WASHERfEHVSbiraIator spin~ dry. Good cottage buy. After S TU. 4-5025. clw3:7 rmos'r HOMES ARE LISTED WITH DAVID McLEAN mo. \ch8 OUTBOARD'motbr, 10 h.p. Mercury Hurricane, model KG? $105. Phone BA. 1-98557 WW , ï¬ GIRL GUIDE uniform 5129 12. good condition 8841298. c1w37 AN 8 MM. Movie Projectof. 500 watt and an 8 mm. camera 1.4 lens. AV. 5~3117. c1w37 GOOD used furniture for sale. 0311 Frank's Movers and Stor~ Age, 28 Industrial 8d,, TU. 4~ 2613. tfc3 GENISEON bï¬by carriage. grey.‘ good condition. reasonable. TU.‘ +2424. c1w3'7 PIANO, Mason and Risch, new‘ apartment size, $450. AV. 5- 2713 evenings. c1w37 1 IRON doEble béd, suit cot- tage, good mattress. 2 trunks. 884-1756. *1w37 TV 17": eicellent condition. Going for best offer. 285-3484 liter 6.00 pm. c1w37 8 BEATTY calf pgsfcomplete with all fittings. like new. 886~ 5215. *1w3'1 Doors, windows, awnings, and railings. Ron Woods. TU. 4-1514 tfc36 6 VOLT baï¬iy’cï¬arg’br. "15 inch wheel with 710x15 whitewall tire. nearly new. TU. 4-1938. WESTERN saddle. two bridlvs‘ new post-hole digger, construe» tion wheelbarrow, market :..ul‘~ den seeder. HU. 14332. c1w37 WALNUT dining suite, Q’piecesi upholstered chairs, good condi- tlon. $100.00. King TE. 3-5620. CUSTOM RADIO for 1951 Pon- tiac. 6 volt battery, 2 15-inch Pontiac rims $20. Or sell separ. new. TU. 4-5567. c1w37 BOY’S winter coat, size 14. black. $7.: pair boy's shoes, size 4. black. $4. Brand new. TU. 4- 2702. c1w37 AUTOMATIC washer $45. Wringer Washer $19.95 ecord player $14.95. U. 4-3211. ( *' WNK’B'EDS SPECfo ’ New and used. $15 and up. Call Frank’s Movers and Storage. TU. «1-2613 or AV. 5-5101. tic3'7 Ri'CHMoï¬b 'HI’ilL 'Cuiung Club debenture, fully paid, at reduced price. BA. 2-4707. GARDEN tractor. Simplicity. with cultivator. mower and oth- er attachments, 3125. AV. 5- 2178. c1w37 SEWING machine, Singer. re- possessed, portable or cabinet, also vacuum cleaners. terms.‘ Singer Sewing Machine Co. TU. 4-2931. tfc32 HEAVY GAUGE steel rooï¬ng. 20 squares or over. $10.00 per square; under $10.35 per square. Gormley Lumber 886-5710. B THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, BUNK BEDS. red maple, brand new. 36" spring filled mattress- es) $49.50 complete. North Park Furniture. 3368 Yonge St, Tor. onto. IIU. 8-7911. c4w35 APPLIANCES SUPERIOR PROPANE LTD MAPLE ‘ The only AUTOMATIC Propane‘ Gas Service from New Bums-j wick to Manitoba. For informag don. call AV. 5.1145. tfc29! PROPANE GAS & l .l AMAZING Singer Automatic Zig-Zag FLOOR MODEL Sew- ing Machine. Does hundreds of fancy designs button holes, blind hems. sews on buttons. Will sacrifice for $75.00 or take over payments of $6.50 per month. Dealer. Write Box 125 The Liberal cZw36 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASE RATES. m insertion So each word, min. charge 750 Second and lubscqnent insertions 1! wording unchanged, So per word. min. charge . . . . . . 65c FOR 303 NUMBERS an extn charge per insertion of 505 COMING EVENT NOTICE: So per word; min. charge 750 CARDS OF THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES. BIRTHS, per Insertion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Classiï¬ed ldvertisements '11on be in as early In the week a: possible but not later than 10 am. on Wednesdays, Send ldl by mail and enclose payment, or telephone TU. 4-1105 1nd you will receive invoice. NEED A NEW STOVE 0R 'FRIDGE? XXXX X X XXXX SW 2!! m A low-cost. LIFE-INSURED ARTICLES FOR SALE XXX MAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA liflmiï¬UM XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XX X X X XX X XX §XXXXXXXXX X X X X X X XXXXXXXXX ixxx clw37 *1w37 c1w37 c1w37 c1w37 10 BEATTY steel hog pens, 9 by 12 ft. and 12 by 12 ft. with two gates each of Danish de- sign. 886-5216. *1w37 RESTAURANT fixtures and equipment, in excellent condi- tion. [or sale. Apply Pop’s Resâ€" taurant, 194 Yonge St. N., Rich- mond Hill. 02w36 GIRL'S full size C.C.M. bicycle. $25.00; Singer portable electric $50; double bed spring and mat- tress $5. AV. 5-4188, 2-4 pm. c1w37 C.C.M. GIRL’S bicycle. $25.00.‘ Lawn mower $10. Pair leatherw hunting boots, 12 inch tops,‘ $5. Royal typewriter $40. AV.‘ 5-3877. c1w37 6 PIECE den or rec. room set, autumn leaf pattern; electric vibrator relaxer chair, buffet, electric floor washer. skilsaw, 36’ extension ladder. TU. 4â€" 5104. c1w37 20 BEATTY waterr'ï¬bowlis. 886~ 5216. *1W37 CAR RADIOS. For the best se- lection of used custom or univ- ersal models from $10.00 up. Thorndale Sales and Service, 9190 Yonge St, Texaco Station, Richvale. c1w37 BEATTY bull pen, 10 by 12 ft. Latest welded steel, complete with manger gates and all fit~ tings. like new. 886-5216. *1w37 TRIPLE dresser. solid mahog- any, spice wood finish. Walnut cabinet. ornate glass front, for books or china. Mantel radio and other items. Phone evenings, TU. 4-2816. c1w37 BEAUTYRES‘T, Marshall, Sim- mons, Serta, Keely and other ‘spring mattresses repaired, re- ‘turned just like new. medium Lï¬rm, extra ï¬rm. Two-day ser- vice. Eiderdowns recovered. On- tario Bedding Co. AV. 5-1591. tfc44 Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in- cluding new and rebuilt stand- ard portable and electric mod- els. Special rental rates avail- able to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. BALL-OF-FIEEi 70w} any- where), portable, stove 01! heat- ers. No smoke - No pipes - No odor. Quality British made. Heat 20’ x 25' one cent an hour. See them at CARL WALKER SALES Victoria Square Ph. 886'5413 l tfc35 NEW and :used TV’s, stereos, dryers. stoves, fridges, washers, for sale from $24.95. Used TV's and appliances bought for cash. HERRIDGE ELECTRIC TV AND APPLIANCES Sales. repairs‘ parts. rentals 40 Levendale Rd. TU. 4-3211 tfc31 1 dining room set, 6 chairs, buf- fet. table $50; 1 office desk $20; 1 leather Chesterfield, like new, $125; 2 end tables $20: 1 four piece walnut bedroom suite, less mattress $150; 1 James por- table dishwasher $100. Apply Clarke Smith, 14 Thornridge D12, phone AV. 5-1478. c1w37 W Y N - D 0 T THE LADIES SHOP RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-2214 SPECIALISTS on wall to wall draperies. ladies’ & children's wear and sewing needs, knit- ting Wool and patterns. Mahmoud Hill CHINCHILLA BREEDING You can make money raising Chinchillas. Enquire Stonehouse Chinchilla Ranch, R. R. 1 UK- bridge. UL. 2-8757, RU. 2-6806. tfc3'7 RELIKBiE baby sitter, any ev- ening or week~-end, references. 884-2594. c1w3’7 Experienced baby-sitters, home- maker's service and day work. Call day or night. TU. 4-7253. LABOURER for building trade TU. 4-7635. mm GIRLS for AV. 5-5459 SALES HELP MALE Earn extra money in spare time. Call Globe and Mail representa- tive, TU. 4-4977. c3w37 BABY SITTING BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY HELP WANTED TYPEWRITERSi ADDING MACHINES FOR SALE niOTï¬ERԤTÂ¥ELPER SERVICE BAYVIEW PLAZA (Continued) FURNn‘ï¬tï¬ Ontario, Thurgdgy, March 14, 1963 light fzictorfwo}? clw37 TU. 4-1745 “C49 c4w37 BABY SITTER waYtEdf’atter- moons. 1 to 4.30 pm. TU. 4-7706. c1w3’7 CAPABLE woman {or general housework, live in. Attractive bedroom with private bath. AV. 5-3162. c1w36 BOY, grade 8 level, part time, 6.30 to 8.30. alert with figures. 3 evenings weekly. Apply Box 127 The Liberal. c1w37 CAPABLE WOMAN to care for two children in their own home. plus light duties, Monday to Friday. TU. 4-7575. c1w37 HOUSE in return for wife’s part time services. Couple with- out children or widow with 01- der child. AV. 5-2723. c1w37 RELIABLE WOMAN for house- work in Richmond Hill. one day weekly or bi-weekly. Apply to Box 131 The Liberal. nc37 FEMALE HELP, part time. transplanting seedlings. Rich- view Nurseries, AV. 5-1266. EXPERIENCED hairdresser. 3 days a week, Tuesday. Friday and Saturday, Top wages, plus commission. Phone PA. 7-9801, after 6 p.113. PA. 7-9269. c1w37 for local trust company. Must be proficient in typing and shorthand. Apply Box No. 128 The Liberal. c1w37 WOULD you like to for two hours work afternoon or evening a week. Car necessal terview, call 8844651 FOR FUN and GOOD EARN- INGS. Avon Representatives will tell you it’s easy to sell fine products full or part time, it's profitable! Write Miss Zieg- ler, Box 141 Guelph. c1w37 JUNIOR STEITrbGRAPï¬â€˜ER Life insurance office in Rich- mond Hill requires clerk-sten- ographer. Telephone 285-5414 or PA. 7-6062 for interview ap~ pointment. c2w36 CAPABLE woman to take re- sponsibility of housekeeping. 4 children, 2 In school, while mo- ther in hospital. Live in, TU. 4-1918. c1w37 NURSES Registered Nursing Assistants and experienced practical nur~ ses required. Full time and part time available. Mrs. Stewart. The Vina, Bathurst St. Therm hill. AV. 54931. c4w36 TELLER Previous experience as teller with bank or trust company esâ€" sential. Pleasant working con- ditions in new office. Age 30- 4!) preferred. Apply Box No. 129 The Liberal. c1w37 v.0.N. Richmond Hill Branch requires a Registered Nurse, preferably with Public Health qualifica- tions for week-end relief. Conâ€" tact Mlss N. Haywood, TU. 4- 4101. c1w37 FEMALE CLERK, familiar with‘ payroll and light office dutiesl typing essential, 9-5 5-day week for Newkirk Rd., Richmond Hill plant. Interviews held Monday, March 18, 2-4 pm. Douglas Met 31 Industries Ltd., 170 Willow- dale SL. Willowdale. *1w37 MAN or woman to supply esâ€" tablished customers with tam- ous nationally advertised Wat- kins products. No investment. Earnings of $75. and up weekly possible. Full or partâ€"time. Write to Mr. J. Gauthier 350 St. Roch Street, Montreal 15. Quebec. c4w35 ARTEX CONCRETE LTD. Requires men with form and‘ steel setting or finishing exper- ience, also bullmoose operator for architectural and structural precast concrete. Apply AV. 5- 5944. evenings TU. 4-1092. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Opening for one energetic real estate salesman in the busy long~established Thornhill ofâ€" fices of David McLean Ltd. Call Mr. Carlisle, AV. 5~1176 or AV. 5-2742. David McLean Ltd.. Realtors. clw36 Earn $30 to $40 weekly by wor-‘ king two to three evenings per} week in your district, from 8 to 11 pm. No canvassing. Car helpful. For interview, call BE. 9-6880, 6 pm. - 7 p.m.. ask for Mrs. Alice Dinsdale, March 14 to March 21. c1w37 OFFICE Cierk, high school} graduation or equivalent edu-‘ cation. Experience preferred. Government office. vicinity Richmond Hill. Transportation provided. State education and experience. Mathematical or statistical arititudes desirable. Write Box No. 130 The Liberal. c2w37 Opportu ity for quick advance- ment an high commission ear- nings with a growing 59 year‘ old company selling world fam-‘ ous Goodyear maintenance pro-' ducts. Many exclusive and non-‘ competitive repeat items. Age no barrier. Diversified Winter and summer line. We take care of all financing. shipping and collections. New salesman O. M. Rath earned $358 commis- sions his second order. Paul iRausch, new salesman, earned $608 on one sale and now is No. 5 company volume leader. Fringe benefits include life in- surance. sales bonuses. Write Consolidated Paint & Varnish (Canada! Ltd., PO. Box 39 - Rosemount, Montreal, Quebec. c1w37 HEY? ’WXNT’ED UEUSUKL 'OPpoxTuimi" FDR SALESMAN OVER 30 STENOGRAPHER HOUSEWIVES (continued) like to earn $10. 75 Work, morning, evening, five days necessary. For in- 8844650. c1w37 c1w37 c2w36 Jr‘HN'S washer and apï¬liEnce repairs. TU. +2615. tfc50 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $20-$25 Tile-beds cleaned. Fast, clean. modem service. C. STUNDEN TU. 4-1245 Richn MISCELLANEOUS EEPENTRYâ€"and repairs, rec- reation rooms and kitchens. TU. $2505. 02w36 ELECTRICAL woï¬.VAll ’types of wiring. J. Antram 884-4102. c4w36 ï¬gmGjaaberï¬angmg. Free estimates. Colour samples. A Rollinson. TE. 3-6671. tfc15 ‘SEPTYCâ€" tanks punfpea. 24 hour service. C. Burns. PR. 3â€"5085. 1 Contracts invited. AV. 5-3958. tfc22 ‘ CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell. AV. 5-2526. tfclï¬ CONCRETE 'and ’carpentry work. recreation rooms, floors and walls tiled. at reasonable price; TU. 4-5482. tfc33 MAHOGANY PLYWOOD V grooved 3/16". Cash and car- ry price 4x7 $3.36, 4x8 $3.84 per sheet. Butler & Baird Lumber Ltd.. 191 Yonge St. N. tfc13 ‘RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting. paperohanging. inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. TU. 4-7902. ‘ tfc31 E. W. PAYNE Drains, septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 285-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework. Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard. 148 Yonge St. 5.. Richmond Hill, phone TU. 4- 5688. tfc23 - ELECTRICKL’IEEPAIRS Washers. dryers, stoves and small appï¬ances. Special bonus offer. 285-3484, after 2.00 pm. c1w37 CARPENTRY WORK, additions, renovations, garages. recreation rooms. tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price. AV. 5-3653. #1028 , SPECIAL Chesterï¬eld sets recovered ~â€" 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de. sired A. Smith, Upholstery. phone AV. 5-1682. tfc43 IKING CITY WELL DRILLING ‘ CO. LTD. ' Pump equipment installed and ‘,serviced. George Adams, Box ’192. King City. Phone King TE. l3-6321. tfc13 Kitchens remodelled, bedroom and bathroom vanities, stereo, hi-ï¬, china cabinets. Free estim- ates. Morris Harrison. TU. 4- 2838. tfc15 CALL 115 for your sand, gravel, ï¬ll, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple. ALpine 7-8876. tfc7 CHESTERFIELD suites. and chrome chairs recovered and rebuilt, at a reasonable price. No job too small. Free estim- ates. Murray Upholstery. AV. 5-4767. tfc51 FLOOR COVERINGS All types tiles and sheet vinyl for rec. rooms. kitchens. entries, baths, etc. Also ceramic wall tiles. Free estimates. Reid and Sons, Flooring Contractors, AV. 5-1960. if032 BOOKKEEPING - TYPING SERVICE Manuscripts, Letters. Envelopes, Statements, etc. Bookkeeping to Trial Balance. Rates upon re- quest. Mrs. Irwin, PR. 3-5545. c4w37 CONCRETE ~ MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRA :TORS Building. alterations 8: repairs, ‘ prompt service. [mu 7 TOOLS TO RENT } UPHOLSTERY Cement mixers, floor sanders‘ Recovering and repairing of any and ed-gers. ramset gun‘s. roto- kiud of furniture. Experienced tillers, rotovators‘ also 500 other on Scandinavian furniture. Free;tools. Willowdale Rental & estimates. Reasonable pricesJSales, 6026 Yonge St.. BA. 1- Call anytime. TU. 4-4813 resi- I711. Uc42 deuce. buSineï¬. AV- 5-5345- LARGE mnnmm 2 hadrnnm HERRIDGE ELECTRIC TV APPLIANCES Sales, Repairs, Parts, Rentals 40 Levendale Rd. TU. 4-3211 tfc31 miï¬â€˜n‘vc & PEPE}: HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. METRO MUSIC SERVICES 884-7287 Hi-Fi ~ Stereo Dance Entertainment PA Service Indoor ~ Outdoor - Mobile PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS 82 SON LTD. James I). Stewart TU. 4-2201 “IIIBERAL†CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS Phono TU. 4-1105 CUSTOM, CARFEN'TRY WALKER}; MITCHELL AV. 5.2526 Fast Service Free courtesy T.V. Free repair estimatel Counter service. TELEVISION REPAIRS Eï¬Ã©wnowma SOUND Richmond H111 if :40 tfc43 tfc4 tfc44 tfc20 tic tch FURNISHED, rooms to’ rent 257-2522. tfc28 ï¬oom. with oTwEhdut meals, in Maple, AL. 7-2070. c1w37 UNFURNISHED basement ap- artment, children welcome. TU. 4-3454. c1w37 FURNISHEIB ‘roonis to rent. 257-0040. tf028 REWLS? 7 fï¬rï¬ishea bedroom, breakfast optional, TU. 4-7428. c1w37 TWO’roomed’ house with gar~ den land. 237 Crosby Ave., Mr. Prokopgtz. *3w36 LARGE 4 room apartment. Cen~ tre and Yonge District, $85 per month. TU. 4â€"1853. c1w36 tleman, cooking facilities. TU. 4-1629. tfc31 BAYVIEW - 5 room bliï¬galow, garage, good condition, avai1~ ab1e April 1. 884-1781. *1w37 ï¬ali‘NHITJL area. furnished room, private, parking. AV. 5- 4115 after 5. c1w37 DARTMENT, three rooms an‘d bath, refrigerator and stove. Central. TU. 4-3294. c1w37 itoom’To RENT, suit one gen- 2 ROOMS and kitchen, furnish- ed or unfurnished. Parking fac- ilities. Close to shopping centre. TU. 4-3257. tfc37 FURNISHED room, cooking fa- cilities, parking. 16 Lorne, lst house east Clarke‘s Drug Store at Yonge. v *1wa7 Floor sanders, saws and drills. Hand sanders, jig-saw: and nail drivers. AV. 5-1109. tchl MOVING To USA. Will sub- let 6 room bungalow. Close schools and transportation. 884- 5201. c1w37 3 RbOM apartrï¬ent. suitable for business couple. Bayview Plaza area, $80. TU. 4-1728. 3 ROOM basement apartment, garage, reduced rent for care- taking services. Adults only. Thornhill AV. 54397. c1w37 APARTMENT available April 1, self-contained cottage, bath, kit- chen. living room and bedroom. $60 monthly. TU. +3846. c1w37 STEELES and Yonge, large rec room. fireplace. private bath. separate entrance, cook- ing facilities. 2856105. c1w37 LARGE FURNISHED light housekeeping room. private bath room. separate entrance. parking. AL. 7-2513. c1w3"! UNFURNISHED 3 bedroom brick bungalow, attached gar- age, west of Yonge. lease, vac~ ant May. TU. 4-5815. c1w37 KING CITY 3 bedroom detach‘ ed bungalow, storms. screens, rec. room, large corner lot, paved driveway, $125. TE. 3- 6375. c1w37 AVAILABLE April 1. 3 bed- room detached bungalow, fin- ished rec. room, storms and screens throughout. TU. 4-2330. *1w37 Furnished room in quiet adult home, parking,, gentleman pre- ferred $8 weekly. TU. 4-3801. BEAVERTOiN CENTRE AREA PLEASANTVILLE -- 3 bed- room rancher, newly decorated, double garage, large lot fenced backyard. Available April 1. 884-3157. c2w36 ATTRACTIVE upper duplex, 2 bedrooms, large living room, picture window overlooking garden, equipped, near Yonge, $115. Adults, TU. 4-2149. c2w36 Bright heated store with priv~ ate washroom, front and rear entrances and parking. Mr. Shields, TU. 4â€"3805. David Mc- Spacious modern state in pros- pering centre near Thornhill Farmers’ Market. Excellent parking, reasonable rental. Mr. McLean. AV. 5-1176. c1-w37 EPETS FOR SALE Lean Ltd.. Realtors from $1000 a month. delivery and pick-up. Richmond Hill TV. 34 Yonge S. TU. 4-7456 AV. 5-3756 tf228 ' ’WERMEFKPTARH‘MENTS IN RICHMOND mu. COLBDURNE AVE. 1 and 2 bedroom apartments â€" pool elevators, FM music, large balconies, intercom, parking. TV outlet. AV. 5-2303. tfc27 DRESSMRING arid' amen. tions. Mrs. MacDonald. TU. 4p 5057. Lfc21 LARGE MODERN 2 bedrcnom apartment, central, electrically equipped, water softener, re- frigerator and stove. parking. excellent value. $105 monthly. 50 Benson Ave., TU. 4-3581. EASY BUDGIES :6: ’sale. TU. 4-7346. c2w37 DRESSMAKING ( Y0} RENT? A TELEVISION TOOLS FOR RENT 7586 iYONGE STORE lNGE ST. STORE $65 T07 RENT DRESSMAKING DESIGNING ALTERATIONS TU. 4â€"4670. 02w36 c1w37 tfc36 tfc37 tfc35 FIBREELA’S'bodied MG coupe Best offer: TU. 4-7600. c1w31 1956 ~FORD, good condition must sell, $300. AV. 5-1503. 1955 G.M.C. panel and $100.‘ cash, for best car offered. 75 Crestwood Road. c1w36 1953 @SER. new batter??? 1956 DODGE pickup, [air con- USED FURNITURE dition. $21000. TU. 4-4983 ev- WANTED ._ pianos and used enings or Satuldjys. ;1_\\'37-furniture. Cash priCes paid Call 1951 PLYMOUTH coach. ruEQFrank’s Movers and Storage. m'ng condition, 1963 plates. Ar- TU. 4-2613. AV. 5~5101. tfc? ter 6 TU. 4‘5025. CI\V37 nntue mIann dio, 7 tires, 6 very good. Best offer. AV. 5-3850 after 5.45 pm. c2w36 1957 PONTIAC Hardtop. autoâ€" matic, radio. sacrifice. AV. 5- 4655. c1w37 1957 PUN'l'lAL; hardtop. auto- matic, radio, sacrifice. AV. 5- 4655. c1w37 1962 VOLKSWAGEN, 4,6075 miles. sell cheap. AV. 5-5412. c1w37 1955 G.M.C. panel and $100. cash. for best car offered. 75 Crestwood Road. c1w36 1953 KAISER. new battery, ra~ dio, 7 tires, 6 very good. Best offer. AV. 5-3850 after 5.45 pm. c2w36 1960 VAUXHALL station wag- on, in excellent shape. $100.00 down payment, easy terms. AV. 5-5411. c1w37 1957 PONTIAC hardtop, auto- matic, radio. Excellent tires and motor. Sell for best offer. AV, ‘5-4655. c1w37 .1940 CHEVROLET 5 passenger coupe. Good body. Not running. Best offer. TU. 4-1473 after 6. c1w37 1c 1858 to 1901 50c each 1c 1901 to 1920 25c 1c 1920 to 1938 10c 1c 1938-1939-1948-1954 3c 5c 1858 to 1899 $2.00 5c 1899 to 1922 50c 5c 1922 to 1937 10c 5c Brown and 1948 500 each 10c 1858 to 1899 $5.00 10c 1899 to 1938 30c 10c 1948 $5.00 10c 1954 15c 25c 1858 to 1900 250 1900-1937 50c 50c 1870 to 1906 $7.00 25c 1948-1954 30c 50c 1906 to 1930 $1.00 $2.00 50c 1931 - 1932 -1934 4936-1948 $12.00 50c 1937 - 1938 - 1939-1947-1954~ 1955 $1.00 Silver dollars 1935 - 1936 - 1939 - 1949 - 1952 - 1954 - 1955 - 1956 $2.00 1937 - 1938 - 1945 - 1946 - 1947 $12.00 1948 $50.00 1960 VAUXHALL station wag- 50‘: on, in excellent shape. $l00.00 250 down payment, easy terms. AV. 50C 5-5411. c1w37‘500 1955 DODGE. good clean car. needs minor repairs. Must sell. Asking $225. Phone AL. 7-1311. c1w37 We are acting as agents for a local finance company in dis- posing of the following CARSH These cars must be sold this week and all offers will be con- sidered. No down payment nec- essary where credit justifies. Balance owing and monthly payments shown. They repre- sent substantial savings over comparable cars. FREE 1963 PLATES. 1960 Peugot 4 door .. $544.87 CAR FOR. SALE - N0 DOWN PAYMENT 1962 Anglia, in like new condi-l tion, complete with whitewall tires, only 8,000 miles. Must sell for balance owing, $54 monthly at 51/; per cent interest. TU. 4-7629. clw37 1960 Peugot 4 door .. $544.87 monthly payments of $30.40 1955 Buick 4 door $289.40 monthly payments of $17.30 1954 Buick Hardtop .. $12728 monthly payments of $9.60 1960 Ford 2 door $1027.86 monthly payments of $45.00 1958 Ford 4 door $877.04 monthLy payments of $39.30 B. D. LITTLE & SON LTD. ï¬o’ï¬u"’hï¬e 3 dfinkiï¬g" prob- lem? If so AA can help. Box 16. “The Liberal". tfc30 PSYCHIC card and teacup reaâ€" MARCH winner of Our Lady Queen of the World 50/50 Club Georgina McErlain, Axminster Drive, Richmond Hill, $635. ding. M. Dixon Phone PR. 3~ 5788. c4w36 New exclusive Health Unit for women and men, complete price $39.95, compare with $119 units. Easy payments, no carrying charges. Call 884-3591 for a free demonstration in the privacy of your own home. c2w37 LOANS $50 - $5000 FAST SERVICE ATLANTIC FINANCE Corporation Ltd. 31 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill 8844458 - 285-5562 Mgr. Dennis Hughes TRANSPORTATION wanted, Richmond Hill to vicinity of Bay and Adelaide Sts., arriving ap- proximately at 8.20. Leaving at 4.30. Phone TU. 4-1930. c1w37 DRIVE required from Bayview and Cartier Crescent to North- town Plaza between 8.30 and 9 am. 884-2189 after 6.30 pm, c1w3’1 Phone 285-1105 Ask for Ken Morrison. Alex Kerr or Eric Lawton c1w37 Television Rentals From $10.00 Monthly 7c1w37 REDUCE FOR SPRING USED CARS FOR SALE Transportation All-Wave Antenna Heads $7.50 Electrohome Stereo Hi-F i . . $299.00 and up TV TOWERS - 40 ft. installed complete with all~ wave antenna - $60.00 23†Electrohome Console . . . . . . $289 TU. 4-7456 Full Year warramy FINANCE CO. SALE Richmond Hill TV PERSONAL RECORD PLAYER AND TAPE RECORDER RENTALS Clearance Sale OLD 'cbI’Nsvdx-isiilvier ’cï¬vnars’. W buy or swap. AV. 5-4628 Ray. MG coupe. clw37 Lilia." SUMP PUMP. in good coma; fondition. tion. Bayview Florists, R. R. 1 a-1503- “‘Richmond Hill. AV. 5-4521. 34 YONGE SOUTH *1w37 thSZ YOUNG LADY seeks employ- ment baby sitting, day or even- ‘mg. References. Call TU. 4- 11052. c1w37 5c 1 5c ] 100 10c 10c 10c 25c - 1954 - 1955 - 1956 $2.00 1937 â€" 1938 - 1945 - 1946 - 1947 $12.00 1948 $50.00 $30.00 for gold coin 50c for Newfoundland 1c Double the face value for other Newfound‘and coins 10c for American 1c with letter s or d 1909 to 1935 Send coin to: Querbes Coin Exchange 7519 Querbes, Montreal c3w36 steady day work, 9 till 4 $8. 884-5429. c1w3’7 Thursdays and Fridays. 884â€" 2758. c1w37 YOUNG MEN. 16â€"19, looking for work. Anything considered. Can you help us. Call Salva- tion Army. AV. 5-5126. tfc52 CLEANING WOMAN WOMAN Wants house work HANDYMAN. mechanically in» dined, prefers night work. Would consider night watch- man’s 101:. TU. 4-3287. c1w36 HOUSEWORK wanted, 5 days weekly. Also will look after children, live out. TU. 4-5570. c1w37 David McLean Ltd. need more; properties for waiting clients. Houses, farms, acreage and country estates wanted immed- iately. Our success down through the years assures ser: vice with conï¬dence. 20 Experienced salesmen to as- sist you. ‘ 2 Big busy area oï¬ices. Free valuation and consultation without obligation. Call AV. 5-1176 or TU. 4-3805. iDavid McLean Ltd. Realtors. c5w29 HOfJSTES Waitedrfor sailie’or t6 rent. Call AV. 5-2951. '1‘. Mur- phy, Broker. tfc28 FAST, ACCURATE typist de- sires part time or temporary work. Have had clerical exper- ience. TU. 4-2259. clgv37 NEED any tractor or farm equipment repairs this Spring? For a complete service by an experienced licensed Massey- Ferguson serviceman, call or come in now to Rumble Equip- ment, Massey-Ferguson Sales and Service, Gormley. at the railway crossing, 886-5851. TEACHER available for" public school subjects and grade IX and X French. TU. 4-5079. [ Farm Implements EMPLOYMENT WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED Even less with trade COINS WANTED WANTED TUITION AV. 5-3756 c2w36 wants c2w37 c4w36 FUNDS available Far {Jan} 2nd mortgages. E. T. Stephens Investments Ltd.. AV. 5-3785. Lfc12 MONEY available for good ï¬rst and second mortgages, reasom able rates. Medcof, Lawlor and Le Claire. TU. 444413. tfc2 IST AND 2ND mortgage money 1 available on all properties,‘ frame, insul, block and brick. ‘ No hidden bonuses, low rates, longest terms. M. C. Beber Ltd‘. 21 Dundas Square, Toronto, call Mr. Clemens Em. 3-6251, we pay the charge. member of Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association. tfc30 JDD ACRES, 6r ior'é'o? Em land. with or without buildings. Phone 886â€"5373. c1w37 FRIDAY, MARCH 15 â€"- AchI tion sale of registered and ac-credited herd of 45 head of Jersey cattle, fresh cows, sprin- gers and milkers and calves; 3- unit Surge milking machine, like new; one 20-can Stienhorst' milk cooler; number of 3-point. hitch implements; New Holland", hay baler; IHC combine, 6 ft. cut, model 94; also full line of 1 implements. At Lot 6. Con. 2, Whltchurch, 11/4 miles north of Gormley on Lake Wilcox Road. The property of George Smith. No reserve, giving up farming due to ill health. Terms cash. Sale at 12.30. Lloyd Turner, clerk. Alvin S. Farmer. auction- eer, phone Gormley 886-5311. Hume Grisdale, secretary of the Jersey Club on pedigrees. THE Challet 0F Cancer Each spent to the Soc until thi 847‘ Becau: dical rt ever be ed. The trating support ROOM & BOARD available. AV. 5-3270. c2w36 ROOMS TO ’REï¬T.’ ’Soird’op'. RELIABLE day care for child- ren in my own home. Near Al- lencourt Shopping Plaza. TU. 4- 3346. ' tfc35 tional, on Yonge Street, Thorn- hfll, AV. 5~5209‘ clw37 ROOM and BOARD NURSERY SCHOOL Willow Nursery School, private, licensed, from 8 am. to 6 pm. Limited number on)y. Individual attention, age from 3 years, transportation available. Phone for appointment, Willowdaie 221â€"2164 Parkview Ave. at Yonge Street. 2 blocks south of Northtown Plaza. tic30 WANTED all kinds of dead an- imals. For fast service can TU. 4-2538 or ZEnith 32800. License No. 204-62. tfcï¬il >““I“‘â€"‘-“‘iiidifli " TEACHERS WANTED ‘ il P.S.S. No. 2, King City for grades 4, 5 and 6. I ‘ Schedule starts at $3,100 allowance $200 for 5 ' :. years. Annual increment $200 yearly. ‘ l‘ Raymond Burt, ‘ Box 171, King City $LL‘III‘!‘!!!“““ SALE REGISTERS Brampton breeding predom- inant in this herd. c2w36 ï¬ 12 Yonge St. S. SIMPSDN’S DRYGDDDS“ DEAD STOCK Nursery School MORTGAGES Cottdn Skirts: girls 7-14 ' yrs., ladies, 12-16 , .-, 3A DAY CARE WANTED TO RENT Many others réaiéefl ASK ABOUT OUR laws/61g Cl [01710071 CARRIER TU.4 1105 SERVICE l-IA'I‘OI-IE'I' Girls’ White tailored pre-shrunk Cotton Broadcloth Blouses, 8-10-12 yrs. HOMES FOR SALE THE Challenge S82 INTEREST. PRINCIPAL. TAXES $13,500 â€" Well kept 6 room rancher, Iarge entrance hall. 3'7 x 11 plastered recreation mom and bar. private back yard with hedges, patio. Ex- ceptional value. $17,200. Cape Cod styled white frame bungalow with 2 baths, sited on 65 x 175 fully serviced treed lot. $3.000 down. “LIBERAL†8 ROOMS - $5.000 DOWN This custom built 4 bed. room 2 storey home with ground floor den is 2 blocks east of Yonge in the heart of Willowdale on a 65’ lot Large finished recreation room plus bar. double gar- age. Heated with hot air by a Gar Wood air condition- ing furnace for $125 annu- ally. 8242 Yonge St., Thornhill AV. 5-1156 BA. 1-1103 MEMBER TORONTO REAL ESTATE BOARD ATTACHED GARAGE Only $12,900 for a two bed- room detached bungalow in Richmond Hill. The living- dining room area is large. The recreation room is im- ished. The garden is fenced and this house is only one black from Yonge Street. WESTSIDE 1 STOREY $18300 â€"â€" Stone fireplace, ultra modern kitchen with built in stove units. 3 bed- rooms. attached garage. 1 block to Richmond Hill‘s largest plaza, near schools and T.T.C. Gl/é% N.H.A. mortgage Each year the amount spent for cancer control by the Society has increased until this year it Is $4,179,- 847‘ Because only through me- dical research can cancer ever be completely conquer- ed. The Society is concen- trating more and more on support of research. This year it will spend $1,791,- 182 for this purpose. FOR. FAST RESULTS $1.00 CALL MISS CLARKE CALL MR. WILCOCK CALL MR. SLATER CALL MR. HOBSON CALL MR. BUDD Richmond Hill THORNHILL 4 BEDROOMS 5-3318 4-1105 CLASSIFIED