teachers and interested lay ons meet at the Australian llege of Education where ey pool their ideas and ex- riences. Dr. Phimister ought such an annual confe- nce of educators would be 1! od thing to have in Canada. Following his address, Dr. imister answered several estions put by members of e audience and an animated The main advantage of the Australian system, Dr. himister felt. was its cen- w n .â€" E‘ n: ov- .. o B 0-] E. m 3 w w a In M o n omplete equality of educa- tion from one end of the country to the other. Tea- hers colleges, teachers salaries and monies spent on schools and supplies are all federally controlled. This means that e top ten- eher from the teachers col- lege could be ent to a re- mote school where a house would he provided for her end she would receive the same rste of pay as a ten- cher in a city school and rural children. in every way. have an equal educa- tional opportunity with city children. . On a $4.000 income. an strallan would pay some 00 In income tax while in ad: the income tax on thl ount Would be around 00.00. In Australia. once a year pro- ssors of education. heads of ivate schools. the 51): state rectors of education as Well mien was continued over pffee. Introduced by Mr. Alan word. Dr. Phlmlste; was It'me thanked by Mr. Robert xmblyn. I! Home & School 1'. Z. S. Phimister, Director Education for Toronto was‘ guest speaker at the March paring the Australian sys- of education with that of ada and Ontario. He found ed with the same conditions we are in Canada. They edu- using, clothing, etc. Education ls not paid for by property tax in Australia, lth consequent lower taxes on mes, but Income tax is con- :lerably higher than In Cana- THE LIBERAL, Richmopd Hill, Ontario, Thursday: .Special for March & April é 8"-10"&12" Utility Pine $945; AMA THE PENNY-DOT BEAUTY SALON NEED MORTGAGE FUNDS? NOW AVAILABLE 80% FINANCING AT 8% Hours of Business x‘ Mon. to Thurs. 9-4.30; Friday 9-8.30 p.111 BRITISH MORTGAGE 8 TRUST éOMPANZ Specializing in hair styling, perman- ent waving, tinting, dyeing, scalp & skin treatments, facials, & manicures Hours 9 am. - 6 p.111. daily, Tuesdays and Thursdays 9 am. - 9 p.111. For appointment please call Asta at AV. 5-4451 Since 1879 Other types of mortgage ï¬nancing For information write or telephone conventional residential, commercial or industrial at temporary construction loans at lowest rates current rates TELEPHONE AV. 5-1331 7690 Yonge St., at Jane, Thornhill 4 EXPERT HAIRDRESSERS include : "8!! 10V! POI IOVILY IUMIIR" The business portion of the meetiu;r Included the election of officers for the cominl,r year. These were: President, Marie Briden; Vice Presidents, Roy Ross and Mernret Adams; Re- cording Secretary, Betty lesson: Corresponding Seo- retu'y. Virginia Allison: Treasurer, Esther Buteman; Executive Members, Tony Tytler, Freda Murray, Ca- role Carter end Elle Wool- ey. United Church News Rev. A. I. Higgins will make his final radio address on March Slst. from 9 to 9.30 pm. He has been speaking over C.F.G.M. every Sunday in March on "Personalities of the Crucifixion.†His final sermon in the Lenten series will be given at the morning service on March 3lst and will be entitled “The Christian View of Hell." Membership Reazhes Library Week - April 6th to 13th - will be celebrated at the Thornhill Library by a “no fees or fines†policy for the week. While residents of the village are not charged a fee for membership in the library! 3? a3)? time, he fee charged those from outside the vilage limits will be waived for ï¬le week. No Fees Or Fines During Librarka. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be ob- served on April 7th at the 11 o’clock Iervice. Members will be received by profes- sion of faith and by trans- fer It the same service. On Good Friday, April 12th a three hour service. from 12 noon to 3 11.11:. will be held at Holy Trinity Anglican Church for all Protestants of the Thom- hlll district. Miss Jane McLaren, who has been the librarian for some 11 years reports in- ereaslng Interest In the li- brlry each year. Member- shlp now stands at 958, 660 of whom are children. Last year the library’s 6,000-odd books were circulated 19,- 220 times, an increase of over 3,000 from the year before. Ronald A. Holmes, Branch Manager, 53 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill, 884-1107 285-1308 PHONE: Thornhill Notes AV 5-5488 “The Liberal" Is always pleased to publish Item: of Interest contributed bylumderslnthefhomhfllnm----oo- Our reprpsentatlve in Thorn!!!“ I: ï¬n Margaret Udall. who my In reached by phoning AV. 5-2331. The Young People'l Union will present “The Cup" a play centered around the crucifixion on Sunday night, April 14th at 8 pm. in the Church sanctuary. 4th Thornhiii Cub and Scouts Mothers’ Auxiliary Many ladies of Thornhiil and district spent part of a very blustery March 20th afternoon in a very pleasant manner when they were hosted by Morgans at a preview of their .most attractive spring fashions. It was thoroughly relaxing. while partaking of afternoon tea, to watch the lovely models display the beautiful clothes. The mothers of the 4th Thorn- hill Cub and Scout pack who sponsored this fashion show and tea now wish to again thank all their friends and neighbours who by their kind co-operation and attendance Contributed to making this pro- ject so successful. Socials May 8th performante of Spring Thaw being sold in aid of the Thornhaven School for Retard- ed Children are going very well. Better get your order for tickets in soon with Lyn Law at AV. 5-3142. Holy Trinity News The Parish Guild of Holy Trinity Anglican Church held their annual Lenten service on March 19th. Rev. H. R. Howden conducted the service and ex~ pressed the hope that the laâ€" dies would take time during Lent to pray and read the Bible for spiritual growth. Following the service. the general meeting was held in the reception room of the par- ish hall. Guest speaker for the evening was Mrs. Molly Adam~ son who gave an informative talk on the Y.W.C.A.. telling about their hobbies. crafts. bridge parties and “swim and gym" program. She stated that baby sitting services are avail- n'hh: in halo mothers of vounE Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Percival of Elgin Street returned last week from a week's holiday in Stowe. Vermont. Ski-lug was excellent they report and they were on the slopes every day but one during their stay in this charm- ing Vermont village. Accommo- dation was wonderful, they had fine weather and lots of snow, all the factors necessary for a perfect winter holiday. Thornhnven School VFor those who are new to the area, the library is run by a nine member library board. The chairman of the Thornhlll Village Trustees is automatic- ally a member of the board, two members are appointed by Township School Area No. 1, Markham. two by the Vaughan Public School Board, two by the separate school board and \two by the Thornhill Trustees. Part of this growing interest is the result of Miss McLaren's visits to the local schools in the area. She has been making one school visit per week for the past three or four years, speak- ing to the children, two grades at a time. about books and the‘ library, and reading to them. ‘ Starting out at the library as a volunteer. Miss McLaren has “learned by doing" and has taken a summer course on li- brary science. She recently spent two days at the Rich- mond Hill Library and was in effect, given a refresher course by the librarian there, Mr. F. Israel. This year the library board consists of Mr. Gaither Zinkan, chairman, Mrs. Kay Percival. Mr. Philip Whitehead, Mrs. He. len Edwards, Mrs. Anne Regan, Mrs. Victoria DeMarco. Mr. James H. Timmins, Dr. Robert Jackson and Mr. Robert Fair- field. Board meetings are also attended by the librarian and the board's secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Marjorie Robinson. Miss McLaren is assisted in her work at the library by a group of 10 or 12 vol- unteers who work on a part-time basis. The libra- ry is financed out of tax monies levied on taxpay- ers of the Village of Thornhlli and by contribu- tions from both Vaughan and Markham Townships. over 1, 000 “‘9 NEW $9‘ HATS The prettiest chapeaux 1n town are now at Madeleine's! Our collection Is very im- pressive - high, soft, sophisti- cated and feminine styles ac- cent the look of sleek elegance for spring. Delightful gay flowers, fancy light-as-alr straws. novelty braids plus glamorous organ- zas - all fashioned in this sea- son's gayest shades to delight Madame et Mademoiselle. (at Fairlawn) 2 bus stops below City Limits Now is the time to choose your new chapeaux at March 28, 1963 Pin told that tickets for the Millinery & Accessories 3319 YONGE ST. Mao/e/eine ' IULV (1'15 DI. Congratulations to Mr. and ' Mrs. Donald McCartie on the (at Faulawn) arrival of their ï¬rst child. a tops bemw City “mm son Allen David. born March 8 p-m-z Friday to 9 ND. 18 at Toronto Western Hospi- The Parish Guild of Holy‘ Trinity Anglican Church held their annual Lenten service on‘ March 19th. Rev. H. R. Howden conducted the service and ex~ pressed the hope that the 11!â€" dies would take time during Lent to pray and read the Bible for spiritual growth. Following the service. the general meeting was held in the reception room of the par- ish hall. Guest speaker for the evening was Mrs. Molly Adam. son who gave an informative talk on the Y.W.C.A.. telling about their hobbies, crafts. bridge parties and “swim and gym" program. She stated that baby sitting services are avail- able to help mothers of young children enjoy these activities. New books are added to the library regularly. Mlss McLa- ren advises that some popular new ones are "The Moonflow- er Vine†by Carleton, “The Distant Princess†by Corbett, "Seven Tears for Apollo†by Whitney, "The Moonsplnners†by Mary Stewart, all fiction. A popular work of humour “A Herd of Yaks" by Eric Nicol ls much in demand. “The Otters Tale" by Gavin Maxwell is a very popular book. a children’s version of "Ring of Bright Wa- ter" by the same author. Powell Road Home md School Association will be hol- ding their regular monthly meeting on April In at 8 pm. Come and help get things ready for the fun fair. St. Paschal’s Church, Steeles Avenue West, held a bridge party last week in aid of the needy folk. St. Paschal's Brownies held a “flying up" ceremony under their leader Mrs. Corblerre. There were quite a number of Brownies “flew up" to Guides. Ladies get your rummage sorted out and ready. Sympathy ls extended to Mrs. E. Morgan and Freddie, formerly of 67 CrestWood Road, in the loss of a beloved hus- band and father Mr. Thomas Morgan. After a lengthy ill- ness the late Mr. Morgan pas- sed away March 11 at Ripley, Ontario. Interment took place March 14 at Ripley Cemetery. Progress reports were heard on the arrangements for the annual rummage sale to he held at the church on March 30th at 2 pm. The meeting closed with refreshments served by the Ophelia Group. At the next meeting of the Guild on April 16th. Rev. Howden will speak about the Anglican Congress. Crestwood Rd. News ry, by the way is situated at 10 Colhorne Street - the first building east of Yonge Street on the north side, and Cplhorne Street is the first street south of the stop lights in the cen- tre of the village. Correlpondent Mn. Fred St. John '15 Crestwood Road Willowdale Telephone AV. 5-3“: The Doncaster Community Ladies' Club met at the home of Mrs. J. Adkins, John St, on March 18 for their regular meeting and sixteenth birthday celebrating sixteen years of service in the community. A brief business meeting was held in which it was decided to send a cheque to a family on Clarke Ave. who recently lost all their belongings in a fire. A cheque for $170 was for- warded to the Thornhlll and District Hockey Club, a result of the successful euchre held recently at Buttonville. The club wishes to thank all those who generously gave donations to help this organization for the young people in the district. 7 Officers for the coming year were installed as follows: President, Mrs. J. Barbour; Vice Pres, Mrs. D. Morrison; Treasurer. Mrs. M. Mallnskl; Secretary, Mrs. C. Russell; Cor- responding Secretary, Mrs. P. Carle; Welfare Convenor, Mrs. H. Flewelling; Social Convenor, Mrs. J. Edgar; Membership Convener, Mrs. E. Knox. The L. German family who Were burned out of their home last week have been given rent- free lodging for one month through the courtesy of the Thornhills Lions Club. A programme of games fol- lowed by a birthday supper. centered with a beautiful birth- day cake, ended another year of activities for the club. Fire at about 5 am. March 18th sent the L. German family fleeing their home on the cor- ner of Clarke and Henderson Avenues. A request for a drink of water by their five year old son, Joe, fortunately aroused the sleeping family. The fire} alarm was sent from Harbours, neighbours across the street. who also provided shelter until the stricken family could se- lcure a temporary home. The television set was saved. as well as a clothing cupboard and bed from little Joe's room. No one suffered injuries. How- J. N. Mulholland 80 Richmond St. West. Toronto I Consultation by Appointment Phones: Thornhill AV. 5-33“ Toronto EM 4-2780 Henderson Avenue Public School was the scene of a successful spring fun fair last Saturday afternoon. Enjoying the hospitality of the tea court are (left to right) : Mrs. Howard Veals, Guido Carol Redman, Rev. Veals, Guide Sandra Miller and Principal A. Martindale. Mr. Veals is the assistant minister of Thornhill United Church. The fair was sponsored by the home and school association and the convenor was Mrs. A1. Barton. The Guides and Scouts assisted. (Photo by Barbour.) DONCASTER NEWS LEGAL CORRESPONDENT: Henderson Avenue Enjoying A Cup Of Tea At Fun Fair DAVID BARBOUR - AVenuo 5-2505 ever. one of two four-month old pups who were trapped in the basement perished. The other was recovered after the blaze, alive. The fire truck answering the alarm was from the Richmond Hill station. Firemen made short work of the nearly 25- foot flames which consumed the building. Their new residence is Indus- trial Road, Richmond Hill, which is just at the back of the firm where Mr. German is em- ployed. The Doncaster Ladles’ Com- munity Club aided the family with a donation of $25.00 and organized an appeal for such needy Items as, bedding, clothes, dishes, kitchen sup- plies and toys. The Doncaster Community Ladies’ Club decided to fore- go their usual spring bridge and euchre marathon this year and will hold the event in the fall at the regular time. Mrs. E. Eggman. 52 Proctor Avenue, is confined to her bed with a back injury where she is awaiting admittance to hospi- tal. Congratulations are in order for Mrs J. 0. Steele of 23 Mar- gan, wh will be 92 years young on March 26. Mrs. J. Baker of Clarke Avenue, is beginning to im- prove in Bethesda Hospital where last Week her condition was described as gravely 111. It is expected that she soon may be permitted to have visitors. WINTER GAREN ENJAMIN MOORE PAINTS OPENING SPECIAL With purchase of 1 gal. or more 9H4 YONGE ST. RICHVALE Correspondent Mrs. Anne Howl“ 78. 16th Ave. TU. 4-7645 During April, canvassera will be calling on houses in the dis- trict for the cancer society. The co-chairman is Mrs. Carroll. Captains of the area are: Mrs. Warner, Mrs. Miller. Mrs. Ham- blyn, Mrs. Webster, Mrs. Ad- ams, Mrs. R. Campbell, Mrs. M. Barker and Mrs. I. Tre- harne. On April 4, 16th Ave. Pub- 11c School pupils are holding a spring concert at the school. Tickets are 50¢ per person and may be obtained by phoning the school TU. 4-5598. Once again may we remind you of the fun fair to be heldi at Richvale School on May 4.‘ Anyone wishing to donate rum- mage, white elephant, baking and etc. may phone Mrs. Eva Cheney at AV. 5.4233. mmmmxmmm March 20. Richmond Heights centre held a Blue Chip Night. Many residents of the area at- tended. Prlzes were given away} at every store. Donald Hewitt.1 16th Ave., won $10.00 worth of records from the Carlton Clea- ners. NOW OPEN IN RICHVALE Frank Rawlinsons BARBER SHOP Stop 22 - Formerly Post Office Building mmmmmmmmmhnW-m-W Mr. Geo. Bowden, Birch Av- enue, underwent a nose opera- tion at Central Hospital. Richvale News TRY “LIBERAL†CLASSIFIEDS Phone TU. 4-1105 Roller-Coater-Set V ! '5 «- POOL o HI-FI MUSIC 0 ELEVATORS 5 o BALCONIES 0 TV HOOKUP o INTERCOM g - BROADLOOM HALLS - PARKING NM,_________________..____’ v ‘ flulllilllllunlll“lllI“\“lll|\m“\ll\\ll\\\ll\l\ll\\llllll\\l“l\\l\\l\\\\\l\l\H““muml\\\\llll\l\\\l\\\l\\\lull“\l\\\\l\\\\\\\\\\\l\\\\\\!\ll\l\ll|\\\|\l\|§ RENTAL OFFICE on PREMISES Awnings Carports Boat Houses Patios Aluminum Siding I 8. 2 BEDROOMS IN RICHMOND HILL $105.00 - 2303 Mrs. Gordon Purves For Services We Render 8: General Information Ctll Mr. A. T. Crosler Mrs Richmond Hill "e: Mrs. D. C. F. Faer Mrs Mrs Thoruhlll Area Mrs. E. Percival Victoria Square are: Mrs. C. Nichols Unlouvllle Area Mrs. E. Stlver Markham Aron Mrs. 0. S. Stalter Gormley Area Mr. George Brand RICHMOND HILL 8: DISTRICT UNIT CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY S. G. Phillips W. J. Lennox 8844070 W. C. Armstrong AV‘ 297-1186 384-5501 884-8348 884-4821 3871-1034 297-!585 294-1450 BBB-5525 886-5200 5-1839