mtcnes and any extremely minutes later, it was too late To CALL FOR THE BEST small area was brought home to save him. ‘ strongly to this writer one These water-filled ditches. {BUY ON YOUR INSURANCE ; time, when a small two year ruts and holes can be as . old boy was drowned in a dangerous to children as the ‘ . : freak accident ,in just four spring-swollen streams. James Gramger . » remnant“mummmmuurtmmummun“nmmmmummum»t 130 Yonge St- S- “pnmws AVAILABLE IAURORA : Improvement of the! RIChmond H1", Ontario " The executive of the Y.C.H. Volunteer Auxiliary for our gistrlct, met In the home of the publicity chairman, Toby Share Dn March 11. - Watch for exciting new; of Local Soloist in Festival 3m event, new and different in For the second year. grade '7 sour district. to take place the Shelley James entered the K1- !irst part of June. Start lining wanis Festival. She was well lip grandma â€"â€" (but no doubt prepared by her teacher. Mrs. she will want to go too) or Rutledge of Willowdale Conser- Lbomcone now â€" to keep an eye vatory. In the vocal Division of ,on- junior â€" it will be a day soloists 12 years and under (.17 :YOU won't want to miss or your competing) and the 13 years neighbour. Make your tentative and under (26 competing) Shel- lans now â€" baby sitters may ley captured 1st class honours _. e at a premium that day. in the singing of the standard .We're excited about even the pieces “The Lamb" and “Lucy idea of it! i Keep in touch with Lavender." Shelley at all times :Maple Notes. Are you remem- took the schedule quite in her bearing to save your fancy jars stride but â€" I hear â€" it's Mom :imd bottles for gourmet bridge? who really goes through the p " l‘ "‘ * creative throes experienced Silicon So Soon? when she sits through the many '_' When you judge by 'size' it voices singing the same words .must be so â€" but in 'time' it's and tune, awaiting her prima most difficult to think that our douna that happens to be about No. 2 son, Greg Shore was 16 next to the last in line. years old on March 12! Having On March 23rd, drop around pissed so much school and mu- to the North York Library and ï¬le instruction this year, he sat hear Shelley in a recital there. Lin, on the last R.H.H.S. Music Congratulations on your stand- Fill“llllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\\l\\llll\llll\lllltl\ll\llt\\ll\lllll\lllllllllllllllhllll|\llll“\lll\llhlN\V\\\\h\\\h\lll\\\lllllllh' 1 In the meantime Ron was be- ginning to wonder why he had- n't just used a wig to try out his exciting styles on. Will Bring you up to date next week with the answers to â€" “Did Marney recover in time so Pat at home (sans iiu herself) and, or the sake of beauty and cui~ ture and the varying style moods of women everywhere.1 took her place under the ski]. led hands of Ron and the criti- cal eye of the judges ! i ! Yours truly hopes to be there to see Mapie’s representatives in ac- tion â€"- where did I put my1 flashing press card?! Anyway lots of luck Ron and Pat â€"- if she makes it back â€" it not -1 did you ever consider someone with dark hair, Ron? ‘ . It was agreed that our ï¬rst project. the Valentine Bake and Apron Sale was most encourag- lng (to the amount of $70.00) ’gnd proved that the membei‘s Mere most anxious to get going 3on auxiliary work. Chairman Pat James noting that the vice chairman, Isolde fClarke had moved from Maple back to her original stamping grounds, Richmond Hill â€"~ it was imperative that a full exec- utive be formed. Dorothy Mc- fnrthur took over as treasurer upon the resignation of Helen ‘McBratney due to an already in“ schedule. Watch for exciting news of in event, new and different in our district, to take place the first part of June. Start lining 11p grandma -â€"- (but no doubt she will want to go too) or {homeonc now -â€" to keep an eye on junior â€" it will be a day 'YOU won't want to miss or your heighbour. Make your tentative Eplans now â€" baby sitters may be at a premium that day. We're excited about even the idea of it! i Keep in touch with Maple Notes. Are you remem- bering to save your fancy jars iand bottles for gourmet bridge? Maggie Branch and District Our local middle of town hair stylist, Ron Lockhart has been doing some extra pacing and worrying these past ten days. ge will be, as planned, at the oyal York and O'Keefe Cen-j tre for the Hairdresser's Show this week-end â€"- he only hopes his ‘modei' Pat Davis is plan- ning likewise. When Jim Hard- ing phoned his in-iaws, Pat and Bill Davis to say his wife Mar- ney was very sick â€"- Pat took 6ft for Ottawa to find that her daughter was indeed very sick with an Asiatic flu type bug. Marney ls teaching and just didn't give up as soon as she should have when she first took sick because of the shortage of teachers already due to the flu. . ,Tonlzht, Much 14 â€"- the an- nual meeting of the York Cen- trai Hospital Volunteer Auxili~ try is meeting in the Richmond Hill United Church. The hospi- tal administrator, Mr. Gary Chatfield will be guest speaker and will talk about the place of the volunteer in the hospltal scheme of things. You will pro- bably have many of your ques- tions answered for you as he speaks â€"- so make it a point to attend. If you would like a ride, or just company to go with phone me (Toby 257-1150) and We'll make arrangements. Let's have a good representation from Maple and District Branch. This 1. one at those weeks where we have ‘oh so very much to tell you about' â€"â€" and find ourselves thinking about same, but slow In getting 1!; written down. Get. your calen- dar handy and circle the pro- gram pf interest to you. 14 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontaripi‘Thuraday, Milagch 14, 1963 Pat. Come Back Home The ease In which children can drown in water-filled ditches and any extremely small area was brought home strongly to this writer one time, when a small two year old boy was drowned in a freak accident _ln just four MRS. RAYMOND STUART Now that the spring run- off has commenced and the ditches. some of them deep ones. are full of water, they become a serious hazard to young children. who some- times find great joy in play- ing in or near them. Renders may order re- prints of stat! photos appearing in “The Liberal" at the newspaper oflice, 63 20333 Street South, Rich- mond Hill. . Maple, Concord and Edgeley District News Dangerous Ditches "The Liberal" I: alwayl willing to publish Interesting item: regal-dint people districts. Our repxzesentaflve in Maple ls Mrs. Len Shore. ALpine 7.1150: in Concord, Mn. Ruth Kefler, 285-4040. This Week’s Happenings In Maple Arrangements were made for the spring luncheon to be held in the christian education wing of Maple United on April 3. This is an event eagerly looked forward to as a harbinger of spring indeed. This is the first opportunity to throw off win: ter drabs and blossom out in} that creation of multi coloured veiling and gay {lowers m’lady‘ calls a hat. As special guest, Mrs. Grace Fleury, superintendent of chk~ 5611 Hall, Toronto, \vlll be the speaker and Mrs. Brownlee of Woodbrldge will be the soloist. All are welcome to attend and enjoy the luncheon and guests. The committee of U.C.W. would like to announce the date of April 20, for their Rummage and Bake Sale to be held in the Religious Education Building, Maple United Church. Watch future "Coming Events" for further details of these two events. Dorcas Unit of U.C.W. Meeting in the church parlor on March 5, the Dorcas Unit of the Maple United Church Wo- men was presided over by Mrs. S. Valentine. Devotional was in charge of Mrs. Jones-Whitley with Mrs. E. Brock reading the: Scripture. Mrs. T. F. Jackson gave a very interesting talk on "Okinawa" taken from the Study Book. With the U.C.W.'s president Mrs. K. Lightheart in charge, the executive met at the home of Mr. B. Davis, on February 28. for a business meeting. t I'- in n- Rummnxe and Bake Sale AURORA : Improvement of the ONE crossing on Centre St. is planned for the near future. The CNR will pay for work to be done to correct the grade at the crossing, so that motor- ists will approach it more on the level. I So be sure and circle that date and watch for write up of program with well known per- sonalities as Well as catching your neighbour in a perhaps dif- ferent role â€"â€" all In good fun In order to promote the devel- opment of hockey for your son,‘ and mine and the young guy down the street. Maple United Church Women Elsewhere in "The Liberal" you will see how a thoroughly efficient, reliable organized or- ganization can all of a sudden go hay-wire -- in part. It has to do with the inclusion of ad- ults in, around and after thei final play-off minor hockey le- ague games at Schomherg Are-‘ on, March 22nd when the “Gala Hockey Night" holds sway. Everyone will want to get into the act -â€" even your usually‘ quiet, staid and lime-lite dodger‘ reporter! Someone found out that in ‘younger' days she was} goalie for the famous "Ice Mice Broomball Team" in Montreal. In fact the Montreal Gazette's sport page carried stories re our active game and mentioned that the "goalie surely added glam- our to the game by wearing high heels while in the net"! Our counter part team was the “Rink Rats" made up of the men in our E block apartments. Night 3nd at least gave hla oboe a work-out. Last year it was the clarinet but this year we keep an image of Mitch Miller in our mind â€" he's done fairly well since Itarting out with HIS oboeu Shade: 0! Another Era inches 0! water. The water had collected in a horse's hoofprlnt in the soft mud during a spring thaw and the little boy, playing around, slipped and fell and struck his head on a rock beside the imprint. He laid face~ down and stunned in the water-filled small hole and when he was found a few minutes later, it was too late to save him. You perhaps might say that Val O'Neill was having it a lit- tle rough lately. Having just been out of a cast for two weeks (she was one of the four ‘kids’ I'd heard about who had bro- ken thelr armâ€"all on Lancer Dr.), she and her husband Hugh started out early on the 5th to take their little girl over to York County Hospital. New- market. They waited until after the tonsilectomy to ensure she‘ was O.K. On their way home; along Richmond St. -â€" it was foggy and miserable to boot -- a car smacked into their two week old new car. Val's hip and ltwo ribs were broken and Hugh lreceived an eye injury, as well as a broken nose. Both were taken to Branson Hospital first then Val removed to Toronto General. Hugh is home but it looks like Val will have plenty of time to day dream. Joan and Garry Lines, their neighbours were surely more than adequ- ate at looking after things as well as their young son. Val is president of the St. Stephen's Anglican W. A. We‘re all pui- ling for you gal â€" hope you're flooded with cards and letters AND visitors. ' Our Curling Councillors On March 8 at Newmarket, Vaughan was represented at the angual 1777qu County Bonspiel. Councillors Ruth McConkey Wilt Keffer and Garnet Willi- ams gave their all for township and glory with that old curling pro. Ross Kerwin. Welfare Of- ficer of Vaughan substituting for Reeve Ab Rutherford who has been ill. Upon enquiry as to how they came out on the score sheet. the only playing distaff member couldn’t fill me in ~â€" seems she and Councillor Kefâ€" for were unable to stay through, having started at 8.30 am. At Subway Opening One invitation the reeve was able to keep, was the occasion of the opening of the new To- ronto subway. He joined other dignitaries to ride In the offl- cial car. Spring Fashion Talk Helping to give spring that extra needed push, the lst Maple Boy Scout Auxiliary is sponsoring Miss Ruth Boxer of Simpson’s in an evening. near and dear to all feminine hearts, FASHION TALK. The date is Wednesday, March 27 at 8.00 pm. in the Maple Community Hall. Couple’s Club iWe hear the turkey supper Miss Boxer will show how to mix and match your basic ward- robe to keep you in step with spring on a limited allowance. She is bringing her models with her thereby making it an overall smoothly run show. You‘re sure to get that needed lift! THE Time to Call Halt! lag â€"- and nice to have Maple served at the recent couples' so well represented. club in the education wing of * * * * the Maple United was all that Straight Down the Alley could be desired with about 126 Since We hadn’t checked up attending. Shirley Sherman and on our Monday night gal bowâ€" Barbara Sones convened this lers for quite a spell, we cor- one. Bill and Barb Sones are the nered June Wilson. secretary leaders in this group which of Maple Ladies Bowling Lea- meet the last Saturday of each gue and got this report on the month. Join them and enjoy a league team standings. ‘Dig social evening together, this flowery group' â€"- Top of Their current project is to the league and then on down install new lighting in the main‘ through the varied flowers â€"- church and the proceeds from tra 1a! Roses â€" 33 points: this dinner (nearly doubled Mums 32; Lilies 31; Astors 27; Orchids 24; Violets 19; Tulips 17; Zlnnias 13. Guess I was too overcome with the fragrances becausa I forgot to get the cap- tains' names. So next time! Come lowly zinnias â€"- rise and shine, show those headliners you can zoom too. 7 Bertha Ingram has the High Triple of 756 and Dora Hard~ lng â€"- High Single, 353._ my“: FARM James Grainger 130 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill, Ontario TU. 4-1529 nianadian Head .Oï¬lce Toronto. Ont. ple and events contributed by {to tender! in Maple. Concord J: Stitch! in Edzeley end Sherwood. Mrs. Raymond Stuart. AV 5-1934: and in P lllDlO Pat and Diane Smith gave a shower for Miss Gellagher, sup- ply teacher at Concord School who is being married durlng the Easter vacation. The grade 8 girls, along with teachers Mrs. Reed, Mrs. Boggs, Miss Freeman and Mrs. Wearrlng, presented Miss Gallagher with many lovely gifts. Socials Elwood’s sister. Mrs. Edith Acheson, gave a linen shower, and his aunt, Mrs. Greenaway, gave a miscellaneous shower. Both showers were attended by relatives of the groom-to-be. The happy couple will be married Match 22 at Zion Lu- theran Church. Showers Some people will do just a- bout anything to create news, even get married! Those who can’t make news in that way give showers for the ones who are getting married. his Orr and Elwoor Taylor are the dar- ing souls getting married and they have been honored by four showers to date. Mrs. Ann Huggins of Willowdale gave a miscellaneous shower attended by several of Iris’ former neigh- bors from that area. Mrs. Tori McClymont and Mrs. Ruth Kei- fer gave a miscellaneous show- er at which over thirty friends, relatives, neighbors and co- workers of Iris and Elwood were present. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Keffgt and Carole, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Keffer motored to North Bay on Saturday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Keffer and their family. Their daughter. Linda, is being married on April 27 and Carole is to be a brides- maid. Belated birthday greetings this week to Mrs. Marjorie Bo- wes. and Cathy Keffer, both on March 10. We had a little celebration for Cathy’s birthday, with Grandma and Grandpa Keffer. Grandma Bagg and Rev. and Mrs. E. Lange. Maple, as guests. Cathy and her sisters were thrilled to receive brace- lets from Mrs. E. Lange. just Their current project is to install new lighting in the main church and the proceeds from this dinner (nearly doubled last year's take) will assist greatly to meet their obliga- tlon. Coming Soon â€" Fun Fate Remember the list of needed articles â€" anywhere from chl- na. jewellery, books. games, clo- thing. baking, candy, preserves and pickles, that the convenors, Shirley Tripp and Sheila An~ WATER HEATING COOKING HEATING DRYING Natural Gas and Propane Gas Concord Socials SALES - SERVICE NATURAL GAS F OR. COMPLETE GAS MERCHANDISING CENTRE RICHMOND HEIGHTS PLAZA PROPANE The school has been busy raising money for the Junior Red Cross and Principal Roy McWhlrter assures us that it is a slzeable sum. A full report on how much, and how it was collected. next week. Belated greetings to Billy Johnston who was eight on March 5. Billy entertained sev-‘ eral little friends with a party at his home. Randy Johnston couldn't appreciate the festivi-i ties unfortunately - he‘s got the mumps! Happy birthday :11: so to Pat Smith, March 16; Vi- cki Watt and Doug Keffer, March 20. Music Exam: Congratulations to Valerie Simmons, Baldwin Ave. who recently passed her grade six exams at the Conservatory. Slipped Again! Mrs. Bert Witty slipped on the lee recently and injured her ankle. Last summer while help- ing Mr. Witty she broke her wrist. This time the Wittys were just walking in their lane, returning from visiting neigh- bors when the mishap occurred. School News Robert Reaman, Valerie Sim- mons and Tina Voigt are work-‘ ing on exhibits which, provided they pass the Vaughan Town- ship judges, will be ex- hibited at the science fair to be held at Newmarket, on Ap- ril 6. (See “Liberalâ€. March ‘7). Good luck, kids! like little girls in India wear. Apparently Indian women and girls would hate to be seen without their bracelets and the idea is catching on fast in this house! Grandparents Inc Also grandparents (again) are Mr. and Mrs. Bell, Hillside Ave., whose daughter Cathy had a baby boy recently, a bro- ther for Laurie. Maybe your bowling will improve now that the big moment is over, Mona! Grandmothers should hire someone to do their worrying! Wanted for trophy room â€"â€" all types of guns, fishing or hunting trophies. If you have ideas or suggestions call these gals â€" they will appreciate your interest and help. More next week. We of Maple Branch Cancer Society are preparing our kits and our routes In order to best cover the required terri- tory and to best acquaint you with the services offered by this YOUR society. We'll meet you more than half way -â€" be ,Jady to receive us during April with a cheque or a check- up. Mr. and Mrs. G. Wood. Duti- erin St. are grandparents now that son Gordan and his wife have a new baby. Maple Cancer Society sell are needing to set up their big Fun Fare at George Bailey Public School. Call 257-2605 or 257-1328 for pick up. Start to get this project rolling. Check through and call now. GIVE YOUR KITCHEN THAT MODERN LOOK WITH A NEW AUTOMATIC GAS RANGE DRY YOUR CLOTHES IN THE MODERN MANNER WITH GAS THE MOST HOT WATER AT THE LOWEST COST LIVE MODERN F OR LESS - - WITH GAS Call “COZY†Games Night A highly successful games night, Sponsored by the Edge- ley Women’s Institute. was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Boake on March 1. Quite a few people from out- lying districts joined the local branch members for the eve‘ ning of fun, the proceeds of which are in aid of the York Central Hospital. R. J. Darlington won the men's first prize over eight ta- bles of euchre. It was a first aid kit donated by Charles .‘ ones of Concord. Mrs. Love won the ladies’ first prize - Yardley’s perfume. Ten people enjoyed games of crokinole and several prize; donated by Mrs. Boake’s friends were distributed among the players. Refreshments served by the hostess and the branch mem- bers after the games consisted of angel cake, strawberries and iceâ€"cream and coffee. At the annual meeting of the: provincial board of the Feder-‘ ated Women’s Institute of On- tario recently. the board con-‘ sidered a question from the‘ Canadian National Exhibition authorities asking if the womo en‘s institute would approve of holding the grandstand perfor: mance on Sunday and of keep-‘ ing the entire exhibition open on Sunday. Neither suggestion met with approval. But it was decided to have a women's in- stitute booth at the ONE. this year. The Federated Women's In- stitute booth at the Royal Ag- ricultural Winter Fair over the past few years has attracted many visitors and it is felt that a booth at the C.N.E. would be an interesting and worthwhile addition to the big fair The snow on the hills has now turned to slush and the ice in the skating rink is brok- en with the warm rays of the March sun, but it will seem like only a short time until it will be dry underfoot and warm overhead and the public can once again enjoy picnics and other spring and summer acti- vities at the village. No CNE on Sunday Local folk as well as many others enjoyed the winter fun at pioneer village. Several hun- dred cars parked there on week-ends during the winter attested to the popularity of the village as a winter play‘ ground. Visitors also had the opportunity to enjoy a free horse-drawn sleigh ride and thus experience what transpor- tation was like in pioneer dast Hell-o Spring The Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Auth- ority‘s policy to encourage maximum year-'round public use of it's area met with con- siderable response here in Ed- geley this winter. Gala Hockey Night For Maple Minor League Good Bye Winter â€" Edgeley Socials ly in self defence. For the next while - until that Fri- day. you will be hearing a- bout thls tun planned spree, having it glare out at you from posters, blare at you from radios - even invade your postal box!! Make up your mind to at- tend the Gala Hockey Night at Schomberg Arena on March 22nd at 8 p.m.. if on- Thlé is only a teezer. As AV. 5-2634 y Today 884 a 4186 Bowden Lumber AV. 5-4921 - TU. 4-112] Home Improvements SERVICES OFFERED SERVICES NEEDED TRY "LIBERAL" CLASSIFIEDS FOR BEST RESULTS Phone TU. 4-1105 0R. AV. 5-3316 The final play-off games will be played between the Squirts and between the Pee Wee teams. Mixed in and around this will be the masterly MC-ing of Norma- ple’s champion of the kids. Pat Salmon at the mike. Pat will keep things really on the go and look after the lucky draw prizes as well. Yes, there are prizes too. Games played March 9 at Schomberg Arena. PEE WEE Chicago 3 - Leafs 1 Chicago goals by M. Lord. D. Sinclair. and G. Sykes. Leaf goal by G. Wright. Detroit 4 - Canadians 2 All 4 Detroit goals by T. Goodmaker. Canadians 2 goals by G. Downey. yet we haven't the strength to get it all down in this column but we will let you In on "some" of the pro- gram and just a peek at "some" of the surprises. The whole idea of arrang- ing such a night is to let you and yours know how much the boys and their friends. the executive. ap- preciate your support throu- ghout this, their first organ- ized minor hockey league in Maple. Depending on where you are - the main highlight. Richmond Hill Pb: Bus. 285-5414 Res. 884-3571 Norman W. Greensldes, C.L.U., 477 Timothy Street, Newmarket Ph: Bus. PA. 7-6062 Res. TW. 54221 Roy L. Langtord. '76 Prospect Street. Newmarket Ph: Bus. PA. 7-6062 Res. TW. 5-6257 Fred M. Pugh. 98 Boyer Street Stouï¬ville Pb: 840-2604 Robert Allison, 327 Kerrybtook Drive Representatives SQUIR'I‘S Rangers 0 - Bruins o if you're like most people, you buy life insurance for family protection. But your policies are sound investments as well when they're the 'cash value" kind. Mutual Life policyholders enjoy steady increases in the guaranteed values of their policies plus-unsurpassed dividends. Check the advantages of the Mutual way to guaranteed savings and protection. Call the man from Mutual Life, today. Maple Minor League Bunch Office: 6A Levendalo Road, Richmond mu. cm. 1’11: 285-5‘1‘ g ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA The company with the outstanding dividend record The Mutual Life Stuart S. Greenhun, Branch Manager Pb: 884-1425 YORK COUNTY SCIENCEFAIR Semi-Finals Now hear this! even in el- ection year (again) things can't get this tough. We hear this- only from behind posts and hedges - But it ap- pears that the ‘men' of this association are in divided camps. So - be pre- pared for mayhem. dastard- ly deeds, sneaky attacks plus cold blooded brute force pit- ted against the team of con- ches and managers and the team of referees and execu- tives. And all this under the clear sportmanship guise of hoekey??!! (as far as the distazf side is concerned) will be the scientifically coached An- gels and Witches (or Saints and Sinners) Ladles' Broom- ball team. Here you will witness the finer arts of this ladies‘ pastime - compared by some - to the refinement and elegance displayed at a “demi tasse social". Time nor space will allow to give the other comparison so please - keep it to yourself both now and later! These anxious participants were culled from those staunch souls who arose each Satur- day. just a little earlier than the better half, to make sure that their representa- tive hockey stalwart got off to meet his coach anywhere from 7 am. to 8.30 am. and then took off to watch him perform and to cheer him on. TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA OF VAUGHAN THURSDAY, MARCH let. THIS DISPLAY WILL BE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FROM 7 RM. T0 10 RM. KLEINBURG SCHOOL Ron H. Heater, 45 Foreht Cres., Aurora Ph: Bus. PA. 7-6062 Res. PA. 7-5876 H. Larry Cummer, 12 Kersey Crel., Richmond Hill. [’11: Bus. 285-5414 Res. 884-3610 Rod Stevens, 87 Millard Ave., Newmarket. Pb; Bus. PA. 7-6082 Res TW. 5-4728 John 1', Ken, R. R. No. 1, King City Ph: Bus. PA. 7-6062 Res. TE. 3-6385 Will Be Held Come and see what fun you might happen to ferret out - show your city slicker friend how we country bum- pkins really operate. Watch for next week when more news will no doubt leak out, dripping with names of the famous and near famous of ours. and surrounding districts. The main thing to remem- ber is that tickets may be bought at the arena door - at usual going rates (sec coming events) and all pro- ceeds that can be pried from the sticky ï¬ngers of the tick- ct takers, will go toward the development of hockey (the good, clean kind) In Maple. Perhaps this is too much to expect a regular NHL of- ficial to be able to handle so he‘d better he kept un- der wraps - or the usual blindfold (comes with regu- lar equipment) made fast and sturdy. until our some- what dazed guest Ron Wicks is propelled onto the ice. Just to be sure he receive: the right kind of hospitality (?) we won’t let the public - much less the players, - know that he really is a co- hort of Dalt McAthur’s. es- teemed president of M.M.H.- A. and erstwhile Ukei'iéi NHL official. Hope we recognize you there first!!!