Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Apr 1963, p. 13

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LAKE WILCOX King Notes With lpring cleaning time at cities. towns and village] in hand, the girl Guides' aSSocia- Ontario and 13 centres elseâ€" tion reminds housewives to setlwhere. mostly in the Maritimes. aside any clothing or household; Director Herman Geiger- lrticles, which might be sold Torei summed up the troupe‘s It the annual May 9 and 10 efforts. “The tour hasn‘t been rummage sale. -any more financially successful Donations will be picked up‘than the others. but we have a few days before the sale. to been increasing our audiences allow the mothers time to sort the goods. tendance.” a o it o The current tour. which has included several concerts in N" need to bake for theythe vicinity of Toronto. will weekend; A Chm“? 0‘ lmme'lconclude tomorrow at East baking and a cup of tea will be York Collegiate. available Saturday afternoon, 1: a nu :- April 6. at All Saints‘ Church. The First King Scout Troop Ladies‘ Auxiliary is sponsoring A treat is in store for moth- ers of Guides and Brownies, for group leaders. any one in- the event‘ volved in organizations or who :- A- o It ;has tried not to be. L "Just Be Yourself". written Mrs. Pearl Wilson and Mrsnby Mary Bard. is curremiy 3"- ailable at King Melnoriai Lib,- rary through the provincial li- brary service. i The light. relaxing tale has many a chuckle as a doctor's ‘wife relates how she unwitting- ly became a leader. her recre- ation room the troop meeting place and her home a place where Brownies were welcome D. Alaggia have been patients in York County Hospital. New- market. »o-o¢ An almost full house greeted the Canadian Opera Company's presentation of Mozart's “Cosi Fan Tutte" in King City Com- posite School last week. and underfoot daily hafizceeen'lggxgfig glsstgfxllngifir Characterizations of efficient 11a, visiting nearly two dozen‘:.]l]léll);S 190:1??? baend‘ygirgxnfi 21:3: SOMETHING TO RENT “community SOMETHING WANTED SOMETHING TO SELL GET RESULTS "LIBERAL" CLASSIFIEDS a a a to Many people around King knew Mr. George DeWitt. who died suddenly last week at his Richmond Hill home. Children at Doris M. Patton and Eva L. Dennis Schools were accustomed to seeing an Phone ‘I‘U. 4.1105 excellent selection of films shown in the classrooms by Mr. WW DeWitt. Young married couples in his instruction at their square dancing club, which held Sat- urday night practices in the Legion clubhouse six years ago. It 10! III II! Trophies were presented by King City Lions’ Club at the final junior hockey session, concluding an active season. in STEEL LINTELS l BEAMS Kept in Stock ' Portable Crane Nobleton Arena. . . Lions Club President Ken- Serv1ce neth Sutton made presenta- tions to Paul O'Neil. winner of the senior scoring championâ€" ship. and to his younger bro- ther. Jim O'Neil. who counted the most goals in the pee wee STEEL FABRICATING ‘ l g . To .0115th eaLiltl): Stan Roots presented Spoolficatlons his "Tykes" mph” ‘° Mam“ Fox. captain of the winning Jets. Lion Howard Clegg a- warded team trophies to Eric Cooke, captain of the high- ' scoring Lions. and to Paul 0’- 2 OtOHObee Neil. Canadiens' captain. R A _ 1 -TZ'AA The draw for complete home movie equipment was won by MW Mrs. Marion Curran. PINDER BROS. LTD. BODY SHOP Expert Auto Body Collision Repairs and Repalntlng FREE ESTIMATES - GMAC FINANCING C. M. LESLIE MOTOR PRODUCTS LTD. King City G.M. Dealer TE. 3-5301 .r'ufllll NATIONAL II©LMIIE Home Bui Excitingn COLISEUM â€" EXHIBITION PARK - TORONTO APRIL 5-13 Stop inlo o world of new idoosl You’ll see every- ihing for modem homo building and home- moking. Kitchens lo delight every housewife... now designs in bathroomquho latest building materials, furnishings, appliances, hi-ii and stereo, electronic organs...beoiing and air con- ART GA diiioning...gordens and pools. mlpmreforme mm“ . PLUS spacial features, entertainment, prizes and celebrity appearances. There‘s no place like the Homo Show for ideas! ADMISSION: Adults 603‘. Children 2595 exhibits latest m HOURS: Weekdaysâ€"1 pan. 1010:30 pm. Saturdays-10 mm. to 10:30 pm. g: KING * cw, ‘ and averaging 90 per cent at: "The leeral" is always pleased to publish items of in- terest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Ollr news correspondent in King City is Mrs. William .1. Houston, telephone 'l'Emple 36457. and in Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox. Mrs. Lillian Atcheson. Wildwood Ave, PR. 35479 D Water And No Water Problem Oi King City 1 Water problems occupied use of the pump in clearing most of the agenda at King City ditches. Viilac'e Trustccs' March 23 mee- ‘ iting :t the village office. In“ 3"” hilt“ “kw If Getting rid of excess water “flu-“0“: “3‘1 3"" "(WISHIN- ‘ ” l‘ ditciles. and t‘ a 503m JPImY. or was Lunenuy “mung one feasible. He reminded Oak Ridges, Lake Three Ways To Combat Cancer (ling the Boy Scout Jamboree 20.390 patients across Cana-‘to be held this summer in da have been glven assistance Greece. in the fight against cancer inâ€" An invitation was received ciuding those who have symp-tto attend a tea and bake sale‘ toms of the disease. ‘sponsored by King City Auxil- Mrs. G. Winch. campaign iary on Saturday at the Angli- chairman of the local hI‘al‘lCthan ChUI‘Ch at King The "1091- of the Cancer Society and Mrs, 111% “'85 attended 135' the leadâ€" C, R. Smith educational chaj1~.;el’s of the Brownies. Guides and man wish to remind everyone Cllbs and “Ch in “‘1'” 590k? Of that April is Cancer Campaign'the work involved. Cubmaster. month. Acccording to the Can-‘31” MCIWHS brought along a adian Cancer Society (here aregprogl‘ess chart to encourage the .lhree things anyone can do [0 members. and it is hoped the fight cancer. No. 1. be alert miApril meeting will be better at-‘ Ithe symptoms of Cancel“ No, 2‘.tendcd. Films will be shown report any new and unusual abmlt cancer- ailment to your doctor. who is * "‘ " ‘ i ‘the only person who can deter- Birds Destroyed mine if cancer is present. and‘ Fifty or more fancy canaries who can prescribe the correct and finches were burned in a treatment .vbich is available‘fire that destroyed a shed on to all. No. 3. contribute to the “18 Drolwl'll' 0f 111‘. G. W. Mar- appeal of the Canadian Cancelrgerum. BE‘HSnn Ave. Oak Rid» Society to finance its atlack'fles. Fire started presumably .0” the disease, by means of re-‘from a small oil stme and was {593ml}, public education and asJ‘first noticed at 11.13 on \Vcdg islstancc to patients The worleCSdai’ "10mng by Mrs. Mar- THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. April 4, 1963 13 Wilcox please call Mr. Charlie Swan. PR. 3-5417. Mrs. Dorothy received a letter from supervisor of York Manonl thanking her and all the people. who sent their old Christmas, R.R.1MAPLE (Lippay Motors Limited) cards to the York Manor. The? patients make various articles, from them and if anyone is in- terested they may visit York. O O .0 at C O Jennings has“. i MAPLE - RICHMOND HILL seeltlBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get ARS & TRUCKS FOR RENT ALL POPULAR MAKES AND MODELS ......3:;:r§ REXDALE CAR & TRUCK RENTALS no. ALpine 7-1461 AVenue 5-5501 CHerry 1-2811 ‘0. v what the palients make from the cards. "7’" “m t t t t Hockey Well the hockey Season is almost over and by the time this column is read the play- off games in this district will N.“ be over. March 291k was the . N . .. I big night for all minor hocch 9 teams who have reached the finals and some of the teams have already planned a night out. A lot of the boys have al- ready discarded tllcir hockey sticks and are already donning mitts and so on. ready for baseball. ' HALL’S Botanic FUEL 0 AND BURNER SERVICE TU. 4- 4361 RICHMOND HILL l Ovvvvvvvv”996 Results-T044105 King City used to benefit from, YOU’lL LOVE “THE EMPEROR"â€" A Japanese inspired model home presented by the Toronto Metropolitan practical and entirely different! MODEL ROOMS room in your home by the House Furnishings Guild of Canada. Plus free help with your decorating problems. Expeds will advise you on all garden topics. Elsinore stations tool home in hundreds ‘of niques and appliancosi Sponsomd by the TORONTO METROPOLITAN HOME BUILDERS‘ ASSOCIATION; illncertainty whether the third . I well can be speeded into pro» (“at ""19" (’"l‘yi‘rts d0 3 of the soviely is voluntary andfiel‘um who called Aurora Fire catcher's .duction ir time for summer '0‘ 0f damag?’ The Sh‘lu" direct assistance has been givâ€"lD'epartmcnt, Also lost in the ineeds, \vere discussed by twm “"5 0‘ Wads "9 [93""3‘ en to thousands of people acr-:fll‘€ were several tools which trustees and four ratepayers “ff- The afici‘” 31" 3 “31' 055 Canada in 1962. were valued by Mr. Margerum present’ ; art! tolctlllldlen bane; water our local drug Store has a: V a 1 A. Informed that. lawyers for the; lsaseslx’ehzmgom “Fun Ian“? idisplay of services that is l‘en-.M%m".:°f My??? H L! ' (A: Proposed Kingslylm dGVCIOP-‘ chm" ‘ tiered by the Canadian Cancerl r .0" A Tram 1: $10 1;” 1).) ment on North Keele Street had} Int“ added “I Society. It is available to any-lEAmF'h 9“ ~ 3 s A all 5 refused trustees‘ offer of neat‘-: haw'no l‘muéfi 1e“ 16 "n Ione. so \\'l]lle you are at me u1(‘ . ‘k * * * .ly $1,200 for the new well site.: in King m t‘h'érp.‘ noth‘ing corner. of Yonge St. and the.P rs k Trustees Ronald BOW" and personal": ' IL Mpg “demad‘ “'hmherym‘ ml 9135:1121 birthday wishes to .John Mann instructed Secret- ,ualtlng tel 21 bus or buying amHhe twins. Janet and Jimmy tary-manager G. T. Thompson lto write King Township Coun-. ‘cil. requesting immediate ac-‘ tion to assure an adequate sup-3 ply of water during dry months, Noting it would take eight. weeks to develop the well, trus-i it. ;s asked that the township solicitor speed the application. for approval of the project by"; Ontario Municipal Board. and‘ also prepare an expropriation by-law in case it is needed fol“ nearly four acres of Humber. Valley land. Trustees requested a meeting; be arranged in the next few days with Mr. J. J. Gelleny‘si lawyers. rather than delay suchi is meeting until April 18 or 19} .as suggested by the subdivis-i ion's representatives , l “We’re not goingr to have ; water for summer if we don’t get after it right away" warned Trustee Mann. , Mr. Thompson reported he ‘had townnhip's assurance a’ special meeting could be heldf at any time if needed to facili-‘ tate the well project. Former Village Chairman Donald Findlay recommended trustees expropriate the land: now. to be in a better position to proceed without delay when the project is approved. . A ratepayer praised the secretary for having ditch- es in Valentine Acres pumped out. Trustee Mann ; felt the $130 purchase of a 7 pump had already earned its cost after draining 252.- 000 gallons of water. He moved that the secretary‘ check costs of storm sewers on. Kingslynn, between Holiings-l worth and Patton. mean we’ve decided to do it.' We want to see what's fair toi leverybody." Cost of draining; the east end of Melrose Ave! into the gully were also re-' quested. ‘ Mr. Thompson pointed out; the pump is the property of King City waterworks and each utility should be self-sustain-i ing. Trustees set a $50 rentall fee a year from village fundsi to the waterworks account for l lders' Association. it's exotic, ' ew decorfor every l llllllIIlIlI nusmn CANADIANA ‘ Rare collectors: items and room settings ofautnentm Canadian LLERY A special showi contemporary/Can an paintings, pottery and Oi shgwiu tho atenals. echo ah. i l Ivillage will have sanitary sew- .why wait for another Hurricane flower bearers were mostly re- similar service for the decea- ‘working in the WA. He was told a jenny had been-of the many items available at; rented once and one would be’the drug Store- be Sure ‘0 100‘“ expensive to maintain Trustee‘ Mann commended Mr Lutes‘ suggestion that rental be ar-i ranged on an annual basis from a commercial firm. 1 Mr. Findlay suggested work! ing out a plan with Toronto and York Roads Commission re- garding thawing by steam Ratepayer Howard Clcgg. questioned why storm sewers. had not been continued further}. through Valentine Acres Chairman Bolton explained the cost would have affected; purchase price of hollses and the sewers would have been- difficult to maintain without 3, works department. He believed. “The next subâ€" division developed around the ers. curbs and gutters possibly. but maybe no sidewalks." 5 Trustee. Mann rroved that. the CNR be contacted concern-‘ ing the unclogging of an old wooden culvert under the track behind 238 Keele Street South. “There is no problem now.l It‘s carrying water away. but.‘ Hazel.” he said. “We've got all kinds of water now," reported Chairman Bol- ton. "The back flats are flood- ed and today school children were re-routed so they would not use the footbridge." Commenting on the electri-l cal system, Trustee Bolton said all bills have been met. "It's all ours. There are no big prob- lems or expenses for the first winter." He announced the village had not been exempt from paying $1,892 sales tax on equipment involved in purchasa of the system Next trustees' meeting is “This doesn't‘scheduled for Monday evening. 204; Ed Traynor 202, , April 8. Mrs. W. Windas relatives and friends from King and Vaughan town-l ships attended the funeral ser-l vice at Thompson Parlors in‘ Many Aurora for Mrs. Alice Agnes. Windas. who died suddenly at; York County Hospital Newman; ket. in her 7lst year. '. Rev. William Wilson of Wil-' lowdale. a cousin of Mrs. Win~ das, assisted Rev. Martin R.‘ Jenkinson as final tribute was; paid to the well-known King' City resident. . Burial was in Maple Ceme-! tery. Acting as pallbearers andl latlves. and all had performed. sed's husband. Mr. William‘ AWindas. six years ago. i Mr. George Robson. Mn. Bruce Robson of King. Mr. Mur-i ray Pettit of Islington. Mr} Frank Robson of Maple. Mn. Donald McLeod of Cooksvillel and Mr. Joseph Gibson of Wilâ€"‘ lowdale were pallbearers. Mr. Robert McLeod, Mr. Leslie Rob-l son of Toronto. Mr. Albert Mit-‘ chell of Peterborough. Mr. Ge-l orge Sayewell of Teston. Mr. Mr. Charles Robson of Wood-. bridge tended floral tributes. l. Mrs. Windas, the former Al-‘I ice Robson. grew up on the sev- enth concession of Vaughan jTownsbip. She was always ac-. tive at Teston l'nited Church.‘ now the United Church Women. She enjoyed regular games. at \‘ellore Euchre Club for. many years and joined her fri~E ends at euchre in King City fire' hall. Those familiar with her keen interest in quilting were impressed with her aim for per- fection in harmonizing colors.‘ After she married \Vm. Wind- as. they farmed on the Maple- side road at the sixth of \‘augh: an for thirty years before mov- ing to King City. south of All Saints' Church. in 1930. ‘ Daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Georze Roh~on and one of seven children. Mrs. Windas is survived by a sister. Mrs. Harry McLeod of Toronto: 3 brother.l Mr. Ed Robson. who lived a few. houses south of her Keele‘ Street home: her dalizhtcr. )lrs.' Frank Barnes and granddallzli-- tcr. Karen Barnes. of Schism! berg. i .when the canvasser calls. iake‘. ‘will help the Guides. Broyvnieleeglon to see if they can build‘l ldeveloped adjacent to the yards] lailable to" homing for the em‘lmer Elizabeth Roadhouse. she :- lRoy Robson of King City and}tional bundings' Cook. Moray Ave. who celebraâ€" 81 the display and maybe youlied their birthday March 215i will learn something about‘and ‘0 Mrs' J‘ Lupsom‘ Min-chi cancer, :22nd. I Congratulations to Gary Coma This mmmum‘y ‘5 "0t wuh‘lfort on winning a first and see: out patients and the Iocall h- .. . t I. W .. v: branch of the Canadian Cancerlgfid [Sings g?n%:::da:,heMa::th a: Society will be pleased to givejzs . l “15‘ . . Mr. and Mrs. Comfort also v any one a‘smance' so ple‘I’lse'l‘attended this event and Mrslg a few minutes 10 speak to herVgComfort was the Winner of a‘ . , ‘door prize. { and if passable help out with a; Very serious damage was‘ donation. * ,t i . {caused to the home of Mrs.‘ (Preston. Maple Ave. recentlyl Mothers’ Auxiliary fatter only three weeks of resi-l A succeszul rummage saleldency. '. was held recently at the Lake Legion members will take Wilcox School by the mother'sdhis weekend to call on several‘ " auxiliary. proceeds of which'ex-members of the Oak Ridges! {3' and Cubs. On March 2lst at alup the membership. If you are. meeting the ladies of the aux-leligible to become a member iliary agreed to donate $10 tolof the Legion and would likei the York Summit Scouts atten-{to join in their many activities, Lake Wilcox Pin News The Friday night Lake Wil- cox Bowling league schedule is nearing completion with only one lnore week before playoffs. Ray Hunter was high bowler for the night with 706. 242. 238 and 226 singles; Don Smith 700, 311. 221; Len Dion 696, 303, 221; John Shearer 645. 259, 224; Doug Murray 642, 254. 218; Stan Forster 611. 268 and 225; Brenda Gibbs was high for the ladies with 611. singles of 218 and 212. week playoff the Flips and the; Goofballs were playing for top} spot. Total pins for the teams] are Goofballs 3396. Flips 2912; for the consolation spot it was quite tight bowling with Mis- fits 2897 and Flops 2879. ' Individual scores; Doris Lempberg 787 with singles oil 283. 280 and 224; Anne Swee- ney 629, 245; Doris Smith 570. 244; Fern Leslie 568, 200; Mary Slykhuis 558, 216; Mary Lauta~ . mus 557. 224; Dorothy Haniey Over 200 bowlers: Dave Nell 503' 220; Gwen Taylor 500., 230; Bill Friend 225: Barry 201; Eva Willis 239 single and‘ Willis 224; Audrey Middleton'Toots Craig 213. 224; Eileen Newstead 222; M Marg Fullerton 221; Jerry La- hey 218; Gerry Post 215; Mary Post 214; Ken Beelby 210; Au~ drey Smith 207: Ken Hunter Mrs. E. Archibald , Thursday Afternoon Ladies l League 3 For the first week of a twqding anniversary, Mrsv John Edwin Archibald. a native of Six days after her 63rd wed- . King Township. died at Lindsay Marshallln Yds “a” 12‘ l g ' In her 85th year. she had .been in hospital since last Ap- R ' P ll‘il. ’ Friends and relatives called' at the Stoddart Funeral Home ’ - .in Woodville. after which the orSZService was held in King City\: lUnited Church. ‘ It was the Opinion of King} Paying final tribute to the. Township Council at their rec-former member or. the WPEW" em meeting that no“, the gatlon. Rev. Martin Jenkinson; CN‘R marshamng yards inlhad a message of comfort for Vaughan Township are nearing the family and sald it was apâ€" -_ completion that the municipalflproprlate the service should be: ity will benefit fromthe assess-iheld 1” til“? “0'31"”th “We”; ment on the commercial and in-ers‘ Arshlbéld§ many kmd " dustrial properties that will be}deeds we” “10“” ‘ I Bllrial u as in King City Cem- Ltorrigz iiltKl?:;"e,‘l":‘\'\vn:ifi?; 2:19}eteryBPaillfiearersdwere grand-‘ ‘ ' . . L. " .-‘. tending '15 miles south of mega]; 8;§5%.:?n_1§:,ss fiéfiési mifl'Shanmglyards may become Keeling. and cousins Frank and a 1Prfdrg.°m-‘_ I ‘ lMurray Douglas. The flowers‘ 9 159mm)“ “059 as ‘ le'flvere carried by Carl Archibald.I suit of *1 {equest from “1‘9 Mrs. Archibald lived eighty. It“; I‘V'hrlaprf’uiig E paly'lyears in King Township. Daughy ‘9 0 an “ 1‘ “0” 9 8"tier of John Wells and the for-l Plioye'es 0t: “a? 1911‘)?” hand {forhl'as born on the eighth conces- '_ “9 (onsnuc 0“ 01 0t er ac' sion in the area known as King } ilities such as schools. sliopping'creek centres. churches, and recreaw As a girl. Nellie Wells atten- ;ded school in Nobleton. and ma- . lrried ill 1900. She lived in King ',_, lCity 33 years before moving j :with her son. Clarke. to live at _f LBolsover. She enjoyed euchre‘ ‘parties and quilting was a fav- orite pastime. ‘s While Councillor William Curran believed that the influx 0f residents would also mean that present pro- perty owners and farmers would be subsidizing the newcomers to the area. , Survi\ ing are Mr. Archibald; a As pomted out by Councillor sister. Mrs Edna White of T0_ Curran “the average railway mnto; “.0 daughters. Mrs. Tru_ employee will want to build or man Breednn .Marjnfle. of ; occupy a mlmmum 5119 of Woodside. Manitoba; All-c. Mel house or 900 Square fee" that Hoover «Bernice! of Nobleton; .- is. a small house with a low as- and four sons_ Carl of Edmcv‘ ‘ sessment and subdividers own-Saskatchewan; Aubrev of Duh_ ing land have already indicated dam; Clarke of Bolgowr‘ and that they want to develop small Javk of 70mm”. 14 grandch“. SiZEd’iOIS dren and 11 great-grandchild- "“6 had hen“ implement ren. Another son. Donald. of the Proposal put ,forth by for'1Vancouver. pie-deceased Mrs. "V mer board chairman Bruce Archibald. Davis and settle on house â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~!vâ€"r~â€" " sizes with assessments that will _â€"â€"â€"_â€" ’_ carry themselves." Councillor Curran said. REPRINTS AVAILABLE it was agreed by the council that a recommendation be sub mitted to the planning board that the value of houses to be constructed in the future be of. sufficient Size that would pro-i vide an assessment on the hou- ses enabling them to carry themselves. Readers may order re- prints of staff photos appearing in "The Liberal" It the newspaper office, 63 Yonge Street South. Rich- mond Hill. f ,. . «.1 .l.‘ m”. Teaching the teacher driving.) But training requires teach- ers, and teachers themselves must first be taught. That’s why the automobile insurance business, as a part of its national program of promoting safetyeducation for the young drivers, pays the costs of the annual Driver Training Educa- tion Program conducted by the Can- adian Highway Safety Council for teachers in many parts of Canada. In. canon mouuuc cannon ‘EXPERTS TELL US that almost 90% of all automobile accidents are directly attributable to human failures of one kind or another. Modern technology has succeeded in making todays cars and roads about as safe as can be. It is time for drivers to catch upâ€"through driver safety training. (Only this type of training will teach young drivers the kind of "safety-thinking” so essential to safe ALL CANADA INSURANCE FEDERATION on behalf of over 200 competing fire. automobile and casualty insuranct compame! TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH At the request of the Township of Whitchurch Council, The Ontario Water Resources Commission has investigated the possnblllty of installing a water works project within the said Township at an estimated cost of $110,000.00 which will be repaid to the Ontario Water Resources Com- mission over a period of thirty years. The proposed project will consist of the following works: Water mains to be constructed to serve Oak Ridges-Lake Wlllcocks Area as fOIIOWs: 0N Yonge Street S. Willcocks Lake Rd. Lake Avenue Willcocks Road Fail-view Avenue Elm Grove Fairview Avenue Benson Avenue S. Willcocks Lake Rd. including service connections from the distribution line. The estimated annual cost of the project is $12,303.00 which includes interest, debt retirement operating cost, reserve for renewals, replace- ments and contingencies and the purchase of water from King Township. It is proposed to raise this sum as follows: $8,050.00 by a frontage rate of .35c per foot; $800.00 by a connection charge of $8.00; and 3,600.00 by a consumer rate of $36.00. On the basis of these levies a house having a loo-ft. frontage would pay the following amounts annually after connection has been made to the system. 100-ft. frontage at .35c per ft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $35.00 (‘onnection charge . .. 8.00 Consumer rate . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 36.00 T0 Ridge Road Benson Avenue S. Willcocks Lake Rd. 600’ east of Benson Elm Grove 600’ NE of Fairview Willcocks Road main to the property FROM Lake Avenue Yonge Street Yonge Street; S. Willcocks Lake Rd. Yonge Street $79.00 Any Owners or persons affected by these charges may file their objections thereto in writing with the undersigned within 21 days of the date of first publication of this notice. All plans. reports and estimates may be inspected at the office of the undersigned during business hours. DATED at Gormley and first published this 27th day of March, 1963. J. W. CRAWFORD, Clerk, Township of Whitchurch, R.R. No. 1, Gorlnley, Ont.

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