Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Apr 1963, p. 3

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NEWMARKET: J. S. Splllette‘ of Newmarket; Leonard Rosen- berg of Aurora; and Bruce Ste- wart of Bradford are the new members of the board of direc- tors of York County Hospital, Get Our Precision Our care, precision and thoroughness make a big DIFFERENCE in the lube job we do on your carâ€"a difference you’ll appreciate in smoother, quieter riding. Cost is modest! Your Car 13 In Good Hands Here! COOK'S BP III I I III- ' VI I” lFEed Gardiner E B. D. Little & Son Limited - Yonge Street, Richmond Hill - 285-1105. Town Dept. Store; ...|muullh Auto Service Complete Service to All Makes of Cars ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-3151 Richmond Hill Lions Hall MONDAY, APRIL 15 We specialize in drapery and household cleaning (CORNER YONGE AT LEVENDALE ROAD) RICHMOND HILL Lube Job J For Prompt Pick-up and Delivery Call TU 4-44" R. D. LITTLE Gr. SON SELLS ANGLIA AND CONSUL AT NEW LOW PRICES Yes. we’re offering our entire stock of Anglias and Consuls at new low prices that mean big savings for you. THESE SAVINGS MAKE THEM OUTSTANDING VALUES IN THE SMALL CAR CLASS. So here’s your opportunity to get famous Ford British quality in either the 4- passenger Anglia or 5-passenger Consul. Both offer unusual operating economy, riding comfort, handling ease and all-round visibility. Plus many features that are extra-cost items or unavail- able on comparable cars. See and test-drive the Anglia or Consul today! LITTLE 9 6 _ FOR A 1963 ANGLIA ' ' $49 DOWN $59 PER MONTH FREE CUSTOM RADIO IN EVERY NEW ANGLIA Surcharge Repealed !! It SHIR‘I’ SERVICE Mllluhn {APRIL 20 â€"â€" Saturday, 2-5 p.m. Rummage sale. Wrixon Hall, ‘St. Mary’s Anglican Church, tRichmond Hill. Sponsored by Toronto Vegetarian Society. APRIL 13 â€" Saturday 7.30‘APRIL 20 â€"â€" Saturday at one p.m. Lord Power and his Jam- o’clock. Rummage sale at Our aicans will present the biggest Lady Help of Christians on Limbo Carnival, Crang Plaza Bayview Ave. c2w41 Auditorium. For further in- an a: 1.1 nu formation. AV. 5-5543. c3w39 APRIL 20 â€"- Saturday, Rum- ,__ __1‘ CL mnuoknuno TTnif- APRIL 15 -â€" Monday and Fri- day, April 19 â€"â€" EUCHRE at 8.15 pm. in the Victoria Square Community Hall. Everyone welcome. c1w41 APRIL 16 -â€" Tuesday, 8.15 D. mond Hill United Church.‘ m., St. Stephen’s Anglican Auspices U.C.W. c1w41 Church, Organ and Choral Re-' '0- * It It 1 cital with Douglas Bodle of St. APRIL 27 â€" Saturday 930 Andrew‘s Church, Toronto and am. Rummage sale Richmondi trained voices. Collection to- Hill United Church. Good. wards New .Parish Hall Build- clean clothing needed, Tu. 4.1 mg Fund. * t it * €1W41 1252 for pick-up. c1w41 APRIE ?9__.--§3“:£d:Â¥ Th‘fiBe Safe, Not Sorryi nx “4.4 pm. Rummage sale at St. The- odore of Canterbury Anglican Church, Cactus an'd Moore Park, Willowdale. c2w41 Coming Events UMITED SINCE I927 '“" BINGfl 15 APRIL 20 â€"- Saturday. Rum- mage sale, St. Matthew's Unit- ed Church, Crosby Avenue, Richmond Hill. 10 am. to 1 nm. nc1w41 APRIL 27 â€" Saturday, 9.30 am. Rummage sale at Rich- mond Hill United Church. Auspices U.C.W. c1w41 As fine spring weather‘ prompts Vaughan Township re-‘ sidents to clear up the debris of winter from their property. they are reminded by Fire Chief Davidson that a permit must be secured before any fires are lighted outdoors. These permits may be ob- tained only by making a per- sonal appearance at the offices of the Vaughan Township Po- lice, and require that adequatel adult supervision be provided to prevent the fire from spreading. These permits are issued under by-law 2099 and‘ those who fail to comply with the requirements of the by-law may be prosecuted. CareleSS people who toss cigarette butts from car windows also come under this by-law and may find themselves facing a court case Faces Impaired Driving Charges A 23-year-old Toronto man} has been charged for impaired driving. Charles E. Young, of‘ 2649 Lakeshore Road West, was‘ observed by RC. Kelly early Sunday morning driving in an erratic manner on the Mark- ham Road. Upon the officer’s investigation the above charge was laid. AUTOMATIC - STANDARD VOLKSWAGEN “Be Taught To Drive The Safe Easy Way” Dual Controlled Fully Insured Govt. Licensed Free Home Pick-up Anywhere - Anytime TU.4-506I AURORA DRIVING SCHOOL $1795 h ‘ GIVES Advuce‘ ‘On Investments In answer to a question from the floor, Mr. Morrison sug~ bgested that in his opinion. our ‘economy is moving along fairly well, but that we might expect Mr. Russell Morrison of a: Toronto investment firm spoke‘ to forty members of the Uni- versity Women's Club of York County at their regular meet- ing on March 25. Speaking a- bout the temptations facing the investor in securities and real estate. Mr. Morrison cautioned against giving in to greed, Iist- ening to unfounded tips, and taking an unrealistic view of the risk involved in the invest- ment. The risk should be thought of in terms of the per- centage of one‘s resources which are at stake at the time. On the other hand, the investor must learn to evaluate inform- ‘ation about a company through any sources available to him, ‘such as newspapers and com- ‘pany reports. He must know himself and the kind of risk his nerves will bear. Mr. Mor< rison spoke at length about the attitudes which a successful investor must cultivate. “a slap in the face” economic- ally in the next five years. Ma- ny signs are present in the bu- siness world to-day which re- mind him of the late twenties. Mrs. J. P. Ochalski of Auro-l ra introduced the speaker. and‘ Mrs. F. A. Walden of Aurora thanked the speaker. Mrs. Wal- den was the chairman of the meeting in the absence of Miss Edna Izzard of Richmond Hill who is touring Europe and The Middle East. BRADFORD: The birthday of Taras Shevchenko. Ukrainian national poet, was celebrated at Bradford with a giant concert at the community centre Sun- day. The Ontario Safety League‘ says: pedestrians who land in the hospital from car accidents might be called the bumper crop. Building permits amounting to $639,000 were issued by Markham Township in March 1963. Included were permits for 20 homes, ranging in value from $9,000 to $25,000, for a, total of $380,500. One accessory building accounted for $1,000.‘ Industrial and commercial buil- ding permits amounted to $71,- 500, including a hangar and administrative building for To- ronto Airways Ltd. valued at $44,500, and a factory valued at $27,000. St. Joseph’s Separ- ate School permit was issued in the amount of $186,000.00. A procedure for handling} real estate transactions was a- dopted by Markham Township Council Monday night. Depart- ment heads will report real es- tate transactions to the com- Markham Twp. Briefs ‘25 yrs. of Community Service’ $50.00 FULL CARD TO GO mittee, who will make recom3 mendations to council. If coun- cil approves they will instruct the clerk to begin negotiations. The engineer will then obtain necessary surveys and reports and submit them to the clerk. The clerk will handle all nego- tiations to completion. It was decided to proceed with completion of the 200 foot to the inch mapping of the township. Total cost is $12,000 and council accepted the com- pany’s offer to do the work now and receive payment at the rate of $4,000 each year for the next three years if such arrangements can legally be made. . Advertisements will be placed for a stenographer for the clerk‘s office, for tenders for brush killer and for appli- cations for the position of weed inspector. Sch. Choir Sing At O'Keefes (Continued From Page 1) ‘ Monday music critic John Kraglund who usually has sharp criticism of the Saturday concerts referred to our choir as the sweetâ€"voiced senior choir of Walter Scott Public School. Parents who were able to make the trip to the O’Keefe Centre were well rewarded for their trouble and came away feeling very proud. Members of the triple trio‘ are lst soprano: Susan Getz,‘ Gail Tompson, Elke Neugebau- er, Stephanie Agg and Debbie Dunklee. 2nd soprano: Brenda Haddock, Susan Tapp, Janice James, Rhodelle Byron, Carol Hack, Ingrid Zijp. Alto: Chris- tina Munsey. Jane Blackwell, Beverley Gomme, Cathy Ham- mond, Linda Tomllnson. Considerable interest was shown in the above exhibit at the York County Science Fair held in Newmarket last Saturday. The display was a project undertaken by Peter MacElwain, 14-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. David MacElwain. A Grade VIII pupil at Crosby Heights School, Peter completed the project entirely alone, gaining his information from books on electronics. He hopes to enter some field of science. Here he is shown with Deputy-reeve Stanley F. Tinker of Richmond Hill. Lighting Expert Studies Science Exhibit BUY 2 BRICKSâ€"GET ONE FREE MAYPOLE Fresh Oven Ready FULLY COOKED â€" 4 TO 6 LB. AVERAGE Schneider's â€" Skinless - Semi-Boneless Party Hams tb.69¢ FRESH GRADEA DAILY MEDIUM 512:: 1 Ofor 5 9¢ JEWEL Shortening GA’I'I‘USO Italian Rice 2 Lb. Cello Pkg. 39¢ Ocean King Fancy Cohoe Red $330? 51 N u Ii? ’cXfl E D 29 Yonge St. S. 6-10 lb. average GOOD TURKEY (Photo by McMorrow.) Lb. Ctn. 53¢ THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, April 11, 1963 SALMON ASSORTED FLAVORS RICH QUALITY WELL MAPLE LEAF COOKED Ham 11/2 lb. pear shape tin WING â€" T-BONE â€" SIRLOIN TU. 4-7456 CARNATION EVAPORATED Milk . 3 n BALLET Toilet Tissue 2 Ron Pkg. 23¢ SHOWER 0F VMUE SPIUAI ' UNITED TIME ON" Richmond Hill 'I'V CALIFORNIA lettuce large size 2 heads Rhubarb Cucumber ONTARIO NO. 1 Richmond Hill 2% dozen tray 34 YONGE SOUTH '/2 lb. tin 3 9¢ GALLONS BRICKS Tall Tins $6435 AV. 5'3756 $1.49 Willa-II ISth In. hl cl M-

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