Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Apr 1963, p. 17

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Spring Prom Planned By Bayview Students Students of Bayvlew Secon- dary School will hold thelr 2nd annual prom April 26 In the school auditorium. Theme of the dance will be Polynesian Paradise. and the gymnasium will be known as the Kontlkl room for the evenlng. Dancing will be from 9 p.m.‘-‘ until 1 am. with Grant Cairn's orchestra supplying the music. An intermission show called llarty Minstrels, and under the directlon of Haston Amos will supply additional entertain- ment. Students participating are. Mike Lyne, Dave Engle- butt. Richard Lauttamus, and Keith Maitland. Sandy Phillips. who can be reached at TU. 4-3935. is con- venor for the tickets. This year the prom has been opened to the public. and tickets are priced at $2.50 per couple. NEWMARKE'I‘: A slight incr- ease is reported in the number of unemployed persons regis- tered with NES for the end of March as compared to the same period last year. In 1962 at the end of the first quarter there were 2,040 applicants. while at the end of March this year there were 2,054 persons seeking work. Employers who offer sum- mer work are now starting to look for seasonal help. and it is expected the unemployment picture {or the district will start changing this month. VOTERS' lIST ACT Richmond Hill Tree Service FREE ADVICE - FULLY INSURED - FREE ESTIMATES TAKE NOTICE that sittings of the Revising Officer for the purpose of hearing complaints or appeals with regard to the voters’ lists to be used at the voting on May 11th. 1963, under The Liquor Licence Act, in the municipality of the TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN, will be held at the following time and places set forth in the schedule hereinafter set out: Date of Sittings Time of Sittings Saturday, . , 27’ a.m. t0 I\00n Q.C. F. G. Jackman AND TAKE NOTICE that the lists to be so revised are the original lists for each polling sub-division (Nos. 6 to 12, both inc.; 177 to 210, both inc.), as prepared and certified by the Federal enumerators for the said polls. voter who desires to complain that his name or the names of any person or persons entitled to be entered on the said list have been omitted from the same, or that the names of any person or per- sons who are not entitled to be voters have been entered thereon, may on or before the 27th day of April. 1963, apply, complain or appeal to have his name or the names of any other person or persons entered on, or removed from the list. Complaints may be made on the first day of the above Sit- tings to the Revising Officer. 2. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that such appeals must be by notice in writing in the prescribed form, signed by the complainant in duplicate and given to the Clerk of the Revising Officer or left for him at his office at the town- ship 'municipal building in the Village of Maple. 3. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at any time prior to the Sittings of the Revising Officer, any voter whose name is omitted from the list as prepared by the enumerators, or any person who has knowledge of the fact that the name or names of any other voter or voters have been so omitted, may so inform the Returning Officer in writing, stating the names and addresses of the voter or voters so omitted. 1. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any HIS HONOUR JUDGE ROBERT FORSYTH, Chairman of the Election Board for the County of York. Room 107. City Hall, Toronto. J. M. McDONALD, Returning Officer, Municipal Building. Maple. ()nl. Dated this 2nd day of April. 1063. TO HELP CONTROL DUTCH ELM DISEASE FRUIT TREE PRUNING & SPRAYING TREES PRUNED & REMOVED LARGE TREES SUPPLIED AND PLANTED LAWNS FED & SPRAYED FOR WEEDS Licensed Under The Pesticide Act Revising Officer Harry L. Mendelson, Place of Sittings Township Municipal Building in the Village of Maple ELMS SPRAYED (Referred to in Section 74) Notice of Sittings of Revising Officers And Forestry Co. PHONE 884-7174 THE Neighbourhood Notes Mr. and Mrs. G. Iiuti. Mrs A. Cunningham, Streetsville, and Mr. C. 0. Waters spenl Easter Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Waters. Mrs. Wm. Black. Elgin Side Rd.. is the very new. very proud great-aunt of Lawrence Dwain Millard. The senior room of Jeffer- son Public School held an Easter party last Thursday ai which time the pupils presen- ted Miss Leary with a plant. deverr Scouis, Doug Grelg. Doug Hannah. John McFee and Fred Waters are camping dur- have been staying on the Elgin Side Rond since last October with new baby. Mary Jane. arriving after Christmas. Mr. Sieber wrestles in Omuhl and he and his family left Thurs- day so that he would be home in time for I match on Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Michaei Biack, Yonge Street. and their two children. Gillian and Michael Jr. have moved to their new ham; 'i-h "hbnh Toronto. We will certainly miss them in tho community. Mr. and Mrs. G. _IIuttr Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Sieber and their two dau- ghters, Anne Ellznbeth and Mary Jane arrived safely at their Omaha. Nebraska home last Friday night. Mrs. Betty Sieber and daughter. Anne Elizabeth, Time of Sittings 11:00 am. to 12 Noon 3:00 pm. to 4:00 pm. and 7:00 pm. to 9:00 pm. (Standard Time) ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON Clerk of Revising Officer F. G. Jackman Evenlnz Brunch St‘ Mrs. Waldo I St. John’s Anglican Church TU. 4-3375 ,ing Easter week. They hope to earn several badges. Mrs. Giles Kerswill enter- tained on Saturday. Her guests were. Mr. and Mrs. John Bou- ghner and daughters. Jackie and Ruth, Sarnla, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holmes and daughters Pa- tricia and Janice, Falconbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Rumble, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Bumble and daughter Laurle Ann and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rumble and their son Stephen. Toronto. Miss Margaret Lawson, Ha- milton. spent Easter week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pass- more. Mr. and Mrs. Carson Whe- lan and family were part of a very happy family group when Mrs. T. W. Jackson. mother of Mrs. Whelan. held a family luncheon party at the Royal York Hotel on Easter Sunday. Each happy child was presen- ted with an Easter egg with his or her name on it. The Gambles. the Halls, the Gouldings. and other old fri- ends of the Moses family visi- ted the Keswick home of Kay Doran last week to attend a whower given in honour of her :on Billy and his bride-to-be. Denis Gamble was presented with a trophy as the mast val- uable player on his team. “The Indians" at the Richmond Hill Arena last Friday night - nice going Denis. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Spain, oarents of Mrs. Kay Gamble, :pent the week end with them. Mrs. A. H. Aron vlslted Mr. and Mrs. Stan Leno over the week-end. Mrs. Aron lives in North Bay. Mrs. John Durham, cousin of Mrs. Stan Leno has returned to her home in Oak Ridges af- ter spending the winter in Florida. She was accompanied by her sister Mrs. C. Cain. Ha- mllton. Very special birthday greet- ings to Mr. E. P. Leno, father of Stan Leno‘ who will be 89 vears old on April 19th. We would also like to wish many happy returns of the day to Judy Dodson, April 18th, Doug- las Browne. April 2lst. and to Lewis Brown. on April '23. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Robinson and their family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Askew on Easter Sunday. and attend- ed the Easter choral service at ‘St. Barnabas’ Church. Toronto. where Mr. Askew is the rector. Correspondent ‘ Mrs. F. H. Leaf R. R. 2 Gormley Phone AXmlnster 3-6188 The Good Friday service for the Victoria Square Charge was held this year at Victoria Square Church. and Rev. Dr‘ A. F. Blnnington chose as his sub- ject the last words of Christ, spoken from the Cross. There was a large combined choir from the three churches on the charge. under the direction of Mrs. James Barker. Many of the Brown‘s Corners congre- gations were present. On Easter Sunday morning, Dr. Binnington brought a fine Easter message to the Brown's Corners congregation. There was a capacity attendance. and special music was sung by the senior choir, under the direc- tion of Mrs. S. J. English. and the junior choir under the dir- ection of Mrs. George Hooper. Mrs. Donald Reesor played the organ. The election is past history .now. but it is note that of the three local polls two of them went Liber- 'al. At the south poll. of 266 names on the voters list 208 people voted and many of the others were either 111 or away on vacation. interesting to. i The junior choir was in par- ticularly fine voice. and they wore their new royal blue choir gowns for the first time. This Friday evening at But- tonville W. 1. Hall, Buttonvllle branch of the York Central Hospital Auxiliary will hold a bridge and euchre party to ben- efit the hospital. There will be fine prizes and a lucky draw. Refreshments will be served. Everyone interested in a frien- dly get-together is invited. Neighbourhood Notes Last Saturday morning there was a tree-planting bee at the church under the direction of the stewards. On Thurdsay, April 25 United Church Women hold their spring dessert cheon at the church at pm. As an added attraction. Eatons of Canada will present a demonstration on gift wrap- ping. Bridge and Euchre Mrs. George Kelly represent- ed Mrs. Joe Robinson last Thursday when the York Cen- tral Hospital Auxiliary met at1 the Richmond Hill Library for their April meeting. Mrs. Robinson is chairman of the Buttonville branch YCHA. I Miss Grace Rodick spent part of this week in New York with a group of students from Bur- lington. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Miller entertained family members Easter Sunday. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mingay and their children. Several mem- bers of the James Miller fam- ily were ill and unable to at- tend. Mrs. Wm. Rodlck‘ Grace and John. and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rodlck were guests of Mr. Jack and Miss Mary Rodick on Good Friday. BUTTONVILLE will lun~ 1:00 (he Polling Division No. 6 (Urban): Comprising that part. of the Township bounded on the South and West by the Township Limits; on the North by tho centre line of No. 7 Highway: and on the East by the easterly limits of Concession No. 7; excluding the Village of Woodbridge. Polling Station at Lower Ninth School. Polling Division No. 7 (Urban): Comprising that part of the Township bounded on the South by the Township Limits; on the West by the westerly limit of Concession No. 6; on the North by the centre line of No. 7 Highway; and on the East commencing where the south limit of the Township is intersected by the Canadian National Rail- way right-of-way, thence continuing northerly along the said right-of-way to where it is intersected by the centre line of Rockview Gardens, thence westerly along the centre line of Rockview Gardens to the centre line of Keele Street, thence northerly alonglthe centre line of Keele Street to Highway No. 7. Polling Station at Edgeley Schoo . Polling Division No- 8 (Urban): Comprising that part of the Township bounded on the South by the Township Limits; on the West by a line commencing where the south limit of the Township is intersected by the Canadian National Railway right-ofâ€" way, thence northerly along the said right-of-way to where it is intersected by the centre line of Rockview Gardens. thence westerly along the centre line of Rockview Gardens to the centre line of Keele Street, thence northerly along the centre line of Keele Street to Highway No. 7; on the North by the centre line of Highway No. 7; grid at; the East by the easterly limit of Concession No. 2. Polling Station at Concord choo . ' Pollin: Division No. 9 (Urban): Comprising that part of the Township in Concession 1 bounded on the North by the centre line of Highway No. 7: on the East by the centre line of Yonge Street; on the South by the centre line of Thornridge Road and its extension westerly to Bathurst Street; and on the West by the centre line of Bath- hurst Street. Polling Station at. Thornhlll Public School. Polling Division No. 10 (Urban): Comprising that part of the Township ln Conces- Ilon l bounded on the North by the centre line of Thornridge Road and its extension westerly to Bathurst Street; on the East by the centre line of Yonge Street; on the South by the centre line of Arnold Avenue. and on the West by the centre line of Bathurst Street. Pollingr Station at Thornhill Public School. Pollinx Division No. 11 (Urban): Comprising that part of the Township in Con- cession 1 bounded on the North by the centre line of Arnold Avenue; on the East by the centre line of Yonge Street; on the South by the centre line of Creslwood Road; and on the West by the centre line of Bathurst Street. Polling Station at Powell Road Sch001. Polling Dlvlsion No. 12 (Urban): Comprising that part of the Township in Con- cession 1 bounded on the North by the centre line of Crestwood Road; on the East by the centre line of Yonge Street; on the South by the centre line of Steeles Avenue: and on the west by the centre line of Bathurst Street. Polling Statlon at Powell Road School. Polling DiviSion No. 177 (Urban): Comprising lots 26 to 35 inclusive in concession 11, lots 21 to 35 inclusive in concession 10. west half lots 21 to 35 inclusive in concession 9. Polling Station at Twin Elms School, Nashville. Polling Divismn No. 178 (Urban): Comprising lots 6 to 20 inclusive in concession 10, lots 6 to 15 inclusive in concession 9, west half lots 16 to 20 inclusive in concession 9, lots 6 to 15 inclusive in concession 8. except so much of same as is in the Village of Woodbridge. Polling station at Lower Ninth School. Polling Division No.180 (Urban): Comprising lots 19 to 35 inclusive in concession 8. but only so much of same as is east of the County Road No. 7 and Highway No. 27. Polling Station at Kleinburz School, Kleinburg. Polling Division No. 181 (Urban): Comprising lots 16 to 35 inclusive in concession 7. west half lots 21 to 25 inclusive in concession 6. lots 26 to 35 inclusive in concession 6, west half lots 26 to 35 inclusive in concession 5. Polling Station at Purpieviilo Public School. Polling Division No. 182 (Urban): Comprising lots 7 to 15 inclusive in concession 'I lying west of the east branch of the Humber River, except so much of same as 1! included in the Village of Woodbridge. Polling Station at New Pine Grove School. Polling Division No. 183 (Urban): Comprising west half lots 6 to 15 inclusive in concession 6. east half lots 6 to 15 inclusive in concession 7 lying east of the east branch of the Humber River except so much of the same as is included in the Village of Woodbridge. Polling Station at New Pine Grove School. Polling Division No. 184 (Urban): Comprising west half lots 16 to 20 inclusive in concession 6. east half lots 6 to 25 inclusive in concession 6, west half lots 6 to 25 inclusive in concession 5. east halt lots 11 to 21 inclusive in concession 5. Polling Station at Vellore Community Hall. Polling Division No. 185 (Urban): Comprising east haii lots 22 to 35 inclusive in concession 5, west half lots 20 to 22 inciuswe in concession 4, lots 23 to 35 inclusive in concession 4, west half lots 26 to 35 inclusive in concession 3. Polling Station at Polling Division No. 179 (Urban): Comprising east half lots 16 to 35 inclusive in concession 9, lots 16 to 27 inclusive in concession 8, but only so much of same as is west of the County Road No. 7 and Highway No. 27. Polling Station at Kleinbur; School. Kleinburz. hofiie of Mr. Roy Cooper, Testou. Public notice is hereby given, that in accordance with the provisions of The Liquor Licence Act, and in pursuance of a by-law passed by the municipal council of the Township of Vaughan on the lst day of April, 1963, I require the presence of the voters at the Township Mum- cipal Building in the Village of Maple on the 27th day of April, 1963, at one o’clock in the afternoon, Standard Time, at which time I w_ill announce the names of the persons appointed to ,act for the Affirmative and for the Negative respectively upon the poll to be holden under Sectlon 72 of the Liquor Licence Aét, upon the following questions, 11th day of May, 1963 fliom the hour of 8 o’clock in the fo'renoon until 7 o’clock in the afternoon (Local Time) at the following p aces: (Local Time) I shall open the ballot bo Municipality of the Township of Vaughan. G01) SAVE THE QUEEN PROBLAMATION And further that at the Township Municipal Building in the Village of Maple on the 13th day of May, 1 ,ocal Time) I shall open the halloi boxes, add up the votes given upon the said questions and declare the r TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN And notice is further given that the vote will be taken on the same questions, in the manner provided by law at a poll to be .opened on the Of which all persons Given under my hand at. Maple this 2nd day of April, in the year 1963. Are you in favour of the establish- ment of government stores for the sale of liquor? are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. THE MUNICIPALITY OF RE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT _VOTE LIST (OF POLLING PLACES: -°N?AIIO Polling Division No. 186 (Urban): Comprising east half lots 20. 21 and 22 in con- cession 4. Polling Station at Malonlo Hall. Maple. Polling Division No. 181 (Urban): Comprising west half lots 16 to 25 inclusive in concession 8. Polling Station at Municipal Building. Mlple. Polllnx Division No. 188 (Urban): Comprising east half lot 19 lying east of the centre line of Netheriord Road, north of the centre line of Lancer Road, west of the centre line of Ryder Road, north of the centre line of Marine Road. west of the centre line of Keele Street. Polling Station at George Bailey School. Maple. Polling Division No. 189 (Urban): Comprising lots 16 to 19 inclusive lying west of the centre line of Netherford Road. south of the centre line of Lancer Road, east of the centre line of Ryder Road. and south of the centre line of Merino Road. Pollinx Station at George Bailey School, Maple. Polling Division No. 190 (Urban): Comprising east hall lots 6 to 10 inclusive in concession 5. lots 6 to 15 Inclusive in concession 4, west half lots 11 to 15 inclusive in concession 3. Polling Station at Edgeley School. ' Polling Division No. 191 (Urban): Comprising east half lots 21 to 35 inclusive in concession 3, lots 21 to 35 inclusive in concession 2. lots 46 to 49 inclusive in conces- sion 1. except so much of same as is in the Town of Richmond Hill. .Polllnx Station It Patterson School. Polling Division No. 192 (Urban): Comprising east half lots 11 to 20 inclusive in concession 3. lots 11 to 20 inclusive in concession 2 except the Villa Private Hospital. Polling Station It home of Mrs. Bert Middleton. it. it. 2 Maple. Polling Division No. 193 (Urban): Comprising lots 6 to 10 inclusive in concession 2 and 3. Polling Station st Concord Public School. Polling Division No. 194 (Urban): Comprising lots 53 to 60 inclusive in concession 1. Polling Station at Jefferson School. Polling Division No. 195 (Urban): Comprising lots 51 to 52 in concession 1. Polling station at Mr. Wm. Espey‘s, Elgin Mills Rd. and Yonge St. Polling Division No. 196 (Urbln): Comprising int 50 in Concession 1. Pollinl Station at Mr. Wm.;Espey’s. BitinMills Rd. and Yonge Street. Polling Division No. 197 (Urban): Comprising lots 44 and 45 in concession l to- gether with that part of lot 43 lying north of the centre line of Yongehurst. west of centre line of Kersey and north of centre line of Weldrick, east of the centre line of Waimer Road in lot 43. Polling Station at Bola Donn School. Polling Division No. 198 (Urban): Comprising that part of lots 38 and 39 lying west of Main branch of Don River. that part of lot 40 lying west of Avenue Road. west half lots 41. 42 and that part of 43 and south half lot 44 lying west of Wnlmer Road in concession 1. Polling Station at Camille Pumping Station. Polling Dlvlslon No. 199 (Urbln): Comprising east half lots 41 and 42 and that part of lot 43 lying south of the centre line of Yongehurst to Kersey Road, east of the centre line of Kersey Road south of the centre line of Weldrlck Road in concession 1. Polling Station at Ross Donn Publlo School. Polling Division N0. 200 (Urbnn): Comprising that part of lot 40 in concession 1 lying east of the centre line 0! Avenue Road and north of the centre line of Spruce Street. Polling Station at Richvale School. Pollin; Division No. 204 (Urban): Comprising east nail lot at anu mu pan u; cant. half lot 38 south of the centre line of Westwood Lane in concession 1. Pollinx Station at Charles Howitt School. Polling Division No. 205 (Urhnn): Comprising welt half lot 37. and that part of west half lot. 38 south of the centre line of Westwood Lane in concession 1. Polling Siailon at Charles Howl“ School. Polling Division No. 208 (Urban): Comprising lot 36 in concession 1. Polling Station at Langstaft School. Polling Division No. 207 (Urban): Comprising lots 34 and 35 m concesswn 1. Polling Station It Lnnzstait School. Polling Division No. zos (Urban): Comprising lot 33 in concession 1. Polling Station at mestaif School. Pollinx Division No. 209 (Urban): Comprising lots 31 and 82 in concession 1. Polling Station at Thornhill Public School. Polling Division No. 110 (Urbln): Comprising :11 of the Villa Private Hospital. Polling Station at Villn Prints Hospital. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, 18, 1968 â€" 17 Are you in favour of the sale of liquor under a dining lounge licence for con- sumption with meals on licensed premises? No. 204 (Urbnn): Comprising east half lot 37 and that part of east he centre line of Westwood Lane in concession 1. Pollinx Station [ay, 1963, at; the hour of 12 o‘clock noon the results of the said vote in the said Comprising lots 34 and 35 in concession . MCDONALD RETURNING OFFICER.

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