Young man to join reporting1 staff of “The Liberal". Must be‘ energetic and Intelligent. Apply lnwritlng. giving full details as to age. education, etc. to The Liberal. 63 Yonge St. S. nc37 No Change Licenses Be your own contractor Ind build a LOUGHLIN FACTORY BUILT Home or Cottage N0 DOWN PAYMENT TERMS UP TO 15 YEARS Many Models to choose from For Information Phone AK. 11971 It was learned by “The Lib-I eral" this week that there is apparently no change in the‘ status of the liquor licenses is- sued to two Richmond Hill ap- pllcants last January. At that time the Liquor Control Board of Ontario an- nounced that they had granted licenses to Pop's Restaurant, which will be renamed Pop's Tavern. A restricted license granted at the same time would permit the Canadian Legion to operate a dining room and lounge in a building occupied by the Discount Plaza. In ad- dition. LCBO officials made known last month that. apolic-i atlons for liquor licenses from the Three Coins. La Cantina Restaurant and Dad‘s Restaur- ant were under consideration. While more than a dozen ll~ censes have been issued by the Board in the past week none of the Richmond Hill appli- cants have been included. HELP WANTED LOUGHLIN HOME SUPPLY CO. LTD. 7541 Woodbine Avenue E. R. 1. Mllllken FRANK'S MOVERS & CENTRAL VAN LINES TERMINAL 28 Industrial “THE New Used - Furniture Appliances Aï¬ciiorSét., 1:30 PM. JUST OFF YONGE. OPPOSITE PLAZA; SIGN ON VIEW FRIDAY, 2 P.M.-9 PM. SATURDAY MORNING. ROY‘ ASHWORTH F.V.I. CO. TU. ~ AUCTIONEERS-APPRAISERS AV. 5 We require an experienced, aggressive salesman. SALARY AND COMMISSION. Car sup- plied. Gas allowance. Usual fringe benefits. Monthly and yearly production bonuses in effect. Apply in person to Mr. Jack Foster- M. S. Macpherson Motors Ltd. Chevrolet "DO IT NOW" AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN SAVE $2.000 REPORTER or write 195 Yonge Street. Aurora LIBERAL†REAL ESTATE COLUM --< -. L,,: '1‘ Oldgmobile - Corvair Chevrolet Trucks WITH DAVID McLEAN LTD. “:29 _ 1.1,! 6 ROOM. 1% storey frame home. newly decorated. Large lot, double paved drive. single garage, $15,000 (clear). Willow- dale BA. 1-9855. nc37 fl ,# THREE bedroom bungalow. gar- age, rec. room, everything han-' dy $1,500.00 down one monthly payment interest 6%. Private TU. 4-4512. tfc36 f/d $14,900 6 ROOM detached bun- galow. new condition, Holly- wood kitchen. close to schools, shopping and transportation, low down payment, immediate possession. Call Mrs. Plaxton. 222-2543 or AV. 5â€"1210, Royal} Trust Company. c1w37 AURORA SPECIAL Cosy 1% storey 3 bedroom home on huge lot, south-east part of town. One car attached garage, nicely finished through- out. $11.600 full asking price. “v... Y-v,, Low down payment, balance on easy terms. / , _. -_.â€".u.nm WILLOWDALE - 2 BATHS $14,500 or offer! 6 rooms, solid brlck detached family home on large 60‘ lot. Dream kitchen! ‘One block to T.T.C., schools, etc. Owner leaving for U.K. â€" must sell. Call Arne Hoga, AV. 5-3045. “BRICK BUNGALOW 511.900! $81 monthly includes interest, principal and taxes. 3 bedrooms, 36‘ rec. room. The best buy in town! Call Mrs. Williams. AV. 5-3045. DETACHED RANCHER $900 down. 3 good bedrooms. attractive living - diningroom, model kitchen. expensive extras- MUSt be seen to be appreciated. Ea]? Qrvuyiirhe. Pete?!" Nygard AV. 5-3045. ' If you are thinklnz of buylnz or selling call ’ F'LECK AND KEFFER AV. 5-3818 BA. 5-3334 5 BEDROOMS - ROSEVIEW AVE. Appealing older modernized brick home in a most conven~ lent location for all family ac- tivities, garage. price $15,500. Mr. Keffer, AV. 5-3816, res. AV. 5-2315. WHY PAY RENT $85.00 pays interest principal & taxes on this 6-room brick bun- galow only a few houses from Yonge Street, 5 per cent NH. A., huge fenced lot, $12,900. Mr. ‘Keï¬'er, AV. 5-3816, res. AV. 5- ‘2315. MAPLE $15,000 five room brick bunga- low on large treed lot - stone‘ fireplace in living room, alum- inum storms, patio, 51/1 per cent mtge. Mr. Keffer, AV. '5- 3816, res. AV. 5-2315» ESTATE SALE $11,900 Richmond Hill Bungalow Heart of town, half block to Yonge, 6 rooms hot water heat- ing. garage. Mr. Fleck, AV. 5- 3816. 100' x 160' RESIDENTIAL Keele and No. 7 Highway build- er's terms. desirable area of larger homes. restricted $4.300. 60' x 139’ ALL SERVICES Thornhill $25,000 homes in this location, $6.800 builders‘ terms. TOPS REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR AV. 5-3045 112‘ x 192' Concord area, country atmos- phere in an area of 520,000 homes. $4.500. Thornhillrwéter. paved road‘ $5.500. Mr. Vincent, AV. 5-3816 FLECK AND KEFFER REALTOR. EARL V. STEWART Real Estate Broker 21 Yonge St. N.. Aurora PA. 7-9413 i’LECK AND'REFFER REAL ESTATE 821? x 200' TU. 4-2613 AV. 5-5101 c1w37 Envoy SEE AND c1w37 clw37 room home on one acre, new oil furnace. 3 bedrooms. living room. dining room, 50 yards to school, $3.000 down. Don Mc- Quarrie, PR. 3-5316. '1‘. L. FRASER LTD. BROKERS RU. 3-9425 $14,500 - 3 BEDROOM brick bungalow. with rec. room and paved drive. Close to schools and plaza. Private. 884-5161 paved drive. Mose w scuuurs and plaza. Private. 884-5161 *1w37 6 ROOM bungalow, low down payment, NHA mortgage carries $85 monthly, close to schools. shopping. etc. only $14,950 full price. Call AV. 5~2951. T. Mur- phy, Broker. clw36 TRADE IN Your present dwelling for a luxury home in beautiful Rose- mar Gardens (west of Yonge), Richmond Hill. No ugly hydro All underarmlnfl wiring, nn‘nh GARDNER â€"- In loving mem- ory of a dear brother, Gor- don Gardner who passed a- way March 17th, 1962. ‘ One year has passed since that} sad day, When one we loved was called away, ‘ God took him home, it was his will Within our hearts he still. â€"â€" Always remembered by sis- ter Wilda. brother-in-law Joe and children, *1w37 llveth Your present dwelling for a luxury home in beautiful Rose- mar Gardens (west of Yonge), Richmond Hill. No ugly hydro poles. All underground wiring. choice of 10 diï¬erent plans. For appointment phone TU. 4-3757. tfc22 $11,700 KING TOWNSHI'Pf'l Yoï¬Ã©? ST. PROPERTY FOR SALE, THORNHILL David McLean Ltd. are com- pleting the renovation of their new location and are offering the property at Yonge and Col- borne Streets for immediate sale. An ideal location for pro- ‘fessional offices or antique bus- iness with additional spacious apartment plus investment op- portunity. If interestedplease call D. H. McLean at AV. 5- 1176. c1w36 DAVID McLEAN LTD. sleeping. ‘ We will meet again some day. l â€"â€" Always in our thoughts, ‘your Mom and Dad in St. Cath- arines. Ont. *1w30 :- * t a GARDNER â€" In loving mem- ory of our dear brother Gor- die, who passed away March 17, 1962. Beautiful memories woven gold, This is the picture we tenderly hold, Deep in our hearts his memory is kept, in $8,500 - Richmond Hill. 5 room bungalow on 1/5 acre lot. $10,500 - 3 bedroom brick bun-[in-law Michael, Thorold, Ont. galow. finished rec. room. 5! % *1w37 mortgage. 1k :k n: .. ,,___-_-..-.\ “- 1mi4x $11,000 - west of Yonge. 3 bed room brick home. garage. $13,500 - 6 room brick ranch bungalow, 1 block to schools and plaza. $19,900 Bathurst St.. country home. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 car garage, 1 acre lot. $37.000 - well rented and locat- ed 4-p1ex, west of Yonge. $148,000 â€" 19 suites,’excellent location, fireproof. $13,000 AURORA. AttractiVe1 brick bungalow with the many features that you are looking‘ for in a fine home. Features 3 good sized bedrooms. spaciously styled living room, bright fam- ily kitchen, storms and screens. Fully landscaped yard. Only {$1,600 down to one mortgage. $17,500 AURORA - your grow- ing family will love this new luxury home, well located in a good central area. You will find‘ excellent planning throughout‘ with 4 bedrooms. 2 bathrooms. spacious living room and dining room area, very attractive kitâ€" chen with exhaust hood, oil heating, attached garage; excel~ lent terms. Iall TU. 4-3805 or AV. 5-1164 David McLean Ltd. Realtors .c1w37 96 Yonge St., Aurora PA. 7-4288 WA. 1-1691 c1w37 PETERS-WILES LTD. REALTOR Free appraisal on all types of homes and lots. The following homes and many more must be sold this Spring. . 5 ACRE LOT Solid brick split level bungalow. with 7 large rooms and a fin- ished basement. Full price re- duced to $23,900. 6 room bungalow with an at- tached garage. 5% N.H.A., low carrying charges. Owner trans- ferred. Home must be sold. Broadloom, storms and screens, etc. W. R. CASE REAL ESTATE SUN/c. $51 A MONTH $11,900 full price, 6 good sized rooms in this solid brick bun- galow. $11,100 FULL PRICE Detached bungalow with attach- ed garage. 6 room home, 64’ by 172‘, owner bought. The Markham Township (103â€" .K * t ., catcher impounded 43 dogs in the last two months of 1962.: CARD 0F THANKS the regular report revealed on: Monday. Of this number, ten‘l MFS- A- Chapman were found new_ homes, tenflhaflk .h9r_man)' 1 were reclaimed and 16 wereflhen‘ kmd lnqlï¬l‘ies destroyed. lgifts during her 5 __#’John's Convalescent STOUFFVILLE : Council de-1 cided that an increase in indiv- I, _‘ idual salaries for members of the police department will be made in the form of a 5200 car Approve ( allowance. $11,100 FULL PRICE I I wish to thank all my many Detached bungalow with attach-lkind friends for all their good‘ ed garage. 6 room home, 64’ bylwishes and kind thoughts durg 172', owner bought. ling my stay in hospital. also a‘ ivery special thank you to myi For further information and‘l’amily, daughter and son-in-law,‘ inspection call Hans Bruhn. AV. Mazie and James Fitzpatricki 5-1722 or HUdson 7-3361. Ldaughter and son-in-law Anne c1w37 and Bill Robertson. son and‘ daughter-in-law Martin and iMyrna Powell for their won- derful daily visits and all their Dagsiloving care and (Eagelgtigg;~'e]l i " c1w3‘7 WEST OF YONGE STREET Readers may order re- prints of staff [shows appearing in “The Liberal" at the newspaper office. 63 Yonge Street South, Rich- mond Hill. REPRINTS AVAILABLE I v vvvv I . W ~ BAKER â€" In lovmg memory of our dear mother. Bernetta F. Baker, who left us four years ______7 # ago March 16. detached 3-bedroom Your presence we miss, mortgage, attractive Your memory we treasure, edges on lot, $13,900. Loving you always. c2w36 Forgetting you neyer. _ c1w33 Tln memoriams‘ Eeatbs â€"w Dauéï¬ters May, Irene Dorothy. *: GARDNER â€" Treasured mem- ories of our dear son Gordie, who passed away one year ago, March 17. Dear God will you please take a message To our son in heaven above, Tell him how much we miss him And give him all our love. Each time I see your picture You seem to smile and say, lDon't cry, Mom, I am only sleeping. We will meet again some day. -â€" Always in our thoughts, your Mom and Dad in St. Cath- arines, Ont. *1w30 To love, to cherish and never forget. â€"â€" Always remembered by your sister Eleanor and brother- GREENFIELD, Edna (Ted) â€"â€" In loving memory of Edna (Ted) Greenfield who passed away March 15, 1958. A wonderful mother, woman and aid; One who was better, God never made. A wonderful worker, loyal and fair, Tenderly helpful. 0 mother, you ‘ were Just in your judgment, always right, Honest and liberal, ever up- right, Loved by all, our pride they share, Pride in the wonderful one you were. My lips cannot tell how I miss‘ her, My heart cannot tell what to 533'. God alone knows how I miss her In a home that is lonesome to day. â€"- J. Greenfield and family. c1w37 JULIAN â€" In loving memory of my dear husband and faâ€" ther John Julian, who passed away suddenly on March 14, 1960. No morning dawns, no night re- turns, But that I think of you. Those left behind are very good, But none replaces you. Many a silent tear is shed When I am alone; The one loved so very much, The one I called my own. â€"â€" Ever remembered by his loving wife Mabel and family. *1w37 WITNEY â€"~ In memory of our dear mother Mrs. Ada Wlt- ney, who passed away March 15. 1957. “A wonderful mother, woman and aid. One who was better God never. made. A wonderful worker, loyal and true, One in a million. that mother was you. Just in your judgements, al- ways right. Honest and liberal. ever up right. Loved by friends and all she. knew. A wonderful mother, that mo- ther was you." â€"â€" Sadly missed and ever re- membered by Charlie, Mary and John. *1w37 CARD 0!“ THANKS 1 Markham Township Council? approved plans Monday for the erection by the Canadian Na- ltional Railway of an overpass ‘at Highway 48 and 14th Aven- ‘ue. This is the first sideroad :south of Markham Village where the new CNR by-pass line will cut the 8th concession. Mrs. A. Chapman wishes to. thank her many friends furl their kind inquiries. visits and’ gifts during her stay at St. John‘s Convalescent Hospital. c1w37'm Approve Rly. Overpass; memory ofiCOOPER â€"â€" Emmeline (Emily).' 1 Bernetta F. at Richmond Hill Wednesday, ' ‘ four years} March 6. 1963, Emmeline (Em- ily) Cooper, dear mother oil [155, Dorothy ers. A. E. Harley) Markham Township Council asure. and sister of Frances of Lon- approved a new contract for don. grandmother of Carole. fire protection service which is . Patricia and Joanne. Rested to be presented to Markham , Irene and at the Pipher Funeral Home Village council. The Markham *1w37 until 10 pm. Wednesday. Ser- brigade is presently 'Iceivlng vice and interment in Lon- $60 for the first hour at each wing mem- don Friday morning. March fire plus $24 an hour for each other, G01“ 3. 1953, at 11 O'ClOCk- 01W37iadditional hour. In addition » passed 8-. . . . . Ithey receive $300 a year stand- McMILLAN, Ethel c. â€" At the“ Oshawa General Hospital. on Monday. March 11. 1963. Ethel C. Raymes. wife of the late Samuel McMillan and dear mother of Grace (Mrs. Dunleavy), Thornhm, and‘ dear grandmother of Melba (Mrs. John Crispo). Toronto; sister of Garnet. Port Perry: George of Millbrook and Wilbert of Toronto. Rested at the Chapel of McDermottâ€" Panabaker, Port Perry. Inter- ment Pine Grove Cemetery. c1w37 Wilbert of Toronto. Rested at the Chapel of McDermott- Panabaker, Port Perry. Inter- ment Pine Grove Cemetery. c1w37 wt :0: a t WATSON, Sarah Frances Lilian â€"â€" At the Branson Hospital Saturday, March 9, 1963. Sar- ah Frances Lilian Sidwell, be- loved wife of William Watson. of 445 Carrville Rd West. Richvale, dear mother of Gladwin and Brunelle. in her 88th year. Interment York Cemetery, Willowdale. Ar- rangements by the Pipher Funeral Home. Richmond Hill. clw37 m it :- 1 WHITE. M. Lyde Passed It was pointed out that the Markham brigade had an- swered 25 fire calls last yeari in the township and 27 in town.‘ The cost to the village of the new truck was $14500. In a special meeting Satur-1 day of representatives of each council, an amount of $5.000 capital grant had been suggest- ed. “We certainly can‘t argue with the figures." said Council- lor Summer, “there were nearly as many calls in the township as in the village.†Other mem- bers expressed the view that the capital grant should be the same as that given Stouffville in 1961. Stouffville council a- greed to keep the same centract until 1965. ii’iiï¬i'lmo’rtï¬ma pRAYERl Church School (12 years and over) Infant Care Preacher: Rev. Ralph McKim, B.A. Director of Christian Education, Diocese of Niagara 7 pm. - EVENSONG Preacher: Rev. Wesley Crowle, B.A.. Anglican Chaplain, Toronto General Hospital. Toronto Wednesday. March 20. 1963 10 am. - HOLY COMMUNION (Nursery Care) 7.30 p.m. â€"â€" EVENSONG & ADDRESS Saturday, March 16, 1963 The Afternoon W.A. Tea & Bake WHITE. M. Lyde Passed‘ away suddenly at the home of her daughter. 8718 Yonge St., Thornhill, 0nt., on Monday, March 11 1963, M. Lyde White. formerly of Amherst, Nova Sbotia, beloved mother of Mrs. D. M. Slauenwhite (Marg.l. (with whom she re- sided in recent years), and William of Moncton, N.B., and survived by four grandchild- ren and two great grandchild- ren. Rested at the R. S. Kane Funeral Home (Yonge St. at Sheppard Ave.) Funeral on Thursday at 8.45 am. to St. Luke’s Church (Church St... Thornhill) for requiem mass at 9 am. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. c1w37 until 1965. Markham village will now have their fire calls as well as police calls handled through the Markham Township switch- board and radio despatcher. The village will pay for the installation of a fireâ€"call phone in the Township office and will reimburse the Township at the rate of $3.000 a year for the double service. REPRINTS AVAILABLE Readers may order re- prints of staff photos appearing in “The Liberal" at the newspaper office, 63 Tory Charles Hooper Busy Across Riding For Charles Hooper, Progres- sive Conservative candidate in York North, it has been “warm up week" in the campaign. Last week, the Markham‘ Township deputyâ€"reeve attend- ed to York County Council busi- ness and took tlme out on Fri- day to curl two games In the York County Bonspiel at New- market. He also attended organ- izational meetings in Aurora. Kettleby and Sutton. Lex Mackenzie, York North MPP in the Ontario Legislature, campaigned with Mr. Hooper in several areas. In Aurora, last Thursday, Mr.": Hooper compared campaign" notes with Hon. J. Waldo Mon- teith, minister of national health and welfare, who was en route from Orillia to Guelph to meet Prime Minister John Dief- enbaker. Mr. and Mrs. Hooper were also guests of retiring Ojibway Chief Lorenzo Big Canoe on Georgina Island, and met with the new chief. Leslie McCue. In an enthusiastic visit with Indian school-children, the PC candi- date invited all of them "to visit in Ottawa for a day." Early this week he was back again in the northern section of the riding, and on Wednes- day evening with Mrs. Hooper planned to attend the Sutton Legion pot-luck supper. Thurs- day. he is scheduled for a meet- ing in Pottageville, and on Fri- day will meet Liberal candidate John Addison in a two-way dis- cussion at Ansnorveldt Parish Hall in the Holland Marsh. The meeting is called for 8 pm. Progressive Conservative co- mmittee rooms are now being opened throughout the riding. Headquarters are in Richmond Hill. There are campaign offices in Aurora, Newmarket and Markham. : ONLY 5.5-5.9 103 Levendale Rd. ‘ AWNINGS - CARPORTS - FENCES - PATIOS METAL SIDING - 10 YEAR GUARANTEE 189 Centre E. TU. 4-1 Decorative Plastics FREE ESTIMATES DOG CHOW RAMER 8: SON Sportsmens ShoW Specia 50 LB. BAG Regular $6.25 Markham To Get} New Fire Contract by time Markham village will now have their fire calls as well as police calls handled through the Markham Township switch- Under the new contract the village would receive an immediate $1600 towards the capital investment in their new truck; $600 a year standby time: 5100 for the first hour attending a fire and $60 for each ad~ ditional hour. at the newspaper office, 63 Yonge Street South, Rich- mond Hill .Now’s the time to ‘ switch to top-quality, leclonomical ‘blue . coal'flguaranteed ' I to give you more and better heat for your money! Let ‘blue coal' be 1935 guide_to perfect home heating. TU. 4~4914 - AV. 5-3572 RAMER 8. SON 313 189 Centre St. E. Richmond Hill. Ontario Phone TU. 4-1313 5mm “blue coal'mm HOLY TRINITL THORNHILL Brooke & Jane Streets Rector Rev. H. Reginald Howden, B.A., L. Th. Organist and Choir Director 1 82 V Mrs. Ralph Markham, A.R.C.T. LENTEN SERVICES Richmond Hill Rector: Rev. J. F. O'Neil Assistant Curate: ‘ Rev. J. R. F. Moore SUNDAY, MARCH 17, 1963 LENT ll] 8 am. - HOLY COMMUNION 9.30 am. â€" HOLY COMMUN- ION (Church School ages 2-11 years) (Nursery Care) 7.30 pm. â€" EVENSONG & ADDRESS Saturday. March 16, 1963 The Afternoon W.A. Tea & Bake Sale in Wrixon Hall from 2.30 pm. to 5 pm. THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF‘ CANADA .THE CHURCH of ST. GABRIEL Crosby and Bayview Avenues Rev. R. E. McLennan 407 Lynett Crescent TU. 4-4236 i Church. TU. 4-7083 1 SUNDAY. MARCH 17. 1963 8 a.m. â€"- Holy Communion Senior Sunday School 11 um. â€" Sunday School and‘ THORNHILL ‘ Nursery BAPTIST CHURCH VConvention of Ont. & Que.)‘11 am. __ Morning worshlp Stop 17' Yonge Stree‘ . For further information call ‘ Rev. Minto‘i‘l. Jiothnston, D.D.. ‘ A“ 5_2131 msc â€"â€"r -â€"â€"~â€"â€" Mrs. Cameron Andrew. Organist OF CANADA 10 am. â€" Senior and Intermed- MAPLE CHARGE _ late SCh°°l am RalphMCnislienrmama BA. 11 . . -â€" J ' ' l ' ‘ ' ' ‘ am sen†and SUNDAY. MARCH 17. 1963, 11 am. â€" Morning Service Hope ‘_ 9'45 a‘m' Maple â€"- . Sunday School . . . . . . 9.45 mm; LANGSTAFF Worship . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 8.111. Sermon: ReVealed at the CrosS (Fellowship of Evangelical “Those Who Break UM“ Baptist Churches in Canada) . Stress" Church Street Langstaif Kmdergarten. Nursery and Prl‘ BAPTIST CHURCH ‘3) 9.30 am. â€"â€" Church School Edwin H. Mitchell Pastor mary at 11 am. THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA I THE CHURCH of ST. GABRIEL Crosby and Bayview Avenues Rev. R. E. McLennan 407 Lynett Crescent 'l‘U. 4-4236 Church. TU. 4-7083 SUNDAY. MARCH 17. 1963 8 a.m. â€"â€"- Holy Communion 9.30 am. â€"â€" Church School ages 7 and up 11 a.m. â€"- Morning Prayer Church School for Children up to 6 years Nursery for Babies 7 p.m. â€"â€" Evening Prayer 7.45 pm. â€"- Study Group ‘8.15 pm. - No Youth Club this v t v and Young Peoples Rector: The Rev. Tom Robinson 1 PARISH OF KING (Anglican) HOURS OF SERVICE All Saints' Church - King City ;10.30 am. â€"â€" Morning Prayer 11.10 am. â€"â€" Sunday School ‘ S'I'. STEPHEN 'S CHURCH Maple ector: Rev. Ramsay Amltage. 0.45 a.m. â€" Grades 4 to 9 and 11 am. â€" Morning Worship The Easter Series (2) 7 pm. â€"â€" Evening Worship ‘ “But I'm Honest and Decent"l services Christian Education Classes adults 11 um. â€" Nursery. Kindergarw ; ten and Grades 1 to 3 12.30 pm. â€" Grades 10 to 13 EVERY WEDNESDAY. 7 and 10 A.M.-MORNING DEVOTIONS l l [The Anglican Church of Canada R i I I M.A.. DD. 8 am. â€"â€" Holy Communion 411 am. â€" Morning Prayer ‘Holy Communion on 2nd Sun- " day of month at 11 SUNDAY, MARCH 17, 1963 \l, Rev. Dillwyn T. Evans at both ‘ and COMMUNION ,__._‘__â€"â€"â€" m J l Tuesday â€"â€" 7 am. â€"â€" Holy Communion Wednesday â€"â€" 10.15 am. â€"- Holy Communion 7.45 pm. -â€" The Litany 8.15 pm. â€"-â€" The School of Re- ligion SUNDAY. MARCH 17. 1963 i 3rd Sunday in Lent 8 a.m. â€" Holy Communion 9.45 am. â€" Bible Classes 11 am. â€"Church School 11 um. â€"- Morning Prayer Preacher: The Rector (3) “Master and Lord" 7 pm. â€" Evening Prayer Preacher: Mr. Robert Hartley (3) “Forty Days of Searching" ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south of Maple) SUNDAY. MARCH 17. 1963 9.45 am. -â€" Sunday School and Bible ClaSS ’11 am. â€" The Service Wednesday. 7:30 pm. Joint Lenten Service ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN CHURCH ‘ Walter Scott School, Markham‘ Road ‘ Rev. Albert E. Myers. B.A.. B.D.. S.T.M.. Pastor SUNDAY. MARCH 17, 1963 Sunday School i . . . . . 9.45 am. Worship . . . . i . l : . . . i ll a.m. ANGLICAN i BAPTIST ‘ RICHMOND HILL EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH Mackay Drive - Richvale Rev. Fred C. Jackson TU. 4-2418 Mrs. Jan. E. Howard. Organist 2nd Sunday In Lent 1 SUNDAY, MARCH 17. 1963 8 am. -â€" Corporate Holy Com- munion followed by Anglican Congress Discussion 9.45 am School 11 am. -â€" Primary Church School 8 years and under 11 am. â€"~ Morning Prayer 7.30 pm. â€"- Youth Groups OAK RIDGES ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA SUNDAY. MARCH 17. 1963 ST. MARK’S Yonge at Elm Grove 9.45 a.m. â€"- Sunday School 9.45 am. â€"- Family Service ST. JOHN’S Yonge at Jefferson 10 am. -â€"â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€"- Holy Communion 2.30 pm. â€"- Confirmation Class 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Prayer ‘ and Young Peoples Rector: The Rev. Tom Robinson ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH (Anglican) HOURS OF SERVICE All Saints' Church - King City 10.30 am. -â€" Morning Prayer 11.10 am. â€"- Sunday School L. H 1\\u\nu\mm\\\Immmummmmumwmmnnmumumug PARKSIDE YOUTH 5 CENTRE I \\\\\l 3‘“qumumnuunnmunumnnuunmmmumuumuuuumnï¬ This Sat. 8.30 p.m. Rally 2 In Colour: “City of the Bees LVividly revealing secrets 0 alure un. 9.15 pm. FIRESiDE inda 5; Elaine Clendennin EXT WEEK: Western Rall Que Baker & the Westernaire THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, March 14, 1963 1‘ week Junior Church 9.45 11 a.m. â€"â€" Morning Worship 7 pm. â€" Evangelistic Service Wed. 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting A Friendly Welcome Is Extended to ALL at The Young Church with the \ Old Message ST. JOHN'S BAPTIST CHURCH‘II a.m. â€" Divine Worship Richmond Hill Sacrament of Baptism 7 (Convention of Ont. and Que.) Nursery and Kindergarten f Minister: Rev. J. M. Ward meet ‘ Meeting in Richmond Hill Public ~Tfl‘dï¬ï¬ï¬fï¬r ‘ Library UNITED CHURCH . 945 am- â€" Sunday School (Rev. A. I. Higgins. B.A.. 31).." ill a.m. â€" Nursery & Primary Minister ‘11 atm- â€" Morning Service Rev. Veals. Assistant Minister- i Everyone Welcome SUNDAY, MARCH 17, 1963‘ â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" 9.45 am. -â€" Intermediate and Senior Sunday School , THORNHILI' 11 am. â€" Sunday School and (Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada) Church Street Langstaff Edwin H. Mitchell Pastor Phone AV. 5-3401 * LORD’S DAY SERVICES 9.50 am. â€"â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€"MORNING SERVICE ‘6 pm. -â€" Young People’s Meet- ing 7 pm. â€"- EVENING SERVICE RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH (A Fellowship Church) 50 Wright Street (Opposite the High School) Pastor: G. Forbes SUNDAY. MARCH 17. 1963 1 ya". i uvuA‘AAVv v...~.---.. Supervised nursery at all Lord's SEVENTH-DAY day activities ADVENTISTS CHURCH MID-WEEK HOUR. Wed. 8 pm. C. R. Neill. Minister Prayer. Praise, Bible Study Meeting every Saturday Christian Service Brigade E18111 M1118 West Friday 7 p.m. 1/44 mile west of Yonge Street A WARM WELCOME AWAITs Worship Service 9.20 mm." va Sabbath School 10.30 mm; ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Walter Scott School, Markham Road Rev. Albert. E. Myers. B.A.. B.D.. S.T.M.. Pastor SUNDAY, MARCH 17, 1963 RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N. Hepburn, Minister Mrs. Vera Diamond Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY. MARCH 17. 1963 9.45 am. â€"â€" Sunday School and Bible Class 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Worship SACRAMENT OF THE LORD‘S SUPPER 11 am. â€"â€" Nursery Department 7.15 pm. â€" Young People's 1 Society Friday. March 15, 8 pm. - Pre-Communion Service. and ‘Vaughnn (3rd Con.. 3 miles north of Concord) A 11.15 am. â€"â€" Worship Service It It It It Concord at. Public School Rev. A. W. Helge, Pastor Tel. 285-5002 10 am. -â€" Sunday School 11 am. -â€" Worship Service Tues.. 8 pm. -â€" Prayer Meeting- . t It It! .‘ Oak Ridges, Aubrey Ave. Roy Nigh, Pastor Tel.: Gomley 5544 10.30 am. â€" Sunday School 11.30 a.m. â€" Worship Service Reception of New Members 7.30 pm. â€"- Evening Service “Holding Forth The Word 01“ Life" 3 THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Hwy. 7, “1 mi. west of Yonge Dillwyn '1‘. Evans. Minister PRESBYTERIAN LUTHERAN 11.15 a.m.â€"- St. and Sunda 10.20 a.m.â€"St. ST. ANDREW'S Church of the PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Hour, CHML MAPLE, ONT. SUNDAY. M and =10 am. â€"~ Su ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. Loyalt 7th Con., Vaughan Twp. 11.30 am. â€" Rev. B. F. Andrew. Minister The minis SUNDAY, MARCH 17. 1963_ '_7Ap.m. â€"â€"Fam - n n-__‘ day School . . . . . . 9.45 am 'ship . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . 11 a.m with Holy Communion Nursery Provided Wednesday. 7:30 pm. Joint Lenten Service in Zion Lutheran Church, Maple m. â€"- Sunday School I. â€" Nursery & Primary 1. â€"â€" Morning Service Everyone Welcome l. â€"â€" Bible School Classes for all â€"â€" Morning Worship â€" Evangelistic Service mm. â€" Prayer Meeting YOU SLVMdrew‘s Church Baptism 7 :St. 'Paul’s Sunday School Paul's Church RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev C. G. Higginson. B.A..B.D SUNDAY, MARCH 17‘ 1963 9.45 a.m.â€"Primary. Junior-.m- termediate & Senior Sunday School 11 am. â€" Nursery & Kinder- garten Sunday School 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Service Holy Baptism 7 pm. â€"- Evening Service "Obstacles" CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH 9.45 am. â€" Worship Service and Sunday School ~ CALVARY CHURCH RICHMOND HILL ‘96 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill [Afï¬liated with the Pentecostal l Assemblies of Canada TU. 4-4387 ‘ SUNDAY. MARCH 17. 1963 l 10 am. â€" Sunday School ‘11 a.m. Worship Service 7 pm. â€"- Evening Service ‘ Rev. P. A. Sorenaon. Pastor Everybody welcome ST. MATTHEW'S UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY. MARCH 17. 1963 .30 am. â€" Sunday School Welcomes you at 7 pm. each“ Lord's day ‘ Corner of Laurie Rd. and \ Concord Ave., Concord ' \I Cor. 1-10 Now I beseech youj lBrethren, by the name of our ‘.Lord Jesus Christ. that ye all {speak the same thing and that“ there be no dlvlslons among‘ Other Denominations you; BRETHREN TN CHRIST CHURCH Wm. Vanderbent. Pastor _ Tel.: Richmond Hill. TU. 4-3155 Helse Hill (Gormley) ‘ 10 a.m. â€"- Sunday School 11 am. -â€"â€" Worship Service 7.30 pm. â€"- Evening Service Wed. 7.45 p‘m.-Prayer Meeting 1 Rev. C. E 10 am. â€"- 11 am. â€" 7.30 pm. - Oak Ridges, Aubrey Ave. Roy Nigh. Pastor Tel.: Gonnley 5544 10.30 am. â€" Sunday School 11.30 am. -â€" Worship Servicp 7.30 pm. - Evening Service ‘Tuesq 8 pm. -â€"~ Prayer Meeting 'Sunday â€" 9.30 am. -â€"- Remembrance Ser- vice ‘11 MILâ€"Bible Hour 8: Sunday School 17 pm. â€"- Gospel Meeting ‘Tues.. 8 am. â€"â€" Prayer and RICHVALEâ€"GOSPEL CHAPEL 24 Oak Avenue Services Tues.. Bible Reading Wed.. 7 pm. -â€" Pioneer girls Young people's and ladies’ meetings as announced "Jesus saves and there is no RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Elmwood and Ruggles Rev. R. T. Holton, Minister Church of the Light and Lilo Hour. CHML, 9 a.m. Sunday SUNDAY. MARCH 17, 1963 10 am. â€"~ Sunday School Loyalty Sunday 11.30 am. â€"â€" Worship The minister in charge 17 pm â€"â€" Family Hour Mr. J. D. Kenzie of the Ontario Temperance Federation will speak Wednesday 3 Pm day School ' UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH GORMLEY :v. C. E. Hunking, Minister a.m. â€"â€" Sunday School a.m. â€"â€" Morning worship Echoâ€"01 Workers’ Conference other Way Eveni‘ng Servlco â€" 2nd Sun-