Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Apr 1963, p. 11

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Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Tinker and son Don, Richmond Street. Ipent the weekepqm Cornwall. Brian Atkinson and Gordon Plpher spent the Easter week travelling by car to Daytona Beach and Ormond Beach in Florida, continuing to Wash- lngton where they spent a few days with Brian’s aunt, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Good- hoofd are leaving this week for holidays in Nassau and Jam- alca. M. Chaffey. Hugh and Billy Redelmeler, Don Head Farms, were among the guests at the Eskimo Party held last Thursday at the Royal Ontario Museum. The attractive table centre of snow huts built of marsh- mallow on a mirror like lake with carved stone esklmo figures was made and designed by Mrs. Ernest Redelmeler. The evening ended with a box lunch and the auxiliary hope that absent members will be fully recovered by the next meeting date - May 27th. The fourth Monday of the month, April 22nd, the regular meeting night of the ladies‘ auxiliary of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 375. Richmond Hill, was attended by fewer members than usual. Ill health was the main reas- on and the sad mishap at the home of Comrade Sutclme - a fire, which did considerable damage that very afternoon. 1 The auxiliary were most happy to welcome four new members into the branch. Comrades Ruth Swan, Joan Robb. Margaret Hemphlll and Doreen Bridges, and hope they will enjoy the various activi- ties of the group. GRACE GLASS New Beauty Salon The ladies of Richmond Hill will be afforded the choice of} a new beauty salon as of May‘ 1 when Grace Glass will open‘ her own beauty salon at 10 Centre Street East. Miss Glass has been a resident of Rich- mond Hill for the past seven years. She is a trained beaut- lclan having studied at the Tor- onto School of Hairdressing and graduated from a special course which she took in Detroit. "No hockey this Satur- day, why not join us at the Klondike Night?" “May do- those Rotarians sure know how to organize a swing- ing party." “You’re right, everything’s laid on, good band, first rate entertain- ment. dancing, refresh- ments and very congenial company â€" with all pro- ceeds going to the York Central Hospital building fund." “You’ve sold me â€" see you at the Lions' Hall." O For Ladies & Gents O Alterations O Finest Imported Materials 0 Latest styles, patterns & C u s t 0 m Tailored Suits colours 0 Impeccable Hand Tailor- ing. 0 Formalwear Rental Richmond Tailoring 5 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill Phone TU. 4-4212 VALENTE ' Editor Margot Crack The following children re- ceived the Sacrament of Bap- tlsm at St. Gabriel's Anglican Church on Sunday last: Linda Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Berseth, 237 North Taylor Mills Drive, and Bradley Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Davis. 66 Rockport Crescent. New members received at the Easter Communion Service at the Richmond Hill United Church were: Miss Della Tinker, Brian Tinker. John McIntyre and Sheldon Turcott of Toronto re- turned on Monday from holi- daying at Hollywood Beach, Florida. 0n profession of faith: David Barrow, Barry Mashinter, Da- vid Davenport, Gordon Pratt, Beverley Fumerton, Ray Pratt, Beverley Hook. Holidaying in New York over the Easter holidays were Penny Wilson and Jane Clement. Mary Janet Ferguson spent the Easter holidays with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Spence, at their home in Cannington. Mrs. G. Haddock and daugh- ters Brenda and Gail. spent the Easter holidays with Mrs. Had- dock’s father, Mr. William J. Dodson, at his home near Owen Sound. By certificate: Mrs. Cecil Brenn, Fay and Wayne Brenn, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cairns, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Chatfield, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Cockwell, Mr. and Mrs. James E. Drewry, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Finnlgan, Rob- ert Flnnlgan. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Jackson, Mrs. C. F. Schenk and Mrs. Ross C. Steph- enson. On April 17th, 18 members and guests of St. Paul’s Luther- an Church Women, met at the home of Mrs. Joan Melsness, 467 Windhurst Gate. The programme was a study of agnosticism and a presenta- tion of the different religions of the world. Joan Melsness presented four of the nine dif- ferent religions practiced on earth and Naomi Myers pre- sented the Christian religion. Viewing these different reli- gions as a free thinker, agnos- tic. or man from space, mem- bers tried to see which would appeal to such a man or if re- ligion is necessary. Following the presentations, a very lively, interesting and informative dis- cussion took place. The business meeting was then conducted during which it was announced there will be another Lutheran World Action Clothing Drive - dona- tions may be brought to wor- ship service any Sunday before the end of May. The meeting was closed with the Missionary Benediction Prayer, after which the ladies enjoyed refreshments. Congregation To! Hear 01‘ Church Building Plans The meeting next month will be held at the home of Mrs- Ev. Miller, 300 South Taylor Mills Drive, and the program will be presented by Miss Gretbe Dahl. Also scheduled to speak briefly at the meeting are Philip Barth, president of the congregation; Philip Limpert, chairman of the building com- mittee, and the pastor. the Rev. 1 Albert E. Myers. St. Paul's Lutheran Church will treat its members to a dinner at the Hide-A-Way Res- taurant Sunday at 6:30 pm. Following the dinner the 1963-64 building programme of the congregation will be dis- cussed. A guest speaker, Mr. John Mahn. vice-president of Dominion Life Assurance Co. of Waterloo, will be featured. The free dinner will unite the congregation to consider a programme under which it hopes to begin construction soon of its own church building. It owns a 2.5-acre site ad- Jacent to Bayview Second- ary School on Bayview Ave. The congregation meets for worship and church school in Walter Scott Pub- lic School, Markham Road. pending construction of its own building. Chairman of the building programme funding effort isReid Williamson. He will announce plans for an e v e r y-member visitation, May 5. to the congregation. The visitation will seek com- mitments to the building bud- get of the church. Teams of visitors will be under the direc- tion of Albert Harvey. Ross Percival will be toast- master at Sunday's meeting. Mrs. Erica Kusnicki is heading an arrangements committee. Members seeking reservations or information should telephone her (TU. 4-5942). in New York over The Loughrldge family, At- nold Crescent, accompanied by Norma Hamilton, spent the Easter week in New York. The Rev. William Patterson, minister of St. Matthew's Unit- ed Church. will leave his pres- ent duties next week. and will be inducted as associate minis- ter in Trinity United Church, Smiths Falls, on May lst. Miss Linda Drew, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Drew, Elgin Mills Road, folk singer and guitarist, is at present appear- ing at The Country Club in Bristol, England, where she will entertain for the next six weeks. Marilyn Ross. 12 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Ross, 86 Edgar Avenue, Rich- vale, won a silver medal at the Davenport Festival of Sacred Praise for her beautiful singing. Next Sunday at the Rich» mond IIill United Church 11 am. service. the west window of the sanctuary will be com- pleted by the presentation and dedication of two panels in memory of Mrs. John Spanner and Miss Mabel Walker. nMéfflyn is a pupil of Ellen M. Blogg. R.M.T. The "French Room” high- light of the Richmond Hill United Church Women’s rum- mage sale will again this Satur- day be filled with lovely items of interest for everyone. This year an added attrac- tion is a special housewives department, and of course a good selection of used clean clothing for the whole family. Time 9.30 am. at the church. Commissioner Mrs. D. DouglaS-Crampton will attend the annual banquet for guiders and commissioners of the York Central District to be held at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Thornhill on May lst at 7 pm. All guides and commissioners are cordially invited and tickets may be obtained by calling AL. 7-1133. The annual meeting of the Richmond Hill Lawn Bowling Club was held Tuesday even- mg. Members are enthusiastic in looking forward to the coming season and extend an invita? tion for new members to join the club. The season opening ‘games will be about May 20th. Officers for the year are'.‘ president, E. C. Mansbridge; vice-president Morley B. Hall; secretary, Russell Lynett; treas- urer, Alex Clarke. The only group entered in the recent dance competition of the Peel Music Festival by the Dance Studios of Sylvia Garson came through with fly- ing colors in winning a bronze medal for the ballet “Pas De Trois". Lesley Nicholls. Brian Too- good and Susan Kirkpatrick are to be congratulated for their fine work and excellent prog- ress. Rev. W. W. Patterson and Mrs. Patterson were the guests of honour at a street party held recently at the home of Mrs. J. MacFarlane, 211 Beechy Drive. During the evening a presen-Y tation, on behalf of the neigh- bours, was made to the minis- ter and his wife, who are leav- ing at the end of the month to take up residence at Smiths Falls. Harrison H ouse Retains Trophy Assisting the hostess were Mrs. M. Derry, Mrs. P. Sale, Mrs. W. Smith and Mrs. A. Ten- nant. The Armstrong Trophy, sym- bol of house academic suprem- acy, was won this week by Harrison House. Students of Richmond Hill High School are divided into four houses each one named after a prominent past citizen of the town. The houses compete athletically, and academically. Academically. each house The children who competed member receives one point were: Darlene Ballis, Linda towards winning the trophy Chartrand. Marilyn Chartrand, for every percentage point he Linda Christie, John Dagger, receives over 50 per cent on Melanie Dagger. Chris Dunlop, his term examination average. Kathy Goode. J“dy Jenkins, Interim winners are declared Allen Johnson, Mary Johnson, after the first and second terms,’Kathy MacAuley. Linda Mid- while the main winner will beEmer, Susan Owen, Bernice declared after the year's results} Pozdrowskl. Karen Stewart, are final. Linda Stokes and Torel Sam- Head orefects of Harrisomnelson. Last year Harrison Houseldance in the final show of the won the trophy, with Richmond Peel Festival to be held in House as runner-up. Brampton on May 4th. Head prefects of Harrison House are Dave Weir and Sue Savage. Entertaining ? Visitors from out of town? Cele- brating? These are news items that comprise ‘Life in the Hill’ and your editor Margot Crack would appre- ciate hearing about such social events. Call us at TU. 4-1105, drop us a note by mail or call in anytime during the week. we’ll be pleased to hear from you. Both girls will be seen in the near future on the CBC programme “Up and Coming". The Curtain Club appreciates the patronage of the Rotary Club of Richmond Hill, who once again were the first night audience at the Wednesday opening of "When We Are Mar- tied”. Competing this week at the Peel Festival, Port Credit, were Brenda Haddock and Gail Thompson, who sang in the duet class on Tuesday, and Brenda, solo, on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Gardiner and children Kevin, Jimmy and Diane, Paliser Crescent, spent the Easter weekend with Mrs. Gardiner's sister and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nel- der at their home in Rochester. Included in the cast is Rot- arian Dennis Stainer, who, in the role of henpecked Herbert Soppitt, contributes a great deal to the hilarious situation which develops when the valid- ity of his own and two couples marriage vows are in doubt. ..“Painting on glass" is the craft of Walter Scott YW.C.A. Neighbours at their meeting on April 25th. Local home makers are in- vited to round up ashtrays or interesting glass jars and search magazines for floral or other decorating designs. Some very attractive pieces should result from this class. Mr. A. E. Plewman, Arnold Street, is at present holiday- ing with his daughter and son- in-law, Dr. W. L. Hill and Mrs. Hill at their home in Brandon, Manitoba. All you have to bring is a fine paint brush â€" and don’t forget your coffee mugs! Receiving the sacrament of baptism at St, Matthew’s United Church on Sunday last were: Robert Lawrence Ken- nedy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Kennedy, 244 Ashlar Rd.; Gregory Keith Wheeler, son of ‘Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wheeler, 110 Woodlane; Thomas Gordon Madeley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Madeley, 119 Woodlane; Laurie Joanne Lynden, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Lyn- den, 336 Markham Rd.; David John Nott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nott, 11 Noranda Dr., Weston; Maureen Alice Bright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John- ston Bright, 11 Noranda Dr., Weston; Douglas John Dailey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dailey, 311 Bluegrass Blvd.; Janine Elaine and Janice Eliz- abeth Kiddie, twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh C. Kid- die, 419 Browndale Cr.; Sharon Anne McKee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKee, 286 Palmer Ave.; and James Mal- colm Prier, son of Mr. and MrS. James Prier, 318 South Taylor Mills Dr. Midmer Dance Academy On Wednesday last, at Beth David Synagogue TV star and popular radio station CHUM disc jockey, Al Boliska, emceed a fashion show at which 600 women admired the styles of tomorrow. At the conclusion of the show, entertainment bill- ed as “Stars of Tomorrow” was ‘supplied by the Midmer Dance Academy. For this portion of the programme, Phil Stone. also of CHUM fame was master of ceremonies. The dances per- formed to the delight of all were: the famous and difficult Hungarian dance, the precision chorus featuring the lovely Midmerettes, the ever popular “Black Bottom" and the “Charleston Girls". The academy entered for the first time in the Peel Dance Festival, Port Credit, winning seven gold and seven bronze‘ medals, with an average of 75 percent of the entrants receiv- ing a medal. In an interview with Mr.‘ Midmer, the judge stated: “We were very pleased with the re- sults of the children, 75 percent is a good percentage in any game and considering there were over 300 numbers judged, Richmond Hill made a good showing. The judges invited Mr. Mid- mer to enter his Hungarian dance in the final show of the Have you a few hours to spare once or twice a month? The time is negligible but the contri- bution very necessary. The Canadian Cancer Society are urgently need- ing volunteer drivers to take patients to the Princ- ess Margaret Hospital for treatment. Please call Mrs. S. G. Phillips at TU. 4- 4070 - your assistance Will be greatly appreciated. The Richmond Hill Model Club is re-organizing under new leadership. Anyone inter- ested please phone Ron Cooper TU. 4-1569 or R“ Inglis TU. 4- 3585. 7 Watch this paper for further announcements. Mr. Neil A. Malloy, 40 Church Street North. is con- fined to bed following a fall at his home on Monday. His neighbours and many friends wish him a speedy con- valescence and hope to see him around again in the very near future. Congratulations are in order - in fact double congratulations - to one young resident of Rich' mond Hill, Mr. Edward David Hill, to whom Friday, April 19 proved an unusual “double event". As a graduate of Osgoode ‘Hall, on Friday afternoon \he was “Called to the Bar” at an impressive cere- mony held at O’Keefe Centre, and later, Friday evening, he was present at a second cere- mony, that being the ceremony of his marriage to Miss Marcia Lawson of Toronto. The reason for the double event on Friday was due to the official change of the date of the graduation exercises from Thursday. Edward Hill received his education at public and high school in Richmond Hill, fol- lowed by a course at Univer- sity of Toronto, receiving his degree in English Litera- ture, with graduation from Osgoode Hall. Young Dancers Win At Festival A number of Richmond Hill1 dancers won awards when the 36th annual Peel Music Festi- val was held at Port Credit. Following are the results: Solo, 6 years and under - Darlene Harcourt, Beverley Finney, Denise Sexton. In the group 14 years and under Dennis Moore Studio, and Midmer Studio shared hon- ors. In tap dancing age 10 to 12, a trio of Richmond Hill pupils was successful. They were Heather Large, Susan Mills, Laurel Meadows. Tap duet under 8 years â€" Darlene Harcourt and Craig Shuttleworth. Group tap 11 years and under - C. Collins, H. Large, S. Mills, L. Mead- ows, M. Ball, D. Gee, I. Hack, C. Craig, V. Wasylynchuck, K. Wasylynchuck, S. Gallinger, L. Wuin, all of Richmond Hill. Group tap 8 years and under - S. Bowen, N. Fawn, B. Jones, R. Newitt, B. Wallace, and L. Wilson. Tap solo 9 to 13 years, section A George Allan. Carol Russ and G. Grey won awards in the duet acrobatic for 12 years and over as did the Moorglettes in the group class of acrobatics. Eleanor Williams captured an award in the sec- tion B class, and also tied with Denyse Clerk for third place in the solo acrobatic or modem for those over 12 years. Studios which had trained Richmond Hill dancers for the festival were. Dennis Moore, Midmer and the Audrey Parker Ballet studio. Group tap for 15 years and over - Heather Hughes, Jean Tibando, Carol Russ and Milly Pitman placed first. A trio tap for 15 years and over saw the Melody Three win in this class, while Judith Hook was a winner in the ballet solo for 16 years and over. Celebrating the diamond anniversary of their wedding which took place in Aurora 60 years ago are Mr. and Mrs. William Stone of 225 Baker Avenue, Richmond Hill. Among the many messages of congratulation that were received by the couple was one from the Queen and Prime Minister John Diefenbaker. (Staff Photo). Celebrate Diamond Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Clubine, Markham Road, have returned from Powassan. after spending Easter week with her brother and sisters. Mrs. H. Cuthbert Holmes. from Victoria arrived on Wed- nesday for a week’s holiday with her daughter, Mrs. W. S. Thomson, Vaughan Road. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brown, Trench Street, returned on Saturday from a month’s holi- day in England and France. Mr. Ross M. Smith, Centre‘ Street East, business manager of Geneva Park Y.M.C.A. will leave on Friday for Lake Cou- chiching, where he will attend a weekend conference. Mrs. Smith, Carol and David will join him for the summer months. Mrs. J. T. Farram from London, England, arrived last week for an extended holiday with her daughter, Mrs. W. Leishman, Centre Street West. The Town Fathers visited the Senior Citizens Day Centre on Monday evening prior to the council meeting, and enjoyed a social half hour with the mem- bers, complimenting them on their fine handicraft work. and expressing their pleasure in the new centre - renovated by the citizens, prior to their mov- ing in last month. Senior Citizens The April meeting of the 4th‘ Richmond Hill Cub and Scout M ‘thors Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. Gwen Lunn, 125 Weldrick Road, on April 16th. There were nine mem- bers present. After a short business meet-} ing, Mrs. Lunn spoke on bird banding â€" her talk was most interesting and was highlighted with slides of the actual work taking place. Lunch was then served by the hostesses. The next meeting will take the form of a pot luck supper at the home of Mrs. Jean Bour- jeaurd, Richmond Street. George Allen. Zelda .Cres- cent, pupil of Peggy Smith of Rexdale, is to be congratulated on winning a bronze medal for tap dancing at the Peel Festiv- al, Port Credit, last week. George, who played the role of Ben in “Tom Sawyer" a re- cent CBC televised production, has only been studying tap for two months, and shows great promise in this field of enter- tainment. Perla Ribleis lb. 25¢ Mini éé Beef 3Ibs.95¢ Bacon Ends 3|bs. $1.00 POT RGAS'I' lb. 35¢ FRESH SLICED BAYVIEW PLAZA WENELESS Mod 9315M ‘ \» @AT SAVINGE! . NELS GAGE Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Hutchin- son, Mr. and Mrs. John Beres- ford Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. George Sweeney and families, attended the performance of Richard of Bordeaux at St. Andrews College last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Redel- meier attended the Symphony Ball held last Friday at the Arcadian Court. On Friday last, Director Cic-ely Thomson entertained the cast and crew of “The Anniv- ersary Waltz” -â€"- the Aurora Drama Workshop’s next pro- duction to be presented at the Aurora High School on Friday and Saturday of this week. Tickets may be obtained by calling TU. 4-2107. The April meeting of the Richmond Hill Kinette Club was held at the Yangtze Pagoda on April 10th. The York District Council AOTS Men’s Club are holding the “1963 Hi-Lite Banquet” on April 29th at the Richmond Hill United Church. This was initiation night and was presided over by Kinsmen Dalt Hicks. New member Kinette Marian Holt was welcomed to the club. Guest speaker was Mrs. Ruth Miller, president of the York Central Hospital Auxiliary who gave a very interesting address on the hospital. Registration at 6.45 pm. ‘fParticipation in Leadership Workshops" is the theme. Tick- ets $1.50 per person. All men invited. The draw was made on the Easter hat. Holder of the lucky ticket was Ray Gemmill of Richmond Hill. A final “wind-up party" for the Redwing Squirt age hockey team was held last Saturday evening at the home of Squad- ron Leader and Mrs. Kenneth Wark, ably assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Dale Maidens. The boys all enjoyed dinner and games, and were presented with Redwing crests. Lovely bouquets of spring flowers were given to the hostesses. The coaches were surprised} with gifts from the boys â€"-'- liz- ard leather shoe kits â€" which will be much appreciated by both coaches, who are being transferred by the Royal Can- adian Air Force â€" S. Ldr. Wark to the United States and S. Ldr. Maidens to Germany. This party proved to be a very enjoyable ending to a very successful year of hockey ac- tivitles. THE LIBERAL, Richmogd Hill, Ontario, Thursday, April 25, 1963 11 TU. 4-7691 |Guides Pass} ‘Badge Tests The annual division Girl Guide badge day (York Central Division) was held all day on April 20 in Richmond Hi1 Pres- byterian Church. Twenty-five Guides attended from Richmond Hill, Thornhill, Markham. King. Langstaff, Unionville, Gormley, Concord and Rich- vale. While the executives believe that the band of enthusiastic testers received ample reward for their efforts by the excel- lent results shown by the Guides, this opportunity is taken to thank the testers for their wonderful voluntary efforts in Guiding. The Guides passed 37 badges and tests for first class - 22 badges for the emergency helper, pathfinder, needleâ€" woman, laundress and child nurse and 15 tests for lst class in Guide history, service. local knowledge, map and compass, and first aid. Phone 285-1073 Gerry Paxton 884-1039 Miss Grace Glass ’61 Oldsmobile Dynamic 88, 4 door sedan, automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, power windows, radio. Black with whitewall tires. one owner, driven only 20,000 original miles. ’60 Falcon Tudor Deluxe, standard transmission, radio, two-tone red and white. ’59 Meteor Rideau 500 Tudor Hardtop, 8 cylinder, automatic, radio, two-tone yellow and white. Grace's Beauty Salon ’61 Rambler Classic 4 Door Sedan Economical 6 cylinder motor, automatic, power steering, power brakes, a real outstanding model. 4 door wagon, 6 cylinder, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, two-tone black and white. Spotless throughout. IO CENTRE ST. EAST TU. 4-5016 Where Modern Styles And Moderate Rates Will Prevail OPEN TUESDAY & THURSDAY EVENINGS ’57 Chevrolet Belair Tudor Hardtop, 6 cylinder, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, metallic grey with white top. Don’t miss this scarce model.‘ “FOR A BETTER BUY â€" BE SURE TO TRY” 59 Pontiac Parisienne 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill RICHMOND HILL TUrner 4-1312 627 DANFORTH ROAD â€" AT KENNEDY PHONE AM. 1-7237 or PINE HIM. AUTO BROKERS MORTGAGE SERVICE Is Happy To Announce The Opening May 1st Of INSURANCE HERBERT R. BUTT DEPENDABLE Established 1878 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill LIMITED AND The Ladies Shop Bayview Plaza TU. 4-2214 USUALLY SOLD AT 367 .98 OUR PRICE $49.98 Wyn-Dot Six Widths â€"- Lined 95” Long Covers Window 144” Across DRAPES SPECIALISTS IN WALL-TO-WALL Jack Rumney 886-5410 TORONTO, ONT. EMpire 2-3456 2 Carlton St. Toronto $2395 $1295 $1445

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