VOL. 84, NUMBER 40 W Just as it does every year, the argument will rage as to just what kind of fish smelt really are. The most commonly accepted theory is that they are a member of the herring tribe. Not so say learned fish biologists. They are very much the kin of trout and belong to the salmon family. Try telling the chatelaine of your castle that you’re going out to catch some salmon. If you said smelt she might wrinkle her nose a wee bit - - but salmon! - that’s an altogether different kettle of fish! So who's lying? Just not elaborating isn't real- ly lying â€" or is it? According to the only statistics we could un- earth, and these figures are for the year 1941, ten million pounds of smelt were caught in Canada while only four million pounds were caught in the United States Figuring about seven to eight smelts to the pound that’s one heck of a lot of fish! Since 1941 smelt fishing has increased in popularity until the total poundage caught today must be absolutely staggering. They’re such a tasty little fish that we can only rejoice that they see fit to be so all~fired prolific! Except where we go fishing, that is. it won’t be too long before the smelt start run- ning in creeks and rivers all over the province of Ontario. A great many smelt fishermen will be shot with luck and be in exactly the right place at the right time. The rest of us will get skunked as usual with nothing more to show for a night out but wet feet and a cold. Secï¬an Second 62 Chevrolet Impala Sedan 6 cyl.I auto- matic transmission. wind shield washers, wheel discs 62 Pontiac Laurenhan. V8. automatic transmission, power steering. radio 62 Pontiac Hard Top, 8 cyl.. automatic transmission, radio, power brakes, wind shield washers, white walls 62 Oldsmobile 2 Door Hardtop 61 Corvair 2 Dr. Coupe 61 Chevrolet 2 Door dardtop, 6 cylinder, YOUR SUMMER DRIVING WORRIES CAN BE ANSWERED WITH THE SELECTION OF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING WILSON-NIBLETT USED CARS. 61 61 61 61 81 automatic transmission, Belair Chevrolet Convertible, power steer- ing, power brakes. radio. wheel discs, windshield washers, automatic trans- mission Buick 2 Door Invicta, power steering, power brakes, radio, white walls Studebaker Coupe, automatic trans- mission. radio. power steering whiteâ€" walls, wheel discs, wind shield washâ€" ers, power brakes Ford Sedan 2 door Fairlane. Radio. white walls, wheel discs Ford 4 door Sedan standard 6 cylin- der. Radio Kindly contact one of the following experienced 355 Yonge St. N. AV. 5-5435 - TU. 4-1194 Just North of Richmond Heights Centre For Your Convenience the Parts 8.: Service Dept. will be oiaen until 4'30 p.m. Saturdays I960 Olds 2 Dr. H. TopJ I961 Chev Biscayne CHEVROLET. OLDSMOBILE, F.85 CORVAIR, CHEVY II, ENVOY, O.K. USED CARS Automatic, Washers Guaranteed, 1 Owner EARL MORTLEY - VINCE KNAPP - LEWIS REID JOHN MacKINNON - KEN MORTON - HAROLD MABLEY Sharp Fullly Equippea (Continued on page 10) spam é" spars??? Li; BY RON CRAINE MOTORS LTD. Wilson-Niblett representatixâ€"res. HOWARD JACKMAN - HAL BROWN RICHMOND HILL, ONTARlo: THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1963 61 Studebaker Sedan tone. windshield washers 60 Pontiac 2 Door. automatic transmis- sion, windshield washers. radio 60 Pontiac. Parisienne 4 door hardtop. :ugomatic transmission, radio, 6 cyl- n er 60 Oldsmobile 4 door hard top. Power steering, power brakes, white walls, wind shield washers. radio. 60 Volkswagen Coach 60 Chevrolet 2 Door Hardtop 59 Cadillac 2 door hardtop. fully-equip- 60 Chevrolet 4 Door, 6 cylinder, two- pad 59 Oldsmobile 4 Door Hardtop. fully- equipped 59 Pontiac 4 Door Hardtop. Laurentian 6 cyl., automatic transmission, white walls, wheel discs, two tone 59 Pontiac 4 Door Laurentian 6 cyl.. automatic transmission. radio 59 Chevrolet Sedan 59 Pontiac 4 Door Hard Top CONVERTIBLE TIME ’63 IMPALA - CHEV II Luxury Olds Convertibles Immediate Delivery Z "'In Essentials Unity; in Non-E55 SPRING TIME IS In the spring a young boys fancy turns to softball and when registration for teams was held in local schools last Saturday morning the small fry turned out in droves to enter their names on Hm rnq‘l’nr for the cominn‘ season. Shown in the above picture are left to right Barry McKillop, Erwijn Verheye and George Porter as they regis- tered at Walter Scott Public School. (Staff Photo.) s-c-hoelsï¬iest wSaturday morning the small fry turned out in droves to enter their names on the roster for the coming season. Shown in the Non-Essentials Liberty; in all things Charity" Greg Sephton provided the margin of victory as his lone goal gave the North End Clea- ners a 1-0 win in a Clancy Se- ries game against East York at Ted Reeve Arena. The irrepres- sible Doug Acomb was credited with an assist on Sephton’s goal. 'An exhibition game with Wood- bridge saw the Cleaners grab Club Competition Sees End Of Active'Year Figure skating came to an end on March 30th in Richmond EIill. The local club ended their long season with club competi- tions held on the final two Saturdays of operation. Calibre of performance during these competitions would seem to in- dicate that the club is reaching a maturity as more members become serious figure skaters. \This augers well for the future of the R.H.F.S.C. I Event. achievement (girl); trophy donor. Rita Hall; pre- sented by Rita Hall; winner, Wendy and Janice James; (honourable mention,- Beth Lamb). Event. achievement (boy) trophy donor. W. J. McNab presented by Dorothy Francis winner, Randy Walford. Miss Eleanor McLeod and Miss Isabel Harper, the club professionals, are more than pleased with the progress made by their young students and have seen a vast improvement from the beginning of the seaâ€" son last October. Executive members of the R.H.F.S.C. are very grateful for the co-operaâ€" tion they have received from the Richmond Hill Minor Hoc- key Association with regard to the sharing of ice time and other allied matters. Event. novice (girl); trophy donor. Don Plaxton: presented by Don Plaxton; winner. Pame- la White (runner up Donna Shubaly). Co-operation between these two groups has been of the best and each organization has a healthy respect for the oth- er. An ideal state of affairs that should continue over the years. Results of the final two weeks of competition are as follows: Event, junior (girl); trophy donor. Rotary Club of Rich- mond Hill: presented by Don North End Cleaners Winners In Three Games Six North York Minor Hockey League teams re- main in the running for On- tario Minor Hockey Associa- tion honors it was announced by League Director George Haskett this week. Newmarket Optimists and Cobourg Black Hawks are tied in their best-of-three bantam. A minor semi-final series with the third game at Cobourg today. Richmond Hill Hornets. carrying a peewee A minor tag have eliminated New- market. Collingwood and Trenton to ndvanca to the o.M.H.A. Playoffs if}; a 5-4 victory. Doug Acomb scored two as Dave Broderick. Jim Wilson and Peter Bird scored one each. Wayne O’Bri- en, Harvey Gordon and Gord Sales were all credited with assists. In an exhibition game on Friday the Cleaners clobbered a Thornhill team 14-0. Nuff said! a Event. senior girl: trophy do- nor, Harold Mills; presented by y Barabara Hannah; winner. Bev- -|erley Wilson (runner up Susan n Burton). ' Plaxton; winner, Carien Meyer (runner up Ruth Francis). Event, junior pair; trophy do- nor, Kinsmen of Richmond Hill; presented by Mr. Bellamy; winner, Ruth Francis - Martha Stanfield (runners up, Nancy Harrington - Cathy Donahue). Event, junior dance; trophy donor. Mr. and Mrs. Nat Dean; presented by Doris Dick; win- ner Cathy Smith - Janice Mc- Gurran (runners up, Susan Thompson - Nancy Harrington). Event, intermediate girl; tro- phy donor. Lion’s Club of Rich- mond Hill; presented by Rita Hall; winner, Ainsley Walford (runner up Lynn Hamilton). Event, intermediate boy; tro- phy donor, Chuck Kiel; presen- ted by Bill Hall; winner, Bob Cowan (runner up Ricky Made- ley). Event, intermediate pair: tro- phy donor, Mrs. Harold Mills; presented by Alma Wilson; winners. Susan Craine - Judy Dick (runners up, Charlene Brenzall - Susan Thompson). Event, intermediate dance; trophy donor. Jaycees of Rich- mond Hill; presented by Mr. P. Pfenning; winners, Susan Cra- ine - Judy Dick (runners up, Ainsley Walford - Carol Hack). Event, open mixed pair; tro- phy donor, Armstrong Jewell- ers; presented by Doris Dick; winners, Susan Hannah - Bob Cowan. Event, senior dance; trophy donor, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Smith; presented by Kay Smith; winner, Beverley Wilson (run- ner up. Susan Hannah). Event, senior pair; trophy do- nor, R.H.F.S.C,; presented by Eileen Craine; winners, Bever- ley Wilson - Susan Hannah (runners up. Susan Burton = Kathy Mason). HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 Ontario finals. Hornets will meet either Leamington or lngersoll in the final. Beeton peewees and ban- tams both with D ratings have advanced to the On- tario finals in their respec- tive series. Woodbridge peewees and bantams have gained a spot in the Ontario finals in the C series competition. North York teams. since the league was organized in 1962. have won 14 Ontario titles and wound up as final- ists on 13 occasions. The First They're In Then They're Out The team are entered in the Georgetown Bantam tournament over the Easter holidays and are expecting I very busy hockey week. The Town and Country Mid- get hockey team are tangled up in one of the weirdest set ups ever. In a North York‘ League semi-final game they beat Bolton 11-1. Bolton im- mediately dropped from the league. Newmarket, Aurora and Beeton had previously dropped out - now Newmarket is back in. That is as of the moment. In the Bolton game Bruce} Sim scored three goals while Barry McErlain. Ken Crook and Phil Dobbs scored two each. Doug Carter and Frank Pirrl scored single goals. Chick Webster scored two in the winning Ranger cause as Frank Howorth. Earl Cairns, Rene Jaillet, Bob Wright, Brian Turner and Gary Durie scored , singletons. Rangers Crush Flyers 12-3 Score In Series Opener A red-hot Willowdale Ran- ger team scored four goals in each period to trounce Concord Flyers 12-3. This was the op- ening of a best two out of three; series for the Richmond Hill Senior Hockey League Champ- ionship and on the perform- ance the Rangers look to have the series well in hand. It was a sad night for the1 Flyers. They just were not able‘ to mount any sort 9f sustained attack Close checking by the powerful Ranger team was breaking up plays before they were fairly organized. John Hall, Nick Nowoselskl and Bob Baird scored the Flyer goals. VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES RICHMOND HILL BRANCH Miss Nancy Hayward Richmond Hill Municipal Hal] PHONE TU. 4-4101 Fred Disera was top gun for the Rangers with a to- tal of four goals on the play. He scored his first goal after only 23 seconds of play in the first period, added another at the 6.10 mark of the same period then popped in two more in the final stanza. ll“m“llllull‘lll“ll“|ll\lllIll“ll\llHum“l\lll“ll\ll\\lHllll\l“\\“\l“\l aunumnmmnmumuuunumumununulmnumlm\umuulmul C u s t o m Tailored Suits o For Ladiés & Gents 0 Latest styles. patterns & colours O Finest Imported Materials O Impeccable Hand Tailor- lng. Richmond Tailoring 5 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill Phone TU. 4-4212 WIN A SI PAGE 10 AND AV.5-5445 9612 Yonge Street TU.4-2864 VALENTE Equipped With Automatic, Custom Radio, Bucket Seats, Console, White Walls, Wheel Discs, Window Washers, Electric Top, Pad- ded Dash. RULES: HERE ARE A FEW OF OUR RECENT TRADE-INS-ALL HAVE BEEN ROAD TESTED AND READY FOR YOUR APPROVAL 45 Good Will Used Cars Retailed During The Month 0f March We Need Good Used Cars From '56 Up Top Allowances On Every Make O'r Model On These DEMONSTRATO‘RS ' MORE SPORTS UU uunv-n “V Raw“.-- _ 7 Saddle Tan with matching interior. Turbine drive, automatic, sonomatic radio, power steering, power brakes, white walls, wheel discs, window washers, back up lites, rear view mirror, floor mats. Driven just over 4,000 miles by our $258119â€1 manager' Satin Silver with Blue interior. V8 brakes, push button radio, white walls, mats and side view mirror. Monaco Blue with‘Blue interior. V8 automatic, : power brakes, white walls, wheel discs, floor mats (3). to choose from. Automatic, wheel discs at Satln Silver or Autumn Gold finishes to choose Many Others To Choose From Including (1) Riviera Buick, (1) Bonneville Pontiac, (1) Le Sabre 4 Door Sedan. ( 1) Electra (225) 4 Door 6 window Riviera Hardtop, (1) Wild Cat 2 Door Hardtop, ( 1) Parisienne 2 Door Hardtop, (1) Parisienne 4 Door Hardtop, (1) Strato Chief 2 Door. ’63 Buick Le Sabre 2 Door Hardtop ’63 Laurentian 4 Door ’63 Parisienne 4 Door Sedan ’62 Invader 4 Door All individuals purchasing a new or used†car from Skyline Pontiac Buick Ltd. between March 1, 1963, and June 22, 1963 are eligible to enter our draw to be held June 22, and the winner’s name will be announced on C.F.G.M. *Used car retail price must be $800.00 or more. PONTIAC - BUICK I.'I'D. Don’t Forget With The Purchase Of Any Of These Cars YOU WIN MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM (Opposite Dunlap Observatory) I““““““““) I . I I Morgan's Marina ! on the 6 MILES FROM LAKE SIMCOE 19 MILES FROM RICHMOND HILL i AV. 5-1620 :: TW. 5-6051 I OPEN DAILY UNTIL 12.00 P.M. Enjoy bowling in up-to-date surroundings. We have Family Special on the second Sunday of the month. For the serious minded bowler we have our “60†Ball Tournament every Sunday night at 8.00 PM. For a pleasant evening of bowling try Booking Leagues. Reservations Taken Now 1963-64 Seasons A 1963 PONTIAC ACADIAN SUPER SPORTS CONVERTIBLE ALLENCOURT LANES HOLLAND RIVER Allencourt Lanes PHONE TU. 4-5511 V8 automatic, power steering, power all‘s. wheel discs, window washers, floor Bayview & Markham Rd. STORAGE RENTALS LA UNCHINGS and washers. Azure Aqua, from radio, power steering, , and Slde v1ew mirror. ' $2097.00 $2997.00 $2857.00