regarding infectious hepatitis. smallpox, diphtheria, venereal disease. and tuberculosis in par- ticular. Excellent co-operaiion has been received from all con- ‘éerned, particularly physicians, parents. and school teachers. the report'states. ~- Rabies has continued as a high risk to the population through the persisting infection of wild animal life with the in- evitable infection of domestic farm herds and pet animals. Alne wn'z annual report of the Medical Officer of Health of the York County Health Unit Shows that the population serv- ed by the unit has continued to increase by better than four per cent per year ‘over the past three years. s" The report points out that there were 1,127 cases of com- municable disease reported dur- ing the year. These did not incur in epidemic form. but continuing recent experience ï¬le-emphasizes the importance of a constant alertness on the part of the health department Last year there were 261 bitings investigated in which rabies had to be considered a possibil- ity (compared to 130 bitings last year) and 17 animals were proven rabid during the year (compared to 12 last year). An-) ti-rabies vaccine treatment was given to 29 exposed persons (compared to 19 las‘; year). Tuberculosis cases and con- tacts continue to receive c105e surveillance in the effort to minimize spread of this disease. While death rates for tubercul- osis decline and length of time spent under treatment has 4. A ,4 , ‘The 1962 annual report of the Medical Officer of Health of the York County Health Unit shoxvs that the population serv- ed by the unit has continued to increase by better than four per cent per year lover the past three years. Report Of York County Health Unit Shows Busy Activity During Year Readers may order re- prints of staff photos appearing In “The Liberal†It the newspaper office, 63 Yonge Street South. Rich- mond Hill. '20 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, March 28‘ M, REPRINTS AVAILABLE _ -__, .wn..." VLVuu, uu. .Luuups, 1V.U.f., and Eran! Conservative. Mr. McGee, who has represented the I recently appointed Minister Without Portfolio in the ment. _Mr. Moreau, who is again carrvinq H19. Lihpral Markham Township residents living south of No. 7 Highway will vote in York-Scarboro on April 8. There are 17 federal polls lying in that part of Markham included in this riding. The four candidates are seen above at an election rally held last week at Agincourt. Left to right, they are: Maurice Moreau, Liberal; Alex Ford, Social Credit; Ed. Phillips, N.D.P., and Frank McGee, Progressive Conservative. Mr. McGee, who has represented the riding since 1957. was rpnp'nflv nnnn€n+nA mn...‘-¢-.. “1:er H, second in the votiï¬g lan All four political parties have nominated canc' riding for the April 8 federal election. With over the largest in Canada. Yprk _- Scarboro Federal Candidates SALES |.'I'D. I I LU lBIock North of Steeles Ave “Your Local Authorized Mercury Monterey â€" Me“ The tuberculin skin-testing of students and staff in the 11 high schools continues as an im- portant screening process. In late October, one high school student was discovered with ac-‘ ute infection and admitted to hospital. This resulted in an in- tensive search for possible sources of infection in the im- mediate social circle of this pa- tient with examination of 26 members of a girl Guide troop, members of a Brownie troop, and re-examination of 90 close contacts in the immediate school environment. Tuberculosis cases and con- tacts continue to receive close surveillance in the effort to minimize spread of this disease. While death rates for tubercul- osis decline and length of time spent under treatment has shortened in recent years there continues a high rate of infec- tion. In the county last year there were 419 cases of tuber-i culosis under surveillance (com- pared with 408 the year before). There were 10 tuberculosis pat- ients from York County in hos- pital at the end of the year, ac- cording to the report. There were 24 “homes†in- 5 again carrying the Liberal bannéf June. have nominated candidates ip York-Scarboro AI-_L:,_. YIV'AI __- Regular inspections were ‘made of 211 eating establish- ments (restaurants, lunch coun- ters, refreshment booths), 11 bakeries, 9 frozen food locker plants, beverage rooms, butter and cheese factories, and num- erous shops handling food pro- ducts, during the year. An un- counted multitude of “seasonal†refreshment booths and lunch counters receive inspectors’ vis- its during the short summer season. vestigated for licensing under the county by-law on nursing homes. At the close of the year there were 24 approved ‘homes‘ in operation with a capacity of 340 beds. For the most part, these establishments provide a high level of service relieving to a certain extent overcrowd- ed hospital facilities. 500 polls, this ridih'g‘ié Six municipal sewage sys- tems continue in operation in urban areas, and others are in the construction or planning stage. There has been some evidence, the re- port continues, that subdi- viders are beginning to ap- preciate the actual econom- ies of community sanitary sewers in contrast to the somewhat more expensive installation and operating costs of the individual sep- tic tank system. Discourag- lng “progress†appears to go haltingly toward the es- tablishment of a sewage treament plant to serve Newmarket and East Gwil- limbury Township. During the year, 808 new septic tank installations were made and 289 faulty sep- tic tank installations were investigated. The inadequa- cies and hazards to health from mass septic tank in- stallations cannot be over- stressed. :T, .......... , .. w Dlefenbaker Govern- r, came a close 1, 1963 r Monterey â€" Meteor â€" Comet Dealer†Once free of the fences the horses headed north on Church Street for an undetermined distance and then cut across to Yonge Street. At this point they apparently decided that they had seen enough and headed south instinctively turn- ing off at the right intersect- ion that took them back to their stables. According to Mrs. V. Mason, whose husband operates the ri- ding club, the horses just dis- appeared from the corral under the noses of the workmen. It happened that the horses, the property of Sunnybrook Riding Club, lead by a mischie- vious leader, just decided to take a look at the town on their own. Unattended by whooping cowboys or any of the other trimmings that usually accom- pany such a scene, witnesses wondered whether Richmond Hill may have been chosen as the site for a Hollywood west: ern. Not so, however. Shoppers and store owners on Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, couldn’t quite believe their eyes last Thursday morn- ing when a stampede of 20 (not-so-wild) horsés pranced jauntin down the thoroughfare about 10.30 am. Riderless Horses TakelookAtTown This poï¬nt was brought out when it was stated that there was plenty of parking space ad- jacent to Pop's Restaurant and that the owner had made ar- rangements for the use of such‘ space for the restaurant pa- trons. According to this bylaw Pop's Restaurant can only be credited with owning three par- king spaces whereas the bylaw requires that the operation of a business such as proposed by the operator of the restau- rant must provide for 30 park- ing spaces. In addition, it was pointed out that the bylaw re- quires such parking space to be on the actual property on which the business is located. l Pop’s Restaurant which has recently been issued a license for the sale of alcoholic bever- ages with meals is planning to completely renovate the inter- ior of the premises and while a permit for the work had been applied for it had not been is- sued on the grounds that the owner did not own enough pro- perty to provide for the re- quired number of parking spac- es called for under bylaw 1000. The question of whether a building permit could be issued to cover interior renovations to Pop's restaurant at Levendale Road and Yonge Street North took up much of the time of Richmond Hill Town Planning Board at their last meeting. Building Permit Issued On Site Plan Agreement The steel work on the build- linton and Newmarket. so that ing was completed last week- residents of Willowdale, Thorn- end and by the time our read- -1. Richmond Hill, Agincourt ers read this the walls should Markham and Maple districts be completed for the building should find it a very conven- which will have 12,000‘ square ient place to shop foranew can feet of floor space The three acre lot provides Included will be a fully- equipped service department with 18 stalls, having facilities to service not only the Mer- cury line. but any make of automobile Also included in the plans for the building is a large mod- ern showroom where the new l A new Mercury dealership has been established at 7120 Yonge Street just north of Steeles Avenue. Presently operating from the used car building on the lot, McIntosh Mercury Sales Ltd. expect to move into their‘ handsome new quarters by the} end of May. New Mercury Dealer Just North Of Steeles THORNHILI. » BA. 5-8857 ON Channel 3 NORTH YORK : David Hor- wood who carried the banner for the Social Credit party in York Centre last June says there will be no candidate for that party in the coming elec- tion. Site plan agreements, as op- ‘posed to bylaw 1000, is a means by which property proposals may be considered and dealt with on their specific and indi- vidual claims. It was made clear by the board that “sitei plan agreements", which are a currently debated issue be- tween council and the planning board. he made applicable to industrial, commercial and re- sidential properties. It is the feeling of council that "site plan agreements" should only apply to commercial and in- dustrial properties. Liberal Candidate in York North Final decision of the board however, was that in order to facilitate the granting of a building permit that a “site plan agreement" be negotiated between the town and Pop’s Restaurant. By this means the provisions of bylaw 1000 could be by-passed. It would mean. however, that while the board would agree to the use of park- ing space not belonging to Pop’s Restaurant, that no fut- ure change of business policy or physical alteration to the premises of the restaurant could be undertaken without the approval of the board. (Inserted by York North Liberal Assoc.) ADDISON Iï¬Ã©féï¬Ã©y" ï¬le‘élé‘r‘éï¬iï¬ ed into between the parking spt Restaurant then an agreement 5 mitted to the 1 mitted to the boarn building permit be behalf of Pop's Res Final decision of Located just to the south of the Loblaws store, this com- pany is on the edge of the con- gested area. Nearest Mercury dealers are at Yonge and Eg- linton and Newmarket. so that residents of Willowdale, Thorn- ‘1. Richmond Hill, Agincourt. Markham and Maple districts should find it a very conven- The three acre lot provides lots of space for parking of new and used cars, and it is ex- pected that once the new build- ing is in operation the staff will number close to 50 people, so that customers can expect cour- teous and efficient personal at- tention when they visit the new BARRIE WED., APRIL 3rd 6:05 PM. CL» of the Mercv“" line â€" Comet, Meteor, Monterey and Mercury “400" can be seen in comfort at your leisure. Mr. Addison will dis- cuss issues vital to you. WATCH JOHN that in order granting of 1 proof should board I proof of su hould be 51 card before he issued Restaurant. of the boa at a “site negotiated and Pop’s means the 1000 could board Pop’s such sub- ~ ~ : CflflflDlflfl TIRE § 0"†. ASSOCIATEâ€; none §THURS. 8: FRI. ' 1o YONG! sr. Main-m 'm 9 PM. TU. 4-1196 _ AV. imam - Double Value Spring Specials- 9.9 Garbage Cans We will exchange your clutch ulare and pressure plate for a factory rebuilt "precision set" matched assembly â€" ready to ‘nslall. Guaranteed. Car and Year Complete Clutch Assembly Plan 51.115551". 15.40 6.35 Dodge, Ply. 42-59 am. (except 15.50 7.95 fluld flrlve) 535141111? 15.00 7.25 11130 163.51 11.05 6.40 make your own comparisons. HEAVY GALVANIZED O HEAVIER GAUGE â€" With tough, Internal eomtruction; Ingineared for gas-saving, extra-powered performance. Acous- ï¬ully tuned for quiet, car-planing operation. 0 LOWER COST â€" Fae! Finding Comparison shopping Surveys indicate that Canadian Tire has (an you might oxpecn THE LOWEST MUFFLER PRICE IN TOWN. Phone around and s2.29 llcrnovc all wheel: Chock fluid level Pack wheel bearing. lulu wring: checked Adjust pedal cloarancc Chuck shock: (or leaks Bukc drums Inspected Emergency cabl'es checked ï¬rsi‘tn. 15.40 0.35 n. (except 15.50 7.95 ddrlve) 1401110 15.80 7.25 15“.“3? 11.35 5.40 INSTALLED $12 CHEVROLET 1951-53 1954-61. PLYM. a DODGE « 1949-59 (mom FORD tr METEOR 1949-54 (most) 1955-56 (most) 1957-59 (most) ASSEMBLY EXCHANGE Big discounts for othar (if requiud), “ch CLUTCH Make and Yearâ€"Single Exhaust Panengu Can 53 (most ,6], (7 Pontiac (641†fl STARTER MOTOR (most) can, incIUdiI‘IS Also Available for Other Can Expevt Installation, Extra Mote-Master Standard Re-Manufac- 5 lured Transmission Exchange as low I! Completely dynanometer check and tested under driving conditions to test comparable to original equipment quality. Rebuilt with only tlu finest quality parts. CAR AND YEAR Chevrolet, 1955-61, 6-cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ford and Meteor, l957-6], 6-cyl., V-8, linng rang. . . Dodge and Ply., 1957-6], 8': Powerflite . . . . . , . . . . . Aulo. TRANSMISSION Exch. AS LOW AS Wheel bearing: Inspected Rolale Nm If you wlsh Adiual acunhiel If nppllulak Complete hydraulle Iyslom Inspected Brake shoe action cleaned, [Ind Ind lubricaled Contour ground shoes and llnlng for propel drum contact Rugain that now a" pn- farmanco and Hurting culy . . . exchange II . . . Ex- change pric. a a: Moto-Masier Guaranned Ro-Manufactuud FACTORY REBUILT Installed Discount Fri: imports. 8-17 777 31-! FOUR STRAND Corn Brooms 9.95 Clampl 19¢ 140.00 140.00 140.00 EXCHANGE PRICE Plot-cu your buNnry, zoncrflor and cladrlcal I Item. ulo-Lite, Delta-Remy an Ford Iystemi. Rebuilt to manufacmver’l oliginal apecificaï¬ons. ixchangg price, AS LOW AS L 51.60 Replace your worn thoclu now with Mote-Master Shock Absorb." at Canadian Tiro't lpocial discounts; regain new car riding corn- tort under all driving conditions. Moto-Mutar Shock Absorb- ers are road and load tested equal to or better than original equip- ment quality standard: and pertormanco. Loop or Bayonet Typo. INSTALLATIONâ€"Mon Papular Cm VOLTAGE REGULATOR FFlER INSTALLERS Remanuhctund For most popular can and trucks axing etenderd- type Auto-Lite, Delta-Remy and Ford Iysteme. Mote-Master generators are factory rebuilt to "new car" ltendarde . . . every part showing the slightest sign of wear is expertly machined or re- placed as required. “on (most) 12-VOLT (most) Moto- Master SkippingRopes - GENERATOR EXCHANGE Single GOOD QUALITY g OPEN Double Dutch .90 to 1.90 ea.