Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Apr 1963, p. 15

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Brown’s Corners Church Newsl Good Friday service for the Victoria Square Charge will he held this year at Victoria Square Church, at 11 am. A combined choir from Headford. Brown's Corners and Victoria Square will sing. “,, nz.‘ ...l...“ - .. On Easlérisanday. Dr. Bin- lngton will preach at Brown's Cnrners Church. and the jun- bgffiers Chdrch. and the jun- ior and senior choirs will be in attendance. Last Sunday, Brown's Corn-‘ ers congregation was pleased to welcome Rev. F. W. Newell, who will assist Dr. Binnington during the next few weeks. Mr. Newell is the minister who in- fluenced Dr. Binnington to en- ter the ministry. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ONTARIO JUDICIAL SALE OF PART}; OF LOTS 28 and 29 in thell Fourth Concession oi' the Town-E { ship of Vaughan. 1 WELDRICK vs. WELDRICK l l l r ‘ Pursuant to the order {or‘v sale made in this cause there ‘ will be offered for sale by pu- blic auction in one parcel. with the approbation of the underâ€" signed Master. by Prentice & Prentice. Auctioneers. at the farm house on the under de- scribed lands at the hour of 2‘ o'clock in the afternoon. Thurs- day the 18th day of April. 1963. the following lands and prem- ises being composed of parts of lots 28 and 29 in the Fourth Concession of the Township of Vaughan. in the County of York. containing i29 acres more or less more particular- ly described in the deed of grant registered in the Regis- try Office for the Registry Di- vision of the East and West Riding of the County of York as number 3186. The property will be offered for sale subject to an easement in favor of Bell Telephone Co. of Canada registered as No. 25070. and an easement in favor of‘ Trans Canada Pipe Lines Limited as described in registered instrument No. 89416 and registered plans numbers 5263 and 6060. and‘ eubject to a reserve btd fixed 1 by the Master. The Purchaser shall pay down to the vendor‘s solicitor on the day of sale 10% of the purchase money and shall pay the balance of the purchase money Into Court without in- terest within 33 days after the date of sale. Adjustments to be made as of date of closing. The Purchaser shall search the title It. his own expense. In ah oth-, er respects the conditions of‘ sale are the standing condit- ions of sale of the Court as modified by the conditions of‘ sale settled by the undersigned. 0n the prEmisea is said to be erected: 2 bank barns with baseâ€" ments 1 frame driving shed 1 frame pig pen 1 frame garage. and 1 two-storey brick dwelling Further particulars and con- ditions of sale may be had from J. D. Lucas. Q.C.. Solicitor. 1009 Lumsden Building. 6 Adâ€" elaide Street East. Toronto 1. Ontario. DATED at Toronto this 261h day of March. 1963. BUTI'ONVI‘LLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. H R. R. 2 Gormley Phone AXmlnster 3-6188 KAR MART FINA KAR MART FINA are ready to show you the greatest line of imported cars ln' Canada . . . all set to give you the VIP treatment both before you buy and after! Whether you choose from the sedan or the sports series, you get a car built to take the world’s toughest conditions and still go on delivering top performance and top reliability. And once .VOU‘ve bought you're one of the family. KAR MART FINA are pledged to see that you stay happy . . . down to the smallest detail. Call soonâ€" the red carpet‘s out! YONGE 8. HARDING BLVD. COMING SOON The Amazing ‘Spitfire 4‘." Richmond Hills Exclusive KAR MART FINA “D. W. ROSE" MASTER Open Mon. to Fri. 9 am. to 10 pm. - Sat. to 6 13.!!! Neighbourhood Nnte§ Mrs. A. Shenfield and Ali were guests at a birthday cele- bration for Janice Crowe, 2- year-old daughter of Mr. and .5. u. ~._|, .. Susan Kelly, 5â€"year-old dau- ghter of Dr. and Mrs. George Kelly, Newmarket. celebrated her birthday last Saturday. and guests were Mrs. George Kelly, Buttonville. and Mrs. Russell Boyington. J“... Mrs. Ifoya' birowe, recepgly jn- vvvv "-~-_ of Mrs. A. F. Binnington, assist- it- ed by Mrs. Wm. Rodlck and as Mrs. Harold Steffler led Bible of study on a portion of the Book 5d. of Mark, when the Brown's to Corners United Church Women u-_ qu.-.=_VV , Mrs. Jack Storey has been in the Toronto Western Hospital recently. and Don Gohn had a tonsillectomy operation early this week. We wish them both a rapid recovery. Neighbours were happy to welcome the John Donaldsons.‘ who returned last week from a winter in Florida. Mrs. Morrison Sellar spent several days with her-family at ‘the Rodick farm last week and returned to Branttord Thurs- day There was much interest in} affairs political in the neigh- bourhood during the election campaign. No activity by the NDP or Social Credit parties was noted. but PC's and Liber-‘ als were busy last week. Mrs. Wm. Allen entertained at a coffee party for PC candidate ‘Charles Hooper. and many local people attended the Liberal rally for Lester B. Pearson on Friday evening. “A; £1:ou . . Mrs. Russell Boyington and Mrs. James Rodick spent Sunâ€"i day afternoon visiting two of this community‘s senior citi-! zens who are now in nursing homes at Markham â€"- Mrs. Ely llott and Mrs. Bernard Sliver. Curling at Unionville Curlâ€" ing Club wound up for the sea- son last week and on Friday evening there was a closing cv»u...b party \vhléll-lvas attended by several local curling enthus- lasts. Euchre Scores At Buttonville Hall. last u us. Friday evening. a bonus euchre game was played. with 18 tab- les filled. Prizes went to John Brownlee. George Black. Don Brodie; Mrs. Dorothy Smith, Mrs. Bea Thomson and Mrs. Lucille Cummings, with Mrs. G. S. Wardle caryimz home the lucky draw. Freezeout winners were Mrs. Wardle and Don Brodie opposed to Mrs. Russell Burr and Mrs. Klinck. Hostessâ€" es were Mrs. John Wilkins. Mrs. Jean Cook, Mrs. Richard Praiet and Mrs. E. Walton. On April 19. a benefit bridge and euchre will be held at But- tonvilie W. 1. Hall under the auspices of the York Central Hospital Auxiliary. Buttonville branch. proceeds for the hospi- ‘ ta]. . UCW Meet up. um”, on last week and on Friday vening there was a closing larty which was attended by everal local curling enthus- asts. Euchre. Scores At. Buttonville W.I. Hall. last Priday evening. a bonus euchre :ame was played. with 18 tab- es filled. Prizes went to John 3rownlee. George Black. Don 3rodie: Mrs. Dorothy Smith, VIrs. Bea Thomson and Mrs. Lucille Cummings. with Mrs. S. S. Wardle carying home the lucky draw. Freezeout winners were Mrs. Wardle and Don Brodie opposed to Mrs. Russell Burr and Mrs. Klinck. Hestess- es were Mrs. John Wilkins. Mrs. Jean Cook. Mrs. Richard Pralet and Mrs. E. Walton. On April 19. a benefit bridge and euchre will be held at But- tonville W. 1. Hall under the auspices of the York Central Hospital Auxiliary. Buttonville branch, proceeds for the hospi- tal. UCW Meet Mrs. A. F. Blnnington, assist- ed by Mrs. Wm. Rodick and Mrs. Harold Steffler led Bible study on a portion of the Book of Mark, when the B_rown's Corners United Church Women met in the Christian Education Room for their Easter thank- offe'ing service Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Clayton Jones, accompanied by Mrs. S.J. Eng- lish. was soloist. and guests were present from Headford and Victoria Square groups. ‘The fine devotional was con- ducted by Mrs. E. Christiansen. During the tea hour. hostesses 'were Miss Mary Rodick. Mrs. * Binnington. Mrs. Edward Chris- tiansen. Mrs. Frank Oliver and take turn being on duty Mon- Wednesday and Friday after- King Memorial Library is“ Volunteer librarians who day and Wednesday evenings, noons are Mrs. A. E. Jarvis, chief librarian; Mrs. Quentin Hardy, children's librarian; Mrs. John L. Grew. Mrs. Har- old Ratcliff. Mrs. George Ber- ry. Mrs. Gordon Wells. Mrs. James Williamson. Mrs. Eric White. Mrs. Donald M. Findlay and Mrs. Reginald Case. Mrs. Berry is also secretary-treasur- erof the board. New books recently purchas- ed include: “Wolf Willow”. by Stegner. describing early days in Saskatchewan; “The Mem- oirs of Field Marshal Earl A1- exander of Tunis”, edited by John North; “The-Blue Nile", by Moorehead; “The Silent Spring", Rachel Carson; "A Pride of Terrys", by Steen. “An Answer From Limbo", by Brian Moore; “Brighter Than A Thousand Suns". by Jungk; “Running To Paradise". by Kil- dare Dobbs; “A Journey With Charlie". by Steinbeck; "A Quiet Canadian". by Hyde; “Charles”. written by Lincoln about Charles Dickens; “Fail Safe", Burdick and Wheeler; "Moon Spinners". Stewart; “The Long Winter", by Christopher. “The Reivers". by Faulkner; “Sail A Crooked Ship", Ben- chley; “The Town of York". edited by Firth; “1 Return", by Leslie. A recent improvement was the installation of new shelve: 1 Mrs. Douglas Hood. in the rear room. which allow: W â€"---........Aa+inn and bet ll observing the current Canadâ€" t ian Library Week by increasing its stock of reading for all ages. A dessert luncheon will be held at the church on April 25. under the auspices of the UCW. and Eatons of.Canada will de- monstrate gift wrapping. F. H. LEAF EéNew Books Are‘ Added $5210 Local Library Shelves Doug Madill, right. 01 chl" year student at the Ontario was awarded the Year ‘65 Trop leadership in athletics at the 0 and Veterinary Colleges, Guelph was made by Aubrey Hagar of of the Year ’45. UL wnu, ; a..- Doug is the son of Mr. and Mrs of 159 Centre Street West, and wa athletics as well as academic subjec Hill High Sc‘hool from which he gra “The Reivers". by Faulkner;: “Sail A Crooked Ship", Ben- chley; “The Town of York".. edited by Firth; "1 Return", by Q Leslie Q A ..._.. A up A recent improvement was} the installation of new shelves in the rear room. which allows more accommodation and bet- ter spacing of biographies. trav- e_l. history and_phiiosophy vol- umes. _ . . . . In.“ “CD. Book marks listing regular TU. 4-4372 Madill, right. of Richmond Hill, a third ant at the Ontario Veterinary College, ,ed the Year ‘65 Trophy for outstanding in athletics at the Ontario Agricultural nary Colleges, Guelph. The presentation hv Aubrey Hagar of Guelph, a member O’.A.C. Award Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Madil‘l Nest, and was prominent in idemic subjects at Richmond which he graduated in 1960. library hours are being given my library patrons. The annual grass fire season started for King City firemen March 29. when they fought four out side the village under con- trol in. high winds. Firesv were confined to grass areas at Temperance- ville. and the fifth conces- sion. including one at King Summit and two at Kings- cross. Firemen were handicapâ€" ped by a siren alarm that didn” work and required elwtrical repair. They had to be summoned to duty by two brigade officers’ wives, who remained at home to receive fire calls. Residents were warned the lighting of open air fires could bring a $50 fine. Permits to light fires un- der adequate supervision are available from )eputy Fire Chief Hr; Id Kirby of King Township office. Grass Fire Season Starts ABC Major The pins were flying at ABC‘ Bowl last week as {our games over 900 were recorded, led by Mel Rawlinson 998 (433), Bill Jones 926. Bob Hudson 915, Jack Stanway 902. Henry Knuckey 863, Walter Vincent 849, Arne Skretleberg 847. Ar- my Gagllone 842 and Bob Jul- Mel Rawlinson Jones 926. Bc Jack Stanwal Knuckey 863. 849, Arne Skre ian 809. In the high average race. Armv Gagiione leads with 254. followed by Norm Roberts 253, Norm Thomas 252. Henry. Knuckey 248, Bill Jones 247 and. Mel Rawlinson 245. Team standings: ABC 1 '73, Allencourt Lanes 59, Davis 81" Day 57, Dynes Jewe‘llers 55, Vettese Construction 52, Town & Country 51. Burgess Whole- sale 51 ABC 2 ‘47. ABC 3 -43, *Turnbull Grocery 42. John'sr‘ Boys 41. Bakers White Rose 36. Hall‘s Fuel Oil 34. Mich-, ael's Gift Shop '32. Sparks 2'7“ and 'Topper's Farm 24 ' City Major Manufacturers Life won one out of four against O‘Connor last week. Bill Jackson set the pace with 1245 followed by Bob Weeks 1220 and Stan Shadoff 1211. None of the boys bowledl ‘a full five games. The Richâ€" mond Hill squad are through ‘for the season but are looking forward to another one. There willrbe news about their ban-. 1 quet later. Allencourt Major Team standings: Manufacturâ€" ers Life 47-166. Tom Hughes Shell 47-134. Dynes Jewellers 43-151. Richmond Hill Auto Wreckers 38-117. Allencourt Lanes 38-142, ABC Bowl 30- 102. Turnbull Grocery 27â€"114. Keay's Supertest Garage 27-85. Connor Transport 24-90. Ran- gers 24-62, Street's Auto Elec- tric 20-78. Rothman's King Size 12-60 Lullluull v tridge 635 608 1251'. High average Ron Cro “1,260 r. nk‘ (289) was won by \uuu'. uuvc rue-unma- uuv and Robert McQuigga 670 4276). High single games: Ethel‘ Norma Sim 203 and Jim Mur-fMacRae 233. Pat McLean 229,' phy 218. Thursday Afternoon week of playoffs showed some very good bowl- The first ing with Bombers in lead spots. Dot Webster led the ladies Brookleâ€" with 743 1329). Bev Joan Doyle 227. Pat Jones 219. Janet Fleming 211. Nan Shad- off 210. Marge Field 205. Phyl Anderson 204 and Barb Bunker} the Hot Rods andi‘zol, Len McLean 280. Jim King 1272. Neil MacDonald 265. George Field 262. Geoff Roy- ston 251. John Matravas 247. hurst 677 (262i. Gladys RogerslArnoid Price 244. Vic Palmer 647 1240), ving 619 nack 603 (2101. Games over 200: Ruth Castle and Lorraine Barber 267, lrener'l'h‘e Cards Bartlett and Mae Moss 260. Pat Cottrell 230. Thelma Jenkyn 226. Syl- Ida Madill 218. .lune Steele 210. Ellen Par- rett 208, Jean Nugent and Lois Wallbutton 207. Lorna McBrien June Bennett 231. Joyce via Gossman 222. 205. Nellie Willis 202. Beth Golding 630 (242). Audrea Bowers 626 1218!, Pat Jordon 623 (2551. Anne Ir- 12251 and Rita Cor- 244. Terry Meraska 244. Ken Bregg 235. Al McLeod 233 and Bruce Bunker 230. Eastsiders bowling banquet to .be held in Aurora at the Gray- stones on May 17. Team standings: Aces 125. Jacks 118. Jokers 115. Queens 110. Tens 104. Deuces 97. Kings 96 and Sevens 75. High single ladies: Mar) Wheeler 298. Frieda Littleforc 283. Lucy Smith 234; men: Mat Clement 308, John Richard 30] Hasselfeldt and. Ruth Proctor‘and clm Rathwell 281. .200. i The cup and saucer was won by Sylvia Gossman. Monday Niters Jim Hoult leads the high av- with 250. followed by Cliff Goodman 241. Les Adams 231. Pat Jordon 194, June Rob- erts 185.31 and Jean Adams erages 184.94. High triples were rolled by Jim Hoult 979 (356) Les Adams 791 (309). Jim Morley 708 1277). Pat Patterson 676 (238). Adele an: man an”! A1 Wok- 15..-...“ High triple ladies: Fried: Littleford 762. Mary Wheele: 693. and Lucy Smith 659; men John Richard 811. Mac Clem ent 751 and Doug Sykes 744. High average ladies: Luc: Smith 222, Frieda Littlefori 212. Mary Wheeler 191. am Mai-g Blackburn 183; men: Bu Wheeler 216. Bob Littleford 21! Herb Relf 210. Cam Rathwe' and Don Fettes 208 and Ciar Walker 207. There will be no bowling o Cnnr'l Fridav. High averages are led by Arne Skretteberg 259. Al Rich- ardson 258. Art Higgins 252, Bob Kennedy 252 and Bob Weeks 250. Games over 800 were bowled by Art McGeachie 887 1378)‘ Bob Kennedy 869 (346). Art Higgins 847 (3323!. Ed Bellaâ€" vance 841 1307*. Frank Munâ€" roe 840 1328), A1 Richardson 838 (339). Bob Weeks 811 (324). Arne Skretteberg 806 and Bill \Jones 800. vance 541 lJUll. rlaun 1V1u1l"v roe 840 1328), Al Richardson Barb MacFarlane was the 838 (339». Bob Weeks 311 (324». Winnf" of “‘9 luck-V dran Arne Skretteberg 806 and Bill This week is the last of the Jones 800. genes. High singles go to John Bea- Eastsiders ton 351, Stan McLean 339. John In the high averages for the Moore 328, Doug Clubine 313, ladies Jeanne Richardson leads Lou Alarico 308, Greg Almond with 224, Ellen Parrett and 306. Scotti Parke 305. John Ethel MacRae 205. Ev Jones Allen 304 and Jack Shadoff;199. Men: Bill Jones 242, Les 300. _ iChidley 240, Art McGeachle Army, Navy Air Force League 5236. - 1, 1__I:A_. “flu-J‘s] ' with the? third and final, ser- ies over_ the Spitfires. Corner Pins‘ and Handicaps will be vy- By Del Saint uuuu, u-” â€"_V,V . eg Almond with 224, Ellen Parrett and 305. John Ethel MacRae 205. Ev Jones k Shadoff;199. Men: Bill Jones 242, Les iChidley 240, Art McGeachie .‘ce League 36. a “"1 "m, mah frinlp ladies: Muriel l The cyp and saucer was won‘Littlemrd 762, Mary Wheeler‘ ur_lby Sylv1a Gossman. 693, and Lucy Smith 659; men: ms Monday Niters John Richard 811, Mac Clem- ers Jim Hoult leads the high av- ent 751 and Doug Sykes 744. um erages with 250. followed by High average ladies: Lucy um Cliff Goodman 241. Les Adams Smith 222, Frieda thtleford 30_ 231, Pat Jordon 194, June Rob- 212, Mary Wheeler 191. and 14' erts 185.31 and Jean Adams Marg Blackburn 183; men: Bud .35, 184,94. Wheeler 216. Bob Littleford 215. an, High triples were rolled hy'Herb Relf 210, Cam Rathwell lec_ Jim Hoult 979 (356) Les Adams and Don Fettes 208 and Clare ~:__ 791 mom Jim Mnrlev 708 1277), Walker 207. t ing for top berth in the play-' offs starting this week 1 In league action last week Hilda Leece led the way with‘ a three game block of 750 (2681‘ followed by Orpha Stone 7331 t346|. Tim Murphy 677 1270), Bruce Dee 665 1240), Colin Sim} 660 1244), Vic Piirto 657 (256i,‘ Norma Sim 650 12501. Cec. Turnbull 645 (230!. Bob At-l tridge 635 '260I. Ron Cronk 608 1251'. 1 High average was won by‘ Norma Sim 203 and Jim Mur-i tphy 218. Thursday Afternoon The first week of playoffs showed some very good bowl- ing with the Hot Rods and Bombers in lead spots. IPat Jeanne Richardson 644 {251x ‘ Mary MacDonald 640 1254*. i Betty McMeekin 602 I215),1 Madge Nicholson 601 1279):, men: Les Chidley 769 (302M Mike Parrett 749 (3133!. Bill‘ Roberts 746 (365) Stan Shadoffi 744 13211. 13111 Jones 743 mm Jones 715 (306). Gord‘ Doyle 711 (262). Jack Harcourt} 695 1233). Dave Nicholson 686 1289! and Robert McQuiggan‘ 1670 1276). High single games: Ethel MacRae 238, Pat McLean 229. Joan Doyle 227. Pat Jones 219. Janet Fleming 211, Nan Shad- off 210. Marge Field 205. Phyl Anderson 204 and Barb Bunker 201, Len McLean 280, Jim King 272, Neil MacDonald 265. Games over 200: Ruth Castlel and Lorraine Barber 267, Irene, Bartlett and Mae Moss 260. Pat Bennett 231, Joyce Cottrell 230, Thelma Jenkyn 226. Syl- via Gossman 222, Ida Madill 218, June Steele 210. Ellen Par- rett 208, Jean Nugent and Lois Wallbutton 207. Lorna McBrien 205. Nellie Willis 202. June Hasselfeldt and. Ruth Proctor i200. ‘ ‘6‘» .. u Individual shooters werezi Team standings: B 8; W Hot; George Clark 299, Irene Bart-‘Shois 32. Rose Gardens 29.1 left 259. Jim Hope 244. Derrick Spoilers 25. George De Boer Thorns 236. June Hawkins 234.24. All Sports Trophies 23. Bob Hawkins 233. Lawrence Town & Country 20, Rumble“ Richards 231. Eric Basciann Transport 19. Metro Distribu-‘ 228. Joyce Thoms 225 and Ger- ’ . ry Stewart 222. ‘ ‘ _ - Pat Patterson 676 (238), Adele Brown 665 (251) and A1 Web- ster 629 (246). teven 747 1312). Ellen Parrett ‘ 'fiigh triple, ladiesz‘ Muriel " 86 (2‘39). Ev. Jones 650 1234). 366 Centre St. East PIN E) PATTER Eastsiders bowling banquet to be held in Aurora at the Gray- stones on May 17. The Cards Team standings: Aces 125, Jacks 118, Jokers 115. Queen; 110, Tens 104. Deuces 97. Kings 96 and Sevens 75. 1 High single ladies: Mary Wheeler 298. Frieda Littlefnrd 283. Lucy Smith 234; men: Mac‘ Clement 308, John Richard 301 and Cam Rathwell 281. High triple ladies: Frieda iLittlefo‘rd 762, Mary Wheeler 693. and Lucy Smith 659; men: John Richard 811, Mac Clem- There will be no bowling on Good Friday. RH 10 Pin Mixed Lenzue TU. 4-2469 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thur TE. 3-5173 71 King St. I‘ FRONTS of EEF Govt. Inspected {1 Lb. Meats Gross Wgt, Cut, Wrapped Fast Frozen Ask about our Low Cost Food 8. Freezer Plan For as Link as $13.29 a Week MIXED CHOICE QUALITY VEGETABLES PEAS 5 LB. BAG 98c 5 LB. BAG 98c Rindless econ 1 LB. 49c Broiler Roasting CHICKENS 9y_E_NH CAPONS 5172' "t? "3* LBS. READY é LB. 49c LB. CALL AV. 5-3814 AFTER 7 tion 14. Mundinger Mfisic and Dave Thompson Sunoco 12. High averages. ladies: Edna Maybury 162 and Pam Graham 158: men: Garrett Richardson 174 and lan-MacGillivary 171. High three game block: Edna Maybury 503. Sandy Richards 495. Pam Graham 485 l199l, Alice Patterson 459. Marion Blanchard 449. Bruce Bousher Sealed tenders plainly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 12 o’clock noon on Tuesday, April 16, 1963 for the supply of: ONE - 5 ton Dump Truck complete with Body and Hoist. Tenders must be made on standard mm, which, together with specifications may be obtained at the Township Engineering and Works Dept. Office. H. L. L. CRISP, Clerkâ€"Treasurer, R.R. No. 2, Gormley, Lowest or any accepted. Ont FOR THE BEST TASTING FOOD YOU EVER ‘THAW' Town & Country’s food-and-freezer plan assures you top-quality name-brand foods at lowest prices your family ever enjoyed. If your weekly food bill is now: TOWN & COUNTRY FOOD PLAN $20 . . . . . . . $25 . . . . . . $30 . . . . . . $35-$40 . .. PHONE COLLECT FOOD FOR YOUR FR E E Z E R é1B'1itéi-ki1am Rd. â€" - RICHMOND HILL AV. 5-5401 _ AV". 5-5402 - WA. 4-099: TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM TENDERS FOR TRUCK he made on standard form, rsday, April 11. 1% 550. Garrett Richardson 545, Ron Campbell 543 (212), Roy Swanson 527 (204). Ian Macz‘ ‘Gillivary 521 (215) and Ted Wilson 509. The annual bowling banquet and dance wlll be held in Aur- ora at the Aurora Highland Golf Club on Saturday. May 25. A Smorgasbord dinner will be served. King City tender not necessarily marked as to contents D. MIKLAS. P.ENG. Township Engineer, RE. No. 2, Gormley, ' Ont. Under our it will be $13.40 $14.65 $18.00 $20.00 ESTAB. 1950 only

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