0W at CLARK JEWELLERS an'iew Plaza. Richmond Hill PRING CLEARANCE SALE % to 50% off and more. This your chance to own the fiu‘ ‘t in jewellezy. diamonds“ ngs. watches. china. luggage‘ dies. costume jewenery and ’large selection of watch ands. Let us worry about youl“ aster shopping problems. 4-4957. clw39 ,lchmnnd Bill TYPEW'RITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer 11 popular makes for salle in uding new and rebuilt stand ‘d portable and electric mod SUMMER COTTAGE COMFORT Ball of Fire ave oil radiant heaters v no 01m. odour or pipes. Seven odels and sizes. See them now 59 NUFFIELD Diesel tractor. ve power lights. pulley. new attery. in perfect working million. 3. G. Jackson, King ity. TE. 3-5076. c1w39 OVING to U.S.A. household ticles. stove, automatic wash and dryer. bedroom suite. bles. portable Singer sewing achine. etc. 884-5201. clw39 CARL WALKER SALES 'lctorla Square Ph. 889-5413 tfc38 so vacuum cleaners. inger Sewing Machine Co. TU. 293}. tfc82 BUNK ’BEiis‘s'liifCiKL“ ew and used. All reasonable fers considered. Call Frank's overs and smrage. TU. 4-2613 AV. 5-5101. tfc38 EWING macï¬ihETâ€"shii‘eF're: assessed. portaple or cabinet, KROEHLER bed Chesterfield (1 two chairs. in excellent ndjuon; 1 platform rocker; 1 ull-out couch, 1 large walnut asset. AV. 5-3084. c1w39 NE LARGE CRIB, dining om suite. sunable {or cottage, pa wooden high chair. one Wham: Phone 886- . . chv39‘ E. Special rental rates ali'aii 19 to students. L. n. SIMS 88 Baker A", PIECE DEN or rec. room set. utumn leaf pattern, vibrator Ielaxer chair, buffet. electric rom- washer. TU. 4-5104‘ “C39 wh‘ï¬ii‘s‘diï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬s“ ‘ For sale and installed, \ 'l‘U. 4-5175 00D used furniture for sale‘ ill Frank‘s Movers and sum . 28 Industrial Rd., TUV 4- 13. tfca ALEIG‘H 'Race}.â€" rigs, 'gnod condil plusvaéce‘s: ion. 820.00. 9 AV. 5-2557 after 8 pm. ronrl. windows. awnings. and ï¬lings. Ron Wands. TU. 4-1514 tt‘c36 w‘__ A; ,ARGE‘CR’IBTybuth'x‘ï¬edfari prite and chrome baby tender. ‘U. 4-3574. clw39 EFCLTLTFSTZ‘Joâ€"dd‘s,’i‘iro‘ï¬; IS. Suitable for beginner $10. 344353. c1w39 KbBEEBT'n‘ékv‘H a317in b6] ea ‘ rather; also women's pul'ses‘ rom Mexico. AV. 5-3943. OY’S bicycle."2n"f“1r5iï¬ii{g heels. Very good condition. V. 5-1044. clw39 VREPLACE‘LUG‘S“f6rï¬salé. 1 sizes. very cheap. Phone AV; 4655. clw39 :miirs pliy‘pehï¬slofbéby; Mn: $7. 49 Cartier Crescent. c1w39 ' CEDAR 'sfnï¬i'bb'a'ï¬ï¬ii hp. outboard motor. $325. U. 4-7951. c1w39 ILD’S i'Réleigh"â€"3-’M{ée'r lke. hand brakes. TU. 4-4513. :1wi .o x 15'Wm’rEWA‘IZITm-e and eel. nearly new. TU. 4-1938. clw39 NE Polairoidï¬ VLEhavCE'rï¬era.‘ 5. AV. 5-3173. c1w39‘ “aéi’n‘dï¬z'sxr‘m‘nimn†‘ [TH DAVID McLEAN LTD.1 {[c28‘ AS 7refï¬geriï¬iï¬fâ€"pI‘dp’éï¬re‘, ‘itable {or cottage $145. TU. 1859. c1w39 LOYD babyWCén-iageJWgood Indluon, $15. TU. 4-4175. Der insertion . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in as early in the week In possible hm not liter than 10 mm. on Wednudan. Send Id! by mail and enclose payment. or telephone TU. 4â€"1105 Ind you will receive invoice. CASH RATES. 1n Insertion so each word. mm. char†7515 Second and subsequent Insertions 1! wording unchanged, So per word, min. charge . ‘ . . . . 65:: FOB BOX NUMBERS an exit: charge per Insertion 0! 50¢ COMING EVENT NOTICE: 5c per word; min. charze 75¢ CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES. BIRTHS. ARTICLES FOR SALE ALUMINUM LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday, March 23, 1953 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Tl'. 4-1745 new CE SALE ACOMMODATION for ladies nore. This and gentlemen. Small private n the ï¬n. rest home. Graduate nurses on diamonds. daily 24 hours. Call 285-4251†c 1 Wm) c1w39 c2w39 tfc39 c 1W39 nursery ocnom Exmnï¬n'c'ï¬n gardener; “"ACOTIM‘O‘Dâ€"A‘ffom want work. Lawns and flower- :and gentlemen. Small private beds- own power m°“'er' 884‘ . rest home. Graduate nurses on 17'“- ‘ Willow Nursery School. private, f“: fare- TU' 4‘3812‘ c3w39 daily 24 hours. Call 285-4251. EXPERIENCED cleaning wom- c1w39 an desires day work, Monday WWO? and Tuesday 9 to 4. $8 and c1w39§ 'licensed. from 8 am. to s p.1n. Yoï¬o MEN. 15â€"19. looking: Limited number only. Individual for work. Anything considered.) attention. age from 3 years, Can you help us. Call Salva- transportation available. Phone tion Army. for appointment. Willowdale 221-2164 Parkview Ave at Yonge Street. 2 blocks south of Northtown Plaza. Lfc30 AV. 5-5126l tfc52‘ RESPONSIBILEâ€"marilEdwn'om-l an would like afternoon or ev-l ening work in a nursing home! “Y-JO‘ n-“ \'_ 1'ln mL, In . 1 USED FURNITURE WANTED â€" pianos and used furniture. Cash prices paid Cal] Frank‘s Movers and Storage. TU. 4â€"2613. AV. 5-5101. tic7 ROOM & BOARD for one or two men. 1arge room, twin beds. near transportation. AV. 5,4313. clw39 ATTRACTIVE room to rent with board. priva‘e entrance. parking. close to bus. AV. 5- 3270. c2w38 BUSINESS ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬'ï¬ow â€" ï¬ï¬aï¬iï¬ï¬ MASONRY CONTRACTOR OPPORTUNITY ambition to earn money. Good Stonework. Fireplace, etc. 7 income. part or full time. Wriie Ostergaard. 148 Yonge St ‘ “Eï¬iiéï¬ff'*x AW" Mgr- MiSE Ziegler. Box Richmond Hill, phone TU. you can mar: scufï¬ng; 141 Guelph. clwas 5688. V _ tfci Chine-hillâ€. Enquire 5mm"; PART TIME serviée atation'at: CARPENTRY WO'RK. mamâ€".5 Chinchilla Ranch. R. R. 1 Ux- tendam- Young man t0 Wol‘k renovations. garages. retreat" bridge. UL. 2-3757, RU. 2-6806. evenings and Weekends. Ex- rooms, tile floors. No job tt “C37 perienced preferred. Apply Te- smaii. Free estimates. T. Pric " A‘“ ’ 4* Hm -' xaco, 7161 Yonge Street, Thorn- AV. 5-3653. dc: TO ESTABLISH a magazine hm. (1“,39 MS]; C LW subscription agency in Ric-h- W*,_A,._ w_ E IA ,mond mu, You will be repres. NURSES Chesterï¬eld sets recovered - ‘enting the Davis Agency a: Toy. Registered_ Nursing Assistants 2 piece $69.00. Nylon treize $9 onto, we handle an magazines. and experienced pyacticai nur- 5 years guarantee. Terms if 11 new and renewals. High earn- 535 FeqUh‘Ed. Full time and part sired A. Smith. Upholster ings on commission basis. For “me 3"3313b‘e- MI‘S- Ste-Wart, Phone AV. 5â€"1682. tfc‘ complete information write to: f“)? V3113; Bathurfl St- Thor“ éï¬feiih‘ï¬hï¬i’ï¬iï¬izï¬iï¬â€œ FURNISHED bed-sitting room to rent. kitchenette. outside en- trance and parking. TU~ 4- 1768. c1w39 ROOM aid-Board. good meal; TU; 4-3934. 7 c1w39 00TH AN‘D Bo‘A‘m‘)‘ 56511513. AV. 5-4480. c1w39 ROOM 8; BOARD required by male bank employee. central. Apply Post Office Box 58.1 Richmond Hill. c1w39‘ D. E. Wilson, c/o Davis Agency, 9 Pleasant Blvd, Toronto 7. Ont. clw39. VARIETY store. one of those solid operations. neat. tidy. compact, sharply maintained and well equipped. Located on Yonge 51.. Richmond Hill witlfl exceptional passing trade andl regular neighborhood tradel $50.000 annual turnover. low rent. good lease. Will gross ca- pable experienced family $10,- 000 and up each year. Price $4.500 plus stock (may be a little less). Down payment op- en to negotiations. Books open to prove earnings. Fred Cook Real Estate Ltd. AX. 3-7922. c1w39 ROOM and BOARD W Y N - l) 0 T THE LADIES SHOP RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-2214 SPECIALISTS on wall to wall draperies. ladies' & children's Wear and sewing needs, knit- ting wool and patterns. mmv and used TV’s, stereos, ‘dryers. stoves, fridges. washers, for sale from $24.95. Used 'I‘V's and appliances bought [or cash. HERRKDGE ELECTRIC I‘V AND APPLIANCES Sales. repairs. parts. rentals 40 Levendale Rd. TU. 4â€"3211 tfc31 PROPANE" GAs‘ &“ APPLIANCES SUPERIOR PROPANE LTD. MAPLE The only AUTOMATIC Propane Gas Service from New Bruns- wick to Manitoba. For informa- ‘tion. call AV. 5-1145. t£c29 BEAUTYREST. Marshall. Sim-‘ mans. Serta. Hecly and other spring mattresses repaireo. re-i turned just like new. medium! ï¬~m. extra ï¬rm. Two-day ser-j vice. Eider-downs recovered. 0nâ€"‘ tario Bedding Co. AV. 5-1591. tfc44 NEw’ and JEEPN HEAVY DUTY Thistle tricycle a small size freshly painted Car seak nearly new. Baby's hardwood training seat. AV. 5- 4704. nc39 COW 'MXRURE. any amounE delivered 884-5121. C4W39 EENTLEMAN'S {fling to}; coat Harris tweed. size 44. AV. 5~3083. c1w39 (Continued) BABY‘S'TROLLER for sale TU. 4~5038. c1w39 Nursery School mrvmw PLAZA WANTED FOR SALE c4w37 nc39 ’BESPONSIBLE married wom-l , an would like afternoon or evJ ening work in a nursing home} Write Box No. 138 The Liber-I al. ' c1w39 2 .u, 39 KIND reliable Woman faripart ‘_. time hausekeepezx Write Box OP 133 The Liberal. c1w39 g3 iniiï¬vanafraidezgiag, _ mus! be able to drive truck“ le. TU. 4-3714. c1w39: rd. -â€" A -â€"â€"r-~ vs EXPEIRVIAENCEDjvï¬u'ess want- 5_ ed, Maple Centre Restaurant. ,0 N0. 7 Highway, west of Keele. IULLIUL‘ ‘ ‘ "‘"’ "‘ 1:2; HERRIDGE ELECTRIC TV i __ . ~ -, WANTED all kinds of dead an- APPLIANCES :TEACHER available for public, imals. For fast service can TU. Sales. Repairs. Parts. Bentaisï¬chool <ubjects and grade [Kt 4-2538 or ZEm’th 33800. License 40 Lavendale Ed‘ TL. 4-3211‘and X French. TU. 4-5079. deal «was! No. 204-62. «:31 GARDENER required immedi- ately by Glen Shield Golf Course located Highway 7 and Dufferin Street. Must be able take charge tree planting pro- gramme. Steadg work each yyear from April 'til end Octob- 1er. Phone Mr. Simmonds. RU.‘ 39-3232 or Mr. Ladouceur. AV. l5-1004. c1w39“ ‘CLERK-stenographer {or full time position. district office, Department of Lands and For- ests. Maple (Dufferin Street). Starting salary. $3.000. 5-day week. Applicants should have a grade 10 education. he profic- ient in typing and shorthand with some clerical experience and knowledge of general of- fice procedures. Apply. in writ- ing, giving qualifications. edu- cation and experience to: Dis- trict Forester. Dept. of Lands and Forests. Maple. Mark en- velope "application for posi- tion". c1w39 Two WOMEN wanting {Tch housework 'm or around Rich- mond Hill, 884-7712. c1\v39 TYPIST requires work In (1â€"0 at home. Gormley 885-5435. ! NURSES Registered Nursing Assistants and experienced practical nur- ses required. Full time and part time available. Mrs. Stewart, The Villa, Bathurst St. Thorn~ hill, AV. 5-4931. c4w36 LADIES. part time work, full time pay, pleasant dignified employment in your free even- ing time, showing qualiiy tab‘ leware by appointment. No can- vassing, sample supplied. high- est commissions. car essential. 285-3282. Mr. Sim. c2w39 FURNISHED house In ex- change for part time services. Couple without children; Ger- man understood. AV. 5-2723. clw39 CAPABLE GENERAL Central Toronto, 3 children, all modern appliances, private room. bath, char weekly. 483- 2823. c1w39‘ HANDYMAN for golf course; maintenance. Dufferin Fair- ways, Dufferin St. at No. 7‘ Highway. 636-8258 before 9‘ am. for interview. *1w391 ’AV. 5-1723. C) “1'39 MEN for landscape garden work. chauffeur‘s licence nec- essary. Garden Gate Nursery phone 285-5942. clw39‘ BOY. grade 12 level. part timel 4 to 6 p.m.‘ alert with figures.‘ typing helpful. Afternoons. Ap-i ply Box 127 The Liberal. c1w391 CAPABLE woman for general housework, live in. Attractive bedroom with private bath- room AV. 5-3162. c1w39 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Opening for one salesman. Ap- ply to S. J. Carlisle. David Mc- Lean Lm., AV. 5-1176. c1w38] SALES HELP MALE Earn extra money in spare time. Call Globe and Mail representa- th'a TU. 4-4977. 03w37 HELP “14.131132 ROUTE SALESMAN or lady full or part time. Call Slim 285~2277 (evenings onlyl. *1\v39 BABY SITTER wanted ’2’da575 weekly. write box No. 139 The Liberal. *1w39 CLERK typlsti required for sales office. 884-4186. c1w39 MO‘EHER'S‘hï¬EPE‘thiTa'o'sï¬ days a week. 285-2802. c1w39 WAITER with grill experience, Thornhill vicinity, modern res- taurant. 285-5998. c1w39 VO‘IZTVNG LADY to work in a‘ dry cleaning plant, full time. Call AV. 53272. cxwagl RECEPTIONIST - clerk - typ- jsl required. Write Box No. 1351 The Liberal. c1w39] EMPLOYMENT WANTED DEAD STOCK c1w39 c1w39 vCARPfNTRY wonxï¬a‘m‘tm renovations. garages, recreation rooms, tile floors. No job too sman. Free estimates. '1'. Price. AV. 5-3653. tfc26 ‘ CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRA JTORS Building, alterations & repairs. ‘, _Uprompt sex-Vice. Recovering and repairing of any kind of furniture. Experienced on Scandinavian furniture. Free estimates Reasonable prices. Call anytime. TL’. 4-4813 resi- dence. business. AV. 5-5345, FLOOR COVERlNGS All types tiles and sheet vinyl for rec. rooms. kitchens, entries. baths, etc. Also ceramic wall tiles. Free estimates. Reid and ‘Sons. Flooring Contractors, AV. £54960.“ tic32 . Booxxeaï¬fm - TYPING SERVICE Manuscripts, Letters. Envelopes, Statements. etc. Bookkeeping to‘ Trial Balance. Rates upon re- quest. Mrs. Irwin, PR. 3-5545. c4w37 iCALI: £5 for your sand. gravel. ï¬ll. top soil and black loam. lPrompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple, ALpine' 7-8876. th7 iCHESTERFIELD suites. and chrome chairs recovered and‘ rebuilt, at 3 reasonable price“ No job too small. Free estim- ates. Murray Upholstery. AVA 54767. ttcml Chesterï¬eld sets recovered -â€"â€" ‘2 piece $69.00. Nylon treize $99. ‘5 years guarantee. Terms if de- sired A. Smith. Upholstexy, phone AV. 5-1682. tfc43 CUSTOM CARPENTRY Kitchens remodelled. bedroom and bathroom Vanities. stereo, hi-ï¬. china cabinets. Free estim- ates. Morris Harrison. TU. 4- 2838. new KING'EITY “TILEâ€"DRILLING CO. LTD. Pump equipment installed and serviced. George Adams, Box 192. King City. Phone King TE. 376321. tfc13 lPalnting, paper-hanging. inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates, Work guaranteed. TU. 4-7902.‘ meal} } “€43 1RALPH ELMS DECORATING l CHIMNEYS ‘L‘himneys built and repaired. ‘Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell, AV. 5-2526. tfcls E. W. PAYNE Drains, septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 285-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tchl CARPENTRY. painting and dec- crating. custom building. re- pairs and alterations. Prompt Service. Estimates free. Les Webb, AV. 5-2546. tfc38 CARPENTRY and repairs, re. creation rooms, kitchen cup- boards. general maintenance. English tradesman. 884-2344. *3w381 MAHOGANY PLYWOOD V grooved 3/16“. Cash and car†ry price 4x7 $3.36. 4x8 $3.84 per sheet. Butler & Baird Lumber Ltd.. 191 Yonge St. N. tfc13 iCONCRETE and carpentry ‘work. recreation rooms, floors and walls tiled. at reasonable prices. TU. 4-5482. tchS EUROPEAN Landscape Gard- ener - planting. pruning, shrub- bery, rock gardens. Free estim- Mes. 88é-7953. *4w38‘ SOUND Hi-Fi - Stereo Dance Entertainment PA Service Indoor - Outdoor - Mobile METRO MUSIC SERVICES 884-7287 4-1245 Richmond Hill tfcm ‘PAINTING. paperhanging‘ Free' estimates. Colour samples. A Rollinson. TE 3-6671. dc15 SEPTIC tanks pumped. 24 haili- service. C. Bums. PR‘ 3-5085. ‘ UFHCIISTERING. custom work? of all kinds. Bonnell. AV. 5-1 2176. (‘1w391 ‘ C. STUNDEN TU. 4-1245 Richn Fast Service Free courtesy T.V. Free repair estimate Counter service. ‘JPHN'S washer and rappliancé wepairs. TL‘. 4-2615. tchl) SEPTIC TANKS PCMPED $20-$25 Tile-beds cleaned. Fast. clean modern service. MISCELLANEUI'S WALKER} Michal, AV. 5.2525 IELEx’IsmNâ€"Rrsnms PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS £5 SON LTD. PAINTINd 15â€?“â€" HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798 James 1). Stewart TU. 4-2201 UP H of siï¬i i" [fa-14 tfc23 tics [J O m4 ONE Cockshutt, diesel 411R 3 plough 3 point hitch. line PTO, 130 engine hours. Reasonable. ME. 5-6229. clw39 1956 Chevrolet 2 door - green .5427 - monthly payment $24. 1960 Fiat 4 door, 1200 model 5597. - monthly payment $32. 1958 Volkswagen 2 door $644. montth payment $35. 1957 Ford. blue 4 door. $548} monthly payment $30.. l956 Ford Sedan 4 door blue, automatic . . , . . . o _ . . . . $394. monthly payment 522.5 1960 OLDSMOBILE, district price at $2.195. save hundreds at $1,850. White 4-door hardtop, Super 88, red and white sports interior, power steering and brakes, backup lights, washers†OldsmObile push-button radio; 4 nearly new whitewalls, two snow tires an extra rims. Call‘ TE. 3-5310. eiw39? We are acting as agents [or a local finance company in dis- posing of the following CARS! These cars must be sold this week and all offers will be con- sidered. No down payment nec-‘ essary where credit justifies. Balance owing and monthly payments shown. They repre-i sent substantial savings over comparable cars. FREE 1963 PLATES. 1 1950 MORRIS Minor, good con- dition. will sell or trade for motor scooter or motorcycle, 150 â€" 300 cc. AV. 5-2557 after 6 pm. olw39 1957 FORD Fairlane V8, 2 door‘ hardtop. automatic. power steering. power brakes. low‘ mileage. excellent condition. 884-121]. c1w39 1955 RAMBLER. 6 cylinder m0: 101'. automatic transmission and rear end one month old. like‘ new. A150 1950 Plymouth, 6‘ cylinder, flat head. standardi transmission. AL. 7-1434. 3 1952 FORD half ton truck, mechanically good. 5175. J. Coomer, George St, Oak Rid- gesA clw39 1351'V0LKSWAGEN, like new. for quick sale. AV" 5-4655 custom radio. seat belts 5975 Can arrange terms. TU. 4~5149. clw39 11.955 DODGE ’suit’fonâ€"Wagon. ‘Reasonable. TU. +4530. c2w39 ’Tgss CHEVROLET, $250. T‘. 4-5482. < » (:1w39 19'55 METEOR éoï¬vertible,‘ automatic. V8. radio, good con-‘ dition. $450. TE. 3-5525. *1w39 3357 METROPOLITAN. rebuu't’ motor. body A]. TU. 4-3383 evenings. clw39 19‘6‘2“V'OLKSWAGVEI\'. cheap' R. D. LITTLE J; SON LTD. '(mmediate p05: Phone 285.1105 sell on very 3 Ask for Ken Morrison ‘British Mortgagt Alex Kerr or Eric Lawton c1\\‘39 1950 PYMOUT‘ngood running condition‘ TU. 4-7853. *1w39 19â€"50 Fblï¬) 1/5 ton pickup truck“ $85. TU. 4-5731. QIW391 1956 PLYMOUTHflEEsEn‘a‘SIE PR. 3-5866. c1w39 $50 1952 CHEVROLET. running AV. 5-3333. c1w38 "' ' ‘ "â€"94 gEprdb-NTAINED‘frnom ap- Au MOW$§IPSMF§FRACTORSgartment. Adults only. Central. ï¬llers a; Small Erwin“ ineir bus. TU. 4-1204. glw38 A“ size mowers sharpened .EMODERN three room baéement Speedex Riding Tractors ;apartmen1. reasonable. 884- And other equipment for sale. 4072- clw38 5m!" 0" “0 ‘0“ Payment; FOOM TO RENT. suit one gen- 103 M- 7 Highway EuThomhlll neman, cooking facilities. TU. 285-2973 44629. tfc31 “C38 2 HBO-MS an-Hgï¬iichen. furnfshâ€" :ed or unfurnished. Parking fac- ilities. Close to shopping centre. USED CARS TU. 4-3257. ttc37 FOR SALE FURNISHED apartment, four‘ w. _.. _.._._....-_._.V........___- rooms, private entrance, child reasonable, welcome, PR. 3-5866. c1w39 ‘ CN33 $50 1952 CHEVROLET. running EIBTJERN, threejggmm bun- _5~'§3:3_3-_ 01‘V33 galow. near Yonge Street and 1950 PYMOIT'FQ. good running King Sideroad. Oak Ridges. $95. condition. TU. 4-7853. *1w39 PA~ 7-9488. PA. 7.504s. mas Farm Implements For Maximum Tonnage com- bined with top Quality énsil- age. I will be pleased to help you pick the proper variety for your needs. Cameron McClure, R. R. 1 Woodbridge, AT. 84467. c4w39 REF}NISHING’é‘Cin‘BBnEBu‘. AV. 5-2176. c1w39 ;ANTIQUES’ ’bo’uï¬ht‘and sold. ‘Bonnell. 8009 Yonge Street. 12w. 5-2175. c1w39 >PLASTERING. specialized in repairs, archways, ceilings,. ceri amic and floor tile. Mr. P. Big- nell, AV. 5-4618. c1w39“ GARDEN CONSULTANT. re- tired nurseryman. Gardens de~ signed. plants and shrubs supâ€" plied. Plans and estimates, very reasonable. 884-7953. *4w38 AVOID SPRING RUSH! Lawnmowers sharpened and repaired ~ all types. Also small parts machined. Welding. Hills- dale Repair Centre. South Road. Oak Ridgesl PR. 3-5126. c1w39 (continued, i300$EWfï¬â‚¬En7uTxï¬tï¬r€t> Call Bonnet}. AV. 5-2176. c1w39 ELEC‘TiiIéXf’ «76.31;. All types of wiring J. Antram 884-4102. c4w36 MISCELIKVE‘OTF PLANT PRiDE'iiYan SEED (30m: FINANCECG. sails" TUITION c1w39 cl W39 180 Bayview Ave., Richmond Hill ;New large l. 2 and 3 bedroom apartments now renting. Fire- ‘proof. All suites equipped, In~ ter-com, walk~in closets. Free parking. Built-in air condition sleeves. Decorated to your taste. Telephone and TV outlets. Drapes. Close so all conveniem ces. Rental office on premises E CAPE! APARTMENTS ‘r ATTRACTIVE 6 rocm bunga~ low on nlce landscaped lot, close to Bayview. with shopping, schools and churches within walking distance. $125 monthly. immediate possession or will sell on very attractive terms. British Mortgage and Trust Co.. WENMAR APARTMESTS’ 1x RICHMOND mLL COLBOURNE AVE. 1 and 2 bedroom apartments -â€" pool elevators, FM music, large balconies, intercom, parking. TV outlet. AV. 5-2303. tfc27 APARTMENT CENTRAL RICHMOND HILL Large modern 2 bedrooms, 2 minutes walk to Yonge St. Transportation and shopping. fully equipped. soft water. quiet street. best value, soundproof and fireproof. 50 Benson Ave. TU‘ 1-3581 c1w39 3 LARGE rooms. lower floor. fireplace, paved drive. garage, tiled recreation, wash room, garden. At Yonge St. Available May 31. Write Box No. 137 The Liberal. clw39 RESTAURANT. service station and 7-room apartment. No. 7 Highway between Keele and Jane, south side, $350 monthly. Apply Pinecrest Motel, AV. 5- 1928. 02w39 ,BEAVERTON CENTRE AREA ,Furnished room in quiet‘ adult ,home, parking,, gentleman pre- ferred $8 Weekly. TU. 4-3801. tfc36 RICHMOND HILL. close to Yonge, 2 bedroom bungalow and garage, modern convenien- ces, immediate possession, $100 monthly. TU. 4-1300 or AV. 5-, 2742. c1w39 3 BEDROOM detached brick bungalow, aluminum storms and screens, recreation room,‘ paved driveway, large corner lot, King City, phone TE. 3- 6375, c1w39‘ WILITOWDAEE ~_fu}ni§lï¬a 3 room basement apartment, minutes from bus, panelled, clean, warm, separate entrance, hydro, no pets. 2 girls 01"busi~ ness couple. BA, 1â€"7320. c1w39 ‘ TOOLS FOR RENT Floor sanders. saws and drills. Hand sandez's‘ jig-saws and nail drivers. AV. 5-1109. mm 3 ROOM upstairs apartment with bath in Maple, available May lst AL. 7-2343 between 6 and 8 pm. clw39 FURNISHED room. cooking fa- cilities, parking 16 Lorne. 1st house east Clarke’s Drug Store at Yonge. *2w39 FURNISHEY) bungalow. Rich~ mond Hill, 2 adults. May lst to; Novembter 1st. TU. 4-1516. 1 3 ROOM ia'pEtment, suitale for business couple, Bayview Plaza area $80. TU. 4-1728. HOUSE. 2"1;éd§£m's. an con- veniences. good location. 884- 5678. c1w39 12 ROOMS or airâ€"duplex. 2 garages. near Yonge4 AV. 5-‘ 1472 01‘ HO. 6-9230. Clw39; '4 BEDROOM house. semiâ€"deâ€"l etched, 2 bathrooms. in Aurora. TU. 4-2529. c1w39 FOR SAEEVdR‘R'Eï¬ 6 room bungalow. central Church St. TU. 4-2862. clw39 LARGE furnished room. priv- ate entrance. Parking. TU. 4- 5269, clw39 MODERN ’3’tï¬ï¬Témwb'uBEai‘ TOOLS T0 RENT low near schools and shopping. Cement mixers. floor sanders Phone Whitby 668-4566. c1w39 and edgers, ramset guns. roto- *'â€"â€"â€" tillers, rotovators. also 500 other ERFDR‘I‘iISHED basement ap- artment. children welcome. TU. 4.3454. tools. Willowdale Rental & _ , Sales. 6026 Yonge SL, BA. [â€" â€â€œi’i’lml. m4? SIX ROOM' iï¬Ã©rtEFï¬t‘EéFrEt on Yonge Street. Reasonable. TU. 4~2922 - RU. 3â€"5482. clw39 KPXRi‘ï¬ï¬ï¬Ttï¬fEe‘rdSmï¬ï¬d bath. refrigerator and stove. Central. TU. 4-3294. clw37 FURS’TSHFD rooms to SHE. 257â€"2522, tfc28 FURNISEEDâ€"I'FO-ï¬s to rent Tlâ€. 4-5653 TU. 4-7735 RU. 1-9582 '57 0040 TO’RENT’ 7-5333. clw39 ttc38 swam m { BABY SITTING EPETS FOR SALE c1w39 (‘2w38 S’SEjMONEY T07 LOAN Lfc28 ‘TUES., APRIL 15 â€" Auction; sale of Shorthom COWS, Short- horn and Hereford steers and fat cattle. 40 pigs store and fat ones, 2 tractors, farm machin- ery. hay, grain large quantity of household furniture and ef- fects. At lot 28 CDDCESSiDn 8, Markham Township. on High- way No. 48, three miles north of Markham. Sale at 12 noon! Terms cash. No reserve. Farmi sold. See posters. Property of Wm. D. Risebrough. Ken 8; marks Prentice. auctioneers. ,‘ c4w38w' IWED.. APRIL 10 -â€"- Extensive ‘clearance auction sale of truck, tractors, farm machinery. imple-v lements. repair shop and stockl room equipment, hardware. farm and garden tools, farm] equipment dealers' inventory lstocks, repair parts, new and ‘used, miscellaneous scrap iron, ‘etc.. the property of Messrs. ‘West 8.: Wood. former Massey- Ferguson dealers. Main St.“ Schomherg Village. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 12.80 p.m.‘ See sale bills for full particu- lars. Robert Leonard - Clerk. Ken 3: Clarke Prentice - Auc- tioneers, Markham, phone 294- 3161 or 640-3686. c2w39} 1 “:12- v mu mortgages. n. 1. anepnenstthe Lord is given ï¬rst conï¬de}- ESTATE BOARD ‘ Investments Ltd†AV. 5-3735. latjon’ a DOVE will never have“, __tto send an SOS. For you who; MONEY available for good ï¬rst Put Almighty God 1351- lrusting‘muuunumummuuxumum“t1muninuttlnnmuummmmmm ‘and second mortgages, reason-[to LUX and who intend to miSS‘, ‘able rates. Medeof. Lawlor and church next Sunday. maybe; ’Le Claire. TU. 4-4413. tichsomeone ought to DIAL you‘t ' . Mo remind you of the IVORYE Richmond Hill ) i p [races up yonder, This is noti 42 Elmdak. Court 3 silly BABO ‘0 m ; ‘t is ' J. J :9"de m AD‘Vtzs 3.5m} L1££.(Uppel' 2 bedroom, $120: 3 }BUOYZ So next Sunday dress _.,7._‘V;up SPIC and SPAN and DASH; new building, all convenien- , .L:I.l SAT.. APRIL 6 -â€" Auction sale of household furniture, dishes, etc.. at Prentice's Auction Rooms\ Franklin House, Mark- ham. Ont. Property of several consignees. Sale at 1.00 pm, Terms cash. No reserve. Ken‘ 8: Clarke Prentice. auctioneers†c2w39‘ ‘ lulu» Allan ‘VVU 1 'C “ SALE REGISTERSICLEANJ just Jm‘xim‘BV HbUSEé wiï¬téd i'bYBEIé 3? i6 rent. Call AV. 5-2951. T. Mur- phy. Broker. tfc28‘ FUNDSini’lable for Isl and nun! 2nd mortgages. E. T. Stephenslthe Investments Ltd., AV. 5-3785. lam 31 Yonge St. N., 884-4458 - Mgr. Denn XXX XXX PSYCHIC ardGnTï¬eacup re;- ding. M. Dickson phone PR. 3- 5491. tfc36 Do you have a drinking prob: lem? If so AA can help. Box 16: “The Liberalâ€. m:in XXX ‘TEENAGE baby sitter avail- able. TU. 4-7720. clwas VERY GOOD day care for one or two children. West of Yonge. ‘TU. 4-4513. c4w39 MOTHER’S HELPER ‘ SERVICE Experienced baby-sitters. home-l maker's service and day work." Call day or night. TU. 4-7253. V“..¢_._h-,___, . 1 éELIABLE girl or wonian're-I quired for day care in my own! LE. 1-4203. home. 5 days Weekly. 115 Spruce Ave, Richvale. 285? 1354. Cl “69‘ BABY BUDGIES for sale. TU. 4-7346. c2w39 MINIATURE poodles, register- ed, excellent breeding. 415 Marybay Cres.. Richmond Hill. c1w39 l DRESSMAKING ? ï¬R'I'c's’sTLXK'IN tions. Mrs. MacDonald. TI]. 4-? $57. if < A A H mm“ DRESSMAKING“ s DESIGNING I G aiï¬hqï¬lfe'ra: private bath. breakfast optional; TU. 4-7428. (-1w39 RENT A TELEVISION from $10.00 a month. delivery and pickâ€"up. Richmond Hill TV, 34 Yonze S. TU. 4-7456 AV 5-3756 tfc28 NEWLY furnished bedroom PRESCRIPTION FOR PAYING BILLS PAY 'EH OFF VITH A LOW-COST. LlFE-L‘éSUï¬ED XXXX XXXX MORTGAGES LOANS $50 - $5000 FAST SERVICE ATLANTIC FINANCE Corporation Ltd. XXX XXX THE BANK OF NOVA SCOHA PERSONAL XXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXX XX XX XX X XXXX TO RENT, LOAN h. N., Richmond Hill :458 - 285-5562 Dennis Hughes [continued XX X XXX XXX tfc32 [up qrxp anu 01'211V anu DAD“! ’Ito God’s House. Then as youices’ idea) locatmn fm‘Chfld' 'j‘sins PRAISE to God. you wflli’ren, one month rent free. get a wonderful KLENZER for . your soul. And so - how DUZi can Mr' van Althen’ that make you feel MISTER! 884-2326 ‘n‘rm-‘u -..- “A--__‘. The parade of brand names ‘11: advertising prompted the [01. ‘lowing outburst: DUZ you DREFT along with the TIDE? VEL now is the time to CHEER up. If you want JOY, the TREND is to BREEZE along to the Church on Sun-day morn- mg. But too many WD-ODBURY their heads in a pillow and re- main in bed or work to make their house SPARKLE, forget- ting that the Lord’s Day was made for LESTOIL. But when SIMPSON’S DRYGDDDSE 12 Yonge St. PONY. Palomino colour. 5200. Also black thoroughbred brood mare 8300. Phone Bennett's, TU. 4-3113. clw39 ADULT’S glasses‘ brown frames in brown plastic case. Finder please call TU. 4-4647. 3 clw39 SMALL black and tan hound. male, from Gormley area - please phone Gormley 886-" 5744. C1\V39J SERVICES OFFERED SERVICES NEEDED FOR BEST RESULTS “LIBERAL†CLASSIFIEDS FOR BEST RESULTS TU. 4-1105 Men’s Sport Coats of English Tweed South Yonge Street Aurora, Ont. We are pleased to announce that our spacious din- ing room is opening Monday, April 1st. May we cordially invite you to drop in for lunch or dinner. There are a limited number of dates still available for tournaments. banquets and special functions. For Further Information Drop In To See Us. Mr. Oscar Steiner Mr. Mel Taylo Dining Room Manager Golf Professional PA. 7-6647 PA. 7-5774 - Goderich Signal-Star AURORA HIGHLANDS GOLF CLUB Brand Names Parade LIVESTOCK FOR SALE DnEssnMKmG DESIGNING ALTERA'HONS TU. 4-4670 LOST \ Boys’ English Tweed Sport Coats $24.95 Nylon Laminated , Windbreakers I Boys’ to 18 yrs. $14.95 lfc35 $8.95 ‘ each Men’s S-M=L mmmun)qumlmunIImun“mlunmmnuulmummlmmmuull {HOMES FOR SALE THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY 8242 Yonge St. Thomhlll AV. 5-1156 BA. 1-1103 MEMBER TORONTO REAL ESTATE BOARD 52.500 5 acre wooded tot in King Township. Terms arranged. CALL LARRY NEILL and paid shopping must sell FAMILY HOME $4.000 down. 4 bedroom brick bungalow. head back yard. Good location in Rich- mond Hill. All services in and paid for. Near schools, shopping and bus. Owner THORNHILL SPECIAL 521.900. Want something difterem'.’ See this cedar siding. brick bungalow. huge breczcway, 2 ('ar garage, landscaped lot [00' x 340‘. Walkâ€"out 24' x 24' Hving room. brick open fire place. 3 bedrooms. 2 bathrooms den with fireplace. play- room, REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE Now $14,500 for \his Hf storey Cairns home with at- tached garage. breezeway and patio. Large maxm master bedroom. CALL 31R. HOBSON FENCE!) GARDEN A split level entrance leads up (.0 a spacious living room and efl'iviom kitchen and down in the recreation room. We would like you to see this house for other features. Asking 515.500 CALL MISS CLARKE 318.800. Solid brick centra split level. Lovely fenced yard. large garage. stone fireplace, dual aluminum plate glass. Small payment will handle. $102 MONTHLY ~ \‘IAPLB Owner has to move to west end. He loves his home and wishes he could move it too. See it and you will like it. Asking only $153700. CALL MR. BROWN Richmond Hill THORNHILL - 7 ROOMS CALL CALL MR. SLATER CALL MRS. BARE Mr. Devine EM. 2-6161 each MR. WILCOCK