GOOD used furniture for sale. Call Frank’s Movers and Stor- aze. 28 Industrial Rd.. TU. 4- 2613. trc3 GENERAL ELECTRIC refrig- erator. good condition, new unit, 9 cubic feet. TU. 4-7197. c1w42 TIDETWI'DME’S ARE LISTED WITH DAVID McLEAN LTD. UCZB aï¬f‘svblcycle, full size. ox- cellent condition. TU. 4-2629. clw42 MOTOROLA†TV 21" screen consul model in \valnuL very reasonable. TU. 4-2273. nc SAIL BOAT. Enéi’x'éh'méhdga; ny. dinghy. dacron sails. com- plete. AV. 5-1873. *1w42 1â€"2‘_.;CEDAR BOAT‘And’téSfler, $125..Telephone TU. 4-7142. RUG LAB-GEfe mixmasler and a long mirror walnut dresser. TU. 4-1733. clw42 FURNACE. Gu‘rney’NoT’4, Hot water wlth oil burner and conâ€" trols. Excellent condition. AV. 53-18530. c1w42 3 PIECE chesternéldfena la- bles. coffee table. lamp. Suit- able for cottage $75. 884-5655 clw42 Doors. windows. awnings, and‘ ralllngs. Ron Woods. TU. 4-1514} . tfcIiG DURO deep well water pump electric motor and pressure tank $100; also 12 volt car bat- tery $5. AV. 5-2964. c4w39 bâ€"â€"â€"~<â€"r H- __,.,, wuiz'li‘s‘oï¬imans B THE LIBERAL, Richmondiï¬ï¬‚l, GARDEN TRACTOR, Simp- licity three h.p.. Briggs and Stratton plow. cultivator and 24 inch lawn mower attachments. AV. 5-3207. c1w42 SIMPLICITY garden tractors. plow. cultivalm‘s, discs and sickle bar. Also boy's tricycle. laundry tub pump. hip waders. AV. 5-4296. clw42 BUNK BEDS SPECIAL" New and used. All reasonable offers considered Call Frank's Movers and storage. TU. 4-2613 or AV. 5-5101. tfc38 3 PIECE sectional Chesterfield with slip cover $150; Frigid- aire Imperial automatic washer $125: walnut oval table 815. TU. 4-5815. *lw42 SEWING MACHINE. Singer, repossessed portable or cabinet; also washers. dryers. typewrit- ers. Terms. TU. 4-2931. 18A Yonge St. N. (1‘042 ONE Stauffer couch. one por- table ironer Beatty. one Elec- trolux vacuum. and one 1953 Ford coach. TU. 4-5046. c1w4‘.’ 1 DOUBLE BED. no mattress. l 1953 Ford engine. complete. 1 1953 Ford engine, partial block. AV. 5-3838. clw42 Chain link fencing 42x13 gauge $16 per 100 ft. roll. 36");13 gauge $14 per 100 {1. roll. Full line garden gates in stock. 6 ft. steel posts 51 each. 7 ft. steel posts $1.15 each. Also full line farm fence materials in stock including cedar posts, Norman Bone. 34 Elizabeth St. South. TU. 4.1443. tfc4l TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in cluding new and rr‘buill sland and portable and electric mod els. Special rental rates avail able to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ava. Richmond Hill TU. 4.1745 “('49 SAVE almost half of what you usually spend for your Spring and Summer drug store items at the Rexall ONE CENT SALE. "TEN" BIG DAYS. Over 350 bargains! And at two for xhe price of one. plus only one cent. Thursday, April 18 to Sat» urday. April 27 at Wight's Pharmacy. 28 Yonge Street SUMMER. COTTAGE COMFORT Ball of Fire Steve oil radiant healers â€"- no smoke. odour or pipes. Seven models and sizes. See them now at Victoria Square Ph. SSS-5413‘ H0 41 CASH RATES, 1st insertion 50 each mm]. mm. charge 750 Second end sublequent insertions if wording unchanged, 50 per word. min. charge . . . . . . 650 FOR. BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per Insertion of 50° COMING EVENT NOTICE: 50 per word; min. charge 750 CARDS 0F THANKS. [N MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES. BIRTHS. per insertion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Classiï¬ed advertisements lhould be in an early in the week as possible but not later than 10 a.m. on Wednesdays, Send ads by mail and enclose payment. or telephone TU. 4-1105 and you will recelve lnvolce. For sale and installed CARL WALKER SALES ‘ma ARTICLES FOR SALE Richmond Hill. TU. 4~ The Rexall Drug Stare. ‘ clw42 ALUMINUM TU. 4-5176 FENCING CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES clw42 tfc39 DOI FARM TRACTOR. new tires and battery, with PTO $395. AV. 5-2451, c1w42 1500 FENCE RAIL‘s‘,‘ also some cedar posts. C. L. Knappen. Phone 884-3089. tfc41 MODEL TRAINS. Marklin :5 Reg. H.O. Cars. power. etc. TU. 4-5791. *4w41 LLOYD baby carriage. excéfll ent condition. Musical car horns. TU. 4-2472. c1w42 BICYCLE. lady's. .new condi- tion $25. TU. 4â€"1274. c1w42 SPACE HEATER for saw.†Call after 5 pm. TU. 4-1367. nc42 iï¬y‘s 2-wheelâ€"bicyc1e._ 20" size, $10. TU. 4-1650. clw42 Eï¬i‘éâ€"CEGTHESI 's'i’ze's‘ 123 14. Phone TU. 4-2516. c1w42 BIRD CAGE with stand. reisâ€" onable. TU. 4-3503. clw42 COW MANURE. any amount. delivered 884-5121. c4w39 CHICKEN house, 10'x8'. good condition. Will sell cheap. 94 May Avenue. c1w42 NORGE oil space Nucleiâ€"535 or best offer. TU. 4-4870. LKDY's' COAT. colour blue, size 18. good condition, $5.00. TU. 4-2370. c1w42 CRIB 8; HIGH CHAIR. WEA- ed swing or gym set. 884-3367. c1w42 HAY for sale. cedar posls. 257.13 Mount Albert. *1w42 GTRL‘S size 12 spring coat, like new $10. AL. 7-1270. TU. 4-1205; clw42 11 HP. ROTOVATOR, Pou‘eâ€"r aeraloxj. box trailer, all good condition. 884-7573. ‘2w42 TWO girl~s'_l;i_câ€"3/;lé§ sidél walk. good condition. TU. 4- 2630. clw42 ELECTROTUX vacuum cleaner and attachments. AL. 7-2483. clw42 7'WALNUT dining room chairs. including arm chair, spring seats, $11 each. TU. +1360. GREY Gendrcm baby carriage in fair condition, value $15.00 WATERLOO garden tractor, 2 h.p. plow. cultivator and snow plow. Boy's smallest size C.C. M. bicycle. AV. 5-1528. c1w42 16 FT. PLYWOOD boat. centre deck, $100 or best offer. R. Wilson, 77 Crestwood Rd. Wil- lowdale, AV. 5-3615. clw42 F‘sâ€"IRL‘S sprlï¬g hat and coat GIRL'S spring hat and coat set. size to 7 years. Excellent condition. Reasonable. AV. 5- 1597. c1w42 GRANDFA'EHER‘ CLHOCKFliké new. original cost $800. will sell for 5250. AV. 5-2269. USED Simplicity washing ma- chine 525. Small Coleman space heater $20. Both good condi- tion. 2 Ferneries $2.50 each. TU. 4â€"2579. c1w42 TU. 4â€"2579. c1w42 ï¬USK6K_A.L-6TTâ€"26ï¬iéï¬Â§ 250 feet lake frontage, excellent speckled trout fishing, $2.800. road within a mile. Beattie. Stuart St.. Guelph *4w40 PRESSURE TREATED Osrï¬bsé DOUBLE ‘BED. solid walnut. spring and mattress. good clean condition. Chesterfield. blue damask upholstery. good con- dition. TU. 4-5340 after 6 pm. c1\\'42 BEAUTYREST. Marshall, Sim- mons, Serta, Heely and other spring mattresses repaired. re- turned just like new. medium Frm, Mira ï¬rm, Two-day ser- vice. Eiderdowns recovered. Onr tario Bedding Co. AV. 5-1591. PROPANE GAS & }‘““ APPLIANCES I SUPERIOR PROPAXE LTD. I E“ - MAPLE r x§ The unly AUTOMATIC Propane 30‘" Gas Service from New Bruns~ x: wick [0 Manitoba. For informa- §1 tion. call AV. 5-1145. Ifc29 5 FOR SALE Continued) 'I'EI-I- IT TO THE PIT“ Ontario. Thursdaztipril 18. 1963 . 1.00 c1w42 c1w42 clw42 c1w42 tic“ ‘ continued) POWER MOWER:â€" 18‘ $20.00. TU. 4-4693. GE TV. good condition, must be sold for best offer. 285-3484. c1w42 HUT??? MAN'S grey tweed jacket. medium size, reason- able. TU. 4-2300. c1w42 GIRL'S bicycle $15. Sm‘aTi sidewalk bicycle $5. Large tri- cycle 33. TU. 4-1493. c1w42 gï¬PE-ï¬IOR propane gas stove. 36" x 24", good condition. AV. 5-1900. clw42 Lï¬GCAGE trhil’erfsuuable for small car. AV MONEY available for good ï¬rst and second mortgages. reason- able rates. Medcof. Lawlor and ‘Le Claire. TU. 4-4413. tch ‘Eï¬â€˜R’EEion'TOUR bedroom home. McConaghy School area.1 Lease. TU. 4-7804. *lw42i FURNISHED 2 or 3 room ap- artment, Richmond Hill. AV. 5-5414 8.30-4.30 or 285-5411 after 6. c1w42 WOULD LIKE to rent room in remote area. To be used for storage of personal effects. ex- cept for less than one month each year when I will be in town To be rented on yearly basis. 884-1840. *1w42 YIXVEâ€"‘Yio’Uï¬a mortgage for sale? Call PR. 3-5056. c1w42 FUNDS available for In and 2nd mortgages. E. T Stephens Investments Ltd., AV. 543785. 1958 FéRD 6 cy’fihdefstand- ard, radio, whitewall tires. $900. AV. 5-4097. c1w42 1962 FIAT, 9.000 miles. Used as second car only. Best offer. Call 884â€"3330 after six. clw42 1957 FORD. radio, $600 or c165- est offer. Can arrange terms‘ AV. 5-4655. c1w42 1949 MERCï¬RY half ton pick- jar and exterlor. Free esumales up. Tu 4.4333. c1w42 Work guaranteed. TU. 4-7902 1955 FORD Fairlane V-8 ï¬fe: “C3 matic. radio, no licence, $325. MASONRY CONTRACTOR Phone BA. 1â€"9855. nc2w42 Stonework. Fireplace, etc. V 1955 CHEVR‘O’IZET, good c6340519r3331‘d' 148 Yonge 5*» S dition. must sell. TU. 4-4377. RiChmond Hm. phone TU}: {EDD 0 n 1954 1955 1955 1955 1955 1956 1956 Chevrolet $150 Pontiac hardtop $395 Meteor. automatic $495 Chevrolet $195 Chevnflel wagon $150 Chevrolet $495 Dodge $125 Colonial Essa, 9052 Yonge S Richvale 1951 CHEV. hardtop $150 1952 Chevrolet $65 1953 Chevrolet $75 1954 Plymouth Hardtop $95 1954 Chevrolet $150 1955 Pontiac hardtop $395 1955 Meteor. automatic $491 1955 Chevrolet 5195 1955 Chevrolet wagon $15( 1956 Chevrolet $495 FINANCE CO. SALE WALL We are acting as agents for alï¬u' to local finance company in dis- Prom? posing of the following CARSE! rates.- These cars must be sold this week and all offers will be con- CHEST sidered. No down payment nec-lchroml essary where credit justifies'rebuill Balance owing ad monthly No jo‘ payments shown. They repre- ates. sent substantial savings over 5-4767 comparable cars. FREE 1963 F PLATES. 1957 Ford Ranch Wagon sssflï¬uffl month] a m nt 7 9““ “7‘5-‘UVUID»I\1LULICA|;,Fugncb‘ . v ......... ., ' y p y e $3 baths, etc. Also ceramlc wall apal'lmem. Pl‘lvale 9mm“ 1956 M‘mard] 2 Door Hardtop tiles. Free estimates. Reid and bed-Sitting room, bedroom. k $327, monthly payment $19 . - 195G Monarch 4 door sedan Sons, Floonng Contractors. AV. chenette, 10g burmng Sta ‘ 5-1960. tf032 fireplace. Telephone 497-144 $418. monthly payment $23 _., , , , A“ , H W (.2“ 1955 Dodge 2 door hardtopn CONCRETE- MASONRY - A"- $210, monthly CARPENTRY CONTRA Tons‘ wianAE'XiAaTMENTs automatic. payment 512- Building, alterations & repairs, IN RICHMOND HILL 1956 Plymouth 4 door sedan. Prompt sel‘Vice. COLBOURNE AVE. $187. monthly payment $11 | WALKER & MITCHELL ',1 and 2 bedroom apartments BUY A NEW CAR NOW WITH A LOW-COSI' LIFE-INSURED Phone 285-1105 Ask for Ken Morrison Alex Kerr or Eric Lawton (‘lw42 MORTGAGES WANT TO BE A HAPPIER DRIVER? USED CARS FOR SALE ‘FORï¬'sggL'E’f 1Misemjgjgygjgg‘M'ISE‘EHKN Eons . 71â€".77 __ v Ir-nniinnnrll WANTED TO RENT LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA XXX monthly payment $11 LITTLE & SON LTD. XXX)! 5â€"3457 Yonge St., wéutJ c1w42! -c1w4_2- RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting. paper-hanging. inter~ pick- int and exterior. Free estimates. c1w42 Work guaranteed. TU. 44902 â€"~â€" tchl “J42 5683 tfc12 tfc42 CARPENTRY WORK. additions, renovations. garages. recreation rooms. tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price. AV. 56653. I tfc28 Pump equipment installed and serviced. George Adams, Box I192. King City. Phone King TE. {3â€"6321. tfc13 Sï¬ï¬lc TANKS PUMPED $20-$25 Tile-beds cleaned. Fast, clean modern service. C. STUNDEN TU. 4-1245 Richn TU. 4â€"1243 Richmond Hm tfc40 PAINTING, paperhanging. Free estimates. Colour samples. A Rollinson. TE. 3-6671. tfc15 SEPTIC tanks pumped. 24 hour service. C. Burns. PR. 3-5085: 7 CUSTOM PLOWING and disc- ing. larger acreages. Apply Sam- uel Winger. R. R. 2 Maple. AV. 5-2451. clw42 REPAIRS To all water wellls‘ pumping equipment and sump pumps. 103 No. 7 Highway E..‘ Thornhill. 285-2973. c7w42 CONCRETE and carpentry work, recreation rooms. floors and walls tiled. at reasonable prices. TU. 4-5482. tfc33 MAHOGANY PLYWOOD V grooved 3/16". Cash and car- ry price 4):? $3.36. 4x8 $3.84 per sheet. Butler & Baird Lumber Ltd.. 191 Yonge St. N. tfclS CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell. AV. 5-2526. tfc15 E. W. PAYNE Drains. septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 285-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 CARPENTRY. painting and dec- orating, custom building. re- pairs and alterations. Prompt service. Estimates free. Les Webb, AV. 5-2546. tfc38 SPECIAL Chesterï¬eld sets recovered -â€"â€" 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de- sired A. Smith. ~ Upholstery. phone AV‘ 5-1682. - tfc43 CUSTOM CARPENTRY Kitchens remodelled. bedroom and bathroom vanities. stereo, ‘hi-ï¬, china cabinets, Free estim- ates. Morris Harrison, TU. 4- 32338. this KING CITY WELL DRILLING CO. LTD. CALL us for your sand, gravel, ï¬ll, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple, ALpine 7â€"8876. tfc? CHESTERFIELD suites. and Ichrome chairs recovered and ‘rebuilt. at a reasonable price. No job loo small. Free estim- ates. Murray Upholstery. AV. l5-4767. tfc51 FENCING Your privacy starts where your fence begins. 27 years in Rich- mond Hill. We suppiy mater- ials and erect all types of fen- cing. Free estimates. Norman All types tiles and sheet vinyl for rec. rooms. kitchens, entries. baths, etc. Also ceramic wall tiles. Free estimates. Reid and Sons, Flooring Contractors. AV. 5-1960. trcaz DRIVING LESSONS First ten students 53 per les- son. Dual controlled. fully in- sured. licenced instruclon For appointmenl. phone Maxime's Beauty Salon. Oak Ridges, PR. 3-5032. c2w4l Bone. 34 Eliz Richmond Hi1 'PAIï¬TING'sz PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU, 4-2798 PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD. James D. Stewart TU. 4-2201 SOUND Hi-Fi - Stereo Dance Entertainment PA Service Indoor â€" Olndoor â€" Mobile 3- JVlulldy 767. FLOOR COVERINGS types tiles and sheet vinyl rec. rooms. kitchens, entries. hs, etc. Also ceramic wall 5. Free estimates. Reid and IS, Flooring Contractors. AV. 960. tfc32 CONCRETE - MASONRY RPEN'I‘RY CONTRA VTORS .lding. alterations & repairs, prompt service. WALKER & MITCHELL AV. 5-2526 UFIIUIDLUL). “IV tfc5l tfc8, AIIEHCUUI'L riaLa. Liz luuum, private bath. Abstainers. TU. 4- 4500 or call at 415 Bent Cres.. ‘after 6.30 pm. clw42 irii'RNiSIiEï¬' 'séiiico’riti'iï¬d apartment. private log burning stone Telephone 497-1442. (‘2w41 chenette. fireplace. ‘ WENMAR APARTMENTS IN RICHMOND HILL COLBOURNE AVE. 1 and 2 bedroom apartments â€"-{ pool elevators. FM music. large] balconies. intercom. parking, TV| entrance, mend Hm bed-sitting room, bedroom. kit- Shank. 733.3374_ EXERIENCED SERVICE CONTRACTORS A major fuel oil company re- quires qualified service con- tractor for the Thornhill-Richâ€" area. Contact Mr. clw42 WOMAN WHO CAN DRIVE - If you would enjoy working 3 <U_._â€" or 4 hours a clay calling reg- ularly each month on a group of Studio Girl Cosmetics clients people in India and Pakistan. Victoria Square and District Lions Club. Call Carl Walker, Victoria Square 886-5413. CASH PAID FOR COINS ODD LOTS - ACCUMULATIONS - COLLECTIONS Top premium prices paid for good coins. Old Postage Stamps and 01d on a route to be established iniStamps on Envelopes also wan- and around Richmond Hill, and ma, are willing to make light del-fleginald F. James BA. 1-2304 iveries. etc. write Studio Girl 51 McKee Ave†Willow-dale TL' 443 tfc43 tfc23 tfc4 flcul tfc PLANT PRIDE HYBRID SEED CORN For Maximum Tonnage com- bined with top Quality ensil- age. I will be pleased to help you pick the proper variety for your needs. Cameron McClure, R. R. 1 Woodbridge. AT. 8-1467. c4w39 REPAIRS ALL MOWERS â€" TRACTORS AVAILABLE for farmer. 100 acres. TU. 4-1038. c1w42 FURNISHED apaitment. $75 monthly. 257-0040. *1w42 LARGE attractive unfurnished 3-room basement apartment. Reasonable. 884-4072. clw42 Tillers & Small Engines All size mowers sharpened Speedex Riding Tractors And other equipment for sale. Small or no down payment. 103 N0. 7 Highway E., ’l‘lmrnhill 285-2973 men‘ ROOM TO RENT, suit one gen- tleman, cooking facilities. TU. 4-1629. tfc31 SELFTEONTAINED 3 rooms and bath. $75 monthly. May 1. TU. 4-3527 or TU. 4â€"1853. 3 ROOM upstairs apartment with bath in Maple. available May lst AL. 7-2343 between 6 and 8 pm. c1w39 APARTMENT, central, 2 bed- room. large rooms? fully equipâ€" ped. soft water, sound proof, parking. 50 Benson, TU. 4-3581. c1w42 BACHELOR apartment, stove. refrig., private entrance, park- ing. 130 Centre St. West, Rich- mond Hill. c1w41 HOUSE 0n Bayview Avenue, north of 18th Avenue, 4 rooms, all conveniences. Quiet tenants with references. 884-2566. APARTMENT, self-contained. 3 rooms, hea1. light, water sup» plied. Suil young couple. $70 monthly. Available April 23rd. 884-2196. tfc41 $65 MONTHLY, June to Nov- ember, three room. self-con- tained furnished apartment. Private entrance and garage. AL. 7-1109. clw42 SELF-CONTAINED apartment in quiet home. close to Yonge St. suitable for business 01' older couple. TU. 4-4891. FURNISHED room, cooking facilities. parking; 16 Lorne, lst house east Clarke‘s Drug Store at Yonge. *2w41 BASEMENT apartment, near Allencourt Plaza. 212 rooms, private bath. Abstainers. TU. 4- 4500 or call at 415 Bent Cres.. after 6.30 pm. c1w42 FURNISHED self-contained FURNISHED self-contained apartment, private entrance, bed-sitting room, bedroom. kit- chenette. log burning stone fireplace. Telephone 497-1442 (‘2w41 balconies. intei‘com. parking, TV‘ outlet. AV. 5-2303. tch? iveries. etc., write Studio Gifli Slï¬'ll'IcKce Ave., Willowdale ‘ _ Cosmetics, Dept. CWA. 840‘ *2w41 FLAT for rent in farmhouse. Lane†, Ave" Momma] 32" with own entrance, Dufferin Rome “111 1333/ UP to 55-00 Per Street. south of Maple Side- :13":_ï¬ W__"W_*‘cr3\\:ll road. newly decorated. SuitableiWEED INSPECTOR required'w for business or retired couple for the Township of Markham.§psyc}nc card and teacup reap only. abstainers. 257-2458 after Part time work for (he periodfvding. M. Dickson phone PR. 3- six p_m_ *1w41 June to _0ctober apprroximalej5491. tfc36 sleeves. Decorated to your taste Telephone and TV outlets Drapes. Close to all convenien- ces. Rental office on premises Tl'. 4-5 T0 RENT 4-5693 1T- ‘ RC. 1-9582 (continued) clw42 clw42 c2w42 tfc38 Please apply in confidence. i5 stating ago. educatinn and pre~ vious experience to Box 143. tfc38 The Liberal. c1w42 HANDYMAN needed for part time work new motel. Steady position. AV. 5â€"5411. c1w42 DISHWASHER wanted. good wages. Apply La Cantina Res- taurant. TU. 4-0083. c1w42 EEERKTTYisT_£oi~ colic-Fete manufacturer‘s office in Rich- mond Hill. AV. 5-1844. c1w42 Upper 2 bedroom. $120, new building, all conveniences. ideal location for children. one month rent free. Call M12 Van Althen 884-2326, Mr. Devine EM. 2-6161. The Canada Trust Company. tfc-tl» DAY CARE wanted for 6 and 3 year old. Beverley Acres con- venient to Crosby Heights School. 'I‘U. 4-2376. c1\v42 venient to Crosby School. 'I‘U.‘ 4-2376. c1\v42 PARTï¬Tl'MEWVie-ltrwénEdvgén: eral store, experience prefer-3140311 Ltd. AV. 5-1176. red. Write Box 146 The Liber- al. c1w42 TOOL AND DIE MAKING MACHINISTS Day and night shift open. .AV. 5-4377. clw42 EXPERIENCED waitress want- ed, Maple Centre Restaurant, No. 7 Highway, west of Keele. AV. 54723. e1w42 CLEANING WOMAN reonired half day per week. Friday or Helms! REAL ESTATE SALE’SMA'N‘ Opening for one salesman. Ap- ply to S. J. Carlisle. David Mc- clw42 MECHANICS for downtown GM dealership. Excellent working conditions. Apply Ser- vï¬ce Manager. 924-5431. c2w41 WAITRESS experienced in dining room and snack bar for golf club. Good wages. Must be able to work week-ends also. For information, call AV. 5- 0006. c1w42 FEMALE wanted to perform office duties at Golf and coun- CLEANING WOMAN required FEMALEh‘VantEd to perform half day per week, Friday or ofï¬ce dutles at Golf and coun- Thursday. Evenings or week- try £1111). Typing essential and ends, FR. 3-5939, c1w42 :mmmum amount of bookkeep- â€â€"'-â€" â€"““'â€"â€'" ng. For appointment call 886- MAN between 49_a‘39,39.Â¥e§§ 5m. W42 -1; _..A_L LA » Avon Cosmetics offers excel- lent earning opportunity for you - working in your own community. Write Miss Ziegler. Box 141. Guelph. clw42 MAICI to clean small office Buil- lVlfllV [0 Clean Slllau UIIICC null-[Servicing ding‘ 4 hours evemngs’ 5 days a in and around Richmond Hill. week. Also part time man for N - . . . 0 experience requlred (tram- gardemng and lawns, etc. 79854ng providedL Vehicle necess_ Bathurst St., Thornhill, AV. 5-‘ , _ . 690% c1w42 ar). 285 2277 evenmgs uglfxz‘.’42 WOMEN for light factory work. MXNjiâ€"W‘éï¬-XNHtoâ€"é‘igpw “0 “penance Meagan“ V 40 established customers with fa- hour week' Apply 1“ palson mnu: nafinnnllv advertitnd War. Work 2-3 evenings a week in your district from 8 to 11 p.m. Car helpful. No canvassing. For information, call LE. 7-5427 5 pm. - 8 pm. c1w42 BABY SITTER for working mo- ther. 2 children‘ Bayviewâ€"Cros- by area or we will supply ap- artment for lady in exchange for 5 days a week baby sitting. Phone TU. 4-7962 after 6 pm. 8 a.m. - 4.30 pm. Dominion Circuit Breaker. 264 Newkirk: Road. elw42 SWITCHBOARD operator - re- ceptionist required, shorthand essential. good accurate vtypist with pleasing personality. Good starting salary plus company benefits. Write Box No. 147 The Liberal. clw42 LEADING building supply ma- nufacturer, located in Rich- mond Hill area, requires young lady for general office work.‘ Applicants should have grade 12 education. Call AV. 5-5416.l c1w42 WEED INSPECTOR required for the Township of Markham. Part time work for the period June to October approximateâ€" ly; Duty is to enforce the Weed Control Act and Regulations. Applications will be receiv- ed by the undersigned until April 30th. 1963. H C. T. Crisp. Clerk-Treasurer. Township of Markham, R. R. No. 2. Gormley. Ont. . ‘ c2w41 Our manufacturing plant is lo- cated a few miles north of Tor- onto. We require a supervisor for our ious supervisory experience and be thoroughly familiar with shipping procedure. Grade 12 education preferred. HELP WANTED IcontinuedI WRICHM'OND mLIf" 42 ELMDALE COURT HOUSEWIFE '3! L EARN $30-$40 WEEKLY {Hon RURAL HOUSEWIVES T0 RENT ‘onfidence clw42 , (Contipued) EXERIENCED‘xiaitress wé‘ntl ed. AV. 5-0021. c1w4‘7‘ WOMAN wanied for variet'y store. experienced. part time; TU. 4-0040; c1w42 ‘ t WATTï¬ï¬â€˜SWért‘iixï¬Ã©fibï¬ï¬ La Cantina Restaurant. TU. 4- 0083. c1w42 2 MEN to {vork as growers in greenhouse. Concord Floral Co. AV. 5-1136 c1w42 NURSERY scï¬Ã©b'L teaclE RICHMOND HILL manufactur- er has vacancy for man with experience of gas welding and brazing of light gauge mater- ial, electric welding experi- ence an advantage. Phone 285- 16211. clw42 DEEP WELL pump. Phone Stouffville 640-1188. *2w41 [GARDEN tractor with grass ‘cutting attachment or riding mower. AV. 5-2369. *1w42 CLEAN FILL will be accepted at Oak Ridges convenient loca- wanted. half days. Thornhill Co-operative Nursery SchooL AV. 5-5760. 03w40 ! USED FURNITURE ,' lWANTED â€" pianos and used: "ï¬furniture. Cash prices paid Calli iFrank's Movers and Storage} ITU. 442613. AV. 5-5101. tic? USED EYE glasses, spectacles. lenses or frames for needy people in India and Pakistan. Victoria Square and District JLions Club. Call Carl Walker, ‘Victoria Square 886-5413. MAN capable of taking charge of production control and stock record department. Must be experienced. Apply in person‘ Dominion Circuit Breaker. 264 Newkirk Rd.. Richmond Hill. c1w42 established customers with fa~ mous nationally advertised Wat- kins products. No investment. Earnings of $75 and up week- ly possible. Full or part-time. Write to V. Muzzo. 350 St. Roch ‘Street. Montreal 15, Quebec. particulars. cZw-fl POWER LAWN niower. reel type. 19-21 inch cut. Good con-‘ dition. Private. AV. 5-3193. :1 Do you have a drinking prob- lem? If so AA can help. Box 16. “The Liberalâ€. tfc30 THE 50-50 CLUB. Our Lady. Queen of the World Parish April winner is Eleanor Sasci, North Taylor Mills Drive. Am- ount $654.00. clw42 LOANS $50 - $5000 FAST SERVICE ATLANTIC FINANCE Corporation Ltd. RIDE WANTED from No. 7 Highway and Yonge St. in Thornhill arriving at DoHaviL land airport. 8.30 am. Return at HELP WANTED 31 Yonge St. N 884-4458 Mgr. Den Transportation Phone collect 485-5856 for $125 PER WEEK AV. 5-4416 WANTED 458 - 285-5562 Dennis Hughes Richmond Hill c1w42 c4w40 c1w42 tfc32 or two children. West of Yonge. TU. 44513. c4w39 MOTHER'S HELPER SERVICE Experienced baby-sitters, home- maker's service and day work. Call day or night. TU. 4-7253. COLLEGE Student will deliver your summer goods directly to your cottage. 88443882. clw42 CLEANING WOMAN wants steady day work. 9 to 4. $8.00. 884-5429. c2w41 Part time work. lawn care. daytime. TU. 4-1145. *1w42 EXPERIENCED gardener reâ€" quires full or part time work. A. Wright. c/o Post Office. Concord. clw42 WOMAN wants housework daily. 884-7408 after 4 pm. f ‘ YOUNG married man. account- ing and general office experi- ence, excellent references. wi- shes permanent position with future in Richmond Hill, Aur- ora or surrounding area. Any- thing considered. Willing to learn. TU. 4-7125. nc3w4l VERYiGidioD day care for one BABY SITTING EMPLOYMENT WANTED S8.95 SIMPSDN’S DRYGUODS $2,000.00 2nd Mortgage Coming Due? House In Need 0f Repairs? Buying A New Car? Need Cash For Educational Expenses? Want To Pay Off Those Old Bills? . . . GET . . . 12 Yonge St. S. Associates Realty Credit Ltd. . . . or more, for any good reason. through Associates’ New Home Owners Loan Plan. Here’s how it works: Simply use the equity you have in your home. whether it's mortgaged or fully paid up. as collateral for the loan. It's that simple. You get the cash you need quickly. and you decide the amount of monthly repayments. Stop in at your nearest Associates office and let one of our mortgage specialists give you the details. Mortgages are arranged with no bonuses. And you‘ll find our rates are reasonable. 6A LEVENDALE R11, RICHMOND HILL 285-4986 WANTED HOME OWNERS LOANS $5,000.00 clw42 (-1w42 FOR DAN RIVER WASH & WEAR GINGHAM DRESSES HOMES FOR SALE SOUTH WILLOWDALE $3.000 down. large 112 sto- rey bungalow. 22 x 15 foot bedroom. 2 piece ensuite. Wired for washer and dryer. Large recreation room. bar and walk‘om. 2 car garage. 3/4 ACRE With an 8 room home. Zon- ed for commercial or indus- trial use. ideal location for Contractor or Trucker. Low down payment. $2.000 down. 7 room brick. garage 25 x 12. master bed- room 14 x 12. living room 20 x 12. open fireplace. pan- elled recreation. Full pl‘ico $18,800. 54,000 down - 3 bedroom brick split level. 13 x 21 broadloomed living room with open fireplace. Large kitchen. attached garage. paved drive. recreation room. aluminum windows. excellent location on Cres- cent near schools. shopping plaza and T.T.C. Unmatched “alue at $18,300. Owner CALL MR. NEILL {BEDROOMS‘THORNHI’IE CALL MR. WILCOCK 4 BEDROOM BUNGALOW With "L" shaped living- dining room and pleasant kitchen. In addition the 13 x 25 recreation room is fin- ished - complete with built- in bar having a stainless steel sink. an monthly carrying charges makes this a real buy. "alue at transferred 73242 Yonge St. Thornhlll AV. 5-1156 BA. 1-1103 MEMBER TORONTO REAL $16,900.00 The best is here on the Gm‘mley Side Road. imme- diately east of Yonge St. 1400 sq. feet living space 20 x 24 living room. Separ- ate dining room â€" 3 bed- rooms - 2 car attached gar- age. 100 ft. fully landscaped lot. Must be sold immedi- ately. THE CHOICE OF THE SEASON’S The Smartest (‘ALL MISS CLARKE CALL MR. BROWN CALL MR. SLATER “FIREsmEâ€"LI‘VHQ'Gâ€" CALL MR. WHITE Richmond Hill BEST LADIES’ SIZES 14 t0 241/2 ESTATE BOARD Styles $15,000.00