14 KING cnv, OAK THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, April '11. LAKE WILCOX King Problems of men and women on probation were outlined to King City Lions Club at last week's dinner meeting in All Saints‘ Anglican Church. Owing to illness. the original speaker, Mr. Daniel Coughlanfl director of probation services of Ontario, was unable to be present. instead. Mr. Ray Love introduced Mr. Wally Buntcn of the probation services staff, who blamed most of probation- ers‘ troubles on narcotics. Mr. Bunlen estimated 90 per cent were addicted. Since. drugs could cost $30 a day and the victims couldn't earn the money legally. the men turn to atealing and the women to pro- stitution, he said. The speaker found many of the probationers had no church affiliation and hadn't had the opportunity to belong to organ~ ized activities, such as sports sponsored the year around by the Lions' Club. Lion Jack Walkington an- nounced tickets are available from members for the car draw to be held May 31 at Gray~ Itdnes Restaurant in Aurora. The project will be in aid of furnishing two rooms. one at York County Hospital and one at the hospital under construc- tion at Richmond Hill. it‘li ~ The final euchre of the cur- rent series sponsored by King City Firemen‘s WA will be held April 17 at the fire hall. Six tables were played at last week's euchre. Sara Ann McDonald won the ladies‘ high fore prize and Mrs. Alex ogue, second prize. Mrs. E. Bice won both travelling and door prizes and Mrs. Fred O‘- Brien, consolation. Men's prizes went to Ronnie McDonald and Mrs. Jack Fawns for high scores; George Mc- . Donald, travelling gift: Robert Beaupre. consolation, and Bob Llscombe, door draw. a a a - Mr. A. W. McLennan of the third concession has been a pa- tient in York County Hospital. Newmarket. I! it it it Mr. David Whitemore from i Eaton's will give a timely talkl mrdnterior decorating at the spring luncheon being held next Thursday at All Saints‘ Church by the afternoon and evening WA branches 'n- a a I Whistle Stop A scheduled 10-minute. whistle stop lengthened to 20 minutes when Prime Mi- nister John Dietenbaker included King City in his pro-election tour. The Prime Minister was accompanied by his wife, M.P.P. “Lea†Mackenzie and a barrage of photogra- phers, reporters and TV cameramen. He made no formal speech but moved among the people, shaking hands. When he met Mrs. Earl lCampbeil of Kinghorn, he remarked that had been Special Easter SEices At King City Churthesg Easter theme of worship and special music will mark church services for the coming week~ end. At All Saints' Anglican Church. King City. Rev. E. H. Costigan will conduct the ser’ vice of Litany and Ante-com- munion at 10.30 Good Friday morning. SerVices of Holy Communion will be observed traditionally Easter Sunday morning at 8 and 10.30 a.m. Special music led by organist and choirmas- ter. Mr. Howard Jerome, will mark Good Friday and Sunday l .and through Notes the name of his great- grandfather who started a blacksmith business in the district in 1826. Mrs. Harold Clapp of Fraserdale Farms had a word with Mrs. Diefenbak- er. who had taught her lit- erature in high school 25 years ago in Guelph. They had not seen one another in the meantime. No heckling or discourt- esy marred the friendly welcome given the Prime Minister in King. Not all the people were his polit- ical supporters. Some were staunch pillars of opposing parties and others came because they respected his office. I l l l l tilt! ing of 21 Canadian historical dolls at St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church, netted $24 to- ward the purchase of choir gowns. 'l‘he organist and young peo- ple‘s choir leader. Mrs. Howard Clegg. was hostess. In the choir are Mary and Ruth Agar, Brenda and Sheryl Chesney. Carolyn Holman. Lynda Clegg. Mary Rawlings, Judy and Jill Armstrong. John some forty children from King Kindergarten was the trip to the sugar bush at Eaton Hall. Morning and afternoon classâ€" es were taken in cars to the King farm. accompanied by the teachers. their assistants. and mothers. Mrs. R. 0. Kerslake, Mrs. Allen Sheath. Mrs. Ken- neth Gibson, Mrs. Ronald C. G. Wilson, Mrs. R. .1. Steven, Mrs. Tom Arlidge and Mrs. John Baker. Mr. Robert Easdale showed the visitors around the grounds the greenhouses. In the maple bush the children were held up to see the caul- dron of boiling syrup. They learned how the trees are tapâ€"‘ pod and each child had a ,chance to taste the sap before land after it had been boiled. As for the pre-school aged lyoungsters. they earned from ltlieir host the compliment that fthey were all "well-behaved“. ’ t t in ii r Mothers operating the non- profit King Kindergarten have learned they must seek another teacher for the term starting the beginning of October. Mrs. R. 0. Kerslake of Rich- mond Hill, whose excellent leadership for the past five years has been appreciated by. children and mothers alike, ex-‘ pects to be moving in mid- August. Her husband has been transferred to Calgary. Mrs. Kerslake has been a kindergarten supervisor nine years. In King she was in charge of the nursery group two years before it. developed into a kindergarten three years ago. Sunday as the minister leads Easter worship at King City at 10 a.m.; at Teston, 11.30; and at Laskay at 2.30 p.m. _1aaa Oak Ridges, Home And School ,kel and ()rangeville. Spencer} 1 ii ‘Valale and Wally Lavio’ne arel "The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of in- A a memmg 0f 18 homeand " l terest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox and King City districts Our news correspondent in King City is Mrs. William J Houston. telephone gas 3mm); on Apr†1~ the gem. area on the team and during the 01‘ girl: (-hojr sang several second game Natale scored with . . . l ' a. . ‘ numbers. The chon' is directedl-«allgne holding- lSI‘hOOl association at Oak Rid» th onl.\' FA" ho.“ from lhis‘pox: and Sharon Burt. Lake Wilcox Socials were .lim l..acey With the ‘tlulSt. Mark's W.A. telescope was made and how it and daughter Gail with chicken-I ‘L'ndcr the auspices of St. worked. It is the seventh larg- ‘Mark's WA. the Ontario Hydro est telescope in the world. ,will present "Quick Tricks" on Grades 7 and 8 visited the. '- -,May 8 at 8 pm. Tickets are Royal Museum in Toronto on Side‘ . - . , .a . . H , . ospiJavailable from \aiious members. Thursday for a day s outing. We are happy to say lliai Mr David Atclieson. King 'l‘Emple 36457, and in Oak Lillian Alcheson. Wildwood Ave. PR. 3-5479 Ridges-Lake Wilcox. Mrs. by Mr. Sparham. a grade 6 teacher at the school. Roy Kingley. chairman, Wm ’l‘iie Bantam All-Stars \vililH‘md l5 "ml hum“ fl'Om l‘ :journey to St. ("aiharines for aim] 3"? {pelmg mUCh ballel" and :three day all-expense paid‘flll'» Walter Webb. North Road. trip in the Easter holidays. fox-‘lmpl'm'lng aller his recent op- rPrizes will be given out and reâ€" _ lfrcshments will be served. ll 7 7‘ I V twill be held at the St. Mark‘s NEWMARKE'I Murray Davis. The afternoon tea and show". Agar. Russell Arbuckle and Ronnie Clegg. it it! Itr It! An interesting outing for Mitchell. Norah Broad and Bob Leslie are a nominating comâ€" mittee for the election of offi- cers for the 19634964 session ‘A euclire and bridge is being planned for April 20. , 'l‘hree school areas were rep» resented on a panel made up of business administrators. modâ€" erated by Principal G. Reid. W. {Week-End Festivities Mark Galden WEddi"g,l...his“.sirflsszzsi"is lde I lh r favored oldenlie Fraser of Ottawa and Mrs._gauz the hiswly a.nd devemp' - wedding,“eaannfvemarv ciebmymmrles Black M Laskav look‘mcnt of education in the town Road‘ 30d "01 hemg able to got; lions otf Mr. and Mrs. Ernest‘turns pouring tea. ‘ Ship from the on“ mom “howl?†2:25“: u.) ms :gyedrakknmkgl ‘Hollinsliead March 30, when 152.“ Assisting in serving i'efi'esh»lt° “I? S‘Fh‘m' seam"; , learagge “ï¬gl’opggaltgg a 21:); S" relatives and friends signed lhejments were Mrs. Ray Love and A M" “film.†from “ "-“l Gw‘l‘ u ‘_ , f El , guest book at their Kinghorn‘Mrs. Archie Campbell of King-lhmbury' “lhldl ‘5 mostly a rural 1? 09mm 0 m (“we and lhome. horn. Mrs. Jack Brooks. Misslal'eav remarked that the mill w‘tl$l\30({; Age} “th2, m An abundance of plants andlBeverley and Miss Vivian Mil-Fate and 0th?" Pxpens" MY? “0419. , Miam- 01[ ' cut flowers greeted the happr‘ler of King City. and Miss Bet-thee“ l‘edllced “'"l‘ more chll'l ‘ n mesut’atmn Slowed “m _ . - . ~ ‘the occupant, Mr. Belzak lian ; ‘ t, Olden roses wereâ€), Arbucme from Brammrd dien being concentrated in One; N I . .C‘mple “[3 g ‘ Members of King cm, \Vom.;scliool instead of half days in‘su‘wmbed ‘0 a heԠallaCk the finals, The best of luck boys. and congratulations tol <tlie winning teams and lo alll the boys that played hockeyl :throughout the past season. , ‘ It! is I ‘Personals While making his calls on: Saturday, Mr. Banbuvy, meatl lsalesman. noticed that severall papers were still outside the,j home of Mr. J. Belzak, .‘Vorth l l I l 'top salary for teachers in the from Thompson‘s Funeral Home. area regardless of qualifications. Mr. A. Young representing King Township was not in favâ€" or of rushing into the idea of Mrs. A. Williamson. Toronto, 85-year-old cousin of Mr. Hol- linshead, and Mr. William Bad- ger. 94. of Toronto, a former King City resident. called to from Miss Margaret Morning of Newmarket. Mr. and Mrs. George Hoare and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thompson of Aurora. Other floral remembrances Mount Hope Cemetery. Toron-l to. on April 3rd. tilti- l l Vaughan townships came was aria] Cup' l four division school area Many of the parents went ,home a little confused about debentures. school grants etc. but it is hoped a future meet-{Ave- Bil‘lhdal’ Wishes to Debâ€" ing by the home and schoojlble Fowler and Susan Tatum. will give a more enlightening picture of the school system‘ and its financial set-up. Miss J. Crawford will share the cash and banner award for the par- ent-teacher award. and we be-' Hollinshead of Kinghorn: Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Miller McCallum. and Mrs. Duncan Thompson. Miss Alice Rawlings and Miss Kinghorn. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Emma Rawlings from Thorn- Rawlings and Mr. and Mrs. bury. ‘Russell Rawlings. King City. His forbears United Empire Mr. and Mrs. Sven Ensing of Loyalists. Ernest Hollinshead Aurora and Tannery Hill farms was born at KinghOl‘n next door employees. to his present home. a son of Prime Minister John Diefen- Mr. and Mrs. Eli Hollinshead. baker. King Township CouncillHis wife, the former Mabel ,and the staff of Kettleby School Rawlings. 'daughter of Mr. and sent cards to mark the occasion. Mrs. Donald Rawlings. was Telegrams were received from born on the fifth concession at Hon. Lester Pearson. Mr. John what. was then called Little Addison, Premier John Robarts Egypt. .14!!! lversary last weekend were Mr.l :and Mrs. Jack 'l'opp. Aubrey: April 6 seems to be a popularl vis Baker and James Abercrombiel also celebrated on April 6. l set a record for the yealg {four years old and Sharon Burt: saucers and plates. St. Andrew‘s Presbyterian Chu- teams and have now completed The teaâ€"table. covered with a rch Manse. Strange. by Rev. this year‘s finals. Friday was a cream lace cloth. was centred Robert Brydon. big night at the arena and it with cream and white carnati- Participating in family festi-,was pleasing to see many of the ons and the three-tiered decor-wities over the weekend were‘Cak Ridges and Lake Wilcox atcd wedding cake. ’l‘hroughoutlthe couple's two daughters, residents in attendance. We the. afternoon Mrs. Roy Hollins-ers. Edward Sullivan of the congratulate Leslie Hunter on head of Kinghorn. Mrs. Ellaffifth concession and Mrs. Wil- winning the hi-fi. Local boys Stewart of Nobleton, Mrs. '1‘. L. liam Willoughby. King City. on Boston champions Pee-Wee Williams of Toronto. Mrs. Lesâ€"land grandson Paul Willoughby. team, were; Gordon Coon, goa. ' ' ' ' " (lie: David Farquharson. Al Smith, Jim Swan, Ernest Gibe- lSusan Llewelyn, Dennis Bolan.t Agnes. Georgie. Billy, Arthurl 'and Sarah Good all attended? along with Grandma Scogstead,j Margie's grandmother and Hel-l en Furze, Sharon's aunt. Michael Windsor. who was 121 years old March 23. ‘ A. Stuart. Oak Ridges. on the ault, and Mike Windsor. Ban- DaSSing Of 1191' “USbaNds Albert} tam championship went to Stuart on March 31, in hIS‘ Armitage Construction who 85th year ' Lake Wilcox Bowling l.eague.for consolation trophies. Astro- are on the last two weeks of;nuts 27: Astronauts 23; Peddle». bowling and scores for tlie_pushei's l9 and Bottoms up last night of the regular bowl- with 5 points for the last series. ing are as follows: Ray Hunter. The ThurSday afternoon lad» 728. 328 and 209 singles; BarryiéeS‘ tIl‘ltfaguc have dnox' finished Willis. 637, 254, 208; Don; or is season an t e winners . . ‘ Smith 630. 256. 203; Dave NeiILOf the championship trophy‘Bnlggfln‘ Agble ganwï¬lei‘Ro‘ 615 with 269; Jerry Lahey 610, are: Charlotte Brockton. cap- f“, I 1:: kai‘r‘; 1 9““ ‘Fldmn 206 205; Bernice Murray. SOS-Wain Anne SWEEHEY. Sarah Hin- “me’ 1c 1.0mmâ€) ‘ on ' ' and Fred Rodding played on played Ernie Morin. Bob Smith Although my husband and I; in goal, Danny Laney‘ Bobfwere not among the lucky wm: Madden. and Bob Giles ‘ners of the annual Aurora Jayâ€" , Midgets team sponsored by Aurora Fire Department won over the Jaycee entry Barry l ‘cees draw. we nevertheless en- stones on March 29. Mrs. Ann Scott and Chris Rice winnings of the $2,000 cash or new car draw. 1 216 and 215: Brenda Gibbs 604, son. Mary Slykhuis. Doris . ': l'.t 1 st week 250; Mary post 503, 211, 203;lLempberg. Winners of the con- thl‘htef‘ d S .‘ I â€"On the suk N 3 Over 200 games: Stan For'stenSOlaliOfl trophy are: Flora (IT 9 S ttomé an dqglflts gay' SOMETHING To RENT 281 George Cl-aag 235 214-:Bunn. captain: Emily Lloyd, 9. on 3‘" ay an “an on†' ’ ° ‘ ' lnithorne won the trophy for the George Baco 228, Albert StuartlDOI'is Smith; Hilda LaRlVlere SOMETHING WANTED Gwen Taylor. v squirt division with 17 goals. lei'alion. isonncl from Toronto. turn Aurora, and interment was all came from St Andrews Pres_ congratulate the couple. ,a genera] school area, which Bob Wall has returned to his, bvterian Church in King City; Outâ€"ofâ€"town guests included had "OKbGETI approved by the hqme 0" 39nd AIS" ant†31 Mr. and Mrs. John Fraser and Mr. Alvin Fraser. Mr, and Mrs. voters in the last municipalisllr‘l Of‘ “Whey Plallng [01 the; familv in Ottawa: Mr. and Mrs. Grant Fraser. Mr. and Mrs. election. Mr. Sands speaking Pilleu’gh Home†of the Am'l Gordon French in Toronto; Mr. Leslie Fraser of Ottawa: Mr. for Markham also spoke on theenc‘am Leaé’tue' an“: the Hamil" and Mrs‘ Ad Compeau. St and Mrs. Ad Compeau of St. subject and noted that thpitonRed \Vings were beaten in. Catharines; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Catharines; Mrs. Ross Bowser, 0105651 that Markham andcseml‘f‘ml1 Play for the Memo- Celebrating a wedding anniâ€"j day for birthdays; Susan Jarâ€"E was eight years old; Debl Sharing a birthday party on ‘ new Miss Crawford‘s class haslMarch 30 were Margaret Bolan.’ and cousins in Churchill. Mani- The two started school togeth- * * it * lwho was 12. Many guests .at-i toba. Rev. and Mrs. L. R. Wil- er at Kinghorn and later she Hockey Etended .the party and prizes lis and family. attended nearby Strange School Many local boys have been Werf’; 31179“ to the best “twis-l Gifts included suitable cups, They were married in 1913 at playing hockey on various “51's and for Other games- Jen“ nifer Ensor, Christine Cameron,l Belated birthday wishes tol 'Sympathy is extended to Mrs. . I joyed an evening at the Gray- won I, $1,000 each when they split the i. gChapel, Yonge St. and adinis- director with the Crest Theatre, ,-swn is 50c. will he the adjudicator for the Smeml men and ho†had Two of the grade four classes one-act drama festival April 5 joined me Queen's York Ram‘of Oak 'Ridges School visited and 6. Plays will be presented “1.5 and attended a drill sesvithe David Dunlap Observatory‘by gi'oupsirom the local drama Sm" lag, Thursday at the Amjlast Wednesday and although club. Orillia "I‘Iieatre Guild. ma Armouries “m1 army per.ithe dome was not opened be- Lake Wilcox AYPA, the New AUendmgicause of weather. it was exâ€" Venture Players. and the North ca rc. were Eric Simpkins‘ Gametlplained to the students how the York Little Th .5 Cragg. Don Arnold. L. Arnold.‘ George Windsor. BODY SHOP Expert Auto Body Collision Repairs and Repainting' FREE ESTIMATES - G MA C FINANCING C. \l. LESLIE MOTOR PRODUCTS LTD. G.M. Dealer TE. 3-5301 A badly burned hand was suffered by Mrs. Josie Comfort last Wednesday while serving lunch to the local euchre club, whom she was entertaining in her home, 3 King City ‘tl g‘ l of Hi: Hollinshead's’ , . . . ibi‘gllielif-in-lawi Alvin Fraser. his‘en's Institute helped in the 55%â€! one 100‘“ SCllOOlSA allow-13ml had been dead {0’ Selelal - hephew' Leslie Frasen and kitchen president Mrs. Buryingtree transportation for the‘ I t M‘ B I, k '1 great nephew. Grant Fraser. Wyer. Mrs. Verdun Gordon_ Puplls and better. teaching 1. e] a e ' l_~ _e L8 . w to and their families in Ottawa. Mrs. E. J. Munroe and Mrsusmndal'dSA M“ Wilson 3150' wed a one “a? m ms 74th “31‘ ~- 'l‘wo dozen red roses came’Bevei‘ly Feindell. lcommehted that $3.800 was the Funeral 59â€â€œ95 were hem‘ TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH At the request of the Township of Whitchurch Council, The Ontario Water Resources Commission has investigated the possibility of installing a water works project within the said Township at an estimated cost of $110,000.00 which will be repaid to the Ontario Water Resources (‘om- missmn over a period of thirty years. 7 The proposed project will consist of the following works: Water mains to be constructed to serve Oak Ridges-Lake Willcocks Area as followa: ON Yonge Street S. Willcocks Lake Rd. Lake Avenue Willcocks Road Fairview Avenue Elm Grove Benson Avenue including ser line. _ The estimated annual cost of the project is $12,303.00 which includes interest, debt retirement operating cost, reserve for renewals, replace- ments and contmgencres and the purchase of water from King Township. ' It is_proposed to raise this sum as follows: $8,050.00 by a frontage rate of .3ac per foot; $800.00 by a connection charge of $8.00; and 3,600.00 by a consumer rate of $36.00. ' On the basis of these levies a house having a 100-ft. frontage would pay the f'ollowmg amounts annually after connection has been made to the system. 100~ft. frontage at .35c per ft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35.00 Connection charge 8.00 Consumer rate .. 36.00 FROM Lake Avenue Yonge Street Yonge Street S. Willcocks Lake Rd. .Yonge Street Fairview Avenue 600‘ NE of‘ Fali'view ' S. Willcocks Lake Rd. Willcocks Road vice connections from the distribution main to the property TO Ridge Road Benson Avenue S. Willcocks Lake Rd. 600’ east of Benson Elm Grove u.n.....ng.~-.....-.-a..--. $79.00 ’ Any owners or persons affected by these. chargesi‘ile their . obJections thereto in writing with the undersigned within 21 days of the = date of first publication of this notice. ' All plans. reports and estimates may be inspected at the office of the undermgned during business hours. DATED at Gormley and first published this 27th day of March, 1963. Juw.CRAWF0RD.mak, Township of Whitchurch, R.R. No. 1, Gormley, Ont. 210 and 205; Bill Friend 256‘ and 206; Tom Biso 216 and 200; High scores for the afternoon‘ Not to be outdone, the winning SOMETHING TO SELL goal in the game between the] fathers and the coaches wast scored by Mr, Donni’thorne. The Bantams emerged vic- torious in the little NHL p1ay-; ldow‘ns. winning over Ncw'mar-l Adele Shearer 239; Ida Ran- som 233; Carol Friend 224: Vi GET RESULTS "LIBERAL" CLASSIFIEDS Phone TU. 4-1105 iwere: Doris Lempberg 605, 216; lAnne Sweeney 599, 236: Fern {Leslie 597. 236; Gwen Taylor Hunter 217; Mary Lahey 205; Kay Gamble 224; Lorraine For-:5“. 210: Mary Slykhuis 202 'Doris Smith 200. star 205. Going into the play., offs for the championship the; point standings of the last seâ€"i rles were: Falcons 32 (winner! of the second series) Numb-l skulls 31 winner of first se-l rles) Harems 31 (winners third series) Defenders 28 (winners. of fourth series). These four teams will be battling for thel championship trophies and the, following four teams will battle Mrs. A. Brown l Which SAVINGS PLAN is 1) BRITISH MORTGAGE SAVINGS ACCOUNT In King the adult choir will be conducted by Mr. James; ,Flucker and accompanied at} 'the organ by Mrs. Ewart Pat-E ‘ton. i For the two-point Presbyter-‘ ian charge in King, a service will be held at St. Paul‘s IChurch. Nobleton. Good Friday morning at ll. Guest preacher will be Mr. Hugh Jamieson. a ruling elder of Knox Presby- terian Church, Hamilton. who er. George Rumble. Mr. Waltâ€"I A resident of ing City all‘1 Deposit anytime -â€"- withdraw ; her life, Mrs. Arthur Brown, I) t a , mm the former Edna Margaretta .113}, p, Crossley. died in her 66th year- 0 x2 x" 0 free chequing privileges. for you? and was buried in King City Cemetery. The service at Thompson parlors in Aurora was conduct- ed by Rev. Martin Jenkinson. BRITISH MORTGAGE DEPOSIT RECEIPTS Redeemable anytime. 04% 2) er Rumble, Mr. Stanley Cairns. Mr. Telford Cairns, Mr. Harry Cunningham and Mr. Aubrey Campbell acted as pallbearers. “My Mutual life insurance costs less in the long run. I’m all for that.†If you're like most people, you buy life insurance for family protection. But your policies are sound investments as well, when they're the 'cash value" kind. Mutual Life policyholders enjoy steady increases in the guaranteed values of their policies plus unsurpassed dividends. Check the advantages of the Mutual way to guaranteed savings and protection. Call the man from Mutual Life, today. The Mutual Life ' » ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA The company with the outstanding dividend record is area representative for the†Faith Mission in Canada. King City congregation has been in- One of five children of the ,late Mr. and Mrs. William Crossley. Mrs. Brown was born on King Street opposite the jUnited Church. She attended, services. In the United Church King charge, communion services, . were conducted Palm Sundaylvned' by Rev. Martin R. .lenkinson all .Re"‘ Gordon K†Ag“: led Ser'. King City and Laskay ChurchJV‘C‘“ “f “011' Communion Palm‘King City Public School in the es iSunday at both Presbnerian'days when the curriculum in. .Chuvches. after preparatory/minded grade nine. services were held the preced-l When she married she m0ved 111.2 Sunday. ztliree blocks away to Mr. ‘For Easter Sunday Mr. AgargBrown's home on North Keele .I\\'lll be in charge of the gather-IStreet. He was born on King §ings at Nobleton at 9.45 am. Township's sixth concession '30 days or longer BRITISH MORTGAGE GUARANTEED CERTIFICATES Higher interest - 1 to 5 years 0 513,5, 0 $100 or more 8) Mr. Jenkinson ls arranging the Good Friday service for 11 am. at. King City Church Special music will be provid-E ed at all the services Eastei {and at St. Andrew‘s Presbyter- and a. liv i th v' THE .18" Church King. cm: a, “,5 .Sim “h: “.af‘fli,.e"_\,ea,: millage . .- ,, ' Branch Office' ca Levendale Road Richmond Hill Ont Ph: 25.5.5414 (/vhallenqe ,At N'obleton the adult choir“, Music was always a prime ‘0†are WISE Jm ma!†‘ I ' ‘ ' I . c ‘ will Sing appropriate selectionsginterest to Mrs. Brown, For your monev grow. Stuart 8' Greenhlm’ Bum“ Minn" Ph: “1-7425 0F Sled. by Mr. Dennis Morrison offseveral years she played the . ~ ‘ R t t ' s , :Rooleton and accompanied by:organ at King City L'nited l Start saving today. epresena ne‘ Cancer gtlie organist. .\Ir. Spenceerhurch. She liked composing Robert Allison, 327 Kerrybrook Drue John F. Kell. R. R .Vo. l. :I‘lnch. music for her family‘s enjoy- Richmond Hill King City At King the young Res. 884-3572 Pb: Bus. PA. 7-6062 Res TE 3-6355 , I ., -_- Cancer today is treated by chon' Ph' Bus" ‘83 04†peoplesment and her efforts included will provide Easter musâ€" an nperetla ,2 V _. . , . ‘ vw -- . ' ' . ‘- . ’ i ‘ ‘ . . orman \V. Greensides. C.L.I.,, Ron H_ Heater‘ 4n Forehl (res, whet-’5). Iladiation. and avic. under ‘the leadership of Mrs. She was active in the church B I I I 47-; Timothy Street. Newmarke. Aurora 32:5: eiaï¬eem 1liltingbgi i of‘Horéiardl (legg h ‘NA. Reading was a favorite Ronald A, Holmes, Ph: Bus. PA, 7_6062 Res} TW~ 54221 Ph: Bus. PA, 7-6062 RPS FA 725675 g“ i K“ n 1m" .6ng a" “MC “H'lce‘ fnl‘lpasllm? Ulllll he!" Sight l‘apldlw ‘ ' . » r R L l f d '6 Pros ect Street I rv Cummer 12 Kcrsev Crcs ‘ mones. V ’ lowing the Easter story will be‘failed in recent years. §lallCh Manage" Ngix'markgg or ‘ I p ' lPiicli‘f-ï¬nrond Hill. y l I lCancel can ï¬l‘lke anyone taken by lay minister Mr A Besides her husband. Mrs. ' . 03 ionge St. 3., Ph, Bus- PAV 16062 Reir Tw 543257 Ph: Bug. 28564†RM 834.3610 iliii‘dlil'enazs \vcll caas†aiitiil‘tzr 3:33:16 CUSdm fo} the Baptm gziSL‘h'ieli: buClhul‘dainlthe†mg 8 Richmond Hill. Fred {W pugn 93 Boyer Sweet] Rod Stewns‘ 8-,- Mmam Aw. . .‘ . ‘. H , g ro iome an , . S . . I: _ 1 2‘" “ “ilk†“"." ‘“"rea"* 1" 5mg CW" “‘9 39m“ Con-151:3 Harold Ferguson of Scar- C O M P A N Y 884'110‘ 2894308 Phï¬ug‘ltiilzeaoa in? ’Eï¬Ã©l‘iah. 7.6062 Res. 'l'W. 3.4723 trig frequency" with advan~igregation will meet as usual atlborough. three grandsons. a Harold [Hal] ammn 36 RM, ' cmg age. This year about 2.30 pm: at Pottageville. tlie'sister. Mrs George Stone of . Avenue N ' I 70.000 Canadians will he Second King Baptist Church at Aurora. and two brothers. Carl- Hours of Business: Monday to Thursday 94.30; Friday 9-8.30 pm. S'num;‘,,° under medical rare for can- 1015 cer. am. and at Kettleby ton Cl‘nsslov of KllIE.‘ . and Kelse llmmanuel Church at 11-30. lCrossley of Toronto.- ‘ pa 540.2754.