Accountants â€" L. E. Clark _ F.I.A. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 5453942 YONGE STREET-l BA. 5-4701 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTi ‘ ‘ . , . . . L 7-2590 . LEONARD R. ROSENBERG PLASTERING CONTRACTOR E A . ‘ ‘ n m 3_ Com KING ngineering lLau-lm & LeClane; nmk o, No" ’Scoth Build,†â€" PHONE TE. 3-5295 -â€" mi i BARRISTERS-SOLICITORS Mm" - . SPECIAI. MACHINERY g . , l 1-5 Yonge Street N. _ Tele hone Aurora PA. 7-9451 . . . GENERAL REPAIRS l H A d Richmond Hm. (mm-m " Decrantls-Rlce lends ‘ earing I S V T5 “413 I A , i ‘ GENERAL CONTRACTORS ~ Machine Shop .â€"â€"â€";17 Queen sum gm... 544: CONE". & Keogh .iBuildlng Repairs & Alterations CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS with offices at 474 Botsford 5:. i Newmarket TW. 5-2972 and 31 Mallow Road Don Mills 447-0589 Appliances ' Ell won/r HARD my Au om mar/r. o If!†(0er 00W 1 WE WANT/ ow . Z‘ATISF/ED l I C ; I . Chiropractic 1 RICE’S “m 5,137.. I: & Diew ‘ _l l Barrister. Solicitor, etc. . ‘ . 1 RICHMOND HEIGHTS E l mum...†HILL A, thurDGCl B, and l CENTRE ilErnie Brock & Son T“°““‘“‘â€â€˜ . . l “F'â€â€œ'e"S.F°';, A" l ; Richmond Hill Office RICHMOND HILL . 2‘ eggmgnmw- i chasmns l W’- i 15 Yonge Street a. ‘ i TUrner 4-4251 ‘ l bones l - ,b B . k 1 Av. 5-5144 Til 4-1233 * Willi 4-3392 ‘ s T . ~ - , 7 _ oi Kn y 106 v _ - I - TL. 4 1512 A\ . 5 181.. _ Thornhill omce By Appointment 3 . ~ AT ALL HOURS § Nlaple, Out 1 AV. 5-1197 ; We Deliver ‘ v ‘ .H. D_ Melsness, D.C.; Toronto & surrounding . COMPLETE INSURANCE E F I)Istricts Auctioneer I ’Alvin S. Farmer ~ Licensed Auctioneer YYork & Ontario Counties: 36 Years Experience SPECIALIZING IN PUREBRED CATTLE, FARM STOCK. FURNITURE AND IMPLEMENTS We personally handle all sale! »‘ bills and advertising ‘ | PHONE 886-53111 GORMLEY, ONT. British & Foreign Cars RICHMOND MOTORS 321 Enford Rd. I at Industrial Rd. I l v. Richmond Hill AV. 5-2994 English car service centre ‘ for all makes. BOB CURRINGTON l . l VOLKSWAGEN SALES & SERVICE . .ap. SERVICE; 178 YONGE ST. N.l Richmond Hill AV. 5 - 359i ’PUMP AND WELL REPAIRS- THORNHILL 'cor. Windhurst Gate & Bayview1 (I block south Bayview Plazal 16 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. March 14. 1963 Building Trades _â€" i i t FARM -â€"â€"- HOME l R. r. Challoner { WELL DRILLING l MYERS WATER SYSTEMS} Av. 5-1413} l Wm. Clubine .5 l Drain and Concrete Work AV. 5-5881 HARRisoN’s Custom Carpentry “If it’s exclusive Harrison will build it" â€" TU 4 9838 HELEN SIMPSON LYNETT v ' “ Helen Simpson 5 Flowers Children's Wear For QUALITY 7 Children's Wear Children's ' Fashion Shop In The Centre Of The RICHMOND HEIGHTS SHOPPING CENTRE TU. 4-7474 ; Phone TU. 4-1075 By Appointment T.LeonardPinnegar D.C. 465 MARAMAK RD. RICHMOND HILL ; Opp. Bayview Sec. Schooll 884-3675 By appointment l i :Keele Street I Fish&Chips I Confectionery Kay’s Variety 17 Yonge Street I (North of Centre Street) OPEN UNTIL 11 PM. DAILY l l l Sliced Meats - Bread ‘ .\lilk - Tobaccos 1 Magazines and Newspapers 1 Pop - Ice Cream 3 E Dental 3 l l Dr. J. M. Dryer DENTIST Gas Extractions '78 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL TUI‘DEI‘ 4-1462 l Open Evenings i l Dr. J. Perdicaris l MEDICAL-DENTAL I CENTRE l BAYVIEll' PLAZA { BEVERLEY ACRES | PHONE m OFFICE Tl'. 4-3571 l Dr. John Simpson ‘1 DENTIST ' YONGE STREET AV 5-4442 Thornhill, Ont. 'i' t i Dress Fabrics EH. i. Mi ’ Where Fabric Fair llress Fabric-s Draperies . Home Service Complete Sewing Accessories Imported Silks and \Yoollcns 80A Yonge Street South Richmond Hill TU. 4-1064 73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL A V. 5-1974 STEA MFITTING WELDING Flowers :METRO WIDE DELIVERY FREE HEARING TEST lMember - Florists‘ Telegraph Delivery Association 2518 YONGE ST. (at St. Clements) TORONTO 12, ONT. Ph. HU. 5-1145 Retail Division ;F10wers for all over the world Roses cut fresh daily Weddings - Funerals Corsages . Experienced designers lAv. 5-4865 â€"â€" WA. 5-0532 B. W MILLER GROWER -- FLORIST Since 1330 The ï¬nest in floral designsf and bedding plants. PHONE ALpine 7-1471 or AL. 7-1363 19 Yonge Street North . Richmond Hill Service. and Courtesy still prevail. Open Every Weekday TAKE-OUT SERVICE TU. 4-3450 Free Parking at rear Garages Richvale Auto Bodylm 4-1.2 Body & Fender Repairs Complete Reï¬nishing If you haven't heard of our re-i putation. enquire from your friends All work guaranteed 1-H Spruce Ave. Stop 22A Yonge St.. Richvale‘ us no.3 Maple, Ont. Hair Styl Beauty SalonS . Donald .1]. Findlay: i i i QC. t 'Cnllllllllc-‘d‘ l sellu’OOd salon Barrister. Solicitor. ' “Formerly Bloor & Yonge Sts..V Notary Individual Attention H v ' ' ' iHair Styling Permanent Waving 18ml: ( ll} TE_ 3.343], TE. 3-6634 ; 96A Yonge St. 8.. Aurora: PA. 7-9272 1 Air Conditioned Dryers l 80 Yonge St. South Richmond Hill TU. 1-2321 ’ .‘laple Plaza 1 ALL SIZES HEARING AID l ’l‘ognxilnolhcgggazrin §RATTERIES STOCKED f - We - PRESCRIPTION FITTED. "MW E l l 1 HEARING AIDS; . l EASSOCIATED HE.ARING§Stuart Parke", Q-C- ‘ RICHMOND HILL 1 l ‘ l 7 Dutferln St. E I LIMITED ‘ TU. 4-1543? l 7 31 YONGE ST. NORTH 5A‘- 5'14" ' (Upper Floor) RICHMOND HILL T. C. Newman, Q.C.l BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Suite 2. Lowrie Building ‘ its Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill; chaim m All Makes} Every Thursday Afternoon l I i TIIrncr 4-1551 l Toronto Office - l 7 Queen St. FL. Suite 15L " Phone EM. 3-5877 Insurance meg 1 James H. Tlmrnms . Bi .k l ‘ Roy V c Notary Public Complete 1 THORNHILI. Insurance Servtce f AVenue 5-3165 ‘ 17 Queen St. E. .___ 1:Toronto 363-3959 i ’Phones 884-1113 _â€" ss4-ili4 For Personal Appointment 1 l l Barrister, Solicitor, l 25 Grandview Ave. Thornhill Plaxton, Deane SERVICE I Bus. ALpine 7-2621 Gariepy and Mann Res. ALpine 7-1224 Barristers and Solicitors I l 6197 YONGE STREET l WILLOWDALE. ONTARIO I Corner Agency M 5.8806 Limited Kenneth A. Gariepy , ‘ BA. 5-1557 i Insurance - Mortgages w. E. Ne“ Mann Fire. Auto. Liability : Tu 44618 l‘Motor Vehicle Finance Servicej lTELEPHONE PA. 7-9488-9: Bank of Nova Scotia Bldg.. l Stiver, Vale, ; “"0"†0mm†lPeppiatt, Erringtoni i . l BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. 7 ‘ NOTARIES l K. M. R. Stlver. Q.C. Joseph Vale, Q-C. H errington ? Insurance Agency . IE .Eyel Examined ’ Satisfaction iRichmond Hill Ron's Fish&Chips- obviating... Suite 2, Lowrie Building i 15 Yonge Street N. TUrner 4-1551‘ Savage GENERAL INSURANCE ‘Fire. Automobile, Plate Glass 1 Automobile Financing etc. r Office 15 Yonge St. N. Residence 73 Leisure Lane Richmond Hill 19 i_____c l John S. Walkington l ‘ 3.4. 3 GENERAL INSURANCE Barrister. Solicitor so Notary { l FIRE - AUTO - LIABILITr ‘ Public 1 General Busmess "THE LIBERAL" TUrner 4- "05 Insurance Services BARRIST l l i i Richmond Hill 3â€â€œ i J. M. Pepplatt. B.A. William Errington. B. Com. 195A MAIN ST. Ph. TW. 5-4571 J. Rabinowitch, BA. ER. SOI.ICIT0R,;1 NOTARY PUBLIC E 65 Yonge St. S. i Richmond Hill . 'l‘U. 4-5829 Richmond Theatre Block Res. TU. 4-2117 Norman .4. Todd ‘ IS YONGE ST. NORTH Newmarket ._ l . i 15 Yonge Street North ! ’Sea Foods ___‘ __.'.â€"_:.__l t 1 Musical | .iIarguerite Boyle Variety sea FOOd: FRESH-FISH it is our policy to sell only the best obtainable. as it; comes in season. i Eloceution. Public Speaking it i)! [evendale Road Platform Dcportment ! . Dramatic A†Richmond Heights Centre TU. 4-7881 “HOMEWOOD HALL" 1. FISH & CHIPS Thornhill That Must Please or FREE ES'I'IZT‘IA'I‘IS‘S .PIANO TUNING l REPAIRS REPAIRS l l l Your Money Refunded Gucsswm‘k is Eliminated New Scientiï¬c Method “Checked†Electronically With the Stroboscope AL PYLE 5 BISAVERTON RD. 884-3614 1 if no answer at 884-3614 during daytime. call 884â€"1105 or 285-3316 For Piano Instruction PHONE AV. 5-3920 Sporting Goods Al’s Cycle and Sports Shop C.('..\I. X; Raleigh Bicycles Repairs to All Makes A Complete Line of 1 Sporting Goods Office Supplies ‘ YORK OFHCE Steam Baths l 25 Yonge Street. South , Richmond Hill TU. 4-1213: EQUIPMENT $1.00 Bring this advt. 16 Yonge Street North Richmond RICHMOND "ILL ) . Steam (Sauna) i l v ‘ . TL. 4 4.31 Bat’ls 285-5729 ,- l 'I-_ - f S 1 Rentals. Sales. service of “385:5: W 3“ SillsalLampi office machines. Business‘j Your] ï¬rst: “:2: bath l suplies and social stationery? ‘ ‘ ' 4‘ Ladies. Mon-Tues, 5-11 pml Men, Wed. Thurs, Fri. Sat.,l 11 am. - 11 pm, i Sun. 11 am. - 6.00 pm, after 6: on Sunday by appointment. Optometry F. L. Lowrie, R.0. Glasses Fitted Optical Repairs‘ 1 Now AT 3242 YONGE S’I‘. ; , Surveyors In North Toronto I Opposite Park Theatre I call ‘ TU. 4-5111. 1 i l l 9 am. to 6 p.m. including Sat; HU- 8-8949 l Yates & Yates South Side Richmond Heights Plaza l i t t l E i b o 11 men w Ontario Land Surveyors 1 ' . 53 Bedford Park Avenue A. W. Kirchen, R.()., Richmond Hill, TU. 4-2941 ‘105 Willowdale Ave. Willowdale‘ Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted; 0nt.. BA. 5-3031 1 i i ‘Ptescrlptions & Repairsé Res. George T. Yates, OIL-s. 31 YONGE ST. NORTH Phone TUrner 4-3962 9.30 - 5.30 Weekdays Wednesday 8: Saturday Afternoons by appointment Open Friday Nights Transportation LangdonS Coach Lines Ltd. J. C. Horvat,n,A., 0.1).! OPTOMETRIST o EYES EXAMINED l o PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED 0 CONTACT LENSES 7 1 GLASSES MADE &REPAIRED:‘ Coaches 1'0!“ 8“ Occasion-‘3' 1N Telephone TE. 3-5351 By Appointment l 15 YONGE ST. N. I RICHMOND HILL l TU. 4-4641 5 _ Trailways Of Canada Ltd. Local Bus Service Daily Richmond Hill- Toronto Service Chartered Coaches SERVICE i 23 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill . TU. 4-2819 Information: AV. 5-5451 I Television Benjamin Moore Paints QUALITY WALLPAPERS Math’s TV - Radio. l l Service 6’: Part: 'lAntenna installations and Kits Repairs to Electrical Appliances - Car Radios - TC. 4-7903 Real Estate Jack Seaton REAL ESTATE BROKERl Sales _ Rentals - Leases MATH L ERRELBAC}! 1’25 Pemberton Rd.- l l Residential - Commercial ‘ l 1113 King St. - King City . _ TE. 3_5283 Richmond Ontario Office 'I‘L'rner 4-1780 .- Residence 'l'L'rner 4-1863 ‘ BY Appointment Legal 1 i . 9 Massage } Floyd E. Corner . l l QC. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR AND NOTARY PL'BLIC The Bank of Nova Scotia Building AURORA. ONTARIO i Telephones Otre’ FA. l Res. PA. T‘s-.149 . Lillian .4 . De Wolfe REGISTERED MASSEL'SE . PHONE 884-3603 BY APPOINTMENT 1.. . PHONE 235-1172 l ‘ . * Wm. A. Wright I 1 174 BAYVIEW AVE. ? 7-9433-91 .,A___.._._WL ,, .. .,,.J Repairs to: _ Radio - Hi-Fi REAL ESTATE AGENT 3 TV ! Personalized I ' 5 RESIDENTIAL SALES Moblle l omrr - or. 7.5m Communications Residence - _ ' Richvale Electronics 1 Stop 2'2 Yonge Street n-v- w~t . Arnold Am. '1 hornhill l Av. ' RCDIC:Gll’all\° 0-3205 l W. H. sImRTILi. LTD, AV. 5-2669 1 l REALTORS 1, PETER B. SMITH l 'Memher Toronto Real Estate: I . Roarâ€"i Antenna Installation l Herbert and Joan Goodhoofd‘ 'Cali Any Tillie - Free Estimates .. ' 7728 Yonge St., Thornhill Richmond Hill iDr. W. Allan Ripleyi Telephone fame MUSIC ox By Ray Stephens iFontInucd From Page 3' Waters and I was told that Ricky Licastro played piano. This l’m sorry to say was missed by me because th piano must have been mov- ed too far Off stage. Work- ing around the fine clarinet- figurcs Of John C. this group did well and had a lot of fun at it. The senior band again bounced through a bright march by Costa and a LatiI American number calle Sambalita, How the lad or the maraccas managed toE keep a rhythmic beat from,E atop the totem pole against the woodwind figures down below I‘ll never know but he did it well. These types of rhythms are exciting. di- fficult but. come off except- ionally good it the rhythm section performs its job. Once again I waited to see just what Brien Thurs- ton had up his sleeve with that, wonderful gifted voice of his and I was more than surprised when he turned to a modern medium of ex- pression along with Joe Mendelson on guitar. These two musicians certainly gave a polished performâ€" ance. At times I felt that ‘ the electric guitar was a bit too imposing as background for the voice and once‘ or twice an annoying boom or ring came forth very much out of color. Brien's style was much in the manner of the Ame's brothers without the Ames. Tile dance band got in a few good licks despite a Weak rhythm section of onl~ one man. Should try to get: a bass and piano. and where was one of the many avail- able guitar men? Big bands need four rhythm. It’s im- possible for a lone drum- mer no matter how good he is to hold down a bunch of brass and woodwind section men who all have their own beat. Some beat their feet, bounce in their seats, knock knees and sway heads but seldom keep proper time.-' That‘s why the rhythm sec- tion was invented just to keep these guys together. The junior band shows promise and from these ‘a's and corns‘ grow the big blokes so after all theirs is a vet}, important position. As usual at intermission I failed to get near the re- freshment booth so next time if you see one of the ‘dad-types’ in the hall with his own thermos of coffee don’t ask me for any. I had a pleasant chat. however. with Bob and the Mrs. Crin’ gan who came over from Maple for the show. Bob, by the way is music super- visor at Earl Haig Collegiate in North York and his mus- ic night comes up next: week. Bob's problem was in trying to get hold of a real live monkey as part of an organ grinder act in his show so if you happen to have a spare monkey around the house (and no wise re- marks) Bob Cringan could use one. I honestly believe that Bob plans on taking up a collection this way. So we come again to the concert and we have alrea- dy said so much that it might be necessary to run a special edition of “The Li- beral†to get it all in. The intermediate band was of course a little better than the junior band and not as good as the senior band but that's the reason it is called intermediate af- very ' .lohn Seddon did remark- ably well with his Polonaise No. 1. Since the opus num- ber was omitted I must re- lay it, on simply as No. 1. My musical memory is much too cluttered to remember 0- pus numbers any more. This was of course Chopin and when you play a concert such as this there's nothing more ‘pianoâ€"ey' than Chopin. I felt that the audience sud- denly slipped into deep muS- ical mood at this point for John's interpretation and performance was most ad- mirable. A few arpeggios got away on him but what's an arpcggio between friends. Again we have Brien at his most familiar role singing. "Till There Was You.“ This voice bothers me because I know that beneath it all lies a hidden quality. Whether it stays there be- cause of choice or because it's not known or not want- ed. i couldn‘t say. and the half voice can only go so far in this world of music. Like the highjump. the leg ‘Over first takes you only so high. and after that the Australian body roll. or whatever it’s called, takes it from there. Joan Angus as accompanist displayed very fine taste in accompany- ing and if Joan enjoys this type of work she should read Gerald Moore's “The Unashamed Accompanist. Lynda Ford, Marg Queen and Eva Harwood came out prepared with Como stools. or is it now Andy Williams? However this always sets an air of informality be- sides making you feel bet- ter about it all. “Hi Lili. Hi Lo". was very pretty and so was “The Night Has A Thousand Eyes" and it was certainly quite evident that since their last appearance some time ago they have been working hard on the vocalizing. The blend is very good. In “Yellow- bird" the girls used bongoa and maraccas in good style but could show a little of the pepsodent resultsalittle more. Watch some of the TV. personalities give .out with this ‘fang-bearing’ pro- cess and see what I mean. How they can sing with a face splitting grin is beyond me but it does project per- sonality over an audience. These three-part arrange- ments were done by Beth Harwood and having spec- ials such as this is a very good asset. So with the strains of the senior band winding up the show with Track Meet and Tango for band, yours truly departed homeward to spend some time putting these thoughts into The Music Box. Training students in school music is almost heart breaking and many music supervisors sometimes devâ€" elope ulcers, aching chests and grey hairs long before they are due. but the stud- ents can help a lot if they want to by getting in a lit- tle extra work on the horn from outside. I know quite a few top types up here in Richmond Hill who would enjoy giving some of these young musicians a few pro- fessional hints to better themselves on their instruâ€" ments. If you‘re at all int'er- ested drop a line to this co- Iumn. in conclusion. or before I shut up. let me say one thing. “You might not take it with you. but you'll have ter all. I a real ball while you're with â€"~ H- --â€"-‘--- “A†. a. it." Travel iAppoini A. Fleming â€"lTo Court of Revision . L Markham Township accepted 1the resignation last week of F. in Mulholiand of Unionville lfrom the township court of re- lvision. Mr. Archie Fleming wal Reservations for Sea-Air lnamed to fill the vacancy by Vbylaw. Mr. Fleming is the for- Tours and Cruises . :mer Markham Township Asses- 63 YONGE STREET N. 'sment Commissioner. Clerk Harry Crisp advised council RICHMOND HILL, ONT..that it was necessary to deal Phone: :with the matter immediately as 884-7851 or 2285-5782 Travel Service 'there was work the court ‘should be undertaking. DEPT. OF HEALTH ’I‘WP. OF NORTH YORK Don'ts for Baby Sitters Don't. be late. Don't leave infants alone - except in cribs etc. Don't. tie up the telephone. Don't bring a friend with- out the permission of the children's parents and your parents. Don‘t use the radio or TV without permission. and don't play them loudly. Don't touch electric switch- . es with wet hands. ’ Don‘t pry. I CARL E. HILL. l\i.D.. M.O.H. MARIA'S TRAVEL AGENCY 1 Reservations For 1 Every Phase of Travel Without Charge ‘ 285-4807 - 285-4808 Veterinary . Home improvements VETERINARY SURGEON 147 Yonge St. NE Office ' - ‘3 i rid Hiiig ‘5; TI. 4 it 2 Ricimn I am- ..A... .._.... - KINGSDALE ANIMA HOSPITAL DR. CARL HEDER TEMPLE 3-54‘01 L Bowden Lumber :AV. 5-492i -iu.4-112i I