Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Apr 1963, p. 11

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Mr. and Mrs. D. Featherston-‘ Mrs. D. Wallace. Centre St. haugh and daughter Joan, left West. leaves on Thursday for on Friday for a week in New a two week trip to Williams- York. burg and Washington. ‘ 1|! i113 Full-r ‘ Home for Easter - Mr. and; Mrs. Jack Bettles have return- and Mr. ed after a month‘s vacation at Cripps spent the weekend in} David Martin, son of Dr. G. st. Petersburg Beach, Florida, Kingston. where they attended K. Martin and Mrs. Martin. ' * t t the Ontario Softball Associa- Harding Blvd. leaves on Thurs- tion Convention, held at Lajday for Montreal where he will Richmond Hill. W.I. . {Sane Hotel. spend the Easter weekend with At the April 11th meeting * * “ * ‘Niels Holbek. who formerly re- a‘ new slate of officers will bel Mr. and Mrs. Sil Stefian and sided on Richmond Street in . . ., ,ll‘.‘~_ mL- nrnc;r‘nn,f"1nil‘ ohildren Laurie and \‘al.lthe Mr. and Mrs. Vern DYHeslniversary on April 15th. and Mrs- Russelll * t 1k y Richmond Hill W.I. At the April llth meeting, a new slate of officers will be elected to office. The president and executive would appreciate a full turnout at this import- ant meeting - please try to at- tend. The cast and director of Bay- a: Ix :- a: view High School's “The Bald Mrs. Joseph Rablnowmh‘ Soprano" have all been mVited Kerrybrook Drive, returned on to Fake part 0" Do". cuuen'quuesday from holidaying in radio programme this Satur' Nassau, and was among the day' Apr“ 1.3m' from 2 P0 4 p'm'lfirstâ€"nighters at the Crest The- A tentatwe. suggest”? h"“S|a1t1‘e on Wednesday to see “Cat also been received by DirectorBOn A Hot Tin Roof". in which Brad Bems for the play to _belhe1- husband is playing the role presented at the Bohemianiof DI; Baugh. A tentative suggestion has also been received by Director Brad Bellis for the play to be presented at the Bohemian Embassy - as yet no date has been set. "The Bald Soprano" - a very challenging play even in pro- fessional theatre. received a very good adjudication in the recent Simpsons Collegiate Drama Festival. and the drama group are to be congratulated on their initiative. both in their choice and production of the play. As this was the annual meet- The worship service was con- ing reports on the year’s activi- ducted by Elaine Howarth's ties were submitted by the va- group with Wanda Mashinter. rious convenors. Lorraine Barker. Rose Mary Father Frederick McGinn Boros, Christine Jackson, Bren- thanked Mrs. John Lawlor. the da Ferguson, Lenora Olsen and past president for her co-oper- Jody Loftus taking part. Mary ation and good leadership Janet Ferguson and Anne Ellis Shown by her in her two years arranged the worship centre. of office. He then congratu- Donna Larson and Brenda lated Mrs. Bettles. the new Hunt each taught a game. and: president and her committee Debbie Hook and Gail Hallow- and hoped she would enjoy the ell each taught the group a. same co-opex‘ation during her song. The meeting was closed’ term of office. The meeting with the Explorer hymn and was then adjourned. ‘prayer. The annual elections of St. Mary's CWL Were held April 9th. in Our Lady Of Fatima School. uualucac. uuu .uuu n... .n, _V The nominating committee, .' Mrs. Lynn Evans. Mrs. J. Cou- ll‘erEd as “.5131; .. xhlin and Mrs. V. McCullough presented the slate of officers! The Richmond Hill Explorer [0" 1953-54- Mrs- Clive BCWES‘Group held their regular meet- will serve as president. and her jug on Friday, March 29, with executive includes Mrs. M. Ste- 25 members present. Mrs. Ad- Dhenson. Mrs. N. Mechan, Mrs. dison showed beautiful nature J- "3"“ 0f Maple- Mrs- C- 11- slides of great interest to the Cameron and Miss Grace O’- group as they are taking nat- Bl‘ien- ure expeditions at present As this was the annual meet- ing reports on the year’s activi- ties were submitted by the va- rious convenors. Baker's Sales 8. Service Ltd. Reclining Seats, W/ S Washers, Automatic Trans- mission, Whitewall Tires, Gas. License No. B44145. AV. 5-1180 “660” CLASSIC 4 Door Sedan '63 2mm 24-MONTH NEW CAR WARRANTY $2549.50 “Car of the Year” 9144 Yonge St. Richvale Editor Margot Crack ’ The Richmond Hill Post m- fice advises that the following schedule will be in effect over the Easter period. On Good Friday. April 12th. the wickets for general delivery. receipt of mail and registration will be open from 8 to 10 am. No mon- :ey order or bank business will be transacted, and no mail de- livery. Business will be conducted as‘ A happy group of eighteen usual on Saturday. on Mon- mothers, two fathers. one day. April 15- the P051 Office grandmother and twenty-eight Will be Open from 3 3m- t0 12 pl'e-school children gathered noon to transact 61“ l‘eglllal‘iat the Richmond Hill Nursery business. and mail Will be de-lSchool on Wednesday morning livered as usual. for their annual trip to Mr. ' * * " ,Amos Baker’s woods. Mr. and Mrs. Sil Steftan and their children Laurie and Val. Elmwood Avenue. are leaving on Thursday evening to spend the Easter holidays with Mrs. Steffan‘s parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Valentine. at their home in Kirkland Lake. AV. 5-1189 771 i In doubles competition Joy ‘Wilson and Carole Hayes reach- ed the quarter finals, Cathy Van Duzer and Charlene Smith, the finals. Linda Dunn in sing- les competition, reached the quarter finals. Although defeated. the girls played extremely well. and show great promise for future competitive events. The good wishes of the com- munity are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stone of 225 Baker Avenue. who are cele- brating their 60th wedding In- niversary on April 15th. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Selbert and family. Elgin Mills Side- road. are leaving today (Thurs- day) for Omaha. Nebraska. l After the parents had view- ied a display of creative work [the children formed a circle land each introduced his own puppetl by name. The puppetsl made exclusively by the child- ren were much admired and the variety of their names was matched by the gayness of their costumes. Before cookies and milk were served the child- ren sang with great enthusiasm ’their favourite songs, then all left by car for Mr. Baker‘s woods. Mr. Seiberl. 3 Well known loeal wrestler, is at present en- gaged in exhibition matches throughout the States. ‘ Miss Elizabeth Baker was in charge of the tour and thanks to her patient explanations the mysteries of making maple syrup were understandable ev- en to a four-year-old. Perfect weather and a sample of the finished product made the morning another happy occa- sion for the Richmond Nursery R. Hill Badminton Team The newly formed Richmond Hill Badminton team travelled to Orillia on Saturday last for their first entry into competi- tion. Churches Hold Joint Service aluu ;\u nu. A“ School to remember . The worship service will bel :held in Zion Church‘s building, Itwo miles south of Maple on Keele Street. Holy Communion will be served to the two conâ€" ! gregations. “Christ Crucified" will be the theme of the sermon. to be {preached by the Rev. Emil Lange of Zion Church. The Rev. Albert E. Myers of St- i'Paul's Church will assist in the service. . The congregations have held :weekly services together since [Ash Wednesday. This Lenten ,series has been well attended. ‘Sermons for these services dealt with persons involved in the final hours of Jesus’ life. is the manager of the local Woolworth store, and he gave a most interesting account of the history, mode of operation and future plans of this world wide organization. The club were also very pleased to welcome back into their midst. Alf McLatohy, who has been on the sick list for some time. but is now looking fit and Well again. Preparations are now fully in hand for the Klondike Nite which is to take place on April 27th. All members have tickets available, and anyone wishing for further information call TU. 4-7062. The Rotary Club works i l St. Paul‘s Lutheran Church'notary Activities of Richmond Hill and Zion Lu- At“ Monday night's meeting theran Church of Sherwood of the Richmond H111 Rotary will hold a joint Good Friday Club, Mr, Doug Clarke gave his service tomorrow at 11 a-m- classification talk. Mr. Clarke The worship service will helis the manager of the local held in Zion Church‘s building, Woolworth Store‘ and he gave two miles South Of Maple 0“ a most interesting account of Keele Street. Holy Communion the history, mode of operation will be SEI‘VEd t0 the two con‘ and future plans of this world gregationS- wide organization. St. Paul's Church will hold its Easter morning worship ser-‘ vice at 11 am. in Walter Scott Public School, Markham Rd‘ Pastor Myers will preach on “The Dawn Comes" for the; festival Sunday service. 1 Mr. Ind Mrs. D. Paton. Bob and Judith. 24 Knollside DriVe, are spending the Easter holi- days in New York. Tony Miller, Harrygan Cres- cent. local aclor~director. will be taking over the role of Rev. Clement Mercer in the Curtain Club‘s production of "When We Are Married" in place of Bill Ferguson. who is at pres- ent indisposed. Mr. and Mrs. M. Grosvalet from Montreal, are at present staying at the home of their daughter. Mrs. W. D. Paton. Dl‘iSCOIl Road. where they will remain for the Easter holidays. The monthly meeting of the Richmond Hill Chapter of the I.0.D.E. was held at 1he home of Mrs. W. Sleeman, Woodlane, on April lst. Mrs. D. J. Ashworth, educafi tional secretary. gave a report on the different phases of the educational work of the I.O.D.E. Mrs. T. Hobden supplied the lunch. The judges for the prelimin- ary selection of Miss CBC can- didates were. June Dennis, Max Ferguson. a CBC photo~ grapher, a model and a choreo-i grapher. and six girls wereI chosen for the final stage of} the competition. The entire‘ CBC staff then voted for their‘ three favourites who receive $25 each, and compete in the Miss By-Line contest. Miss By-Line will receive $100 from} the Toronto Men’s Press Club and the two runners-up. $50 The next. monthly meeting will be held on the first Mon- day of May at the home of Mrs- W. J. McLeod, Arnold Cres- cent At Richmond Hill Presbytefl in Church on April 7, the fol- lowing children received the Sacrament of Baptism. James Robert Orr Ross, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Ross, 25] Rich- mond Street. and Tracy Velma Potts. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Potts, 373 South Taylor Mills Drive. Several visitors from out of town were present for this service. The children were alsn pre- sented with New Testaments from the Sunday school. “Miss CBLT” -â€" out of 20 competitors in the annual Miss CBC’s contest. Miss Suzanne Higgins was selected as Miss CBLT. and with Miss CJBC and Miss CBL, will represent CBC at the By-Line Ball to be held at the Royal York Hotel on Ap- ril 19th. each Suzanne. a former Richmond Hill High School graduate, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David W. Higgins of Harding Blvd. St. Matthews Easter Play St. Matthew's United Church dramatic group will present its most ambitious undertaking when Dorothy Clarke Wilson’s play. “Into Thy Kingdom". is produced Easter Sunday eve- ning in church. The story takes place in a room in the house of Caiaphas, the high priest. in the early hours of Sunday morning. Je- sus had been crucified the pre- vious Friday. As the story un- folds the high priest moves from the enjoyment of an un- easy victory to a realization that it was Jesus, and not he. who had entered the Kingdom of Heaven The play is under the direc-I tion of Mrs. Lucille Urquhart,l Included in the cast are Bud? Renshaw, Mrs. Linda Davis,1 Neil Crowe. John Anderson! Michael Davis. Dawson Lang, Mrs. Doreen Kendry. and Mrs. Joan Plume. Costumes are being arranged by Mrs. Anna Derry and her committee. Lighting is under the supervision of Ronald Joyce, with scenery un- der direction of Wilfred Ken-I dry and Mrs, Joan Mallory. The Rotary Club works for the benefit of every- one in this community and also has international oom- mitments deserving of ev- eryone‘s support - please give it to them. the chancel of the Ladies of the Richmond Hill‘ .9. United Church will be‘ holding Its a day of quilting in the primary room on April 18th at 9 am. If you are interested in 20 quilting for the bale, please is; come along. Library Inaugurates Record Collection Mrs. Stanley Parr. 380 Tar- eyton.Road, is convalescing at home. following a ten day stay in Branson Hospital. E a st e r vacationing ? Weekend guests? Cottage opening? These and other items make interesting reading for ‘Life in the Hill‘. The service is free - call the Social Editor Mar- got Crack at TU. 4-1105 or drop a line to 63 Yonge Street S. - we’ll be pleased to hear from you. *mau-t av - ulc uuul. 1V nun. Convenor Mrs. Barbara Maun- drell reports that there will be bargains galore again this year. Anyone still wishing to contri- bute rummage should call TUr- ner 4- 4807 for prompt pick-up. fir * it * Queen Victoria was played recently on television by Kate Reid, and in the forthcoming production of “When We Are Married”, Muriel Gillard dis- mu ; y...“ The Richmond Hill Unit’d plays her versatility by playing Church will be holding th ‘1" a Yorkshire matron, Mrs. Her- Good Friday service sanctuary at 11 a.m. in tel bert Soppitt. in an equally con- vincing manner but with the Known for many years throu- ghout the Richmond Hill - Aurora - King area for his dis- tribution and showing of edu- cational films, together with his popularizing of square dancing over the past decade, the sudden death of George Brock De Witt came as a pro- found shock to many residents of varied ages throughout the district. In his 50th year he died at 1his home in Richmond Hill on March 23rd. Son of Mrs. and the late Mr. G. F. De Witt. he 011 Easter Sunday. the ann - added hardship of a nonhwas born and educated in Tor- versary of our Lord's Resu -|country accent! EE ba gum! onto. and in his youth achieved , 1“ -__.:__:_- ....4 Ah. 0n Easter Sunday. the annfi- versary of our Lord's Resu rection will be celebrated at an 8.30 communion and by special services of worship and praise at 11 am. and 7.00 pm. “:5 uu fibril! -v‘. A report on the progress of‘ Y P plans for the Spring Luncheoni was given by the convenor Mrs.l M. Docherty. The speaker will: I - p be Mrs. Hardstone a represent-'Y ‘ M t d ative of the T. Eaton Co. andl ' the luncheon will be held on\ ‘ ‘ April 17th in the church hall.§__'1“he‘ Richmond H111 Curtain , AL , cL_1IA....- The Richmond Hill Presby- terian Church WA held a meet- ing on April 15!. run“ a . e. At the close of the business meeting. refreshments were served and the ladies enjoyed a social half hour. * ’l 7K * Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wagner" of Richmond Street have just returned from a three month holiday in Brownsville, Texas, where they have spent the last four winters. Brownsville, Texas is located at the southernmost point in USA. where the Rio Gran- de River enters the Gulf of Mexico. Mr. Wagner reports that over 3000 tourists winter- ed at Brownsville this season, ‘manv Canadians. in fact ten Club has thrown the challenge to its audiences “Can You Prove You’re Married?" It’s next production - J. B. Priestâ€" :Iey’s “When We Are Married" is such a hilarious marital mix- up that those watching rehear-i sals scurry home chuckling to‘ check the validity of their own‘ “marriage lines”, The play is running April 24, 25. 26. 27 and May 1, 2. 3, 4 and those wanting tickets at the regular price of $1.25 may phone TU. 4-â€"2528. But on Thursdays Ap- ril 25 and May 2 the first two couples at the door complete with certificates of marriage will be admitted free. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wagner“ of Richmond Street have just returned from a three month holiday in Brownsville, Texas, where they have spent the last four winters. Brownsville, Texas is locatedat the southernmost point in USA. where the Rio Gran- de River enters the Gulf of Mexico. Mr. Wagner reports that over 3000 tourists winter- ed at Brownsville this season, many Canadians, in fact ten Canadian families were in the same court with the Wagners, for the most part the weather was ideal, mostly over 70 with blue skies and sunshine Both Mr. and Mrs. Wagner are Wearing a fine southern tan and report having a most en- joyable holiday. E a s t e r vacationing ? Weekend guests? Cottage opening? These and other items make interesting reading for ‘Life in the Hill’. The service is free - call the Social Editor Mar- got Crack at TU. 4-1105 or drop a line to 63 Yonge Street S. - we’ll be pleased to hear from you. Live music featured Sunday’s opening of the Richmond Hill library’s new record library, as pianist conductor Rex Battle and mezzo-soprano Joan Hall provided music for about 50 persons in the Gordon Maclaren auditorium of the library. From left, Librarian Fred C. Israel and Mrs. Frances Townsend, chairman of the library board, examine some of the records with Mr. Battle and Miss Hall. Use Royal Bank services to help you manage your money; to keep chequing. borrowing and other expenses down too. Building a nest-egg? . . . open a Royal SAVINGS ACCOUNT. For bill- paying? . . . a Royal PERSONAL CHEQUING Ac- COUNT. Cash for a car or some othcr heavy expense? . . . a Royal TERMPLAN LOAN. For all your banking. your local “Royal” branch is tho helpful place to go. Those wishing to make a donation to the Canadian Can- cer Society in memory of a loved one or friend, may do so by contacting Mrs. H. C. Montgomery at TU. 4-3775 or Mrs. C. Williams, TU. 4-3798. A record turnout is expected at, the annual spring rummage sale at St. Matthew's United Church on Crosby Avenue. Convenor Mrs. Barbara Mann- drell reports that there will be bargains galore again this year. Anyone still wishing to contri- bute rummage should call TUr- ner 4- 4807 for prompt pick-up. The date is Saturday, April 20 - the hour. 10 am. to 1 pm. This rollicking comedy is be- ing presented at the Curtain Club Theatre from April 24th - 27. May lst - May 4th - tickets are selling fast, reserve yours today by calling TU. 4-2528. Even those who pay full ad- mission will get their money’s worth in the delightful York- shire comedy with such old fa- vorites as Muriel Gillard. Ste- phen Appleby, the Stainers (Anita and Dennis) and the Crosses (Margaret and Neville) in starring roles. Richmond Hill Branch: W. W. Sleeman, Manager Concord. Keele & Highway No. 7 Branch: ROYAL BAN K Miss Sherry Symington, Ker- rybrook Drive. and Mike Dona- hue, Oxford Street, have been selected as Batons Junior Ex- ecutive representatives of Rich- mond Hill High School. In his 50th year he died at‘ his home in Richmond Hill on March 23rd. Son of Mrs. and the late Mr. G. F. De Witt. he was born and educated in Tor- onto. and in his youth achieved success in swimming and div- ing events. Graduating from Central Technical School, George De Witt became associated with the National Film Board for many years. He then engaged in business on his own account, as official agent for Bell 8: Ho- well motion picture cameras and projection equipment. also distributing and showing eduâ€" cational films throughout this district. He was instrumental in mak« ing square dancing a popular pastime when this style of dancing returned to fashion His groups included adults of all ages - even children in the elementary schools - and his loss will be keenly felt through- out many surrounding areas. George De Witt is survived: by his mother, Mrs. Flora De‘ Witt. one sister Miss Margaret De Witt of Toronto. and by a brother. Charles of Oakville. Services were conducted by the Rev. C. G. Higginson. of Rich- mond Hill United Church at the Wright & Taylor Chapel of the Pipher Funeral Home. Interment followed in Rich- mond Hill Cemetery. The pall- bearers were: Messrs. Russell Lynett, Peter Savage. Harold Harton, Harold Sanderson, P. Van Sickle and Joe Parisi. The many beautiful floral tributes and messages from a wide area bore mute testimony to the es- teem in which the late Mr. De Witt was held. George De Wittl} THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday. April 11, 1963 L. R. Ashton. Manager 4 Phone 285-1073 SHIELD SHIELDSW ififlg‘lfié‘lfifl. z SHOULDER!» |b.39¢ FRESH PORK SPARE RIBS |b.49¢ 5'" BACON “1595 C. NELS GAGE FRESH MEATY PORK fliHéed Beef 3Ibs.95¢ SLICED BAYVIEW PLAZA fwmm fm “we” RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE South Block TU. 4-5341 BLACK AND BROWN HURLBUT Oxford $7.98 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill TU. 4-7691

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