm-up shock. Cool running hand wired chassis. Richmond H: II I“! Full I Year Warranty On Everything ELECTROHOME gamed 7W 34 YONGE SOUTH SPRITE Following a good romp in the snowy fields, working up a good appetite â€"- refreshments were served in the farm kitchen, be- fore returning to the school. An entertaining afternoon was enjoyed by the members of the M.T.l-l. Musical Club this past Sundaylat the home of Miss‘ Ruth Garson, A.D.C.M.. when the topic chosen was “How the orchestra began from the Haydn era up to the modern orchestra of today," with illustrations in irecordings of compositions writ- ten around the automobile horn and the typewriter. The M.T.H. Musical Club was! established eight years ago; and as a non profit organization is dedicated to anyone with a sin- cere desire to further their musical appreciation. STOUFFVILLE : Dr. M. B. Dy- mond, Minister of Health, will officiate at the opening of the new wing addition on the 4th Line public school, 5.5. No. 4 Uxbridge. March 1. Further discussed was com- poser Franz Joseph Haydn, af- ter which refreshments were served; making the one and a half hour program pass all too isoon. STOUFFVILLE : Pretty 16- year-old Barbara Howard. a grade 11 student. is the new posture queen of the Stouifville District High School. Keep our “Life in the Hill” columns up to date with your news items â€" the service is free â€" call the Social Editor Margot Crack .at ,TU. 4-1105 .or drop a line to 63 Yonge S. -â€" we‘ll be hear from you. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, February as, 19573771} with power trans- epts in performance protects components AV. 5=3756 $239 pleased to STOUFFVILLE 2 Elgin Clar- ence Hopkins, resident at Con- cession 9 Markham, was strick- en with a heart attack and died suddenly on the Main Street recently. He was in his 60th *Iâ€"I_I‘I_ Ifil‘lliiiwi’I TV'I'ROII BI. E ‘.-‘ CALL BA. I -0485 AN R.E.T.A. MEMBER BAKER ELECTRONIC SERVICE SHOP AND SAVE AT RICHMOND HEIGHTS DRUGS SEAMLESS MESH TONI INFANTOL 16 oz NYLONS MINCED BEEF 3 lbs. 89; CIGARETTES AE”R'N”9T?F§E BROMO-SELTZER MOUTH WASH CEPACOL COUGH MEDICINE BAN DEODORANT 24 Elizabeth St. N Richmond Hill EEEKET PLATE Ib.15c Kotex or Modess §TAEAKS ":65: PERTUSSIN SIRLOIN - WING - ROUND COUGH MEDICINE BENYLIN “535? 69c “32'5" I. FBYLCREAM fagf‘ééi'fie FREE THERMOMETER BAYVIEW PLAZA $150M eatina gm- sawmesl RICHMOND HILL TUl'ner 4-1312 4 LEVENDALE ROAD. MORTGAGE SERVICE FOR THE BEST TASTING FOOD YOU EVER 'THAW' Town & Country’s food-and-freezer plan assures you top-quality name-brand foods at lowest prices your family ever enjoyed. If your weekly TOWN a. coumnv FOOpiPLAN food bill is now: $20 . . . . . . . $25 . . . ...-. $30 . . . . . . $35-$40 . . . PHONE COLLECT é1B'MAI-kiarfi Ré. - - RICHMOND HILL AV. 5-5401 _ AV. 5.5402 .â€" WA. 47.0997 HERBERT R. BUTT §péc3af 30’s 3 for $1.00. 25’s 3 for $1 With Each Prescription Filled. Regular $2.00 DEPENDABLE Regular 98c SpecialZprs.99c Regular Regular Regular AND Regular 93c Special 69c Readers may order re- prints of staff photos appearing In “The Liberal" at the newspaper office. 63 Yonge Street South. Rich- mond Hill. Regular 89g REPRINTS AVAILABLE n on! r 31-40 Special Regular $1.86 Special Regular 98c Special CARTON 3.09 TORONTO. ONT 2 Carlton St Toronto Under 0111' Elan Regular $1.25 Speci3199c 'it will be 011m $13.40 $14.65 $18.00 $20.00 ESTAB. 1950 EMpire 2-3456 Special Special 5 TU. 4-769I Regular $1.75 TU. 4-4444 Special 1.29 1.59 1.19 .25

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