Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Apr 1963, p. 20

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Ask Yourself These 3 Questions llBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-TU.4-IIOS If your answer to any one of these questions is “No”, you should vote for the one party which rep- resents all parts of Canada - the Liberal Party - the only party which can gain a majority vote over the others, sufficient to govern. Vote ADDISON, John X If you can answer “Yes” to all of these ques- tions then it is your right and privilege to vote Socialist. Sealed tenders plainly marked as to contents Will be received by the undersigned until 12 o’clock noon on Tuesday, April 16, 1963 for the supply of: ONE - 5 ton Dump Truck complete with Body and Hoist. Tenders must be made on standard form, which, together with. specifications may be obtained at the TownShip Engineering and Works Dept. Office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. H. C. T. CRISP. Clerk-Treasurer, RE. No. 2, Gormley, Ont. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. 'April 4. 1963 If you're still confused by party claims and promises, yet are still planning to vote N‘D.P. . . . (Inserted by the York North Liberal Association) TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM TENDERS FOR 'I'RIICK 3. Do I believe another minority government is good for Canada? Do I believe Canada can and should withdraw from the Atlan- tic Defense Alliance â€"- Canada’s sole bulwark against Communist aggression? Do I really believe in Socialism, in a party that advocates and means state control? D. MIKLAS, P.EN G. Township Engineer, R.R. No_ 2, Gormley, Ont. Jefferson Community Club Members of the Jefferson Community Club and parents of the public school children to Miss Leary's father who ce- were treated to an exception- lebrated his 90th birthday on ally fine evening last March April lst. Many happy returns 27th. The executive of the club to Terry Harper on April 8th. and the teachers presented us Alex Henderson April 9th and with a combined meeting and to Nancy Browne whose birth- parents night. lday falls on April 10th. The object. of the evening was to acquaint the communi- ty with the different audio vis- ion aids in use in the school and to show an actual class be- ing taught by these methods. Mrs. Hazelhurst opened the meeting then asked Mrs. Tuck- erman to present the treasur- er's report. Mrs. Hazlehurst then gave a resume of what the club had accomplished during the current year. The new ex- ecutive for the year was elect- ed as follows: President Mrs.1 Whalen. vice-president Mrs. Hazlehurst, treasurer Mrs. Mc- Dowell, secretary Mrs. Black, social conv'eners Mrs. Greig. Mrs. Jones. Mrs. Fulman, Mrs. Morris and Mrs. Wenzel. Hob- by Crafts Mrs. Ruston and Mrs. Williams. Miss Leary then took over the meeting. Several students from the senior room compris- ed the class to be taught. Mrs. Duncan very able demonstrat- ed how grade 1 was taught to read and sound out words. Mrs. Hopkins taught the class safety through the use of a film. Mr. Wyand and his class demon- strated how music is taught and we were treated to a fine selection from the Messiah played and sung by a high school band. Miss Leary, through the use of film. taught a lesson about the states of America. Parents then visited thel classes to discuss their children‘ with the teachers. Tea was served during this period. ‘ The one important factor in‘ all of this is: The community} club purchased all of these aids for the school, plus many more including a television set, and we parents of the community should be very grateful to this club and give it all our support. Don’t forget mothers - get out to the next meeting. Neighborhood Notes THE Challenge 0F Cancer Bklated birthday greetings to ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON How Does Cancer Spread? Cancer cells break off from the original tumor and tra- vel through the lymph canal, arteries and veins to other parts of the body where they cause new tumors to form. Early treatment may prevent this. Evening Branch St. John's Anglicln Church TU. 4-2708 Mary Jane Terry who celebra- ted her birthday on April lst. Very special birthday greetings to Miss Leary's father who ce- lebrated his 90th birthday on April lst. Many happy returns Please keep in mind that the] Cancer Campaign starts this‘ week. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gibson, Sum- mit Farms. on the birth of their 'new grand-daughter. This is the second daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gibson. 1 Mr. Michael Black, Yonge St.. has just returned from a cross Canada trip to Vancou- ver. Before leaving the comâ€" munity Mrs. Black would like to find a good home for her three kittens and their mother. Cubs, Scouts and Rovers This turned out to be a most successful evening. Guest spea- kers during the evening were Mr. Ron Sculthorpe, district commissioner for York Summit District and Mr. Archie Mc- Naughton, King, president of York Summit District. A toast to the fathers was given by Brian Hunter and Mr. Andrews responded on behalf of the fathers. Badges earned by the boys were presented to them during the evening. The boys provided their own entertainment during the evening. The cubs payed a tribute to their founder Lord Baden-Powell and the rovers presented a skit and camp fire. The annual father and son banquet was held at St. John’s Parish Hall on March 28th. Mick and Mary Ensor were honored by the district when Mr. Sculthorpe presented them with the long service badge. We, of the community also thank them for their long and faithful service. The ladies were warmly thanked for their excellent din- ner. Mrs. Mary Terry was the winner of the lovely plant which all the ladies assisting during Vthe day had the chance to win. The boys would like to say a special thanks to the mothers auxiliary who made their ban- quet possible. St. John’s Anglican Church The Evening Branch of St.‘ John's WA will meet (to-night) April 4th, in the parish hall at 3.30. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Morrison, former well known residents of Jefferson, visited Mr. and Mrs. Stan Leno on Saturday. Kindergarten children from Jefferson, who attend Ross Doan Public School. contribut- ed too and attended. with their mothers, the fun fair held at the school last Saturday. This turned out to be one of the most successful bazaarsIhave visited and the children en- ‘joyed it immensely. The circulation of public lib- rary books in Richmond Hill schools was begun in the fall of 1959. Because of the difficulties of distance and transportation, most of the children in the town were not using library‘ facilities and it was agreed by both library and schools that supplying books was not enough. Someone must supply the stimulus to read them. With this end in view, the school ‘board allowed the boys’ and Igirls’ librarian to spend 15 min- ‘utes each month with each class. During this time, the li- brarian talks about books and reading, or tells a story to the primary classes. I . n School - lerary Book Programme“ Doubles In Four Years Operation During 1959, three boxes of twenty books were distributed to all classes from grade three to eight. These boxes have been changed monthly at the time of the librarian‘s visit. During 1960, the number of books in each box was increased to thirty, and all grade two Craig Peterkin, left, 17-year-old Richmond Hill High School student will spend a week at the United Nations, New York, this coming July as an observer of the world organization. Craig’s visit will be sponsored by the Independent Order of Oddfellows Pilgrimage For Youth program who every year selects a student for the trip. Selection of students is based on scholastic standing - Craig‘s average is 88 per cent. At school Craig majors in Latin, German and mathematics. On Craig’s left is Jim Juhl, District Deputy Grand Master of the Independent Order of Oddfellows. Richmond Hill Student To Visit U.N. classes were added to the pro- gramme. The books supplied are fic- tion and are for recreational reading purposes. The schools agreed to concentrate in build- ing collections of curriculum- centered materials for refer- ence use. Now in its fourth year this programme has nearly doubled in all its aspects. An Integrated library pro- gramme between the public li-‘ brary and the schools, it is felt,‘ can benefit both participants. The teaching staff and the pu- pils are more aware of the lib- rary and its facilities, while both are encouraged to use its resources. The librarian’s con- tact with the school has given her a greater insight‘into the school programme â€"- a great aid in book selection and eval-‘ uation. Comments from both parents and teachers have in- dicated that the increased sup- plementary reading has enrich- ed the school’s reading prog- ramme. (Staff Photo) USED CARS Spring Ahead YORK PLACEMENT AGENCY will be received until 12 o’clock noon THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1963 for the renovation of the front of Richmond Hill Arena. General contractors, wrecking, electrical, plumbing and heating contractors. Plans avail- able and tenders received at The Hydro Offices, 56 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill, attention Mr. B. Ellis. Do You Have Personnel Problems WE HAVE THE ANSWER SCREENED AND TESTED PERMANENT OR PART TIME PERSONNEL_ { YOUR TIME IS VALUABLE GIVE US YOUR REQUIREMENTS LET US DO THE REST- RATES ON REQUEST GET YOUR . CAR READY 15 YONGE ST. N. SUITE 202, RICHMOND HILL AV. 5-2346 or TU. 4-3778 B. ELLIS, Secretary Richmond Hill Arena Assoc. TENDERS

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