Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Apr 1963, p. 6

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‘Richmond Hill TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in- eluding new and rebuilt stand- ard portable and electric mod- els. Special rental rates avail- able to students. STOVE 512m? slabwood and fireplace chunks. Phone Stouff. ville 640-2351. c1w40 REFRIGERATOR and stove) excellent condition. Phone TU. 4-4631. c1w40 offer accepted. Mrs. Burton, AV. 5-1052. c1w40 able for cottage. $50. AV. 5- 1530. c1w40 2 WASHING MACHINES-suit- able for summer cottage. Make offer, AV. 5-2230. c2w40 only worn twice $6.00, 1 baton $2.00. AV. 5-4583. c1w40 GIRL'S spring coat, size 7, blue celver, Hallicrafter Model 895. 152 to 173 Meg. 884-4103 after 5 o’clock. c1w40 1 STAINLESS steel sink with taps, complete, brand new. $20. Moffat 20" gas stove $20. TU. 4-2490. c1w40 GIRL’S siting” coat. Black Watch plaid, size 3X. Excellent condition. TU. 4-2998. l“1W40 i’IANO. ideal for student. Best CROSSLEY refrigerator, suit- WHITE majorette boots, size 30 GALLON water heater, in- sulated. thermostat. 1.000 watt element complete for $15. TU. 4-5081. c1w40 ONE COMMUNICATIONS r; BABY'S CRIB, large size, nat- ural finish. Good spring mat- tress s15; also high chair. 285- 2780. c1w40 GOOD used furniture for saIE Call Frank's Movers and Stor- age. 28 Industrial Rd., TU. 4- 2613. I th3 New and used. All reasonable offers considered. Call Frank’s Movers and storage. TU. 4-2613 or AV. 5-5101. tfc38 SEWING machine, Singer. r:- possessed. portable or cabinet, also vacuum cleaners. terms. Singer Sewing Machine Co. TU. 4-2931. tfc32 SUMMER COTTAGE COMFORT Ball of Fire Stove oil radiant heaters â€" no smoke, odour or pipes‘ Seven models and sizes. See them now at . CARL WALKER SALES Victoria Square Ph. 889-5413 EECOND HANIi’cast’xron'bath. good order. TU. 4-7612. c1w40 BOY'S bicycie, reasonable. TU. 4-2432. clw40 PORTABLE ‘Simfison' typewrit- er, good condition, half price $35. TU. 4-2810. c1w40 tures, 5 feet long; 13% ins wide, $5 each. TU. 4-1402. 7 PIECE oak antique dining room suite, bassinette, car seat, car bed. baby's jumping chair. TU. 4-5986. c1w40 EAEDLES, new hand toolEd leather; also women's purses from Mexico. AV. 5-3943. BOY'S bicycle $13KTU. 4-7786. c1w40 BOYS" iBICYCLE 24" good condition. also budgie cage and stand. TU.'4-3549. clw40 princess style. like new, TU. 4- 5359. c1w40 fiXB‘Y CARRIAGE. metal 13E; can be used as bassinet or car bed, $20. TU. 4-5145. c1w40 2 FLUORESCENT Tfie fix- Doors, windows, awnings, and railings. Ron Woods. TU. 4-1514 ‘ tfc36 CHILD'S tricyclieiisultable for ages 2 to 5. AV. 5-4704. nc1w40 mosf HOMES ARE LISTED WITH DAVID McLEAN LTD. tfc28 DURO deep well water pump electric motor and pressure tank $100; also 12 volt car bat- tery $5. AV. 5-2964. c4w39 DEERBORN Eider. 225-2781. c1w40 WATEREOFTENERS For sale and installed TU. 4.517s BUNK BEDS‘SPECIAI: CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES. lei insertion So each word. min. charge 150 Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 50 per word. min. charge . . . . . . 65c FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per Insertion of 50c COMING EVENT NOTICE: Sc per word: min. charge 750 CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES. BIRTHS, per insertion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Classified advertisements should be In In early in the week as possible but not later than 10 mm. on Wednesdays, Send sds by mail and enclose payment, or telephone TU. 4-1105 and you will receive invoice. ARTICLES FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, April 4, 1963 L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave ALUMINUM TU. 4-1745 tfc49 c1w40 (:2w39 tfc39 ' TU-iBe' Tre' HONEY. Nature's old- 3032 est sweet â€" satisfying and de- licious. Plenty of original comb and extracted Basswood or Clover. York Farmers' Market, Saturday mornings. At house by appointment. Arnold Wer- ner, AV. 5-2724. clw38 BEAUTYREST. Marshall. Sim- ;s mons, Serta, Heely and other .5413 spring mattresses repaired. re- tfc38 turned just like new, medium F'm. extra firm. Two-day ser- vice. Eiderdowns recovered. 0n- * tario Bedding Co. AV. 5-1591. â€" no ieven now MOVING to U.S.A. Household 2 COLEMAN space heaters, gas, one with blower and ther- mostat $75; and one with snap control $40. 285-2559. c1w40 reasonable. After 7 pm. AL. 7- 1309. clw40 WOOD LATHE, complete with motor and lathe tools. Also boat trailer. Apply 170 Lucas St. COLDSPOT refrigerator, ex- cellent condition, $150 or near- est offer. AV. 5-1744 after 6. c1w40 articles: 24” Moffat stove, like‘ new; automatic washer and dry- er; end and coffee tables; power mower, etc. 884-5201. clw40 2 REFRIGERATORS, Frigid- aire. Good. 2 small kitchen ta- bles. 2 chrome chairs, 2 large wash tubs and stand. large cab- inet radio. 884-2196. clw40 MUSKOKA LOT, 20 ACRES, 250 feet lake frontage. Excellent speckled trout fishing, $2,800, road within a mile. Beattie. Stuart St. Guelph *4w40 NEW PLANS for 17’ outboard cruiser sleeps two. Vee bottom developed for sheet plywood planking. Complete plans and description plus full sized pat- terns. Sacrifice, half price.$15. TU. 4â€"3902. c1w40 PROPANE GAS & APPLIANCES SUPERIOR PROPANE LTD. MAPLE The only AUTOMATIC Propane Gas Service from New Bruns- wick to Manitoba. For informa- tion, call AV. 5-1145. tfc29 GIRL'S two-piece spring out: fit, sand, all over pattern size6 to 8 years. Boy’s dress pants, venetian gabardine. size 28" to 30" waist. Clothing in excellent condition. Tricycles. 2, small and medium. in average condi- tion. AV. 5-1597. c1w40 Reg. H.0. Cars, power, etc. TU. 4-5791. *1w40 TRAILER, excellent condition, GIRL'S spring coat grey, size 8. Excellent condition. Colonial 4-poster bed. Both very reason- able. TU. 4-4160 after 6 pm. WRINGER washer, sump pump, metal shower cabinet. All in excellent condition. Best cash offer accepted. AV. 5-3287. GIRL’S wool dress, size 12; boy's two piece hat and coat set, size 3; navy blazer size 6X. All in excellent condition. AV. 5-5955. *1w40 PLAYEN AND CARRIAGE. AV. 5-3277. c1w40 MODEL TRAINS, Marklin and 14’ PLYWOOD boat, windshield, steering wheel and controls. 12 hp. motor. TU. 4-5619 5-6 pm. ' c1w40 GIRLS' Robin Hood bicycle, 3/41 walnut bed spring and mat- tress $15 and chest of drawers $20. TU. 4-2127. c1w40 ing table, Moffat stove, 3 piece Chesterfield, Lazy-boy chair, child's desk, 2 rugs 6’x9', under- pads. TU. 4-5815. c1w40 TWO LOVE SEATSfeach 54" long, in good condition. Loose covers in attractive English print, $100 complete. TU. 4- 2889. c2w40 W Y N - D 0 T THE LADIES SHOP RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-2214 SPECIALISTS on wall to wall draperies, ladies‘ 8: children‘s wear and sewing needs, knit- ting wool and patterns. adjustable back rest, canopy. White and grey $7. BA. 1-4365. GIRL'S bicycle withficarrier. TU. 44291. c1w40 BABY STROLLERI 7 Gendron, CONTINENTAL bed, oval din- FOR SALE â€"- one boy’s bicyc- le. Phone TU. 4-5526. *1w40 COW MANURE, any amount. delivered 884-5121. c4w39 BAYVIEW PLAZA FOR SALE (Continued) c1w40 c1w40 c1w40 c1w40 c4w37 tfc44 ‘Floor sanders, saws and drills. Hand sanders, jig~saWs and nail drivers. AV. 5-1109. tfc21 \Cement mixers. floor sanders and edygers, ramset guns, roto- tillers, rotovators, also 500 other tools. Willowdale Rental & Sales. 6026 Yonge St., BA. 1- 1711. tfc42 RECONDITIONED used equip- ment, Ariens Imperial 51/2 h. p. rider with 26" rotary float- ing mower. 4 h.p. wheel horse tractor with 32" rotary mower; dozer blade and chains. Toro power handle with 21” self- propelled, rotary mower, edger, trimming. 25" Sportlawn reel mower, attachments. Hudson 10 gallon portable sprayer. New 5% hp. Lawson engine. Bar- gains. GOOD HOMES waxited for four DOG, MALE, Belgian Shepherd, about one year old. No papers. Free to good home. Untrained. Very friendly and gentle. Call AX. 3-8604 after 5 pm. c1w40 tory work, Richmond Hill. AV. 5-4455. clw40 YOUNG MEN, 16-19, looking for work. Anything considered. Can you help us. Call Salva- tion Army. AV. 5-5126. tfc52 YOUNG MAN’wants full time employment in Richmond Hill area. Has chauffeur's licence. AL. 7-1460. c1w40 PRACTICAL nursing and housekeeping from 8 to 5.30. Two years’ experience in last home. TU. 4-5681. clw40 from $10.00 a month. delivery and pick-up. Richmond Hill TV, 34 Yonge S. TU. 4-7456 AV. 5-3756 tfc28 kittens, 5 weeks old, free. 884- 7888. c1w40 DALMATIAN, purebi‘éd, three years old. Very good with children. 285-7206. c1w40' MAN’and’Qife seek light fac- YOUTH 15, part-time work, Friday nights and all day Sat- urday, anything considered. 285- 5782. clw40 MOTHER'S HELPER SERVICE Experienced baby-sitters, home- maker‘s service and day work. Call day or night. TU. 4-7253. SINGER automatic Zig-Zag portable sewing machine. makes button-holes, sews on buttons, darns, embroiders, monograms, and blind stitches, no attach: ments needed. 8 monthly pay-ments, of $6.50 or $52.00 cash. Dealer. Write Box 142, The Li- beral. *2w40 CARL WALKER SALES Victoria Square Ph. 889-5413 c1w40 BABY BUDGIES for sa'l'ef'i‘fi. 4-7346. c2w39 Sunday between Baker Ave. METRO MUSIC SERVICES and Yonge St. TU. 4-2927 even- 884-7287 ings. Reward. ‘1w40 tic: GIRL, grade 13 honor student. requires summer employment to help pay university expenses. 884~7010. c1w40 SOUND HLFi - Stereo Dance Entertainment PA Service 3 STRAND pearl necklace lost‘ Indoor ‘ ontdoor ' “Obile 21" TV MOTOROLA, walnut HEAVY DUTY Moffat electric range. Automatic oven, clock, excellent condition $65. 30 gal- lon water pressure tank with gauge $10. PR. 3-5739. c1w40 PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Accurate and speedy. Enquiries to Ruth Coates, Secretarial Ser- vice. R. R. 1 ,King City. PA. 7-6927. c1w40 TEENAGE "b’aby sitter avail- able. TU. 4-7720. c1w39 RELIABLE baby sitter’requir- ed. 4 evenings weekly. PR. 3- 5126. c1w40 VERY GOOD day care for one or two children. West of Yonge. TU. 4-4513. c4w39 FORD tractor for salé, with or without mower and plow. Good condition. 884-2538. c1w40 finish, console with doors, beau- tiful piece of furniture. 884- 2273. nc40 'B’LUE SUIT. tweed spring coat, fit girl 12-14 years. Grey fur jacket. size 14. TU. 4-2170. 15' CEDAR’STRIP boat, fibre- glass with 25 h.p. outboard mo- tor $325. TU. 4-7951. c1w4o woons tourist’tent 9 by 12. Almost new, reasonable. TU. 4- 2394. clw40 PETS FOR SALE BABY SITTING EMPLOYMENT WANTED . RENT A TELEVISION EQUIPMENT RENTALS TOOLS FOR RENT FOR SALE TOOLS T0 RENT (continued) c1w40 TC'ARPENTRY WORK, additions, renovations, garages, recreation rooms, tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price. AV. 5-3653. tfc28 SPECIAL Chesterfield sets recovered â€" 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms 1f de- sired. A. Smith, Upholstery. phone AV. 5-1682. tfc43 CUSTOM CARPENTRY Kitchens remodelled, bedroom and bathroom vanities, stereo, hi-fi, china cabinets. Free estim- ates. Morris Harrison, TU. 4- 2838. tfc15 KING CITY WELL DRILLING CO. LTD. Pump equipment installed and serviced. George Adams, Box 192, King City. Phone King TE. 3-6321. tfcl3 Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell, AV. 5-2526. tfc15 285-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paper-hanging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. TU. 4-7902. tfc31 E. W. PAYNE Drains. septic tanks. All types of concrete work. Stonework. Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard, 148 Yon-ge St. 5., Richmond Hill, phone TU. 4- 5688. tfc23 CALL us for you: sand, gravel, fill, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple, ALpine 7-8876. tfc7 CHESTERFIELD suites. and chrome chairs recovered and rebuilt, at a reasonable price. No job too small. Free estim- ates. Murray Upholstery. AV. 5-4767. tfc51 CARPENTRY, painting and dec- orating, custom building, re- pairs and alterations. Prompt service. Estimates free. Les Webb, AV. 5-2546. tfc38 FLOOR COVERINGS All types tiles and sheet vinyl for rec. rooms, kitchens, entries, baths, etc. Also ceramic wall tiles. Free estimates. Reid and Sons. Flooring Contractors, AV. 5-1960. tfc32 BOOKKEEPING - TYPING SERVICE Manuscripts, Letters. Envelopes, Statements, etc. Bookkeeping to Trial Balance. Rates upon re- quest. Mrs. Irwin, PR. 3-5545. c4w37 CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRA JTORS Building, alterations & repairs, prompt service. WALKER & MITCHELL AV. 5-2526 UPHOLSTERY " Recovering and repairing of any kind of furniture. Experienced on Scandinavian furniture. Freeg estimates. Reasonable prices.f Call anytime. TU. 4-4813 resi-S dence. business, AV. 5-5345. } MAHOGANY PLYWOOD V grooved 3/16". Cash and car- ry price 4x7 $3.36. 4x8 $3.84 per sheet. Butler & Baird Lumber Ltd., 191 Yonge St. N. tfc13 CARPENTRY and repairs. re- creation rooms, kitchen cup- boards, general maintenance. English tradesman. 884-2344. *3w38 UPHOLSTERING of all kinds. Antiques 8 specialty. Cabinet wood repairs and alterations, refinishing. Antiques bought EUROPEAN Landscape Gard- ener - planting, pruning, shrub- bery, rock gardens. Free estim- ates. 884-7953. *4w38 UPHOLSTERING of all kinds. LARGE furnished room in . . , modern farm home with all Antiques 8 Spec‘alty' cabmetlconveniences. Commuting dis- wood repairs and alterations, tame from Toronto_ opposite refinishing. Antiques bought King City High School. Free and sold. Bonnell Furnlture horse riding or pasturing of service and Antiques' 8009 own horse. TE. 3-5794 mornings Yonge Street' Th°mhmv AVAbetween 8 and 1 pm. or Friday, 5'2176' elw40:5aturday, Sunday, all day. 7 'CONCRETE and carpentry work, recreation rooms, floors and walls tiled, at reasonable prices. TU. 4-5482. tfc33 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $20-$25 Tile-beds cleaned. Fast, clean, modern service. TU. 4-1245 Richmond Hill tfc40 PAINTING, paperhanglng. Free estimates. Colour samples. A Rollinson. TE. 3-6671. tfc15 SEPTIC tanks pumped524 hour service. C. Burns. PR. 3-5085. MISCELLANEOUS MASONRY CONTRACTOR PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD. James D. Stewart TU. 4-2201 PAINTING a; PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. C. STUN DEN CHIMNEYS tfc43 tfc20 tfc44 tfc8 tfc4 MODERN, three-bedroom bun- galow, near Yonge Street and King Sideroad, Oak Ridges, $95. PA. 7-9488, PA. 7-5046. tfc38 3 ROOM upstairs apartment, furnished, now available, cen- tral, adults, $75.00 monthly. 884-1505. *1w40 2 BEDROOM heated upstairs apartment, stove and fridge, private entrance, $75 per month, couple preferred. Phone TU. 4-2555. c1w40 floor, $65 and $75 monthly. TU. 4-1853. clw.40 ROOM, large, well furnished, quiet, all home privileges. AV. 5-4115 after 5 pm. c1w40 apartment, reasonable. 884- 4072. c1w38 SELF CONTAINED 4 room apartment $85. 3 room apart- ment $75; 2 room apartment (ground floor) $65. TU. 4-1853. c1w40 ELMDALE COURT $120 monthly lower 5 room, 2 bedroom suite, fully equipped. Call HU. 3-4329. T. G. HANSON REAL ESTATE PLANT PRIDE HYBRID SEED CORN For Maximum Tonnage com- bined with top Quality ensil- age. I will be pleased to help you pick the proper variety for your needs. Cameron McClure, R. R. 1 Woodbridge, AT. 8-1467. FURNISHED rooms to rent. 257-2522. tfc28 MODERN three room basement 3 ROOM upstairs apartment with bath in Maple, available May lst AL. 7-2343 between 6 and 8 pm. c1w39 ONE FURNISHED room, pri- vate bathroom close to Yonge St. Gentleman preferred. AV. 5-4409. clw40 LIVING ROOM and large bed- room, kitchenette. Private 4- piece bathroom and entrance, TV antenna, storage space, parking for one car. BA. 2-4373. c1w40 180 Bayview Ave., Richmond Hill New large 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments now renting. Fire- proof. All suites equipped. In- ter-com. walk-in closets. Free parking. Built-in air condition sleeves. Decorated to your taste. Telephone and TV outlets. Drapes. Close to all convenien- ces. Rental office on premises. CLEAN bright offices, ground FURNISHED complete two bedâ€" room apartment water and el- ectric included. 285-1234. tfc40 MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRICAL work. All types of wiring. J. Antram 884-4102. c4w36 APARTMENT, 3 rooms, self- contained, central. Parking. Ad- ults only. TU. 4-4891. c1w40 RESTAURANT, service station and 7-room apartment, No. 7 Highway between Keele and Jane, south side, $350 monthly. Apply Pinecrest Motel, AV. 5- 1928. 02w39 APARTMENT CENTRAL RICHMOND HILL Large modern 2 bedrooms, 2 minutes walk to Yonge St. transportation and shopping, fully equipped, soft water, quiet street, best value. soundproof and fireproof $105. 50 Benson Ave. TU. 4-3581. c1w40 GARDEN CONSULTANT, re- tired nurseryman. Gardens de- signed, plants and shrubs sup- plied. Plans and estimates, very reasonable. 884-7953. *4w38 REPAIRS ALL MOWERS - TRACTORS Tillers & Small Engines All size mowers sharpened Speedex Riding Tractors And other equipment for sale. Small or no down payment. 103 No. 7 Highway 15., Thornhill 285-2973 FURNISHED rooms to rent. 257-0040. tfc28 tleman, cooking facilities. TU. 4-1629. tfc31 WENMAR APARTMENTS IN RICHMOND HILL COLBOURNE AVE. 1 and 2 bedroom apartments â€" pool elevators. FM music, large balconies, intercom, parking, TV outlet. AV. 5-2303. tfc27 ROOM TO RENT. suit one gen- APARTMENT, three rooms and bath, refrigerator and stove. Central. TU. 4-3294. c1w37 CENTRAL, bright upstairs room, adult family. parking, TU. 4-1547. c1w39 TU. 4-5693 TU. 4-7755 RU. 1-9582 v CAPRI APARTMENTS TO RENT (continued) c4w39 c2w40 c1w40 tress; tfc38 WOMEN or men counter clerks, full or part time. Apply 12 to 2 pm. only. Dufferin Fairways, Dufferin St. at No. 7 Highway. clw40 MOTHER'S helper wanted part time for Protestant German- Canadian farm home, must like animals, person over 50 years preferred. TU. 4-2580. c1w40 GARDENER, $1,000 for season to cut grass and maintain beds on 4 acres of garden, 1%. miles south of Maple. AL. 7-2303 for appointment. c1w40 5 ROOM bungalow, near plaza. close to Bayview, electrically equipped. Call TU. 4-7104 after six. c1w40 FURNISHED room, cooking fa- cilities, parking. 16 Lorne, lst house east Clarke's Drug Store at Yonge. *2w39 APARTMENT, (rooms, 1 block from Yonge at Wright. Business couple. Self contained, newly decorated. 884-5771. l“1w40 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Opening for one salesman. Ap- ply to S. J. Carlisle. David Mc- Lean Ltd., AV. 5-1176. c1w38 COUNTER GIRL Cleaner and Dyer in Thornhill. Experience helpful but not es- sential. Write giving full de- tails as to age, education, etc. to Box 141 The Liberal. c1w40 PART TIME help for relief wm'k as counsellor in coin op- erated dry cleaning store. Will train. Apply Carlton’s Cleaning Carousel, Richmond Heights Plaza. c1w40 cated, new oil furnace, évail- able May 1st. TU. 4â€"1467. Call evenings. *1w40 WAITRESS wanted for opefl kitchen. Don Mills & No. 7 Highway. 297-1701. c1w40 class man only. Good wages. TU. 4-2572. c1w40 BOY, grade 12 or 13 level, part time 4 to 6 p.m., alert with fig- ures, typing helpful. Write Box 127, The Liberal. c1w40 2 OR 3 MEN to wash fleet of trucks weekly, Saturday after- noons or Sunday, Yonge and Steeles district. Apply in per- son at 1586 Bathurst St., Shell Service Station or call 534- 2173. c1w40 STENOGRAPHER required for the township clerk’s office, Township of Markham. Appli- cations will be accepted by the undersigned until Tuesday, April 16, 1963. 6 ROOM house, detached. close to schools and shopping, like new. Immediate possession. Phone TU. 4-1506. c1w40 3 ROOM apartment, suitaTJIE for business couple. Bayview Plaza area, $80. TU. 4-1728. STOCK CAR driver no experi- ence necessary. Apply Baker Sales and Service AV. 5-1189. c1w40 SIXiROOM house centrally lo- AUTO BODY repairman, lst PART TIME counter help for CAPABLE woman for general housework, live in. Attractive bedroom with private bath- room. AV. 5-3162. c1w39 week-ends. Harvey’s Drive-In 9471 Yonge St.,AV. 5-4555. NURSERY SCHOOL teacher wanted, half days. Thornhjll Co-operative Nursery School. AV. 5-5760. c3w40 MOTHER'S HELP 9 to 5.30 six days a week. 285-2802. c1w39 HELP WANTED 3001 MAI'bJ nu. A 6 Associates Realty Credit Ltd. Here’s how it works: Simply use the equity you have in your home, whether it's mortgaged or fully paid up, as collateral for the loan. It’s that simple. You get the cash you need quickly, and you decide the amount of monthly repayments. Stop in at your nearest Associates office and let one of our mortgage specialists give you the details. Mortgages are arranged with no bonuses. And you‘ll find our rates are reasonable. $2,000.00 . . . or more, for any good reason, through Associates’ New Home Owners Loan Plan. 2nd Mortgage Coming Due? House In Need 0f Repairs? Buying A New Car? Need Cash For Educational Expenses? Want To Pay Ofi Those Old Bills? . . . GET . . . H. C. T. Crisp, Clerk-Treasurer, Township of Markham, R. R. 2 Gormley TO RENT 6A LEVENDALE RD., RICHMOND HILL 285-4986 (continued) FOR HOME OWNERS LOANS $5,000.00 c2w40 c2w40 c1w40 CLEANING LADY. half ’day Fridays, $4.00. 884-7888. c1w4t FACTORY HELP WANTED Men for machine operators and helpers at Associated Tube Inâ€" dustries' new factory at Don Mills Road. ‘34:. mile north oi Steeles Ave. All benefits. 293- 8273. c1w40 VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP Avon Cosmetics needs an at- tractive mature woman with car to handle our well-known guaranteed products in your community. Write Miss Ziegler. Box 141 Guelph. c1w40 LOOKING for permanent or part time employment. Register with York Placement Agency for all types of office work. No charge to applicant. York Placement Agency, 15 Yonge St. N., Suite 202 Richmond Hill, AV. 5-6301 or TU. 4-3778.clw40 APPLICATIONS will be re- ceived by the undersigned un- til 12 noon April 16 1963, for the position of Police Constable for the Township of Markham, duties to commence May lst 1963. Starting salary $3,900 per year. Applicants must have the following qualifications. British subject, age 21-35 years, min- imum height 5’8", minimum weight 165 lbs., minimum of grade 10 education. Good men- tal and physical health. Harvey N. Cox, Chief of Police, Township of Markham, R. R. 2 Gormley REAL ESTATE Experienced salesmen required to train for expansion program. Residential and commercial. Ex- cellent commission arrange- ments. Mr. Keffer, AV. 5-3816. residence AV. 5-2315. Fleck & Keffer Realtor c1w40 CLERK-stenographer for full‘ time position, district office, Department of Lands and For- ests, Maple (Dufferin Street). Starting salary. $3,000. 5-day week. Applicants should have a grade 10 education, he profic- ient in typing and shorthand with some clerical experience and knowledge of general of- fice procedures. Apply. in writ- ing, giving qualifications, edu- cation and experience to: Dis- trict Forester, Dept. of Lands and Forests, Maple. Mark en- velope “application for posi- tion". c1w39 MAN OR WOMAN to supply established customers with fa- mous nationally advertised Wat- kins products. No investment. Earnings of $75 and up week- ly possible. Full or part-time. Write to V. Muzzo, 350 St. Roch Street, Montreal 15, Quebec. Summer Properties LADIES, part time work, full time pay, pleasant dignified employment in your free even- ing time, showing quality tab- leware by appointment. No can- vassing. sample supplied, high- est commissions, car essential. 285-3282, Mr. Sim. c2w39 3 bedroom cottage on Georgian Bay or trade for small home. Immediate possession. TU. f1: DUE TO OUR CONTINUING GROWTH large life insurance company offering lifetime op- portunity for aggressive and ambitious young married man age 23-45. For sales and ser- vice position Willowdale and North Toronto. High school ed- ucation real asset. Full training program. Starting salary $100 a week. Future earnings unus- ually attractive. 7951 LADIES 0F MARREMTI; HELP WANTED J. C. KYLE 487-3673 2298 Yonge St., Toronto Evenings - 924-5312 (Continued) $15,000.00 c1w40 c1w40 c2w40 c4w40 A-l black loam and manure for lawns and flower beds. We de- liver. For sodding, grading and paving your driveway. Free es- timates. TU. 4-2538. tfc40 ELGIN MILLS LOAM and SOD CO. LTD. Top Soil, Loam. Cultivated Peat Loam. Sandy Loam, Well Rot- ted Manure. Special Mixed Loam, Field Sod, Cultivated Seeded Sod, Nursery Sods. AV. 5-1514 FOR SALE 6.500 cu. yards of srade “A” topsoil in Richmond Hillv preferably to be sold en block. Phone BA. 5-1197. c1w40 BAYVIEW GARDEfi SUPPLY MIDDLE AGED couple wish to rent small house with good- sized property, reasonable rent. Write to Box No. 140 The Lib- eral. c1w40 PROFESSIONAL MAN moving to Richmond Hill middle of April requires furnished house- keeping room or small apart- ment. Write Box 136 The Lib- eral. *1w40 ACCOMMODATION for ladies and gentlemen. Small private Rest Home. Graduate nurses on duty 24 hours. Call 285-4251. J Willow Nursery School, private, licensed, from 8 am. to 6 pm. Limited number only. Individual attention, age from 3 years. transportation available. Phone for appointment, Willowdale 221-2164 Parkvlew Ave. at Yonge Street, 2 blocks south of Northtown Plaza. tfc30 ROOM & BOARD for two per- sons TU. 4-5681. c1w40 SHARED éégdmmodatlon avail- able for gentleman, Richvale area. AV. 5-2230. c2w40 GREY GuEnsey heifer, due to freshen March 30, AV. 5-4089. TUTOR wantéd for grade 9 mathematics. TU. 4-5887. c1w40 ROOM & BOARD available for young man 17-21. Single room. Good meals. 884-3977. c1w40 RO_O_M QBOARfi, woman pre_f: erably. $18 a week Phone_ TU. 4-4631. c1w40 ROOM and BOARD ATTRACTIVE room to rent with board, private entrance. parking. close to bus. AV. 5- 3270. c2w38 $4.95 SIMPSON’S DRYGODDS 12 Yonge St. S. Girls’ Tex-Made Drip-Dry Cotton Dresses solid shades 4-6x Nursery School Girls’ Wash & Wear Gingham Checked Dresses - 7-12 Girls’ Dan River Wash & Wear Checked Dresses LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Girls’ Cotton Print Dresses 7 -12 NURSERY SCHOOL GARDEN SUPPLIES WANTED TO RENT 4-6x 2-3x TUITION $2.93 $3.98 $2.98 $3.98 Eh c1w40 c1w40 tfc40 HOMES FOR SALE r\\\\\\\\\\\umnmnu\\\\\u\\\u\\m\m1uuu\u\\\\u\m\im\mum mum“numuununmmlnmmumlmum\m\uunmmmummn Richmond Hill .42 Elmdale Court Upper 2 bedroom, $120, new building, all convenien- ces, ideal location for child- ren, one month rent free. Call Mr. Van Althen, 884-2326 Mr. Devine EM. 2-6161 THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY 4 BEDROOMS ONLY $2,000 DOWN $16,300. Large 7 room brick detached bungalow, only 5 years old. Located near schools. shopping and trans- portation. Unusual opportu- nity to purchase at this low price. BE PROUD 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms. extra large living room with bay window and open fire- place, separate den and din- ing room. large ultra mod- ern kitchen. Double garage. Colonial stone front 2 storey family home. $28,900. $82 INTEREST. PRINCIPAL, TAXES With 555% mortgage. 8 well kept 6 room rancher, 37 ft. finished recreation room. with all essentials of mod- ern living, all for $13,500. CALL MR. SLATER 8242 Yongo St., Thomhlll AV. 5-1156 BA. 1-1103 MEMBER TORONTO REAL ESTATE BOARD RICHMOND HILL $13,900 with $2.000 down. 8 room detached brick bunga- low, $92.70 interest, princi- pal and taxes. Absentee owner wants an offer. DON MILLS ROAD 2 bedroom. bungalow on double lot, located in small Village. Full price $13,500. Terms arranged. FENCED GARDEN $15,500 Family bungalow in Sussex-Markham Road area. Split level entrance leads to living-room, kitchen and re- creation room. Three nlce bedrooms, $2,000 down will buy this home. GORMLEY RD. AT YONG! $16,900. Huge 24 x 20' 11v- ingroom, full dining room. 3 large bedrooms, 2 car gar- age, California Redwood siding. 100 x 190 ft. lot - low taxes. Make us your of- fer - it must be sold. GREAT FOR CHILDREN $21,900. See this cedar sid- ing brick bungalow on a ter- rific lot 100 x 340', quiet street, fruit trees, walk-out 24 x 24' living room, 3 bed- rooms. den, 2 fire places, big breezeway. 2 baths, 2 car garage. Owner has out- grown this happy home. CALL MISS CLARKE CALL MR. WILCOCK CALL LARRY NEILL CALL MR. HOBSON Richmond Hill CALL MR. BROWN TO RENT CALL MR. WHITE CALL MRS. BARE

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