CORNER or YONGE ST. SOUTH a. HARDING BLVD. â€" RICHMOND HILL Sorry we had to turn down orders for Spitfires. We will not have any for at least two months, but TR 3s and TR 4: and Herald Coupes are still available. and we have a coupe with back seat in stock for a full price of $1,597. Our large Fina Service Station assure you of ample warranty facilities. Our own finance company gives im- mediate delivery on all new and used can. “““““I“““ It’s time to check your ANTENNA | repairs and new INSTALLATIONS 20 ft. Antenna, completely installed . . . Chimney Antenna 40 Ft. Tower . . . . . . . . . . . . Service and Parts . TU. 4-7903 | ““““I‘I“‘I‘1 ’58 Ford convertible, white finish with white nylon top, whitewalls, radio, automa- tic, a beauty. Winter is over now and our price is $1,495. Hurry for this one at ’88 Triumph 5 seater coupe, red. broadloom floor mats,} whitewalls. 4 cylinder, 48 mlles to the gallon. At a‘ full price of $1,597, this car has got to lead in all com- pact: imports in the coming year. Easy terms at Kat Marc Finn TU. 4-4372 ’68 TR 3. new, white finish with matching tonneau cov- er, America's ï¬nest sport car, selling for much below suggested retail price. Our price $2,495.00. Kar Mart Fina TU. 4-4372 ’59 Monarch Scepter $1.595. ’58 Pontiac 4-Door Hard- top . . . . . . . . . . $1,195 ’58 Mercedes Benz $l,495 TU. 44372 Kar Mart Fina THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thurgday, March 28, 1963 This Is R Invitation The ‘fishpond’, a traditional attraction for youngsters, froved to be a highly successful Spot at the McConaghy Pub- ic School Home and School Association Fun Fair held last Friclay evening in McConaghy Public School. The children HOP'N'RALLY FRIDAY, MARCH 29th Everybody welcome -â€" music and fun -â€" a non-political program (Sponsored by York North Progressive-Conservative Association) Kn Mart Fina TU. 44372 AT THE lIONS HALI. MATH’S TV - RADIO Free removal of old Antenna CHARLES HOOPER (Modern and Old-time dancing and reels) Izaak Waltons Gather At Indoor Pool Progressive-Conservative Candidate for York North INVITES YOU TO A Centre Street East, Richmond Hill 9 PM. TO I AM. '80 Adventurer DeSoto, swivel seats, radio, automa- tic, the famous Chrysler power train that is now guaranteed when new for 50,000 miles. It you want a prestige car see this one for $1,995. full price, this week. Easy terms. ’61 Sprite. A sport car that will be one of the many to be had at your new Triumph Dealer's at the Fina Station, Yonge and Harding Blvd. Our price $1,095. with one year’s free lubrication on all pur- chases. ’58 Pontiac Parisienne with a beautiful metallic finish, radio. automatic, white- walls, and it is a 2 door hardtop. Our price $1,495. Easy terms. Kar Mart Fina TU. 4-4372 TU. 4-4372 TU. 4-4372 $31.5 $19.5 $59.5 l“ Joan Hornet dropped four pennies in the Sunday school birthday box March 24. She shared a party with her sister Joyce. March 16, but her own day came a week later. Many happy returns Joan. Spring unfolds its repertoire and thoughts of love may be engaging young men but it is skipping ropes, jacks, muddy floors and ‘cods in de hed' that are most in evidence. Don Brodie enjoyed the Montreal-Toronto game, March 20. in Toronto. This column has to come to rest No news in Headford North. South, East or West. Mortgage Company Offers Plan To Revitalize Used House Market In an effort to fill the need for larger first mortgages on older homes, British Mortgage 8: Trust Company has just an- nounced a new plan of financ- ing. It will issue mortgages for 80% of value at 8% per an- num. With this move, it is hoped that the sale of older homes in good condition will be encouraged which, in turn, should result in a better mark- et for new homes. This plan is being offered by British Mortgage in conjun- ction with Granite Investment 8: Development Limited. The plan will actually be a first and second mortgage combined, although the borrower will make only one payment and Elisabeth Barker is travelling agaln, this time to Saskatche- wan where she will deliver a car at Saskatoon. En route she will visit relatives and hopes to contact junior farmer groups. Don Brodie, Headford, with George Hooper, Bruce Shilling- law and Bill Pearson of Union- ville Junior Farmer Curling Club represented the York County Association at Guelph, March 18, and won the trophy for the County. They competed against Oxford, Perth and Vic- toria Counties. ‘ Headford News Mrs. Loren Guild 1m. 2, Gormley Phone TU. 4-3040 pictured ab0ve all look as though they are anticipating the catch of the season. Unlike the ‘old fishin’ hole’ down on the farm all fishermen at the above pond were guaranteed a bite and a catch every time they dipped a line. (Photo by Barbour) An open house is being held on March 30 from 2 to 4 pm. and from 7 to 9 pm. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hamblyn, 38 Fairview Ave., to honour Mrs. Hamblyn’s par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thompâ€" The girls Were most im- pressed to have in their audi- ence, Dr. Rolph Langstaff, whose grandfather was the first teacher of Langstaff School. In the evening, these same girls entertained the Maple Women's Institute members, who were the guests of Mrs. Norman Payne of Idleswift Dr. Birthday greetings to Eliza- beth Hamblyn who celebrated her 18th birthday on March 13; to her sister Lynda who was 12 years old on March 24 and to their grandfather, Mr. William Thompson, who will be cele- brating his birthday on April 7. Greetings are also sent to Judy Curtis who will be 10 on March 29. Golden Wedding Lanzstafl' Singers A double quartette of girls from Mrs. Snider‘s grade 6 at Langstaff School entertained the senior citizens' club of Rich- mond Hill on March 13. The singers were Patricia Maston, Cathy Twiss, Cathy Wilson, Penny Wilson. Heather Forster, Susan Kearns, Mary- Rea Corklll, Valerie Lipp. The Carrville United Church Women will meet at the home of Mrs. James Williams. Wed- nesday evening. April 3. at 8 pm. Mrs. Bob Walker will read the scripture and Mrs. Bob Middleton will read the paper. 0n the social for the evening it was finished and gathered again at the Read home Thurs- day to quilt on an “Old Fash- ioned Girl" quilt. Besides all the quilting a really pleasure~ able get-together was enjoyed by the ladies plus a bit of proJ fit for the UCW. UCW The company will be giving loans as high as $25,000 on residential pro- perty. This loan will be re- payahle over 20 years at 8%. The mortgage will be drawn for 10-year terms, but the repayment plan will he as long as 20 years. Significant in this plan is that the same terms will be available on houses of almost any age. Other companies re- cently announcing 80% financ- ing have restricted it to resi- dential property of less than 35 years of age. While British have his financing administer- ed by British Mortgage & Trust. The needles were flying fast and furious last week when se~ veral members of the Carrville UCW group. Mrs. Jack Barton, Mrs. Johnny Baker, Mrs. Ernie Bone and Mrs. Adam Read met at the home of Mrs. Ray War- mington Tuesday all day and} quilted on a “Star†quilt until‘ Quilting Bee Langstaff 8: Tho‘rnlea News CORRESPONDENT: MRS. GORDON READ Telephone AV. 5-4001 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. B. LEPKEY Phone AV. 5-3489 CARRVILLE NEWS The flu bug seems to be striking different ones around the community again, and from all reports you really know you have it when you get it. Let’s hope we can soon be rid of the nuisance. Mr. Vince De Brocco was a victim of the flu and is recuperating from a real bout of it. Hope he is feeling okay again. Mr. Jack Sandford, Mrs. Les Liiey and little sons Leslie and Murray, from Barrie, visited with the Reads, on Sunday of this week. Happy birthday to Archie Nesbitt who has a birthday on March 31. son of 5 Saigeon occasion of their ding. Congratulations are offered the happy couple from all their many friends in the community and it is certain a lot of them will be dropping in to wish‘ them well. ‘ Although this plan includes commercial property. it is mainly intended to revitalize the used housing market. In turn, it is expected to give new life to new house sales. Mortgage say they would like to maintain the same age limit, it recognizes the fact that old- er homes do offer good security and will therefore not be as restrictive with their arrange- ment. Another important asset to the combined first and second mortgage plan will be a reduc- tion in costs for the mortgagor; Initial cost will be less, as will carrying charges and broker- age fees. The “Big M" (measles) have caught up with Johnny Walker. Hope he will soon be well and out enjoying our nice spring weather. are Mrs. Jack Barton and Mrs. Lew Morris. Let us check your brakes . . _ adjust or re- ]ine . . . . being able to “stop on a dime" is basic to safe motoring. Let us give your brakes a care- ful inapection. COOK'S BP FOR SAFE STOPS, STOP IN HERE Auto Service Complete Service To All Makes of Cars ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-3151 Ave., on the golden wed- mm Hull mun munmumumummuu HHIHUHIIHHI The application to be heard has been submitted by A. Beek on behalf of William van der Molen, owner of Lots 163 and 164, Plan 2426. The owner re- quests release from the provi- sions of paragraph 10. By-law 1442, in order to move a 40.27 ft. frame bungalow to Lot 164, j which has a frontage of 50 feet. ‘It is the owner's intention to ‘brlck veneer the said building. which will further reduce the distances from the side lot lines. ‘ Hearing Application CA/63/ 8 A letter explaining a new method of displaying telephone numbers which will be intro- duced in Richmond Hill next October. has been sent to all local telephone customers, W. C. Barnes. Bell manager has reported. He added the intro- duction will be coincident with the publication of the 1963 di- rectory. The application to be heard has been submitted by Wycliffe Homes Ltd., owners of Lot 118, Plan M-941. The owners re- quest release from the provis- ions of By-law 176?, paragraph 15, sub-paragraph (i) (e) as am- ended. to permit a dwelling to be erected 100 ft. from the rear lot line at the south-west cor- ner and 21 ft. from the rear lot line at the north-west corner of the said lot. Signed, written submissions on this application will be re- ceived by me at this office prior to the hearing. M. A. N. Shenfleld, New Telephone Numbers To Be 7-Figure Number mumuuuuum\luuumunm\\mm1mmummuuuummmumuu It was pointed out that under the new all number calling (ANC) plan, the letters T and U of TUrner 4 will be replaced by the numerals with which they correspond on the dial. This means that all Richmond Hill telephone numbers will be- gin with the three-digit code 884 and wlll be completed by the last four figures of the present numbers. In view of the foregoing it has been suggested that busin- essmen show their new “all- figure†numbers on any stat- tionery, signs. bill forms and advertising matter that they might order for use starting next summer. However. since calls dialed to the two-letter. five-figure numbers will be completed aft- er the change, it will not be necessary to discard any prin- ted material displaying the old TU 4 numbers that they might have on hand when the new di- rectory ls published. WWKW CHANGE OF NAME ACT, R80. 1960. Ch. 49 TAKE NO- TICE that ALBERT SEMEN- UK, of 28 Gosling Road, Maple. Ontario. will apply before the presiding Judge in Chambers at the City Hall, Toronto, on the 6th day of May, 1963, at the hour of ten o‘clock in the forenoon to change his name to ALBERT MICHAEL SAUN- Ah! Spring†What is so rare as a day in spring? Yes. I know I have the wrong word in that quotation, but I ask you as a mother. Someone has told us it is spring. The robins came back early and have nearly frozen since. All we mothers get is a sopping mess of wet socks, boots. jeans and mitts. We send the young fry out dry and warm. In return we get a be- draggled moppet that looks as if it came from some prehis- toric mud bath. Youngsters go off to school looking like nice little humans which they are. But when they reach home after school - oh, what a mess. Tell junior to take a bath or get washed and listen to the wailing. But just let snow start to melt. ditches fill and puddles form on the Notice is hereby given of a hearing to be held by the Town- ship of Markham Committee of Adjustment at the Municipal Offices, Buttonville, RR. No. 2, Gormley, Ontario, on Thursday, April 4th. 1963, at 7:30 p.m. Hearing Application CA/63/7 JOAN ARLENE SAUNDERS} and the name of his son to JOJ SEPH ALLEN SAUNDERS.‘ DATED at Toronto this 22nd day of March, AD. 1963. McMaster, McMaster & McIn- tyre, 2859 Dundas Street West, Toronto 9, Ontario, Solicitors for the applicant. maanmmmmaa: DERS, the name of his wife to Notice of Hearing CA/63/7-8 TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM R.R. No. 2 GORMLEY, ONTARIO COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON Secretary, Township of Markham, Committee of Adjustment Evening Branch St. John's Anglican Church TU. 4-2708 roads and junior finds that wa- ter is a wonderful element. Mother battles kids, water and pneumonia, for this time of year ughl! Best wishes for a speedy re- covery to Mrs. H. G. Robertson who has had the flu and pneu- monia. A speedy recovery is also wished for Mrs. Carrie Threlfall formerly of Jefferson now in Leaside who has been ill with the flu. Birthday greetings to Sharon Mitchell who celebrates on March 28. Belated birthday greetings to David Robertsan who celebrated his 14th birth- day on March 22. Church News The regular Monday nlghters held their euchre at the home of Mrs. Jessie Hall. The win- ners were Mrs. Ruth Gouden, Mrs. Jessie Hall. Mrs. Hazel Hall and Mrs. Lorna Kerwin. Neighborhood Notes Mr. and Mrs'. C. Gooâ€"laâ€"‘and Peter are pleased to have Mrs. Gould’s mother Mrs. W. R. Ca- pell of Toronto visiting with them. On March 19 the Afternoon Branch of the WA held its meeting in the parish hall. The ladies are busy with work for their sale which is going to the arctic. This week they are maklng quilts to be put ln this The Evening Branch of the WA held its meeting on March 21. Wool was given out for the making of mitts for the bazar. Monday Nighters Mr. and Mrs. S. C. SniVely have just returned from a mqnth‘s holiday in Florida. bale‘ On March 20 the North York Deanery presidents meeting was held at St. John’s Parish Hall. Mrs. S. A. Shoemaker, the diocesan treasurer gave a very interesting talk and at the close of the méeung the' Aï¬Ã©rHJÃ©ï¬ Branch of St. John's WA serv- ed refreshments. Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Patton were Mrs. Patton's nieces Miss Helen Howe and Mrs. A. Youell of Dundas. We are pleased to announce to our customers a program of services glven to you at no extra cost. These FREE SERVICES apply to power fired oil burners in your principal residence. * (2) Inspection of oil heating equipment once during the heating season. * (3) “No Heat" service calls to correct a failure in the operation of oil burners or controls. Why don’t you become a customer of Hall’s Domestic Fuel Oils and take advantage of these BIG SAVINGS. As long as you continue to be a fuel oil customer of Hall’s Domestic Fuel Oils you will receive these services FREE OF CHARGE. Contact us now and benefit by this offer before the next heating season begins. P.O. Box 132, Richmond Hill It is proposed to raise this sum as follows: $8,050.00 by a frontage rate of .35c per foot; $800.00 by a connection charge of $8.00; and 3,600.00 by a consumer rate of $36.00. On the basis of these levies a house having a 100-ft. frontage would pay the following amounts annually after connection has been made to the system. All plans, reports and estimates may be inspected at the office of the undersigned during business hours. DATED at Gormley and first published this 27th day of March, 1963. J. W. CRAWFORD, Clerk, Yonge Street Lake Avenue Ridge Road S. Willcocks Lake Rd. Yonge Street Benson Avenue Lake Avenue Yonge Street S. Willcocks Lake Rd. Willcocks Road S. Willcocks Lake Rd. 600’ east of Benson Fairview Avenue Yonge Street Elm Grove I Elm Grove Fairview Avenue 600’ NE of Fairview Benson Avenue S. Willcocks Lake Rd. Willcocks Road including service connections from the distribution main to the property line. Any owners or persons affected by these charges may file their objections thereto in Writing with the undersigned within 21 days of the date of first publication of this notice. At the request of the Township of Whitchurch Council, The Ontario Water Resources Commission has investigated the possibility of installing a water works project within the said Township at an estimated cost of $110,000.00 which will be repaid to the Ontario Water Resources Com- mission over a period of thirty years. The proposed project will consist of the following works: Water mains to be constructed to serve Oak Ridges-Lake Willcocks Area as follows: The estimated annual cost of the project is $12,303.00 which includes interest, debt retirement operating cost, reserve for renewals, replace- ments and contingencies and the purchase of water from King Township. AH SPRING! HALL’S DOMESTIC FUEL OILS loo-ft. frontage at .35c per ft. Connection charge Consumer rate “Budget Terms For Fuel Oil Accounts†N OTI C E TOWNSHIP or WHITCHURCH (1) (2) Annual Clean-out Service 'your office machine speciallst' 88 Baker Ave.. Richmond Hill lee portable models at 'nght’s Pharmac!’ Day or Evenings TU. 4-1745 Typewriters - Adding Machine! SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS -‘ 165 CENTRE ST. E RICHMOND HILL Phone For Free Estimates TORONTO WINDOW MFG. CO. lTD. ALUMINUM Windows 6': Doors Awnings Cc Siding Closed In Patios Quality Products At Manufacturers Prices All Materials & Workmanship Fully Guaranteed L H SIMS ALL MAKES 0F WINDOWS REGLAZED 8. REPAIRED FROM :r'ov'v'ï¬sï¬iï¬â€˜Ef' ‘vsvrï¬'iic’hï¬'r'c‘ï¬? R.R. No. 1, Gormley, Ont. 285-1471 All popular makes on hand Snecial Students' Rates $35.00 8.00 36.00 $79.00 TU. 4-4361 Phone